Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 22, 1963, Page 1, Image 1

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Klimith Falls, Tuleltkt nd Lakt
vtew Conifdtrible cloudinns through
Saturday with snow Hurries tonight
and showtrs and snow flurries Satur
day. Lows tonight to 30. High Sat
urday 40 to 4J, westerly Winds live to
JS miles per hour.
High yesterday 35
Lew this morning 25
" High year ago 41
. Low ytir ago n .
, Pncip. last 24 hours . Price Ten Cents 20 Pages
Pillirn of wtathir Ii for rtcurrlng
piriodi of thowtri or mow llurriit
through fho wctkind. Tomponturoi
will bt stasonablt onif ring from
lowi in tho IOi to hlghi In Iho 40.
KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON', FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963 Telephone TU 4-8111 No. 76.1S
In The-
Day's tall Suspect Caught
As this is written, President
John F. Kennedy has just been
shot and killed by an unknown
assassin in Dallas, Texas, He
had just arrived in the city, and
was on his way from the air
port to the downtown area to de
liver a luncheon speech spon
sored by Dallas trade organiza
tions. .
He was riding in the famous
Bubble Top car, which had
been sent from Washington. It
was designed to deflect bullets.
But the top was DOWN. There
was a sudden burst of gunfire,
and the President slumped over
in the back of the car. He was
rushed to an emergency hos
pital, but never recovered con
sciousness. He was accompanied by Gov
ernor Connally of Texas, who
was also hit. As this is written,
it isn't known whether Gover
nor Connally is alive.
The killing of President Ken
nedy raises to four the number
of American Presidents who
have died at the hands of as
sassins. The first was President Lin
coln, in 18G5. By way of relax
ation after a grinding day, he
had gone to Ford's Theater, In
Washington. He was shot by
John Wilkes Booth. He was
carried unconscious to a lodging
house across the street from
the theater and died early the
next morning. At almost, the
same moment, Secretary Se
ward was attacked and severe
ly wounded at his home.
The next President to die by
an assassin's bullet was Gar
field. He was shot at the Wash
ington railroad station by
Charles J. Guiteau, a mentally
unstable and disappointed office
seeker who boasted that he
wanted Arthur for President.
Vice-President Chester A. Ar
thur succeeded to the Presi
dency. President William McKinley
was shot while attending a re-
IConlinued on Page 2-A)
DALLAS (UPI) - Police to
day seized Lee H. Oswald,
identified as chairman of a
"Fair Play for Cuba Com
mittee," as the prime suspect
In the assassination of Presi
dent Kennedy.
Police said Oswald. 24, was
accused in the slaying of a
Dallas policeman shortly after
the shooting of the President.
Police Capt. Pat Gannaway
said the suspect was an em
ploye in the building where a
rifle was found.
Gannaway said the suspect
had visited Russia and was
married to a Russian. This was
not immediately confirmed.
Police received a quick tip
that a man suspected as the as
sassin had entered the 'texas
Theater. Policeman J. D. Tippit
and M. N. MacDonald ran into
a rear exit in pursuit. An usher
told them a man in a brown
shirt had entered the darkened
movie house a few moments before.
They spotted their quarry.
Tippit fired a shot and Hie sus
pact returned the fire. Tippit
was hit and killed. MacDonald
rushed at the suspect, w h o
yelled "It's all over now." The
two men fought in the seats, po
lice reported, and MacDonald's
face was slashed before the man
was subdued and seized.
A Requiem Mass will be of
fered for President John F.
Kennedy at both St. Pius X
Catholic Church and Sacred
Heart Catholic Church on Satur
day morning. Mass will be said
at 7, 8, and 9 a.m. at St. Pius
X, with Rev. David Hazen of
ficiating, and at 8 a.m. at Sa
cred Heart.
President Kennedy's shocking assassination
has left a nation stunned. People found the neu's
of his death unbelievable and were reluctant to ac
cept the word that he had been shot to death in
At this moment, just an hour or so after the
President was killed, we, too, find it difficult to
understand that in this day and age we would sud
denly lose a man of such great importance to the
nation and the world.
The murder had to be the action of a person
completely out of his mind. Ironically the President
had been laboring feverishly for legislation to help
the mentally ill of our country.
This, indeed, is a black day in the history of
our nation. It is reminiscent of a Good Friday just
100 years ago when President Lincoln was shot
and killed at Ford's Theatre in Washington. It was
a time, too, when civil rights was one of the vital
issues confronting the United States.
God help us for what we in America have
done today!
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MOMENTS BEFORE President and Mrs. John Kennedy, seated in the rear seat of
their open limousine as the motorcade moved through downtown Dallas. Moments
later the President was mortally wounded and Gov, John Connelly, behind his wife
in the center seat, was critically wounded. The President died about one-half hour.'!'
after being shot in the temple. :.
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HISTORY REPEATED The lata President John F. Kennedy is shown after he paid
respects to another president who was assassinated Abraham Lincoln. President
Kennedv is shown I ea v i n a Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, III., during an election
un leiepnoto
speaking tour in 1962.
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LAST SCENES OF LIFE President John Kennedy arrived in Dallas Friday morning
to a busy schedule and a tragic date with an assassin's bullet which took hit life. At
far left, the late President is shown as he greets well wishers at airport shortly after,
shis arrival in Dallas. In the center is Texas Governor John Connally who was also
gravely wounded by the assassin. In center view President Kennedy is shown with
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson who now becomes president. At far right, a view
of the late President just three days before his death in a pensive mood as he speaks
to the AFL-CIO convention in New York. ' UPI Telephoto
UPI White House Reporter
DALLAS (UPI) President Kennedy was assassinated today
in a burst of gunfire in downtown Dallas. Texas Gov. John Connally was
shot down with him.
The President, cradled in his wife's arms, had been rushed in
his blood-spattered limousine to Parkland Hospital and taken to an
emergency room. An urgent call went out for neurosurgeons and blood.
The President, 4 1 years old, was shot once in the head'. Connally
was hit in the head and wrist.
Police found a foreign-make rifle. Sheriff's officers were ques
tioning a young man picked up at the scene.
The President was conscious as he arrived at the hospital.
Father Hubcr from Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church was called and
administered the last rites of the church.
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, who now becomes President
of the United States, was in a car behind the Kennedys and Connallys.
He rushed to the hospital and was whisked away by Secret Service
men. His whereabouts were being kept secret.
Mrs. Kennedy was still at the hospital.
She was not shot.
The White House spokesman refused to comment on her con
dition. Johnson was under heavy guard and was whisked from the hos
pital by White House officials. K
Johnson was sworn in as President at 12:39 p.m. (PST).
Hit tn Right Temple
' - President Kennedy was shot in the right temple.
- l'-i.,::"It was a simple matter1 of a bullet right through the head,"
said Dr. George Burkley, White House medical officer.
The shooting occurred as Kennedy and his wife, riding with
Gov. Connally and Mrs. Connally, were riding in the White House "bubble
top" limousine through a crowd of 250,000 people in downtown Dallas.
As it neared the triple underpass leading toward the Trade Mart
where Kennedy was to address a lunch, three bursts of gunfire sounded.
Motorcycle police raced up the grassy knoll of a park nearby
where a man and woman were huddled.
Kennedy died 30 minutes after the shot was fired,
Johnson left the hospital moments after he was Informed of the
President's death.
Johnson Take Over
Traveling behind a police escort, with his wife, Lady Bird, John
son headed under heavy guard for seclusion somewhere in midtown Dallas.
Gov. Connally was reported in serious condition and in great pain.
"Take care of Nellis," his wife, he gasped to an aide.
As the deadly gunfire sounded, motorcycle police raced up the
grassy knoll of a park nearby where a man and woman were huddled.
There was pandemonium. The President's car cut out of the line
of travel and raced behind screaming motorcycle police sirens to Parkland
Hospital. Two litters were brought out for the President and the governor.
The President lay face down on the floor of the limousine, which
had its bubble top down.
White House Secretary Malcom Kilduff said the President's
body would be flown to Washington this afternoon.
The official announcement said time of death was "approximate
ly" 11 a.m. PST.
The Dallas sheriff's department identified the rifle as a 7.65
Mauser. The Italian-made army rifle had a telescopic sight with one shell
in the chamber. Three spent shells were found nearby.
The rifle was found in a staircase on the 5th floor of the building.
The assailant had been in the building some time and had been eating
fried chicken.
The chief executive, first Roman Catholic President of the United
States and in Dallas on a politicking mission for a second term, was smiling
broadly as he rode through downtown streets.
"Then that awful look crossed his face," said a man at curbside
only 15 feet away.
The identity of the assassin or assassins was not immediately
A Dallas television reporter said he saw a rifle being withdrawn
from a window on the fifth or sixth floor of an office building shortly after
the gunfire.
Mrs. Kennedy, who had been a tremendous hit Thursday on
the first day of the two-day visit, was seated just in front of her husband.
Car Splattered With Blood
After the shot, her husband slumped over on the back seat and
she screamed. The interior of the car was splattered with blood. Mrs. Ken
nedy took her husband's head In her arms and bent over him.
Mrs. Connally was kneeling over her husband who lay face down
on the floor of the car.,
There was pandemonium among the Secret Service men and
police motorcycle escorts. The assassin's bullets struck home so suddenly
there was no chance for them to hurl themselves around the President.