PAGE MA HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Wednesday, October 16, 196 Better Grades 16 Text Provides Background For Classroom By The Reading Laboratory Written for ' Newspaper Enlerpriae Ann. We've just passed the halfway point in our 30 articles, so let's take a brief backward look to see what we've covered. By now, you should be developing a point of view for each course trying to find the purpose be hind each course. You've stud ied the instructor what are his biases, what is he trying to ac- . complish. You're trying to bring your outside knowledge into each course and are in the pro cess of developing a course voi, cabulary. By now, you've found the proper environment, just the right little cubbyhole where you can study best, andiyou're budg cting your time studying in sports to help your memory. You've overviewed the text book, using the Table of Con tents and Unit summaries, or whatever other aids were avail able. You overview each Unit as you come to it, and finally, you apply the "survey and re survey" method to each text book chapter. In connection with the "survey and rcsurvey" method, we've discussed maps and graphs, memorization and ' the best ways to become an ac tive reader. ' In this article, we'll see how to use your studying at home to make your class work easier and vice versa. If your teacher just follows the textbook, you've no problem. If you fall asleep in class, you can always find all you need to know in the textbook that night. But most teachers just use the text as a general guide; their class lectures may concentrate on points that are only briefly mentioned in the book, if at all. In a case like this, a little plan ning can save you a lot of work. Here's what you should do: The night before the class, survey the next textbook chap ter a couple of times. Use the bold print, the summary, the maps and the graphs. Don't dig into it too deeply just get a general idea of what's in the chapter and some idea of how detailed the chapter is. In class, the next day, you need to take notes only on what is not in the textbook. There's no point in rewriting the text book in class. A good overview the night before (it takes only 10 minutes) will save a lot of unnecessary scribbling during class and will give you a chance to really listen to the teacher for a change. Ideally then, your text will provide the background that will lot you take an intelligent part in class discussions. If your teacher marks for class partici pation, work up questions on the text the night before and bring them up in class. Make sure they're good questions; those that are only time-wasters will pull your mark down. Briefly then: if your teacher follows the text exactly, just study the text. If he uses the text for background, overview the chapter the night before class and tnke lecture notes only on what is not in the text. And use your overview of the chap ter so you can shine in class discussions. (Next: How to lake notes In class.) LOST WEIGHT? GAINED SOME? Get back into those good clothes by having economi cal alterations dona quickly ond cipertly in our shop. WE "REBUILD" WARDROBES (All Work Guaranteed) In a Hurry? We'll Rush Your Order! IDA'S TAILOR SHOP 125 N. 8lh TU 4-6122 Hatfield Gives Post To DeLap Loyd DeLap of Klamath Falls, stale commander of the Oregon Disabled American Veterans, has been named co-chairman for Veterans Day observances by Gov. Mark O. Hatfield. - Hatfield appointed DeLap cn .chairman with the state com manders of the other veterans' organizations. DeLap will confer in Porl - land with his co-chairmen on plans for Veterans Day, Nov. II. DeLap is bailiff of circuit court. THE if w RED CARPET X IS OUT J AND YOU'RE INVITED TO USE AND OTHER FREE PARKING KLAMATH FALLS V BOGATAY'S PRESENTS RippleeSole Means ' It bend Jfc ! f I over backward I to give you , comfort. 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