PAGE-tB f ... - . 1 BETROTHAL TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Lewii, thi city, announced the engagement of their daughter, Dor othy, to Ronald D. Markham, Stockton, Calif., at a recent reception in their home. Their wedding will take place in July of next year. The bridegroom-to-be is the son of Mrs. Julia T. Markham and the late Louis D. Markham of Stockton. H I "ITT 1 ' : 1 1 ) ;y V'M PARTY PRINCIPALS - Bride-to-be Judy Larson was honored by her former high school friends at a shower at the Ralph Bowman home in Alturas on Nov. 9. The guest of honor is shown at right with three friends home from college to host the affair. Lett to 'ight are Pat McCunniff, Yvonne Bowman and Bonnie Hickerson. Bride-To-Be Is Honored AI.Tl'R.AS Three Allur.-M pirls wore home from college .Saturday, Nov. !, lo honor Jurly Larson with a miscellaneous .shower a( the Ralph Bowman home. Co-hostesses of the lovely affair that brought togollier nearly 50 friends of the young hride-to-he were Pat iMcCuniff, Bonnie Hickerson and Yvonne Chapel Rites Unite Couple Duma Nicks of Ashland and Ober C. Brown, Fort Klamath, were married Oct. 2fi at J'arks Wedding Cha)el in Reno. Wedding attendants lor the couple wore the bridegroom's jnn and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ijco Morslad of Klam ath Kails. Tile bride chose a gold metal lic dress and brown accessories lor the ceremony. Mrs. Wor st ad wore a dress in old rose shade. After a wedding trip lo I-ikc Talioe the newlywpds returned to Ashland where they are re siding at 12 Laurel Street. The new Mrs. Hi own is owner operator of Nii kie's Beauty Sa Ion. Her liushand is woods lioss for the Bill Wamplcr Company of Chiloipiin and is presently working at 'Medicine like. fOK YOUR ( - Protection QUtSTION: Whot it the low est value 0 larm dwelling con hive and still qualify tor thi Forniwnef's inburOrxe? ANSWER: At present S8000 i thp minimum value fnr the principal dwelling ond S5000 minimum value on ony aridi titnal delling. Jerry frV Thomas ' 1 . Answers , 'J- Y"y You, I (Vj Insurance y - Questions I "kv1 1 HKRAI.D AND v Bowman. The four girls have been friends through Ih e i r school days in Allmas. 1 Judy is to be married to Rich ard Phillips of Alturas Satur day, Nov. 30, at the Alturas .Federated Church. Slie was giv en a bridge luncheon and show er in October by .Mrs. Walter Oysin, Mrs. Herman Weber, .Mrs. Steve Slinkard ami Mrs. Jerome Ho.xey at (lie Hoxey home. ft . i gallenkamps (pJuL -dColidxu Special 1 ONE WEEK ONLY 5 lens; hslr Ismb's wool ihttjln by i full chow with soft, psddtd solt. In tf t. , . . . i kl,,a ins lipxicn lea, ivn, k-- " hut. Isvtndtr snd black: sues 410. i s SMtn's wirm-llned leather eperss Rrubbtr heel. In black, brown or I Boys' sizes 3 6 by "Ly rats" iGALLENKAMPS NEWS, Klamath Falls. Orfgoa BRIDE-ELECT Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stough announce the engagement of their daughter, Glenda Louise, to Richard Ivan Lehrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard I. Lehrman. Both families reside in Klamath Falls. The wed ding will take place Dec. 21 in Mt. Laki Community Church. The future bride is a graduate of Henley High School and her fiance of Klamath Union High School. He will be graduated in December from Oregon Technical Institute. NKAT TRKAT A room looks neater if dirt nnd finger smudges are washed off the walls, areas around door knobs and light switches. You can keep suds from smearing walls or woodwork when you sponge a light switch plate. Cut out a heavy cardboard frame for the switch plate and hold it in place when cleaning. Bo sure power is off. "Li jy Pls". Scuff er , rr colors JJlort includ- g MrArk hill UMVU4, with leather sole and J") 55 natural; sites 6-13. J fiuodav, November 24, 1913 v. Officials Visit Aux. DUNSMUIR-Dislricl officials were guests at a recent initia tion meeting of the Dunsmuir Veterans of Foreign Wars Aux iliary, No. 4718, at the VFW Hall. District President Flora Ellis, Weaverville, was the guest scaker. Other dignitaries pres ent included Mrs. Gloria iMoul lon, district color bearer, Red ding, and lister Burnall, dis trict commander, Weaverville. The current project of the Dunsmuir VFW auxiliary is ac cumulation of articles for a gift box for Camp While veterans. There's Nothing Like ACCUTRON World's Only Electronic Timepiece ACCUTRON ty BULOVA tCCUTHON "111" Slllnllll lll catt, wilirprooM, iHtep tKond ln Hind IppllM) mirktrt and nitft llliatx ll'ip. lus oa CCUT0N Cold lillld'tlia. witffproptt. mptchmi tdiuitaMt link band. Hind-tppliPd fnarkprt. SI TS 00 COM! IN INO SIC oca SIUCIION ortxcuuoNiiMirncts 700 Main St. ... . i (J i 0rjkVi'' GUEST OF HONOR In honor of her 85th birthday. Mrs. Inge Dusenbery was honored at a dinner Nov. 6 in Bonanza by her nephew, Agnar Jordanger, First Lady Is Nominated Mrs. .Mark O. Hatlield, wife of the governor of Oregon, has been recently honored by the Millinery Institute of America by nominating her as one nf the "best-hatled" women of the year. Each year the .Millinery In stitute nf America presents seven (ioldcn Hat Awards, rnc each in that many categories. Mrs. Hatfield is nominated in tlie Public Affairs category along with Edna F. Kelly. U.S. delegate to the United Nations; Marietta Tree of the United Na tions: Olvela Culp Hobby, pub lisher of the Houston Post, and 'Mrs. Richard Nixon, wife of the former vice president nf the United Stales. The six other categories are theatre, films, television, classi cal music, popular music and society. Presentation of the national frn flpure) ARROW "DECTON" GLEN: in 0 wosh ond wear bUnd of 65 Docron, 35 long-stople cotton. Medium. spreod soft collor style with Kort points. Quota Club Quota Club of Klamath Coun ty has been holding regular Tuesday luncheon meetings each week at Molatorc's Res taurant. At the Nov. 1!) meeting, David Card, local attorney, spoke to the group on the importance of wills for aH families, with or w ithout children. The group also enjoyed the company of several guests. Mrs. Mary House, Mrs. Doris Argot singer, Mrs. Vera Durant, .Mrs. Pansy Boone, Mrs. Ann Steers, Mrs. Marian Linville and Mrs. Venice Dryden. Recently the club enjoyed a polluck dinner at the home of Esther Newell on the Lakeview Highway. Golden Hat Awards will Iw an nounced at the semi-annual mil linery fashion show-brunch to be held in the Royal Box, Ameri cana Hotel in New York City on Jan. 5, l!ifi4, when National Press Week opens. We Gift Wrap Them Beautifully, Too! with a sleigh-full of Vjy3fs ' . ,JfiPV . ARROW9 . (fff-V WHITE SHIRTS JA' ffiEfc filled with many smart collar styles.. . '"f - &&''( many fine fabrics... for every man on your list v V! S W f mm 3 500 Birthday Is Observed BONANZA Agnar Jordanger entertained with a dinner at the Bonanza Cafe on Nov. 6, honor ing his aunt, Mrs. Inga Dusen berry, on her 85th birthday. The two fall flower arrange ments on the dining table were later presented to -Mrs. Dusen berry and to Mrs. Frank Brown, who was celebrating her birth day on that date also. A pretty w hite cake was dec orated with yellow roses and "Happy- Birthday Auntie" in yellow icing. Covers were laid for Mrs. Du senlierry, Agnar Jordanger, .Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jordanger and Kimbcrly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Jake Werner and Karen, Mrs. Barbara Baird. Mrs. Bon Tyree. Mrs. Dick Botens and Steve and Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. A social evening followed the dinner. Sleeping on a is like sleeping on a cloud! SEALY MATTRESSES Starring as Low as 39.95 S&H Green Stamps Open Friday) Till 9:00 - 600 - 8 12th 4 Main ' TU 4-8858 fa isB-k. NEEDLE CLI B MEETS NEW PINE CREEK The New Pine Creek Needle Club met Nov. 16 at the home of Mrs. Ruth Clark. It was decid ed to have the Christmas party I 1- 1 47 N Alio malei a great bath divider. $9 QA I'nil parked 17 in convenient mailing carton. "Klamath's Home Accessory & Gift Store" OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9:00 YOUR STORE 721 Moin 95 Sundav. Dec. 15, in the Grange Hall. Mrs. Buna Faris and Mrs. Sue Vincent were remembered for their birthdays. Mrs. Hilda Holt will be hostess to the club on Saturday, Dec. 21. 8(o(3Q unity helf ddt bathroom tpare without using mote! for cosmetics towels toiletries Thii femintL Hral Vanity Shelf add l?autv and pire lo any bathroom! le lignrd lor f realrr convenience in the itor aye of bat hint; arrenone. il tit a over any aier lank and moil hamperi lo odd apace and beauty. Exclmut Pero-rail p ihelf edgr tafeguarda "C- mailer article! tatiily installed tubular polei limply map in place. Hiattic cap protect ceiling and floor. Shehea attach to polea with poiitnt, totk-Ught connector. Pnlei, o.el ringa and three iheltea formed of heavy ateel tubing and wire with gleaming chrome hni'h. All ibeNea are 22" long. 8 V deep. Polei extend from 7!j to 8'i feet. Single Towel Pole For that wait corner or hard to use spot. Two rings ond towel bar. Same strong spring con- QQ struction as vanity C Shelf. Only ... ij to, TU 4-4561 A welcome orrivall So many Arrow white thirtt from which to choose hil gift ... In Aeftering cellar atylee for dignified or daihing Dodi. your "other half' e relative, a friend, any and every type of manl In fin quality cotton broadcloth, oxfordft, wath and wear fabric Including blendi . . . each shirt with the Arrow contour-tailoring that onurei pmrinA Hi. "Sanforised," of ceunel A. ARROW TA6BER: of fine quality cotton broadcloth. New, norrower cut Engliih-ttyle collor with under neath tnop lob to keep It imeothly in tin. 8. ARROW CHASE: of eaiy-eort waih ond wear 100 cotton. Non wilt collar with mediuffl-ipread horter point. ARROW TIDE: 10ft collor, son fabric C. ARROW DART: of fin quality cotton broadcloth. Non-wilt coMof ityled with rgular4ngth points. ARROW DALf; am styles ivsuty broadcloth. 0. ARROW GORDON DOVER SDt of eiferd'weave cotton. Buttonowat eft collae stylo with medium-length points. HARMONIZING ARROW TIES ond HANOKERCHIES: Ties In polka dots, foulards, stripes solids, novelties, motif types. Handkerchiefs of fine qvortty soft fobrics. Man-site; white, tonei, border, initials. ' 0.ionl JJA, Charge your selection on our Convenient Revolving Charge Plan! asislore Ti( piihltc rvi- U nr v of nlinf nur )ntimnr milpfifi will b imwfrfd Willi nut rhMiBf or nhMtlon If ou ll nd or brinff ihrm tn JERRY THOMAS INSURANCI AGENCY 104 S. 7lh fh. TU 2-J53S l!f Mia!l Otm- 'FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 00 P.M. .n adiM ... a. rt.,Mii. ..... i.. . 2 733 Main 711 MAIN ST. ond Town & Country