Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 28, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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Klamath Falls, TultUkt and laka-vitw-Vanaala
kio clouoiiwu Ikriggt
Friday liltK (Unn , !,,,.
lurt. High tMay add Friday 41 la 52.
law twil9M n v,m KB
namit hva ta l miKi per Mvr.
Nig Vfsttrday u
Low thia marnmf 54
High yaar aw 14
Law yaar aae :s
Pracip. lail 14 houri .00
Smca ian. 1 1 14
In The-
Day's km
From Dallas 'Texas1 t;LS
Thanksgiving Day morning:
I A man who received $2u.0on i
for his color movie films 01 j
President Kennedy's assa-sais-
lion pave thai entire sum ves- ;
tcrday to the family of Polite
Patrolman J. P. Tippit. slain i
by tlie man accused as the as- !
sassin of the President. '
Aji ancient question:
Can any good thing come out
of Nazareth? Uohn I: 4
Question often asked today:
Can any good thing come out
of Dallas?
The answers:
Jesus came out of Nazareth
This kindly deed was done in
There is good wherever
GOOD PEOPLE live. There are
more good people than bad pen
pie. That has always been true.
That's good to remember.
Something else to remember:
The Pilgrim Fathers came to
America lo get freedom. It was
rough in the wilderness, h u t
freedom in a raw wilderness
was more esteemed by them
'ROUNDIXGS. Thai's also a good thing for
all of us to remember.
Still more to remember es
pecially in these days when
crackpots tell us that com
munism is the wave of the fu
ture: Both at Jamestown, in IfitiT,
and at Plymouth 13 years later
(where Thanksgiving Day orig
inated', the communal system
was tried at the beginning. It
was a TOTAL failure at both
Under the communal system,
first at Jamestown and later at
Plymouth, the people were
starving. In both places, the
communal 'communist' system
was abandoned and each was
given HIS OWN plot of ground,
and told that it was his to be
done with as he pleased. The
immediate result was PLENTY
for everybody.
Don't ever let anyone tell
you that the communist system
is better than the free enter
prise system. It isn't true.
Jamestown and Plymouth prov
ed that long ago.
In conclusion:
Today is a holiday.
Tomorrow we go back to
Glancing backward to our be
ginnings, this fact stands out:
not something to be dreaded.
II was WORK that built Ameri-
ca. It is work that has made
' America what it is today.
Shooting Hours
November 29
Open Close
6:4(1 a.m. 4:40 p.m.
November ?9
Open Close
6:4(1 a.m. 4::i p.m.
Streams Of Mourners
Visit Kennedy's Grave
mounting stream of mourners
to Arlington National Cemetery
indicated today that the grave
of President Kennedy may rival
the Lincoln Memorial as a na
tional shrine.
Cemetery officials said that
many more persons visited tlie
grave Wednesday than Monday
when an estimated M.ooi) paid
their re-ects. Even more
motnnets were expected today.
Tlie laulities ol the cemetery
appeared to be the only limit
lo tlie never-ending flow of vis
itms T'ne ccmetny is open to
the public Irom S a m to 5 pm.
At times Wednesday traffic
was backed up for a half mile
as cars discharged passengers
wilo wanted lo pay tribute at
the flower-decked, flame-lighted
grave on a grassy hills'de
Traffic regulations weie
changed to keep automobiles at
j,ast a quarter a mile from the
Price Ten Cents 52 Pages
I, i a - i V ' '' '.I'. i
could be a selfish bclvit might be one man thanking Goj that he is not as 1: J I vVtTl J-.VvV .'
onother man. These separate men could remain separate. Tfcty would be the Vjjiw: . .
have and the have-nots, the privileged and the cheated, the educated and the f.W miji Vmraiaaaaa. A
unlearned, the wise and the foolish, the older and the younger. I VivVvVv
And Thanksgiving would be stilish. I
conreaf? tTitTseifish actTTo give thanks truly is to live this thanks. To be
thankful is to share thanks. So separate men are united. To be thankful is not
to have a kind of inner feeling that allows ond to stand in the midst of his own
possessions and just feel gratitude; that very fact demands action, gives
dynamic to others, moves men into something actual that prays
"0 Lord, that lends me life
Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness."
con Iransfornirhe selfish aloneness. True thanksgiving saves man from his
own apathies, his own hungers, his own wealth and his own heartaches. Too
often we've given up believing that the world can know this transforming
miracle. There's challenge enough this year for all of us who have so great a
heritage to declare the Psalm,
"O give thanks unto the Lord for he !s good
O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness
Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving
And declare his works with rejoicing."
Ralph W. Loew, D.D.
By L'nilerl Press International
L'ntold thousands of Ameri
cans went to their houses of
worship today to pray for their
fallen leader and to give thanks
for their blessings before in
dulging in the traditional
Thanksgiving dinner.
It was the 100th anniversary of
Thanksgiving as a national hol
iday, proclaimed officially lo a
war-torn country by Abraham
Lincoln in ISM and honored to
day with the memory of John
Fitzgerald Kennedy.
i While Thanksgiving is regard
I ed as a slay-al-home holiday.
grave. But Hie cars were
parked and the mourners came
on foot. Many walked a mile or
more as the available parking
space Idled up.
Taps were sounded intermit
tently during the day at cere
monies in which foreign dele
gations laid wreaths on tlie
grave of the martyred Presi
dent. The Aimy is considering a
proiosal to build six-font-wide
walks up the fade of the hill on
which the grave lies. It also is
planning In replace the iresent
white picket fence around Ihe
grave with an iron enclosure.
The Kennedy grave is apart
from all others, in an ojien
area otten considered tlie fi ont
lawn of tlie Cut is-l.ee man
sion. "Arbnglon." Tlie burial
site is considered suitable for
an elaborate monument if on
is In be built.
Observe Thanksgiving
millions of Americans attended
football games and parades,
traditional church services and
gathered from afar in the
homes of their loved ones.
A United Press International
count at 9:30 a.m. PST showed
72 persons dead in traffic since
the start of the holiday at fi
p.m. Wednesday. There were
three deaths in miscellaneous
accidents for a holiday total
of 75.
The National Safety Council
said alwut 472 persons would
die in traffic accidents during a
normal non-holiday period from
6 p.m. Wednesday to midnight
"l-et us gather in sanctuaries
dedicated to worship and in
homes blessed by family -affection
to express our gratitude for
the glorious gifts of God," Pres
ident Kennedy said in his
Thanksgiving Day proclama
tion, the last he issued.
Millions. heavy-heai"1ed by the
assassination ol tlieif President,
gathered for church services
where they heard toe proclama
tion read "as a memorial lo
Any Dummy
Can Qualify
DUBLIN Ireland 'I'PI -Ventriloquist
Eugene Lam
berts, :H, was convicted of
making a . false declaration
(t taking out a driver's li
cense fur his dummy. Kinrw
g..ti Lambert said he did it only
as ' a joke' to prove that
anybody can get a license in
President Lyndon Johnson,
who suggested the nationwide
memorial, scheduled a Thanks
giving address lo tlie nation
over radio and television this
afternoon after a traditional
turkey dinner with his family.
The Kennedy family gathered
at the home of Joseph P. Ken
nedy at Hyannis Port. Mass.,
for their annual get-together.
The flag outside Ihe Kennedy
home was at half-staff.
Big Rocket
Space scientists watched with
jubilation today the flashing or
bit of a relatively worthless
muss of metal tlie sign of suc
cess for tlvc hard-luck Centaur
The revolutionary hydrogen
fi.eied Centaur, nearly three
vears behind schedule, took a
huge satellite into orbit Wednes
day on its first successful cr
formancc. Tlie satellite itself, made up
mostly of old rocket casing, will
he visible as a white flash in
the sky.
Ideal viewing limes would he
just a!UT dusk or just belore
daw n.
Tlw Centaur is the hrt I' S.
rocket powered by liquid hvdrcf-
gen and liquid oxygen, which
generates .15 tier cent - more
thrust tier pound than the
liquid oxvgen-kerosene fuel usid
in Atlas rockets.
The next Centaur launch is
expected in February or March.
Telephone It 4-SII1 n. 7tit0
E ir V
t s
Fund For Tippit Family
Swells Near $50,000
DALLAS 'LTI'-A grateful
nation poured out thanksgiving
loday to the family of J. I). Tip
pit, a policeman shot to death
trying to arrest the man ac
cused of assassinating 'Presi
dent Kennedy. . . ,
Nearly $50,000 had poured in
for a heartbroken widow with
three children.
The gifts came from almost
everyone from television per
sonality Jack Paar to'lhe police
of the Caribbean, island, of ,J(r
maica, and little children. '
The biggest donation -came
from Abraham Zapruder, a Dal
las garment' manufacturer. He
lunwd over $23.00(1 he got for
movies he took showing bullets
actually striking Kennedy.
"I give this in resieclful
memory ol a man who literally
gave his life for his country,"
Zaprudor said.
Paar sent a check for $1,000.
j The Jamaican police . force
sent $UK collected fiom its
1 Walter II. Annenberg. publish
KF Ready For Christmas
'A luwhediile of activities is
.1 set lor Friday. Nov. 21. by the
"Klamath Merchants Association.
All downtown slu-et decoia
; lions have been put up. and the
! Merchants Association is spon
soring an aflernoon fieo movie
for youngsters at tlie K.uire
( V
Won i her
(Mtrd l ftir. cel. Mionb!t till
rttr is wtil ittabliftrwd i ktil
tftieufll. wtofctnd. Tht chincct of
thwr r tnow fturrtct awMtr
tiktly Ntxt wtk,
er of I lie Philadelphia Inquirer,
said he would pay off the
$12,217.04 mortgage on the Tip
pit home. .
"This is the hour for good
deeds." Annenberg snid.
William It. Chababa, vice
president of T. J. Belles Co.,
which holds (he mortgage on
Ihe Tippit home, confirmed Ihe
'amount of (he mortgage.
Chababa said there would le
a federal Housing Administra
tion (FIIA) loan penalty ot
about $123.30 and interest of
probably $73 to $100 "deX'nd
ing on when Mr. Annenberg
sends as the check."
. "But we will pay both Hie in
terest and Ihe penally," Chaba
ba said.
"We don't want Mrs. Tippit
lo be out a dime."
: "I just can't find words; In
express my appreciation. " Mrs.
Tippit said. "It's just wonder
ful." Ellis Campbell, district direc
tor f Ihe Internal Hevenue
Service, assured contributors
(heir gifts would he tax free.
All stores will have Ibeir in
store and Chrislmas window
docorat ions up. .
The lights on the community
Christmas tree on the Park awl
Shop lot at the corner of Klam
ath Avenue awl Kighth streets
will lx lit Friday evening, and
ckiwntirwn stores will remain
0n Friday night for shoppers.
Congress Mes 0i
gressional leaders agreed today
lo keep Ihe House and Senate
here and at work, as President
Johnson requested. They said
talk of early adjournment was
As a first step Ihey cranked
up machinery looking to faster
action on the civil rights bill
that Johnson said would make
a most fitting memorial In his
predecessor, the slain Presi
dent Kennedy.
In response to Johnson's plea
for prompt Senate act inn on
Kennedy's $11 billion tax cut
hill, already approved by the
House, Ihey held out a "hope"
of getting the measure out of
Ihe Senate Finance Committee
before Congress quits for the
SH'aker John W. McCormack,
O-Mass.. promised lo do
"everything possible" lo win
House passage this year of tlie
anti-discrimination bill, which
has been approved by the Ju
diciary Committee and awni'a
clearance by the Rules Com
mittee. Tlie bill seeks to end ra
cial discrimination in voting,
education, employment, public
accommodations and the use of
federal funds.
Under hurry-up procedures
set in motion within minutes
after Johnson's speech In a
joint session of O o n g r e s
Wednesday House leaders theo
retically could gel a vote on
civil rights before adjournment,
now tentatively set for a few
days before Christmas.
Practically, all they hope lo
do is get Ihe bill out of Ihe
Pro-Castro Terrorists
Hiiack Plane; All Safe
CARACAS. Venezuela (UPl
Pro - Castro terrorists today
- hijacked a Venezuelan Airlines
plane with. 17 persons aboard
and flew It to neighboring Trini
dad. '
Tlie plane landed safely at
Port of Spain's Pinrco Interna
tional Airport. Trinidad police,
customs and security officials
surrounded the plane and began
questioning Ihe occupants.
It w as the second spectacular
action staged within 24 hours
by tlie so-called Armed Forces
of the National Liberation
Wednesday, four heavily
armed men kidnaped U. S.
Army Col. James K. Chenaull,
45, of Sherman, Tcx at gun
point outside of his home.
The tiw in-engined plane, w ith
14 passengers and three crew
men, was hijacked shortly af
ter takeoff from Cuidad Bolivar
in southeastern Venezuela on a
fliglil to Caracas' Maiqueila
Armed men entered Ihe cock
nit and forced the pilot to head
(or the island of Trinidad just
off Vcnez-ucla, about 45 minutes
Tlie Foreign Ministry an
nounced it would ask Trinidad
authorities for prompt return of
the plane, a Convair 340 owned
by Hie Venezuelan line Avcnsa.
It was the second time (hat
the pro-Castro underground hi
jacked an airplane in the past
two vears. A four-engined Aven
sa IK'B was seized and flown lo
the Caribbean island of Curac
ao, off Ihe Venezuelan coasl,
two years ago.
DECORATIONS GO UP Downtown streets were properly festooned for the Yule
tide teaion with the gay tinsel decorated belli on street lamps and special seasons
greeting signs strung across Main Street at several locations. This view shows the
qreetinq that traveler! receive as they enter the city. This sign is located across
Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets, with another located near Eleventh
Street. The City Street Department put the decorations up Tuesday night. Down
town merchants plan their special Christmas opening Friday.
I :. t .
Soulhern-led Itules Committee
by that lime, making it ready
lor House action early in Jan
uary. Senate action, in any
event, will not come before
Thus only partial success was
forecast for the two bills by
which Kennedy set so much
store and which Johnson Wed
nesday also listed as his priority
goals. Kennedy originally had
called (or final enactment of
both measures this year.
Hopes Are Cione
But gone were the hopes of
some members lo dispose of
routine housekeeping matters
and adjourn for the year, leav
Summit Meeting
Coiled Unlikely
acquainted" meeting between
President Johnson and Soviet
Premier Nikila Khrushchev is
not in Ihe cards in the foresee
able future, administration of
ficials said today.
Barring a flaming crisis
which might force a personal
confrontation, the new Presi
dent is expected to shy away
from any meeting w ith the Rus
sian leader for some lime.
The view in high official cir
cles lierc is that the Soviet Un
ion most probably will avoid
undue provocations until Rus-
The FALN also has hijacked
an ocean - going freighter and
staged other headline - grabbing
stunts such as kidnaping world
famed soccer star Alfred dl
Slefano last August,- stealing
six French art masterpieces
worth more man $500,000 and
forcing U.S. personnel of tlie
military mission here to strip
down to their shorts.
President Honiulo Relancourt
was reported to have given
personal assurances to U. S.
Ambassador Allan C. Stewart
that all ossiblc measures are
being taken to obtain Chenaiilt's
Chenaiilt's wife, Ruth, and
I heir three children, Bess Ann,
20, James K. Jr., 16, and Nina
Louisa, II, waited anxiously at
home for some word of his late.
An anonymous telephone call
er told an operator at Ihe U.S.
Kmbassy switchboard two hours
after the kidnaping Wednesday
that the American officer would
not be harmed.
"We only want him for prop
aganda purposes." the caller
Christmas Edition
A special Christmas Shopping Edition Is in
cluded in today's paper. This section features 20
pages of Christmas gift ideas. You are urged to
save this section to assist you in your gift selections.
ing further action on controver
sial issues until the second ses
sion of the 88th. Congress, start
ing in January.
If fulfilled, the leadership
plan also means that both the
civil rights and tax bills will be
further advanced when Ihe first
session ends than had appeared
Reaction In Johnson's first
address to Congress was mixed,
according to the listener's po
litical persuasion and philoso
phy. However, most lawmakers
had some kind words for the
man who as vice president saw
his chief shot to death by a
sniper in Dallas on Friday.
sian leaders have a better idea
of how Johnson will react un
der pressure.
Johnson's first ventures into
the field of personal diplomacy,
as presently planned, will be
is meetings shortly after the
new year with British, West
German and French leaders.
There is a possibility, U.S.
officials said, of a "Western
summit" conference early in
the year. However, such a ses
sion might prove awkward since
French President Charles de
Gaulle differs rather sharply
with the other Allies on nuclear
defense strategy and some
phases of European political
For that reason, it is consid
ered most likely that Johnson
will meet separately with De
Gaulle, British Prime Minister
Sir Alex Douglas-Home and
west German Chancellor-Lud-
wig Erhard.
New Link
DALLAS (UPD-The Dallas
Morning News said today offi
cers investigating the assassina
tion of President Kennedy have
information indicating Lee Har
vey Oswald rented a room near
Jack Ruby's home.
The newspaper said their in
formation came from officers
who said the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and Secret Service
believe they have confirmed re.
ports that the two men were
Neither the Secret Service nor
the FBI have released any in
formation on their investigation.
The officers, according to the
newspaper, also have informa
tion that Ruby once had an
apartment male who had been
active in Communist front
groups. The News quoted an of
ficer as saying "this could be
the key that we have been seek
J ' .- .
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