PAGE 6D HERALD AM) DAIRY MR. AND MRS. HARVEY BLTTS had as weekend visitors, their niece and nephew, Mr. and Airs. Robert Lewis, and family, and their nephew. Buz Nelson, all of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Gordon and Stevie of Dunsmuir joined them for Sun day dinner. ROBERT RICE, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rice, went to Portland with members of the cross country track team from OTI. MR. AND MRS. JOHN TO FELL attended the Farm Bu reau convention at Salem. MR. AND MRS. LESTER JONES spent a few days at Grants Pass. Their grandson, Tommy Marchant, has Just re turned from overseas. He is in the Navy. DEE JACOBS of Eugene spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacobs. VIRGn? SCHMOE spent a few days at Fernley, Sparks and Reno last week. MR. AND MRS. DON RICE spent Sunday at Burney with Mrs. Roy Premo. They also vis ited Mrs. Martha McCoUum, for mer Klamath Falls resident, and Ellen Upp. They enjoyed a visit to the Roaring River Ranch owned by Bing Crosby. BONANZA : MR. AND MRS. LAVERN HASKINS have returned from a few days at Reno, Lake Ta hoe, and San Francisco. They attended the wedding of their son, Larry Haskins, to Sharon Kober of Ccdarville at Reno on Nov. 2. BONANZA HISTORICAL SO CIETY will meet at the Bonan za Library at 2 p.m. Nov. 24. Histories of Poe Valley, Langoll Valley, Yonna Valley, and Swan Lake Valley will be given. Any one interested is invited. ' MR. AND MRS. HERMAN TOWNER of Medford spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Bud Lee. MRS. BESSIE CAMPBELL and Mrs. Bob Scater left Nov. 13 for Long Beach. They took Mrs. Clara Scater of Ashland to Long Beach, where she will make her home. MR. AND MRS. BILL BECI1 DOLDT left Nov. 14 for Moapa, Nev., to stay at Pedcrson Hot Springs. They will go from tliere to Arizona and will visit relatives in San Diego before returning home. MRS. NELLIE SIMMONS and Virgie Schmoe spent several days with the Nelson family at Reno. MR. AND MRS. MERRILL STEWART have moved to Es condido to make tlieir home. . WILL ROGERS, who has boin visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wil fred Noble, left by plune Nov. 13 for Calipatria to visit anoth er daughter. He is 90 years old. WALTER SMITH 2K. and Mr. and -Mrs. Lewis Parsons and children of -Mount Hebron spent the weekend at Live Oak with relatives and friends. MR. AND MRS. BILL NOVOTNY are attending a grange convention in Portland and will go on to Mount Ver non, Wash., to visit relatives. Mrs. Nettie Davis and Mrs. Charlotte Fiuhugh arc staying at their place while they an away. FRIDAY ALOHA PAST MATRONS CLl'll, 12:30 p.m., meeting, luncheon, Kingfalls. MERRY MIXERS, R p.m., square dance. Merry Mixer Hall. Bring sandwiches. KIMMAC.K SALE, Semper Paratus Horizon Club. 10 a.m. to 4 pm., old 88-ccnl store. Main St. KLAMATH ART GALLERY, 7 to 9 p.m., Christmas auction And sale, works by Basm ar tists. SATIRDAY SHASTA VIEW GRANGE. 8 pm., dance. Grange Hall. Grangers and invited guests. Bring sandwictas. KLAMATH ART GALLERY, 1 to 4 p m., Christmas auction and sale, works by Basin ar tists. SUNDAY 1 KLAMATH ART GALLERY. 1 to S pm, Christmas auction and sale, works, by Basin artists. Basin Briefs '', Comniunitij !; j; dalcnclar NEWS, Klamath Fall. Oregon wT L ALVAS C. ELLIOTT Eagle Meet Honors A. C. Elliott LAKEVIEW About WO visi tors, including state and na tional officers, registered f o r the mid-winter conference of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Goose Lake Aerie 2183, held at the lodge rooms here Satur day and Sunday, Nov. 16-17. General chairman lor the pro gram was Harold Langslct, sec retary of the local lodge. The meetings opened with reg istration at 12 noon on Satur day, followed by an auxiliary executive board meeting and a report by the committee on rit ual rules for the state conven tion. Tlie events that followed included the state hearing aid trust fund trustees meeting; men's executive board meet ing; civic service award ban quet; joint state aerie and aux iliary executive board meeting for the purpose of signing state convention contracts; and dance and entertainment at the aerie hall. On Sunday the conference opened with a breakfast served at the hall. Follow ing were the men's ritual clinic; auxiliary panel discussion for ritual and drill team judges; men's lead ership clinic for aerio officers and membership chairmen; women's open discussion f o r general questions on ritual com petition; men's parliamentarian clinic; lunch at the aerie hull; and a joint meteling wilhl intro duction of grand lodge repre sentatives and state officers. Alvas C. "Buck" Elliott of Lakeview was presented with the civic award for outstanding community service by The Gooso Lake Aerie, highlighting the mid winter area conference. A secret committee of the lodgo had made the selection, but the announcement was not made until banquet time. The announcement was made by Mayor Lane Thornton, w i t li whom Elliott has been associat ed on the town council for sev eral years. Elliott was born Feb. 25, 1!H7, at Eldorado Springs. Mo. He foro coming to Lakeview in the late 1920s, tlie family resided at Buhl, Idaho, and he attended Northwest Nazarine College at Nampa. At Lakeview he was first en gaged in logging with his uncle. George Elliott, and in 1934 was logging for Hamaker aixl Hild. In 193S lie started work as bar tender for Tom Sullivan at what is now the Round-up Tavern, and continued there until the business was sold about 1944. During the war he also worked niglits at the American Box Company moulding plant, and since leaving the tavern has continued full time at the moulding plant, now American Forest Products. He has Iwcn plant superintendent for more than eight years On Oct. 28. 1U34, he was mar ried to Josephine Arzner and they have one son. Alvas ,lr ; one grandson, Charles, and one braiHldaugliter. Susan. He has been a member of the Lakeview' Volunteer Fire De partment for 28 years and serves as captain, and a mem ber of the Lake County Disin ter I'nit since it was started alxiut 1950, serving as president for tlie past two years. He was appointed to llio town council April 12, 19.o. to succeed Joe Cooper, and served until Octo ber, 19011. when he resigned. Most of tlie time lie was presi dent of the council and served on all conimitlecs. He was a Hoy Scout cubmas ter tor three jcai s and si ill gives first aid training to Hoy Scouts each year lie has Iveii a Ked Cross f n t aid instiuc tor for alwit 13 years and trained many classes of adults and young people during that time. On The Record M1MI19I HCINUl Rkrd DovOl.i Rckomo, 31. e4 V.nlyn Olene Atlfr, II, bom Ktemem Folll. OIVORCf ACTIONS PILIO MILL fc R George W. vl. Rote .Vr.e COURT ACTION! BILIO Sieve Rev 0,rt. t mtno. ti B,V Poitv. hit Quera.n etl Mem vl Don- 14 Venderhett end Herbert Breylet. Thursday, November M, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS WKOSE PROPERTY HAS BEEN FOUND LIABLE FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING, UNION AVENUE FROM MITCHELL STREET TO WA5HBURN WAY, IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON; KNOWN A5 IM PROVEMENT UNIT NO. 154; THAT THEY HAVE TWENTY DAYS FROM THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IN WHICH TO FILE APPLI CATIONS TO PAY ASSESSMENTS IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, OR TO PAY CASH. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, by ordinance adopted October 31, declared tht proportionate assessment on each lot, part of lot, block, or par cel ol acreage property found to b benefited by the proportionate share of the cost of Improving; Union Avenue from Mitchell Street to Washburn Way, all In laid City; as more fully and in detail shown on the plans and specifi cations of tht City Engineer on file with the Recorder of said Cily in the matter of said improvement; being Im provement Unit No. 154, known as tht Union Street proleclj thai property found bene 1 1 ted and liable and assessed as aforesaid. Is the property that lies within the boundaries of ihe following description, to-wit: situated in Cily of Klamath Fails, Klamath County, Ore gon; Beginning at a point which I the N W. corner of Lot IS, Block 309, Dar row Addition; thenct East 64.4 feel to the N.E. corner of Lot 21, Block 309 Darrow Addition; (hence South 300 0 feel to tht S.E. corner of Lol I, Block 310, Darrow Addition; thence west 693.9 feet to tht S.W. corntr of Lot 14, Block 310, Darrow Addition; thence North 300.00 teet to the point of beginning, all In City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. The docket of City Liens has been made up at provided by section 268 of the Charter of aald City, and below will be found a list of tht names of the owners whose properly has been so assessed as aforesaid and against which liens have been docketed, as by said ordinance provided, together with Ihe description of tht property of each owner and tht total amount so as sessed against each specific property and the owner end holder thereol. Reference Is hereby made to such Hen docket for detail description of each lot, part of lot, block or parcel of acreage property so assessed. Further notice It hereby given tht respective owners of property so as sessed and hereinalttr listed that such assessment Is now due and payable, and will be delinquent from and alter the expiration of twenty days from tht date of Ihe first publication of this notice, which said first publication will be made on tht 25lh. day of Novem ber, 1961. The owners of property so assessed as aforesaid must either pay in cash or make and file wilh the City Record er of the said City on or before tht 17th. day of December, 1963, being twenty days from tht first publication of this notice, their respective applica tions to pay such assessments in ten equal Installments, providing they have not previously signed for same. The following Is tht description of the property, name of owner and amount of the lien; lo-wlt: All in tht City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Ore gon; All properly In Darrow Addition: Alice Htrshburger, Lot 15, Block 309, 1579.79) Harvoy H. & Helen Morgan, Lot 16, Block 309, t&79.79( George & Lena Chalnon, Lot 17, Block 309, 1)79.79; Svtn & Ria Swan son, Lot 18, Block 309, IS9.79; Lester V. & Mary E. Wells, Lot 19, Block 309, .579.79; Don Sttrkty, Lot 20, Block 309, $579.79; Don Starkty, Lot 21, Block 309, S579.79; Don S t a r k a y, Lot 22, Block 309, 1579.79; H. C. Boren, Lot 23, Block 309, J579.79; H. C. Boren, Lot 24, Block 309, 1579 79; Klamath Valley Lbr, Co., Lot 25. Block 309, Hit. 79; Klamath Valley Lbr. Co, Lol '26, Block 309, t5'9.9; Klnmnlh Valley Lbr. Co., Lot 27, Block 309, S579.79; Klamath Valley Lbr. Co., Lot 28, Block 309, 1579.79; Commerce Invest, Co. Lot 1, Block 310, 1510.21) Commerce Invest. Co. Lot 2, Block 310, 1579.79; Commerce Invest. Co. Lot 3, Block 310, 1579.79; Slatt of Oregon Lot 4, Block 310, $579.79; StAJe of Oregon Lot 5, Block 310, $579. hi Slate of Oregon Lot 6, Block 3ia $579.79; Stale of Oregon Lot 7, Block 310, $579.79; State of Oregon Lot I, Block 310, $579.79; Slatt of Oregon Lot 9, Block 310, 1579.79,- Stafa of Oregon Lol 10, Block 310, $579.79; Roland Harden, Lot 11, Block 310, $579.79; H. J. Fredrick!, Lol 12, Block 310, $579 79; Jerome & Ora Snowy, Lot 13, Block 310, 1579.79; Otat ft. Ruth Olson, Lot W, Block 310. $579 79. This notice Is published by order of the Common Council of tht City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, pursuant to tht Charter of said Cily. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 25th. day of November, 1963. Rosie Keller. Recorder, Citv of Klam ath Falls, Orcrjon No. 451 Nov. ?5. 36. 27, 21, 29, 1963. No 63-1(0 E SUMMuNS IN THE CIRCUIT C.OURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH METROPOLIAN LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. PAIRICK J. HANIf-fcN and VIVIAN L. HAN IF EN, husband and wile,- THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) THE OREGON PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONER; CARTER JONES COLLECTION AGENCY and NOR1 HWfciT ADJUS1 ME NT COM PANY, a corporation. Defendant. TO PAIRICK J HANtr-bN and VIVIAN L. HAN IF E N : In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You ft hereby required to eooear and answer the complaint lilM aqainst you m the above entitled court end tause on or before the expiration of lour weeks from date of the first pub lication ot this summons, to-wit' on or before the ;Mh day of December, l6J; If you tall so to appear and an swer plamMf, tor want thereol, will apply to the above enlitled Court lor the reliel prayed lor in its complaint. to v For a decree of loreclosure ol an right, title and interest of said de fendants in and to the following de scribed properly Lol Twelve Hi) in Slock Three (J) 0l FIRM AOimiON TO TON AT E HOMtS, according to the plat tnereol on tile m the records ol Klam ath County. Oregon, fid tor .mh ottier and lurther relief tne Court may deem meet and equitable. This summons Is published ty order of tne Honorapie Donald A YV. Piper. Jurtqe pf the alxive entitlnt Court, made and entered on the 18th day of November, directing publication ol thu uimmoju ooce fiith vsrk tor tour tuctfMive weeks In the Herald News, a newtttaper ol grneiai circula tion published in Klamath County, Ore gon Dale of Fint Publication November Id tM Da'e ol Lail Publication December n. mj MAUT. SOUTHrd. iPAULD tV.. MNSfcY & WILLIAM JON Atinrnri tur Plamt-tf S'U'VM'd Pll f'cvttavm 4, Oregon Na ttf, Nov Jl Dm i. i;. It, llftj City Briefs MH. AM) MILS. FRANK KIM'HKH. former rcMdonts of Klanuth Kills now hting in NWsMnctoji, SI)., are viMtuu Iri?nds her. jj ihiw refired. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereoy given tnaf tht un dersigned, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of tht County Court of Klamath County, Ore gon, dated on tht Dtn day of Novem ber, 1963. will on the 12tn day of De cember, 1963, AT THE HOUR OF TEN O'CLOCK in the forenoon of Mid day, at tht front door of tht County Court house In Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell tor cash tht real property hereinafter described, for the sum of not less than the amount stt out in each of tht separate parcels hereinafter at tended, lame being tht minimum price as set by tht said County Court. Tne said property is descrioed as tal lows, to-wit: Lots 2, 6, 7 and 11 In Block 39, But na Vista Addition to Klamath Falls; also vacated portion ol Oregon Avenue adjoining; Code I, Map 3314, Tai Lol i, $1000.00. Lots 3 and S in Block 2, Dixon Ad dition to Klamath Fails; Code 1, Map 3622, Tax Lot 5, $500.00, Lot 3 in Block 1 of First Addition to Klamath Falls; Codt 1, Map 3717, Tax Lol 3, $1040 00. Lots 1 through 10, inclusive. In Block 4 of Industrial Addition to Klam ath Fails; Coda 1, Map 3921, Tax Lot 45. $1500.00. Portion of Lot 2 In Section 5, Town ship 39 s., Range 9, E.W.M.; Coda 4, Map 4116, Tax Lot 2, $115 00. Lot 20 in Block 2 of Stewart Addi tion to Klamath Falls; Code 7, Map 4612, Tax Lot 26, $300.00. Lot 21 in Block 2 Of Stewart Addi tion to Klamath Falls; Code 7, Map 4612, Tax Lot 27, 1300 00. Lot IB In Block 4 of Stewart Addi tion to Klamath Falls; Code 7, Map 4617, Tax Lot 62, $300 00. W 5' of E 25' of Lot 10 in Block 6 of Lennox Addition to Klamath Falls; Code 7, Map 4612, Tax Lot 302-1, $25.00. rJE'-aSE'i, W'lSE'i of Section 12, Township 24 South, Range 7, E.W.M ; Code SI, Map 35, Tax Lot 1-4, $1600 00. .77 acre, being portion of tht NEU NE' in Section 1, Township 40 South, Range 8, E W.M., also described as Lots 11 and 12 in Block 3 of vacated South Midland, also S'.i vacated Wash ington St. adjoining, also N'i vacated alley adjoining; Code 52, Map 51, Tax Lot 6, 175.00. 6.06 acres In Section 24, Township 21 South, Range 9, E.W M ; Code 51, Map 72, Tax Lol 59, $1775 00 40 acres, being the SENWi of Section 1, Township 23 South, Ranqe 10, E.W.M.; Code 51, Map 91, Tax Lot 2, $600.00. 40 acres, being the SE'jNE'i of Section 36, Township 23 South, Ranqe 10, E.W.M.: Codt SI, Map 91, Tax Lot 49, 1600.00. 40 acres being tht NW'iNW'i of Section 16, Township 26 South, Ranqe 10, E.W.M.; Codt SI, Map 94, Tax Lot 7, $600.00. .28 acre being a portion of Lot 13 In Section 14, Township 36 South. Range 10, E.W.M.; Code 8, Map 104, Tax Lot 98, $50.00 .13 acrt being a portion of SEUSW'4 In Section 34, Township 36 South, Range 14, E.W.M.; Coda I, Map 150, Tax Lot 176, $25.00. Lot 4 In Block 3 of North Bly Addi tion to Bly, Oregon; Codt 8, Map 150, Tax Lot 241, $70.00. Lot 6 in Block 1 of Terwilliger Addi tion to Merrill, Oregon; Code 14, Map 901, Tax Lol 17, $1725 00. Portion of Tract 26 in Independence Tracts Addition to Klamath Falls; Code 41, Map 4530, Tax Lot 27, $25 00. BO acres being tht W'iNW'i In Sec tion 36, Township 38 South, Range li, E.W.M.; Coda 36, Map 125, Tax Lol 131, $600.00. All of said properly being In Klam ath County, Oregon. Done and dated this 12 day of No vember, 1963. J. AA. Brllton, Sheriff Klamath Counly, Oreqon No. 439, Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5. 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 1 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays (I a.m. to noon Saturday Count tlve words per line. Minimum c rier 2 lines. 3 6 10 T mes Times Times Month S2.50 J4.00 5 00 9.00 3 75 5.00 6 SO 11.50 4 00 6 00 H 00 14.00 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid in advance. Above rates are for consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered tor sale by private Indi vidualscash with copy. DEADLINE 4.30 p.m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS -On same schedule, exceof on Monday i these are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion of vour ad. The Herald & News will give one extra run tor typographical error. ' "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 column Inch, 535 per month with 12.50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. 'i Inch, S19 with SI. 50 discount tor payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change per month. , BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM S3. 50 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-8111 : LOST & FOUND -- 2 17 Gauge model 50 Winchester - near Tulelake, Nov. 23. Reward. 667-5133. LOST male Black Lab and Collie dog Vfll-n "HI l-t'P GENERAL NOTICES ' PERSONALS i ADAH, formerly of Adah's Br-auW Sa lon is now associated with Belle s Beautv SrM. 370 No 11th, where sn will welcome oid and new patrons, TU 4-Ji7. LICENSED home tor ajtd. special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-JI&5, KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonvmous. TU 4 JS1, TU 4-l'04, nelo at anytime. "PEOINNE RSalanon Helo'7a"mllles"oT TU 4-7179, Bos 105. Watkins Products TRANSPORTATION LEAVING tor P 1 Tee PhoitU. A' o,ievf! SERVICfS 10 LORNA S POLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakevew St 1U 43 14 yrs in the same location a iH best. Intfripr, .t, i(jr. prysn V pry. tt- sonabie prices, tree est. Tu 7 3'Ji DRESS msnq work guaranteed TU MEAT CUTTING EP"enced retired meat Cnter Ci'l and wran vour rnfat very rea file. TU 2-40. 1 N !" PAINTING, ing. generil paper mg roo' -g. rp r. JM4J CUSTOW BUTCHERING A vcv pict, deier to prMM'ng plant er leavt. Al Stoll. TU -):. jw - .... 10 TREE topping, trimming, removing. Roe Tree Service. TU 2-938T Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations tor men, wom en, children. Ail work guaranteed. Reasonabft Prices Gene' Aren't Wear 537 Main SEPTIC TANK CLEANING and INSTALLATION Licensed - Bonded Guaranteed C. W. CLIFFORD & SON TU 4-9841 3209 Hilyard Rose's Tailor Shop Complete Dressmaking Alterations Tailoring - Bel's - Button Holes Upholstering - SEWING LESSONS 356 DIVISION TU 2-6842 HOWARD CLEANERS Knits Drapes a Specialty 7 a.m. to 6 p m. Weekdays and Saturdays 935 Easl Mam TU 4-9B89 ONE HOUR "MARTINIZING" THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING DRIVE IN CLEANERS 2041 Rorirliffe at So. 6fh HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 WANTED lady t lady. Rent free -4-7344 before 8:30; cart for elderly n lovely home. TU alter 5:30. AVON Products and sales Information. Call TU 2-16B4. BABY5ITTER In home, plus some ironing, 5 day week, TU 2-6183 alter 6 p m, "lAOY "with c ar (or- light delivery, TU 2-7?'5, ak for Bob For. HELP WANTED. MALE 16; ELECTRICAL maintenance man to work in wood processing plant, locat ed In central Willamette Valley. Must have statt electrician's card. Reply Box 625C. Herald and News. BOYS! SS0L EARN Extra Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Htfrald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE 7U 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AH help wanted ads published in the Herald & News are accepted in good faith that the obs offered are as staled in the advertising copy. We are not re sonslble for the integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every elfort to dis cover and reect all misleading adver. tiling. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report it to the Classified Ad vertising Department of J he Herald & News SITUATIONS WANTED 18 WOMAN wants baby slttinq and tight housework. Prelnr 1 child. Will live in. TU J-5W4. Tfor d e f'e'nija bue'hTl DC A R E TU 2-1844 1328 C.irlson Dr. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY COLORED girl wants work, day or night, TU 2-452. IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver, fast service, tu 4-9434. ironingTo do "in my"home Mrs RmsIcy. TU 4-v36 ROOMS FOR RENT 22 COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean, com fortable, reasonable rates, 17 wk. up. Accommodations tor lunch packinq. Working man's rooms, lounge room with TV. 525, 539 Commercial. "GENTLEMEN clean-roomT-!20 p e V mo., 15J0 Crescent, TU 4-8442. MEN 134 N. 3rdS36 permonth, TU 4-60JJ, TU 4-9287. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks from Main, 55 & up, TU i-4259. CLEAN housekeeping room, down town, utilities. Jl 7 Pine, JTU7-1487. "STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 3'0 So. Mh. TU MT14. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 1 ROOMS furnished, utilities and wood furnished, adults, close to downtown, TU 4-3JM, Eves., TU 4-6J04. "CLEAN turnished 1 bedroom apt., V1 Main, 1U 2-H83, TU 2-6J3J. CLEAN bedroom apartment, close in. 3JJ So. tllh. 3 ROOM turnished, electric heat, fully insulated, automatic washer, dryer, dose in, TU I-U70. FURNISHED 3 room modem apt., ah electric, tub bath, 4724 Summers Lane. FURNISHED APTS., oft street park ing, TU 3-4734 weekdays after 5 p.m., anytime weeKenas. 2 BVDROOAfl'ntrnished" apt . 3254 AW tamont. TU 2-67U or TU 4-9906. TWO bedroom unfurnished detuve apt., newly redecorated, 160. TU 2-6500. 3 ROOM, private bath, couple pre ferred, no dogs.TU 2-68P6 . "svALL furnished apts , dose in. util ities paid, $37 30, 4J3 N. 10m. 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished apts . adults, 1 child acceptable, low winter rates, 1143 Pine. FOUR room turnished, close in, $40, adults only, TU 4-696 TWO bedroom furnished apt.. S-5. Also a 2 bedroom furnished apt., 165. Water, garbage paid. TU 4-567. "COMPLETELY furnished apt , all util ities. 1411 Main. HOUSE OF ROCKS MOTEL Rooms-Apts., daily, weekly rates. Reasonable. 2005 Behn. TU 2-9130 ROOSEVELT APTS. 2036 Lfov 1 o nr1roo"' Hot flter hi TU ?-W4 unturnisned Garage, it. Hot springs area. KINGFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnivhed and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, WmUv Motel Rolrj TU 2-5577 KLAMATH'S FINEST UNION MANOR 74 UNION 1 ft J bMrocm aoa't-r-en' f yried or u" 'v ,n "ed SPACIOUS ROOMS Wan o w't ca-pe' g S.ViVVtlNG POOL Met. oalfr, gar tg turni--ed DortMra Nomn T u 2 'f $367oS60 COMFORTABLE LiV'Nti-lOW COST 1 li C3iOm U'lit turn . pr vrnnhe-J Ptrme4l r" ' rK f n C'l'ded F(r p'0"i "f e M I am to pm Mon tnrovn n SHASTA VIEW r49 vt NTj 'Wt Aatburn way ' U APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 241 2 ROOM fi.rn.shed apt., bage, bachelor preferred, water, gar TU 4-4373. LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment, stove 8, refrigerator furnished. TU 2-1544. C ONSTR UCTJ O N WOR KE R S F urn shed. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9256. apt., no pets. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. Hth - TU 3-1062 CLEAN furnished apt. Mills, utilities pd-d, some hour work available to r.gnt person, prefer non-smoker, TU 4-6574 afternoons and weekends. TCean furnished apts. Ail utilities. houses for rent J 3 BEDROOM, Homedale between Shas ta and So. 6th, newly decorated, 2 car garage and workshop, TU 4-8701 . THREE room duplex, washing facili ties, adults, 2137 Eberlein. THREE bedroom, 2 bath, I i replace, builtin appliances, in south suburDs, 1110 per mo. TU 2-3177. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, Greensprings, TU 4-9251. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, near new OTI, TU 4-5735, TU 2-1590. THREE bedroom unfurnished home. Close In, call TU 4-4379. MILLS Addition 2 bedroom unlurn ished duplex, $40. Inquire 2441 Eberiem. SMALL 1 bedroom partly lurnished, suitable couple, 9 ml. S.E. cily, TJ 2-097S. UNFURNISHED, new, 3 bedrooms, ap pliances, double, l'i baths, 4115, 1649 Siskiyou, inquire 111 Pine, TU 4-5885. FURNISHED, large 3 bedroom home. Call TU 4-9254 anytime. 3105 TWO bedroom unfurnished. Mills dition, 150, inquire 1339 E. Main. FOR rent or sale nice 2 bedroom home on 3 acres near Air Base. Nice yard, out buildings. S65. TU 2-5088 be fore 10:30 a.m. or after 3 p.m. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, TU 4-3061 evenings. S50, UNFURNISHED small 2 bedroom, B60 California, WO, TU 2-2410. CLEAN 2 bedroom South Suburbs 5420 Delaware, TU 2-4566. CLEAN, unfurnished 2 bedroom. Fire place, SI. Francis Park. Maximum 2 children, S85, TU 2-0091. ONE bedroom furnished, shower, 62! 1 1 Lowell, US, TU 4-6632. CLEAN Hi bedroom unfurnished, full basement, qarage, near KUHS. 1646 Portland, 50, TU 2-6590. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex apt., California Ave. 169.50, TU 4-9264. LOVELY 2 bedroom duplex, electric heat, unfurnished except range, ga rage, S75. TU 2-1396 evenings. FURNISHED 1 bedroom home. S45. Inquire 111 Pine. 5 ROOM clean, wired for automatic, double garage, walking distance to town, TU 4-4376. TWO bedroom duplex furnished. Inquire 231 4-47B6. furnished. Broad, 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, fenced yard, garage, So. 6th area, TU 2-0212. CLEAN suburban 2 bedroom, fenced back yard, references, S77.50, 2648 Al tamont, TU 4-8865 TWO bedroom unfurnished, electric heat, Altamont Dr., TU 2-5119. LARGE unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex. Milts Addn. Electric heat, $85, no pets. Inquire 2338 Reclamation, TU 4-5561 after S p.m. or weekends. 3 BEDROOM, clean, unfurnished, ga raqe, yard, water paid, 2 mi. north town, children and pels o.k. (65, 744 Spruce. TU 2-6590. CLEAN 2 bedroom, unfurnished, S55, 1609 Johnson, TU 4-9098. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north of town, Children, pets o.k. Water paid. S55. 70? Spruce, TU 2-6590. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE - Street level, across from courthouse, vacant soon, TU 2-6500. OFFICE space, 1400 sq. ft. Parking Tor 7 cars. 3rd & Pine, available March, 1964. TU 4-6033. REAL ESTATE WANTED .... 28 O WANTED Listings on city or suburbon prop erties. We have cash buyers. If ;your property hos been hard to bcM don't worry about it. Perhapi your property can be profitably ex-hanged for you. For details see: STILES REALTY Member Intern'l Traders Club 4831 So. 6th St. TU 2-4740 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE . WILL trade nice I7S00 mobile home tor property of near equal value. TU 4-8S51. 21 CITY view lots. Hot water well. Trade for equity, TU 4-9754. "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For information on tax FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash '"I? va'n St TU -4,'' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 SELL or rent 3 bedroom, Vi baths, fireplace, 47S9 Onyx Dr. 3 BEDROOM modern home7FHA ap praised, 4607 Onyx, TU 4-S441. 4 BEDROOM, fireplace, laroe rooms, 1 acre, 2004 Ogden, TU 4-5298, TU 2-6058 4' i ACRES. 3 bedroom house, north side. SI, 700 down, TU 2-0480. 3 BEDROOM So. Suburban, or-lease" option, write Box 165, Ashland. FOR sa'e by owner, Moyina Heights" 3 bedroom, 3 yrs. old, wall to wall carpeting in living room & 3 bed rooms, can buy tor ),0O0 down. ovn. er will carry balance. 6331 Sage Way TU 4-7473. FHA aporaised attractive 2 bedroom suburban. Fireolace. garage, large lawn, fenced, shrutis and trees, on school bus run. Buy equity or refinance, 510.200. TU 2-478. 1738 Arthur. LOT lor on SI, sale, eo It (.outage on Pattef ruieiake. HOT SPRINGS. 3 bedroom. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, faintly room, TU 4-aiJO. NEW large vie home, basement, Close new OTI & hmoital. TU 2-05 70. CLOSE in 2 or 3 bedroom, fireplace, fenced Vard, i 750, TU 2-5IJJ. MOVING? We will "TRADE vour property a"V "t' west ot the Rockies! CaH DEANE SACHER ReaHor Member International Traders C!ut L -censed - O'e Ca' Ida Wasn New Homes Now Available In Casa Manana Povcd Streets Concrete Curbs Natural Gas Close to Shasta School For Particulars, Call DURANT Ne.t o h...'i,t (l?l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 31 3 BEDROOM, full txstment, fenced back yard. frut trees, 2 blocks to scnooi. excellent neighborhood. $8,500. TU 2-33H after 6 pm. year old 3 bedroom, l'i bath, piace, hardwood floors, Henley tnct, 7747 Sxylina Drive. firt-DiS- HOT Springs, good older home- $1,000 equity, w terms TU 2-5691. STROUT REALTY 5429 So. 6th For excellent opportunities in HOMES. FARMS, BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone or See Bob ond Stella Dehlinger, Rep. TU 4-5281; Eves. TU 2-5601 Honk Holmon, Slsmn. TU 2-5048 NO CASH DOWN! 3 BEDROOM HOMES onloytour... $8900 (Choice Lots AvoMable) Three bedroom homes. Lame living room, dining area. Large bedrooms and closets. Nice kitchen with lovelv cabinet j. Tile bath and shower. All this and fully Insulated tool ) Work Out Closing Cost a Easy Financing Payments Like Rent MODEL HOME 4 Bedroom In Bel Air Gardens . . . THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE - SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-0436 - 1U 4-5244 Multiple Listing' Service MLS DUPLEX Neat landscaped one bedroom duplex with fireplace and garage tor each unit. Only i 3.500. NORTHSIDE Three bedrooms, recreation room. Two baths, two fireplaces. Lots of home for 115, SOO. 2 BEDROOM (Standard) Nice location. Gas heat. Attached ga rage. $fl,750. 3 BEDROOM (Deluxe) on 105 x 105 lot. Two baths. 14 x 28 ft. recreation room. Rainbow rock en trance and fireplace. 12 100 down, total price $21,000. TRADES - TRADES We have several homes on which peo ple will take a smaller home in trade. If YOU want that better home - try us now ! I PEYTON Member International Traders Club B3S Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 "Pal" Palone TU 2-08J6 Al House TU 2-708B SAY "Happy Holidays" to the Family with this charming new home. Large living room with dining area. Brick fireplace, two baths, hardwood floors, built in oven and range. Attached ga rage and concrete patio. Excellent view. Only $15,500, take any loan. L-o. JCHROEDER 4J4 MAIN TU 4-M54 TU 2-0168 SFT Presents Sacrifice Sale!!! Good 3 bedroom home located 204 Geltle St. This was a good buy when we advertised it at $11,500. Price has now been reduced SlOOO and that makes it a steal. Land size 75 x 140. Detached garage. Has fireplace and hardwood floors. Drive by first if you like and then contact us to see Inside. Remember the price Is now only S10, 500. Other Listings We have many choice listings in all price ranges. Please call us if you are looking for a home. We may have lust what you want. F R TUCKER o Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 29'Hank Honsen TU 2-3101 eves Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 tves MLS Multiple Listing Service HOT SPRINGS SPECIAL 2-BED-ROOM HOME in superior location. Im maculate condition, fireplace, beautiful carpeting. Parlial basement, oil piped heat tU.UOO; EASY FHA OR Gl LOAN TERMS. CITY INCOME 3 FURNISHED HOUSES- at Close-in Mills Addn. lo cation. Oarage tor each unit. I' 55 monthly income at just $1 0.750. IN VEST WISELY! SHASTA WAY AREA MOVE TO DAY INTO THIS ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM HOME AT 1541 DERBY ST., with 'i acre rich. Irrigated ground. S8.750; loan available, or con tract terms. 1-BEDROOM SPECIAL! f Well - built, very neat. PLUS EASY WALKING DISTANCE TO TOWN. At S4.50O is IDEAL INCOME. RETIREMENT. OR STARTER HOME. 307 N. ELDORADO AVE. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. h Phone TU -7771 Sales Personnel: AM Moorman Ph. TU 2-1731 Eve. Bll Chilcote Ph TU 4-3311 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Boo Chilcote, Broker Multiple Listing Service MLS FOR THANKSLIVING 3 betfroc-rij w-m ti'oice. 'enced va'd. rUit t'ees. south suburban a. cice to shopoing Priced be low apprai sal for quick sale. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE ME VRfcR INTERNATIONAL HADE5S CLL-B NEW LOCATION; 1213 VA'N TU 2-6351 ANYTIME Oevk.rg N.t Tu K ama" Snoo Evfn-ntjs M(y-.t't TU J. (S M K3-ed mi. iu 4-iri JO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CONVENIENT Itrml. nt O'Strict, moatrn 2 unroot. circulrtn tirwlct .no Kt, TO 4-ml. BELOW APPRAISAL Nrw 3 bedroom home In restricted res idential district. Best of construction. Htvr,l gas hot air haat. hardwood floors, IW baths, fireplace, patio, birch kitchen, tots of storage. tis-WO. tO 2-2410. Cal-Ore Ranches 200 FARM, RANCH sites in ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass, Medford, Eiflii Point. 5 to 160 acre tracts low as 1150 DOWN I $35 MONTHLY. Write tor FREE FARM and RANCH CATALOG Including pho tos, descriptions, maps. CAL -ORE RANCHES. 143-C East Main, MED FORD. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!! DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-56SI DeyS-Eves. JAMES F. Stilwell & Co. WISHES YOU A PLEASANT THANKSGIVING MILLS ADDITION Three bedrooms. Pi baths, family room. Wall to wall carpeting, gas lorced air heat, knotty pine cabinets and paneling, corner fireplace, patio. Ail this comfortable living on corner lol for only $16,000 Will carry any type financing. McATEE REALTORS Evelyn McAfee Harold Hollis TU 2-5935 TU 2-6815 Multiple Listing Service MLS Lots of Everything Have excellent selection of homes, mo tels, income property, building lots. etc. All the way from S3.975 to S33.0OO. But all we really want is for every one to have a wonderful but sale Thanksgiving Day and weekend from the Bruce Owens Office and Staff. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 134 No. 7th Lois Macy Lucille Anderson TU 4-317 TU 2-5647 TU 2-05IB FOUR bedrooms, Wiard Street. Full double garage with a 9 x 42 shop space. i acre fully fenced wilh neat board fence. Lawn, trees, small pasture. Liv ing room 20' i x 20' i ft., bedrooms range from 10 x 13 ft. to 14 x 15 ft., dining and kitchen area 11V x 26'i ft., fruit storage room, utility room. All rooms but ona bedroom fully furnished. Everything you need for a large fam ily to live comfortably. Owner trans ferred out of town, priced to move at once. Full price SI 2, 750 includes furni ture. Call us now to see this one. IF you are looking tor a fine three bedroom trailer home on large fully fenced and landscaped lot be sure to see this one. Additional storage shed. Fully insulated wails. Close to stores and other businesses. The very best of buys at S6.300. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donshue Evei. TU 4 9693 MLS Multiple Listing Service 1,350 SO- FEET AM for only $12,500, large living room with fireplace, 3 bedroom or 2 bed rooms with family room. Big lot, good location, wonderful opportunity. YALTA GARDENS 3 bedroom home, fireplace, excellent lot. landscaped. Double detached ga rage and workshop. Immediate posses sion. $19,000, terms. EXQUISITE Brand new 3 bedroom with family room, 2 fireplaces, Thermooane tyoe windows, ot'tstandinq kitchen with range, oven, fan, garbage disposal, dish washer ev-y'hing ihe women desire. See it nw. AT THIS THANKSGIVING SEASON. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO LOOK TO HIS CREATOR, AND BE SINCERELY THANKFUL. "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTORS 3927 So. 6th TU 4-5151 Sam: Peggy Peecjler TU "Ven" VenSickle TU 2-0123 HOT WATER WELL THREE BEOROOMS Plus family room or 4th bedroom, FIREPLACE, separate dining room, FULL BASEMENT, Sprin kler system. Let us show you tr-e MANY FINE features Of this Charm ing home. SUBURBAN NEW a'nd lovely, three large bedrooms, large living room, separate dmmg, ALL CARPETED; beautiful kitchen, built in range, disposal, small bar; two baths, douote garage. WALKER REALTY 402 Main Stevens Hotel Office TU 2-4154 day or evening 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 MAJOR oil co service stations foi lene. Etcenent business opportunity Pa'd Cea-er training prpqram Pur tae reasonable inventory only. In fo'metion, ph TU 4-7IJ3, I a.m. to 4 p.m. FOR sa'e my stock m cae. tae over management. TU 2-407 after t p.m. eOR lease. Aias. ne modern cut. ra'e service s'e''On at mam lunction. Two bavs Very high oiionage. Can. tjet Fran Bo'f?e. P 0. Bo 4U. Coos Bv. Ph. NOTICE TO PUBLIC P'eee investigate torvgMy ey in. vestment c morev in merchandise, va'iem enffronies or bus-ness ocpot' lunges before inventing vour cap.tei The Hera's and Ns mates tvt'V etar to retect ait feudu't c m'S tM'ri advertising, however, w re "Ot rfronS'b'e 0' tte integrity O te tirmj x tndiv "due's wtio P'act ert'S"j it ovf ovtiiceOrv Any vert.ung ot busnts oooo'untes parmq o be fra'dvln! o1 mislead ing s-ou:d be reported to th Cm ed AaverM "g Oeoe'tment of the we'e'd end Nev lUSINIKOWORTUNrntS 32 This Week's Special Tavern!! Klamath County - Wn located and price includes land, buiia-ng, futures and stock. Traoa your home, equity in home or etntr property at down pay- ment. Living quarters in rear a build ing. Priced at only lt.000. Tucker Real Estate 7-trj Sq ftth Pno-e TU 2 T?i' FINANCIAL LOANS 34 BARGAIN! Discount caper, I.i00. Discount $1,500. Excellent security on income eroperty sold tor 130.000. Also otner discount pepers tor sle. Write owner cere Hereld end News Box tiiC. LITTLE ONES driving you CRAZY? Pay alt your little bills ... pay them no iv I Don't let your Christmas be a WOW followed by WOE1 Get your bat tered budget squared away with a quick, convenient, confidential cash loan. Do It today! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Privote Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 34 Year Motor Investment Co. 513 So 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 LARGE electric renge. good condi tion. $75, TU 4-3061 evenings. G.E. range, $45. family silt- TU 4-6442 or see at 220 Cook. FL0OR-rr.odels and used machines, good buys. See at Sewing Machine Cen ter, 1414 . Main. SEE beautiful Olson reversible rugs In your home. TU 4-4732. WILL sacrifice for $250. You take over payments on furniture. T.Sgt. Kenne dy, TU 2-4411, ext. 421. 1963 MODEL automatic sewing ma chine. Monograms, button holes, scal lops. Does all types of fancy designs. Assume small monlhly payments on balance of $64.90. Will discount for cash, TU 2-3810. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call Tarkel Tweet - TU 4-7167 GUARANTEED USED FREEZERS REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS RANGES Cascade Home Turn. 412 Main TU 4-6365 SPECIAL COMBINATION WASHER I 180 DRYER Unconditional Guarantee KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHERS 2 to choose from QR Guaranteed KENMORE vVcsher-Dryer Pair $125 McGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE 2508 Altomont Dr. TU 2-4893 BIG! BIG! BIG! AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. Sixth A TREMENDOUS QUANTITY OF QUALITY FURNITURE, EXCELLENT APPLIANCES, AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Preview All Doy Friday If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much! John C. Arnptinrjer. Owner FUEL - HEATING 38 KNIGHT Sheet Metal Quaker floor fur naces and heaters. Heil oil and gas furnaces. TU 1-6iU. 2321 Wiard. RED tir bodv wood, 115 a corcfdeliv" ered, TU 4-4475 FOR sale, Lodge Pole pint place. TU 2-2769, TU 2-4326. FUEL oils delivered 7 days a week. Di rect from relinery. Jay Hawk Petrole um, TU 4-21U or TU 4-478S. DRY pine blocks, u-haul, S4 cord. Metier Bros., 3121 Crosby, TU 4-514. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Heating Oil Metered Propane Sales S 4 H Qreen Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 2-7201 and TU 2-2M Western Oil & Burner Co. Quality healing oils, budget payments. Oil burning equipment. TU 4-3173 1&4S South 6th. WESCbTORNACES GUARANTEED 10 YE$ RING SHEET METAL 3104' i io. elh TU 4-513 COOL"DAYS AHEAD!!- See U Far PINE BLOCKS BODY WOOD COAL STANDARD HEATING OILS ASHLEY SPARKS HEATERS Frankford Fuel Co. W GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS N. Biehn St. TU 2-4444 HAFTER FURNITURE CLOSE OUT SALE Of NEW SIEGLER OIL AND GAS HEATERS SAVE $100 CORNER 9TH & KLAMATH