Legislators Viil Return Monday To Try To Settle Boardman Issue SALEM (UPD The Oregon Legislalure returns to (he Capi tol Building Monday to take up the politically explo&ive Board man controversy. The all-Republican (stale land board, and tlie Democratic Sen ate and House leaders all have urged approval of special leg islation to clear technical clouds on the state's title to the land eo Boeing's attorneys can give their final endorsement to the project. The $4.6 million. 77-year lease between the stale and Boeing for the 100.000-acre space age industrial park in nnrUVaslern Oregon already lias been signed. The state cannot back out. Boeing nas unui uec. w ui ue cido if it wants to honor the document. If special legislation a.skcd by Gov. Mark Hatfield is enacted, Boeing's attorneys supscdly .would be required to certify that tlie state has authority to lease the lands and Boeing would no longer be able to with draw from Uvc contract. It's another in a series of : t-. I I-.. I tl Uldb IU1VC I,JUCU MIC project since it was started three years ago. The 1961 Legislalure appropri ated nearly $1 million. Another $522,000 is needed now. Hatfield proposed shifting the IT'S BON BAZAAR'S FABULOUS $CT100 ONE GROUP OF SWEATERS BUY ONE SWEATER AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET THE SECOND FOR ... . VALUES $7.98 - $16.95 BUY ONE DRESS AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET THE SECOND FOR ... . VALUES $5.98 - $6.98 ONE GROUP DRESSES VALUES TO $25 $7-$10-$12-$14 ONE GROUP mmz MANY OTHER ITEMS ALSO ON SALE project from Uie land board to the common school fund. Law makers proposed shifting it in stead to tlie financially inde pendent V c t e r a ns' Affairs agency. Howard Morgan, Ex-Oregon Public Utility Commissioner, former Federal Power Commis sioner, and possible 1UG6 Demo cratic gubernatorial candidate, blasted tlie project as "lopsided ...one-sided," and charged "it puts the state flat on its back for a period of 77 years." The polish which Hatfield had worked so hard to apply to the project began to tarnish. Lawamkers read tlie bill again, and talked at having to ratify all tlie deals made to create the park. Ally. Gen. Hubert Y. Thorn ton said "a grave question exists as to the constitutional ity" of tlie proposed bill. Two nortlicastern Oregon leg islators, Hep. Jack L. Smith. D Condon, whose district includes the Boardman project, and Hep. Clinton P. Haight, D-Bakcr. an nounced at a Portland press conference Tuesday they would oppose the project. Warne Nunn, Hatfield's execu tive assistant, termed their an nouncement "political claptrap, and added "if these obstruction SKIRT, SWEATER & DRESS ONE GROUP LADIES' DRESSES $15 ists were sincere they would have raised these questions two and one-half years ago." Hatfield continues to express complete enthusiasm for tlie project. His colleagues on the land board, Secretary of State Howell Appling Jr., and Treasurer How ard Bolton, have been less en thusiastic, but say it's too late now to back out. Senate President Ben Musa and House Speaker Clarence Barton both Democrats con tinue to endorse tlie project. It seems likely they have al ready polled the House and Sen ate and know they have tlie needed votes. It also can be expected the Democrats will make sure tlie issue is kept alive. If the Board man deal goes through and does not immediately become a dy namic industrial site throbbing with activity which it won't Democrats can use it politically as a whipping boy. However, if t h e legislature does not approve the project, tlie Republicans will be able to point to its defeat and claim tlie state was deprived of its greatest industrial opportunity. It would be unrealistic to cx ect the Democrats to give tlie Itcpublicans such an issue. BUY ONE SKIRT BUY ONE DRESS $C1 Finest Fashions PLUS Green Stamps Ion Bazaar The Pick of the 4480 South 6th STAR -Br CLAY K. 4L1 M Your Ooil AdiVirjf GvirJ JK "f According to th Stan. To develop message to Saturday, reod words corresponding to numbers 0; 7i-76-77 of your Zodiac birth 1AUIUS APR 2 I Cta't JIG. 2N., J No 4 Don', 5 You il 61,1 7 6.,n 8 Gain 9 Soineon 10 InveHioot 1 1 Strenglrn 12Cbck 13 Avenues 14 Lei l5Fom,ly 16Vv.th 17 From 18 Waller 19 Your 20B 21 An 22 toy 23 Your 24 Of 2iYoor 26T,w 27 A 28 Poir 29 How 30 Perwovv 32 Artrocl'vt 33 Yournif 34Dr 35 FinonCiol 36 Por 3 E,pKiolly 38 Problem 39 EHo.il 40 Dep'ttting 41 Powers 42 Full 43 Proposition JAAY 21 7-1930-41 4,711 Of MINI MAY 22 U JUNf 22 19 1-14-25-361 47-58 69 CANCM 44 Open JUNE 23 JULY 23 4e.ll 47 Good 48 Snow 49 Alks MAre 51 lrm 52 Credit 53 It 54 To 55 OrKers 56 0oen 57 You 58 Retolutons 5? tiden 60 Pouiblt '61-71-79-851 UO 55L.AtXi.2J 8-17-28-3YI 50-60-81-8 VII GO AUG 24 HPT. 22 M 7 -23-34-46 NV57-68 Art Show Scheduled A new lyie of art show will be introduced to Klamath Falls on Sunday, Dec. 15, for one day only. Members of the Klamath Art Association are in vited to submit "found" objects for exhibition in the Riverside Street Art Gallery. Entries are to be any object, cither man-made or natural, lound hy the entrant and submit ted in its "found" condition with no alteration of any kind. The object may not be mount SALE STARTS TONIGHT! Open Weekdays Till 9 P.M. Sunday 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. ONE GROUP OF SKIRTS AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET THE SECOND FOR VALUES FROM $7.98 - $14.98 ONE GROUP CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT THE REGULAR PRICE GET THE SECOND FOR VALUES FROM $3.98 - $5.98 LADIES' SUITS VALUES TO $46 NOW $12-$14-20-$25 Finest Fashions for Home, Career, or Campus Next to Oregon Food GAZER POLLAN- UUA .trr. 2i rf-i OCT 23 4-22 33 44 T- li4 -8CW3 siga i 1, fc? P Qf 6; For 64 V.iht 65Cnr.cism 66 oolve 67 Up 63 feel 69 Sude 70 Your 71 Ne-i 72Todoy 73 Their OCT 2 I ,0V 22 yj S-W.3l.a3S. 82 84 vfc SAGITTAIIUS NOV 23 g DEC 22 f -J t 9 16-27.38 J i 49-70-78 74 0n CAMICCWN DEC. 23 jf JAN 20 C 21324-35C- 4b Opportunity 75Poy 76 Money 77 Problems 78 Heip 79 There's BOO' 81 Money- 82 Your S3 Peonmand 84 E 'roris 85 Hr.pt H6 w.ie 87 You 8? lod.vposed 89 Co.e 90 Todov )Ncur.ril U55v67 VS: AOUAUUS Ft.. If 0 15364-75 vLI FEB 20)Jr, MAR 21 tr 11-1526-37, 48-59-87-89' ed, matted, framed, sprayed, painted, arranged, or changed in any way from its discovered state other than bringing it to the gallery for showing. Lyle Matoush will judge the show. Entries must be submit ted no later than 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, at the gallery. The public is invited to view this exhibition of "tun" art on Sunday, Dec. 15, from 2 to 5 p.m. if HERALD AND PAGE 4B Assassination Fails To Alter Southern Segregation Views ATLANTA (UPP - President Kennedy's assassination will change neither the drive for Ne gro rights nor the views of Southern segregationists. This was the consensus of a South ile survey conducted by United Press International. In the South, as in the rest of the country, the tragic events of the past weekend first brought shock, then grief and then a quiet assessment of what's to come. Many Southerners think there will be a change in the impetus from Washington for civil rights and watch President Johnson's administration for indications of this. But Negro leaders vowed there would be no let-up in their drive against racial discrimina tion. "Time is Past" "The time is past when Ne gro protests were a momentary emotional phenomena. . .," said integration leader Martin Lu ther King Jr. Florida NAACP Field Secre tary Robert Saunders of Tampa echoed these sentiments: "We can not sit back and wait. They (whitest may get the picture we are not going to push now." Saunders said that Johnson's Southern background might mean that he will not push as hard for civil rights as Presi dent Kennedy, but added: "My Jacob On Brldqe NORTH 29 AQ84 VQ10S AK.8 3 974 WEST EAST J976 4 10 5 52 V863 1074 QJ92 KQ108 J653 SOUTH (D) 4VAK32 V AKJ74 65 A2 Both vulnerable Sonth Wert North Eait 1 V Pass 2 Pass 2 A Pass 4 V Pass 4 N.T. Pass 5 Pass 5 N.T. Pass 6 Pass 6 V Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K Dummy Takes Ball By OSWALD JACOIIY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. South s four and five no-trump bids represented a determined effort to get a grand slam, but when North showed only one king South decided to settle for what he thought would be a cinch little slam. One look at dummy showed South that even that cinch lit tle slam might require a lot of play. Of course, if spades were to break 3-3 South would have 12 easy tricks. Suppose they didn't? South considered playing two rounds of trumps and then go ing after spades. If the spades were 3-3 or the man with the long spades was long in trumps also that play would succeed. How about trying some sort of a squeeze? It might work easily. There were threat cards in three suits. Then South saw the best line of play. Tlie hand was just about perfect for a dummy reversal provided trumps would break 3-2. He ducked tlie first club, won the second, entered the dummy with the ace of diamonds, ruffed his last club with the ace of trumps, reentered dummy with the king of diamonds, rulfed a diamond with the king of trumps, played a low trump to dummy's 10 and cashed the nine of hearts. South ruffed dummy's last dia mond with his own last trump and went over to dummy with the queen of spades. This allowed him to discard his last low spade on dummy's queen of trumps and make the last trick with his ace and king of spades. Learn the Jacoby system with your copy of "Win at Bridge With Oswald Jacoby." Just send y.iur name, address, and 50 cents to: Oswald Jacoby Reader Service, care this news paper. P.O. Box 4). Dept. A. Radio City Station. New York 19. N Y. Q The biddlsjj has bees: South West North Bast 1 Pass 1 Pass 3 V Pass 4 V Pass 4 N.T. Pass 8 Fast T You, South, hold: 4A VAKJS 4-J 4AQJI87 What do you do now? ABid flrv no-tramp. Ton van! to cheek, on kings. TODAY'S QllSTtOV Your partner bids six hearts to show two kings. What do ou do now? Answer Tomorrow NEWS. KUnulh Falli. Oregon idea is that he is aware of the 'racial problem and knows it is a world problem. I would hope so." I King said he was "deeply en couraged" that President John son "gave the civil rights bill such a prominent place" in his first address as President. He sent the President a tele gram Wednesday expressing "my deep appreciation to you for this heroic and courageous affirmation of our democratic ideals. . ." Room For Question In Washington, the Rev. Walt E. Auntroy. a director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference iSCLO which King heads, said there is "room for question and room for doubt" about Johnson's commit ment to civil rights even though he has spoken out forcefully ommunitu Calenclar FRIDAY .MERRY .MIXERS. 8 p.m., square dance, Merry Mixer Hall. Bring sandwiches. KLAMATH ART GALLERY, 7 to 9 p.m., Christmas auction and sale, works bv Basin ar tists. THE .MIDLAND GRANGE YOUTH will hold a Thanksgiv ing dance Saturday, 8-12 p.m., at the grange hall, open to high school and college students. SATURDAY SHASTA VIEW GRANGE, 8 p.m., dance, Grange Hall. Grangers and invited guests. Bring sandwiches. KLAMATH ART GALLERY, 1 to 4 p.m., Christmas auction and sale, works by Basin ar tists. SUNDAY KLAMATH ART GALLERY. 1 to 5 p.m., Christmas auction and sale, works by Basin ar tists. MONDAY MANZANITA SOCIAL CLUB, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Lois Mur phy, 587 Villa Dr. EULAI.OXA C II A P T E R, DAR, 7:30 p.m., dessert. 8 p.m. meeting. First .Methodist Church. Guest night. K L A M A T II POMONA GRANGE, 7:30 p.m., officers' installation practice. Midland Grange Hall. KENO LADIES, 7:30 p.m.. volleyball, Kono gym. TUESDAY WOT.M, 8 p.m., social serv ice chapter night, enrollment. Moose Home. Formal. PAST NOKI.E G It A X D S CLUB, Rebekah Lodge, 12:30 p.m., potluek, gilt exchange, Helen Blanas. 1030 Eldorado. AMERICAN LEGION AUXI LIARY, 7:30 p.m., executive meeting, 8 p m., meeting, initi ation Legion Home. Service Clubs ACROSS blankets 1 Fraternal group Table scrap bxecunve w omen s proiip i B"Uo1den Rule" croup fl Fire (Latin) ' Rlow 3 ' (!ood Government' croup 4 Old Knclish bnd measures 5 Otherwise DOWN 1 Restrict land bequest 2 Soncs 3 Kipling character 4 The loblolly tree $ Delimited, as a city 5 Poem 7 Back (comb, form .spiral mollusk Aromas Root words Caichini: dsn ' Dance Mop I'ronoun Water htrd E Pol neiiain shrub Nuance Hot beverage Slush v penuc in sn Swim canton Single thing Prong Salt Poniard I .past , Pocmf Time unit Cjh 1 12 3 A I lb b p (8 19 I rr n !ri 16 I8 I 119 ' 29 135 " Jl 32" H33 STaT I ft 37 138"" ' 52 53 r 1 1 1 1 rl 1 Lr Friday, November 2, 1963 and tried hard to halt racial discrimination in employment. Alabama's segregationist Gov. George Wallace issued public statement denying reports that President Kennedy's death caused him to change his views on segregation. "I have not al tered my position at all," he said. Interviews of dozens of per sons and a sampling of South ern editorial comment indicate that while emotions were deeply stirred, opinions on the racial issue are still the same and the battle is still on. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING Th puolic iJ hereoy rtonlied that replication has been maot to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon: on be hall 01 Ihe First Baptist Church; lor a conditional use permit under Ordi nance No. 5095, and amendments thereto, (the zoning ordinance ol said City) to use Ihe properly known as Blocks, 9, 10, II and 12, Sunnyside Ad dition to City ol Klamath Falls, Ore gon, (or a church. The Common Council o( said City, at its regular meeting to be held at the hour ol 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 2nd day o( December. 1963. in ihe Council Room ol the City Hall ol said City will hold a public hearing on Ihe proposed conditional use ol said prop erly at which lime any person or par ty may be heard in lavor or against said proposal. This notice has been authorized bv Ihe Common Council ol the Cily o( Klamath Falls, Oregon. Done this 26)h day of November, 1963. Rosie' Ketler City Recorder No. 450. Nov. 26. 2J. 29. 1963. EQUITY NO. 63-370 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH MELVIN WALTER KATT, Plaintiff, vs. NOLA LOUISE KATT, Defendant, TO NOLA LOUISE KATT, DEFEND ANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required lo appear and answer the Complaint on file against you in Ihe above-entitled Court within lour U) weeks from the date of first publication of Summons in the HERALD AND NEWS, which first publication day is the 22nd of November, 1963, and if you fail to an swer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed tor in his com plaint, namely: t That he be granted a decree of ab solute divorce of and from the defend ant, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant. II For any further relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week tor four U) consecutive weeks in Ihe HERALO and NEWS, a daily newspa per of general circulation, published in Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant fo the Order of the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judge of the above-entitled Court, dated and entered on the IBlh day ot November, 1963. BEDDOE 8. WOOD By: Arthur A. Beddoe Attorneys for Plaint ill 671 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oreqon NO. 45S, Nov. 22, 29, Oec. 6, 13. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Glades Well Oral auction bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, or his author ised representative at the office of the Forest Supervisor, Lakeview, Ore gon, beginning at 10:30 a.m. December 30, 1963 for alt merchantable timber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing 3.590 acres, more or less, within sections 28. 29, 30, 31. 32, T. 27 S., R. 13 E.; Sec. 35. T. 27 S., R. 12 E.; Sees. 1 & 2. T. 28 S., R, 12 E. W.M. surveyed, in the Fre mont National Forest. Oregon. The es timated volumes of live and recently dead (sound sapwood) limber are: 3.750 M board feet of ponderosa pine. The minimum acceptable bid per M board feet is as follows: Ponderosa pine $20.95. This includes the follow ing rates, per M board feet for slump age Including deposit lor sale area bet terment. 13.00 base rate plus an addi tional SIS. 20 for ponderosa pine and S2.75 for slash disposal for all species. The stumpage rates payable for each species will be Increased by the amor tization rate in effect lor that species when the unamctiied estimated cost of the main haul roads has been amor tized bv timber scaled. The unamor tized estimated cost is S15.374.67. Amor tization rates are: Ponderosa pine, S5.I2 per M board feet. Amortization of estimated main haul road costs is com puted on 80 percent of the estimated timber volume. The purchaser may re quest that the contract provide for more rapid amortization of the estimat ed cost of roads which must be con structed before normal logging ooera- RlA Ml .AjlSHElTE feA JLEJ IT AlRlE lOg EOI IS 'NJATgI (ireek philosopher t lans Sin lie scornfully .lovful rVddcr i) Dns-taced ilucs Kept. 36 Hi-adnian ilndiai .17 tirotip that maintains child hospitals MVnk-anic tulf rwie 1 Australian bird 41 Attitudes i Product 4-t Cautious 7 Like ants or J Those uhn prevaricate - Before 4" Trimmed Scot ) 47 Biblical patriarch 4i Precedential nickname. r Bias Answer to Previous Puzzle i piS1sieI ipiEiAiRi IbHId llPlfrL aUma eIsIe gOAIHll AIM Ajgfe t rRlo pie McMe jg gpts PtWslNV 5HtL'r IBiO L. d LEGAL NOTICE t-ons will be ptmib'e. In addition ititrt It i thin in salt rtt n untstim.i td vdum el older ae.d (unsound i.p. wood) in ipectet logs which will be paid lor at tl 00 per M board feei wh.ch includes required deposit for area betterment, p. us 40 00 (or sUm disposal. The prices bid lor Humpage lor live and recently oead (sound tap wood) timper shall be considered ei tentative rates suoiect to Quarterly cal endar adjustment upward or downward by OS o' ire difference between the average 61 the Western Pint Assxia tion Lumber Price indices as calculat ed by the Forest Service at the end of each calendar quarter, and the following base indices: Ponderosa pine u 21 Such adiuitmenti m ihe price for i turn page shall be applicable lo timber scaled during the calendar quarter for which the adjustment is computed, in no event, however, shall the payment rates lor each quarter be less than tne base rates as staled above. When the ad us ted rates by species are lower than tne base rales, the difference be tween the total dollar value of limber cu at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rales for any species wjll not be increased above the base rate until tne subsequent adjusted rates above base rates develop an accumulated to tal dollar value in excess of the record ed accumulated difference tor an spe ces. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted at Lakeview, Ore gon, at 10:30 a.m. on December 3c, 1963. At) (hose who submitted a satis factory sealed bid will be permited im mediately fo continue auction bidding A money order, bank draft, cashier's or certified check in the sum of it. 300.00 must accompany each bid, to be applied to the purchase price, re lundcd. or retained for application fo any claim tor damages, according to the cond lions of sale. If requested by the purchaser, contract terms will per mit telling o' timber in advance of pay ment up lo the value ot Ihe perform ance bond. If an oral bid is declared to be high al the closing of the auc tion, the bidder must immediately con. firm the oral bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid lorm. The right to reect any and all bids is reserved. Forest Service bid lorms for use in submitting sealed bids and full information concerning the tim ber, the conditions ol sale and the sub mission of bids should be obtained from Ihe District Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon or Ihe Forest Supervisor, Lake view, Oregon before bids are submit ted. No. J61 Nov. 29, 1963. Guardianship No. 60-56 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter ot ihe Estate of JUDY YVONNE SMITH, A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant lo and by virtue ot an order made and entered in the above-entitled court and cause on the 30th day of October, 1963, signed by the Honorable DONALD A. W. PIPER, Judge Of said Court, Ihe undersigned, as guardian of the estate ol JUDY YVONNE SMITH, a minor, will on and after the 9th day of December, 1963, at the hour ol 10:00 a.m. proceed to sell retl property of said estate at pri vate sale for cash or for part cash and part credit as may to the guar dian seem advisable, subect to the confirmation of the above - entitled court, said real property being iltuated in Klamath County, Oregon, and being more particularly described as fol lows, to-wil: An undivided '4 Interest In NW'i SE'.i, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Section 31, Town ship 30 South, Range 8 East Willam ette Meridian, Klamath County, Ore gon containing 158.5 acres, mora or less. An undivided 3-40th Interest In S'j NE'4 Section 10; W'jSW'. Section 11; Township 34 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, containing 160 acres, more or less. An undivided ll-160th interest In S'.i NE'o, Lots 1 and 2, Section 3, Town ship 36 South, Range 12 East Willam ette Meridian, Klamath County, Ore gon, containing 162 acres, more or less. An undivided 1-401H interest In NEW Seclion 22, Township 36 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klam ath County, Oregon, containing 160 acres, less 18. 5 acres conveyed f o r highway, An undivided 1-60th interest In NE'V NE'4 Section 35, Township 36 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon, containing 40 acres, more or less. An undivided l-60th interest in SE'i Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klam- I ath County, Oregon, containing 160 i acres, more or less. An undivided l-60th interest in E'i SW', W'jNW'4 Section 36, Township 36 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon, containing 160 acres, more or less. An undivided l-60th interest in S1 j S':SW'4 Section 10; NE'.NW'ii Sec tion 15. Township 37 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon, containing 80 acres, more or less. Bids will be received by the under siqned guardian at 740 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (Oregon) by: RAY LUNG. Trust Officer Guardian of the Estate of JUDY YVONNE SMITH, a minor Proctor & Puckett Attorneys at Law 518 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oregon No. 424, Nov. 8, 15, 22, 29, 1963. Guardianship No. 60-58 NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of LIOA MAE SMITH, A Minor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to and by virtue of an order made and entered in the above-entitled court and cause on the 30th day of October, t?63, signed bv the Honorable DONALD A. W. PIPER, Judge of said Court, the undersigned, as guardian of the estate of LIDA MAE SMITH, a minor, will on and after the 9th day of December, 1963, at the hour ot 10 00 a m. prxeed to sell real proocrtv of said estate at private sale tor cash or for part cash and part credit as may to the guardian seem advisable, subject to the confirmation ol the above-entitled court, said real property being situated in Klamatn County, Oregon, and being more par ticularly described as follows, to- it: An undivided 4 interest in NW SE'. Lots 5, , 7. 8, Section 31. Town ihip 30 South, Range S East Willam ette Meridian, Klamath County, Ort pon containing 1S8.5 acres, more or less. An undivided 3-0th interest In S' NE' Section 10; W'jSW'i Section 11; Township 34 South, Ranqe 12 East Willamette Meridian, Klamath Coun ty. Oregon, containing 160 acres, more or less An undivided ll-iaoth interest in S1 1 UE't. Lots 1 and J, Section 3, Towrt-sr-'O 34 South, Ranqe ii East WHlam e"e .Vertdan. Mamath Coun'v. Ore gon, containing ja2 acres, more or less i undivided 1-JCh interest in NE't S-ci'Oi 22, Township 36 South, Ranqt II East Willamette Merio-en, Klam ath County, Oregon, containing 160 ces, less Hi acres conveyed for hior'wav. iAn undivided l-AOth Interest in NE' NE ' Section 35. Townshto 3 South, Range 12 East Willamette Meridian, Kiama'h County, Oregon, containing 40 aces, more or less. An undivided 1-fOth interest In SE' Section 27. Township 36 South, Range j 12 East W.llam-tte Mer.fliao, Kiam 1 ath Covty, Oreoon. containing IftO I acres, more or (ess I An unoivided 1-60'h interest In E't S.V.. W'NWt Secttsn je. Townsh-o j 3 South, Range 1 East Willamette 1 Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon, containing 1e0 acre, more or less An undivided l-h interest .n S' S'jSW'. Section 10; NENW'4 Sec I ton IJ. Township 3? South, Range IJ fcajt Willamette Merman, Kiama'h I County, Oregon, cometnmg M acres, mrve or less. B'ds wit be received 6 tie uMe' s gnl gwaro an at 70 Mam Street, I K.erneth Fai;. Oregon : THE UNITED $TTE$ NA- " iunl BANK OF PORT LAND (O'eoont bv: RAY LUNG. Trust O'liCff 6u-djan of tne EUa'e 0 LIOA MAE SMITH, minor P'fX'ir 4 Puck (ft AMornev at Law J I Va n street K ama'h Pain. O-egrn NO :. Nov. L 15, 23, jt, mj.