HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fathers Hail Historic On Catholic Relations VATICAN CITY (ITU-Ecumenical Council fathers gave warm and prolonged applause today to the presentation of historic statements on Catholic relations with Jews and on re ligious liberty. The statements declare that feus should not be made scape goats for the crucifixion of Christ and proclaim the right of all men to the free exercise of religion according to the dic tates of conscience. Although the statement on re ligious liberty received t h e greatest applause, the council fathers gave close attention to the presentation on the state ment of Jews made by Augus- tin Cardinal Bea, head of the I f Rocky 'More Encouraged' Following Trip To Capital WASHINGTON (UPI) - New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller wound up a support-seeking visit to the nation's capital to day on an optimistic note. He said he was "more encouraged" than ever that he would w in the 11)64 GOP presidential nomina tion. Rockefeller, the only an nounced Republican presidential candidate admitted, however, that he is running behind Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, R-Ariz., but he expressed "no doubt" that he would overtake Goldwa ter in the months ahead. The New York governor met w ith a number of GOP senators during his visit. Sources said he attempted to discount reports that he was in the presidential race merely to stop Goldwater and make way for a third can didate. Rockefeller was said lo have emphasized to party lead Couple Finally United After Battling Government Red Tape For Over Year OLYMPIA. Wash. (UP1I -A man and, his wife kept apart for more than a year by gov ernmental red tape were to gether again today, partly be cause of the help of a member of President Kennedy's staff. But although the story of Har Krishan Gupta and his wife Simian is a sentimental one. it was probably because of hard headed national interest that Presidential Assistant Theodore Sorcnson played a part in it. Gupta and his wife are both natives of the stale of Kashmir in India. The holder of a masters de gree from the University of California, Gupta is employed as an engineer by the Washing ton State Department of High ways. The department freely admits it has difficulty filling its engi neering jobs and could not re place a man of Gupta's caliber if he decided to quit. Almost Leaves U. S. He did quit last month, in (act, alter giving up "of ever being able to get his wife into the United States." He was gone for five weeks and his job was unfilled for that period. But a few days after Gupta resigned to accept a job in Toronto, Canada, w here h i s skills were needed and his wife was welcome, Sorenson told the Immigration Service that it would be "in the public inter est" to let Mrs. Gupta come to live United States. That letter apparently turned the trick. In a matter nf days, Gupta was on his way back to Olvmpia. The Guptas were married in India in October of 19R2. Kris, as his friends here call Vim. had returned to his native land to attend his brother's wedding. While he was there he fell in love. He was told at that time that his wife could join him in the United States in about four months. But as soon as he arrived hack in this country, Gupta learned he had been misin formed and it could be as long as seven years before his bride could join him. Everybody Helps In the year that followed, dozens of persons wrote scores of letters in an effort to get Suman into the United States. Falli, Oregon Tuesday. November 19. secretariat for promoting Chris tian unity. The German-born cardinal said the statement was a purely religious matter and that there was no question of the council getting mixed up in difficult cult questions of Arab-Israel politics. Oriental Fathers Object Some Oriental council fathers had objected Monday that the special treatment of the Jew s in a document on Christian unity could lead to the persecution of Christian minorities in the Arab world. Cardinal Bca (old council fath ers that his secretariat has in formed Arab states of the non- political nature of the proposed statement. ers that he is in the race for keeps. Rockefeller was accompanied by his bride since May, Mar garetta (Happy) Rockefeller, who described the capital visit as her "most exciting" since her last one a wartime trip w hen she pedaled lo the city on her bicycle from an aunt's home in nearby Arlington, Va. It was Rockefeller's first Washing ton visit since announcing his candidacy. Rockefeller, often holding hands with Happy, met groups of tourists and congressional employes during a three-hour, hand-shaking tour of the Senate Monday that included a subway ride, a view of the Senate in session, three short news con ferences, lunch, thousands nf photographs and hundreds o autographs. Efforts on Gupta's behalf were made by Gov. Albert D. Roscllini. Sens. Warren G. Mag nuson and Henry M. Jackson and Rep. Julia Butler Hansen, all Washington Democrats, and Federal Highway Administrator Rex Whitton. Whitton said the entire state i$ '.. t -: ' : :, I W - " "I M: 'I ; i. 1 m. .Jt . t. PACE-3 Statement With Jews The document is intended to recall w hat the church of Christ has received through the Old Testament of the Hebrews and that the church in modern times is the continuation of the cho sen people of Israel, Bea made clear in his presentation. Despite the cardinal's speech, three more prelates today ob jected to the inclusion of the statement on the Jews in the overall document on Christian unity. Emile Cardinal Legcr of Mon treal, Canada, said both the chapter on the Jew s and that on religious liberty should be de creed as separate documents. Gives Presentation Bishop Emile De Smedt of Bruges, Belgium, gave the pres. entation of the chapter on reli gious liberty on behalf of Car dinal Bca's secretariat. His report was greeted with what the official council spokes man called "the longest, warm est and most general applause of this session." Bishop De Smedt said the proposed teaching on religious liberty climaxed a doctrinal ev olution on the dignity of the hu man person and religious liberty which reached its peak in Pope John's last encyclical "Pacem in Tcrris" (Peace on Earth). The religious liberty chapter, prepared partly at the urging of the American church hierar chy, proclaims the right of in dividuals to follow their con sciences in religious matters and to worship freely or refrain from worship without govern ment interference. If approved, this would be the first unequivocal Catholic state ment of tliis view. The church has traditionally held that "er ror does not have the same rights as truth," a position which has sometimes been interpreted as a denial of re ligious liberty. highway program "would suffer (ran the loss of Mr. Gupta's services." The Guptas appeared at the Immigration Service office in Seattle today lo receive the formal papers which will permit Mrs. Gupta to regain in the United Slates. 1963 ft ' SI:. 5 OFF THE AIR Comedi an Jerry Lewis announced Monday afternoon that ha and the American Broad casting Company will dis continue the comic's two hour weekly television show after the Dec. 14 program. In a formal an nouncement, Lewis' office said "despite a firm 40 w e a k commitment, the network has granted Lewis' request to withdraw the show due to extreme differences of opinion re garding its format." UPI Telephoto Demos See Victory In Florida MIAMI (UPI) - State Demo cratic leaders, with one nota ble exception, were in agree ment today w ith President Ken nedy's prediction that Florida would return to the Democratic fold in the 1!)B4 presidential election. Top level Democrats pointed to the enthusiastic receptions given the President on his whirlwind tour of Florida Mon day to back up their optimism. But Gov. Karris Bryant, who also traveled with the Kennedy party, was hesitant to say out right that Florida would swing back lo the Democrats after voting Republican in the last three presidential elections. "It's loo early to say, or at least for me to," Bryant said. But he added he was encour aged by Kennedy's reception in Tampa and the Miami area. The President was greeted, in ideal weather, by relatively large and friendly crowds. Florida GOP Chairman Tom Brown of Tampa strongly dis agreed with the President and state Democrats. - i iixi. i w mm ipw n in i mm mill ii l si n I 111 I is New Hearings Get WASHINGTON (UP1 - The House Ways & Means Commit tee was to hear from Labor Secretary W. Willard Wirtz to day on why he feels the work in man needs the medicare bill. The proposal, bottled up in the committee since 1958. would provide hospital and nursing home care for all Americans over 65. It would be financed by increased Social Security taxes on employes and employers. Wirtz was the second cabinet member called to testify in a new administration drive to w in approval of I lie measure. Anthony J. Celebrezze. secre tary of health, education and welfare, told the lawmakers Monday the program was both "necessary and urgent." The Senate rejected a medi care plan last year, but Presi dent Kennedy has expressed confidence that Congress will approve the program next year. Thus far it has lacked even a majority in the House 'Bama Eyes Questioning Of Justice Department DALLAS i UPI i - Alabama Gov. George Wallace Monday ordered a state grand jury to go to the nation's capital to in vestigate his charges that the Justice Department is helping "perverts . . . addicts and crim inals" who go South as civil rights workers. Wallace said Alabama would pay the grand jury's expenses if Justice Department attorneys would consent to questioning. "It is vitally necessary that the people know exactly to w hat extent the Justice Department civil rights attorneys aided and abetted the flood of beatniks, sex perverts, narcotics addicts and common criminals who have invaded Alabama as so called civil rights workers," Wallce sard. A federal coiirt ruled that the state jury could not force U.S. government lawyers lo apjiear in Alabama, but that the grand jury could question them in Washington. Wallace said the panel would leave Monday lor Washington. Wallace and the jury want lo learn why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was driven to a civil rights rally in a government The most personal Christmas message PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Color or Black & White Photo LEO'S CAMERA SHOP Ways & Means Committee to bring it to a vote. Celebrezze told the House committee that private insur ance and the limited public as sistance provided by the Kerr Mills Act could not meet the health needs of the country's aged. TKX: Deputy Defense Secre tary Roswell L. Gilpatric in sists that neither he nor his for mer New York law firm had any direct financial interest in the multi-billion-dollar TFX warplane contract. Gilpatric was recalled for a second day of questioning by the Senate in vestigations sulHomniiltec on possible conflict of interest in the award of tlx? $7 billion con tract to General Dynamics Corp. Debt: Budget Director Kcr mit Goi'don went before the Senate Finance committee to day in a drive to raise the legal limit of the national debt. The bill would hike the present UK) billion temporary ceiling to $315 billion, starting Nov. 30 car. The Justice Department denied, then admitted, provid ing the transportation. The governor said he also was considering Democratic primary races for the presiden cy in four states. Wallace said he has no illusions about being president, but wanted "lo carry the message of the Constitution to people eager to hear it." Wallace predicted that Presi dent Kennedy would be de feated in 19M. and said "any body" could fill the post bet ter. SUES I'OK KING SAVANNAH, Gn. 'UPI' Jack Flanigan filed a petition in Superior Court Monday lo recover a $l.2(K) engagement ring he said his former fiance refuses to return. Flanigan said he became en gaged lo Sandra Carter on June 21 and purchased the r'ng at that time. However, she broke Ihe en gagement in late August and "started dating another man," according to Flanigan. He said since she refused to return the ring, his only course for recov ery was through the court. Ideal Location DOWNTOWN Business or Office Inquire GUN STORE Underway On Medicare Bill and extending through next June 29. If the bill is not enact ed by Nov. 30, the debt limit u ill drop back to its permanent level of $285 billion. Agents: The Justice Depart in e n t endursed legislation aimed at cracking down on the political activities of paid for ALL 3 NEW, ALL 3 DIFFERENT, ALL 3 RAMBLER 'Bised on American Totally new king. Sparkling new styling. New big room for 6 adults. New smoother, quieter ride. 3l 7 '"TH3"?, m ifiV """ ri iiiniii CyS Classic 6 or V-8 America's most beauti fully balanced car. Big inside trim outside. Dazzling new hardtop. Choice of ixes or 3 Ambassador V-8 The high-performance luxury V-8, with total excellence in every bcauljful inch. Ambassador 9'JO-H hardtop ECCLES MOTOR CO.; Wntch Ihe Liinn.v Kv Show on CBS-TV, Wednesday operating electronic computers to bring you a better way of life The effectiveness of skilled engineers at El Paso Natural Gas Company is multiplied by electronic computers. The computers help design new pipeline systems. They de termine the amount o gas to bo taken from thousands of wells for the conserva tion of gas fields. They keep track of lease rental payments and royalty payments to owners of leases. They handle problems of engineering and accounting in minutes that human beings couldn't do in a lifetime! They compute volumes of gas moved through the pipelines. They compute billings on gas sales and purchases, and handle payrolls. El Paso Natural's elec tronic computers and the men who operate them work unceasingly to bring energy to the West, better living for the people of your community. If you are not yet using the modern fuel-natural gas-call your retail gas distributor soon. EL PASO NATURAL 6AS COMPANY Throufh ill ciBtlinit. tl Pe Hilu'il iucoUm lis strlt to rtllil nsturtl (it d'ttrbutorl in WASHINGTON 0HC0N IOHO AIZ0N CU'0NI COLORADO NEVADA . NEW MIXICO IIXAJ . UtAH . WYOMING, In 0'I1 rtlslf 111 distribution tnmrsniM rt HfliTHVMST NAIUKAL CAS COMPANY . CASCADE NA!Ul CA1 lOIPORAtlON CALIIORNIA'PACIFIC UllUtltS COMPANY eign agents in the United Stales. The measure, proposed by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman J. Wil liam Fulbright and Sen. Bourke B. Hickenlooper. R-Iowa, was the subject of a hearing before the committee. It provides gen erally for fuller disclosure of comparison ol mtnulectweri' suggested retttl prices lor lowest-priced models compact economy with all-new suspension. New Tri-Poised new 198-hp options like iimMimm. Mmm II I I standard. snyi. political agents. activities of foreign OCCIDENTAL GROUP With DENTAL COVERAGE T. J. Webb - General Agent Orcidrnul Lift mt Cklirirnia IM 8. lib lit. Klamath lIU MtianMuiMM MU Hint USA Power. Beautiful new sedans, wagons and hardtops eye-opening new convertible. V-8. Shares with Ambassador Adjust-O-Tilt steering wheel shirt-Command automatic Moor suck. has reclining bucket scats, front an rear center armrests, console, 270-hp V-8 all Luxurious sedans, wagons, too. - 6 evening 10 P m., Channel S" ""tew IIP ,i llllfflMi u. i Qrzi pi JUIf: i ENERGY FOR THE -: WEST I, rrwniintiwniriiYii I