PAGE iA HERALD AND Mikoyan 'Satisfied' With Johnson Talks MOSCOW UPI - Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan, who said Thursday night lie was "very satisfied" with his talks with President Jolinson, alresdy has given Premier Nikita Khrushchev a briefing on them, informed sources said today. Soviet sources said Khrush chev is anxious for a meeting with Johnson as soon as possi ', ble. Stockholm or another neu tral capital was being men tioned as a possible site. In related developments. Com munist China continued its at tacks on the late President, and the Soviet Union announced new rocket tests in tlie Pacific as part of its space competition with the United States. Mikoyan, wlio attended Presi dent Kennedy's funeral as the official Soviet representative, met afterwards with Johnson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Before leaving Washington, he expressed hope "that the new U. S. administration will con tinue the search (or mutually acceptable solutions of disputed issues and for easing internation al tension." On arrival at Moscow's air port, Mikoyan gave a thumbs up signal to indicate that all was well, and gave U. S. Am bassador Foy D. Kohlcr his "very satisfied" report. lie also expressed pleasure IDEA fifypAmet -AND- 7-WHAT 4 'f fa Remik-Gmner $4 ni Ton " i ii ii Hill KIDDIE W9 L SATURDAY ONLY! DOOM OPIN liOO Shew at 1: JO. Out el ):)! LONG JOHN SILVER Plus Color Cartoons! Admission Kldi Under 12 23c Adults l.Ool i . TONITE 4 SATURDAY! I ftlJ!I.WJ , few! KS fS&m NEWS, Klamath falls, Oregon over tlie reaction in the United States to Klirushclicv's visiting the U. S. Embassy to express his condolences for the Presi dent's death. The sources made it clear that Khrushchev would place no ob stacles in the way of a summit at any time, particularly if a crisis emerges before a formal conference could be set up. Khrushchev also was reported warily watching his other front Peking. The Defense Ministry organ Red Star Thursday gave front page prominence to a report that Soviet rocket and air force troops arc in an excellent state of preparedness in the Trans Baikal area near the Chinese border. Coincidental, reports from Hong Kong recently mentioned a buildup of Chinese defenses along the Soviet border. Soviet To Test Space Rockets MOSCOW I UPI I The Soviet Union announced Thursday night it will resume its space rocket tests in the Pacific next Monday to try out "new Im proved versions" of the rockets. The tests will last until Jan. 25, the Tass news agency said in warning shipping and air craft to stay clear of the area, which includes an area of the ocean about BOO miles northwest of U.S.-owncd Midway Island. Tlie agency said tlie tests would be mado "in view of the enlargement of the program of scientific research in the fur ther exploration of outer space." OPENS TNIT Hi CONTINUOUS SHOWS ' SAT. and SUN. tram 12:41 "T5T71 WMA J MVfV metier rj 'dm Acumen" 'MMlS ncHMieoum wn at 1.4 Tkv.. "V 4W mi FrWay, Novmilwr 2, 1963 Candlelight Services Suggested WASHINGTON (UPI I - Can dleligiit memorial services across the nation have been suggested for Dec. 22 tJie last official day of mourning for President John F. Kennedy. Gov. Edmund G. Brown of California and Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati, brother of the late Sen. Robert A. Talt, R Oliio, said Sunday tlie services would be a "spiritual monu ment" to the slain President and a protest against hale. Brown and Taft are co-chairmen of "America's Conscience Fund," established by a group of prominent citizens including former President Harry S Tru man and heavyweight champion Sonny Lislon. The organization was founded to raise money for the repair of churches damaged in racial disorders. "The demented mind of the assassin who took tlie life of John F. Kennedy in Dallas is no different from the mind of the murderers who snuffed out the lives of four little girls in Birmingham," Brown and Taft said in a statement. "The American people must not let tlie tragic death of John F. Kennedy pass without giving deep thought to the hate and in tolerance which cause men to take the lives of other men," their statement added. "From Birmingham to Dallas this ha tred has been sweeping our land." The governor and Taft, a prominent Protestant layman, said the late President himself would cherish most a monu ment which symbolized "the healing of the wounds of dis trust so thai men could live to gether in peace." Air Group Rated High The 401)1,11 iFighter Group has been rated "satisfactory" by an Inspection team from the 25th Air Division, McChord Air Force Base. Washington, the Informa tion Office at the air field has announced. The annual week-long general inspection concluded Nov. 22 and covered the maintenance of administrative and personnel records; housing, dining and maintenance facilities: military courtesy, discipline and morale; personnel and supply services; community relations, and items of special interest. Ratings for the annual inspec tions arc either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Inspectors, com menting at the critique held in the Fighter Squadron briefing room, reported that many of Kingsley's sections were the finest in the entire division. Group Commander Colonel Edwin J. Witzcnbiu ger compli mented all personnel on the re sults of the insjiection. Six American Bishops Fill Dates Set For 3rd Session VATICAN CITY tUPD-Ecu-mcnical Council fatliers today elected six Americans to key council commission posts newly created by Pope Paul VI to help speed up council action. The secretary general of the council, Archbishop Perido Fol ic!, also announced the working dates of the council's third ses sion as Sept. U to Nov. 20. 1W4. Only one Italian was elected lo one of the 43 newly created posts in what was generally in terpreted as a victory for tlie council's liberal majority. The posts of the council's 12 commissions, including the sec retariat for promoting Christian unity, wore created by Pope Paul in a move to speed up council action and belter bal ance tlie commissions which in some cases have acted as con servative roadblocks to key council documents. The Italian and Spani-h hier archies, in an unsuccessful last minute move, were reported to have submitted thoir own lists of candidates as alternatives lo the generally more liberal list YOUTH OF THE MONTH Robert David Payne, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Payne, 1707 Kane Street, was hon ored last week by beinq selected the "Youth of the Month" by the Klamath Falls Kiwanis Club. He is shown here being congratulated by Past President Gene Fa ve II, district chairman and on International Committee of Boys and Girl's Work. Robert it president of the freshman class at KUHS, active in the Peace Memorial Presbyterian Church and was student body president at Altamont Junior High last year. Somber Kennedy Clan Observes Thanksgiving HYANNIS PORT. Mass. (UPD A cold drizzle kept tlie grieving family of the late President indoors today except for trips to church. Mrs. Rose Kennedy. 72, moth er of the late President Ken nedy, drove herself to the 7 a.m. Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and his cousin. Miss Ann Gargan, 32, attended the 8 a m. Mass. Lights from the complex of Kennedy homes overlooking Nantucket Sound pierced tlie rainy day. The only sound was the barking of dogs owned by the Kennedy children. The somber family circle in cluded Mrs. Jacqueline Ken nedy, the President's widow, and their two children. Caroline and John. They were surround ed by reminders of a happier yesteryear. The grieving 34-year-old wid ow and her children flew here Thursday for a sad Thanksgiv ing reunion with tlie heartbrok en Kennedy clan. The only members missing were Ally. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy, his wife Ethel and their eight chil dren who spent the sorrowful holiday in McLean, Va. Tlie traditional Thanksgiving Day reunion and dinner fol lowed the same pattern as oth ersbut it wasn't the same. There was no laughter or joy. drawn up from combined nomi nations of all national hier archies present at the council. The voting took place Thurs day and election results were announced at this morning's session. The U.S. prelates elected were: Bishop Gerard McDcvitt, auxiliary of Philadelphia, lo tlie commission for tlie religious: Bishop John Comltcr. suerior general of the Maryknoll lor eign missionaries, lo the mis sions commission: Bishop Loras Lane of Rockford. Ill , to the commission for seminaries; Rishop Allen Babeock of Grand Rapids. Mich., to the commis sion on tlie laity and press; Bishop Charles llelmsmg of Kansas City, Mo., and Bishop Ernest. Pruncau of Manchester, N il , both to the secretariat for promoting Christian unity. Another American-born bish op. John Taylor, who is current ly stationed in Scandinavia, was elected to the commission (or the sacrament. The council went into its next to last work session of 13 to day with its debate on Christian unity still uncompleted. An official observer for the World Methods Council, Rev. Allwrt C. Outler of Dallas, said the key section of tlie Clristian unity document relating to Pro- Kllmtin rant. Or utllMMI Milv te.rapl Sal !"? Strvlnf SfrutStrn Ortft t4 Nertftarn CSIllernlt T Klamaifc PwkluMfia CM Ma at niaaflt Mt TUitM Mill ntrd at acA44laa manar at tfta Kn! at mimin Fan 0'M. wi . IH. iar at! 1 Caa- aratt. varch 1 SKand-clail fxnt aa aaifl at Klamalft Paila. Ortta and at aMoianal malltat aftiaati Camar I MantM I Mantaa I Vaaf Mall ia a t MaMtn . . I Maamt . I Vaar Camaf a4 Daaiara Waahaav. Caav. taaaav, Ca , I in HI at uiaa 1 1 n tta aa il.aa IK UNITIO Kill INTIRNATIONaL UOIT SUlaU 0' CIUCUIATION luttcnkart aat racaiviaf aaltvarv at tsa-r HaraM a? Nawt. ateaM phial ruiaaa a-llll fetat t am. The celebrated touch football game was missing. And there was no ice skating party at the rink just outside the village. As usual 75-year-old Joseph P. Kennedy, former ambassador and father of the assassinated President, sat at the head of the table. The dinner was held at his spacious. 17-room mansion. The elder Kennedy has been paralyzed and confined to a wheel chair since a stroke in December, 1901. Since his stroke, it had been the President's job to carve the turkey. It was not disclosed who did the carving Thursday. Following the dinner. Mrs. Kennedy and other members of the family returned to the late President's home where the lights burned late into tlie night. Mrs. Kennedy and the two children, Caroline who was 6 Wednesday, and John-John who was 3 Monday, the day his fa ther was buried, were expected to remain on the Cape through the weekend. Dies In Crash WINNEMUCCA. Nev. lUPD Edward Ben Lamb, 21, Caldwell Idaho, died Thursday morning when his car went out of con trol and rolled over on U. S. 40 about 28 miles west of here. Key Posts; Of Council testants is the section on "com munities that have arisen from the lfUh Century onwards." The section recognizes the Ro man Catholic Church's "special family link and close relation ship" with the communities which arose in the 16th Century in "the very grave crisis then afflicting Western Christianity." The crisis referred lo is the Protestant split from the Cath olic Church in the Reformation started by Martin Luther in 1517. LYNN COLBY 132 Main ph. 2-3671 Stale Firm'i fmi7y Proltcter Insurance provides I lump turn payment it well at a monthly incami while your children are growing up both at a law package rate. (Same good deal at State Firm car Imurtnct.) Sit your (ritnd for lift. Horn Otfic. Iroominfton, liitnoift. 'Right - To WASHINGTON 'UPD The long-fought battle over "right-to-work" laws may erupt again in the 1964 election campaign if Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., becomes the Republican chal lenger. Based on support of the 10 party platform, President John son or any other possible Demo cratic nominee in 19M may be expected to clash sharply on the issue of whether unions and employers should be allowed to negotiate contracts providing that a worker must join a unicn to keep his job. Goldwater has been one of the major opponents of such con tract provisions known as the "union shop" to its friends and "compulsory unionism" to its enemies. Johnson's record does not in dicate whether he will support President Kennedy's desire to pass a federal law that would have the effect of repealing "right-to-work" laws in 20 states, however. These states now are permit ted by Section 14-B of the Taft Hartley Act to forbid "union FBI Checks Books Read By Oswald NEW ORLEANS (UPD - A city library official said Thurs day the FBI had examined rec ords which showed Lee Harvey Oswald last summer checked out books on President John F. Kennedy, political assassination, spying and communism. Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy who was slain himself, was a native of New Orleans and spent several months here before going to Texas last August. They included "Portrait Of A President." a Kennedy biogra phy by William Manchester; "The Huey Long Murder Case," an account of the assassination of Louisiana Sen. Huey P. Long, by Hermann B. Deutsch; and a number of cloak-and-dagger novels. Also on the list was Robert Payne's biography of Red Chi na's Mao Tse-tung, "Portrait Of A Revolutionary" and "Russia Under Khrushchev" by Alexan der Werth. The recently-published work by Deutsch, a columnist for tlie New Orleans Times-Picayune, is a newsman's account of the 1935 fatal shooting of Long in the state Capitol at Baton Rouge. M M M M M M II TU 2-4577 - Work' Hassle Looms Again shop" requirements in labor con tracts. Moves are under w ay in Oklahoma. Pennsylvania and other states to pass similar laws. New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller takes a position somewhere between that of the late President Kennedy and Goldwater on this issue. Rocke feller is against right-to-work laws in principle and in New York state. But he favors re tention of the federal law that allows states to pass such sta tutes if they wish. Although this is a matter pri CURTIS MATHES CURTIS MATHES it! wsstf? iBSsml It ni : ' il Pili COLOR TV RADIO STEREO v I FULL YEAR WARRANTY tube and 90-day free labor guarantee. C-M COLOR SETS WMlMVWmTftM, Your Old Set Can Be The Down Payment! USED RCA COLOR TV New Price Was $995 In Top Shape 90-DAY WARRANTY Gold Bond Stamps on & APPLIANCE CENTER 121 So. 6th S I C-1ST E 3D by the name for high quality LP-Gas SEALED by this famous symbol TmOR PERFORMANCf"VT ; Good Housekeeping ZtHl the "buyer's guide" most trusted by four out of five women A.3ST3D DELIVERED only by 547 South Riverside Street KLAMATH FALLS Note: Call Todty For New Low Prices Monev-Savinai Tn Y W:.l rAo. '-. ' marily dealing with industrial relations, it has strong political overtones because of organized labor's strong hostility to can didates who lavor outlawing the "union shop." The AFL-CIO mounted a mas sive campaign in 1958 to defeat right-to-work laws submitted to the voters in the general elec tions. The laws and some of the Republican candidates who favored them went down to de feat in five of six states. The defeat of Sen. John W. Bricker in Ohio and Democratic Gov. Edmund G. 'Pati Brown's Say Merry Christina to C1 Hie Kensington $! Q95 'ARRANTY on all parrs and picture M START AT... $399.95 :,.rMerVaO(''fVU-K&ttMtttt - 250 With Attachments All Makes All Purchases CLEANER ew REFUND 10tf " Prorj. victory over Sen. William F. Knowland in California were linked in support of riiahl-to. work issues by some analysts. The National Right-To-Work Committee, an organization dedicated to passage of such laws, says other factors and not the unionism issue w ere de cisive in both races. Tht moit trM"'l Christmas massage PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Color or Black t Whit fhala LEO'S CAMERA SHOP Your Fomily With TV Tht Kantinjton Colar TV. Starta-Raalo combinatian hoi rhtst quality features: Maple veneer and hard waad lolids in Early Am erican styling, ii-rube AM FM tadie, C-M't Stares phonegreph with special recerd changer and die mend stylus. 25,000 velrt regulated TV picture tuba pawer. Speakers: Twa 12" woofers, two 5" tweeters with crossover network. JUST WITH TRADE Free coblt hookup with pure hot of color TV set K GOOD USED VACUUM CLEANERS $1C00 Bank Terms TU 2-0131 M M II M