PAGE A 11KRAI.D AND KU Orchestra, Choir Slates Nov. 26 Concert Th Klamalh Union High School Symphony Orchestra and a cappella choir will pre sent a Thanksgiving concert at Mills Auditorium beginning at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26. The orchestra, under the di rection o( M. Dale Hallack, will play The Giannini Symphony No. Two" and Grieg's "Norwe gian Dance." Kealured soloist will be Dean Halbcrt. violinist and graduate of the KUHS class of 1959. Hal bcrt is a graduate of Southern Oregon College of Education and also attended the Universi ty of Oregon. He will enter Of ficers Training School In t h e Air Force next year. Halbert Is a pupil of Harry Borel, well known violin teach er in Klamath Falls. Halbert will play "Rondo Capriccioso" by Saint-Saens, accompanied by the orchestra, "Partita" by Bach, unaccompanied, and "Alt Wien" by Godowskl. His piano accompanist is Gail Pence. The choir will sing "Alleluia and "The Last Words of Da vid," both by Itandell Thomp son, and a collection of Jerome Kern pieces, accompanied by the orchestra. Hallack is assisted with the .orchestra by Normand Poul shock and Don Herbig. Herbig assists with the choral w ork and ', Poulshock assists with the string ' work as well as directing the Klamath Community Sympho ny. LaMar Jensen, supervisor of instrumental work for Klamath Falls schools, assists with the brass and woodwind players in the orchestra. ; Funds Set For Intertie j WASHINGTON (UPI) - The ' House Appropriations Commit ! lee Friday approved $7 million '? to begin construction of the pro- posed federal power Intertie be twecn the Tacific Northwest and I California. I The appropriation loped $18.5 ."million off the the $25.5 million requested by President Kennedy. The money, to be used to start construction of (wo extra high voltage transmission lines ' from federal projects on the Co- lumbia River, Is subject to '. several conditions. ; They include hook-up of one Z line with a private California i utility pool at the Oregon bor ;der, enactment of an amend ment giving the Pacific North- west first call on federal power 'produced in the area, and (he ' right of private contractors to bid on construction of any or all of the project. (P H AMBER OMAAENTS by GEORGE T. CALLISON Manage KLAMATH COUNTY CM AMUR OF COMMItCI The Roard of Directors of the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce holds its first policy and planning meeting of (he fiscal year Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the conference room of the chamber offices. Adoption of a 19(13-64 General Fund budg et heads a full agenda of sev eral important considerations. Under tlie new (wicc-a-month luncheon m e ( 1 n g schedule adopted by the board, the next such meeting, open to all cham ber members, will he held at the Pelican Cafe on Wednesday, ,Nov. 27, tlie day before Tlianks , Riving. ' At last Wednesday's luncheon those present heard an enthusi astic account of McMinnville's "boot strap" industrial develop ment program from Phil Ilia dine, editor-publisher of the MoMinnville News Register, and member of the board of directors of MoMinnville Indus trial iPromotions. M1P has re c e I v t d nation-wide publicity mostly, as Hladine suggested, . because it is probably tlie best I available example in the United "Stales of a community literally lifting itself out of adversity by tlie boot straps. The key to (lie striking success of the program lies, ol course, in (he fac( that (lie entire community united and, with a singleness of pur pose, attacked the problem. Tlie story would be entirely differ ent had (lie community divided into numerous splinter groups, each pursuing ils own selfish MOP (fas, DC NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Tickets for the concert are available from any orchestra or choir member and are priced at 50 cents each for all scats and all ages. Argentina Cancels Oil Pacts BUENOS AIRES (UPI) President Arturo Illia, fulfilling a campaign pledge, Friday night canceled oil-development contracts with eight American and two European companies. There was no immediate re action from the U.S. oil firms which have an estimated $397 million tied up in Argentina. Oilmen called a special meeting in a suburban home early Sat urday to examine three decrees signed by lllia. The principal decree a 28 page document instructed the government's chief legal ad viser, Amilcar Mcrcadcr, to file suit to determine "among other things": "Losses from unreasonable exploitation of the oil reserves managed by the contractors. "Oil waste caused by inad equate storage. "Economic harm caused by the forced reduction In the pro duction of YiPF (the Argentine government oil agency) because of Its obligation to accept all the production of the com panies, and "The taxes these (compan ies) should pay under prevail ing law." Another decree annulled con tracts with three oil-drilling companies which had complet ed almost all their work in Ar gentina and had received pay ment. The third decree instruct ed the chief legal adviser to give "urgent and preferential" treatment to an investigation of the Argentine oil situation from 1958, when the contracts were signed, until Oct, 12 (his year, when lllia took office. RESTS WITH MOTHER HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (UPD Liza Minnclll, daughter of Judy Garland and Vincenlo Minnclli, was resting at her mother's home today after being hos pitalized for three days with a kidney infection. Miss MinnoHl, released from Cedars of Lebanon Hospital Fri day, plans to resume her film work in about a week. interests. Also announced al last Wed nesday's meeting was the (act tliat Klamath (Falls had been successful in attracting the 14 Oregon Cattlemen's Association convention. This group, num bering some 700 delegates, will hold its meeting early in Novem ber. Also scheduled for fall meet ings in Klamath Falls next year aro tlie Oregon Association of Ileal Estate Boards and ( h e Oregon Industrial Arts Associa tion. Interestingly enough, in at least two of the three instances, Portland had made definite bids In hold (lie conventions in the City of Roses! In addition to the excellent publicity value of liaving as many people as possible see and appreciate the Klamath country, there is a very posi tive economic asoct to conven tions which those engaged In convention business thoroughly appreciate. It recently was estimated that (lie dollar value to Portland of having a University of Oregon footliall game played in Mult nomah Stadium runs to approx imately I1) million dollars! On a more realistic plane, and translated into terms which would apply (o Klamath Falls and Klamath County, the three conventions mentioned earlier which will be held here next fall, will provide a $100,000 shot in the arm to (he area's econ omy ! CD S2ZD ,H3;YJHj Sunday, Nnvembrr 17, 1963 Pope Paul Intervenes In Session VATICAN CITY (UPI (-Pope Paul VI intervened openly in Ecumenical Council proceed dings Friday night for the first time to try to resolve a bitter dispute between conservatives and liberals that has been hold ing up council work. The Pope summoned the four cardinals he appointed (o run the council presidency and (he coordinating commission to a meeting at the Vatican. No announcement was made afterward of what' was dis cussed, but council sources said one major topic was (lie liberal conservative dispute over such questions as whether bishops should share authority with the Pope in (he government of the church, and whether it should establish an order of deacons who would be free to marry. Several weeks ago the coun cil, in five (est votes, approved these proposals in principle. The liberals, who proposed the votes be taken, intended them as a directive to the theological commission preparing a docu ment on administration of the church. Earlier, it was reported that a majority of (he council is en thusiastic about a proposed doc ument opening new horizons to Roman Catholics who favor cooperation with other Chris tians in seeking church unity. Debate on the paper begins this week. The document on ecumenism states, as teaching for some 550 million Catholics, that the Holy Spirit "can speak to us through our separate brethren." "The separated brethren" are 140 million Orthodox Catholics and 220 million Protestants. It is the first time in Catholic history that the theme of work ing for Christian unity has been treated in this official way as part of church teaching. Group Cancels Hootenanny For Segregated Audience By United Press International A hootenanny at Jackson, Miss., was canceled several hours before showtime Friday night when a troupe of national ly known folk singers refused to entertain a segregated audience. Most of the 1,500 tickelholders were given refunds and many headed for movie houses since they were dressed for a night out. The show was to have fea tured three trios the Journey men, the Halifax HI and (he Gcczinslaw brothers and Jo Mapos. At Selma, Ala., Solicitor Blanchard McLeod wired the Justice Department Friday that the Dallas (Selma) County grand jury is investigating the "misconduct" of department at torneys in (lie county. McLeod said an investigation of freo transportation given Negro lead er Martin Luther King Jr. in a government-rented car was only part of the grand jury prolie. Mississippi Gov. Ross Barncyt charged Friday that the Justice Department took Negro James Meredith to a civil rights rally in a car rented with taxpayers money" when Meredith was at tending the University of Mis sissippi last May. Elsewhere in the nation: Wllllamston, N.C. Police arrested 22 Negro demonstra Demonstrators Snub Bail WII.LIAMSTON, N.C. (UPI) Jailed anti - segregation dem onstrators, including 15 white Northern ministers, continued to ignore bond privileges to day. TI ministers and (11 Negroes were joined by t8 more dem onstrators Friday night follow ing the second racial march in as many days in this eastern North Carolina town. Police niwstod 22 Negroes during the latest demonstration but lour of the group were ju veniles. Bond for the demonstrators has been set at 50O but they have refused to post t h e amount choosing instead to re Refinance Your Home Lower Monthly Poyments Lower Interest Rotes ( If Your Property Qualifies 30 yeart 54 Interest. On ntwtr type rtiidtntial property in reitricted areoi including and comparable to, Moytna, Lama Linda, Watt Park and partt of Hot Sprinat. No loan ftti or closing costs othar than tltla fta. Principal and inter. t $5.84 par $1000.00 par month, or $116.10 monthly en $20,000 loan. Contact us if you would like to (1) Reduce your month ly poymonts; (2) Obtain additional funds tor investment or othar purposes or; (J) Refinance in connection with sola. BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th St. Telephone TU 2-3461 KF VOLS ATTEND SYMPOSIUM Mrs. William Georgesen I center I, and Mrs. Bernard McDonald, both of Klamath Falls, consult with Dr. Richmond T. Prehn, associate profes sor of pathology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, during a sym posium on science and cancer held recently in Portland. Dr. Prehn participated in the session sponsored by the American Cancer Society and attended by the local women. U.S. And Brazil Reach Aid Agreement SAO PAULO, Brazil (UPD The United States and Brazil reached agreement early Satur day on the terms of a disputed aid proposal, resolving the last major clement of controversy at the n(cr-Amorican Economic Conference. The resolution agreed on af ter night-long discussion pro vides that a Brazilian plan for the creation of a $20-billion inter-American aid fund to which "all nations" might contribute will be taken up for study with in 90 days by tlie newly-created agency for coordination of U.S. aid to Latin America. The Conference decided lhat the coordinating agency should hold its first meeting in Buenos Aires, starting Feb. 24 and eon- tors for parading without a per mit during a march from a church to the county jail where 76 other demonstrators were lodged. Cnlunihus, S.C, A private agency said Friday a study showed that cities and towns in the South have moved more quickly than states toward de segregating their recreational facilities. Danville, Va. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., battling a case of flu, arrived Friday to view the racial situation in this southern Virginia tobacco-lcx-tilc center. Syracuse, N.Y, Charges against all but one of 08 persons arrested in racial demonstration two months ago were dismissed "in tlie interest of justice Fri day. Greensboro, N.C. Mayor Stan Brookshire of Charlotte told a delegation of civil rights leaders from Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Durham and his own city Friday that stripped of emotionalism, the race issue was a simple matter of giving tlie Negro his just rights. Chester, Pa. Bail was post ed Friday for the remaining 77 persons among the 240 arrested during three days of racial dem onstrations at (he Franklin Ele mentary School. main in Martin County's now integrated jail. The jail was integrated Fri day after the white ministers went on a hunger strike in pro test of the prison's segregated facilities. After the racial bars were lowered in the jail, the ministers ale a lunch alter re fusing supper Thursday night and breakfast 'Friday morning. A hearing for the demonstra tors has been set for Dee. 2. The demonstrators, led by lo cal Southern Christian leader ship Conference leader Golden Frinks, were charged with vio lation of a city ordinance re quiring a permit 24 hours in advance of a parade or demonstration. If tinuing to March 14. The Bra zilian plan presumably would lie discussed at that meeting. Creation of the coordinating agency, an earlier source of controversy, was approved Fri day night by all of the new world nations represented here except Bolivia, which abstained from the vote. Bolivian Planning Minister Roberto Jordan Pinto said his government does not believe the United States and Latin America are completely pre IZL. SET OF 4 TRAY TABLES RkV,v- WAT I 4 king-sie metal Irnvs and folding melal tables. Casters on rack-table. Newberry'. Low, KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS Color-fast gay-colored prints to brighten your kitchen. NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE . . . 3 MATCHING pared to carry out the Alliance for Progress aid program, which would be coordinated by the new agency. "We are frank w here 'others are not," Jordan said. "Presi dent Kennedy and those around him have (o coe with those who do not understand Latin America and its people." Dominican delegate Pedro Casals, who voled for the reso lution, said he believed it should have contained some reference to what he called . PRICES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY & MONDAY "Xw ENAMELED ROASTERS LOW PRICE Durable enamel roaster holds 4-lb. fowl or 7-lb. roast NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE PUNCH BOWL SET iuiucs i a cups, hangcrs, bowl and NEWERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE . , . j-fc IDO KOO $199 4j Low Price! Newberry's Low, KITCHEN Dinette style sturdy chairs with 2'2-in. cushions. Durable plastic covers. White with gold speck. NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE 3-TIER CANDY DISH Cryiral cur gloss ii handsome ly combined with silver trim finish. NEWBERRY'S LOW. PRICE . APRONS Bio, 10-oi ioui milk I00 w r7 K 7 covered cordial ehtr rial by Glen brook. NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICt Hope Dwindles For Of Major WASHINGTON (CPU Little hope remained today for enact ment this year of the civil rights and (ax cut bills (he (win cornerstones of (President Kennedy's legislative program. The $11 billion tax cut bill ran afoul of the Senate Finance Committee wtiich, by a 12 (o 2 vote, spiked a drive to speed up its hearings on (he measure. The vote virtually killed any serious prospect that the pro gram would win approval at (his session of Congress. , The civil rights bill was pushed back another two days on its scheduled journey (o the House floor. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Emanuel Celler, D N.Y., set Nov. 20 as the dead line for opponents and support ers to draft reports on (he bill. The two-day extension was asked by southern bloc con gressmen who want more time to prepare their reports. With the reports held up until late this week, plus a Thanks giving holiday recess, it may be impossible to get the Rules Committee to act before the "political criteria" in U.S. aid programs. "The United Slates uses po litical influence in administer ing aid," Casals said. "It with drew aid from my country dur ing the recent crisis (which created the present Dominican civilian junta regime)." Debate on the wording of tlie Brazilian measure went on in a subcommittee room through the night Friday night, while the full conference was registering its formal approval of the co ordinating agency and other measures agreed on earlier. r c NEWBERRY'S LOW, I a cup H J--- ladle, Low Price CHAIRS . . TURKEY Cf PLATTER Colorful turkey design on large platter with glaied finish. Seconds. NEWBERRY'S ttf CQ LOW, LOW 1 PRICE I CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES bo of dr- 37' chocowta Similar to Illustration $99 Each $97 ,!1JP - - Bills This third uwk of December. This would leave only one or two weeks before recess, and House leaders probably would be reluctant to commit the key bill to debate in the (raditional wild wind up days. In a not overly optimistic forecast at his news conference Thursday, Kennedy said he hoped that the House would acl on (he civil rights measure next Stocks Lose Third Week NEW YORK (UPI) Stocks lost ground for the third conse cutive week, and the market fin ished with its sharpest break in nearly 5 months. The final session capped a week of setbacks for the Dow Jones industrial average which were more than double the total losses for the two prior weeks. Trading seemed inclined to pick up in 'periods of retreat rather than in periods of strength a sign of bearing sentiment. Monday was a rather half hearted session during which prices scored a moderate ad vance spearheaded by a narrow group of market favorites. It was characterized by a dip in volume as some members of the Wall Street community observed the Veterans' Day holiday. Some brokers were a bit sus picious of the semi-holiday ad vance and felt it was an indica tion that board rooms may have been filled with uninformed ama teurs killing time by taking a flier in the market during their holiday. The bears took the wliip hand DOLL CLOSEOUT 20 ONLY Assortment in cludes Honey Baby colored doll. Newberry's Low, Low Price , . . PRICE 12 CONCENTRATION, ft 2sfla CONCENTRATION "'tr 1 " PASSWORD Newebrry's Low, Low Price 1 44 A thrilling speedway skill game by Transogram - RACE-A-CAR 199 NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE L BARBIE'S OWN SPORTS CAR NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE BARBIE'S FOUR-POSTER BED FRUIT CAKES Jean Ann brand tasty cakes in metal container. Rum and brandy flavored 2-lb. NEW8ERRY S LOW, LOW PRICE NYLON NET 36" width In gar assort ment of colon. NEWBER RY'S LOW, LOW PRICE . . . 7 loo Passage ' Year month. As for the tax bill, he said only (hat he thought "it might be possible" to enact it this year. Kennedy indicated to the AFL-CIO biennial convention in New York Friday he did not expect to get his tax bill passed in (his session of Congress, but was confident the session be ginning in January would pass it. Ground In Row Tuesday and chewed off more than had been gained in the prior day's effort. Wednesday was practically trendless with Dow-Jones industrials squeezing out a meager gain of only 0.99. Rails slipped a bit but utilities managed an even smaller plus sign than industrials. Dow-Jones industiials dropped 10.81 to 740.00, a plunge of 20.50 from its record high of 760.50 in only 12 session. Rails showed a minor gain of 0.54 and utilities tacked on 0.24. Standard & Poor's more comprehensive 500 slock index lost 1.01 to 72.35. Trading picked up some. Turnover amounted to 22.694,206 shares compared with 19,886,670 shares in the four days last week and compared with 23, 787,955 shares in the same week last year. Ideal Location DOWNTOWN Business or Office Inquire GUN STORE SALE 3 IWI f ' 1 C EI GAMES $J99 "rLBW S2.88 17 P PRINTED SLEEPWEAR FLANNEL Just arrived! Complete sel ection of colorful prints. NEWBERRY'S LOW, LOW PRICE ... f 1 3. loo R