PAGE-14 IIKRAI.D AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Oregon Thursday, November 2. 1963 r I, It; 4 i tM.,,......-J.Ji ..j-AWti .tVa ,2 ii,'- Evcrythlng here, except the woman, is rentable. Rental Service Says ISanta Wears Size 46 ;: By AILEKN SNOUMY 7; Newspaper Enterprise Assn. : NEW YORK (NEA) - Yes, Virginia, there is a Sanla Clans. And he wears a size 46 suit. .But, alas, dear clld, Rudolph ;ho Red-Nosed Reindeer Is not a n-eindeer. He is an English fal- Sjw. ;-.Whiil proof lies behind these ; trash statcrnenls concerning these creatures so essential to ;lho yuletide aura? Well, verifying the jolly Kent is Harold Blumberg, an executive of Brooks Costumes here. He says there are sev ; cral hundred plump, well-heard--Cd and well - dressed Santas rjiosed in the U.S. between lianksgiving and midnight Dec. '24. How docs he know? His firm t rents them their suits. And since they are all size 40, there must have been a model, and it fol lows that the original must Ihave been, well, guess who? As for Rudolph, we must have tour illusions and the true rein ;deer is loo bovine, too gangly ;to fulfill them. According to ;Mrs. Lorrain D'esscn, of Ani mal Talent Scouts, people pic- ture reindeer as the artists draw ;lhom and the artists lean to the ;tnoro aesthetic delicate fallow - fleer. ; An Indulgent parent with $75 lo $5(K) to spare can have a "deer or fawn attend his chil dren's parlies, Mrs. D'essen '. said. '. Santa suits and animals are ;just two of hundreds of rent ; flls in demand at this time. One ;; the larger rental firms re ;3wals that 15 to 25 per cent of ;3rs yearly gross comes during ;lfic holidays. Volume for the ; Inerchnndiso rental business ow Is more than WOO million, r Firms coast to coast keep add- ing to their lists to entice the consumer and push the figure '.io $1 billion. '. '. What arc some of these items? MVcll, who best to ask about this ;'flt Christmastime than an an ; -gel? In this case, Mrs. Rita An ;ol, manager of a Manhattan ; Hertz Rent-All store. In the rental field aro baby cribs, carriages, diapers, pink sheets (rented by Zsa Zsa Ga bor power equipment, cement mixers and grass cullers. There are little furs for those going on cruises and big furs for those - Staying at homo Willi mink $2.1 $75 a (lay and leopard $fi0-$ 105. - For parents of teen . agers, .there arc hi-fis, dame plat ; forms, glassware and dishes. ' "With the rental finn washing Dear Just imagine! I'm of Chritmai list! ', I C3S H Here's the gift for the student . . . mom and dad too' Tho Corona is the world's only porl able electric typewriter. An electric gives you bct tor looking work . . . lets ycj turn out up to 7 '; clear carbons too. This one looks as good as it "; writes. Your choice of 4 beautiful dctc rator colors. ' Buy it for just u ftw dol'ars down . . . for this - Chris'mas. Lay-uway your cho re now' AMIDON'S ss irSi ill i i if the dirty dishes, parties are a breeze," one mother said. Families moving into new homes during the holidays can rent complete rooms of f u r nibhings including all the nec essary party regalia to cele brate the Yule while their fur niture is en route. "We rent everything bul wo plc," Mrs. Angel said, telling of a man who rented a wrist watch to wear to Switzerland where he was going to buy one. The firm has rented such things as coffins to macabre jokcslcrs. One prankster rented a shotgun to lake to a friend's wedding. Rental firms also report an upsurge in car rental gift cer tificates, rental of station wag ons and pickup trucks to haul Christmas trees and fly-drive combinations for vacationers. Increased interest in skiing opens a new rental area. Now a family can rent a ski pack ago car with ski racks, boots and mclal skis. "We get the skiers coming and going," Mrs. Angel adds with a chortle worthy of Peter Loire. "We also rent wheel chairs." Family Court Change Sought PORCL.AND fUPIl Reorgani zation of court handling of fam ily problems will be sought by the Oregon Council on Crime and Delinquency, William Mosh ofsky. council chairman, said Tuesday. Moshofsky said the council planned to have the National Council on Crime and De linquency make a study and then would seek legislative ap proval of the resulting program in lj. The aim, he said, is to nip de linquency at the root. Moshofsky said jurisdiction over family problems now is "dispersed among five separate courts . . ." Domestic relations laws, he said, have failed to keep up with knowledge about humuu Ihi havior. Moshofsky estimated the study would cost $4!),!KI0. Funds will be sought from other organiza tions, 'lie said. Did you know thai Santa Clans, Indiana is the only town so designated in the United States. The privilege is reserved to its post ollice by Congres sional Act. Santa, can give mo this lS$PP Smith-Corona ELEC T R I C PORTABLE JT for only $169.94. f putting it right tho top of my? In 15 Years Gamblers, Promoters, Tourists Have Quickly Urbanized Tahos's Wilderness AL TAIIOE, Calif. UPI -Mark Twain once called Lake Tahoe "the loveliest sight the whole earth allords." People don't speak that way any more esjiecially about Lake Tahoe. Justly or not. this lamed Sierra resort fi,22.r feet high on the California-Nevada border is being dubbed everything from "a cesspool for gambling joints," "a recreational slum" and "a city with a hole in the middle" to "a Sierra Coney Island." At the same time, it's being acclaimed as Nevada's new "IN" resort, the "coming Veg as," "the pinnacle of success" for entertainers and "Ameri ca's all-year playground." Tup Performers Tahoe boasts the world's top night club performers, some of its most exquisite beauty, enough gambling to satisfy any body and more business than it can handle. Add these up and they total trouble. The 21.B mile long lake, one of the three clearest in the world, is threatened by sewage pollution. Along the shore, neon motor lodge signs dangle from pine limbs. "Buy now" bill boards replace timber in the forests. "Indian trading posts," "carnivals," hamburger joints, overrun lots they're every where. California plans to ring its side of the lake with a free way or "parkway." And, al though ake Tahoe has 71 miles of shoreline, only seven are public. From Mark Twain's day un til a decade ago urbanization of Tahoc's wilderness moved slow ly. Civilized life at the sleepy lake consisted mainly of a few millionaires' homes, some sum mer cabins. Scattered resorts and camp grounds. The Hip was long and hard. Hut gambling, freeways, win ter sports and plenty of promo lion changed all that in the ear ly il!l.)0s. Now thousands arrive daily by airplane or on two transcon tinental highways. Whereas the trip from San Francisco for merly took days, the BOO plus miles now are traveled before lunch. In summer, tourists bring swimming suits, boats, fishing gear and linking tinots. In win ter, they lash skis to the car roof and head for nearby t Mcns' Shop Street Floor VI ITS icvii iwitrut IlirS MHMM " 0 ft HiHOHIXHIIII ilOVIS Hll VOIt JBIItl f t t f 1 1 n 6: f f f f t t 1 Squaw Valley, site of the 19H0 winter Olympics, or Heavenly Valley, (0 ride a new tramway. Expenses Bu always they bring (heir wallets. And. as if drawn mag netically by the razzle-dazzle atmosphere of gaming tables and showgirls, and jinglc-jangle of slot machines and honky tonk, they scurry to one of a dozen Nevada casinos that sep arate the two slales at cither end of the lake. By far the most popular and successful of these are the two big clubs at south shore Har rah's and Harvey's Wagon Wheel. Although olficial figures never are divulged, informed sources say Hurrah's Tahoe operation is the biggest in Nevada. They say Harvey's is number three. And these two, they add. oper ate more slot machines than the entire Vegas "strip." "We had no idea of gelling as big as we are," Bill Harrah says. "But we get lucky once in awhile." Harrah's popularity stems largely from the top drawer en tertainment he books. For $4.40, including tax, a person may sit in Harrah's luxurious South Shore Room w ith four drinks of his choice and watch the world's lop talent. And no wonder. Harrah pro vides his lop stars with a beach house, motel suites, speed boats and even a Rolls-Royce. "Favors" Harrah's "favors" don't stop with the performers. He offers babysitting service for children of all ages, and virtually free round trip bus transportation from the San Francisco Bay Area. These trips average about 34 daily. Across the street, Harvey Cross opened shop in 1946 with six slol machines and a small bar. Last year he completed an 11-story, $11.5 million hotel and got so big he decided to discon tinue as "unnecessary" all char tered bus trips. "We've had 89 conventions since April and have 101 booked between now and next .June," explains publicist Lou Hardy. Harvey oilers unique service: He buses hundreds of vaca tioners to church each Sunday. At north shore, one of Ta hoc's top attractions for the past two years has been (Frank Sinatra's Cal-Neva Club. Here one often found everybody from Sammy Davis twisting in the lounge to Dean Martin and Si natra clowning it up on stage. However, too many people once saw Cosa Nostra boss Sam Gi ancana, the type of clientele frowned on by Nevada stale of ficials. So Sinatra doesn't oper ate the Cal-Neva any longer. Tourist Types What kind of tourists come to Tahoe? A Harrah's official says "they are generally from the middle class up. The average person here is a guy who is not try ing to make his fortune, but someone who is out for an eve ning or a weekend you know, having a ball." Edward Olson, the Nevada Gaming Control Board Chairman says Tahoe is "certainly not" replacing Vegas as the hang out for the so-called "high-rollers." "Tahoe is coming and is growing, no questions about that, but it's a different type of thing than Vegas," Olsen says. "It's more like Reno. There arc prox)i'tionately more middle income people coming to Tahoe and Reno than to Veg as. Vegas seemingly has more people with a little extra wealth." However, the latest quarterly gross winnings released by the state, for April through June, are interesting. Although Las Vegas' lake slill was 3'i times that of south shore Tahoe, the desert oasis was down about three per cent compared to the same period a year before. Meanwhile. Tahoe south shore was up about 6.7 per cent. Many theories are advanced at Tahoe as to why "the lake in the sky" changed from a quiet, Alpine wilderness Shangri-la to a brightly lit, skyscrap ored gambling center beset with countless problems. But a Nevada consulting en gineer hit it right on the but ton recently when he said: "The problem at Lake Tahoe is not sewage or gambling. It is people." In 1050, the permanent all year population of the entire 506 square mile Tahoe basin was only 2.700. Now it's 17.0110 and growing at the fantastic annual rate of 30 per edit. On peak tourist cays, the popula tion hits about '50,000. And by mo, there'll be more Men's Terry Robes P,ain .,. 8.95 & 10.95 Pendleton Robes Always virgin wool. All sixes 22.95 Eldorado Jackets DZZ rLTs1 as 29.95 Kandel Sweaters c.ii9.i p.n.o.. 12.95 to 24.95 Men's Sweaters V:'.0: .''K.., 17.95 24.95 Munsingwear Knit PJ's s, B lo C. All colon 5.00 Van Heusen Cotton PJ's X, 4.25 - 5.00 Munsingwear Nylon PJ's AJi;t 10.95 -12.95 Ripon Slippons il' 2.00 Doein 4.00 Van Heusen Sport Shirts w .d w 5.00 - 7.95 Van Heusen Dress Shirts Whitci, Colon 5.00 Pendleton Shirts "ZTlZr 12.95-18.95 Sweater Vests Armless Wool Solid Colors . 8.95 Munsingwear & Hanes Underwear 1.00 & 1.50 Swank Tie Bars, Tacks, Cuff Links 1.50 Christmas Gift Ties "ZX'lXlr 1.50 - 2.50 Monogrammed Handkerchiefs 31 .50 Men's Esquire Socks AM Sties - Plain or Colors 1.00 Handkerchief Special Sh.,4S1.00 & Sjl.OO o Many Slyltl . All Snti 1.50 & 2.50 than 400,000 here on big week ends. By comparison, neighbor ing Alpine County in California has a population of around 400. To make matters worse, the federal government, two slales, live counties and 76 smaller agencies all have some juris diction over the lake. Etforts to place a hi-state commission in charge of public recreation so far have failed. And the lake lacks even one incorjiorated city, although there is a move to form one on the south shore. The most controversial prob lem at present is south shore sewage what to do with it. When the sewage, even treated to highest standards, is pumped to spreading grounds, it has a way of seeping back into streams which flow into Tahoe. This causes algae and threat enls to ruin Ihe lake's clarity. The Lake Tahoe Area Coun cil, a private organization, fi nanced a $125,000 sewage engi neering study which recom mended that existing disposal methods be abandoned. Since then there has been a sugges tion that a $16 million, 2'i mile tunnel be drilled through a mountain into Nevada's Carson Valley. This could house a two lane highway and also carry away Tahoe's sewage problem. One of Tahoe's biggest critics has been California Gov. Ed mund G. Brown, who in turn has been charged with issuing "reckless publicity releases" that "destroy the worldwide image" of the Jake. Brown says south shore al ready is virtually "a recrea tional slum." And he has asked his agencies to come up with a way to "save" the rest of the lake. "To build more gambling joints on the Lake Tahoe shore is to my mind sacriligcous," Brown says. "Let them have their gambling at Las Vegas or Reno, but they ought to stay away from Lake Tahoe." Meanwhile, Harrah's is going ahead with plans to build a 25 story hotel costing anywhere from $12 lo $25 million. A sim ilar structure is being construct ed nearby by the Del Webb Corp. And an eight-story hotel soon will rise on the California side. Thomas Wolfe once said "you can't go home again." And the same applies here. :ff Great Gift Ideas From Samsonite'and "The Price Is Right" See BILL CULLEN demonstrate the quality features and advantages of Samsonite Luggage on "The Price Is Right" weekdays. ha :? It f " V ft v . " in if CjJ' f Smart, classic shape that will never go $ out ol style. Room to pack all the P essentials, accessories and two suitsl , for her, SILHOUETTE HAT BOX Quiet elegance in the slim. AAAn trim outside, plus plenty of lush, roomy V 3 1 lJJ packing space in the smart inside. (mjt Use Your Charge Account or Lay-Awoy St. a i We also .a i LUGGAGE STREET FLOOR Am 1 for her, SILHOUETTE $1995 January Very for him, STREAMLITE TWO-SUITER 2495 m-i-A i t i '. , ; - - M for her, STREAMLITE BEAUTY CASE $1495 See how one piece of Samsonite Luggage makes a most impressive gift. Even if -the giftee has some Samsonite, you can add another matching piece. Or you can give Samsonite as a set-starter. That means you can add to it for years. feature SKYWAY LUGGAGE in all cases and colors. 512 Main FITTED VANITY 1st, it goes back to $25 00. special, lightweight and strong. Beautifully fitted with accessories. il - . ? It's roomy. ..holds up to 52 items. Removable plastic tray (or accessories. Perfect .one-piece weekend luggage. Free Parking 5th & Klamath USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT OR LAY-AWAY! Volctl Manicure Sets Shot Shin. Kin Btlr Rock. Toiler Kill Hoir Bruihes T Racki 4535 s. 6th Ph. TU 4-6388