PAGE IA HERALD AND Two More Go On Trial In Alabama For Illegally Possessing Dynamite I'; BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UPI) - Separate trials were, scheduled '. ;tbday for two while men charged : Tiith illegally possessing dyna ' mite. A former Ku Klux Klans- man was convicted on a 6imilar charge Tuesday. The two men, R. E. Chambliss, 59, and John Hall, 36, were to appear before City Recorder J. Earl Langner. Court was to open at 11 a.m. EDT. Charles Cagle, 22, a heavy-set white supremacist, Tuesday re ceived a maximum $100 fine and 180 day sentence on conviction - before Langner. He was released on appeal bond. r- A statement signed by Cagle was introduced into evidence which said he helped Hall hide a case of dynamite removed from Chambliss' car on Sept, 4, the night Negro attorney Arthur Shores' home was bombed. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a "task force" of aides were In this raciaily-troubled city organ i' Rudyord men... ttVtY:M..ft.ii 11 t K 'Skjwi jOMfrt 1' iff!. rS I ONLY! jiWa.ailgiTgffl rarsrrss FROM ANY. ANGLE ' nnm crnTT'ini rauL ii THFv. picture THAT TAXIS ANEW t- rrminr . x HIIIIUuT TrlELMA RinEREVA GABORL MAURICE CHEVAUER The Diracttd or Mr rtTTTTl i rim 'fwusww mm, i ' . m m m Li In RICHARD FLEISCHER EARL FELTON fc IihiiiI It MM OPENS NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. izing tlie Negro community for possible new demonstrations un less the city bows to two de mands issued Tuesday. King gave tlie city two weeks to hire 25 Negro policemen, and demanded that city officials meet face-to-face with Negro leaders to discuss hiring of Negro clerks, firemen and other civil service employers. Mayor Albert Bout well did not reply directly to the demands, but the council released a state ment that "the possibility of the use of Negro policemen assigned to duties in Negro communities . . .have been widely discussed by city officials and the general pub lic for many years." The statement said the council would consider hiring Negro po lice "without fear of intimidation from any pressure group." Elsewhere in tlie nation: Plaquemine, La.: More than 500 Negro students boycotted a heavily - guarded Negro high school Tuesday in protest against Tffl AGAINST inrCB THE SEA! One of the truly great pictures ef all timet Kipling immortal tale at ihipi and DOORS OPEN AT 6i4S JOANNE WOODWARD TECHNICOLOR ""'vi"C MHVMISMVHW rwtwii KIND OF LOVE J Half Chtvtlttf tronading I hn fvtuita fl'ftt. among iham Mtmr and "Uuua" J kltatl Mightiest Motion Picture of them All ! SrafJr Wl hW U. Im (MlhNiMim Gtntral Adminlon J1.C0 M'ednesdaV, October , 1963 the suspension of 33 students for leading a civil rights demonstra tion. Orangeburg, 8.C.: Negro schools were closed Tuesday be cause of a boycott hy students protesting the firing of a teacher who has been a leader in racial demonstrations. But school super intendent H. A. Marshall ordered tlie schools reopened Thursday Sclma, Ala.: A spokesman for tlie Student Non-Violent Coordi nating Committee, the Rev. Tommy Brown, said Tuesday a temporary halt had been called on street demonstrations which have seen hundreds of Negroes arrested. State Drops Blind Stipend SALEM (UPI) - The monthly maintenance stipend for blind stu dents attending Oregon colleges and universities was eliminated Sept. 23. the Oregon Commission for tlie Blind revealed today. The cutback was made in ex pectation the tax measure would be defeated at next Tuesday's election, according to Charles C. Brown, director of rehabilitative services for the commission. He said "about 10 students were affected, and the cuts ranged from $90 to $100 per student." The maximum paid is $100. "We felt this was the cut that could most easily be absorbed," lie explained. He said the commission is still paying tuition, allowing funds for texts and training materials, and paying for readers for blind stu dents. "These services have not yet heen cut, but they may be later on if the tax is defeated," Brown said. "W have been told our funds may be cut about 25 per cent in case the tax measure is defeated, so we had to take action now." Deadline Set For Engle WASHINGTON (UPI) - Gov. Edmund G. Brown said Tuesday ? decision must be made before Dec. 1, on whether ailing U.S Sen. Clair Engle will be able to seek reelection. There has to be a deadline," Brown said. "If Senator Engle is unable to make the fight, we'll have to select a candidate." Brown made the comments aft er conferring first with White House officials and then with the senator's wife. He apparently failed in efforts to get Mrs. Engle to make public the details of her husband's condition. Engle, a patient at Bethesda. Md., Naval Hospital, is under stood to he partially paralyzed and suffering from an inoperable brain tumor. But no definitive medical statement on his condi tion has been issued. The United States used 41.2 mil lion tons of paper every year, or 437 pounds per person. Iferalilan&Srttrs Kiimilh Paris, Orjon Publiihtct only (tieaet Sat.) an Sunday 3arvln soutnarn Dragon and Northern California bv Klamath PubliiMnq Company Va n at Eplanarf Pnont TUiarto 4-ltll W. B. Swaziland, Publiihtr ffnttrtd at aacond-clati mattar at tht ooit of flea at Klamath Fall, Oragon, on Auguil i, undtr act at Con Draat March X II" Stcnnrtclait poii ago paid at Klamath Falli, Oragarti and at additional mailing eltlctli Carriar I Manth Monthi I Vaar Mall in Advanct 1 Month t Monlhi t Vaar Carriar and Daalan 111. 5 UI.M 1 M SUM tll.M WMkaay, Copy . Ito Sunday, Copy Ik UNITIO PRCSS INTIRNATIONAL AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATION Suburibart not ractivlnf ltvtry at thair HarM and Nawi. alaata ahana TUtrta 4-atil batara 7 o.-n. Walt Disney TECHNICOLOR CINEMASCOPE coso Nostra l I 1 invuivemenT WASHINGTON (UPl'-The rul ers of Cosa Nostra ordered a 'mercy killing" of New Jersey underworld boss Willie Moretti in 1931 because he was ill and seemed to be losing his mind. gangland informer Joseph Valachi testified today. Then, Valachi said, gangland's elite produced a giant flower- festooned funeral to express the mob's undying affection for Mo retti. At the outset of today's testi mony, the husky-voiced Valachi related how two underworld king pins Vito Genovese and Albert Anastasia defied a Cosa Nostra ban on narcotics trafficking in order to reap huge profits. Under the edict, Valachi said, the syndicate penally for involve ment in narcotics was death. He said he had heard that "a couple was caught and taken care of in Chicago, and testified that un authorized narcotics dealing was "the main reason" for the killing of a Joe Demarco, otherwise un identified. Valachi told Sen. Edmund S, Muskie, D-Maine, that he believes the no narcotics rule is still in effect but that there have been "so many indictments . . . every thing is upside down out there." Valachi himself was sent to fed eral penitentiary originally be cause of narcotics convictions. He later was sentenced to life for the slaying of a fellow inmate he mistakenly thought was a Cosa Nostra executioner assigned to kill him. The witness recalled that Frank Costcllo, then head of a Cosa Nostra "family" in New York, first imposed a no narcotics or der in 1943. It was later adopted throughout the organization. FAIBTLJJLQU rvJv) ' mfliwrww: " lM 3 7 ii i'jM. ? rif I fen ii tjai i Tf- T ; Now's the time to buy tha most elegant fashion of '63: a sumptuous I 1 I H fur-trim coat , terrific price! LAVISH FUR COLLARS! Rich ... natural I I I yminks , in Ranch, Silverblue.Tourmaline .Soft, dyed blond beaver. Truly luxurious... s I ij truly flattering! FINE FASHION FABRICS! Luxury fur fibers, sculptured and brusharJ, fj f FUTTIRINQ SILHOUETTES! Shaped, oval, contoured. WANTED COLORS!. 'Outlawed- l M 1! in ivurconcd "You were in serious trouble with them (Cosa Nostra! if you got into trouble for narcotics," he testified. "You'd have another trial with them after vou got through with your federal trial." In 1957, Valachi said, all the families" in the crime syndicate were told to stop dealing in nar - colics by the Cosa Nostra bosses. They feared that narcotics traflic would lead to arrests and heavy penalities for syndicate mcmliers. But the rule was violated "be cause of the chance to make money big profits," Valachi said. Several bosses peddled nar cotics through their "soldiers" or henchmen, he added. For the second day in a row, the Senate hearing room was searched for a possible bomb e fore Valachi was ushered in un der heavy guard. Nothing was found but special precautions for his protection continued. The subcommittee planned to explore details of the bloody gangland battle between Brook lyn's rebellious Gallo brothers and of the late Joe Profaci. Fiscal Report WASHINGTON (UPII - Treas ury accounts for the current fis cal year through Oct. 3: Withdrawals $:i3.096,118.718.38 Deposits Cash balance Public Debt Gold 29.608,884.333.79 9,1)24,303.201.13 507,455,049,850.77 15,583,247,174.92 A family with one small child spents $100 to $200 for baby or junior foods in a year. These costs can be cut by turning table foods into baby foods wilh a blender, food chopper, mill or sieve. IComiti! Votes To Modernize Mass ,T ' VATICAN Cl'A rVrr4-miz Catholics to worship in their jEptstles and certain other por menical Council fathers today ovln language was endorsed by tions of the so . called "fore overwhelmingly approved a se- councj, . fi Mass." nes u proposals amnorizmg m- An amendrnenl apprnved today troduction of modern anguages!13"- Joaay voung was on ipe-i. , , ,,,, th ', i-... .... , . Ip Kir anvmdmonl. In th Hrnft.ty vote ' 2'21 ,0 47 saS" lnal " "-I"""- "alm ,a,e I""1 of the Mass. Kiuht separate amendments to the document on the worship of ,l.n ..U......U ..... -n,;t:.j -( 1 .... ,.; ... , L iru. y top-heavy majorities. The largest negative vote on any of the amendments was 96 out of 2.227 votes cast. Four of the amendments con cern the use of vernacular the everyday Inncuage of the people in the Mass where this is de sired by national or regional con ferences of bishops. The general principle of allow - Moroccan And Algerian Troops Clash At Border ALGIERS (UPII Morocco to day charged Algeria with invad ing iLs territory to kill 10 Moroc can soldiers in a clash yesterday. It sent Information Minister Ab delhadi Boulalcb to Algiers to confer with President Ahmed Ben Bella. Boutaleb said before leaving that Algerian troops penetrated more than 60 miles inside Moroc can territory and attacked the post of Hassi Zhai. Algeria said the clash was on its side of the frontier. A Moroccan communique said King Hassan II "charged his em issaries with asking the Algerian president to take adequate meas Z"r, ... and numerous other reform, the liturgy. The effect of the amendments approved today is to make It clear that the use of modern lan guages is optional with the bishops of each country and those who wish to continue an all-Latin Mas may do so. They also provide for a wider use of vernacular than the orig inal text would have done. For example, the original text would have restricted modern languages lto the reading of the Gospel and ures to re-establish security on the frontiers." The skirmish on Algeria's west ern borders gave Ben Bella trou bles on two fronts. He already is plagued with armed Berber reb els in the east. Ben Bella put off plans to fly to New York and address the United Nations General Assembly until next week in order to cope with the two-front struggle at home. HOUSE CALLS Only $A50 In Local t Area Billy Golden TV HVC Green Stampi, Too! TU 2.1259 if local circumstances warrant. i,,; modern languages may be used in all parts of the .Mass wnicn "belong to the people." That is those chants and responses in which the congregation is sup ported to participate, such as tlie Credo and Sanctus. Another very significant amend ment, approved 2,149 to 67, says that a still wider use of modern languages may be permis'tble if proposed by the bishops of a r-nitntrv anf nnnmvod hv the :pooe This opens the door for possible future introduction of modern lan guages even in the Canon of the Mass the most sacred portion of the service in which the priest re-enacts the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. Other amendments approved to TONIGHT LIMBO CONTEST PRIZES TO WINNERS MUSIC BY LEN THE LOG CABIN Ashland Highway BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS Lanouaoe day strongly commend the recep tion of Holy Communion by the faithful each time they attend Mass rather than only on special occasions, and authorize the re ception of communion in both species that is, wine as well as bread by the laity on certain special occasions. As a consolation of traditional ists in the church, the fathers also adopted an amendment urg ing pastors to teach the faithful how to make their responses in Latin even though the service is normally conducted in a modern language. The amendment says this is desirable so that Catholics can take part in Mass when they go to another country. Ideal Location DOWNTOWN Business or Office Inquire GUN STORE RICH TRIO TU 4-4556 saari 4:41 CMMrtn (Undtr 12) 50