PAGE-J FROM OUT OF THE PAST After 70 million yean of I flight near Akron of the newest figure balloon for the oblivion, a giant dinosaur again has been seen roaming Thanksgiving Day parade in New York. U PI Telephoto Ohio. The startling scene was recorded during a test I McNamara Says Allies More Than Match For Reds NEW YORK UPl - The United States and Rs allies are more than a match (or the pommunist bloc in nuclear ca pability and ground combat -trength, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara said Mon day night. The military miglt of -the United States alone is such that "I would not trade our strate gic posture for that of the So viets at any point during the coming decade," McNamara said. McNamara, addressing 2,000 persons at the Economic Club, Gilpatric Denies Conflict WASHINGTON (UPI! - Dep uty Defense Secretary Roswell L. Gilpatric insisted today that neither he nor his former New York law firm had any direct financial interest in the multi billion dollar , TFX warplane contract. Gilpatric was recalled for the second day of questioning by the Senate Investigations sub committee on possible conflict of interest in the biggest single military procurement award in history the estimated $7 billion TFX award. Under scrutiny is Gilpatric's relations as legal adviser dur ing 1958-60 to General Dynam ics Corp., winner over Boeing LAST TIMES TONITE! CASK -fyMOMOt - CRAMT KELLY in ALrRED HITCHCOCKS ' TO CATCH A THIEF TCHMlCOlOJ-' O Starts WEDNESDAY! L0 The .The i .. mirt- " m 5? m West Ever Saw!: I J&.f. "t Ulhnn thou rnm ViIH I t fi Uhon thou face to face at high noon a brawling... face to face 'tm vtx at hiih noon il's ji -1 a '- a brawling... "". ' sprawling, lusty, '.k I . f. '- adventure! iiKil - JOHN MAUREEN "HcMDITOCK! D IDD(giK,irS PAlfe WAYNE STERNE POWERS JACK KRUSCHEN CHILL WILLS -YVONNE DECARID jmeseowaro grant anoreOTclagien mkmlvJayne lEBJZ TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION HERALD AND said it was "a certainty thai the most effective surprise it tack (hey could launch would still leave us with capability to literally destroy the attacker's society." The defense secretary called the United Stales' strategic nu clear deterrent far suorior to that of the Soviet Union and said the might of the West's mobile conventional forces, armed with tactical nuclear weapons, was at least the equal of any the Soviet bloc could put into action in Europe. The cold war struggle no Co. in the fierce corporate com petition for the right (o build 1.700 of the supersonic TKX fighter planes for hc Navy and Air force. Chairman John L. McClcllan D-Ark., accused the No. 2 civil-, ian (Pentagon chief of leaving the impression during a Match 21 appearance before the sub committee that he handled only one merger case for General Dynamics. In licarings Monday, the sub committee showed that Gilpat ric actually participated hi some top-level corporate polity decisions when he served as "special counsel" to General .Dynamics before joining tlie JAMES KIM SIMART HOVflX iniiFBFnHimimnKS VERTIGO ItCMNlCOlOR INMUMIKlUt Wildest Showdown rnma ? i it's ,1 - ' NEWS. Kl-malli Falli. Oregon , '- .- longer was one of a "Commu nist Goliath in conventional strength facing a Western David almost naked of conven tional arms but possessed of a nuclear sling," he said. In 19.5 Soviet armed forces numbered "a formidable" 5.75 million men, but Russia 'or dered a in troops be cause of various pressures, he said. "Against thai, it is today the members of NATO whose ac tive armed forces number over 5 million," he said. McNamara repeated state- Of Interesfs Pentagon In January, llKil. Evulcnic introduced disclosed (hat Gilpatric attended 18 cor poration board meetings in 2'i years, advised it on about 15 proposed business merger plans, suggested the hiring and promo tion of p e r s o n n e I, and per formed other services for the winning Tt'X contractor. Gilpatric defended his role as (hat of a lawyer paid to advise a client. Ho noted pointedly that his law firm advised hundreds of corporations. Football Play Foils Robbery BRISTOL,, England IUPH Like a pair of razzle-dazzle foot ball players, two bank messen gers executed a bit of teamwork Monday that foiled a would-be robber. Pretty 2l-ycaiMld Jill Paget and Leonard Norrishi 3!), were just going into a bank. The handit came running toward them. He lunged for Non lsh's bag, which contained $1,741. Norrish faked, then lalcraled the bag to Miss Paget. In million, Miss Paget gath ered the lHternl in as she raced through the bank's doors. The r o o b c r, discouraged Jumped on a motorcycle and got away. Endi TONITE! JLJ0lllrc PflNTRAR . . ONE DAY ONLY! ' WEDNESDAY -Nov. 20 ... from th "TREASURY of MOVIE MAS TERPIECES" based on world-fomd booki, w or happy to bring to Klamath Falls No. 4 in our series of World Heritage pictures . . Here Is Shakespeare manglficently pro duced and performed! Here is great enter tainment! Here is enjoyment! MAGNIFICENTI M-G-M'l i CAESAR Mimon JMlt JOHN BRANDO MASON G1ELGUD lOUIt IOMONO CALHERN O'BRIEN no Gti CARSON DtsoRAM KERR Tuesday, November 19, 196- "I I,-, . ments that the United States has more than 500 interconti nental and Polaris missiles ready to fire and he said Rus sia has only a fraction of this number. Terming this an "indispensa ble superiority," McNamara said that the battlefield - type nuclear warheads already de ployed to Europe have a com bined explosive force 10.000 times greater than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Na gasaki in World War II. Red China Lashes Khrushchev MOSCOW (UPD Commu nist China's attack on Premier Nikita Khrushchev as a "Bible reading, psalm-singing" buffoon may mean the Sino-Sovict dis pute has reached the point of no return, Western diplomats said today. The attack, printed in Chi nese Communist newspapers today, was unprecedented in bitterness and ridicule, and contained serious charges against Khrushchev's foreign policy as well as his personal demeanor. "No matter how much he may praise himself, he will not be able to cover up his danger ous practice of recklessly play ing witli nuclear weapons or fawning before imperialist nu clear blackmail," the 18,000 word Peking statement said. This was a reference to the. Soviet deployment of missiles to Cuba and the agreement to withdraw them under U.S. pres sure in the fall of 1062. China's blast appeared to be direct defiance o Khrushchev's offer of a truce in the bitter ideological conflict. There was no immediate So viet reaction, but some observ ers expected the dispute to play an important part in the Soviet Communist party's Central Committee meeting next month. There have been repeated re ports here that another attempt might be made to bring Soviet and Chinese negotiators togeth er to work out some settlement of the dispute. The last such talks ended in failure last sum mer. The increasingly vitriolic tone of the Chinese attacks made a new attempt also seem foredoomed to failure. MATINEE AT 12:30 P.M. EVENING AT 6:45 P.M. UNFORGETTABLE! PICTUHIZATION OF ft I VILL1AM SHAKESPEARE'S irV JULIUS T? minimi iiiD!nini!iin,li; Veterans SALEM (UPI i Oregon's most successful money-making agen cy may be invited to take over the faltering Boardman project. The possibility of letting the Veterans Affairs Agency take on the proposed Boardman Space Age Industrial Park was raised Cambodia Rejects Aid PHNOM PENH. Cambodia UPI A mass rally voted to day to renounce all U.S. aid im mediately on grounds the Unit ed States is backing a plot to overthrow the government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. The resolution was adopted at the prince's request by the "congress" of 20.000 Cambo dians from all parts of the country, including youths. It called for the immediate ending of an estimated $104 million yearly in economic aid and an other $18.8 million in military aid from the United States. Sihanouk, 41-year-old chief of state, has steered between nautralism and a slide toward communism in recent weeks. Sihanouk conditioned the mass rally by staging his na tion's first Communist - style public trial, exhibiting two self confessed members of a Cam bodian rebel group before the llirong. Sihanouk began attacking the U.S. government two weeks ago, claiming that it was lend ing support to members of the "Kilmer Seri" rebel group that has taken refuge in neighboring Thailand and South Vict Nam and has waged a propaganda campaign against the prince over a clandestine radio sta tion. Sihanouk charged that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agen cy (CIA) is ' plotting against himself and his government and aiding the exiled rebels. In support of his claim, Sihanouk produced two rebels who, he said, came here rom the bor der region of Takeo Province. Home Wins First Test LONDON (UPI-Prime Min ister Sir Alec Douglas-Home, an easy winner in his first vole of confidence Monday night, to day faced another vote and his first session of labor question ing in Commons. , Douglas-Home won by 97 voles 7 more than his nor mal majority when the House voted on a labor motion of cen sure over housing policy. He was expected to have another easy victory today in the de bate on science and manpower. Labor's tactics are not aimed at ousting the new government, which it knows it cannot do be cause of the solid Conservative majority, but at getting before the country its attacks on gov ernment policy with an eye to the forthcoming general elec tions. The twice-weekly question pe riod, durihft which Douglas Home and other cabinet minis ters answer questions put to them by members, also serves as a sounding board for Labor criticism. TV To Record Birth At Zoo BRISTOL, England (UPI) -One of Bristol's shyest mothers-to-be is to give birth with noth ing but a television camera looking on. Bristol Zoo officials said they have rigged up more than $1,200 worth of closed circuit television gear to watch the birth, expect ed any day. of one of the worlds rarest animals, an okapi. The mother. Bakeda, and her male. Mazanga, came to the loo from the Belgian Cungo and are worth together mora than $14. 000. The baby ckapi will be the first ever born in Britain. "It is a highly important oc-ca.-ion," zoo Sunt. Reginald Green said. "Okapis are very nervous animals and rather shy and we prefer to stay out of the birth." The television cameras, hooked up on Bakeda's pen. w ill enable attendants and veterin ary surgeons In watch and be re.nly in of complications Ktam.m Pain. Onm r.tnuiM " i.t m i luMav S.rvlftf wlh.ri Ortf Ad N.rtMrfl ClIIHvai. r Kltmat. Pwfttithliia. Cmtany uri at ttrianaat Pi. TUia 41tt W. . .llaf... Pvklllhar IaitM .a aw-iaa maoar al ta tMl at ii'ama ain fM. wi A.I.1I ) IMt. .Mar act 1 CMC rati, ware X Sacllai a'- at at Riamat. Pan. Orat f al aMitwial maiH.f tuiini Cam i mm t i t tit n I Vaaf Ml." Mall l. AtfvaM. I Manttt I n a tia a. I Vaar HIM Carrtar a4 Oaaf. Waaaaav. Car, ! laMit, Car IK UNITIO !! INTIHNtTieNAL AUDIT IUIIIII OP CIRCULATION SwMriMra m K.vifl li-wv a mair HtriM a4 Nat. pmaa) pm ruia. Mill tor 9 9J. Affairs Agency May Get Boardman Project at a Ways and Means subcom mittee meeting Monday by Rep. John Mosser, R-Beaverton. Quick interest was voiced in the proposal. Mosser was as signed to look into the idea and develop a plan if one appears feasible. He said later be had ordered a proposal drafted. In general, the idea envisions having the veterans agency in vest in Boardman some of the millions of dollars in prolits from its loan program. The profits now are put into more home and farm loans. All But Two Legislators Get Per Diem Checks SALEM (UPI) - Legislators got tlieir $20 per diem expense money Monday for the first week of the special session. All but two legislators were sent expense checks. Secretary of State Howell Ap pling Jr. said Rep. John Dcllen back, R-Medford, wrote a letter last week rejecting his expense money. Appling said Sen. Tom Monaghan, D - Milwaukic, a school teacher, turned down the money for three days during which he was teaching. Meanwhile, the Pull Ways and Means Committee Monday failed to approve a bill by Rep. Jake Bennett, D-Portland, to cut the pay of legislators and state em ployes. . The committee amended the bill more than a dozen limes, but refused to pass it out. Proposals to cut the pay of state employes and legislators State Sets Death Mark BEAVERTON (CPU Oregon had a new traffic death record today. The State Traffic Safely Divi sion in Salem reported the offi cial count has reached 494 with the death of a Beaverton woman Monday night and a report of a fatal accident near Pendleton last week. . The old record for an entire year was 492, set in 1959. The state does not count accidents on private property. "Marguerite Reddy, about 60, Beaverton, was injured fatally when struck by a car Monday night. The other death reported by the division today was that of Oliver Keener. 23, Pendleton, last week in Umatilla County. r I I ;- a. pr. . f rs..... .o --' -tx - v.-r .' "n.iWT-ftt-- m W CrNTTH DYNAMIC CONVtHTH.Lt rOfttOMOUNB: JITT II HOLIDAY COUM Now then are thmB8sBries. BnihmwJetStarSS is the lowest priced of alll VISIT YOU LOCAL AUTHORIZIO OLOtMOBiLI If the agency took over Board man. any eventual earnings would go back into the veterans loan fund. Mosser tossed out his sugges tion as the subcommittee met to consider emergency legislation designed to bail the Boardman project out of new difficulties. The project was initiated two years ago. The 1961 legislature provided about $1 million for the state to acquire the vast block of land on the Columbia River in northeastern Oregon. The Boeing Company signed a lease have been rebuffed all around the legislature. I.NOTE Mr. Will Wl Herald and Nrwa Juat appeal at lhat lime, an pealed again this year What a Wonderful Country This Could Be if every politician vofed for the security nd futuro of his country, instead of for his own next election. if every "liberal" worked for fhe financial soundness of his country instead of for the socialist idea of dragging everyone down to ths same drab low level. if every business manager said nd did what he knew was right, rathor than what he thinks the union or his stockholders or the U.S. Department of Justice or whatever would liko him to do or say. if every workman did his best day's work because he knows that is the only honest way to earn his wage, and tha way to rebuild his country's strength. If every voter voted for America, not for "who will giv me the most." We believe almost every man and woman in this country would earnestly rally around such a banner, such an honest principle. Don't you? Will you say so? neprinted-Irom full page d In U.S. New. and World Report m-gazine and pub lished as a public service by: WOOD'S DRUG Medical-Dental Bldg. imiif nif Mim is ! T- Te MILLER BROS., INC. 710 KLAMATH AVENUE to use the land once the state ebtained clear title. The new crisis arose last week when the governor re vealed that $322,000 more would be needed to complete the trans action. The governor also said a com plicated series of maneuvers in volving various funds, land ex changes, agencies and book keeping adjustments would be necessary to clear title to the Boardman area in a manner satisfactory to Boeing. A number of legislators were wary over getting more deeply EQUITABLE'S Living Insurance tlnta lilt , John H. Houston Strvict Strict 1WI isd, at'a DrU( Mare, Inaerted thla advertisement In tha sne year ago thla week. It hat aurh a wide acceptance, and d a. many periona tiava aaked (or reprlnla. thai It la brine re aa a public aervlce.) . a - a.' -- H 1' -.v. fL$2& tNo need to petlle (or a fraction of the action . . . with Ihrrf grrnt finv Oldi s on the acene! Sampla the Super 8S. for example, and watch 330 hor power'n worth of Rocket V-8 renponne in action! Move over to the daring new Dynamic 88 . . . and move out in Oldsmobile's popular-priced popularity plar. (Full 123-inch wheelhane and four-coil-spring ride are only the beginning!) Now tent-drive number three .letntar 88 the newetit, Ion re priced 88 of all. Along with "wow-winninf" at vie. it port 330 cubic incheo of brand new .letrire Rocket V-8! Which in for you? See your Oldsmobile Dealer! QUALITY OIALIR involved in the Boardman pro ject, which was given a shiny billing two years ago as Ore gon's entry into the space age. The House Rules Committee has approved for introduction a resolution to shuttle the whole problem to a special interim committee. Mosser's plan would, in fact, take Boardman off the hands of the state general fund and trans fer it to the separately-administered veterans fund. CAR WASH Monday thru 1 OR Thursday I s-C9 Fri. and Sot. 1.S0 Op-n 9 till S Sparkle Car Wash 4023 So. Sisrh 10th & Main OP. i WHIP! TMB ACTION !