Installation Slated For Grange Officers New oiiiiers for all granges in Klamath County will he in stalled Dec. 8 at the Midland (range Hall. RIG WI.WKK las cnurKS, n.m. a'Pi'- Warren Woodson, head coach at New Mexico Stale, is the num ber one winner among active college football coaches with ca reer total of 208 wins, 9.1 losses and 18 tics. This was announced last week at a meeting of the Midland Grange It was further an nountvil that 21 members of the Midland Orange traveled to Portland to take the Seventh Degree in the National Grange. In all, 51 grange memliers from Klamath County attended t h e Portland session. The Midland Grange's Christ mas program will be held Dec. 22. preceding a dinner. Home Kccnomics Club chair- WEISFI ELD'S FEATURE THE GIFT WITH THE YEAR guarantee Every Benrus watch move ment must perform properly for 3 full years or 3enrus will rppair or replace it frrv man Alice HKcr reported the next H K C, meeting and Christmas party would be held Jit the home of Minnie Andrieu on Ixiucr Klamath Road Dec. 17 at 1 p.m. I.o;jilfitive Committee chair man James Flowers rewrted that a raiifie reMiulion is peiid in regarding the proposed state .sales ta. Youth chairman Virginia Sea la reported the outh will hold a dance Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. in the Midland Grange Hall. It was announced that Homer S!e of the Shasta View Grange arui oliia Kradshaw of the Merrill (irance have been appointed grange inMiiauce agents tor Klamath County. .lames Flowers preented a program on a quiz on granpe dues and pat ranj:e maMers. Kuth Andneu pave a Thanks living reading. The next regu lar meeting of the Midland Grange will l held Dec. 4. ' " Mr pte-. ' , SPSS I- AND NT.WS. Klamath Kails. Oregon Thur day. November 21, 1961 HT.E-1A Lakevievv To Host Swrner Range Tour FOR MEN FOR LADIES USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS BEN RUS QUALITY WATCHES s3000to15000 MAN'S 17-jewel watch. Sell-winding and guaranteed waterproof " with matching adjustable expansion band. LADIES' lovely model has new marquise design, petite munct dial, faceted crystal, sculptured florentined tapered ends and adjustable expansion bracelet. USE WEISFIELD'S FAMOUS EASY TERMS FIRST PAYMENT STARTS JANUARY, 1964 ll ease, crown and crystal remain intact WEISFIELD'S Widow Illustrates Diploma Xoeil By AW I.AM)KltS , Dear Ann Landers: Please keep encouraging girls as well as hoys to get a hiLih school di- p 1 o m a and Ihrn o on and get some sort of train ing which will enable thorn to earn a liv ing I a t e r in 1 i I e if they have to. 1 knew it all. Nohody could tell me anything. My husband was 22 and had a college de gree. 1 was beautiful and sweet and he didn't think it was im portant lor me to stay in high school and get my diploma. Why should 1 have to k n o w anything? He would take care of me for the rest of my lile! So. my heavy-hearted father w alked me down the aisle and 1 was married at 17. Wc had three childen in six years. I devoted myself to my family. My husband went to nijjht school and got a master's degree in business administra tion. Strange that he apjireci ciated the value of education of himscll but not for me. Five weeks ago my husband dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 42. He left $15. (Klll in insurance and a $20.(KK mortgage on our home, plus some big bills. 1 have three children to send to college with in the next five years. 1 must go to work but I'm not trained for anything. I realize now as never beloro the necessity of preparing for the future, since none of us knows what it may bring. Please print this letter as a warning I mm someone who had to learn the hard way. SAD SANDItA Dear Sandra: Many thanks Make The Whole Family Happy With a New iTINGHOUSE ISH WASHER i i i i . i 4 I Q & bZ3 iss The Wonder on Wheels! Com pletely Mobile! Our o Price r H l2tfk EosY B ELXr Terms Capocity as big as a built-in! Washes every dish twice . . rinses every dish 3 times! It's portable no installation. Just snap hose to faucet and plug in cord. No hand rinsing your hands never touch water! WESTINGHOUSE I installation! DISHWASHER Free Delivery! -Ar Free Installation! Free Service! VOU CAN BE SURE... IF .fsWc S t i llll O U S G Plus! Green Stamps! KRK PATRICK': tY? UhMM for your letter. 1 hope the thou sands of young girls see it and lake the hint. Dear Ann Landers: I work in a plant which has an unattend ed newsstand. It is the habit of certain employes to help them selves to the newspaper which prints your column. They take it into the cafeteria and read' for about 10 minutes before the work day begins. When they put the paper back, it usually has doughnut grease, breadcrumbs or coffee stains on it. Poor chumps (like mei who pay have to read a crumpled, pawed over paper. It would not upset me so if these people were destitute and couldn't afford the few pennies. But as is usually the case, the ones who have the most money are the cheapest. I am writing hi the hope that you will print my letter so the people involved will see how pettv this practice looks to oth ers PAVING CUSTOMKP. Dear Customer: There will al ways ho people who want some thing for nothing. For thrill there is no eure. They ean'l he shamed, eajoled or ehided Into changing their ways, m don't try. Surely all the papers .nrenT pawed over, so why not lake yours from the bottom of the pile? Dear Ann Landers: If a girl slaps a boy's face, for no rea son whatever, is the hoy justi fied in slapping her hack? Several of us teenagers are w aiting for your answer because it hapix'ned lo one of Hie great est kids in our crowd and we want to know if what he did was right. Thank you. JAS F'KR. INI). Dear Jasper: There's a rra- son for everything. The f act that you don't know the reason ( doesn't mean there is none. 1'he hoy who got a clop in the cho)s may or may not have done a little something to earn it. If he u;fs ahsollllrly innocent then the girl is an erratic im pulsive loon. A hoy who hits a girl for any reason whatever puts himself s(ilarely in her class. The bel ter approach is to take her straight home and lose her phone number. Ann Landers frank and infor- malive new book. "Teenagers and Sex" $2 !)5'. is now avail able al your book store. Ann Landers will te ;lad to help you with your problems. Send them lo her in care of this new spaper enclosing a stamjied, self-addressed envelope. In Roman limes, Paris was a small fishing village called Uiletia. DANCE Music By 2 BANDS 2 from SALEM THE SATAHS from REDDING THE BARONS Klomoth Follt AUDITORIUM SAT. NOY. 30 DANCING 9 - 1 Continuous Music No Intermissions Before 9 . $1.49 After 9 - $2.00 LADIES - Pleou W.or tMKIblMAi rKUMOTlUN Ihree billboards appeal ing for support of The Salvation Army't Christmas pro gram have been donated to the installation in this area by Claude Chase, left, owner of the United Outdoor Advertising, Company. Capt. Dale Johnson, right, local commander, said this is the fifth Christmas season that member firms of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America have given billboard space to The Salvation Army's holiday fund raising campaign. This poster, on Klamath Avenue between Ninth and Tenth streets, carries a full color,photo of a Salvation Army lassie, the familiar Red Shield of the Army, and the simple mes sage, "Share With Others." LAKEVIKW On returning from the meeting in Portland last week of the Pacific North west Section, Society of Range Management, Hill NIoser. coun ty extension agent, reported that tlie summer range tour of the group would be held here June 1H-19. It is eeeted that some 100 men and tlieir wives will attend the meeting from the region is made up of British Co lumbia. Vahington and Ore gon. The program has not vet been set up. Included in the Uike County group w hich made the trip to the Portland meeting were Carl Simpxtn. Mel Reac. Boh Novy, and Dick Looney of the Fre mont Forest Service; Charles Rouse of tlie Fish and Wildlife Service: Ceorge Lea. Al Sten inger, Andy Parker and C.erald Fullerton of the Bin can of Land Management, and .Mr. an J Mrs. Rulie Long of Silver Lake. Mrs. Rouse also accompanied her husband. Simpson, siiiervisor of t h e Fremont Forest, was one of the speakers on tlie program, talk ing on "Range Management Its Place in the diminishing Acre." George la, district manager for the BLM. w a s chairman of a panel discussion on the selection and use of range management systems. Now U The Time to Order PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards JONES' 629 Main OFFICE SUPPLY Ph. TU 2-440B Hawaii has its own state song, entitled "Hawaii Ponni," it means "Mv Own Hawaii." CAR WASH Monday thru 1 Of? Thursday I mmm J Fri. and Sot. 1.S0 Open 9 till S Sparkle Car Wash 4023 So. Sixth WEEKEND SPECIAL LODGING & DINNER ' FOR TWO. 095 7 Children - $2 Extra Cocktails Available REST and RELAX at: A Member of r Fnendshio Inns Phone 773-6268 rl mod P I 237 N. Rive.side MEDFORD GOOD ANY FRL, SAT. OR SUN. WITH THIS AD .-g 0 P." OOtOOOO.OOOOOOOOOOOOtlOPOOOQOOOl. AFTER THANKSGIVING SLASHED Bulky Sweaters Formerly to $16.95. Cardigans, pullovers, novelty styles. All wool, all orlon sayelle, and mohairs. Solid colors or interesting jacquard pat terns. You'll want several at Knit Dresses A big selection of newly arrived 3 piece wool knit suits usually 45.95. or this weekend only! Save 10.95. Mink Trim Coats Distinctive coats in truly elegant shapes and fash ions. "Fur products labeled to show country of origin of imported furs. Regular 79.95. Camelalre Coats Regular 49 95 coats metic ulously tailored to La -Pointe's high standards. Two most favored styles now only Millinery Reguarly to 25.95. Styles, textures, colors galore! Pillboxes, cloc hes, toques, Profiles in velvet, veleurs, felts, beaver felts. Dressy, casual, tailored. Others values to 12.95 $2.98 PRICES (Q) i M IHiL ill I ) I I Stretch Pants Nationally advertised at $13. Fa mous name stretch pants in hard worsted finish. Black and assorted colon. Wool Dresses p99 Pastel wool dresses specially priced for this event. Usually. 19.95 to 24.95 . . . many dif ferent styles , . . junior and missy styles. 14 99 Cotton Dresses Usually 14.98 and 17.95. Sheaths and full skirts. Plaids, p'ints, stripes and solids. Now only Car Coats J00 Regular to 29.95 in cotton suede, melton wool or cordu roy . . . all beautifully styled and rtll with luxurious pile or quilt linings. All Boots Flat and high heel boots, reg ularly to J 19.95. Our entire stock all siies . . . iiow 0)99 19 7th & Klamath Ph. TU 4-8886