Famous Folk Art Collection Mounted In Museum Exhibition For Christmas The seen is a quiet uoodland in the Sabine Hills north of Rome. The year is 1223. It is the eve of Christmas and the hour is nearing midnight. Suddenly the dark winter's night is pierced with the glow of a hundred tapers and the soft voices of men, women and children chanting the age-old hymn of the Christmas season. "Glory to God in the Highest." A procession may be seen moving up the hillside from the nearby village of Greccio to a humble cloister of the Brothers of Francis of Assisi. Francis himself beloved patron of ihe poor, of children, birds, and animals leads his brown-roued brothers and the people of Grec cio to a cave near tire clois ter. There. Francis has arranged T hiipiih ma hi mi i nmm V"" WTf' iwiw PAINTED POTTERY SCENE From Guadalajara, Mexi co, where the Nativity creche is called a "Nacimiento," has come the painted pottery scene shown here which is comprised of 26 pieces arranged in a three-level, alter-shaped unit. ;1 MAKING OF CRECHES Collector Alexander Girard, noted folk-art authority of Santa Fe, N.M., has gathered representations of the Nativity Scene from the world over. The making of creches has flourished in most Christian countries from the time of St. Francis of Assisi, who is reputed to have built the first such creche in the I 3th century. Measons fereetiigsf! .H- WE BE Shop at Sears and Save ?atifaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back to celebrate Christmas in a set ting never before known. In the center of the cave, just below a makeshift altar, lie had placed a manger filled with straw and in it, the figure of an infant. On either side was a live animal the traditional ox and ass of the stable at Beth lehem. A biographer has recorded Francis as explaining: "I want to celebrate the com ing of the Son of Jod upon earth and see with my own ees how poor and miserable He wished to be for our sakes." Thus was presented for the first time a religious tableau that was the inspiration for a unique form of folk art tile Na tivity crib, or creche, as it is called found today in homes and churches throughout the YOUR SHOPPING WILL BE UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE. INNING TOMORROW, FRL, NOV. 29 OPEN 9:30 Christian world and collected and treasured by such out standing experts in the field as the noted American architect and designer, Alexander Girard. Premiere Exhibition Girard's collection of this rare folk art glorifying the birth of Christ gathered in his world travels over a period of 30 years has been mounted for the first time as a major mu seum exhibition for tiie 12 Christmas season. The exhibition, entitled simply "The Nativity." will be shown at the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art in Kansas City. Mo. An elaburate sotting has been constructed to accommo date more than 150 Christmas creches on loan to the gallery from the Girard Foundation of Santa Fe, N..M. Appropriately, the exhibition with its deeply significant tlieme of "peace on earth," will be a b e n e f i t for the international People-to-P e o p 1 e Program, whose aim is international un derstanding among the nations of the world. Hallmark Cards, Inc., of Kan sas City, whose president, Joyce C. Hall, is an executive of the People-to-People Program, has underwritten the cost of trans porting the 2.(W0-piece collec tion from New Mexico and of constructing the setting. Creche Becomes Famous The Shrine of Greccio where a church now stands and the story of that Christmas scene became known throughout Eu rope. In 131(5. Pope John 22nd. then living at Avignon, introduced the idea of the creche to the region of Provence in southern France whence it spread throughout Europe and eventu ally the whole Christian world. To this day in Provence, where shepherds still tend tlioir flocks on the hills of that rich farming area, the- account of the Nativity is as real as if it were a modern miracle. A sim ple little creche is arranged on a table in the liest room in the house and neighbors visit each other to admire the tiny clay figures called scntons (little saints i fashioned from hand made molds. They are bright ly painted to represent not just the Holy Family. Ihe shepherds the angels and Ihe Wise Men, bill various figures in the vil lage as well. In Italy, and esiecially in the city of Naples, some of the most distinguished sculptors of the 15th Century devoted them selves to the creation of the be loved figures. Charles 3rd. of Spain, made his own statuettes and his Sax- FORGKT SOMKOXE? If a Christmas card arrives on Dec. 24th from someone not on your mailing list, don't rush out and mail a card that will arrive after the holiday. Instead, suggests the Rust Craft greeting card company, send a New Year's card. Many say "Thank You for Your Christmas Greet ing" along with the New Year message. OPEN EVERY NIGHT AM to 9:00 SEARS on queen sewed the garments that covered them with her own hands. Simple Folk Arl But in France. Germany and Spain, the creche was adopted also by the simple folk. Every church and home had its own hand-carved set of figures dressed, in each instance, in the clothing peculiar to that time and region. The creche took on a variety of forms. Skilled artisans in Vi enna in the 18th Century, cre ated animated figures which en acted the Nativity with moving animals, kneeling shepherds and Wise Men presenting their gifts to the newborn Child. Giraixl himself lias supervised the construction of an adobe-like wall within the Kansas City mu seum. It has been formed in Ihe shape of a cross into which the creches were installed in indi vidually lighted shadow boxes. Variety of Sizes The scenes range in size from a single carved piece irom Peru, so small it can be held in the palm of tlie hand, to a 4-by-7 foot Italian scene containing 172 figures. Many are a primitive type of folk art from rural areas of Southwest United States, and from several Latin American and European nations. "Tliese are the expressions of simple craftsmen, potters and woodcarvers. They speak the direct language of faith. They are naive, humble, and for the most part, anonymous," Girard said. "The figures range from Ihe contemporary to the 17th Cen tury and constitute the most im portant collection of popular Christmas art ever shown in this country," said Laurence Sickman, director of the Nelson Gallery. Girard. who is 55, was born in New York and grew up in Florence, Italy, where he be came fascinated with folk art and soon became a collector. His notable collection of toys, fabris, masks and other arti facts are housed at the Girard Foundation which he established two years ago in Santa Fe. His Nativity scenes include figures fashioned of wood, pot tery, wax, paper, plaster, yarn, glass, lead, carved nuts and gourds and even baked bread with colored icing. The exhibition in Kansas City w ill be open to the public Irom November through January. DON'T FORGET "THANK YOU!" There are three things for which thanks are due: "an in vitation, a gift, a warning," says an old proverb. May we give you this gentle and limely "warning," says the Rust Craft greeting card company at the end of this gay holiday season of "invitations" and "gift-giving." writing "Thank You" notes will be in vogue. Small boxes of note paper, beautifully decorated in Christmas patterns, are excellent "stiiflcrs" fo r Christmas stockings, or for that small, yel distinctive gift. CONVENIENCE PM DAILY 133 So. 8th St. Ph. TU 2-4481 9:30 Puppy Shopping Popular At Christmas And Should Be Done With Great Care NEW YORK iNEAt - When Christmas comes, kennels emp ty out as fast as toy stores. Nearly every third letter ad dressed to tlie jolly gent with the long white beard begins, "I want a puppy." There's nu age limit on this request. It can come from a school kid or from his great Aunt Bessie, 75. who lives alone in a one-room apartment. Pup shopping should be done as carefully as car shopping. Af ter all, the dog usually lasts longer. Make a mental check list, tak ing the personality and size of the recipient's living quarters into consideration. You wouldn't exactly brighten Aunt Bessie's Christmas if she were backed into a corner of her room by your gift of a Great Dane. Personality is a big factor Die new owner's, not the dog's. Is he the slay-at-home or the gadabout type? Does he like to take long walks or prefer to sit in front of Ihe fire? Or will the new master be a child? Armed with this knowledge, you're ready to pup shop. Y ou have 115 registered Cleaning Studied LINCOLN', Neb. (UPH-No one method of cleaning the wide variety of modern surfac ing materials is satisfactory for all of them, dousing specialists at the University of Nebraska said. They said paste wax, for ex ample, gives a soft lustre to a wood floor, but causes asphalt tile lo become gummy or woody. The specialists recommended reading labels to determine Ihe classification of the cleaning products and waxes on the market. The following suggestions also were made. Use water sparingly. Water, if allowed to stand on tlie floor, may loosen tlie seams, cause tlie material lo buckle or the pores to expand. Never use w a ter on wood. Use warm (90-100 degrees F.l water solutions. Hot water or steam deteriorates adhesive and the materials themselves. Avoid strong soaps and de tergents that will dull or even dissolve color. Alkali dries the surfacing, making it hard and brittle. Avoid abrasive cleaners in instances where they may create a maze of fine scratches lo hold dirt. Beware of solvent cleaners because many are highly in flammable and breathing the fumes from others ol Ihesc pro ducts is harmful. Use water 4iascd compounds on vinyl and rinse well. Vinyls arc non-porous and film rides on the surface. Largest gold nugget mined in the U.S. was a chunk which weighed 1!)5 pounds and was worth $73,710. ;.' 1: Sundays xceptcd f ,f. r, r Open AM 'til 9:00 PM Dai Until Christmas .t 2 i( breeds to cluwse from, accord ing to Bob Bartos i manager of Friskies Research Kennels), So if you have trouble locating a pup that will please, perhaps a nice selection of imported chees es would lie a more suitable gift. Here's how you go about bark ing up the right tree: Elderly Aunt Bessie probably can't take long hikes, spends a lot of time alone and has a motlierly in stinct. For her you select one of Ihe smaller breeds who loves being lussed over, such as the toy or miniature Poodle, the Dachs hund, the miniature Sclinaiizer or Pekingese. These dogs need a minimum of exercise and adapt easily lo apartment liv ing. Small as they are, they still function as watchdogs and are mighty vocal when the need arises. For Ihe man who thinks of himself as the outdoor, pipe-in-moulh he-man, yet doesn't have an estate to go w ith this menial a ., i LA;yv ... ncDDvc H i i mi i -1 i UCtvDT d -- m ?iv- tha'se'- tTSr4r, i'-' rr 5 ? t'pll3 SLIM and TRIM Wtt''', I ''i, I .1 I'd Wonderfully compact Easy-to-Carry Remarkable performance 8 i 18- - irmmutum i. learn to play a fine new Magnavox Organ in your home tomorrow SIX LESSONS FOR ONLY $2500 A THRILLING MUSICAL WORLD is yours with mag nificent Magnavox Organs using "Space Age" solid state circuitry... NO TUBES, NO HEAT, NO TROUBLE! Select from Contemporary, Traditional and Colonial styles in many beautiful fin ishes, priced from only $495 Th Magnavox Concerto modat 1A-30. F O 0. Urbana, III. CI a a a a Superb new ORGANS full symphony a A A a a a a a a a a dctfbtfc Mmic Go. a 126 No. picture, a medium size, masculine-looking pet is ideal. These breeds include tlie Beagle, Eng lish Cocker, Airedale, Kerry Blue and the Boxer. Any one of these dogs will make the gals turn around for a second look. Now for the children. Tlie bluest blueblood or the dog with the most mixed up canine fami ly tree will be greeted with equal enthusiasm. But if the child is very young, choose a pup that can take it. You can count on Janie or Johnny to dish it out. Most children are prone to love a dog so much that it hurts the dog, that is. Belter to get a pup s i x months of age or over. Try for the calm breeds such as the Collie or the hunting breeds. They're all good with children and in time will look upon tlie small fry as their own person al responsibility. Before you're through sho ping. you'll have a liberal edu cation in dogdom. But watch it you may fall in love vourself. $11990 in beautiful Champagne, Charcoal or decorative Green colors. Model 1-MV105. Expert instruction plus the M agnavox Organ, of your choice in your home and, lAe lesson lee applies to the purchase price! It's so wonderfully easy, you'll be de lighted to discover you can play your first tune TOMORROW even if you've never played before! $495 that place the sound of a at your finger tips Fender and Gibson Guitars Leblanc Clarinets - Olds Trumpets and Trombones Roberts Tape Recorders Hohner Harmonicas Ukclelcs - VM Record Players From $29.95 in fact - everything musical 7th Thursday, N'orember 28, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, VI i - K If 5 A dog's life at Christmas Isn't so bad. SOUNDS SO BIG-YET COSTS SO LITTLE I Your Records can last a lifetime! Compara this fabulous value before you buy ordinary portable stereo: The exclusive Mlcromatic Record Player banishes record and stylus wear the Diamond Stylus is Guaranteed 10 Years. Two high fidelity speakers the second stereo channel is in the instantly removable lid surround you with beautiful music. ' iff I 4-7i- -"Si "a ' ' I! familylife-DoVelops Jj Rjijier. I; llft .u.' Tan. 'if u LL ; vi ' Jlere it Truly An Exceptional Value! Distinctive New, Full 88 Note Piano BUILT BY fltxgef Pricecf, Here Is a piano for you, for your children, that will give a lifetime of musical pleasure. Built to the exacting specifications that have made Wurlltzer World Famous for quality, all the exclusive features that have mode Wurlltzer Tone full, rich tnd vibrant. $25 Down sWURLIlZER. ItNOS ciroreoHic piahoi Ph. PAGE S Klamath Falll. Oregon J .1 Only 6990 a In two-tone colors j of GreenBlack, 8 GrayBlue or BefgeBrown. 2 Model .2SC238 8 w a a a .'i A' leaning '.With Musit j VX'VI ty,'!'.;.ya 7 ""a ia ! a i ) Wurlitzet H95 Up Te J Yiort Te f eyv OUBANS TU 4-S121