HERALD AND Royals' One Lucas Blast NBA Standings Eastern DivMon W. L. Pet. Boston Cincinnati Philadelphia New York 13 1 .929 .609 .438 .333 Pet. .Ml .579 .529 .294 .2110 14 9 7 9 7 14 Western Division W. L St. Louis 13 9 Los Angeles 11 8 .San Francisco 9 B Detroit 5 12 Baltimore 3 12 Thursday's Results ' Cincinnati 125 Philadelphia 110 St. Lotus 118 Detroit 101 Wednesday'! Results Boston 114 Los Angeles 78 San IFran. 118 New York 89 Cincinnati 122 Baltimore 119 St. Louis 113 Detroit 103 Friday's Games Flute. -Boston at Providence San Francisco at Baltimore Los Angeles at Detroit By United Press International Cincinnati EoyaU' opponents are being battered by a 1-2 punch Oscar Ttoberlson and Jerry Lucas. It was the "Big O" and rook ie Lucas who blasted tlie Phila delphia 7flers right out of a close ball game Thursday night with 6:30 to play the Royals led by only J05-1O4 but when the cannonading stopped the fin al score had the Royals ahead, 125-110. The damage added up: iRob- Hockey Ain. Standings By United Press International Eastern Division W. L. T. Pts. PF PA Providence . 9 7 3 21 75 62 Hershey 9 10 1 19 54 72 Baltimore 9 12 1 19 54 62 Quebec 8 12 0 1(1 85 72 Springfield 8 12 0 12 57 78 Western Division W. L. R. Pta PF PA Pittsburgh IB 5 0 32 77 51 Roolvester 11 7 0 22 78 63 Cleveland 10 9 0 20 67 53 Buffalo 6 10 1 13 44 88 Thursday's Results Providence 5 Pittsburgh 2 Rochester 2 Baltimore 1 Ollmo (Only games scheduled! Nllh Standings By United Press International W. I.. T. Pts PF GA Chicago Montreal Toronto Detroit New York Bos-ton 14 2 4 32 75 40 9 0 4 22 63 57 I 9 7 3 21 54 53 6 10 2 14 39 54 12 2 14 53 62 4 11 3 11 38 53 Thursday's Results Chicago 2 Toronto 0 Montreal 7 Detroit 3 Boston 5 New York 3 Let us store your boats and motor and have them all spruced up for next spring. Wo'll win teriie your motor and give it the best of care. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Rtputr now! Winter ratti on all 9I011 and wood boat rvpoirt. Ltt us givt you Fro Ettimata. PELICAN MARINA 928 Front Phone TU 2-5834 PAGE-SB TURKEY SHOOT SUNDAY, DEC. 1 WOCUS 10:00 A.M. FREE PRIZES BACON HAMS CHICKENS TURKEYS EVERYONE WELCOME Kfamath Gun Club NEWS. Klanulh Falli, Oregon - Two Punch Of Big '0 Philadelphia 76ers crlsun 38 points. 16 assists; Lu cas 21 points, 31 rebounds. Lucas' rebounds set a Royals' club record, breaking the mark of 30 set in 1937 by Alaurice Stokes. Lost in the shuffle was a 42-point performance by Lee Shaffer of Philadelphia. In tlie only other National Basketball Association game Invaders Top Bucks To Take First Spot By United Press International The Denver Invaders have in vaded tlie No. 1 spot in the Western Hockey League stand ingsand if statistics are any indication, they might be awful ly tough to shoulder out. The scrappy Invaders, who are leading the league in both offense and defense, moved into a tie with Los Angeles (or tlie top spot Thursday night by de feating Portland, 3-1, in tlie only contest played. The Denver team has scored a total of 75 goals during Die season to hold a healthy lead in that department. Ironically, the team with the next highest total is c e 1 1 a r-dwclling Vancouver with 66. HHMjL.JMiviiA'itu.A.!iuiJsiaa ! SURROUNDED Johnny Green of the Now York Knicker bockers is completely walled in by the leaping and towering forms of Bob Ferry, 16, and Ray Scott of the Detroit Pistons at Madison Square Garden in Now York. Green waited for Ferry to coma down and scored with a jump shot Wittenberg Leads First Small Ballot NEW YORK (L'Pli - Witten berg wound up on top hist year and that's exactly where It's picked to finish again this year by the coaches who make up the United iPrcss International small college basketball rating board. Tlie Tigers from Springfield, Ohio, who compiled a 28-2 rec ord last season and have lost only one starter by graduation, received to first place votes and polled a tola! of 232 points in tlie prc-scason balloting by the 35 coaclics. Kvansville was second with 203 points and tiiiimbluig third with 100. Wittenberg, which turned in the best defensive record in (lie country ltil season by holding its opponents to an average of 459 points a game, seeks its 67th straight victory at home Saturday vlten it opens the sea son against Ottcrbeiii. South Dakota Stale, which beat Wittenberg for tlie .NCAA college division title last season by two points, was ranked fourth in tlie coaclies' pie-ea-sen size-up with 180 points. One of the major surprises was the filth place rating for Pan American, the N.L cluunpion last season. Pan American drew- 10 first place votes, the same as Wittenberg, but was named on (ewer ballots tluin tlie Tigers and collected 168 points. Southern Illinois was sixth Friday, November 39, 1963 played Thursday, the St. Louis Hawks beat the Detroit Pistons, 118-101, moving into first-place in the Western Division ahead of idle Us Angeles. Bub Pettit had 23 points and 19 relxuinds and Bob Bridges had 22 points and 13 rebounds to pace tlie Hawks. Ray Scott led the Pistons with 20 points. However, the Invaders have allowed only 52 goals, lour few er than have been scored against their nearest coirctitor in that department, (lie Seattle Totems with 56. Vancouver lias given up 75, which explains the last place position of the Ca nucks. The game in Denver Thurs day night started as a tight af fair, with neither team able to score in the first period. Then Jolin Sleaver hit for the Invad ers midway through tlie second period and Itudy Migay, who scored a hat trick two nights before, slapped one in toward the end of the period to give Denver all the points it really needed. with 124 points, Tennessee Stale seventh with 107, Krcsno Stale eighth with 84 points, Southeast Missouri ninth w ith 78 and Ogelthorp 10th with 55. Bracketed in the second in wrre Pacific lAitheran. Akron. Philadelphia Textile. Hofstra. 'Prairie Viow, Westminister il'a.i, Lamar Tech iTex. Western Illinois, Tennessee Ail and Oklahoma Baptist. The I'Pl small college board, similar to the board which rales the major teams, is composed of S3 coaches from seven geo graphical sections in the coun try. Voting Is conducted on a 10-9-8-7-8-5-4-,'1-2-l-poinl basis. FOR A MAN'S CHRISTMAS ESPECIALLY FOR THE OUTDOORSMAN COLEMAN STOVES S LANTERNS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Henley Hornets Seeking Title Repeat Minus Strong Group; Four Vets Return By BILL COLLI) Herald and News Sports Editor 1 Til is Is the first in a series of articles outlining Rogue Val ley League basketball pros pects. ) Last year the Henley Hornets were the No. 1 ranked A-2 team in the state. The attempt to equal the out standing record posted by the Hornets of last year in tlie up- LAVOY YOUNG . . . returning vet coming campaign is expected to be difficult at best. Former Klamath Falls athlete and current Hornet mentor Jerry Johnson is first to con cede this. A year ago the Hornets stormed past all opposition to a 22-0 record and lop seeding in Hie Class A-2 Slate tournament at Coos Bay. The Hogue Valley league tille was gobbled up by the potent Hornets with a final mark of 14-0. In so doing, the Hornets racked up 991 points to 706 lor tlie opponents for averages of 70.8 .points per game for and 56.8 points against. However, missing from this year's Henley five is the league's top scorer Kent Good ing. This 6-7 cage wizurd ended the counting campaign with a total of 318 points for a 24.5 av erage point production and far ahead of the .second place man Charles Pomeroy of Eagle Point with 264 points. Also mussing is the league's Nod Goes To Thomas NEW YORK lUPP Archie Moore's protege, light - heavy weight contender Allen Thomas of Cliicago, is favored at 3-1 to smack Brooklyn's Johnny Pcrsol with his first professional defeat tonight in their nationally-televised fight at Madison Square Garden. Mustachioed Thomas would be a longer choice but (or the one week presidential memorial postponement that gave substi tute Pcrsol more time to train. l,ast week Thomas was fav ored at 44 to 1 after 22-year-old Pcrsol had accepted the 10 rotindcr as a short - notice re placement for Mauro Mina of Peru, who was officially banned from the bout because of pre viously secret eye surgery. Thomas is 22 like Pcrsol but lie has been a professional since 1059 and has hammered out a 19-2-1 record that includes 11 knockouts. And he was slopped once. Meanwhile Persol, unbeaten in 85 amateur brails, didn't turn pro until last Jan. 5. He clicked off nine straight wins this year. Thev included throe knockouts. BLACK & DECKER & SKIL SAW POWER TOOLS COMPLETE SELECTION OF QUALITY HAND TOOLS Vyy-vvfe wi Will 11 l m n K- S, '. M $" I t " 5 sixth scorer Mike Beymer, standing 8-1. who dropped in an additional 205 points for the Hor nets for a healthy 14 6 average. Bulh are currently members of the Oregon State Rook team. "It's a building year. If the guards come through we could be okay. As it stands right now , it looks as if we'll have to run for our lives," Johnson KENT GOODING . . . top man gone praises the new season. In speaking of ". . . running for our lives," Johnson is not referring to the situation where by the Hornets will be the key target of each league member alone, but also to the type of offense expected to be used con siderably. "We'll have to gel the rebound and go." Defensively the Hornets will be seen in a man-to-man align ment, with the use of the zone defense only a slim possibility if -the situation warrants. Despite the loss of key per sonnel, the Hornets have a sound foundation on which to build a return to the state show. Four lettermen are counted by Johnson, led by senior floor leader LeVoy Young, a 5-10 guard who transferred to Hen Icy from Alluras last year. Young ended the season last year with a total of 117 points in league play and an 8.1 aver age. Also returning are 6-5 center Dick Johnson, expected to help ease the departure of Gooding, Beymer and 6-3 Earl Allbritton. In backcourt action will be veteran Steve Rand, standing 3-8 and going either at guard or forward is letterman Elton Schiro, a senior standing 5-11. Johnson, Rand, Schiro an-1 Young are all one-year men. Expected to assist considerab ly is John Maxwell 16-31 at jun ior forward; Duane I-arson, 6-1 forward and 5-8 guard Bob Lew is, considered by Johnson a top outside shot. All three are up from junior varsity action. Additional help is available in senior Mike Zagorski '6-l and transfer (rem Chilcquin Kim Hale 5-10 1. Zagorski goes at ap- (JfVHERTDG -v ." r--- J He Took Off For Shakey's There just isn't a Pizza Parlor on the moon, but when the time comes the first will be Shakey's. In the meantime, vou con park your rocket ship in front of Shakey's right here in Klamath Falls. And 2725 So. 6th - Next to Tower Theatre Ph. TU 2-6222 forward and Hale at a guird post. Maxwell is considered by Johnson to be one of the stronger candidates for one of the vacant spots, w ith both Lar son and Ijcuis figured to see much action. Four other candidates minus varsity play are John Sturgeon i.9', Terry Beilby 16-O1. Ed Wilcox 15-101 and Bob Phair i5-9'. MIKE BEYMER . now OSU Rook 3 -Right Ball By JL'DY AUDSLEY (Brunswick Advisory Staff! Written for NEA II is important, especially (o the beginner, that the ball be perfectly matched to the bowl er. If the ball is the right weight and the finger holes bored and spaced properly, the bowier will have that "just right feeling." Scoring is not proportional to the weight of the ball. Its the accuracy with which it is rolled, not its tonnage, that takes to the pins. A ball that is too hea vy can throw you off balance. When (he great Don Carter started, the only bowling balls he had access to were 16-pound-ers. They threw him off bal ance, so he compensated by de veloping his famed crooked-arm delivery. He could do it. but the best thing for the average roll er is to use a lighter ball. Sev eral top bowlers I know roll balls weighing 15 pounds or less. Getting the hall drilled right is merely a matter of taking it to the right professional shop. They have all sorts of gadgets for measuring finger span, etc. PIZZA PARLOR Ye Public House This is the rundown of players in whom the Hornets' Johnson sees a chance of again taking the league title. "I'm not overly optimitic, however. I do feel we could have another good season." The Hornet headman foresees an evenly balanced league, at least among five teams, with the Illinois Valley Cougars re ceiving the nod as the strong- JERRY JOHNSON . . . seeking winner TeEW-AG& TeNPINNER Finger holes must be bored and spaced properly. FOR THE COMPLETE DISPLAY OF THE ALL-NEW RAMBLER AMERICAN O SEDANS STATION WAGONS O HARDTOPS All Available For Immediate Delivery For The First Time Since Our Showing! SEE THEM TOMORROW AT Kim est team and the Lakeview Honkers fielding one of the strongest teams In tlie league. The Hornets open the cam paign w ith the county jamboree on their court Dec. 6-7. with Merrill, Bonanza and Malin vis iting. Phoenix is the first counting opponent Jan. 10 on the Pirate court. Schedule: -x Denotes league game'. Dec. 6-7. County Jamboree, here: Dec. 14. Chiloouin. here: Dec. 20-21. Pleasant Hill Invita tional, there: Jan. 4. Bonanza, here; Jon. 10. Phoenix, there -x: Jan. II, Illinois Valley, there -x; Jan. 1". Sacred Heart, here -x: Jan. 18. St. Mary's, (here -x; Jan. 24. Lakeview, there -x; Jan. 31. Eagle Point, here -x; Feb. 1, Rogue River, here -x; Feb. 7. Phoenix, here -x: Feb. 8. Illinois Valley, here -x: Feb. 14. Sacred Heart, there -x: Feb. 15, Lakeview, here -x; Feb. 21, St. Mary's, here -x; Feb. 28, Eagle Point, there -x; Feb. 29. Rogue River, there -x. Football on the Air SATURDAY! KFLW Oregon State vs. Oregon SATURDAY Presented by BALSIGER MOTORS A&W ROOT BEER KIMBALL GLASS CO. CRATER LAKE DAIRY SIERRA TRAILER SALES JERRY THOMAS INSURANCE FURNACE SALES ... SERVICE Don't Risk Running Out of Fuel! Use Our "CHECK and FILL" System j WESTERN OIL AND BURNER CO. 1845 So. 6th 1st TIME THIS Fresh. new spirit u u IN STOCK AND STARTING AS LOW AS $ 2193 Motors 606 S. Sixth WORLD'S LIGHTEST Direct'Driv CHAIN SAW REVOLUTIONARY H0MELITE XL-12 Weighs Only 12 lbs. Only I? IM. IMI III chlln. II lltllt as U lb, with bar and chain Cutl 12 trm In 10 Mcondl. fall trra up to 3 (Ml In dllmltlt Hat Homaliti'i top prolaaalOAal loatuiol. . Ihl chiln aa avoijon. tan uia IM 1 flft EHIHSTJUTIBN IIBATI A. H. STEWART CO. 121 S.H TU 4-4752 1:15 Phone 4-3873 HEATING OILS COAL PRES-TOLOGS of Klamath Falls Ph. TU 4-3873 SEASON 00 3226 So. 6th TU4-5145