Here !s The Complete Text Of President Johnson's Talk To Joint Session Of Congress uMcuivrnviv .iri. a-u. j t : . . i. . ....... . . . . WASHINGTON' a'Pl' - The text of President Johnson's ad dress before a joint session of Congress. Mr. Speaker, Mr, President, members of the House and Sen ale, my fellow Americans: All I have I would have piven pladly nrt to be standing here today. The greatest leader of our time has been struck down by the foulest deed of our time. Today John Fitjserald Kennedy lives on in the immortal words and works lie left behind. He lives on in the mind and memo ries of mankind. He lives on in the hearts of his countrymen. No words are sad enough to express our sense of kiss. No words are strong enough to ex press our determination to con tinue the forward thrust of America that lie began. The dream of conquering the vauiess of space the dream of partnership across the Atlan ticand across the Pacific as well the dream of a Peace Corps in less developed lands live dream of education for our youth the dream of jobs for all who seek them the dream of care for our elderly tile dream of an all-out attack on mental illness and above all, the dream of equal rights for all Americans, whatever race or color these and other American dreams have been vi talized by his drive and dedi cation. Now the ideas and ideals which he so nobly represented must and will he translated into effective action. I'nder John Kennedy's leader ship, this nation has demon strated that it has the courage ULTRA-SMART PORTABLE STEREO r The PORTABLE MARK I Model 3VC8 RCA VICTOR DELUXE PORTABLE TOTAL SOUND STEREO Complete with Mike for "Sing-Along" or Public Address 159 95 RCA Victor's finest Portoblt Srereol Delux Studiomotie 4-spetd Record Changer Floats Down for Easy Access. Swing. out Detochobfe Woofers and Two 3'i Speaker Units ' Tweeters. Include Two 6H" Ploys All Sizes True-Track of Stereo and Monophonic Records. Tone Arm is Precision-balanced. OTHER PORTABLES with swing. out detachable speakers ot '89,5s.09 95 Visit Our New STEREO CENTER and see the new RCA VICTOR New Vista u;L c:ji:i.. Ci nun iiueiuy jicicu -.,..., a Beautiful Master-Crofted Cabinetry! Unparalleled Sound! IK Vern Owens' Cascade Home Furnishings 412 Main Ph. TU 4-8365 to seek peace, and the fortitude to rk ar. We have proved that we are a good and reliable friend to those who seek peace and freedom. We have shown that we can also be a formida ble foe to those who reject the path of peace and who seek to impose upon us or our allies the yoke of tyranny. This nation will keep its com mitments from South Viet Nam to West Berlin. We will be un ceasing in the search for peace: resourceful in our pursuit of areas of agreement even with those with whom we differ; and generous and loyal to those w ho join with us in common cause. In this age where there can be no losers in peace and no victors in war we must recog nize the.obligation to match na tional strength with national restraint e must be prepared have differences; but now, as in the past, we can derive from those differences strength, not weakness; wisdom, not despair. Both as a people and as a gov ernment can unite upon a pro gram which is wise, just and constructive. For 32 years, Capitol Hill has been my home. 1 have shared many moments of pride with you pride in the ability of the Congress of the United States to act; to meet any crisis; to distill from our differences strong programs of national ac tion. An assassin's bullet has thrust upon me the awesome burden of the presidency. I am here today to say that I need your help; I cannot bear this burden alone. I need the help of all Americans. This nation has experienced a profound from this nation every trace of discrimination and oppression based upon race or color. There could be no greater source of strength to this nation both at home and abroad. And second, no act of ours could more fittingly continue the work of President Kennedy than the earliest passage of tile tax bill for which lie fought a bill designed to increase our na tional income, our federal rev enues, and our insurance against recession. That bill, i( passed without delay, means more security for those now working and more jobs f o r those now without them. In short, this is no time for delay. It is a time for action strong, forward-looking action on the pending education bills to help bring the light of learn ing to every home and hamlet v4 J 4 V i J , VJL POLICY SPEECH President Joh nson addresses joint session of Congress Wednes day. Behind him are Rep. John W. McCormack I left I, Speaker of the House, and UPI Telephoto Sen. Carl Hayden, president pro tempore of the Senate. at c ; ur.d 'he same time for both the confrontation of power and the limitation of power w e must be ready to defend the national interest and to nego tiate the common inerest. This is the path that we shall con inue to pursue. Those who test our courage will find it strong and those who seek our friend ship will find H honorable. We will demonstrate anew that the strong can be just in the use of strength and the just can be strong in the defense of justice. We will carry on the fight against poverty and misery, ig norance and disease in oilier lands and in our own. We will serve all of the na tion, not one section or one sec tor, or one group, but all Americans. These are the Unit ed States a united people with unity of purpose. Our American unity does not depend upen unanimity. We 1st Hour Parking When You Leave Your Car Here to Have it Washed! Park here while shopping downtown! Hove your cor woshed -onlv $1.75. Your cor will be sparkling clean when you're ready to drive it home. Also ask obout our other waxing, finishing! car care KEEP YOUR CAR WASHED FREE! SAVE YOUR AMERICAN GAS RECEIPTS! We give you a credit of 5c per gallon towards a free car wash! FILL UP WITH AMERICAN GAS! PARKING 5 C Per Half Hour 50 C Per Day Low Monthly Terms, Too! GREEN STAMPS shock and in this critical mo ment it is our duty yours and mine as the government of the United States to do away with uncertainly and lo show that we arc capable of decisive action that from the brutal loss of our leader we w ill derive not weak ness but strength that we can and will act and act now. From the chamber of repre sentative government let all the world know, and none misun derstand, that 1 rededicatc this government to the unswerving support of the United Nations to the honorable and deter mined execution of our commit ments to our allies to the maintenance of military strength second to none to the defense of the strength and sta bility of the dollar to the ex pansion of our foreign trade to the re-enforcement of our programs of mutual assistance and cooperation in Asia and Af ricaarid to our Alliance- for Progress in this hemispliere. On the 20th of January, in 1961, John F. Kennedy told his countrymen that our national work would not be finished "ui the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this administra tion, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But he said let us begin." Today in this moment of new resolve, I would say to my fel low Americans, let us continue. This is our challenge not to hesitate, not to pause, not to turn about and linger over this evil moment but to continue on our course so that we may ful fill the destiny history has set for us. Our most immediate tasks are here on this hill. First, no memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest pos sible passage of the Civil Rights Bill for which he fought. We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for 100 years or more. Yes, it is lime now to write the next chapter and to write it in books of law. I urge you again, as I did in 1937, and again in I960, to enact a civil right law so that we can move forward to eliminate mm coon? m America strong, forward looking action on youth em ployment opportunities, strong forward-looking action on tlie ponding foreign aid bill, making clear that we arc not forfeiting our responsibilities to this hemi sphere or to the world, nor erasing executive flexibility in the conduct of foreign affairs and strong, forward-looking ac tion on tlie remaining appropri ation bills. In this new spirit of actios tlie Congress can expect the full cooperation and support of the executive branch. And in particular I pledge that the ex penditures of Uie government will be administered with tlie utmost thrift and frugality. I will insist that the government get a dollar's value for a dollar spent. The government will set an example of prudence and economy. This does not mean we will not meet our unfilled needs or that we will not honor our commitments. We will do both. As one who has long served in both Houses of the Congress. I firmly believe in the inde pendence and integrity of the legislative branch. I promise you that I shall always respect this. It is deep in the marrow of my bones. With equal firm ness, I believe in the capacity and tlie ability of (lie Congress, despite the divisions of opinion which characterize our nation, lo act to act wisely, vigorously and speedily when the need arises. The need is here. Tlie need is now. I ask your help. I know we meet m grief; but let us also meet in renewed dedication and renewed vigor. Let us meet in action, in tol erance and mutual understand ing. John Kennedy's death com mands what his life conveyed tliat America must move for ward. Tlie time has come for Americans of all races and creeds and political beliefs to understand and respect one an otlior. Let us put an end to the teaching and preaching of hate CALLS OFF SEARCH KEY WEST, Fla. (UPli-The search for tlie pilot of a U2 reconnaissance plane w h ich crashed in tlie Gulf of Mexico, apparently after a flight over Cuba, was called off Wednes day. No trace was found of the pilot, Capt. Joe C. Hyde Jr., 33. of La Grange, Ga. Divers found tlie wreckage of Die high-altitude plane but no sign of Hyde. Ideal Location DOWNTOWN Buiinets er Office Inquire GUN STORE and evil and violence. Let us turn away from the fanatics of tlie far left and the far right, from the apostles of bitterness and bigotry, from those defiant of law, and those who pour venom into our nation's bloodstream. Sympathy Wire Sent Gust Vourchis of Klamath Falls, who has WTiUen to and received answers from many heads of government throughout the work), sent a telegram of sympathy to Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy following the death of President Kennedy. He is also concerned because he did not send a small piece of Christ's cross to the presi dent as he did to Ex-President Dwight Eisenhower before his trip to Geneva in July, 1933. The small piece of wood had been handed down for genera tions in Vourchis' family in Greece. According to tradition the wood has the faculty to pro tect tlie wearer against acci dents and wounds. I profoundly hope that the tragedy and torment of these terrible days will bind us to gether in new fellowship, mak ing us one people in our sorrow. Let us here highly resolve that John Fitzgerald Kennedy did not live or die in vain. And on tins Thanksgiving Eve, as we gatlier togctlier to ask the Lord's blessing, let us unite in those familiar and cherished words: "America, America, God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good With brotherhood From sea to shining sea." HKKALD AM) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Thursday, November M. 1963 PAGE 7B "" oTtTt iiiiiiii'iiii 5"t iihk fa a s unii t 'ntVTrtrvvn-iviri b o a a t 7W (2 FUR FOR CHRISTMAS 171 Open evenings, except Saturday, Until Christmas Fur is fun to give to a woman you love! And the pleasure will cost you less than you think. Because we have so many dif ferent kinds of Christmas furs to show you! Full-length mink? We have it We also have big change fashions at small change prices: fur boas for the neckline or for drama, chic fur jackets that stop short at the waist, little furstoles that drape a thousand ways. Please see them all before Christmas! Mearora I Matter l-urners IN THE MEDFORD SHOPPING CENTER : lllllltllll)lllilllltll1mlHHIIllDO.DHIIIHIIHIIHIHHII PHONE DESK CAR WASH J 7th & Pine Ph. TU 2-2422 One of the world's great Christmas stories is retold in illustrated story strip form in this nswspaptr. READ IT IN Storting MONDAY TWLW GOSSIP Hffl IDEAL FOR: OFFICES RECEPTION ROOMS MOTELS HOTELS PATIO asja LIVING ROOM . TV ROOM . RUMPUS ROOM; PATIO''. SUMMER COTTAGES T-W .",..- sfc K ADAIR'S f' ' ,fcr CL RELAXING f X 1 I ,t COMFORT WITH WEEKLY SPECIAL I ' I' 'I A POLYFOAM f JitLIAL )'; I COVERED WITH fl f A A ' ' f ( 1 ' WORRY-FREE f XX JX Ka3 hU ' 7 -'J i WIPE-CLEAN I III UU 1 'i y$ I t I r washable 1 (j L ir r ' d r 1 r 1 'i i vinyl 'v 1 LT 1 IU Each chair back 15'x 19- . I ; '...-1, ' f '. -'y ' '1 C Mfifl S.i Each chair seat 18'x 19" ' I i!, ; ;tl v,j . . II " 33 HIGH 11' ' J t-M'i-- ':..;, ,.:; ; M -M , OVERALL LENGTH -JT .1 ,;' ' ' -: ' nmm fijfl Srlii l fal 'J$d J y '" BUILT FOR ABUSE... ft rtEffiffiT 1 11 1 rni DESIGNED FOR VERSATILITY... w.n,,u t, I jrw rr n . i- . n..ii. ai mm 111 fmuk "T j , I m 9gvhirwh.l III FURNITURE APPLIANCES 2200 So. 6th TU 4-7510 Im tt thmt hm fnur Uir. hurt rh.!r- in nd table, a phone dtik. Is tough as a prize Tignier. pniiy as a picture inn munu by everyone? A! It's the big. beautiful, comfortable, care free Twin Goip Bench Phone Desk with: graceful, bronzestone baked enamel fin ished tubular steel legs for extra strength; ott foam, over no-sag springs for relaxing comfort; luxurious, tough vinyl for years of worry-free use and abuse; tailored welting tor that expansive look. And, it's all yours on easy terms at a price you can brag about to your husband. Lafnpe, knlet-ftneefca .nd aoMworlaa not included o