PAGE IB HERALD AND p- TOVS "This is a popular item with the kiddies! Very painful : when stepped on, and the camouflaged paint job makes it impossible to see!" Dobbin No Longer Under threat Of Glue Factory ' ST. PAUL, Minn. (UPI) - 01' Dobbin can relax, (he threat of - the glue factory no longer hangs over his hoary head. ' Today's adhesives industry is a highly competitive search for new. ert lighter and tougher synthetic resins which can patch human arteries or hold a space capsule together. The U. S. Department of Agri culture's Economic Research Ser '. vice reported recently that Amer icans annually use about 2 bil lion pounds of adhesives each year. These chemical bonding agents play a large role in the space race, military programming, road and skyscraper construction, home building, furniture, clothing and packaging. In the last 20 years, glue in a variety of forms has in many fields replaced screws, rivets, nails, pegs and soldering. Glue Helps Smoker It takes nine specific glues to enable you to light up that smoke, including those used in packaging and shipping. '.- The medical profession has suc cessfully used bonding agents to ,7 repair human arteries in delicate , brain operations and In treatment of aneurysms. Other epoxy res--w are employed to weld broken v bones in humans and animals. r-.One of the first to bring resin ' into the operating room was Dr. Bertram Selverstrone, of Tufts University medical school, who began spraying bulging arteries with the clear resilent glue in the late 1950s. A new product on the market, ., .... ,, ,. , ,, ' identified as "resiwell 620 by its mnkir the H. H. Fuller Co.. St. Paul Is billed as "stronger than concrete, harder than gran ite, almost unbreakable, resistant to chemicals, weather and the .thaw-freeze cycle." C'-The material is viewed as boon to slate and local highway ' cepartmenls faced with annual .-spring road depredations and ilich repair costs. The garment industry is head ing for the day when entire suits will be assembled with near-per fect seams through use of adhes ives. New bonding agents are re placing the thread and nails in Roff Claims Buck Trophy - -rI,t.AHNnnn TJoff FJnn won tho big buck trophy at the 12th anmiul Buck Hunters dance at tlie -Ml. Bolivar Grange Hall last weekend. The gold trophy was presented to Roff in tlto basis of horn measurements de vised for this annual contest. Roffs forked horns from a blacktail deer spanned 21 and three-sixteenths inclies, with an average height of 18 inches. The second place gold trophy wont to Bonnie Statelier, ttna, and third to Erlone MeBioom, Sawyers Bar. Cancer Soci ety Plans Session The first (all meeting of the Klamath County Chapter of the American Cancer Society will be held in the conference room of tl county library, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct 24, according to publicity chairman Mrs. John Dickinson. On the agenda will be reor gnxiizaUonal matters and elec tion of officers for the coming year. Workers are urgently needed by i American Cancer Soci ety, and anyone interested in helping is urged (o attend the meeting, Mrs. Dickinson said. Tales for tots, schedules of city events and the voice of San ta Claus at Christmas are pro vided by the telephone compa jiy in Hull. England , NEWS, Klamath Fall, Oregon shoes. Adhesives Important Richard E. Smith, vice presi dent of research and development lor Fuller, feels adhesives are the logical bonding and fabricat ing agent for airplanes and space cralt." Smith said present aircraft ad hesives are designed to withstand about 500 degrees Fahrenheit, but synthetic glues which will take temperatures up to 1,000 degrees and higher are on the horizon. Today's automobile contains between 8 and 25 pounds of ad hesive material but the day is; coming when an entire car will be free of screws, solder and riv ets, Smith said. Present construction and main tenance procedures will be great ly altered by the emergence of new glues, Smith said. The practice of bull-dozing out a space in the dirt and dumping several thousand parts into the mud and then laboriously assemb ling all these parts by hand just cannot be continued, he said In the near future, houses will be prefabricated and assembled within a mere fraction of the present field time. "With future 'glues' being stronger than the metal being bonded, the entire framework 'such as girders of skyscrapers will be held together without riv ets." LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI OF SALE Nolle la harabv olvm thai the under- signed as Administratrix of the Emit Ol ANOELO NfcOKU, aecSBIta, will, pur- .. ord.r ot tnt circuit court V s" ' " Coun" Klamath author I ilna her to to do, ttll at prlvale salt to Iht highest bidder lor cash, on or after Iht Am day November, 1963, nil of Iht decedent's right, title and Interest In and to that cartaln real properly situated In Klam ath County, Oregon, and described Lot Seven (7) and Eight (I), Block Two (3), SECOND ADDITION Cltv of Chlloauln. Ofttr for tnt purchase of tald property may be madt to the undersigned at the; office or her atlornev, L. orth si&h MORE, 531 Main Slreet. Klamalh Falls. Oregon. IDA MELCHIORI Administratrix No. 316, Oct. 2. .H, 33. No. 63-71 PRORATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In Iht Mailer of the Eitate DAVE BERMAN, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I nave been appointed Administrator with th Wtll Annexed of the eitate of Dave Bei man, deceased. All persons having claims against laid estate are required present them to me, with proper vouchers, at etllce of Ganong & Ganong, First Federal Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon with in six months from October 2, 163, which Is the date ol first publl cation of this notice. wm, Ganong. Administrator with the Will Annexed Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administrator NO. Mi, OCI. 2, , 16, 33. NO. 391P NOTICE OF 5ALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY ENTERPRISE IRRIGATION DISTRICT, corporation, Plaintm, vs. JOHN L. HAWKINS. AND OTHERS, Defendants By virtue ol an execution, ludgment, order, Decree and Order ot Sate Issued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause to me directed end dated the 30lh day of September, 193. upon a ludgment rendered and entered m said court en the 30th day Ol September, 1943. In favor o plaint, It and again! John L. Hawkins, Lloyd George Reed, and Wll- da Anne Laughlin, Ethel Phillips. Clara Leuohlln, heirs of Lloyd Laughitn. De ceased. In the following sums, to-wit. Against John L. Hawkins for the sum of 11 10 15 with Interest at the rate ot I per cent per annum trom the ISth day ol June. IWJ, and III J 00 attorneys tees on its first cause of ectiom and the further sum of 170.05 with Interest thereon at the rait of I per cent per annum from July 76. ie. until patd and costs and disburse- ments laied at HT tl. Against Llovd G. Reed for the sum of with interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the lirt day of July, 1MJ until paldi the further sum oi in oo attorney fees and the costs and disbursements tawed t UJH. Against the estate ol Llovd LeuoMIn, Deceased; Wlida Anna Leughiln, Ethel Phillips and Clara Laughim, the sole sur viving heirs of Llovd Laughim, Deceased, or the sum ol 1310.11 with Interest there on tl tht rate of I per cent per annum from the 7th day of June. 1HJ until paid; Iht further sum of IHJ00 attorney fees and U 41 costs and disbursements on Its first cause of teflon) and me further sum ot 171 M with Interest thereon at the rete of S per cent per annum trom July 17. H1 until ptd on Its second cause of ac tion i the further sum of imoo attorney feet and costs teied at Ul U on its sec- ond cause of action. Now Therefore by virtue of ttih writ commanding me to make tele ot the fol lowing described real property situated m Klamath County, Oregon, to-wit: Coda 41, Mao m 7e Let tl. i Ladl Street ( the same being Lots fl and I. I n dependence Tracts, K lame th C euntv , 1 Oregon, being the property f John I. Hawkins. M 41. Mas 41 A To Let 1H, JllJ Wednesday. October 23, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE Wlerd Street, being Lot 135 Pleasent Home Tract No. 1. Klamath county, Ore gon, the tame being the property of Lloyd and Clara Leughiln. Code 41, Mao 3v?i. Tax Lot so, isji Gary Street, the same being Lot 10, New Deal Tracts. Klamalh County, Oregon, the same being tht property of Lloyd G. Reed. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, decree and Order of Sale, and In compliance with the commands ot sao writ, I will on Friday, 1he I day ol No vember, 1963, at 10 o'clock A.M. at ine front door of the County Court House In Klamath County, Oregon, sell at public auction (sublect to redemption) to the highest bidder tor cash In hand oil of the right, title and interest which the within named defendants and each and all of them In the above entitled suit had on the 30th day ol September, 1963, the date of Iht Decree herein or since that date had In and lo the above described property or any part thereof to settle said execution, ludgment. Order and Decree, Including in terest, coils and accruing costs. Dated October I, 1963. First Publication October f, 1963. Last Publication October 30, 1963. J. M. BRITTON Sheriff, Klamath County, Oregon BY Ellen Biehn Deputy No. 393, Oct. , 16, 23, 30, 1963. RESOLUTION NO. 1774 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO THE PRO POSED ASSESSMENT ROLL MADE AND FILED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAM ATH FALLS, OREGON, IN THE MAT TER OF A SEWER TO SERVE THE AREA LYING BASICALLY EAST OF THE CENTER - LINE OF WASH BURN WAY, EASTERLY TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS LINE AND FROM THE ORIGINAL CENTER LINE OF SHASTA WAY SOUTHER LY TO THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET) IN SAID CITY; BEING SEWER UNIT NO. 35l DIRECTING NOTICE OF SAID HEARING BE GIV EN: AND APPROVING SAID AS SESSMENT ROLL HERETOFORE FILED HEREIN. WHEREAS, Ihe Common Council of the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, has made and filed In the offlct of tht City Recorder, a PROPOSED ASSESS MENT ROLL, In connection with tht proposed sewer to serve the area ly ing basically east of tht center - lint of Washburn Way, Easterly to t h e East City limits lint and from the original center-line of Shasta Way southerly to ihe north-easterly right of way of South Sixth Street In accord with the plans, specifications and timales therefor on file In the office of the Recorder; being Sewer Unit No. 33; . THEREFORE,- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, ORE GON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGU LAR SESSION, AS FOLLOWS: Section -1-That the 4th day of November, 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the Council Room In Ihe City Hall for the City of Klamalh Falls, Oregon, be and hereby I fixed as tht date, time and place for the hearing of objections to said proposed assets menl roll, and to the Individual prop erly assessment therein set forth) and, Section -2-BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. THAT THE SAIO PROPOSED AS SESSMENT ROLL, be and It It hereby approved by Ihe Common Council; and, Section -3 BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED that the City Recorder ot the said City give it least ten (10) days notice, by pub lication In the Herald and Newt, the olflcial City newspaper, on three sep arate days, and by posting on each lot, pari of lot, block, piece or parcel and acreage properly set forth and described in said PROPOSED ASSESS MENT ROLL, that at said meeting ot the Common Council on tald date, all oblecflont made and tiled to such as sessment roll and to the Individual as sessments therein, will be heard and determined, and that following a de termination ot all oblectlons, the Com mon Council will proceed, by or dinance, to assess the proportionate share of the cotl of making such pro posed Improvement In accordance with the benetlts accruing to each lot, part of lot, block, piece or parcel of land or acreage property, heretofore found and determined liable for tuch cost. Such notice to be posted and pub 1 1 shed at aforesaid shall further state tht boundaries within which the prop erty lies that It bound to be benefited and liable tor such proportionate share of the cost of tuch improvement, and thall also reler to such, proposed as sessment roll, for detailed Information) that tht boundaries wilhin which the properly lies that It so benefited and to be assessed tor tuch sewer It as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which It ?M leet East and IS feet South of Ihe Sec lion Corner common to Sections 33 and 3J, Township 38 South, Range 9 East, Willamette Base and Meridian and Sec tions 3 and 4, Township 39 South, Range f East ol the Willamette Base and Meridian, Klamath County, Ore gon i thence Easterly and parallel to tho center-line of Shasta Way, a dis tance ot 1693.SS feel, more or less, to the Easterly City Llmlls Line) thence Southerly along the Easterly City Llm Its Line, a distance ot 1335 05 feet, more or less, lo tht Southerly City Limits Line; thence westerly along tald Cltv Limits Line, a dlitance of 209 5 7 feel, more or less, to the South easterly right of way of Austin Street) thence Southwesterly along tht South easterly right ot way boundary of Aus tin Slreet, a distance of 557 45 feel, more or less, to the Northeasterly riant of way boundary of South Sixth Streelt thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly right of way boun dary ot South Sixth street, a distance ot 965 00 feel, more or less, to the center-line of Avaton Street) thenca in a Northeasterly direction along tht center-line ol Avalon Street, a distance of 410 00 feet, to e point, which Is 705 00 feel Northeasterly ot the intersection ol Pershing Way and Avalon Street) thence Northwesterly and parallel to Pershing Way a distance of 651 66 feet, mora or less to a point which Is 390 feet Eaiterly ol the center - line of Washburn Way) thence Northerly and parallel to Washburn Way a distance of 507.99 feet, more or lest lo the point of beginning. Passed by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 7lh day of October, 1963, Presented to Ihe Mayor ad by him unproved and tlgned this Kh day of October, 1963. Robert E. Veatch Mayor ATTEST: Rosie Keller City Recorder STATE OF ORfcGON. COUN1Y OF KLAVATH. SS, CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. I, Rosie Keiier. City Recorder, of I the Cty of Klamath Fails, Oregon, ao I hereby certify mat the above end lore- going is a true coov oi a resolution in troduced and adopted by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, al its regular meeting held on Ihe th day ot October, 1963. and there after approved and slaned by the May or and attested by tht City Recorder. Roue Keller City Recorder. (Seel) No. 39J, Oct. J3. 24. 25. 19), Rt SOLUTION NO WJ A l SOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEAR ING OF OBJrCTtONS TO THE PRO POSED ASSESSMENT ROLL MADE ANO FILED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAM. ATH FALLS. OREGON. IN THE MAT TER OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF, AVALON STREET FROM THE NORTHERLY LINE O" SOUTH SIXTH ST RE t T TO THE CENTER LINE OF SHASTA WAY, IN SAID CITY, B61NO IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO 17, KNOWN AS THE AVALON STREET PROJECT j DIRECTING NO TICI OF SAID HFARING BE GIV EN; ANO APPROVING SAID ASSESS MENT ROLL. HERETOFORE FtLKO HEREIN WHEREAS, tht Common Council of the City of Kiamath Feus. Oregon, has made and filed in ihe office of tht C'ty Recorder, t PROPOSED ASSESS MENT ROLL. IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSE 0 IMPROVEMENT OF t Avekm Street from the northerly lint of South sith Street to the center. Una of Shasta Weyt by paving with Asphalt Concrete pavement all M ac cord with the plans, spec If lea trans and estimates therefor on tile In the office of the Recorder) being Improvement unit No. 117 and known at tht Ava lon Street prelect: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVCO BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP KLAMATH FALLS, ORI . LEGAL NOTICE GON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGU LAR SESSION, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 That the 4th dty of Novtmbtr, 1963, at tht hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of tald day, at tht Council Room In tht City Hall for tht City ol Klamath Fells, Oregon, be and hereby it fixed at the date, time and place for the hearing of ob lections to teld proposed assessment roll, and to the Individual properly atsestment therein tot forth; and. Section -? BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the laid proposed assessment roll, be and It is hereby approved by tht Com mon Council) and, Section -3- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Recorder ot the said City give al least ten (10) days notice, by pub lication In the Herald and Newt, tht official City newspaper, on three sep arate days, and by potiing on each lot, pari ol lot, block, piece or parcel and acreage properly set forth and described in taid PROPOSED ASSESS MENT ROLL, that at tald meeting ol the Common Council on tald dale, all objections mode and filed to tuch at tessment roll and to tht Individual as test men is therein, will be heard and determined, and that following a de termination of all obfections, the Com mon Council will proceed, by ordi nance, to assess Ihe proportionate share ot the cott ot making tuch pro posed improvement In accordance with the benefits accruing to each lot, part of lot, block, piece or parcel of land or acreage property, heretofore found and determined liable for tuch cost. Such notice to bt posted and published at aforesaid thall further state t h t boundaries wilhin which the properly lies that It bound to be benefited and Habit for tuch proportionate there of Ihe cost of such improvement, and thall also reler to tuch, PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL, for detailed In formation) that the boundaries within which the property Met that It so bene fited and to be assessed tor tuch Im provement it at follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which It 510 feet east and 73 feet south of the lec tion corner common to Sections 33 and 34, Township 31 South, Range 9 East, Willamette Base Meridian, and Sec tions 3 and 4. Township 39 South Range 9 East, Willametlt Bait Meridian, Klamath County, Oregon) thence, tatterly along tht south line of Shas ta Way, t dlitance of SS5 feet; thence, southeasterly a dislanca of 172.81 feat more or less) thence, easterly, a dis tance of 10 feet, more or less; thence, northerly a distance of 150 feet, more or lett) thence, eatterly along tho south lint of Shasta Way. a distanct of 633.55 ttet, more or less to the west erly lint of Austin Street; thence, southerly along the westerly line of Austin Street, a distance of 1,122.50 feett thence, southwesterly on iht westerly line of Austin Street, a dis tance of 162.90 feet; thence, westerly, a distance ot 575 feet more or less lo tht northeasterly lint of Pershing Way; thence, northwesterly on the northwest erly line of Pershing Way; a distanct of 335 feet mora or lest to the point which It 105 feet southeasterly ot the southeast line of Avalon Street) thence, southwesterly and parallel to Avalon Street, a distance ot 175 feet, more or less to the northeasterly line of South Sixth Street; thence, northwesterly along tht northeasterly lint of South Sixth Slreet, a distinct of 295.0 feet) thence, northeasterly and parallel to Avalon Street a distance of 175 feet more or less to tht southwesterly lint of Pershing Way) thence, southeaster ly along tht southwesterly line of Per thing Way, a distance of 100 feet mora or less to tht northwesterly lint of Av alon Street; thence, northeasterly along the northwesterly lint of Avalon Street a distance ot 225 feet more or less to a point which it 163.00 feett northeast erly of tht northwesterly line ot Ava lon Street from tht northeasterly Una of Pershing Way; thence, northwester ly and parallel to Pershing Way a dis tance of 336.00 feet to a point which Is 163.00 feet northeasterly and at 90 degrees of Pershing Wayr t h t n c t, northerly a distanct of 625 feet mort or lest to tht point of beginning. Passed by tht Common Council of tht City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, thit 7th day of October, 1943. Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and tlgned thlt 6th day of October, 1963. Robert E. Veatch Mayor ATTEST: Roslo Keller Clly Recorder. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, I, Roslt Keller, City Recorder, of tht City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above and fort going It a true copy of a resolution in troduueed and adopted bv the Common Council of tht Clly of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at lit regular meeting held on the 7th day of October, 1963, and there altar approved and signed by the May or and attested bv tht City Recorder. Rosie Keller City Recorder. (Seal) No. 396, Oct. 23, 34, 35, 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 t a m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays Count fiva word! nar Unm Minimum der 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 LlnaS Tlmt Tlmaa Tl.. 2 DSD ftim t m a An s ou a Mi 11.50 4 4 00 4 00 6 00 14 00 5 4.75 7 00 e.SO 1 ul Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. It paid In advance Above rates are for consecutive inser tions, without change ot copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be t,flr ana vnatr stance Die to be produc- live. u woros must be spelled out. Auto ottered for sale by private Indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 pm dav before ouhll. cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and nnunaay. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS -On same schedule, etceot on Monday in miw lanen m y:jo a.m. Please read first Insertion of your ad. The Herald & Newt will give one extra run for typographical error. Business Builder WANT ADS 1 column Inch. iS per month with 19 M discount for payment on or before the lOth. ' Inch. S19 with 11.50 discount ton payment on or before the 10th. Based on; on copv cnange per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN ME MORI AM S3. SO FOK COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-8111 FUNERAL HOMES . C WARD S Klamath Purwal Horn. MEETING NOTICES STATED CONCLAVE. CALVARY COMANDERY No. 14, Knighn Tsmplor, Wed., Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. Inspector General will moke his1 inspection. Grond Com monder will moke his olflcial visitation. No host supper, 6:30 p.m. ot Chuck .Woaon. All Sir Knights invited ana urged to o'tend. G. Herb Htll, Commander MAN2ANITA CHAPTER No. 17J OES meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday. 8 Vii. pm. Scottish Rite f Temple. OIlKlal visit of Worthy Grand Pa tron. Mory Jane So bo, W.M Glen Hogeman, W P. LOST & FOUND 2 LOST bronit wallet near KU. Bejongs to E. Metier, Important papers inside. Reward for rtlurnl 3122 Bryant, TU 2-0421. LOST or strayed from Homedale, Mad ison area, malt Golden Retriever, 13 mot, old, reward. TU 4-4339, TU 1-3467. PERSONALS REST HOME New Mgr., excellent care, TU 4-W59. BASIC H -concentrated liquid organic cleaner. Economical. No offensive odors. If It is safe In water, it It tafe with Basic H. For demonstration, call Blanche Smith, TU 2-1365. IF you are In need of Stanley Home Products, call Imogent Brlley, TU 2-0700. WANT to phone oeoolt who live alone, ints daily service is to tee If you are OK or need help. The lift wt savt may ot your own, can tu 4-M71, KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-604. Friendly help anytime. LARIAT Beauty Lounge, 3616 Summert Lane, TU 2-5777, Robert Lanlx, operator, BEGINNERS a I anon. Help for families of alcoholics. TU 4-7129, P.O. Box 1065. GRAHAM licensed home for tht aged. Ward care, special diet, personal inter est assured. TU 2-3165. Fuller Brush TU 2-1455 SERVICES 10 UPHOLSTERING, Christmas specials free estimates, Bus's Upholstery, M. N. Howell, Mgr. 1624 Division. NOW Is the time to get that new lin ing in your coat. For all alterations on your clothing, at reasonable prices. COD TU 4-6VBS. TAILORING, alterations. Call Margar tt Cumpston, TU 2-2436. MEAT CUTTING Experienced retired meat cutter will cut and wrap your meal, very reason able. TU 2-4801, 611 N. Ilth. PAINTING, wallpapering at its best, Interior, exterior, brush or spray, rea sonable price, free estimate, TU 2-3131. CUSTOM slaughtering, Beef, hogs, sheep at your location. Special rates If we cut, wrap, cure, smoke. Grigs by't Smokehouse, TU 2-0769. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al stoii, tu 4-6126. REMODELING, cement work, block work. References, reasonable. TU 7-5388. PLUMBING, roofing and carpentry re pair. Phone TU 4-9995. HOUSE remodeling, cabinet making, fur nlturt finishing, TU 4-4079. PAINTING. Interior and exterior, brush or general repair, collect 397-44B3. DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3S84! Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene't Men's Wear 537 Main ' Rose's Tailor Shop Complete Dressmaking - Alterations Tailoring for Men, Women, Children REASONABLE RATES 354 Division TU 2-6842 PAINTING FAST 4 REASONABLE SERVICE TU 2-2748 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING and INSTALLATION Licensed - Bonded Guaranteed C. W. CLIFFORD it SON TU 4-9U1 3J0 Hllyard & BODENHAMER'S The Place To WINTERIZE & STORE LAWN EQUIPMENT $5 & UP. 351 P. Main TU 4-4672 HEALTH .... 12 NUTRI-BIO products, available at Health Store, 7727 50UTh 6tn, TU Z-533. HELP WANTED, FEMALE .... 14 WANT woman to watch 4 children, 3:30 p.m. to I a.m. TU 2-3706. POSITION open for receptionist -bookkeeper in physician's office. Please state qualifications and age. Box A05C Herald and News. HOUSE KEEPER-baby sitter, live in or out, 6 days week. Ph. Merrill 798-5812. OLDER woman desires part time help, easy work, adult. TU ?-?6?B. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 BODY and tender man, experienced, 2 man shop, commission, call TU 2-5498. after 10 a.m. AUTO mechanic wanted. Must know brakes and front end alignment. Apply Sunrise Safety Center, 1724 twain or Richfield Service, 35S1 Shasta way. WANTED salesman tor men's wear. Apply 731 Main. MONTGOMERY WARD has opening tor Automotive De partment manager, and for Hardware salesman. Good employe benefits. Sal ary commensurate with experience. Ex perlence necessary, none other need apply. Apply In person at . . . MONTGOMERY WARD 9th & Pine TU 4-3188 BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Extra Money bv selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-811) HELP WANTED IT DISTRIBUTORS Mil tw SHAKLEE products. Far Information call TU MS MAN and wile wantad on poultry farm, no small children, Rt. Box I2S. Tua-im NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS Ait nele wanted ads published In the Narald 1 Naws era ecceptad In oood faith that the ions ottered are as stated In the advertising coov. Ai are net re sponsible for the Intagrlty ot eur adver tisers, but me mate every etrort to dis cover and relect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a h.lo wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked re r.port If to the Classttled Ad vanning Department ot the Herald A NrM SITUATIONS WANTED FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE TU MM D.-I Carlson Dr. JACK 1 JILL DAY NURSERY EiPETNCEObahvsltting Tn M e t Springs area. TU 1-O.U. IRONING, washing, pic. up, deliver, fast service. TU -iu IR0NINO TO DO IN MY HOME TU eije WANT ADS Bring Results! TU 4-81 It i ROOMS FOR HINT 22 STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 310 SO. 5th. TU 2-0214. CLEAN, comforfsblo rooms, 2 blocks from Main, IS & up, TU 4-4259. APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24 CLEAN furnished 2 room apt. US mo., utilities paid, TU 2-0379 before 10, after 5, 1642 Esplanade during day. FURNISHED bachelor apt., utilities paid, U0, TU 2-4646, TU 3-5935 after 6. MODERN, furnished 2 rooms. No. 9th, $39, TU 4-3663. FURNISHED APT., dose in, heal, hot and cold water Included, $45, TU 4-9564. UNUSUAL offers get response whan made In "Personals." Dial TU 4-8111 TWO newly decorated one bedroom apartments. New furniture. TU 4-6732. CLEAN furnished apartment. desire one person. 1030 Upham. SPARKLING downtown, furnished, free heat, adults, S59.50, Alpha, TU 4-4S22. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports, PELICAN MOTEL. TU 2-WS4. CLASSY uptown furnished, free heat, adults, 165. Alpha Apt., TU 4-4522. TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxt apt., newly decorated, TU 2-6500. CLEAN, newly decorated, all utilities furnished'. 710 Main, Greer Apart ments. TU 4-467B. ONE bedroom unfurnished apt, garbage water paid, close to Kingsiey Field, 550, TU 4-7523. COMPLETELY furnished apt., all utili ties, 1411 Main EWAUNA- DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 SO. 11th - TU 2-1062 ONE bedroom furnished apt., washing facilities, TU 2582?. NICELY furnished, 3 rooms, bath, ga rage, private entrance, couple. TU 2-1214. REX Arms Apta. Furnished 1 bedroom. Heat, phone, garbage, $40-542. Klamath and Broad, 224 Broad, TU 2-nf. ATTRACTIVE unfurnished duplex, adults, TU 4-5821 eves, alter 6 p.m. stan dard. EXTRA large 3 room, furnished or un furnished, S40-S55, TU 4-5686. FURNISHED 1 room unit, S40. 2 room apartment, $41.50. utilities paid, adults only, shared bath. 41? no. totn. FURNISHED APTS., off street parking, TU 2-4736 weekdays after 5 p.m., anytime weekends. HOUSE OF ROCKS MOTEL Rooms-Apts., dally, weekly rates. Reasonable. 2005 Btehn, TU 2-9130. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-2-3 bedroom apta., furnitned or uniun nlthed. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS U17 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-B7I Office houre I ..m. to S p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL ' 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 Apartment for Rent Downtown studio apartment. Living room, dressing room with wardrobe closet, kitchen with dinette. Garbage and water furnished. $55 PER MONTH JAMES F. STILWELL & CO. 519 Main Sf. Reillon TU 4-313 Attlr 5 p.m. call TU 4-700 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3544 Union t A 2 bedroom aoartments Furnished or unfurnished Soaclout Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Walt Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity Dorothea Nolan TU7-07M HOUSES FOR RENT 2 MODERN two large rooms and bath, partly furnished, suitable for couple and one child, $48. 4429 Shasta Way. AAODERN two bedroom furnished house S55. 3202 Diamond, TU 2-0575. TWO bedroom home. Mills, oil heat, $60. Two bedroom duplex. Mills, $85. Two bedroom unit In trl-plex, $90. All hnve stoves and refrigerators. BRUCE OWENS, REALTOR, TU 4-31)9. THREE room, newly furnished, down town, couple, $60, TU 2-5S60 or TU 4-46 79. ; UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex? Water, natural hot water heat, disposal service, range, garage with storage fa cilities Included, $95. Days TU 4-4116, evenings TU 4-74S9. NICE 2 bedroom home, $85. TU 2-1703, or TU 2-9311. 461 Division. FOR lease 5 room unfurnished home. 614 Conger Avenue. Basement, oil fur naee, attractive yerd with trees, flowers and shrubs. $115. TU 2446t days, TU 4-45B1 evenings. UNFURNISHED house for rent, call Mr. Ramp, TU 4-9104, TU 2-4956 eves. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, sub urban district. TU 2-1503. SMALL unfurnished 2 bedroom house, $60, TU 2-2626. UNFURNISHED, small 2 bedroom house. $45, 60 California, TU 2-2410. 3 ROOM furnished house with fenced yard. TU 2-1771. CLEAN. 1 bedroom furnished duplex. Hot Springs, water psid, TU 2-1456. THREE bedroom unfurnished house, $70. TU 4-4054. THREE bedroom, stoves furnished. $5. see at 227 Upham. TU 2-4SOI. TWO bedroom furnished, 2315 Apple gate, $100, TU 4-5402. ONE bedroom furnished, garage. Cou ple only, $45, 23? E. Main. THREE bedroom furnished. Inquire BSO California, TU 2-1753 after 5:30. ONE bedroom, seml-furnlshed, $30. TU 4-9024. TWO bedroom unfurnished house on paved street, south suburbs, tu 4-IV5. TWO bedroom trailer for rent, clean. No dogs, private lot, TU 4-3717. Vt bedrooms, unfurnished. $40, Inquire at 1635 Siskiyou after 4 pm. FURNISHED 2 bedroom. $70, 214 1 Gary, TU 2-5I29. FURNISHED 4 room duplft, oarage. close In, TU 4-M17 or TU 2-0409. CLEAN unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex, north side $75. TU 4-4217. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house, base' ment. $75, 672 Lowell, TU 44554. F U RNISHE D 1 bedroom housed US Inquire 111 Pine. TWO bedroom duplea unfurnished eiceot range. Electric neat, carport, refer ences, 170. TU 4-9063. ATTRACTIVE two bedroom, geraoe, nee trie heef, ffrtoiece. 3 miles north. $75. TU 4-5647 evenings. Unfurnished. UNFU R Nt 5H E D2 bedroonrhOffe71iiI inquire UJV E. Main. FURNISHED on bedroom, located on Attamont Drive. Inquire 1777 Gary. ATTRACTIVE -bedroom, welding dis tance to town, electric heat, $100 month. Call Mr. Ecctes. TU 4-1124. LARGE t bedroom duo lei, 2 years Old. $0. TU 2-136 evenings. THREE bedroom house, unfurnished 2 itet rwtn of town, former executive home ttWO ft. steam heat and water rvrnisned. rent JUJ. Mt Spruce, TU 2-ei0. FURNISHED 1 bedroom home. Call TU 2-3702. ONE bedroom hjrnli'Hd Of partly fur. nishd. fireplace. H Lincoln, TU 4-4705. NICE 1 bedroom unfurnished house Insulated, rcaay to live n Only $45 per monm. Cell TU 2047). MODERN t bedroom duoe, unfurn ished. Mint Add'n. E lecfrtc heat. No pets MS. Call TU 4-551 after S er weekends. 24 RENT lease S room all electric gas heat, fireplace, drapes. IW baths, 147 Dahlia, $125 per month. Owner C. S. Vergeer, 2429 Trenton, San Bruno, Calif. Phone 588-2764 eves. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, base ment, 301 No. 3rd. 150. Inquire 111 Pine. TU 4-S88S MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OR least or salt property. I can be Interviewed personally this week, at Fourth and Klamath, or phone TU 4-5348, William Meihatt for appoint ment. REAL ESTATE WANTED .... 28 WANTED to rent, nice furnished du- pv, .iro in. dox euov., nereis ana News. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .... 29 "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For Information on tax FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed-Ore., CaU Ida- Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 THREE ' bedroom home, suburban acreage, barn, shop, trees, TU 4-8328. INSULATED older home, suitable for large family or convert to duplex. 6.2 irrigated acres, permanent pasture. Large barn on Highway 70, Dairy, Ore. $14,000, terms, Bonanza 545-2)89. OUT Weyerhaeuser way, furnished home, small lot, garage, reasonable terms, no interest, Schroeder Realty. REDECORATED 2 bedroom home near new OTI & hospital, large utility, new large closets, built Ins, double garage, new furnace, wiring, TU 2-0319. FOR sale by owner 3 bedroom, 3 years old. Finest construction. Circulating fireplace- hardwood floors, birch kitchen, dis posal, completely Insulated including ga rage, r-encea yara. Drive by 122 Logan, tau tu z-tng. $330 monthly Income, 7 renfel units, close in, $22,500. TU 4-9961. THREE bedroom, garage, 1 acre, near scnooi, $500 down, tu z-260i. $1,500 EQUITY or $450. Take over FHA loan, 2 - bedroom home, south suburban. TU 4-7266. BY owner, transferred, must sell. 17 acres older 2 bedroom, $1,800 down, as sume loan or refinance. TU 2-5613. MODERN 2 bedroom Mills home. At tached garage, large workshop. Owner will carry papers. TU 4-7616. FHA appraised attractive 2 bedroom suburban. Fireplace, garage, large lawn, fenced In back, many shrubs and trees, on school bus run. Buy equity or re finance, $10,200. TU 2-4978. 1738 Arthur. HOT Springs, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, landscaped, $15,000, TU 2-4165. CHOICE building lots for sate, hurry to pick your lot in upper Moylna Heights. Restricted suburban living. Any type losn available, south suburban sani tary district, streets to be paved and graded to county standards. For ap pointment call George Crain, developer and builder. TU 2-3248, 6551 Moylna Way. NEW large view home, basement, close new OTI and hospital. TU 2-0570'. TWO bedroom, wash room, (wired for washing facilities) cellar, garage, fruit trees, large fenced in lawn, furnished. $8,500, S500 down 2215 Radcllffe. HOT SPRINGS 4 BEDROOM, carpet, fireplace, sprinkler. TU 2-1985. FOR sale or rent, 4 bedroom, full basement, oil furnace, fenced yard, newly remodeled, TU 4-7632. SMALL, very clean 2 bedroom home In south suburbs, $6,000. Call TU 2-3733 after 5 p.m. BUY WITH LITTLE CASHI For 2 bedroom home, owner asks $350 for equity, assume mortgage balance of $6,117 at $67.50 per mo. Call TU 2-0325. SOUTH suburban 3 bedroom, IVi baths, built In range, double garage, patio, Storm windows, TU 2-3335. CORNER trailer lot, Henley district. Cabin, carport, well, electric pump, pump house, septic tank, TU 2-5696. FOR sale 2 bedroom home with view, close In, TU 4-9119. HOT WATER WELL One of the finest. 3 bedrooms. Den, family room, (or 5 bedrooms) 2 baths, garbage disposal, double oven, carpet ing, sprinkler system, back yard fence, 3 car garage. $23,500. TU 2-4939. Cal-Ore Ranches 300 FARM and RANCH sltefl In the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass, Bedford and Eagle Point. 5 to ih acre iracii lew an i down av S3S MONTHLY. Write for FREE FARM and RANCH CATALOG Including photos, descriptions, maps. CAL-ORE RANCHES 843-C East Main St.- MEDFORD, ORE. QUALITY HOME In Moylna, new 3 bedrooms, li baths, fireplace, forced air heat, hardwood floors, birch kitchen, $15,900, TU 2-2410. MLS Multiple Listing' Service MOSTLY QUANTITY with some quality Is offered In this old er 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. 1.200 sq. ft. and all heated with natural hot water heat (no heal bills), separate heated utility and shop area. Fenced yrd. Priced to sell at $12,500 with liberal terms lo qualified buyer. OVERMIRE REALTY 139 S. 7th St. Larry Baraboo Jack Logeman TU 2-3139 TU 4-4616 TU 4-8663 STILWELL & CO. Presents: RANCHETTE NEAR WIARD PARK -Large 2 bedroom home with fire place, big garage with frost proof storage, orchard, chicken house, pasture for a beef. Full price $9,500. No financing problem Owner will carry contract. $750 down $65 per month. DRIVE BV 4413 Denver Avenue There we have a large 3 bedroom home on 1-3 acre, garage & workshoo. Owner asking $9,150 but, we will present him any reasonable of fer. Don't pass this up. tilwell&Co. 51 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3131 Alter 5 00 Call: iruce Blnkley TU 4-3411 It no answer call TU 4-7006, TU 14444 NORTH SIDE 13 500 solid 1i bedroom home fur nished. $6,500 Dandy 1 bedrooms new bath- 1 leu. $11,500 J homes sue by side - fire piece furnished double garege 115.700 I Home with ) seoerate apart ments - close in. We also have good rentals and com mercial property. . C JCHROEDER 4)4 MAIN TU 4-eiS4 TU 14161 $12,500 Li'oe. carpeted living room with FIREPLACE. seeciOus dming room) TWO LARGE bedrooms, one carpeted; kitchen has ampie storage; separate utility. Situated on paved street ctose to school. Many other attractive tea hrei. Any type financing. WALKER REALTY 402 Mom Stevens Hotel TU Wis, enytgse TU MW evenings HOUSES FOK RENT REAL ISTATC FOR SALE .... 30 INCOME property, approximately JX4 square feet of floor. Apts., and business rentals, $389 per month Income, down town location, $37,500, TU 4-4033. CHARMING HOME This 3 bedroom suburban home Is the answer to your dreams. ... An abun dance of space for family living. Ra diant hot water heat. Weil to wall car. pel ing in living room and dining room. Marble fireplace and many extras for luxurious living. Beautifully landscaped tot. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $22,000. McATEE REALTOR J E. Main TU 2-4640 Harold Hollls TU 2-UIS Evelyn McAlee TU 3-S91I MLS Multiple Listing Service HOME & SHOP Located on Oregon Avenue In C 1 Zone. Pumice block shop building tl x 70 ft. Wired for power tools. 2 bedroom home on rear of lot. Owner will carry contract. Price $12,500. . NORTH SIDE Two bedroom home on 55 x 100 H. lot with attached garage. Living and dining room combination. Economic automatic gas heat. Paved street. Close to school and stores. Immediate possession. Yours for $8,750. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Pat" Palone TU J-OSM Al House TU 4-70H Harold M. Rush TU 3-4173 STROUT REALTY 5429 So. 6th For excellent opportunities in HOMES, FARMS. BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone or Sea Bob ond Stella Dehlinger, Rep. TU 4-5281; Eves. TU 2-5601 Honk Holmon, Slsmn. TU 2-5048 MLS Multiple Listing Service EXCELLENT Nearly new Ihree bedroom with ap proximately 1300 sq. ft. of living area. Beautiful fireplace, built-in range and oven, 2 balhs, storm windows, T her mo pane patio doors and many other fine features. Owner will consider trade for your equity in a home or a good tarn II V boat. $15,900. SUBURBAN Three bedrooms with fireplace. Large ior. s,uw. TERMS Available on nice two bedroom home. Fairhaven School district. Gas range, drapes, Included In sales price. $6,500. DURANT Realtor 2050 So. 6th TU 4-9S32 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Staff Evenings Bob Sorllen . TU 4-7985 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9663 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 SFT Presents EXTRA SPECIAL!! 3 bedroom suburban home. A-1 condi tion. Landscaping all In. Double de tached garage. Fireplace, storm win dows, Insulated and weather stripped. Wall to wall carpet In living room. Un finished aftlc for future expansion. Lo cated on paved street. Lot size, 80 x 16B. This lovely home Is reasonably priced at $15,500, and owners may con sider trading up on 4 bedroom in town. TUCKER Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Hansen TU 2-3101 eves. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 eves. BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM HOMES Large living room, dining area. Lovely cabinets. Tile bath and shower. Large bedrooms and closets. Fully insulated. $8900 & up ON YOUR LOT (CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE) See our Beautiful 4 Badroom MODEL Home In BEL AIR GARDENS. e Ask about NO cash down financing. THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE SOUTH END OP MADISON TU 2-0436 TU 4-5244 MLS Multiple Listing Service REDUCED THREE bedroom, five-veer-old home. Circulating fireplace, carpeting in liv ing room, dining room and hall. All generous slied rooms (14 X 32 ft. liv ing room!. Double oarage. Was $11,650. Now $17,000 including drapes. Owner wants to retire! NORTH SIDE Close In three bedroom home, possibil ity of fourth bedroom. Completely re painted. Excellent Oil forced air fur nace. $500 down, $55 per month, total $5,500. BRUCE OWENS Realtor Lucille Anderson TU 7-OSit Lois Mecy TU i-5667 134 No. 7th TU 4-3129 ONE ACRE SUMMERS LANE S room home, neat and clean, nkt yard and garden, good pasture, under Irrigation and fenced, garage. Only $,450. Low down payment or will take taller house or pickuo i down pay ment. balance less I hen rent, NORTH SIDE CLOSE to town and school. 3 bedroom home, basement, fireplace, M-500-Tecms. MILLS NEAR PARK TWO bedroom home, cleft end cheer ful. $5,150. Lew down payment and easy monthly payment. EVERETT DENNIS Realtor 107 Esplanade Ph. TU 44491 Evenings Anne Meson TU i-VJt Kod McPhtettri TU 1-570$ tREAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 CHEAP One bedroom house. TU 1-M4J. MOVING? LtUo uaill TBinB" tMiir niwtetrtv ftfltfe whert west of tht Rock let I Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member Internetional Traders Club Licensed - Ore. Cal. Ida. rVasrt 1.360 acres deeded plus 1,440 acres Taylor grazing, completely fenced. This Is set up as an efficient one man op eration at 150 to 200 cows. All neces sary buildings Including stock Kales, corrals and comfortable home. Has private deer hunting camp on private land. Priced at $100,000, owner will carry contract. HOMEDALE. Comfortable 4 bedroom home with double garage and addition al storage room. Wide lot. On paved road. Excellent location. Owner will consider good used three bedroom house trailer In trade. Priced to move at $12,000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Oonahue Eves. TU 4-HM 4 BIG BEDROOMS HOT SPRINGS. Brand newl 3,000 sq. ft. floor spacel Huge party room. 2 big baths. 2 fireplaces. Double garage. Completely built-in natur al finish kitchen. Sun deck for out door dining. Patio. 95 x 110 ft. lot. Near new OTI. $23,000. Easily fi nanced. Will consider equity trade in for down payment. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 S 7th St. TU 4-5658 Days-Eves. MLS Multiple Listing Service J J NEAR STEARNS SCHOOL -' ' Desirable home area on Clinton Ave. with Immaculate 2 bedroom home, attached garage. 1I0.UO: EASY FHA OR Gl TERMS. y 604 N. 9TH ST. Just .S00 ' ' lor large 2-bedroom home. NEAR ACADEMY. FREMONT & DOWNTOWN. $300 DOWN FHA t, NO DOWN Gl; PLUS CLOSING. IMMED IATE POSSESSIONI I J J OFF SHASTA WAY MOVE ' ' TODAY INTO THIS ATTRAC TIVE J BEDROOM HOME at 1541 Derby St. Vi ACRE IRRIGATED. SS, 750; loan available or contract terms. J J CITY INCOME 3 furnished ' ' houses at close-in Mills Add'n. location. Garage for each unit. SI 55 monthly Income at price of only SIOc 750. INVEST. WISELY HEREI Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9th Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Art Moorman Ph. TU 2-1238 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .. 32 OPPORTUNITY for family to go in safe business for life. Communicate with owner by phone, TU 2-4989 at 4 p.m. 7 RENTAL units, $20,000. Income $300, your terms, TU 4-9754. FOR sale or trade, business property. 42,000 sq ft., suitable for medical center or other types of business. Write Bo;t 5B8C, Herald and News. FOR sale grocery store with living quar ters. Retiring! Inquire at 1710 Oregon Avenue. FOR sale or trade, motel In town on busy highway. Room for expansion. Write Box 587C, Herald and News. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of money In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to reect all fraudulent or misleading advertising however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the tlrms or Individuals who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald and News. This Week's Special Klamath County Grocery store, 7 lots, $7,500 stock, fixtures, and 40 x 75 ft, masonry building all for $41,500. This store Is doing an excellent business and Is Increasing as area grows. Easily op erated bv man and wife. Any reason able terms and owner will consider trades. Tucker Real Estate 2240 So. 6th Phone TU 2-7241 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 You Supply The DREAM We'll Supply The CASH! That's right Now you can put a good root over your head before the cold winds blow, add a new room, buy a new or better used car, a trailer, boat, even un tangle a snarled budgetl Whatever your fondest dream. It It takes money, give us a call for quick, confidential service! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cors Furniture Note Automobile 0 Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow e Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed 0 Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So 6th TU 4-7783 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 X 12 RUGS wllh attached rubber pads. Sale erica S?l.e5. Lucas Furnl. Hire. 1.5 East Main. Park in front, ne meters I FOR sale used G. E. automatic waslv er, StO. TU 2-US2. ELECTRIC apt. siie range, relrioere tor. automatic wasber, dryer, cnest freezer, TU 4465. alter 10 a m. BED and chair. Store Wide Sale once. SIM. assorted colors. Si down, sa fl per me. Lucas Furniture. 1.5 E. Main. THE bid store wide FURNITURE lata Is now eolng on et LUCAS FURNITURE. i arms to suit you. Lucas Furniture, 195 East Main. X INCH range, single pedestal lava tory complete with faucets, 1 ironing board. TU a-esst SEWING MACHINE CENTER DISCOUNT STORE '411 OWENS Discount Sale Treadles 5.00 Portables 9.50 Sewino Machines, New & Used Used Pionos, Orgons, Accordions ond others. LOW, LOW PRICES Thurv, Fri., Sot., Sun. 8 A M. to 7 PJA.