T J(Lmalli 3JL Skrine CLl Stage6 "JJi-J!itc3 Of 63" 5 -Annual 3eitive Sbinntr 3), 'ance mi err 3M! 1 V SOCIETY By Helen Bechen Herald and New November 24, 1963 4?J V -sr a1 Klamath Falls Shriners gathered Nov. 9 in the Klamath Auditorium to serve as hosts to the annual dinner dance. Honored guest at the " Hi Lite s" was Millah Temple potentate Lynn Naw bry of Talent, standing left above with Mrs. Newbry and Lloyd Griggs of Cottage Grove, member of the Divan. Al Nybaclc, president of the local Shrine Club, is seated between his daughter, Mrs. Monte Voight, left, and Mrs. Lloyd Griggs. S2 rat 1 A- Among the past potentates of Hillah Temple present for the affair were Chet Hub bard, standing above with Mrs. Hubbard, who came from Medford for tho evening. Seated are two other past potentates, George Hillis and Mrs. Hillis, left, and Don Ken yan and Mrs, Kenyon, rigKt, 1 , i Ml ,1 Bright docorations are ad mired above by Mr. and Mrs. Don Phelps. Photos by Kettler At left is an overall pic ture showing the out standing decorations used to set the stage for the glittering evening. A lighted Shrine emblem outlined the head table and votive lights in branch candelabra lighted small er side tables, all set be neath a ceiling of stream ers and center lights which were given a chandelier-type dross for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Al ley are pictured below. o o 1.) t 0 Committee members pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stone, standing, and seat ed left to right, Mrs. Joe Hicls, Hubert Toton and Mrs. Totton. Wilson Wiley, general chairman, stands in the picture at right behind Mrs. Wiley, right, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Aldrich, also committee members. Others on the committee included Joe Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Milne and Mr. and Mrs.s Cecil Drew. A social hour preceded the dinner dance. Music was played by" Baddy's Band. 0 0 1 c