Dallas Principal Denies Minister's Charge That 4th Graders Cheered DALLAS i LTD - An elemen taiy si'hool principal Wednesday denied nalionally televised 'CBS i charges by a local mini ster who said fourth graders "cheered" when Ihey heard President Kennedy was assas sinated. H. G. Williams said there was no announcement about the shooting or death of the Presi dent In the youngsters. He said an announcement was read over a public address sys tem instructing the students to go home immediately, but not telling them why. Williams said (lie children may have cheered at the an nouncement to go home, like normal youngsters would. Classes were dismissed be cause of the assassination. Police todav guarded the home of the Rev. William A. Holmes, the pastor who made the accusation. He and his wife went to an undisclosed place after threatening telephone calls were received. A fourth grade teacher who said she understood University Park Elementary School was the one Rev. Holmes had in mind, denied children there cheered at the President's HERALD AND XKWS, Klamath Kails. Oregon Thursday, November 28, 1963 PAGE 3C death. "I am chairman of fourth grades at the school," Mrs. Genevieve Cleveland said. "And we had no such thing in any of the classes." "I was shocked and grieved to hear such a statement," she sail "It is a grave injustice." The minister was not imme diately available for comment. Mrs. Cleveland said the chil dren were not told of the Presi dent's death but some heard about it in the corridors and asked her if it were true. "1 told them it was but the reason we had not told them was that we wanted the news ti. come from their parents," Mrs. Cleveland said. "They were sober then and, I felt, even more serious when they came back alter the weekend." Rev. Holmes said the demon stration by the children w as one of three reasons why Dallas should accept the blame for President Kennedy's assassina tion. He said the other two were the attack and abuse of United Nations Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson last month by pickets and the jeering and shoving of Lyndon R. Johnson and his wile, Lady Bird, in h downtown Dallas hotel several ears auo. DECORATE YOUR HOME FOR CHRISTMAS INSIDE OR OUT WITH BECO ILLUMINATED DECORATIONS Large Size NATIVITY GROUP Reg. 29.75 2,, Large Stable 7.88 ALSO IN STOCK IN SMALLER SIZES 14.98 and 6.88 POST REG. 6.49 29 5 THIS IS ONLY rrffil, A SAMPLE OF THE MANY ITEMS IN STOCK FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATING una Two Sizes of SANTA CLAUS r in oe IB 7.29 Reg. 4.98 3.95 K'BlL-. h i!W -r. zzzsrf - 'MU I AK llh IISYV 'SSA 'KajrW PLUS 70 MORE NOW BEING UNPACKED! MORE XC; IjEaaeb faEft ARRIVING EVERY DAY! WE NOW HAVE ONE I WroM(Sbtfe OF THE FINEST SELECTIONS OF TOYS IN Jz MA. i P JIG SAW PUZZLES HPTLII rUTki Ft&'k-.f Aa V: fi"i FS Faniouj Whitman- Gold Sl erte. STAR 0$ v Va Tho bcst kind ,or mailin9 '",. J Cnntfl J .-J 1$' packages. 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A wonderful companion gift to go along with the basketball Reg. 1.75. sgj$r NEW TEEN RAGE Novelty decorating gifts for car or home. Such characters as Pink Fink, I Wuv You, Hot Lips and others. Your choice HOLIDAY COOKIE CUTTERS Mirror brand cookie cutters in all the figures you can im agine for the kid's holiday cookie eating. 37c Plg 1 49 DAISY B-B GUN Low priced repeating rifle that sells regularly for 6.98. Our price 6 29 GIFT WRAP Whitmans big 6-roll pack. Pre marked to sell for 1.98. Our low price on special this weekend m tfi I ms&m v.. GIFT PILLOW CASES All boxed and ready to give. Just tie on a ribbon and stick under the tree. 98 GIFT TOWEL SET Pretty new colors and pattern combina- t tions all ready to give. Low priced, too Chock the quality. 98 83 PIKG PONG SETS Fun for up to 4 players with this complete set. Paddles, net and balls. Reg. 6.85. C88 p LUGGAGE All our beautiful Sky Queen luggage is now on sale. Look at the low discount price and get another 20 OFF NOW WESTERN THRIFT, INC. OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. 398 A w m w 1 At 988 M Mi BED COMFORTERS Wonderful to give wonder ful to have. Warm and light. Floral design on beautiful filled comforters. GIRLS1 3-6x ROBES Cute robes with blue or pink rosebud design. Has matching curler bag. Complete set just MUNTZ-W LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST QUALITY o 23 tv o STEREO RADIO COMBINATION If ' ll-':,',! I ' I I ik i r With your old set in trade re gardless of age, size or condition. Beautiful blond oak cabinet. This 23" TV-Stereo-Radio-Phonogroph com bination is quality from start to finish. All-new tuper-powered, hand-wired chassis. New jam-proof oil-speed changer plays all sizes of records and all speeds. Has turnover jeweled cartridge. Shuts off automatically when last record is played. Powerful AM radio brings in all the stations. For Mom's Christmas Lady Gibson Elec. Range Here's the range that can make Mom's work in the kitchen easier than ever for years ta come. The range with the built-in look with 2 big ovens - one high at eye level . . . the other giant oven right at your fingertips. 4 big surface units with all controls high and away from the children. It's the most ad vance ranqe of the year and very specially priced at $299.95 with your old range. 2QQ95 and your old range TOPS FOR CHRISTMAS LOW PRICED, TOO! A 4 ,..VA" k. 'v i I. T. . I STAINllsJ STEEL TEjffi Smooth fluid drive Automatic lint ond w jy ,e''mn, ran,ova' Yes, indeed, you're in luck! Because here is a NEW LOW PRICE for a 12-lb. stainless steel tub Speed Queen automatic washer. Advanced factory engineering made this money-saving combination of top quality and low price possible. It's quality-plus. MODEL A37AF 88 ,0 WITH TRADE FAMED FOR DEPENDABILITY 1 i:r1 all r - ium MODEL 112 mill with trade Hi-Low-Off heat control. Fait drying. Drum stops when door is opened. Magnetic door catches. Exclusive In-A-Door lint trap. Hinged top for quick access to controls. Ideal companion to the wash er above. Get this Free $24.95 value, 16-pc. "Queen Marie" sheet, pillow cases, towel set when you buy a new Speed Queen Dryer! Set is beautifully gift wrapped! A Cal-Ore League Bonus Gift! COME IN TOMORROW SflDGDlflfeF MS Town & Country Shopping Center