HKRALD AXD SEWS. Klamath Fills. Oregon Monday. November JS. 1963 PAGE 1A J ..W-l r b MW 1 V v : I, r it y n ' 1 1- ;.M ' ;v & ;h V' r t s w 1W """""''" '""f"-" " V nr.. y. J t . itrwKsmm iB.-,.i,1i,-iTi ilium i n V 5ftr ATTEND CEREMONIES Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, holding hands of her children, Caroline and John Jr., leads group from the Capitol after ceremonies honoring her late husband, President John Kennedy. Behind, left to right, ara Attorney General Robert Kennedy, his sisters, Mrs. Stephen Smith, and Mrs. Pat Lavford, and brother-in-law Stephen Smith. UP1 Telephoto 250,000 Pay Last Respects To Late President WASHINGTON (LTPH-By the tens of thousands, they came to look on lite bier of their dead leader many weeping openly, others seemingly bewildered. And when the solemn proces sion finally was halted today by sympathetic police, an estimat ed quarter of a million persons had filed past the flag-draped casket of the late John K. Ken nedy in the rotunda of the Capitol. The nisht thill was no deter rent to those who stood in line for huurs. Some carried small children, many were lightly dressed. They came from near and far for 18 hours to pay their last respects to the man whose vibrant youth captured the imagination of so many. Several thousand others still were in line when police finally were forced to bar further view ers at 9 a.m. After the huge doors to the Capitol were closed to the pub lic, senators and congressmen joined the last of the ordinary ELECTRIC BILL SPOKANE. Wash. UP1 - Op eration of research equipment hasl greatly increased electrical power costs at most of the nation's col leges. T. M. C. Martin of the University of California in Berke ley told a recent meeting of the Institute of Electrical and Elcc Ironies Engineers. Martin said student enrollment at his institution has almost doubled to 35,000 since World War II. In the same period, he said, the University's annual electrical costs have risen from less than $15,000 to more than $1.5 million. citizens in the rotunda in pass ing the closed casket. Former Vice President Richard M. Nix on and his wife also were among the last visitors. At one time during the cold night, in which the temperatuure fell into the 30s, the crowds pa tiently waiting to enter the Cap itol were estimated at far over 120.000. At 8:25 a.m. EST, police formed a cutoff in the long line at a point about two blocks east of the Capitol. This meant that some thousands who had endured the near-freezing weather for hours would be dis appointed. The cutoff was necessary to assure that the rotunda would be cleared in time for John Fitzgerald Kennedy's last ride to the White House. Hundreds in the Capitol when the cutoff came continued to 'shuffle for ward to file past the casket. As the last of the visitors passed the flag -draped casket at 9 a.m., EST. Capitol Police Chief Charles J. Sullivan esti mated that 250.000 persons viewed the casket on its ancient catafalque shrouded in black. Other, unofficial estimates by persons who had watched the crowds throughout the night put the figure at about 140.000. In any event, it was a mas sive outpouring of affection and sorrow for the assassinated young President. At midnight authorities had warned those at the end of the slow moving line almost 30 blocks long that they might not get a chance to get into the rotunda. But still they came. Polite repealed the warning at 2 a.m. and again at 3 and 4 and 5 and later. Rut still they came. Among the last to pause in reverence beside the bier were former Vice President Richard M. Nixon, the man Kennedy defeated for the pres idency in 1960, and his wife, Patricia. They appeared at three minutes before 8 o'clock. Tlie massive doors to the Capitol were closed prompt ly at 9. Those inside tlie rotun da were allowed to file past the bier. By 9:05 a.m.. EST, the last of tlie tens of tliousands of ordinary mourn ers passed the bier. Retirement Income Through EwHabtt'! Living Inturtnct John H. Houston Service S'nc THANKSGIVING DINNER SPECIALS DINNER COMMENCES AT 5 P.M. CHILDREN WELCOME TILL 9 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL TU 4-4556 SPECIALS Turkey & Dressing Baked Ham Real Swedish Meat Balls Prime Rib For Dessert: Homemade pumpkin pie & mince pie ED MILLER - CHEF DANCING TO THE "REJECTS" 9 P.M. 2 A.M. LOG CABIN TU 4-4556 Ashland Hwy, Reservations ore olto being token for Christmas and New Year's patties. Call early to get the date you desire. A Penney's ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY 8th and Main St. Open 9:30 - 5:30 Daily Open Till 9 Monday & Friday Nights end-of-month clean-up! SORRY, NO HOLDS! NO PHONE CALLS! ASSORTED ODD LOTS, BROKEN SIZES, LIM ITED QUANTITIES, SOME SLIGHTLY SOILED MERCHANDISE. STARTS TUE., 9:30 A.M. "fPENNEY'S E.O.MP T1 --4 Alb n .f. 0....w t. --iriiifipaaiiifTTininmwnnTfffiiif PENNEY'S ELECTRIC BLANKET AT A SPECIAL 9 72"x84" single control double bed size 63"x84" single control, twin bed size 8.77 72"x84" dual control, double bed size 11.77 2 yr. replacement guarantee! Automatic control for constant all-night warmth, 9 settings! Rayon, cotton blanket, nylon binding. . - -i Women's Blouses 40 0n,y Women's Skirts Women's House Dresses 40 "" 1.9? 3.99-5.99 1.99-2.99 4.44 Women's Suits 6 0n,y Women's Sweaters 36 0nly 5.00 Women's Maternity Wear 2.88 Women' Mohair and Wool SWEATERS 40 Only Girls 18 Only Corduroy Jackets Wool and Wool Blends 500 Yards Yd. 6.66 9.83 1. Men's Shirts 3:5.00 Men's Sweaters '0O"" 3.44 Men's Shirts 1.33-1.88 Men's Dress Shirts 2:5.00 Men's Electric Razors 8.88-11.88 6 Transistor Radios Women's Fleece Lined Rubber Boots Children's and Women's Shoes SpCio,Group Children's Rubber Totes Waterproof 3.00 2.00 1.00 Rummage Tables On All Floors CHARGE IT it's easier to pick, easier to plan, easier to pay! JS WASHDAY IS A WALTZ ujdOCh odd LULLKSirESLIG 31LI KVBia Gone are the days when every homemaker was a weather - watcher on washdays! Gone are the days of back-breaking washday drudgery - dragging heavy wet clothes outside to a clothesline to dry ... Gone, matter of fact, is washday! With an electric clothes dryer, any day, any weather, any time is washday . . . and it's all as easy as turning a dial! With an electric clothes dryer, you ftALTZ RO UGty WAS HDAV . . . and dry your clothes gentler, smoother, and faster as well! B & B Radio & Electric TU 2-4434 Merit's Cascade Home Furnishings TU 4-8365 Montgomery Ward & Co. Eastside Appliance TU 4-8886 Sears Roebuck & Company Home Appliance Company TU 4-8183 Shaffer Electric J. W. Kerns TU 4-4197 Tower Furniture Uhlig's -TU 2-5512 TU 4-4478 TU 4-3188 TU 2-4481 TU 2-5503 TU 4-8858 See the latest models displayed by your fovorife CalDre Electrical league dealer. FREE ! : M M r This offer It good only on nw dryim lnst.lied In th nomct of rrwfcrcd customer of COPCO Division, Pacific Power & Light Company; Kljmtth Fells, Ltke view, end Allures Districts of Ctntrel Division, Pecific Power & Light Company; City of Ashlend, Dougujt Electric Cooperetive, end Surprise Vilify Electrifica tion Corporation. 16-piece Queen Marie SHEET AND TOWEL SET Beautifully gift wrapped in three separate boxes, these colorful sets, from J. P. Stevens & Company, are yours as a gift with your purchase of on electric clothes dryer from a Cal Ore Electricol League dealer before December 14th. Use them to add exciting beauty to your own bed room and bath - use them as gifts to friends. See the Queen Marie gift set displayed by your favorite Cal Ore Electrical Leogue dealer. Retail value: $24.95. ,.,YOUR ABSOLUTELY FREE!