Time - By Jimmy Hatlo Sun.. Nat. IT, 1K3 Page 4 jtral& i They'll Do It Every A .iiUrV y ip rr's so k this hasn't MV7Ar&n ' hows -xrri slow why g7 been washed 1 yMl BUSINESS, WnOT Sof CAN'T WE PUT 3 SINCE IT LEFT3 'Hl RJJ5WEED M HOT FyyvA MIS OWN HEAP 7 DETROIT A p r '-V 7 WNO OP V V THROUGH THE f- FINE AD FOR ) Rj -lo SLOVJ'J -V WRINGER? VWIS BUSINESS w .-JSlll&iSrv i iCxS! Guess who owns the SilpivlW "'""fl OIRTIEST CAR INTOWN? IY A Vi f LL-kS JOhmj.vdnkontch, LWwV ll 1KJS- WO B COMMONWEALTH iVE.,Wi kW,3.,,;CMI AlEXANORlA.VA- ,. J V "A r -Vy Vs ' i s"l l-WITHOUT FEAR OPJ t .'V L W. TM l u.i , an "CguFFALoQ I 'I I ITTrD J ITS miJ5LT.l I L Ve..AL50 FOR MOWEY TO BUZ 1 1 IMASINEi MK.J0RKIW1 WHEN I T0LO . WB THB MAIUTIMBr COMM I0U AND THB Nf CLOTHES FOR HIHA5ELF AMD FOIS EASY OF WY AUtflETV OVFH 01 All TUfrtta W tW AUP PAW60M FORCRIWHAX. ACTIOM,glUU CABLSO I PLUS PlftWE TICKET FOR BOTH! HIM, HIMSELF! WASN'T THAT SWEET?,1 JLTr '"gff ,!HJ Wf'V TH he oka, ' too big-hearted,,, with , 'wafg AI L i avin i I that LITTLE REO-HIRED 6IRL I S P" ,$ J I I u(ii,innunnoTc?i I 6 TALKING TO HIM... AND NOU) lX N HOUJDOVOURAjg?.' t msA SHE'S6IVlN6HlMABeHU6i ) I CAN' A ' 7y " ; i6 7S7 .(STAND IT..) t-N AT TH' FIRST SHOT; VO'MARRIAQE FEARIN' BACHELORS TAKES OfF.'f ITS NORMAL WEATHER FOR SADIE HAWKINS DAV- Grim AND AT TH SECOND HUNGRV LXJGfWCM-oSH.'-BELLES GOES CLAWIN 49 f I AFTER 'EM. '.r , , T. y " I f JUST WANTED OOINC Tl llTHATS HIM Vrd lHyJ r THATS AN TItHANK VCXI, W Hit TO T cwfe Wat, on the fcf. BE" astounding chablie KT" ll V kTHE OENERALTLT- IVRALLEL M fit TRANSPLANT, I-rr t 4 i JsfT CSteOfl p I --' -ANV BACHELOR FINISH LINE.BEFO' SHOT TH' MUSBIM- MARPN TH'-5"ciPdEr.'- GALWHUT DRUG H I M HERE GO AN SCREAMIN .SHOT," DRUG BACK OVERTH' SUNDOWN. GOTTA TH SECOND TH-SWuop.'.sv,. ) ) KELA-VAH, AN-f&Ng WHO'D A LfTTLE ch, POJT PAVAMV J FUWklV, k-OTKW' TnE LAST 's TaLOCli-ru-WAOCf nPCiTlC85 If "NVITE HIM TO DO C S'A! H ATTEJTON TD TIME WE BOEDShE COULEWT uL12?,AV J UOMSFANCV COOKlUa 1 SE5i.OW. V- HIM-HE3JUST ) LAV A OWME--AWWgl HOM6F1AT6 AND SHORT "V,u,-T Z WOULD HAM6 TO UAJE EH,?ELL, V-1 THYIWaTO I SVEHERACiVEOFTARS CHANSE- HIM OM HIS GROB-.)! C THE VTlVBe UNNV P V o, THE CIM lEPEf f AND HE'6 INCITED OUT TO T B'JTTONHI A DIGESTIOM ti)f?OAoER SHIM f Is -Vl BOOTlNlS ME IMTHE SHINS I pplepArIfc-N INS HIS f) THAN A NISHT WATCH- ffeUARPS?) UiSTAJTTAWWAwyV 1 PREPARE A GOURMET A rnAT TO f PlPE-LET'4 IV V CHAWCESWITHA r- A6ALWHATMNO0FTICE)y'r;J1? I JT" U BLUfC Tllj 1 i1 TEMPEH UKEHEHS.' ) A THAT? WiTHWSLUCKF 1') BUHOIE 1 ME'6EVERT(?UCK6yLI6UT-) f StS i HTl ( -JIMGHE'U.BEHOLUIN&A 7 S wSI J S 17 I Ci " P " ' ( NOT BUMPSTEADl 3 " ( THERE S NO"P'---) I f" OKAY, MR. ( HOW ARE YOU I I'LL ALWAYS "j L0t 1 I NTf --BUMSTEAD y JUST A PLAIN BUMSTEAD.-V GOING TO THINXOFYOU "S g Xj p1 AREYOU Vz-r- i B-U-M 7 I'LL REMEMBER REMEMBER IT? AS JUST A PLAIN ) S1 - fj MR,BUMPSTEAD) T T i ( S ? THAT -A v -rj- r BUM y-S PtfiS ' '" ..:T"j'U, 8& POfiGOMeP.'l rCHlf CHiefA Jf5 WUtf NTvMgAW J 6lf HIM? I TH6 HUN'S UP y AUV06 N S 4 W61 1B &6T A REAL 6f0!V? ON MS JU&T HWA )v rWO-MAPEP 5U?6, I'M $Ll!6-" I JUST SAW 1 J 0lf HIW? WOPPVA M6AN, J SUNS A COMMERCIAL v CRITIC'" 71 006 A HIM H COUUP Of BIT Hi- ON TH MP? 6NPS AT HIW 0V6S THE U7ur-cmrlA '"WHAT? NO, H6 PIPM'f 0if2 7- 60rT6W j ' ' 4 SO FELLAS LIKE ...JUST WHAT WOULP ) ON OCCASION, N I WELL.MYGOONESS,) YES, BUT I I ..PRACTICE , I ( NOW, YfOU AREN'T LUGS,) FEU-AS LIKE YOU 7 FELLAS UKB ME THAT MUST KEEP J PONT MINP... MAKES I K i I BOYS I EH? WELL NOW, BE, ANYWAY? fARE FCOL-KILLERS.' YOU PRETTY BUSY.' YOU KNOW PERFECT.' . I ' M V THAT POSES A J ' , .Vl-, -. V UnT THPV v I "y -t s. I CAN ALWAY5 TEU- WHEN I HEEE C0MB6 T T- HES HAD A BAD DAY. POP! W,POP! rs. " ,1 ' .GMMGA ; .A ; P-- jj. f Mil 1 ii imi 11 ..,. ; tJ.V.rr 1 I r7li HE OUGHT TO HAVb IWMEvlffTE P.CASEy,WILL OF SOWiLLI.l AT PO YOU WtZfjf ' I 1 , fV-Tr ATTENTION, MAQSIE. CALL THE YOUI MEAN- JcOURS6,- --g "NK, BENfy-K... f 52i"B"J!i 7J HOSPITAL AND HAVETHEM y-- COULD YOU 1'LLG0Elc5r ' SAESE, " f ( YOU i want to n&bP v CkaAQ1-065-' CUBIT HANPVl RPT MAV COULD 'USE A BOWL O' 6TEW f COULD U6S A SHAVE. TOO.' OH, I GUESS WHEN SCORE WORKIN' FOR TH' WAY HE KCEPS HIS NOSE IN THOSE CRAZY BOOKS 1 HOW C.AN HE STAND IT? 60METHIN' Y'SORTO' 'J CONCENTRE" HONEY, YOU'RE A TRUE LIFESAVER f,i iMTt AH'H,W BEEF STEW ' HUNGARIAN I MY favorite! as. EAT HEARTY, MAX I 'COMPLIMENTS O' TH' HOUSE ,' Oh -OH ' GOT BK3 COMPANY COMIN' ACROSS TH ROOF I l J I TRUE LIFESAVER EAT HEARTY, I f 1 ; m m 7 ; TO MAKE THE HALL I THEY'LL SEE YOU! IN THERE, HONEY AND DONT EVEN TWITCH, 1 1 POET'S CORNER LY DAY 1963 This moring wlien I opened my door, There what did I see? But a beautiful May Day bas ket. Beside me there on the floor. I knew who had brought it. At least I was quite sure. For every year this May Day girl Leaves one at my door. She is known by the name of Linda, And I think it is dear and sweet, To give 'to this old, old lady, Such happiness and such a treat. Isn't she a thoughtful fairy? With a mother also thought ful and kind, To come early each May Day morning. That at my door, a May Day basket I might find. Teresa H. McComb, Malin. THANKSGIVING DAY Happy Thanksgiving Day is al most here. Let us greet jt, all, with wel coming cheer, With plenty of turkey and cran berry sauce. But of our appetites may we be boss. So if turkey, pie, and cranberry sauce Makes you happy and grate ful too, How about your other blessings, They are many, not a few. There is daytime for work and doing, There is night for needed rest, Sometimes it is hard to "say Which one we like the best. There are many beauties 'round us As free as the air we breathe, There, are fruits and grains to harvest For a good winter's supply to leave. Do you ever take time to pon der, Of the good and wonderful way, Tliese blessings and these plea sures Come to us, free each day? We are glad for our country's freedom We are proud of our red, white and blue. So let us each day give our thanks That our Maker may know that we do. Teresa H. McComb, Malin. TV Secret Explained NEW YORK (UPI) - Millions watch it, but few understand what makes thoir rnW ioivicir, sets light up in color. The secret is in the color picture tube a "Fancv Dan" that and handles three guns with pre cision ana accuracy. Each gun fires a beam of elec trons through a mask behind the TV screen. The screen you see is actually 1.071.n00 nhnsnhm- llc divided into three groups of 357.- uuu aois, one group each lor each primary color red, blue and green. When struck by the beams, the dots light up and blend into every color of the rainbow. "The trick is that each gun must fire its beam so as to hit only its group of 357.000 dots," says Clyde Hnyt, staff engineer for RCA Victor, which makes the picture tube in all color sets. "In short, a red gun works with the red dots, a blue gun with the blue dots, and a green gun with the green dots. The mask is used to keep the electron beams in perfect alignment with their targets." A color video picture is taken by a color television camera with three electron guns, one for each of the primary colors. Hoyt ex- pidins. ine electron beams gen erated by the guns are then am plified millions of times for transmission through the air as television signals. At the receiv ing end, he says, the signals are picked up by the antenna, ampli fied agaiin, and transmitted to the three electron guns in th picture tube. As in black-and white televi sion, the screen is divided into 525 extremely thin horizontal strips. The beams from tlie guns "scan" all 525 lines from side to side progressing from top to bot tomas tlie human eye reads a printed page 30 times every sec ond, painting tlie image transmit, ted with tire desired colors. "If you want to see the elec tron guns hitting the bullscye." says Hoyt, "place any low-power microscope up against the screen. You'll see the individual phosphor dots g!oing red, blue and green."