1 yi L 'wiAi i.'j-i.i-maj ti J BEJJ HOT SPECIALS! 0T SPECIALS! Thurt., Nov. M, 9fij p,CP 7 Hfrila Nw Klamalh Villi Tree Idea Not So Old NEW YORK 1 SKA' - The cmslom of the Christmas tree isn't as old as most people be lieve. The Kiea became popular in Germany at the beginninR of the 19th Century, and slowly spread to other areas of the world. About 100 years aao. Prince Alhert. Queen Victoria's consort from the German province of Saxe - Coburg. introduced the tree to England, where, adorned with ornaments, and towerin; over presents, it became one of the great symbols of the Christ mas season. In IWn. Duchess Helene of Orleans started the tradition in Krance. Youngsters in France, as well as in Italy. Spain and Portugal, had centered heir cel ebration around the crib and its figures. With the coming of (he Christmas tree, many chil dren used small trees, stones and plants to give their manger setting a really natural look. Next we have the tree sprout ing up in Sweden during the la ter half of the IPth Century. Set ting up a Christmas tree for the birds is one of those customs filled with mystic meaning that lends great charm to the cele bration of the season in the Scandinavian countries. A m e r i c a n missionaries hrnucht the tree In the Orient. The Chinese call Christmas the festival of the Holv Birth ami the tree is known as the Tree of Lights. It doesn't mailer what kind of tree is used or whal decorations are put on it. in every country where it is found it symbolizes "Peace on earth, good will to ward men." Basin Briefs FOItT KLAMATH Mil. AND MRS. TOM I1VCHK had as recent guoN for a week, her hrother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Airs. Chester Brr.ylcs of La Grande. MR. AND MRS. .1AMF.S VAN VORMKR spent the weekend of Veterans Day visiting at Eu gene wilh their son, Douglas, a third year .student at the Uni versity of Oregon. MRS. WI1.LESKA R. I.OOS- LEY left this week for Klamath Falls, where she will spend the vinler at the home of Mrs. June Donelson as caretaker during the owner's absence. Sirs. I-ons-ley returned last month from a month's trans-Canada conduct ed bus tour. Her itinerary in cluded Hie New England slates, Washington, D.C., and N e w York City. MR. AND MRS. DIANE WOOD left Wednesday, Nov. 20, on a vacation trip lo Florida before returning to their home at Culver City for (he waiter. Wilh their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wood and two children, they ow n and op erate the Fort Creek resort and rafe from spring to !ate fall. Their son and family will re main at their resort home and act as caretakers during the coming months. NEW SCREEN LINE of mail boxes has been installed at the . Fort Klamath Post Office by the SeaUle regional office of the U.S. postal service. New num bers and lock combinations have been assigned to all local patrons. Mrs. E. M. Bratlain, ho started her 23!h year as postmaster here on Nov. 1, is assisted by a clerk. Mrs. Ray mond Van Warmer . who has acted in that capacity since last Sept. 30. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM STEWART of Denlon Park re turned Nov. 20 from a slay of several days in Portland, where tlwy were called by rims of the serious illness of Mrs. Stewart's brother-in-law. MALIN LESTER SCHREINER and Mr. and Mrs. Hcjner Depuy are in I'kiah. Ore., this week e!k hunting. AMERICAN LEGION hospital equipment may he borrowed by contacting Mrs. Anna Schmidt, Malin. 723-21R1. MR. AND MRS. DON HAW KINS. South Gate. Caiif.. are receiving congratulations on their new son Hawkia is a for mer resident. Tney have a 2-year-nld daughter, Sabrina Lou ise. HOMER HOLT and his son. Roh. escaped with minor in juries Sunday when their car and trailer left the highway near Dunsmtur. rolling down an embankment and tetany wreck ing both vehicles Bob was driv- MR. AND MRS. RODNEY OTTOMAN are in P 0 r t I a n d where Mrs. fV'oman havin? medical treatment. PINT SIZE TEMPOS VACUUM BOTTLE H ws I m ( 7kftfim$. I Sa E?T I RES. fr V U V-LL LDJZJZJ J r ST I S jj I 77c 3? V QV) 1"""' luW J ORDER EARLY! NAME IMPRINTED ' CHRISTMAS CARDS il m. KIWv. .... ORDER NOW! CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE NEW CARD DESIGN FROM OUR BIG SELECTION AND HAVE YOUR MAMF IMPRIMTFR 2 AT PCAI PAY I F PRirF T YOUR CHOICE OF TYPE, STYLE AND COLOR - FAST SERVICE. DON'T DELAY AN OTHER DAY! AT PAY LESS YOU GET YEAR-ROUND DEPENDABILITY! EVERY ITEM IS FINEST QUALITY AND GUARANTEED PAY LESS WILL BE HERE TO BACK THAT GUARANTEE. YEAR-ROUND TOY SELECTION HELPS US KNOW A LOT ABOUT MANY ITEMS, WHICH WE STOCK FOR THE WIDEST VARIETY OF TOYS IN THE KLAMATH BASIN. 3.50 LIST SCRABBLE ADULT SET 2.66 mm 5.00 LIST MONOPOLY 2.00 U LIST PASSWORD 3.471 T57l 6.00 LIST 7!oo" LIST GAME OF LIFE 4.99 MOUSETRAP 4.97( 1 jmJEjSX2j'J j LOOK! tKufe. t -' on. Jr.v mm m s uwmkk m 1 w m y mw n ma IS 1 JUST io-:TT. :.';.'''; '.- 'j IOv FROSTY SNO-CONE MACHINE WITH FRUIT SYRUPS I AND ALL SUPPLIES TO MAKI TASTY SNO CONES AT HOME. J. 00 LIST PRICE 3" TINKER TOYS I THE TOY THAT KEEPS LITTLE FIN. GERS BUSY FOR HOUR AFTER HOUR! COLOR CODED PIECES MAKE IT EASY TO BUILD EVEN FOR LITTLE FELLOWS! 233 si VISIT CANDY LANE LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN! ETCH-A-SKETCH MAGIC DOODLESCREEN TO FASCIN ATE YOUNG AND OLD. WIDEST SELECTION EVER! ALL SIZES, SHAPES AND FORMS 4.00 LIST PRICE AT PAY LESS --GENERAL) ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE FOR MAKING YOUR OWN CENTER PIECES, DECORATIONS, ETC. CHOOSE TODAY! Glitter Glue Pins Point PRE-ASSEMBLED SPIRAL GEOMETRIC TREES BEAUTIFUL STYROFOAM TABLE TOP TREES TO DECOR- "1 rt ATE OR LEAVE PLAIN! sO -p'f-t STRUCTO STURDY STEEL REAL OPERATING POWER SHOVEL IT'S BIG! IT REALLY WORKS! SENSATIONAL PAY LESS PRICE . . . j) STEEL TOY OUTFIT 'Finest Quality by Stru ructo Biq Dump Truck With Cat-Loader, Sand Hopper and Conveyor-Loader. J97 MO.. MINI-TONKA STEEL PICK-UP & CAMPER NOW mmm MINI-TONKA STEEL STAKE BED OR DUMP TRUCKS iS?TK! 1.99 STRUCTO-STEEL FIRE - RESCUE LADDER TRUCK tU" 2.87 LARGE SIZE FAMOUS MAKES A PROFESSIONAL CARVER OUT OF ANYONE! HELPS SAVE YOU Q7 TIME. MONEY AND M OI FOOD! SEE IT TODAY 23 WONDER HORSE Ml 28. 18.87 ALL METAL FRAME-BUILT TO TAKE IT! 28.00 list GENERAL ELECTRIC DO-ALL ELECTRIC SHARPENER THE SHARPENER THAT MAKES SENSE! SHARPENS KNIVES, .SCISSORS, EVEN PEN-, 70 PAY LESS BUDGET PRICE 16' HEADQUARTERS for HAIRDRYERS!! GENERAL ElECTRICf HAT BOX ELECTRIC HAIRDRYER WITH HOSE AND EXTRA LARGE BOUFFANT HOOD! MULTI-POSI TION SWITCH DRIES HAIR FAST! PAY LESS SALE PRICE. 9. trri.r"' Mmh . kHCrFINEST Hp 2 SPEED RECORD m -r AMERICAQNMLADE fryi JfPLAYERS f 1 mm m ttRS WITH BENCH & m. I 9 taiTWlMlM iff " V I mWhJ$ NEW CHATTY CATHY I fuJJ Li ' J battery m THINGS! 16.00 LIST M HIIUD TDIWV Wf Fi l, 'ji X THE DOLL THAT AOO POWERFUL MOTOR! SW Lt, i MS : V WILL REALLY KISS 4 M A fwm MmbWM 7 -f-'A i Y0U! 1200 LI5T v I bis 97J00 M jrrZi -ideal's tiny -f r value LKS y$5 JZT m h, THUM.iuNAf.fta 'mmLyw M. I I J SENSATIONAL MATTEL "PBBSHffi 5TI 20.00 MFGR5. LIST PRICE FAMILY SIZE 6 QT. AUTOMATIC DEEP FAT FRENCH COOKER WITH fflfl HEAT l77 1 CONTROL If FOSTORIA FINEST STEAM t DRV IRON 6.99 AT PAY LESS V. FOSTORIA 2 SLICE AUTOMATIC TOASTER 99 (g New Deiign! 6' LIFELIKE 28-INCH I horsman SUSAN STROLLER LULLABY . .. , WALKING musical fig I nOII; BABY DOLL fc LLJ wind her u and CHOICE OF HAIR STYLES AND SHE REALLY MOVES! i 1 V "Too a A 97') : vALUE3.99 s fli- m, ?) DELUXE AURORA AMCKlUAlN DO A n DATE WITH PLUG-IN POWER TRANSFORMER A N ll) INDIVIDUAL i (CONTROL! 24.95 LIST PRICE TERRIFIC VALUE! ffif ELDON INDIANAPOLIS "I" " W KIP fPT ffJKAltiCI QQ WITH POWER I TRANSFORMER AT PAY LESS MARX SPORTS CAR ROAD RACE OUTFIT With Bridge, Lap Counter, Trans former, etc. OOO (SA I men's white rnrrnh DRISTAN McKesson maypole wool penetray NOXZEMA COTTON wih-mum IfkllTTILir; HEAT I A LID "vau-i ih T-SHIRTS balls COLD tablets ASPIRIN I HEAT LAMP SKIN CREAM REG. 79e 120 VALUE 98e Siie 5, Sz TARN REG. 98e 1.35 Sige . 49c 69c 59c 2 49c 79 59 99c KODACOLOR FILM 127 - 620 . 120 99c GENERAL ELECTRIC FLASH BULBS AG-1 or M-2 7C KING SIZE CAN 9 12 SEAMLESS I , MIXED PLASTIC NUTS TARPS 69c 3JC i 1 1 1-J IE