Tuesday, November II. 196J PACE 7 HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. TAUIUS APR. 21 MAY 21 ho 7- -3d SM-W-B I -861 fflSTAR GAZER? ft MAR. 22 4-21-3044 47-A2-74 OCMIM MAY 22 JUNE 22 lVA-7fr83-yol CANCft JUNE 23 JUt-vu rh! 8-26-34-41 9 57-65-79-81 uo JULY 24 -AUfi 23 lOm.M.4B.5ll hSy7-73-85-88l VGO AUG. 21 SEPT. 22! 3-10-12-24 '31-60-75 -Br CLAY R. POLLAN Jl lfou, (M Adi.it, Go.d. H JT According lo Id. Slots. To develop rreiiooe for Winesdoy, reod words corresponding to numbers vi yuur tootoc oirrn siga iEPT. 2J OCT. 23 ,. P3-37-46-S8 k9-72 80.89- lYou, 2S. 3 Put 4Ao.d SProrr 6 Popularity 7 0by 8Tr . Donl lOTnouonrs II Try I30t 13 Is U Prepor. I50n 16 tor 17 Mo In IBCfcn'l I9Cr.rjnc.s 20 Good 31 A 32 Mi 23 Tcp 34Foilut. 25 Pfomnei 26Quorrel 27 To 28 In 29 Limit 30Quarrl Good JlOut 32 Day 33 Tn. 34Aooyf 35 To 3a Irvreos. 37 Ptcp., 38 Ura. 39 To 40fo 41 Your 42 Rooiot. 43 &:cd 44U.tr. 45 Hct 40 blow 47 A 48 Or 19 i, 50G.I 51 Anything 52Tm ,ngs 53 Pieosuie- 54 Now 55 Will ' 56 Heart 57 Rionli 58 Interest 59 Harmonious 89Noi 6001 90 Optimism ) Adverse dNeuiul 61 Toijcjiiti o2 Co-o'c 64 V.3r- OC Don 7 0f 69 In 70 And 72 Your 73 A 74 Today 75 Mind 76 Mory 77 Yoo 78 Con 79 Be BOMork 61 AiD-fcti3ni 82Fuii.il 3 Er.thustc.jt'C S4Thtm 85 Social StSRfol 7 Sars!id 08 Nature SCOIPIO MOV 27 V Sagittarius NOV WO 2- 5-27.-35.eH pu-52-66 V; CAritcORM DEC 23 4 JAM H. V 1. illHif C3-36-54 5 AOUAItuS ;jan 21 1 4-16-19-28 d 45-48-56 mcis FEB 20 1" MAR 21 9-17-25-49Tf r r-o-04-B4y Subcommittee Given Task Of Untangling Boardman Emergency Measure SALEM a-PI -The emergen, cy bill to clear legal entangle ments threatening development of the Boardman Space Age In dustrial Park in northeastern Oregon was turned over to a Ways and Means subcommittee today. Named to the subcommittee were Sens. Alfred Corbett. L.W. Newbry, Ward Cook, and Reps. Ross Morgan and John Mosser. House Speaker Clarence Barton, and Senate President Ben Musa were asked to sit in on the sub committee session. BASIN BRIEFS MEMORIAL CHAPEL I OH AIR'S Assuredly Fine With nearly four decades of experience to his personal credit, the owner of our firm has the ability to anticipate and resolve the family's every problem. This ability is your assurance of truly com plete, helpful service. "Sewing the Entire Klamath Baiin" Yklembel I THE OBOLR OF THE J I DOIDffl I I nut I PR PARK ri3 ' KIAMATH fAHS. OREGON BONANZA BONANZA WOMEN'S CLl'B will hold an all-day meeting at the library on Nov. 19. starting at 10 a.m. Each member is to bring a paper sack lunch. Cof fee will be served. Work will be done for the December ba zaar. Bring a finished pothold er and an article for the white elephant sale. RONALD KETCHAM and George Simmons have returned from elk hunting at L'kiah. Ron ald got a big bull elk. MR. AND MRS. DEWEY HORN have left for Yuma to spend thes winter. MR. AND MRS. DEE CHAN DLER of Lakeview were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leavilt on Nov. 11. MR. AND MRS. LELAND HARRIS left Nov. 12 for Gold Beach for a. few days and from there will go to Southern Cali fornia and Arizona for the win ter. ' FRANK GROHS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Krank Grolis Sr., is at home recovering from a tonsil lectomy. He is in the second grade. MR. AND MRS. ENOS BLAND are in Eastern Oregon for elk hunting. MRS. NEVA GROHS has re turned home from several days in Oakland. HARVEY STRUVE of Santa Ana is visiting his cousin, Art Struve, and family. MRS. MATTIE McFALL and her granddaughter, Leah Mc Kall, spent the long weekend at Favorite Gifts tinder his tree, . . ARROW BIG 3 wash and wear fashions Here are 3 wonderful ways to delight every man on your Christmas shopping list! S 1 -ARROW S-D'C Spin-dry cotton . . permanently self-ironing Dura-Neat cotton. Special collar and cuff construction gives longer wear. Radnor Eyelet, soft rounded collar with eyelets for pin. 5.00 -ARROW DECTON Decton . . . luxury blend of 65 Dacron polyester and 35 cotton, looks great without ironing, perfect with just a touch-up Drake, soft, short-point collar; convertible cuffs. 6. 95 t K ' and 35 cotton, looks M A?4? ' :! yfiRRm'1 J " A f DECTOLENE I Ml ' 'I i """-spread tolor- 8 95 jl ---iaLl rfj i mtrm umi jfmnjkimM Dectolene...l00 Dacron polyester tricot, smooth, soft, porous, long wearing. Wash it any way, it never needs ironing, not even a lift' bitl Glen, soft, short-point. medium-spread collar. 8.95 Dtl Pent lJ. T M Charge It Either Store Dorris with the Bill HiU family. MR. AND MRS. BOB sril.MOR and four children of St. Helens spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jess McFall and daughters. Schmor was a teacher here before moving to St. Helens. L. F. NICHOLS. Wayne Yan cey, and George Keady are en joying on elk hunting trip in eastern Oregon. Jack Metier Jr. of Klamath Falls went with them. MR. AND MRS. BOB JONES have named their new daughter De-Ann Reane. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Neal Jones of Dairy and Mr. and Mrs. Mil burn Burk. Great-grandmothers are Mrs. Pauline Dewey, Mrs. Birdie Burk, and Mrs. Annie Jensen of Ashland. The BILL BURNETTS had as Sunday visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olsen, Long Beach; her mother, Mrs. Christiansen, Klamath Kails; Mrs. Jim Mc Farland and Bobby; Mrs. Mu riel Smith and Clinton. T u 1 e- lake; and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kranenburg, Klamath Falls. MALIN MR. AND MRS. JIM FREE MAN and son, Jason, of Mad ras spent the weekend holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freeman. MR. AND MRS. J1MM1E VIC- TflRlV t nc .npnloc linufs tuvsn visiting relatives in the area. Ac- l companion by his mother, Mrs. Tony Victorin, they visited his sister and family, the Dean Kings, in Madras, and Mrs. Vic tories grandson, Bobby King, in Corvallis. He is a freshman at Oregon State. MR. AND MRS. KENNETH JACOBS of Surprise Valley were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hays. MR. AND MRS. FRED DREWELOW, The Dulles, are visiting his brother and family, the Erwin Drewelows. MR. AND MRS. BOB VICTO RIN had as guests, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Airs. George Marks of Reedsport. MRS. TED EVANS is spend ing a week in Los Angeles vis iting her sister and brother-in-law, the Fred Posts. MR. AND MRS. JIM CUN NINGHAM and children of Em pire. Ore., were weekend guests of his parents, the E. L. Cun ninghams. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE BROWNING spent last week va cationing in Las Vegas, Palm Beach, Riverside and Los Angeles. THE AL LEQl'lEU family had as a guest, Virgil Pease, Hillsboro. an appointee mission ary. He is with the Wycliffe Bi ble Translators and is now on deputation. MRS. JESSIE SIIEI'ARD, Los Gatos, is visiting her daughter and family, the Jerry Mackcns. Mrs. Shepard plans to make her home here with her daughter's family. MR. AND MRS. DAN GEA NEY left for Winchester Bay where they plan to make their permanent home. MR. AND MRS. BOB STEV ENSON and family of Vallcjo are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stevenson. MR. AND MRS. LEE STEW ARD of Monterey visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ingram, over the weekend. The Stewards children, Steven and Leann. are with their grand parents while attending school here. Steward will graduate this month from a school where he learned the Vietnamese 1 a n guage. His next assignment will be in Viet Nam. MRS. J. WALTER BROWN ING left last week for Albuquer que where she will spend 8 month with her son. Don. and family. She also will visit in Phoenix. MR. AND MRS. HOWARD HENDERSON left this week for Salt Lake City to visit with rel atives. They will then go to Mesa. Ariz., lo spend the winter months. The subcommittee planned an afternoon meeting to go through an emergency measure proposed by the governor to clear a legal cloud on t i 1 1 e to some of the land which must be eliminated before the Boeing Co. will honor its lease of the lUO.OOO-acre de velopment. Before (lie subcommittee was named, State Treasurer How ward Belton said he felt Die project had "great potential," but added "I don't approve of everything we have been forced to do." and said "the project would not be of such benefit to the state without Boeing." Boeing has announced plans o establish a space age lest facility at the site. Long Study Asked Rep. Jake Bennett, D-Portland, suggested a committee of the legislature be named to "make a 30 or 60 or 90 day study, then the governor can call another special session when ic have tlte facts. "I am not prepared lo vote for this emergency bill with the information now available to me," he commented. The project was termed "a press agent's dream, but a leg islator's nightmare," by Sen. Alfred Corbett. D-Portland. be fore the Ways and Means Com mittee today. Critical lawmakers, obviously not happy they have been called upon once again to pull the Boardman chestnuts out of the fire, wanted assurance the pro ject was 'in the best interests of lite state. Secretary of State Howell Ap pling Jr. told the committee lie had reservations about the pro ject from the start, but that it was too late now for the state to back out. Appling later told newsmen it was not until Oct. 1 that the present crisis canve to light, and tliat the original plan was to sit on the problem and pre sent R to the 1965 session of the legislature. Boeing Asks Rill But when the Boeing Co. said it would not proceed until the legal questions had been cleared. Gov. Mark Hatfield last week asked the legislature to rush through emergency legis lation. The Ways and Means Com mittee meeting. Warno Nunn, Hatfield's executive assistant, said "even if the Boardman site is not used for an industrial park, it would be a good invest ment for tlie state." The legislature originally ap propriated $900,000 (or the pro ject, but the price tag is now up to $1.5 million. Rep. Beulah Hand, D-Milwau-kie, wanted to know w hy the at torney general's office had not been in en all pliases of the project. The lease allows Boeing to use the property (or 77 years. Boe ing can cancel at the end of seven years, and at 10-year in tervals thereafter. If Boeing did cancel, tlie state's general fund would have to make up payments that will be financed through leaso re ceipts if the deal holds up. Your usobl discards will hl us to he-Is orhsr. Don't throw 'm away. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE Ilk KUmmtri TO 4-WS1 lul 1 ditiPrjiJi --SLEEK 'N SMOOTH KLAMATH CIVIC THEATRE Presents "BLITHE SPIRIT" NOV. 21. 11, 14 1 PINE GROVE ROOM Adm. 1.1 J WILLARO HOTEL 'N 0NLY NEW SLEEK 'N SMOOTH TON! Uncurly Permanent FOR EVERY GAL WHO WANTS A HIGH FASHION PERMANENT WITH JUST CURVES NOT CURLS! COMPLETE FASHION SET 1 36 JUMBO CURLERS, 4 DIFFERENT SIZES ARE INCLUDED IN EACH ,.iT, PAY LESS SPECIAL- REG. Q7 4 DAYS Plus Tox WM9: -""OPEN NITES 4i$$ . JXm m UU l J VI Ul .J u jl 1 1JIJ.I XJ JJ j ,u JJ 1 1 1 til I J Jl J J m jj 1 1 Hi m IW U 1 JxA IUUV1U .i " - ' ... ... ..w-T.-l ' 1 - i ix. REMINGTON SHAVERS THE GIFT DAD WILL USE 365 DAYS A YEAR 3 m - 1 f 11 11 ai m . . n mi"" Bstajy r::,;:Tr.,7nnrv.'v;TK,i'!::TTnmnmtirrrtiiTTiTHrt,i,v , Mill MlltlMIIIJItNtllMIIMItMIIMIIItttltlJtllMtJ i3 f ' 1 t lshop I now1. rj 1 tlJr No Strings Attached! ALL HE NEEDS IS A BEARD AND A REMINGTON LEKTRONIC II CORDLESS self-powered by recharge able energy cells, lets him shave any where indoors or out! CORD just plug it in for cord shaves when needed! No worry about your forgetting to recharge. FINEST QUALITY GUARANTEED 1 YEAR. PAY l I low ) 1 m , price z ar I 7 f ' 6 . v ""'?lTll'i''rVf""r"s' 1 V. El MM s.I 1 1 i I r-M l tsssi mm ELEGANT ADJUSTABLE SHAVER DESIGNED FOR THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE LADY IN YOUR LIFE. ROI.I.KR t'OMntt A UJI'HT SKP ARAtbLV FOR I'MIIR ARMS Itlt I.i:fi CONVKNll.M ON - OF- nwirrii. FULLY GUARANTEED REMINGTON Roi!-a-mafic AUTO-HOME SHAVE?, I DUAL PURPOSE! FOR EVERY DAY USE JUST PLUG IT IN. FOR TRAVEL, VACA TION etc. PLUGS INTO CAR CIGARETTE LIGHTER! Ideal for Hunrert Students, Fishermen. Travelers, etc. Adjustable Roller Combs For The Smoothest, Fastest, Shave He'i Ever Had! D A V AWAY! -WF I c CC 21! 88 m HO TRADE NECESSARY ON ANY SHAVER PURCHASED at PAY LESS NEW SUPER POWERED REMINGTON 25 now with , FOUR ROLLER COMBS! J YOU CAN'T GET TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT WITH j' FOUR EXCLUSIVE REMINGTON ROLLER COMBS! BRAND L NEW SUPER POWER SHAVER MOTOR ROLLS WHISKERS jf OFF SUPER FAST! , Guaranteed One Full Year! 3 PAYLESS DISCOUNT PRICE! flrWrTTWrWrWrTTTTTTWrnffllllllllllllllllllllllll ll II Hf ttl II I II I II Mil IIH I I II II I I 1 llll 1 1 1 III! I III MM Mil 1 1 I t I I I I I 1 1 Mil I I M 1 11 Ml IIH I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I M II I I M 1 1 1 1 II M 1 1 I t I I II M M Ml II 1 1 1 MM Mill I M 1 1 1 11 1 I MM M Mil Ml II Ml Mil III lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllUillllllllllilll IIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIiniMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (0)88 ULL. mniii nil'."'1 w - M II DKIWS Mitltore i ' ' People Read SPOT ADS yu ort now. 733 Main and Town & Country