Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, November 17, 1963, Page 8, Image 8

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CHRISTENING Hanalco (flower child) Is the name chosen by children of Portland's
sister city, Sapporo, Japan, for the newest baby elephant born at the Portland loo.
Lori Naomi, 7, conducted the christening with a chrysanthemum bouquet for the 8
weelt old elephant. UPI Telephoto
Boots And Fur Hats Are In;
Curly Hair, Walk Heels Out
Uri Women's Kdilor
are in. Curly tt.iir is out. The
fur hat is in. The low heeled
walking shoe is out.
These are some of the his and
outs of style currently reflected
by the women who fill the New
York show rooms of fashion
manufacturers this time of the
year. They're the buyers by the
thousands, the models, the re
porters and the sprinkling of
celebrities who are jamming the
show rooms to see spring and
summer clothes for milady. The
shows continue through t h i s
week; the clothes will begin to
appear in the stores across the
nation after the first of the
The boots are not the con
ventional rainwear. They're the
mid-calf or nearly knee-highs
designed to wear as shoes and
not necessarily to keep the feet
dry on a rainy day.
They're in with the younger
looking buyers and in with
Barbara Streisand, Uie young
1 singing success, who showed at
; the Maurice Rcntner collection
; wearing brown crocodile boots
; reaching just below the knee.
; liulky Eur Coat
; To go with the boots, Miss
; Streisand wore a bulky, wrap-
around fur coat plus matching
' fur Chechia.
Miss Streisand said the coat
was a copy of the type the
dancer Vera Zorina made fam
ous in her movie dancing days
of another era. The Chechia is
a brimlcss, cylindrical hat
whose style is of Arabian
And what was the long-haired
! fur?
; "Why should I tell you," said
Benton Master Visits Midland Grange
Tlie Midland Grange met last
week and Itoy Laws, Pomona
master of the Benton County
Grange, was introduced as tlie
guest of honor.
Midland Master Lewis Stork
presided over tlie meeting.
Cecil Keg of Shady Cove,
grange Insurance agent, spoke
briefly on insurance.
Leon Andrieu, a Midland
member who was severely in
jured ln a farm accident, was
welcomed back to tlie grange
after his recent release from
the hospital.
It was announced that Grace
Stork has been elected chair
man of tlie Home Economics
Club. Other new officers are
Alice Hoover, vice chairman;
Kathryn Smith, secretary, and
Mildred Largent, treasurer.
The next HEC meeting will he
a Christmas party at the home
of Minnie Andrieu on Lower
Klamath Lake Itoad.
James Flowers, legislative
committee chairman, reported
to tlie grange on the state's lax
It was reported that Fred
Flowers has been elected juve
nile master for the juvenile
grange and Betty Crapo had
been elected juvenile matron.
Other new officers of tlie juve
niles are Kathy Pickett, over
seer; Cathy Scala, lecturer;
Bobby Flowers, steward: Dobe
Stork, assistant steward; Tatti
Stork, lady assistant steward:
Jose Scala, chaplain: Judy
S a y 1 s, gatekeeper; Diane
Schneyder, secretary; John
Stork, treasurer; Jeanie Sayles,
Ceres; Debbie Barrett, Pomona,
end Susie Schneyder, Flora.
New officers (or tlie Subor
diate Grange were also an
nounced. Tliey are M i 1 d r d
People Rood
NEWS, Klanuth Falls, Oregon
n iiinwi mm
'I -
the singing star, "when every
one thinks it's sable?"
Non-Expert Guess
Guess of the non-expert on
fur varitics: It was fisher.
Fur hats, with cloth coats,
are in with many of the buyers.
Favorite hat furs are mink or
the spotted leopards and ocelots.
In with the buyers also is the
return to higher heels which
outpace the sleek walking shoe
of last year by a wide margin.
Out for the models (and ulti
mately out for the rest of us
because these girls are harbing
ers of fashion) is curly hair,
all of the mannequins are wear
ing straight and casual bobs
that look more like copies of a
Carcline rather than a Jacque
line Kennedy hairdo. Most of
the straight bobs are parted on
one side with the ends trimmed
to a neat horizontal line falling
one to two inches below the
car. Only curl is the half-moon
flip of a lock brought forward
on tlie check.
In with a splash are the
bright colors to offset the fam
iliar and "safe" black dress or
Ganf Tracks
Robert Boarden was squirrel
hunting the oilier day when ho
cume across some unusual ani
mal tracks in the woods. They
were huge prints with long
Bcardon fled to the nearest
farmhouse and brought back
Coy Holsombock, armed with B
rifle, to take a look.
Word that a gorilla was loose
in the woods spread throughout
this small farming community
and hundreds of rifle totin' res
Largent, master; Lewis Stork,
overseer; 'Mnyme Cammock,
lecturer; Otis Osliorn, steward:
Jerry Saylcs, assistant steward;
Peggy Baldwin, lady assistant
steward: Alinnie Andrieu, chap
Even Beetle Bailey's Sarge Can't
Outshout This Top Kick!
-'-y- pONT TAKE
"fY 1 0K1 THE WAV
A new character has joined 8EETLE BAILEY'S out
fit and this is the top kick he reports to after being
botsed all day by Sarge.
Pop, the most harassed PFC In Camp Swampy, is
very much married and lives off the post in a treiler
with hit wife end kids. His wife can best be described
as only slightly more powerful in biceps and lungpower
than Sarge.
Watch for Pop's firs appearance in
MONDAY in the
Sunday, November 17, 1KJ
., ftp ft0&Mm.W "ft
.. ;".' s'c't'.fii
. f - , v.. ,
A. r' h
suit. The show rooms are a sea
of yellows, kclly greens, pale
and medium blues, oranges, and
all shades of pink which has
become an any season color.
Still in are the assorted
charm bracelets noisy as a
brass band and the umbiquitous
handbags of voluminous pro
portions, (If they get any larg
er they should go as suitcases).
In arc bulky tweed and mo
hair suits, a lot of camel hair
coals and suits, and about as
many variations of tlie chancl
suit with its collarless cardigan
jacket as there are fabrics in
which to make it.
Still in, although they do not
affect fashions we wear, are the
show room greeting of slightly
damp kiss and hello darling;
the incredibly jammed elevators
in the multi-billion dollar cloth
ing market, (lie art of chair
switching (get there first and
put your nameplate where you
prefer to sit and place the oth
er's nameplate on the chair you
didn't want); and the giant
candy jars without which store
buyers might not survive.
Only Hoax
idents turned out to take a
look. A professor from Ala
bama College nrrived to make
plaster casts of tracks and said
they were tinlike any made by
animals of the region.
Thursday, tlie hoax ended.
Pete Pickett, 27, of Bessemer,
confessed that he fashioned de
vices for making tlie tracks,
tied them to his shoes and
tramped around the area in
hopes of keeping persons out of
his favorite turkey hunting
lain; Verda Urback, treasurer;
Ida Scala, secretary; Eugene
Barrett, gatekeeper; Dixie
Agar, Pomona; Shirley Scala,
Ceres, and Dorothy Flowers,
I Flora.
Barry Would
First Chance
Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., would
give tlie states in the Tennessee
Valley Authority area first
.chance to acquire the power fa
cilities under his proposal to
sell TVA.
In a position statement, Gold
water said Saturday he would
give the states five years to ac
quire the steam plants and to
contract with the Interior De
partment to get the output of
tlie hydro installations.
If the states do not act, Gold
water would 'then give private
industry a chance to bid, sub
ject to approval by the states.
After that period if no satis
factory private deal can be
made Goldwater said the
steam plants should go to a
quasi-governmental corporation,
along the line of the newly es
tablished Communications Satel
lite Corporation.
Slock would be sold, accord
ing to Goldwater, and the goal
would be repayment of all gov
ernment money in tlie shortest
time possible.
Goldwater again repeated that
the federal government should
sell or dispose of TVA in its
present form.
"But this 'hardly means that
I propose to abolish all TVA
services," Goldwater said, "or
to stick up a sign outside the
TVA offices and wait for a rich
buyer to stroll along and snap
it up."
Goldwater said his program
was "a perfectly sound and sen
sible approach to turning a fed
eral white elephant into a more
productive and useful part of
Court Records
Nov. IS, 1963
Clyds Ln Underwood, drunk, S23 or
five or 10 dnys.
John Melburn Pegg, drunken driving,
1300 and 30 days.
Roy Let Collins, drunk, S?5 or live
or 10 days.
Neva Bin Jackson, drunk, S3S or five
or 10 days.
Georgt Love, drunk, S2S or live or
10 days.
On The Record
James Selkregg Jr.. a minor, by
James Selkregg Sr.. his guardian ad
litem vs. School Dislrlct No. 36H ol
Klamath County.
Irene Lupinskl and Lee Luplnskl vs.
John C. Kell and Raymond H. Kell.
This $24.95 Value, 16-Piece "Queen
Marie" Gift Sheet, Cases and
Towel Set All 3 items beautifully
Gift Boxed.
This premium gift set, from J. P.
Stevens Co., consists of colorful guest
towels, attractive pastel everyday
towels, beautiful floral print sheet
and pillow cases; add color to your
own home or use them as 3 Christ
mas Gifts! Yours at no extra cost
when you buy a new Frigidaire dryer!
- hS5
DDA S-J. 64 Ljii
il you Dutches) end install a new
btwn October 14 and December 14
from this local Cal'O Electrical League Dealer
4.S Vain
Subject to conditions ot dryer purchase as pm'ect with this dealer.
This it a Cal. Ore Electrical League sponsored oiler.
Visit him today!
Cascade IHIome Furnishings
Give States
To Buy TVA
, our economy without in any
way penalizing the people of
the Tennessee Valley or taking
anything away from them."
Recluse Found
Dead In Cabin
A. Teitsworth, 78, described as
a recta:, was found dead
Thursday in (lis remote moun
tain cabin 20 miles northwest of
Sheriff Lloyd Lewis said he
was last seen alive two weeks
ago. Lewis said although Teits
worth lived in apparent im
poverished conditions, evidence
was found that would indicate
he was "far from poor."
The sheriff said he paid his
accounts with checks written on
an eastern bank. He was for
merly of Virginia.
TM Sm. Ui M. oa
"She wants an EXPERT
permanent teeth will grow in
$24 S Vain
a pi -
Communist Bomb Plot
SAIGON, South Viet Nam
(UPI) A Communist plot to
blow up a building housing 200
American military advisers has
been smashed, reliable military
sources said Friday.
The sources said a Commu
nist Viet Cong sabotage gang
had planned to blow up the for
mer Catholic Seminary Building
at Mytho, 35 miles south of Sai
gon, which houses the Ameri
can advisers attached to the
7th Vietnamese division.
The saboteurs planned to
sneak a 30-pound time bomb
House Committee on Un-American
Activities resumes hearings
Monday in its investigation of
travel by Americans to Cuba
and how pro-Castro propaganda
is spread.
Hearings in September were
marked by violent outbursts
from some U.S. students who
visited the Communist island
last summer in defiance of a
Stale Department ban.
to guarantee her that
place of her baby teeth!"
1 v;j,5i
disguised as a harmless-looking
oil drum into the building last
Sunday night. But Vietnamese
army security agents discov
ered the plot, seized the bomb
before it was planted, and ar
rested nine saboteurs.
. Ordnance specialists later de
cided the bomb would not have
been powerful enough to blow
up the entire building. But if
it had been planted in a key
spot in the building, it most
likely would have caused death
and injury to a number of the
Americans staying there.
Thursday night, other Red
bombers struck at Americans
in Saigon itself. Communist ter
rorists set off a bomb in an
open air caf.? on Saigon's main
street, wounding two American
servicemen. A U.S. Army
spokesman scid their condition
was not critical.
An American military spokes
man said, meanwhile, that
Communist guerrillas stepped
up their attacks sharply last
week and handed government
forces their heaviest losses for
any one seven-day period this
The spokesman said the gov
ernment suffered 923 men
killed, wounded, missing and
captured. Vietnamese troops
also lost 450 weapons to the
Reds, almost all of lliem American-made.
The spokesman said the Reds
suffered a total of 740 casual
lies, and lost 140 weapons 13
Broasfed Chicken
Pizza Pie
Try Our New
French Fried Ravioli
Eat 'Em Here or
Orders To Go.
Ph. TU 4-3276
2354 S. 6th
Smashed In
of them of the crude home
made variety.
Only one-fifth of the govern
ment casualties included men
killed in action, whereas the
dead was 80 per cent of the
spokesman said the Communist
Overall, the Reds initiated a
tutal of 1.021 incidents during
! t
t ;
holiday white
! Follow the gay white way and you're sure to ' :
!' be in fsh'on . . . day-time, dale-time, any 1 j
: ,ime! Especially in Wards exclusive Carol '
: Brent dresses . . . high in flottery, low in price, j
j BROCADE COSTUME. Richly cuffed bo- !
lero;sheath. Cotton, rayon. 10-18 12.98 ;
j ; (Bj FEMININE SHELL KNIT in wool' jersey, i
! ' Lined sheath; sizes 12-18 .. . 9 98 '
, , : rr: J
9TH & PINE Ks0TftNL;R,PDtv TU 4-3188
Viet Nam
Ihe week, the highest in any
similar period since the guer
rilla war started.
Earlier, junta Chairman Maj.
Gen. Duong Van Jlinh said in
an interview made public Fri
day that elections for an all
civilian government might be
held "from six to 12 months"
from now.
412 Moirt
Phone TU 4-8365