PR! SPECIALS FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY N0Y.-2r30 NORTH XI AT V 8763 AKQ2 4891 EAST 4 108 8 54 ON ALL TYPES OF MERCHANDISE SEARS HAS THE RIGHT PRICE FOR YOU WEST A J V AJ8 J9863 NO MONEY DOWN - USE SEARS CHARGE ACCOUNTS V 10 104 J831 KQ109 SOUTH (D) AKQ632 VK.Q42 75 AT No one vulnerable South Wert North Eaat 1 Pass 2 Pata 2 V Pasa 4 V Paaa Pass Pus Opening lead 4 K Thurs., Nov. 28, 13 Page 2B Herald & News Klamalh Fallt Jacoby On Bridge E UK TO PA Plan Your Play First By OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Asun. The time to do your scnous thinking about the play of a hand is before you commit yourself to a line of play. Once you get yourself into trouble no amount of celebration is likely to rescue you. South won the first trick with (he ace of clubs and promptly led three rounds of diamonds. His idea was to get rid of his club loser and if diamonds had (one around three times cvery iJiing would have been pleas ant. Unfortunately for Smith's jian East dropped the nine of hcarls on the third diamond. Now Soulh started to think but the boat had sailed. He still discarded his losing club re turn, but he was doomed to de feat. He led the king of dumps. East rose with the ace and led the jack of diamonds. South ruffed with his last low trump, played his queen of trumps and started on spades. If spades had gone around twice he would have been able to discard dummys last club, but West ruffed the second spade and set the hand with a club trick. How did South go wrong? He didn't stop to think at trick two. If he had done so. South would have led the king of hearts. East would take his ace and play clubs. South would ruff the second club and ; lay down the queen of hearts. 1 Then he could play cither ; s p a d e s or diamonds. It ; wouldn't make any difference. ; West would get las jack of hearts, but that would be all. Q The bidding has been: South West North Eait 1 Pass 1 4 Pasa 2 V Pass 4 V Pus t You, South, bald: A2AKJ5JAQJ9I7 What do you do now? A Bid four no-tramp. Ton Intend to retch six or aeven eventually, TODAY'S QUESTION You do bid four no-trump and partner replies with five diamonda to show one ace: What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Bids Called On Timber The Portland office of the Bu reau of Land (Management has issued Bid Invitation No. 1325 calling for tlic thinning of ap proximately 303 acres of limber on the public domain in Klam alh County. Tlie Lakeview thinning project will require cutting of Ponder oa pine and )iniiier trees in accordance with government specifications. Bidders arc required to fur nish all tools, equipment, mate rials, labor, and supervision, and perform all work incidental lo the improvement work. B'ds will bo opened at 2 p.m. Thursday. Dec. 12, in tlie bu reau's Field AdminiUative Of fice, Room ?.o, 1002 NE Holla day Street iPO. Box 3fttU 972W, Portland. Ore. The work has been set aside for Small Business Concerns only awl any contract awarded hicii may be partially or completely supported by appropriations from Accelerated Public Works Program fluids may require at least 80 (ht cent performance by residents of Klamath Coun ty. Additional information may be obtained from the BUM at the above address in Portland, or from tlie District -Manager of die Bureau at Lakeviow. A guided inspection tour of tlie project site will he conduct ed by a representative of the Lakeview District office if audi eient interest is indicated Aik obout daily "BuiinM Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-1111 birr ia era ' v Assorted Styles Children's Sweaters Reg. 4.99 4 00 each Smart styles children love to live in. Tailored for comfort with action-free fit. Wide assortment of styles ond colors. Hand washable, sizes for boys and girls 2 to 6x. Pretty Printed Dusters in Cotton Flannelette Check Sears low price A fine idea for gifts! 2oo So charming to look at, so comfy to wear! 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Height is ideal for most tobies. j iy Modern Pole Lamps for General Room Lighting Check Scars low price fQQ J Translucent white bullets for general, direct light ing. Scratch resistant black enamel pole. Swivels prevent bullets from turning completely around. Ex tends from 7 ft. 7 in. to 8 ft. 1 in. Kenmore Automatic Steam, Dry Irons 800 Check Sears low price Light . . , only 3 pounds Steams in 2 minutes ... 22 to 27 minutes of steam a filling. Steam-to-dry dial and fabric-index heat control. Large filler opening. Right, left-hand cord! 1000 watts for strong-heat supply. " Automatic Corn Poppers Make Perfect Pop Corn 600 Check Scars low price today A gift for the wholt family Automatic corn pepper, 4 serving bow Is, measuring cup, 1 lb. bag of corn. Pops corn to perfection with out burning Signal lights when popped. Keeps pop ped corn fresh, worm for 30 minutes. 11 -in. Aluminum Fry Pan Has Lid, Control jQOO Check Scars low price Has full heat rango Simmer to 400F. Fry, breil, stew, roost or grill1 Pan is immersible and easy to wash . . . just pull out heat control. Just what you need for versatile cook ing duties at a low, low price' Reciprocating Action Finishing Sanders 600 Check Scars low price With 2-prong adapter plug Sands wood surfaces extra-smooth. 358 x 7 in. pad. Needs no riling. There are np brushes or belts to wear out This handy workshop tool comes complete with a 6-foot, 3-wire cord. Thrifty 6-Transistor Portable Pocket Radios 500. Check Sears low price Large 214-inch Speaker Small in size big in performance! Built-in ferrit? rod antenna brings in AM stations loud and clear..' Easy-operating thumb-wheel tuning. Break-resistant, plastic case in red color. lA-m. Electric Drills with 10-Foot Cord 600; Sectional housing that keeps gears, spindle aligned.:'. Single reduction gears. Bronze bearings are self-' lubricating. Has pin-type spindle lock; with chucks .ey. Check Sears low price With adapter plug SAVE MORE! BUY BOTH FOR ONLY S1 1.00 "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" JARS Open 9:30 'Til 9 'Til Christmas 133 So. 8th TU 2-4481 1