AGE iA HERALD AND 5r;' - : i-Y .AS '"V J ' , J WsV J, ' - . n : . , ' ;, K L '-A r iRaa ; SUxuK.wi MaaauaaanJ llaMan Aaduataaaaaaaaa THE SUSPECT Lee H. Oswald, prime luspecl in fhe assassination of President John F. Kennedy, is shown at Dallas police headquarters. Oswald received a cut on the forehead and a black left eye in a fight with officers who arrested him. Oswald has been charged with murder of a Dallas police officer who attempted to arrest him. Oswald Wanted To Stay EDITOR'S NOTE: In a ; Moboow hotel room four years ; ago Lee Oswald told a IPO ; reporter why "I couldn't live r under the capitalist system. " ; In (he following dispatch I he r reporter describes that Inter- , view, which provides sharp In- sights Into the nature ol the '.man charged with the slaying lot President Kennedy. I; lliy ALlSE.MOKBY ! United Press Internollonal ; PARIS turn lie wanted . ito slay in the Soviet Union, ' said tlio slight and young man fitting In floom 233 c! (lie Metiopole Hotel in Alos- '. Living in Hie United States, lie added, would mean being Starts TODAY! You know him as Dr. Kildare! Now see RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN in his first starring role In a motion picture... a fascinating drama of courage, love... and passion! Laura Me . . . A Gaa-talllaa CWck . . . Yeunf , Or if aJ Vklouit The Handmrn Yvf Lawyer Was Nait On Hsr Uatl til A ! atlTiriMVI. N IM oonesm: IV buttons; innlrOVTiiMP ' , J !t ' UM 1 V," NEWS, Klamath Kalis, Oregon exploited by the capitalists. That w as one of his reasons for coming to Moscow, "Lee Jlarvey Oswald. Fort Worth, Tex., arrived .Moscow, Oct. 15, 1059, applied Oct. IB for Soviet citizenship," I bad writ ten in my notebook that day when I was on assignemrnt in the UPl bureau there. i-arly Saturday, after Os wald's arrest in Dallas. I mind my notes on what he bad said when 1 located him in Moscow after lie went to the U.S. Em bassy there and asked that his citizenship bo canceled. . He talked easily as if lie were ,'mxioiis to get all Ihut he said published. Ills Father Hies "I was born in New Oi lcans ( CONTINUOUS TODAY FROM .. 12:4 R CHARD CHAMBER1AIH mmmm mmwm RAW MALUM I THIS IS A MOVII pen tni MATunit i caooiv JONES T i ' I Ml Ii -I g ill 7 -J i Sunday, November 24, 1963 In Russia and lived for two years in New York," he said. "I spent most of my life in Fort Worth. My father died before I was born. Aly mother works in ships mostly, in Fort Worth." As be continued, he gave me Hie impression of a person who is 'determined hut unsure of lumself, naive and emotionally unbalanced. "I played baseball and foot ball in high school," he said. "1 had a certain amount of friends, but lv don't have many attachments now in ine 'U.S.," lie said; "In my childhood, I enjoyed a few benefits of American society. I was a bookworm." I asked why lie wanted to re main in the Soviet Union. "I'm a Marxist," he said seriously. "I became interested about the age of 15. An old lady banded mc a pamphlet about saving (lie Iloscnbeigs (Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were executed as spies'. "Das Kapltal" "I slill remember that pam phlet nlHiiit the llosenherg5. I don't know wihy. Then e mov ed to North Dakota and 1 dis covered one book in the li brary. Das Kapital.' It was what I'd been looking lor. H was like a scry religious man opening tlie -Bible (or the first time. "I stdi'ttHl to stwlv Marxist Yl l. IN TOWN HOLLYWOOD (LTD - Yul Hrynner, a resident of Europe who doesn't appear loo often in Hollywood-based productions, is in town (or "Invitation to a Gunfight er" at Universal International. MAJOR STUDIO PREVUE TODAY AT 3:50 and 7:30 WALLOPS THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF EVERY WESTERN JOHN WAYNES MAUREEN 0HARA TVTcIINTOCKI" Police DALLAS i LTD Police said Saturday they have an airtight case against pro-Castro Marx ist Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President Kcnnnedy, including photos of him holding Die rifle. Police were reported showing tile photos to the sullen, 24-year-old cx-Marme (rom suburban Irving, Tex., who has stead fastly maintained his inno cence and has also denied slaying a Dallas policeman. The photos, police said, show him with both the rifle used to kill President Kennedy and the pistol used to kill pursuing pa trolman J. D. Tippitt shortly after the assassination. . "This case is cinched." said homicide Chief Capt. Will Fritz, one of the most respected police officers in Texas. "The man killed President Kennedy. We are convinced without any doubt he did the killing," Fritz said. Frilz said he could not dis close the evidence on which he based his statement. Oswald, 24, so far has stubbornly denied any connection with the assas sination. He relused Saturday to take a lie detector lest after paraffin tests showed gunpow der traces on both his hands, in dicating he recently had fired a rifle the type of weapon used to kill the President Friday. The case was expected to go to a grand jury Wednesday, ay,,.. economic theories. I could sec the impoverishment of the mass es before my own eyes in my own mother. I thought the work er's life could be belter. I found some ..Marxist books on dusty shelves in the New Or leans library and continued to indoctrinate, myself for five years." He added that living in the United States means exploita tion by the capitalists, "Capitalism has passed its peak." he said. VCapitalism will disappear as feudalism dis appeared." Oswald said he was against segregation. "'c seen pour niggers, be ing a southern hoy," he shhI. "And that was a lesson. Peo ple bate because they're told to hate, like sclnxil kids. It's the fashion to hate people in the United States." DOORS OPIN TODAY AT 1:00 P.M. Saa The raws Today Plus Mcllateck YOU'VE EVER SEEN! i ' aaKiiuiii in milium : ' i'nr,-ini s,.i -iiri' ri n-n alf ii a in' if " ' " iiletaWffcaaSy Convinced Oswald duilfy Nov. 27. or Monday, Dec. 2 Fritz refused to say whether the sniper slaying of the Presi dent and the wounding nl Texas trfiv. John t'onnally as they rode triumphantly through downtown Dallas was an organized pint or a spur-of-the-moment act. "There were no accomplices," Fritz said, however. Dallas County Dist. Ally. Hen ry Wade said the assassination trial of the 24-year-old Marine Corps reject probably would be held in January. Wade, with a record of 24 convictions in 24 capital cases, said he would try the Oswald case himself. Should Oswald not lie convict ed and sentenced to death by electrocution, he then would be tried for the slaying of a Dallas policeman who sought to arrest him after the assassination, Wade said. Wade was more cautious in his appraisal of the state's case than Fritz. "There is no such thing as a cinch. I do believe we have a good case," Wade said. Police had the Italian-made sniper scope rifle used in the slayings. They knew from Os wald's Russian wife that he owned such a gun. She saw it the night before the assassina tion. He bought it in New Or leans, she said. As Oswald called for a New York lawyer who has been ac cused of Communist party THE PLACE This is fhe window from which a sniper assassinated President Kennedy and inured Gov. John Connelly Friday in Dallas. The President's car was in fhe upper riahthand corner (arrow THE WEAPON This is a doseup of the rifle be lieved to have bean used to assassinate President John F. Kennedy Friday UPI Telephotos Klamath Pain. OrtM rVibhihtxl daily (atctof Sal 1 ar"J StJflfv 5riM 5HitMrn Orfl if Nartrtarta California r 1 At P(1A3 PpMna TUiaJ Milt itart4 at tcantf-ciaM matter at t Coit sVt'Ct at Ma-" a AvajHtt It. IHi, wntfar act f Cv 8'a, v't 3. ii' Stcard .ia r1' a bh at Klamath piii. OrtM. nJ at a0Jitisvtal mailmaj oltictii Cmar i Mm i Mm tut 1 Yaar Mall In Ait 1 Mit MantM . I Yaar Carnw iM Paa'trt Wtiav. Caf, 1MIT. Caif s t n III w ma I I M III M III.N IK UNITIO INTItNATIONAL AUDIT tURIAU OF CIRCULATION Svfticriktrt ri rtxaiviiifj daiivarv m thttr NaraM ant Ntwt, ltM pm (U4 Mill Htr ; p.n. ....... ' ' aaaanw in am. awn. Km,. -was )anttaasaaaaa ;.- N h.wwi?i; ,$ww .' ' . . lianaaiiiaiiiirmiaaal 4AujU!Um; tk-HxAAiLM I membership. Wade said lie would not disclose the evidence because: "We have got to get a jury whodoesn t know what evidence we have." Although he agreed with Capt. Fritz that there was no evi dence connecting anyone else to Oswald, Wade said: "Our mind is open." Oswald also was accused of slaying a pursuing policeman, another charge he denied al though he admitted he owned the snub-nosed 38-calibcr pistol which felled the veteran officer. When he was arraigned ear lier on this murder charge. Os-. wald responded: "I don't know what this is' all about." Police claimed Oswald, who qualified as a sharpshooter while in the Marines, was in the building from which the assas sin fired the fatal bullet at Ken nedy. But Oswald said it wasn't so, that he was in a movie the ater. There were small conflicts in times and stories as federal and state officials pieced togeth er the details. Mrs. R. C. Roberts who works at the rooming house where Os wald lives said he dashed in soon after 12:43 CST (1:45 EST'. Police said the suspect was seen in the Texas schoolbook depository building from which the sniper fired at 12:45. The building is 12 blocks from his e If x , -la' ; i Notice To Charge Customers Miller's Books ore closed for the month! All charge purchases made balance of this month will not be due until Jan. 10th. Christmas shop now and pay next year! 512 Main Free Parking ot 5th & Klamath rooming house. A policeman asked him what he was doing there and a supervisor, knowing he worked there, said: "He is okay." Kennedv was shot at 12 31 p.m., CST. Mrs, Roberts said a friend called her at 12:45 to say the President had been shot. Suddenly, she said, in rushed Oswald, "on the dead run." "He ran to his room, came running back with a gray zipper jacket and out the door. "I said 'you sure are in a hurry' but he didn't even an swer." He ran toward a bus slop. Mrs. Roberts said. Patrolling in Oak Cliff was Officer J. D. Tippitt, a 38-ycar-old father of three. He was about five blocks from the Tex as Theater where the double feature "Cry Battle" and "War Is Hell" was playing. It was near 1 p.m. the time Kennedy was pronounced dead but the exact time is not known. Tippitt fell to the street, shot twice. How he accosted his slay er is not known. A witness called police and cars headed for the area. Then Mrs. Julie Postal, cashier at the Texas Theater, called police. A suspicious-looking man was in the theater, she said. Officers M. N. MacDonald, Ray Hawkins, C. T. Walker and Bob Varroll converged on the virwna ma mm "V.fser .1 REAL MEANING' OF ' ' ' CHRISTMAS ; 6 1 RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS CARDS See our complete . selection of reverent and inspirational greetings. "Klamath's Home Acces sory and Gift Store" Your Store Ph. TU theater. They charged in. The house lights flared up. Oswald, in the third row. cen ter section, leaped up and said "This is it." Some witnesses said he cried: "This is the end!" MacDonald headed toward him. The 38 snub-nose came up. It misfired. The officers jumped him. Oswald, a wiry 5 foot 8 indies and 160 pounds, lashed out at MacDonald's face. The policemen smashed him down and dragged him, still fighting, to a police car. THANKSGIVING SALE OPEN SUNDAY CLOSED MONDAY IN MEMORY OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY NOTICE: Annual Christmas Employes Night Postponed Until Tuesday, Nov. 26 EatMaMMawunKaaauaaHMaaaaaiaMawd NELSON AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC pJIt GRILL &m Newberry's P P atd Large 12" by 21 " sizt. Completely UL. immenible. Removable temperature . control. A wonderful Christmoi pres- 0 ent idea ot Newberry's spectaculor X FRUIT CAKES BQHH 's':'v, Jeon Ann tjjjBBH ' M f brond totty "y 3 (CMMCi cakes in metal E I t L containers. fij TOt fiaaB L.w. l.w IDS.. beA i FOAM BACK Kmmm 9'xU' mmmm S5 ifa CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES Big lO-oi. bat of delicious milk chocolert covered cordial cherries by Glcnbrook. newberry's low' low pr,ce & Herald t Semi Klamath Falls Sun., Nov. it. Page -A DENTAL PLATES Repoired, etc. Our cnvtninr, k 4 y, practical, mnd ctnomicajl ttrvic! NOW available. N appeinrmint nacdtd. drlav - n walliaf ttt Credit Ft pi in by rtqaitt OPEN 9:00 - 5:00 1033 Main St. TU 4-3214 STARTS SUNDAY 10 am - 5:30 pm No pod needed with this foam backed rug. In tweed colors green ond brown with white, black and brown with white, black and gray with white and candy stripe. 12" x 15 $39.88 SAME AS ABOVE JUST ARRIVED FOR THANKSGIVING LIVE CHRYSANTHEMUMS 99 Newberry's Low, Low Price ( 7 or more blooms on every plant in plettic S-in. pot. Pink, yellow and gold. I . iUViJ I 100 RAYON uuw, uuw . mum 31 c k