Income Climbs To Record High WASHINGTON (UPf)-Long-er hours and greater employ ment helped push personal in come in the nation to a record rate during September, the gov ernment reported today. The Commerce Department said income, figured on an an nual rale basis, reached $466.5 billion last month $1.5 billion above August. here's your bug chamce To Make Good Use of Herald & Mem WANT To Household Goods! Household Goods you no longer want or need -- as well as Housewares that are doing nothing but collecting cobwebs, can be turned into cash quickly and inexpensively through wonder working WANT ADS! SAVE during HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANT AD WEEK! OCTOBER 20 Through 25 YOU GET: 3 WAYS TO PLACE A WANT AD: 1. Mail: Write your ad and mail to Herald and News, P.O. Box 941, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 2. IN PERSON: Bring your ad to the Herald and News office at 1301 Esplanade. 3. PHONE: Dial TU 4-8111 and a courteous Want Ad writer will be glad to help you word your ad. You'll Get Results TOMORROW With A WANT AD TODAY! Better Grades 18 Outline Should Include Key Words Only; Few Details By The Reading Laboratory Written for NKA Let's set the stage for this ar ticle. You're home and ready to study. You have a page of main idea lecture notes from t h e morning's class. You have a textbook open to the chapter that applies to the lecture. You have a clean notebook and a O) on all WANT ADS offering to buy, sell or trade any household fur niture, appliances, or housewares. (No T.V. sets, radios, pianos, building materials, etc.) Sorry, no commercial advertisers, please! SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! Number I Reg. Price I This Week I YOU Of Lines I 6 Days For 6 Days I SAVE 2 4.00 2.50 1.50 3 5.00 3.25 1.75 4 6.00 4.00 2.00 5 7.00 4.75 2.25 The regular discount within 5 days of first It's easy to write and place a Want Ad. And the amazing thing about want ads is that the results are excellent and the cost is so low. This week, the Herald and News observes Want Ad Household Goods Week, you poy for only three doys of advertising and then get THREE EXTRA DAYS FREE! This is the ideal time to learn the advantages of a Herald and News Want Ad. pencil. You're alert, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and rarin' to get started. So what do you do? You could give it all up as a bad job and watch television, but that would be the coward's way out. Or you could combine your lec ture notes and the textbook chapter into a single, coherent -SELL ALL KINDS OF FOR THE PRICE OF of 50c per advertisement publication. City outline. Making outlines is sometimes more work than watching television, but always results in better grades. In the long run, working from outlines is far less work than any other method of study ing. When tests roll around, you need only study your notebook. If there's anything in your out - SWAP wil apply if paid i Write Your Own Want Ad! Count 5 words per line. ' andor phone number. Be sure i Nam 2 Address T I Mail your Wont Ad with' parmint Dooortmont, Tho Horold ond Nowi, tho cost from tho Household Goodi I liitod in this odvortitomonr. line that doesn't make sense, you can always refer to your text. But you'll never have to read the whole textbook through. And if you outline what you're supposed to know, you'll be sure of knowing it. Here's a stcp-by-step proce dure for integrating your lecture notes with your textbook: AD! r.',vw'T"," to count the address Phone to tho Clouilitd Ad.trtmng Klomoth Folli, Orooon. fiouro Wont Ad Wook tpociol roMi Overview the pertinent chap, ter before the lecture. Take lecture notes on main ideas, or on little tidbits that the teacher is particularly fond of. Take notes only on material that is not in the text. Reread lecture notes that evening. Resurvey text again just for (lie main idea. Begin a main idea outline that combines the lecture and text notes. Don't be afraid of mixing the two together. After starting the outline, begin to "survey and resurvey" the textbook chapter to find the subordinate ideas and consoli date your grasp of the main ideas. Head the bold print, the maps, the graphs, the first sen tence of each paragraph. Then skim through the body of the text, starring Uie important sec ondary ideas. (It's best to make marginal notes; for example, one mark for an important idea, two marks for a very important one, and three marks for abso lutely crucial ideas.) Incorporate the starred idea into your outline put them into "Better Grades" Reader Service co Herald and News Box 941 Klamath Falls, Oregon Please send me copies of 30 DAYS TO BETTER GRADES at $1 each. Name Address City Peace Corps Will Give Placement Tests Saturday The fall quarter placement test for the Peace Corps will be given in Room 1202 of the main post office beginning at 8:30 4-H Council Picks Head ALTURAS Buster Dolbrhidc, Davis Creek, was elected presi dent of the Modoc County 4-H Council at the recent meeting of the 4-H Leaders Council at the farm advisers office in Alturas. Along with Dollarhidc, Lewis Vermillion, Ceclarville, was elected vice president and Jean Buchcr, Fort Bidwcll, was re elected secretary-treasurer. The Leaders Council is respon sible for determining the 4-H ac tivities and much of the pro gramming for the area's 10 4-H clubs. The council is made up of one leader representative from each 4-H club and the officers. Two hundred and fifty members and 83 leaders are represented by this group. Buster Dollarhido has served as a community and livestock leader for tho Davis Creek 4-H Club for nine years. (Ho has actively participated in many phases of the county's 4-11 pro gram during this time. Lewis Vermillion is in his third year as a livestock leader for the Ccdarvillc 4-H Club. He has contributed greatly to the club's increased enrollment and is interested in the livestock pro jects and newly organized horse drill team. Jean Buchcr lias served as a leader for the Ft. Bidwcll 4-H Club for five years. Her associ ation with the 4 If program dates back to 19.VI when she first enrolled as a member of the Ccdarville club. CARNIVAL 3 h lL.i OmitrWO-lf TM Pt M 60, . "When did you first notice this Inclination, Senator, to think that a billion dollars IS a lot of moneyl" their proper places under the main ideas you noted from the lecture and the textbook. The beauty of this system is that you have to study a chap ter only once. Once you've con structed a running outline of the lectures and the textbook, the subject matter is yours. There'll be no frantic cramming before a test: you'll have to look through only your notebook. The amount of reading time you'll save will be enormous. Outlining will be a fairly easy job if you follow two simple rules: use key words instead of long, windy sentences; don't try to put every little detail in your outline. In other words, keep your out lines as short as possible. Don't spend hours rewriting the textbook. Your outlines should be a memory cue that will help you remember the material. Short, quick, to-tlie-point outlines are the easiest to make, the eas iest to study and the most use ful. (NEXT: The mechanics of fact organization.) State a.m. balurday, Oct. 19, an nounced Beverly Wischnofske, Klamath County 4-H agent. Persons interested in applying for Peace Corps work should ob tain an application blank from either the county extension of fice or at window No. 1 in tile, post office. Completed blanks should be submitted at the time the placement examination is taken. The test and application will be sent to Washington, D.C. for processing. The Peace Corps examinations are used largely for placement rather than for screening pur poses. They serve their major purpose in tho following two ways: (1) To determine for which of a number of assign ments an individual can qualify; (2) To compare test scoros with oilier applicants having the same technical skills, training and interest, not with applicants as a whole. No applicant is ever accepted or rejected primarily on the basis of Placement Test scores. Rather, these scores are consid ered along with formal educa tion, work experience, special skills and all available informa tion regarding motivation, inter personal relationships, and char acter as evaluated by several references. General qualifications (or Peace Corps projects include a minimum age of 18, U.S. citizen ship, sound health, maturity, in itiative and above all a desire to serve. Married couples are el igible in some projects if both qualify and they have no de pendent children. Volunteers serve for two years. Including training. They receive allowanc es to cover clothing, food, hous ing, medical care and inciden tals, plus a readjustment allow ance at the termination of (heir service of about $1 ,800, based on $75 for each month of service. O-lg Friday, October II, 1963 HERALD AND NEWS, Playmates Taunt Adopted Girl By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: Why don't people keep their mouths shut when they don't know what they are talking ?t about? I am the mother of twin boys, 8 years old. I had a very difficult pregnancy and almost lost my life when the twins were born. The doctor ad vised mo against trying to have more children so my husband and I decided to adopt. It took two years before we were able to get our adorable little Jacoby On Bridge NORTH It AK974 VAJt Q8S Q10J WEST EAST (D) V10883 KQ7 732 KJ1085 785$ K94 SOUTH 4 Q J 10 32 V42 A4 AJ8 North and Sooth vulnerable East Booth West North ! 14 Pass 4 Fas Fas Pas Opening lead 4) 1 Defense Must Count By OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. One of the hardest things for a defender to do is to count a hand out and to decide why de clarer has made his various plays. Now suppose you follow the play from the East hand only. At trick one you cover dummy's queen of diamonds with your king. South wins with the ace and leads tho queen of spades. Your partner wins and plays a second diamond. You win and continue the suit only to have South ruff high. He leads a trump to dummy's nine spot and at this point you have counted him for two dia monds find five spades. The queen of clubs is led and cov ered by jour king and South's ace. Your partner plays the five. The jack of clubs is led next and your partner plays the three. You note that he has echoed and his reason must be to show an even number of cards in the suit. When he fol lows to the third club you know that he started with four so that declarer's original holding was five spades, three hearts, two diamonds and three clubs. Declarer's next play is the five of hearts from oummy and if you have been awake you will play the seven spot. You won't have much hope for this play, but you will realize that you aren't going to do yourself any good by playing one of your honors and that the play of the seven will heat the hand if your partner holds the ten. You'll learn how to count tho hand defensively with a copy of "Win at Bridge With Oswald Ja coby." Just send your name, ad dress and 50 cents to: Oswald Jacoby Reader Service c-o this newspaper, P.O. Box 489, Dept. A, Radio City Station, New York 19, N.Y. Q The bidding has been: Booth West North East 1 Double Pass Pass Redble Pass 2 V Pass T Yea, South, hold: o)K7 VA04 JStAli What do you doT A Pin. Yoor partner is skowtnc straurth, bat be did not redouble one diamond. TODAY'S QUESTION You pass. West bids three dia monds and your partner bids three hearts. East passes. What do you do nowT Answer Tomorrow1 Pilots To See Airlines Show West Coast and Delta Airlines will present an exotic "Caribbo an Holiday" style show for the meeting of the Klamath Falls Chapter Oregon Pilots Associa tion, at Rcamcs Golf and Coun try Club Saturday night, Oct 19, Dinner time will bo 7:30 p.m. Tlie stylo show is scheduled for B p.m. For reservations call WCA TU 2-4628. The public is invited. The show will feature fashions by Blackwell of California, Nanl of Hawaii, Jamaican Fashion by Calypso, and Helen Rose. PAGE SB Klamath Falls, Oregon girl. Laurie Is now S years old and what a Joy! Last week Laurie came home crying as if her heart would break. One of her playmates , told her his mother said we couldn't possibly love her as much as we love the twins be cause they are of our own flesh and blood and she is not. I tried to comfort the child and reassure her, but she hasn't been the same since. She seems withdrawn and unhappy. Can you suggest any way we can help her?-FURIOUS MOTHER Dear Mother: I trust (and hope) that Laurie had been told by you and your husband that she was adopted before the neighbor kid got to her. If not, perhaps this Is part of the rea son for her unhapplness. Continue to give Laurie gen erous doses of love and atten tion. Let her know that as a chosen child she Is special and that you were lucky to get her because so many others wanted her, too. Dear Ann Landers: Last year I wrote to you about a problem I was having with my husband. He agreed to do as you said and it worked out fine. Now we have anotlier problem we'd like you to settle, Again he has promised to take your advice. Our eighth wedding anniver sary is coming up. it falls on the opening day of the hunting season. He wants to go hunting with the fellows. I say a wed ding anniversary is a lot more important than hunting, and that he belongs home with me. We get along a lot better than most of our friends and I would say our marriage is a good one. Please settle this be cause we've been talking about nothing else for two weeks. Thank you. MRS. CALL OF THE WILD Dear Mrs. Wild: And Just what kind of an anniversary cel ebration do you think you'll have with a long-faced martyr who would rather be hunting? Of course his choice shows he's a self-centered little boy but let him go anyway. Every marriage should have at least one adult and in your home you'll have to be It. Dear Ann Landers: Our son is soon to be married to a lovely girl. It is customary where I come from for the mother of the briSe (o ask the mother of the groom for the names of close relatives to assist at the reception. Our family is small but some mem bers will be coming a great dis tance for the wedding. I'd like my brother to be at tile punch bowl. My husband has two wonderful aunts, charming and well-bred, and I'd like to have them pour. I realize the bride's family puts on the wedding and the re ception but it is our son s wed ding, too, and it would seem like a slap in the face if our family were ignored. Please tell me if I should inform the mother of the bride that I feel strongly about this. A. B. W. Dear A. B .W.: The groom's family should Indeed be includ ed In the reception activities. If the suggestion comes from you, however. It might be resented. Ask your son to mention It gently to his fiance and let her lake' It from there. If yon hear no more about It, let the mat ter drop. The unpleasantness which might result would not be worth It. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE WOC US DRAINAGE DISTRICT Notica li haraby givan that meet Ing of tha ownars of land situate in Woem Dralnaga District will ba tieid at tha oflKa of Oaary Bros., pproxl mataly 7 mllas North of Klamath Fall. Oraqon, on Rocky Point Road, on Novamber 3, 1963. at 3 o'clock P.M. i tor tha purpoia of alactlng a Bnard of Suparvisort of fa Id Ola trlct. Board of Supervisors By Martha Dorman Smith, Sec retary NO. 403, Oct. Ik 13. NO. M-IJ1 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREOITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In tha Matter of tha Estate of H. ED WIN JONES, Deceased. Notica It haraby givan that 1 nava . baan appointed Executrix of tha estate 1 of H. Edwin Jones, deceased. All par sent having claims against said astata ara required to present tham to me. with propar vouchors, at tha office of Ganong & Ganong. First Fadarai buiio mo, Klamath Fans, Dragon, wnmn six months from Saptambar 71, M, wttlch is tha data Of first publication of tnta notica, Roia May Jonas, Exacutrlx Ganong t Ganong A l lor nay i tor txecurrre No. J4, Sapt. It, Oct. 4, It, 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OP KLAMATH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I tha undersigned have baan appointad ad ministratrix of tha aetata of Lois Adala Collins, dacaaiad. That ail parsons hav ing claims against said astata ara dlrect ad to pratant tha same, propar ly varl Had, to lha administratrix at tha law of- tica of Ooakay and Engaigau, Sulfa 314, First National BanK Building, (Clamant Palls, Oragon, within six (a) months from tha data of lha first publication of this notica. Oatad this nth day of Saptambar,. laJ at Klamath Palls, Oragon. ZeLLA OSTRANDER, 1 Administratrix of tha Rstatt of Lois Adalo Collins, De caaad. OOAKEY AND INGELOAU- Attornayt for Administratrix, Sulfa 3)4, First National Bank Building Klamath Palis. Dragon. . No. W Oct. It, IS, 35. NOV. 1, 1HJ.