PAGE ID IIKRALD AND MOWS. Klamath Falls. Oregon Monday. November 25. I9M . LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 11 LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE 6 1 I I ir 6ACRO&bl j H rjg; 7 DOWN ' 1MO '01 'SV09 "6 '3WI0 -8 'S3SOH ' 'HDWONVS '9 '3JJVMIO 'MOHId Z UMa 'SM01138 '6 'HDVOD30V1S -9 'vwvn ? 'ova -e 'Addnd m isojjv !sd3MSNV Worries Wife Ily ANN LANDERS Boar Ann Landers: I have heen married to this man (or 29 years. He was never much of a talker, but these past two years he lias clammed up complete- Months ro by and he doesn't kay ono word to me. When I a.vk him a direct question he snxls yes or no. On rare occa sions when he wants to tell me something he will write a note and leave it on the kitchen ta ble. On Feb. 4, he wrote a note wliich road: "Don't buy any more sausage we finish the ham." On Sept. 6, he wrote: "Eve lyn says she will jo to church with you if you can be ready to leave at 5: 15." These have been his only at lemts to communicate with me in 13. He is. a Rood man, morally, doesn't liiink or run around, so perhaps I should not lie so critical. Hut it would help a lot if you could toll me why lie is so quiet. 1KS0.1E FOIl CONVERSATION. Dear Lonesome: Your h u bund is more than "quiet. " He Is sick. In the meantime, please read the following letter. It may provide you with a small mea sure of comfort. Dear Ann Landers: My hus band and 1 have been married seven years. We have an ador able little girl, ami a lovely home. Clifton was educated in England and holds an excellent position. We have no financial worries or in-law problems. So why am I w riting? Because Clif ton is a continuous talker and the sound of his voice is driv ing me around the bend. lie has nn opinion on every thing. Every night of my life I get an oration on jwlitics, un ions, education, (he gold stan dard or loreign aid. He switches rc.ulilv from Philosophy Antnss 1 Stoic school founder 6 "ltilo, ergo, ( Descartes postulate) 8 (iernian fhihisophcf reland 37 Number .TH llroikf at dish 40 Snug retreat 41 CliriMian creed 43 Orownliko structure 4fiO(fslup M Afghan prince W Shorn 54 Uiiw 1.1 Compass point tiiS llramnus 14 Flat surface 66 Heavy head of s Unfastened hair l"Ileerco 57 Lament 18Siire M Negative volt IV Kaiiern variant 5'J Spirit Catholic luilVI 21 Monetary unit , 1 , ', , !U Greek lflreek chief nliilonopher nenv 5 Sea bird a Tvpe o( palm 4 I'nill i. M luteal lien fi t inploy 7 1'arl of krain 8 Hani u !1 Operatic nl 27 Kind anjiullni; craft lib i 31 Auditory 32Koman aneeso.r 34 I'oslao 36 Aiili'tiym for slli 1 i lnm 1 E t3 14 I IS 16 17 I 13 B 110 111 Yl II I? i3 IT 1 H '-TH"2T 1 izr 21 k 23 p4 p k6 "TZ7 r"! p 30 51 ' 32 sr 3? STJ 57 Th 3Th;5 43 144 Hi) 47 Kt8 49 IbO IClil 51 ; SF 53 J5 , 57 3 53 "I fi i I Vj world affairs to "Why didn't you change the pillow cases last night how come one of your eyebrows is arched higher than the other why did you water the front lawn and not the back?" He can rattle on for two solid hours about absolute ly nothing. Sometimes I get so undone from listening to his intermin able dialogues that 1 go into the bathroom and lock the door to get away from him. He fol lows me. stands outside and con tinues to talk. When I tell him I am Uiking a shower and can't hear i even turn on the faucets! he goes on talking. What makes a person gab in cessantly? Please tell me what to do before I liavc a nervous breakdown. RAGGED EDGE Dear Kdge: Your husband is a compulsive talker. People who have this neurotic compulsion cannot he silenced by sugges tion or Insistence. L'rgc him to get professional help. In the meantime, contin ue to take long evening showers and try to tune out h.v concen trating on oilier tilings when lie starts to yak. Ann Landers' frank and in formative new book. "Teen Agers and Sex" iK!.!fi, is now available at your book store. Ann J.indcrs will be glad to lielp you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. PICKS INSPECTION TEAM WASHINGTON (UI'H The Stale Department Monday se lected a nine-man team, in cluding biologists, nuclear ex perts and diplomats, to inspect Antarctica bases of Russia and other countries. lletweon now and .March (lie group will visit scientific instal lations to cliock for any viola tions of the 12-nalion treaty that reserves Antarctica lor eacctul purposes. The tit'Uly provides for such inflection. Answer to Previous Ptmls 11 nrltlih dramatist 16 llritish atntesman (1B4 5-17121 20 Ilefenselessnejl '.'2 Chinese mllo '.':l (Jonfi by 1!4 Music mater Irish Island Scottish cap I'll tlarlatidl Jll Khns .HI lleliefl .13 Horn Coire hflV 39 Personal pronoun 41 Philosopher Allied Whitehead 4? Kreiu h lily 43 Autoj 44 sarred mount 4S('irrlet 47Seottish philosopher 45 Verbal 4!i Female name M I'aradise M Mouths ISTA'M D'P rIItUJmIA r aj rim ISae St BS8ge1r JZZj '- 1" 1 IP F'IMtJI uiy i x t WR p- a p'EiR ?i'fA rSk 'JISt a vie S l St r. r i . e'd PIEIlTE TifcTjjfw ( V F R E i o e a'p r r;eT INiN AIT E. CIA RW.OT D E E M e'd LEGAL NOTICE Uo. 43-5T NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF K LA VAT H m the V otter of me Eiteta ol RUBY DORIS TAYLOR. Deceaied NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed Administreior de bonis non ol the estate of RUBY DORIS TAYLOR, decerned. All per tons hevinq clomt egjinit sm eita't ere required lo present them lo me with proper vouchert at the office of Richard C Beetley. Attorney el Law. S3! Man Street. Klamath FeHi, 0-e-gon, kvithin six months from lre date o the first publication of this notice. CLARE TAYLOR Administrator de bonis non RICHARD C. BEESLEY Attorney at Law iji Mam Street Klamath Falls. Oregon No, ii Nov. II, II. 2S. Dec. 2, 163- NO. 3-411 P NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT In the Walter of the Estate of FLORINE BAKER aka FLORENCE BAKER HUITT a FLORINE HU ITT, Deceased As the Administratrix of (he estate Ot FLORINE BAKER a FLORENCE BAKER HUITT aka FLORINE HU ITT, deceased, the undersigned hat filed In the Circuit Court of Klamath Ccunty, Oregon, her final account, and said Court has let the lBlh day of December, 196J, at 10 00 o'clock a m , for hearing all objections thereto end settlement Ihereol. WILORED CHAVEZ Administratrix GLENN D. RAMIREZ Attorney for Admmislralri Suite J0J, IOOF Bldg. 4J2 Mam Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 44, Nov. IB, 2i, Dec. I, 9, 1963. No. 61-106 NOTICE OF DATE OF SETTLEMENT OF PINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the E state of GAR DIE E. NELSON, Deceased. In the Matter of the Estate ol GAR DIE E. NELSON, Deceased, Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my Fi nal Account ol the administration of the above enlitled Estate, and the Court has set the 16th day of Decem ber, 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A M , t the lime for hearing oblectlons to said Final Account end the setllcmenf (hereof. Sophia M. Young Executrix Sam A. McKecn Attorney for Executrl Courthouse Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 441, Nov. IS, 2J, Dec. 2, 9, 1963. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that I have tiled my final account as administra trix of the Estate ol Myra Mae Dick, deceased, In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Klamath County, and the Court hqs set December 3rd, 1963, at Ihe hour or 10 00 a.m., as the time for the hearing ol oh lections (hereto and settlement Ihereol. Dated (his 4th day ol November, 1963. NORA HAWK Administratrix O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys lor administratrix No. 417, Nov. 4, II, 18, 25, 1963. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS IN TERESTED AS CREDITORS OR BENEFICIARIES IN THE ESTATE OF MARY FRANCES DENNIS, aKo known as M. FRANCES DENNIS, FRANCES D. DFNNIS and FRANCES DENNIS, decrtased, a pending pro bale proceeding In the Superior Court of Ihe Slale ol Arizona In and for Ihe County ol Coconino." Pursuant lo Ihe provisions of ORS 116.186 notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested as creditors or ben ellclarles In (he above entitled estate thai Ihe undersigned foreign adminis trator, duly appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as such lor said decedent's estate, will upon Ihe expiration ot 90 days from the date of llrst publication ol this notice request payment and delivery ol the lo I low (no debts and personal property due or belonging to said deceased and hrr said estate from the following debtors or persons In possession thereof, to wit: From First Federal Savings and Loan Association ot Klamath Falls, 540 Main SI., Klamath Falls, Oregon, Iht sum of S7.S22.89 plus accrued In terest, which sum and interpsl are on deposit with and In possession ol said Association and also, of silver set In possession ol said Association; From the United Slates National Bank of Portland, Klamath Falls branch, 740 Main SI., Klamath Falls, Oregon, Ihe sum of (123.63 plus ac crued Interest, which sum and inter est are on deposit with and In posses sion of said Bank; and From Klngsley Field Federal Cred it Union, Klngsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Ihe sum ot $717 65 plus accrued Interest, which sum and In terest are on deposit with and In pos session ol said Credit Union. Any person ohecting to any of said payments or deliveries Is hereby di rected to give written notice of his oh lections thereto to said debtor or person In possession thereof at lis ad dress above set forth, on or before the expiration ol 90 days from the date ot Ihe llrst publication hereof, which dale is November 4. 16 J. Herbert M. Dennis Administrator Ganong & Ganong First Federal Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Attorneys lor Administrator. No. 420, NOV. 4. 11, IB, IS. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE SOUTH SUBURBAN SANITARY OtSI RICT KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Directors ot Ihe South Sub urban Sanitary District ot Klamath County, Oregon, upon petition ot all ol the title holders and contract pur chasers of record ot the territories hereinafter described, and bv Order of Ihe Board ot Directors duly en tered, proposes to submit to the regis tered voters resntmo within the bounds of the South Suburban Sanitary Dis trict in Klamath Counly, Oregon, at a si'rcial election to be held In said Dis trict, the following questions: I, Whether a trail ol land situated In T'ait 17, tnteipnse Tracts, in the E'SW'tSE' ot Section St. Township .18 S . R. 9 E W M . more particularly described as Mi lows Beginning at an iron im on the North boun.iary ot Shasta Way and the West boundary of the relocated Mamalh Fails - Malm Highway, -aid point being North M doqrtei .16' West a distance of 2A1 1 fept tf om the Southwest tor ner of ' Fen ten Shop(i.g tenter Lots'; thenct North (9 degrees 36' A fit a distance ot 114 9 leet loan iron pin on me fcast boundary ot Alameda Street, said pom! bemo also on the North bound ary ot Shasta May, them e following the lil twundary ol Alameda Street in a Noi'heHy direction a distance of 704 7 tret in an iron pm en the rtrvi hrxiod ary ot said reitxatrd Mama'h t-aiis - Wann Highway . them e South 3 degrees J' fc.,l aloog said bound ary a distance ol T$Q teet, more or less, lo Iht point ot beginning . should be annesed to and fe a pari o' the South Suhu'ban Saniiar Dit'n.t' 1 Whethe- tte NWNrt'. less the southfi ly J98 teet thereof, in Sest'on IP. Townsri.ii Jt S . R f E A M . e ceotmq tt'oretrom the right ol wav o' tt'e G'fat Northern Railroad and s'eet eistmg (tier em .... thou'd be anesed o iM lxom a p't ot the Soi 'h cu'han Sn.tary P-slncl Said electn shall be hud on te Ino rM e December, !.!. at trie follCAitg polling plate the ott ce ol the Dlstrut at tii Pe-py Street. Klamath Fails. O-t-gon Said polling piaif will be ore" dur ing the Hfu's t'om 00 a m to I 0C P m on me saul 2nd day of Decem ber l1. and all reo stered vote's re S'ding wilivn the boi-ndt ol the South Svburhan Salary Pstri(t shall be i.gihi to vote at this election Pa ted th't ;tn day of Novemoer, 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THfc SOUTH SUBURBAN SANITARY DISTRICT OF KLAMATH COUNTY, ORE- l -ON Waiter C Homer 1 . Nitiel Director AmourftiK - D" P' em (.haries tcn - D 'e lor NJ 4iJ. No. II. :v Hi, NOTICE TO CALL FOR BIDS Automotive. Equipment Seeled Bids art Invited and will bt received until i 00 P.M., Monday. De cember 16, 1963. and publicly opened at 7 30 PM, December 16, 1963, at the regularly scheduled Council meet ing heid in the Council Chambers, Cty Hall, Klamath Falls, Oregon for auto motive equipment as specified below: Two 1964 Model 4-Door Sedans Specifications tor inn equipment may be oo tamed at the office ot the City Manager, City Halt, Klamath Falls. Oregon Rosit Keller City Recorder No. 449, Nov. 2J, 26, 27, 1963. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Co-Executors ot the Es tate of RUBY LEE KENYON, De ceased, have filed tneir final account in the Circjit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and that Friday, Ihe 20th day of Oecember, 1963, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock A.M. of said day and the Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing ot ooiechons thereto and the settlement thereof. DON KENYON LbTTA MAY GOEHRING Co-Eecutor J. Anthony Giacomlnl Attorney for Co-E xecutO'S No. 434 Nov. 11. IB, 2S, Dec. 2, 1963 NO 63-134 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THEvCIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Emma D. Grey, also known as Emma Dedy Grey, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t have been appointed Executrix of the estate of Emma D. Grey, also known as Emma Dedy Grey, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required lo present them to me with proper vouchers, at the office of Harry D. Boivin, 2 10 Boivin Build ing, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within sue months from the 4th day of Novemoer, 1963, which Is the dale ol first publi cation of this notice. Roberta Grey Dewey Executrix ot Ihe Estate of Emma D. Grey, also known as , tmiiii utu uicy 18, Nov. 4, II, 18, 25. No. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ihe undersigned has been appointed as Administrator of the Estate ol LOUIS J, MOREVET, Deceased, by Order of the Circuit Court ol the County of Ktamalh, and all persons having claims against said estate are required lo present the same to the Adminis trator, duly verified and with the prop er vouchers attached, at the office of his attorneys, BEDDOE and WOOD, 621 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, wilhfn tlx months from the date of firsl publication of this notice. Erllng Ericksen Administrator No. 427, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25. 1963. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS WHOSE PROPERTY HAS BEEN FOUND LIABLE FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING, UNION AVENUE FROM MITCHELL STREET TO WASHBURN WAY, IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON; KNOWN AS IM PROVEMENT UNIT NO. 154; THAT THEY HAVE TWENTY DAYS FROM' THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IN WHICH TO FILE APPLI CATIONS TO PAY ASSESSMENTS IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, OR TO PAY CASH. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, by ordinance adopted October 28, 1963, declared (he proportionate assessments on each lot, part ol lot, block, or par cel of acreage property found to be bene! i ted by the proportionate share ot the cost ol Improving; Union Avenue from Mitchell Street lo Washburn Way, all In said City; as more fully and in detail shown on the plans and specifi cations of the City Engineer on tile with the Recorder of said City in the matter of said improvement; being Im provement Unit No. 154, known as the Union Street proect; that properly found benefited and liable and assessed as aforesaid, is Ihe property that lies within the boundaries of the following description, to-wil: situated in Cily of Klamath Falls, Klamath Counly, Ore gon; Beginning at a point which is the N.W, corner of Lot 15, Block 309, Dar row Addition; thence East 694 4 feet to the N E. comer ol Lot 28, Block 309 Darrow Addition; Ihence South 300.0 Icel to Ihe S E. corner ol Lot 1, Block 310, Darrow Addition; thence west 693 9 feet lo Ihe S W. corner ol Lot 14, Block 310, Darrow Addition; thence North 300.00 Icet lo the point of beginning, all In City ol Kl.imath Falls, Oregon. The docket of City Liens has been made up as provided by section 268 ol the Charter of said CHy, and below will be found a list of the names of the owners whose property has been so assessed as aloresald and against which liens have been docketed, as by said ordinance provided, together wilh Ihe description ol the properly of each owner and the total amount so as sessed agalnsl each specific properly and ihe owner and holder thereol. Relerenca Is hereby made to such lien docket tor detail description of each lot. pari ot lot, block or parcel ot acreage property so assessed. Further notice Is hereby given the respective owners ol property so as sessed and hereinafter listed that such assessment is now due and payable, and will b delinquent from and after Ihe expiration ol twenty davs from the date of the first publication of this notice, which said first publication will be made on the 25th. day of Novem ber, 1963. The owners of property so assessed as aforesaid must either pay In cash or make and file with the City Record er ot Ihe said City on or before the 17th. day of December. 1963, beinq Iwenfy days from Ihe first publication ol this notice, their respective applica tions to pay such assessments in len equal installments, providing they have not previously signed lor same. Iht following is the description of the properly, name ol owner and amount ol the lien; to-wlt: All In the Cily of Klamath Falls. Klamath Counly. Ore gon; AH property in Darrow Addition; Ai.e Hershburger, Lot li, Block 309, 1579 79: Harvey H K Helen Morgan, Lot 16, Block 3C9, SS79 79, George & Lena Chatnon, Lot 17, Block JP9, is 79 79; Sven & Ria Swanson, Lot IB, Block 3P9. s79 79; Lester V A Mary E. Wells, Lot 19. Block 3C9. $5 70 79. Pon S I a r k e y, Lot 20. Block 309, (5 79 79. Don s I a r k e y. Lot 21. Block 309. J579 7. Don S t a r k e y. Lot 21, Block J09, IS 79 79: H c. Boren. Lot 23. Block J09, VS79 M C. Boren, Lot 24, Block 309, $J9 79. Mamath VaMey Lbr. Co. Lot 25, BUHh 30. 1V 79: Kiamalh Valley Lbr. Co BlCKk JC, f79 X. Mamath Vai'ev Lbr. Co Block R9 JW 79; Mamath Valley Lbr. Co Lot 26. Lot 27, Lot 78. Block JOf. JW9 19; Commerce Invest. Co Lot !, B'o:k 310. 4S10 71: Commerce Invest. Co, Lot 2, Bloclt 3 ia w 7. Commerce invest. Co Lot J, B'ock 3to ss Sttt of Oregon Lot , B'Ock 310, 1579 7f; Stare 0t Oregon Lot J, Block 310, V9 79; State of O'fgon Lot 6, Block 3'fi V9 -9, S'-tf of Oregon Lot 7. Block Jig. JS' I. Mre o' O'egon Lot B. Block 3'0. $' Slate ot Oregvsn Lot 9, itcxk 30. J7 79 State o Oregon Lol 10, Bicxk I'D, Roland Ha'dfn, M'9 79. Lflt H. Bxk 3'0. H J Fred' ck. Lot ij. B'ock 310, BJ79 f. Jeromt K Or S'XWJV. Lot 1. B'Osk 3 lit. MT9 79, Cat & Ruth Olson. Lot 1. (Iirxk 310. s-iT re Th.s note is puMishrt by atr ef the Common Counc 'I O th C'ty ot Mmti fans. O'eqon, pursues! to the Chafer of sa.d C'tv. Dated at Mmem t'ls. Oregvsn. this 2Mh day ot November. ia3. Ras't Kent. Recorser, j.ty pf Klam ath t jM. OtfvX"V No 4sl No ;s ;a. jr. ;b. J. No A3 337 E SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH DOLORES E. LUTZEN, Plaintiff vs. HAROLD LUTZEN, Defendant. TO HAROLD LUTZEN, DEFEND ANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You art hereby required to appear and answer Ihe plaintiff's complaint on tit herein on or before ten o'clock A M., Wednesday, the 4tn day ot December, 193, end if you tail to so answer or otherwise appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed tor in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree ot the above-entitled Court granting her an absolute di vorce from defendant; awarding plain tiff the complete care, custody and control Of DARRELL ALLEN LUT ZEN, aged two years, subiect to the right ot reasonable visiting privileges for defendant; granting judgment against defendant in the sum ol 150 00 per month for the support and main tenance of said minor child, all of said payments to be made to the Clerk ot the above-entitled Court; and lor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and equit able in the premises. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Herald and News once each week for tour consecutive weeks pursuant to the or der of the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judge of the above - entitled Court, made and entered the 1st day ot November, 1963, and the first pub lication to be made on the 4th day ot November, 1963, and the last pub lication to oe made on the 25ih day of November, 1963. RICHARD C. BEESLEY s- Richard C. Beesiey Attorney for Plaintiff 5JB Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon No. 421, Nov. 4, It. 18, 25, 1963. MEETING NOTICES Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF & AM STATED COMMUNICATION Monday, Nov. 25, Ma sonic Temple. Past Masters, night. No host dinner 6:30 p.m. Meet-, ing 8 p.m. All Moster Masons cordially invited. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M SCOTTISH RITE BODIES SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING in oil Bodies Tuesday, Nov. 26, 8 p.m. Herman Gisvold, Secy. ALOHA CHAPTER No. 61 OES STATED MEETING Tuesday, Nov. 26, Ma sonic Temple, 8 p.m. Men's Night. All East ern Star members cor dially invited. Enter Refreshments. Carry Rush, W M. Orvol Alley. W P LOST & FOUND 2 KITTEN lost from 1869 LeRoy, 3 mo. old, while with gray spots, TU 4-SBOl. LOST black male collie, Rle. 2. 75), TU ?-3no! GENERAL NOTICES 4 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meets Wed., Sat. nights, TU 7-5740. Bo 1065. PERSONALS 6 ADAH, formerly ol Adah's Beauty Sa lon, is now associated with Belle's Bouty Shop, 230 No. 11th, where she will welcome old and new patrons, TU 4-5277. LICENSED home lor aqed, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 20165. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704, help at anytime. "BEGINNERS aTanon. HelpTam files-oT alcoholics, TU 4-7t2, Box 15. Wotkins Products Dorothy Ncft, Ttt ?-ltJ5 SERVICES 10 PAINTING, wallpapering at its best, Interior, exterior, brush or spray, rea sonable prices, free est.. TU 20131. DRESS maklnq and alterations, all work guaranteed. TU 2-4530. MEAT CUTTING Experienced retired meat cutter wilt cut and wrap your meat, very reason able, TU 2-4S01, 611 N. 11th. DEPENDABLE repairs - carpentry, eiectric, plumbing, painting. L I g h hauling, garages, basements cleaned, free estimates. TU 4-5582. PAINTING, papering, rooling, plumb ing, general repair. 397-4483. BLOCK work, remodeling, cement, references, reasonable. TU 2-53S8. LO R N A'SDOL L H O S P IT AL 1434 Lakevlew St. TU 4-6992 13 yrs. in the same location TREE lopplnn. trlmmlnq, removing. Roe Tree Service, TU 2-9389. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to proeelng plant or leave. Al Stotl. TU 4-6126. FIX-IT SHOP We Repair and Fix Anything Worth Fixing SAW FILING - BICYCLES T & C SHOPPING Gino's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men. wom en, children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men's Wear 537 Main SEPTIC TANK CLFANING und INSTALLATION Licensed - Bonded - Guaranteed C W. CLIFFORD & SON TU 4-4l 3209 Hilyard Rose's Tailor Shop Com Diet Dremsklng Alterations Tdiionnq BtlM - Button Hole Upholjlerirtg - SEWING LESSONS 354 DIVISION TU 2 6942 HOWARD-CITE AN ERS Knlti & Drapes a Specially 7 a m. to 6 p m. Wffkdayi and Saturdays 2S Et Main TU ONE HOUR "MARTINIZING" THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING DRIVE IN CLEANERS ?04l Rnrlchtlf ot So 6th HKP WANTED, FEMALE 14 AVON Product! nd t information. Cflll TU Mj. Christian iaov o mK her home ilh mi. Vtrv I'Oht household duties, xchaivje tor lxw1 room References ffurumqrd. P" 1-27H; JIM) N. Pa c f Hv V"d''"-i O-e HELP WANTED. MALE 16 NATIONALLY tnon company will ha local evening for aaoressiva man Sales A service experience heio'ui out not ncearv Car, net Appearance Ur to S'2! guarantee lo itft if von Qvn'.fv. Write Herald and Nes Ba HELP WANTIO 17 VAN and we ntej on POu'try farm, no mall children, Rte. 3, Box CI, TU 4 lJ "NOTICF TO-YCB St f ic'EQS All fSfip Ml Pi'hi ned in ,K Mfid 1 Nt are accepted f onod la th that the oiM o'fered are ved tn the advert Hi rig t.iov We a'e not re-St-nMhif ftv fhf Integrity of ovr ader t'er. hvi we make eve'v e"wt to dis cover end reiect ail nnieaii"tj adver f'ttmo Anvpne nei'Q a he'P Wine4 ad 'd tinoing It to p rrineaomt it eed to report t to C'ai'tied As verfiting 0crtment Of th Herald k SITUATIONS WANTED IS FOR PtPtNDABLE CHILD CE Tu ? M i?;i rs';-?- rr. JACK k JILL PAY NURSERY f SANTA'S E.,y.n. Gi( Horn, fQ M.m jjffij Give A Typewriter 2S DIFFERENT MODELS. OVER 200 to CHOOSE from. $49.95 and up TERMS 5 YEAR GUARANTEE AMIDON'S 4535 So. 6th TU 4-6370 LOOK HERE!! PORTABLE 4-Speed PHONOGRAPH wilh high impact Non-Breakable Pla&lic Case . . . Reg $19 M only $15.88 MONTGOMERY WARD 9th & Pine - TU 4-3188 NEW E-Z - FIL BIRD FEEDER With 5 lbs. Wild Bird Food Only $1.98 PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN ,631 So. 6th TU 2-455S The VILLAGE COURT BEACH'S JEWELERS THRILLING NEWS In diamond ring styling 834 Main TU 4-3493 REALTONE TRANSISTOR RADIOS From 513.95 6 Transistor wilh ear. phone, leather case to 1J transistor, , band, large speaker and anlenna. CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 840 Main mm TU 2-3475,3 LEO'S CAMERA SHOP FINE SELECTION OF QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHIC GIFTS Cameras, Projectors, Tape Recorders 836 Moin TU 2-3331 SHOPPER'S SPECIAL"! J-66 Polaroid Cameras (, ONLYI $59.95 COFER'S 625 Klamath TU J-7UCI Order For Christmas APPLIANCES - TOYS LUGGAGE, ETC. FAMOUS NAME BRANDS AT Wholesale Prices!! FRANK'S TACKLE 670 E. MAIN TU 2-4788 WESTERN BOOTS! $5.80 and up ALBERS 2710 So. 6th TU 4-7733 ma A Record Make A Porfoi-t Christmas Gift 'J Largt Selection Now! UHUG'S 1026 MAIN TU 4-5512 renie"Jewelry Q OMEGA WATCHES 1021 Mom TU 4-4606 CUDDLY ' j MUSICAL DOLLS Were $5 Now S3 GOLD IRONS SNACK SETS VASES ASHTRAYS TOYS GAY'S SHOP 219 Mom St. TU 4-3817 The CLOTHES MART GIFT ITEMS MADE TO YOUR PLEASURE TOP OUALITY New & Used Clothing 125 So. 9th TU 4-3364 FREEMAN'S EXCLUSIVE WESTERN WEAR 2 Locations to suit vou 4532 So. 6th 717 Mom TU 2-0212 TU 4-5251 See What We Have fcr CHRISTMAS' MERCHANDISE MAPT lg,i t,, Alh TU a.(,.(,0 ARMCHAIR SHOPPERS Ency The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER foot Daily Gift Suggestions -Everything For Everybody-In BSA PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT NEW MODELS BODENHAMER'S 351 E. Wain TU 4-4672 "CHARLIE READ x . bAUULtKY LEATHER GOODS OF ALL TYPES EVERYTHING for the Horse!! Use our Lav-a-Way 623 KLAMATH AVE. TU 4-5661 Religious Gifts RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS We do IMPRINTING NATIVITY SETS -DECORATIONS Use Our Lay-Away Plon THE BIBLE CENTER 122 So. Ninth TU 2-1988 Gifts (or Home SYLVAN I A TV SETS, RADIOS STEREO EQUIPMENT BEEBE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE 1929 Oregon Ave. TU 4-5529 J "4 4 i ?U f 4f 41. 44 -. ,1 THANKSGIVING R i TABLE ARRANGEMENTS R GIFTS FOR YOUR HOST K ,1 5,1 KLAMATH R FLOWER SHOP K l?ll Main TU 4-4159 R r r . r . r. r , See Our Fine election of Famous ZENITH "QUALITY" STEREOS Consoles From $159.95 S&H Green Stamps, Too! TOWER FURNITURE (Open Friday 'Til 9) 1204 Main TU 4-8858 ADD BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME . . . WITH FURNITURE FROM ADAIR'S 2200 So. 6th TU 4-7510 BALDWIN ORGANS With Percussion & Panoromic Tone $995 Bowden 830 Main Music TU 2-4883 Thij Christmas Refinish your Piano Finishes changed to MODERN CONTEMPORARY FRUIT WOOD PROVINCIAL JONES FURNITURE REFINISHING FREE ESTIMATES TU t-UV CURTIS-MATHES COLOR TV $399 95 VACUUM CLEANER and APPLIANCE CENTER 1J1 So. 6ih TU 2-0131 SANTA'S CHOICE FOR "CHRISTMAS" is th LOWREY ORGAN with Double Keybcord $495 and up KLAMATH MUSIC 515 E. Mom - TU 4-3360 GIVE" FURNITURE" FOR CHRISTMAS For The Whole Family TERMS TO SUIT YOU LUCAS FURNITURE 18 sS&fr)l This a l;tgm "Baldwin( i""- i i .r u si r i us 195 Eort a'" TU 2-4l45i414 E Mom TU 4-6949 STEREO!! PACKARD BELL NELSON'S TV & RADIO SALES & SERVICE 13005 ShoMo Wav TU 2-3479 SHOPPER 1 BUILDERS SUPPLY AND FLOOR COVERING MODEL D-203 GENERAL ELECTRIC BUILT-IN DISHWASHER WHITE & COLOR $168.90 345 Easl Main TU 2-2955 You'll Find The RIGHT GIFT in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ IT EVERY DAY! Girri (or Him (fJT. CUSTOM EQUIPMENT TACHS, CHROMED WHEELS ACCESSORIES, SEAT BELTS SPEED EQUIPMENT ORDER NOW FOR LAY-A-WAY M. J. R. MUFFLER SHOP 2730 So. Mn TU 2-030 See SANTA at the TOG SHOP 08 Main Black s Decker U-l 7-Va" Utility FIXKIT This modern designed, high impoct, carrying case contains the U-IOOVi" drill with ac cessories and ottochments for all those home and shoo projects. Included with each Fixkit is a FREE copy of "How to Choose and Use Power Tools." $19.88 B.A.C. Account as low as $5 a month. BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS 47S4 So. 6th TU 2-2563 The Perfect Gift For Mom! MOBILMAID DISHWASHER Model SP 30 V only $129.95 GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. llth TU 4-8141 ft FREE $159 German Mode Portable Typewriter With Purchase Of famous Viking Colonnade 2,000 "The lowest Freearrn" SEWING MACHINE CENTER GIFT SUGGESTIONS" For Everyone on Your List Can be found in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHQRPER TU 4-3622 i -ss-- Gilts for it -i n ' ' L ML FEATHERWEIGHT' combination cleaner 2995 regularly $39.90 vacuuv Scrub Tike up nnsi water SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main TU 2-2513 Novelty Gifts PHOTOGRAPHIC CHRISTMAS CARDS BLACK & WHITE 25 lor S3 75 COLOR 25 lor S5.00 Bring your Print. Negative or Slide KLAMATH KAMERA AND NEWS STAND 10C4 MAIN TU J.4I8JS SMART SHOP DRESSES, JEWELRY FANCY WORK CHILDREN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY 619 Klomoth Ave. TU 2-6214 HOU DAY PARTY NEEDS! Reserve Now Hi-ball & Champ-iqne Glasses f Coffee Makers-Punch BgwIs China-Silverware-Other Items ;s VALLEY RENTAL K l 1003 E. Main TU 4-6l! S3 POR ALL GIRLS & BOYS FIRESTONE STORE 6th & Pine TU 4-8 i 09 TOY LAND- at J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 TOYS FOR ALL THE CIRLS & BOYS WESTERN AUTO 1039 Main TU i-5511 SI' I " 1 3 J Gilts for Ifyi Children " TOYS Holiday '4 Foods Kjjx SARI'S HOME OF REAL ITALIAN DINNERS DELICIOUS PIZZA FOR RESERVATIONS 5326 So. 6th TU 4-8212 LANE Cedar Chests YEAR-END CLOSE-OUT HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. 333 Klorraih Ave. TU 4-4878 SPECIAL NEW BELVEDERE ADLER FULLY AUTOMATIC SEA 'NG VACMINFS R?g. J:JJ SO N3w S'l SO Trm ED'S SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIR 411 OWENS Gifts for Friends EUCKSKIN GLOVES I r)-fi q'-jv Vtn t nr f. Ore g'ovei m S2 95 ff Up EAST MAIN SHOE & LEATHER Gilts tor LOWQ FROM 4:7 1 i j ..I1