PAGK-I HERALD AND Egg War May BRUSSELS, Belgium (UPD VS. officials here watched closely today for signs that an "egg war" may replace the re cent "chicken war" with the European Common Market. The 15-month-old dispute over American poultry exports I FREE GIF With This 1 . 2 CYCLE rr J! NO MONEY DOWN E-Z TERMS Hill EE Plus features galore: h- jjsss1 ES, New Convenient FABRICS DIAL ;.' -"""l F H SPECIAL WRINKLES-AWAY ' f H DRYING for Wash & Wear fab- C f rics saves hours of tiresome fH ironing every month! I. NO-STOOP LINT SCREEN is right on the door! Cleans in sec ondsand fine mesh design traps even tiny particles. FRI6IDAIRE FLOWING HEAT DRYER PRICED TO SELL! REMEMBER! IT COSTS NO MORE TO CET THE FINEST-FRIGIDAIREI rut iokui oirr. l (m mw iHirr and towil ht If you purchm and kntoll now FLAMIIIU ILKTRIC'MIYM barman October 1 4 and DkiMki 1 4 (ram this local CalOn Elactrkal lttgut Dtaltr 24.M ViIm Sobitcl to tondlHem of drytr pun Kim m pot'i with th.s dollar. Thll ll CalOrt Elactricol LaoOut aponiortd Olftr. Villi him today! CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS NEWS, Klamath Falli. Oregon Replace Chicken War seemed headed or a possible peaceful solution through arbi tration by a neutral panel of experts from the General Agree ment for Tariff and Trade (GATT). But he U.S. mission to the European communities was said Valw VERN Monday. October 21, 1963 to have reported to Washington on increased levies on imports of eggs into the six-nation Com mon Market area. This increase could affect American egg exports to the Common Market, although this would be on a far smaller scale than the tariff increases on chickens. American egg exports to the community, mainly West Ger many, total about $3.5 million a year. U.S. poultry exports amounted to about $60 million a year before Common Market tariff increases became effec tive in July last year. According to Common Market sources, eggs from the United States, Yugoslavia and Den mark were being offered in Ger many, Italy, France, the Neth erlands, Belgium and Luxem bourg at prices below the lo cally produced eggs. One of tlie consequences was that Dutch egg producers had to reduce their prices by about 20 per cent to remuin competi tive with American egg export ers on the German market. DENNIS THE MENACE n 4, - I'M jt 1 WHfrl I SAY 'CAN WE HAvfc A SOT EASY HUOT FEfUNGS. Matching Washer II tnHiM DOA 64, Elactric In 4 colort ir whlti! FREQ Wolti away with a Free $24.95 value, 16-pc. "Queen Marie" sheet, pillow cases, towel set when you buy a new Frigidaire Dryer! Set is beautifully gift wrapped! A Cal-Ore League Bonus Gift! OWENS' Learning To Summarize Will Help You In Many Ways Written for NEA By The Reading Laboratory We've discussed reading out lines which organize the ideas of a textbook chapter or any piece of writing in a logical order. They are tools for analyzing the thought structure of prose. The ideas are not arranged in the order of presentation of the text; the most important idea must appear first in the outline, no matter where it appears in the text. Practice outlining. When you read a newspaper, outline one of the editorials. It'll only take a couple of minutes, and you'll be developing the ability to think logically. The logical thinker never has any trouble in school. As your skill in outlining de velops, you'll be ready to try summarizing. Skillful summariz ing presupposes outlining skill. You must be able to arrange ideas logically before you can make short, accurate summa ries. Summaries are powerful study tools. If you can summarize a textbook chapter, you can be COOKIE?, SAY'YES'. JOEYS $224 With Trade sure that you've understood it. A summary must contain the main idea of a text, it must be brief and it must be in your own words. Summarizing is a great aid to retention. If, for instance, you've capsulizcd an entire lecture into a few, well-chosen words, you can be sure you'll never forget that lecture. To a skillful reader, summar izing is an automatic process; it's part of reading. As he reads, he maintains a running sum mary in his mind. When he fin ishes reading, the summary is complete and retention is as sured. Summarizing also develops fa cility. As you practice summa rizing you'll learn how to mani pulate words how to make one or two short paragraphs do the work of an entire textbook chap ter. This is a point that can't be overemphasized. The ability to write, to express your thoughts clearly and succinctly is the ability that separates the sheep from the goats in col lege. More to the point, as you pro gress through school you'll find that more and more of your tests will be essay tests. Sum Gone are the days when every homemaker was a weather - watcher on washdays! Gone are the days of back-breaking washday drudgery - dragging heavy wet clothes outside to a clothesline to dry ... Gone, matter of fact, is washday! With an electric clothes dryer, any day, any weather, any time is washday . . . and it's all as easy as turning a dial! With an electric clothes dryer, you ... VALTZT H RO UGW WA S W P AV B & B Radio & Electric TU 2-4434 Cascade Home Furnishings TU 4-8365 Eastside Appliance TU 4-8886 Home Appliance Company TU 4-8183 i Thu olftr Is flood only en new drytr installtd in tht homti of motored customtrs, of COPCO DMsion, Pacific Powar & Lioht Company; Klamath Falls, take, yitw, and Alturas Districts of Ctntril Division, Pacific Por & Light Company; City of Ashland, Douglas Electric Cooptralivt, and Surprist Valley Eltetntica tion Corporation. marizing practice is the best way by far to prepare for es say tests. If you summarize ev erything that you study, you'll have no trouble writing clear, "Better Grades" Reader Service co Herald and News 1 Box 941 Klamath Falls, Oregon Please send me copies of 30 DAYS TO BETTER GRADES at $1 each. Name Address City :.. Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch Relieves Pain IW Y.rk, N. T. 8PmU1 - For thl ftnt time icitnce has found a new healing substance with tht ton iibing ability to ihrink hemor rhoid!, itop itching, and relieve pain without aurgery. In ease after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (ihrinkagft) took plact. 11 oat amazing of all reaul ta were JS WAS (-1 DAY and dry your clothes gentler, smoother, and faster as well! Uhlig's concise essay answers. To show how a summary works, let's outline this article, then make a summary from the outline. State so thorough that auffereri made astonishing statements like "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" The secret is a new healing sub stance (Bio-Dyne) discovery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now available in auppotitory or ointment form under the name Preparation 9 At all drug counters. J. W. Kerns Merit's Sears Roebuck & Company TU 2-4481 See Ihe fcfMf rf Shaffer Electric TU 2-5503 "our hvori,e c" TU 2-5512 Beautifully gift wrapped in three separate boxes, these colorful sets, from J. P. Stevens Gr Company, are yours as a gift with your purchase of on electric clothes dryer from a Cal Ore Electrical League dealer before December 14th. Use them to add exciting beauty to your own bed room and bath - use them as gifts to friends. See the Queen Marie gift set displayed by your favorite Cal Ore Electrical League dealer. Retail value: $24.95. ...YOURS 1. Summaries are powerful stu dy tools. 1.1 Must state main idea 1.11 Aid comprehension 1.2 Must be brief 1.21 Aid retention 1.3 Must be in your own words 1.31 Develop language facil ity 1.4 Must be logical 1.41 Presuppose outlining ability When It's YOUR Move Call The "Old Timers" TU 4-7425 Q Klamath' Oldest and Most Experienced Movers Klamath's Only Locally Owned Movers STORAGE CRATING PACKING Agents lor Btklni . . . Cross Country or Around Tho World IS A WALTZ TU 4-4197 TU 4-4478 16-piece Queen Marie SHEET AND TOWEL SET ABSOLUTELY FREE! Using the outline, we can make a summary: "By developing the ability to construct, in your own words, brief, comprehensive and logical summaries of textbook chapters or lectures, you will have taken a long step toward better com prehension, surer retention and more skillful writing." As your summarizing and out lining skills develop, mental summaries, rather than written, will suffice. (NEXT: How (o study history.) Peoples Warehouse "SINCE 1918"Q i.ieiifi.uj League oeofer. 412 Main Ph. TU 4-8365