PACK S-B FORT KLAMATH MRS, E. M. BRATTAIN. ac companied by Mrs. J. P. McAul iffc, enjoyed the Lake County Roundup while visiting friends and relatives in Lakeview over the weekend. MRS. WILLIAM A. PAGE, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Page, spent the weekend in Portland where lliey visited Wil liam A. Page, local garage opsra tor, who is ill at the veterans' .' hospital. BLY MR. AND MRS. RODNEY ly returned from a rip to Can yonville where they visited Mrs. Hadley's aunt, Loretta Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. Don Epping and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stanley. They also went to the beach at Winchester Bay. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE M. PARRISH have taken over the Your's and Mine Cafe, which! was formerly operated by Mrs. Gilbert Griffin and Mrs. Elton Hcndrix. The Parrishes are for mer residents of Klamath 'Fall. MRS. RAY NELSON is spend ihg a few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Houston, Paisley. MRS. BAKIE is a patient a' the Lakeview hospital. Cards will reach her there. MR. AND MRS. JACK DIL LAVOU spent the weekend in Reno where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Mar tin. SUMMER LAKE BOB PENINGTON relumed Sept. 1 from Fort Lewis and left with his wife, Margo, and' two sons on Sept. 7 for Albuquerque, N.M., to visit with her parents. They will be away two weeks. MR. AND MRS. BILL HAR VEY were hosts from Wednesday "to Saturday to Mrs. S. V. John- con and son, Bob, and grand daughter, Joan, all of Portland MERILEE PIKE stopped in fori a visit with her grandmother, Zilla Elder, as she was return ing to Corvallis following a week's1 visit with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pike, Paisley. She was accompanying Mrs. Glcndu Swim Tate, a bride of about 101 days, who had also been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mclmosh, in Paisley. MRS. JEREMIAH O'LEARY and children have returned from Portland where they were guests of her mother, Mrs. Cclia Mc Elligotl, for a week. MRS. LORRAINE HOWARD left Sept. .1 with her three sons IU 1UIUII1 IV VIM vauia via viom Lake, the Oregon Caves, and Roseburg for an overnight stop with her sister's family, the John Loosleys. The boys had spent the summer on the ranch of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Harris, while Mrs. Howard was attending summer session at Ore gon State Univerity. MRS. DOROTHY GILDNER of Portland was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rill Harvey. MRS. R. C. FOSTER is in Eu gene for a visit of several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. C. A Ankncy. ." MRS. BERNADINE HANSON and daughter, Linda, were here for a few days' visit with iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cur rior. She motored down for her son, George, who had been visit-l ing his grandparents during the month of August. MR, AND MRS, FRED HAN SON and daughter, Tammy, of Seattle were houscgucsls o( the Bob Elder family through tho I.a bor Day weekend. MR. AND MRS. BOR ELDER wore In Lebanon Tuesday to at tend funeral services for her un cle, Ralph Gibson. They were ac companicd by Jim Elder, who ' 'stayed at Shedd to visit relatives . until Sunday. The Bob Elders met him in Lal'ine to bring him home. MR. AND MRS. N E W M A N KIMES And 6ons were overnight guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Foster, on Sept. 1 They came from Klamath Falls to pick wild plums. CHRIS JONES returned by bus to Portland on Sept. 7 to attend school. He had been bucking bales for Jim Foster for the past : two months, MR. AND MRS. KEITH HAR- RI8 of Bend were luncheon guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Harris on Sept, 2. They came to get their three daughters, whose grand mother brought them from Lake- view where they had been spend ing the week. MR. AND MRS. D F. L M A R HAND and sons and a niece, Mary Lenninger, were at the btach (or a few days In late August. Mary HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli, Oregon BASIN has returned to Klamath Falls to attend high school after spend ing tlie summer here. MRS. CEL1A ALLEN has been vacationing with her daughter at Longview for the past week. , BEATTY MR. AND MRS. JOHN HUS- TON have been assisting her mother, Mrs. Mabel Morgan, with haying and harvest work. MRS. HENRY NAPIER, who has been ill for some time, re turned from Portland Friday and Is reported much improved. DAIRY MR. AND MRS. MARVIN MICHAEL ipent a few days in Lakeview with Mr, and Mrs. Byron Welch. MR. AND MRS. CAM GRIF FIN of Phoenix, Ariz., are visit ing their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Dan House. MR. AND MRS. HARVEY BUTTS spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Courtney Gordon, Dunsmuir. MRS. JOHN U R B A C H worked ' at the for several days. Tulclake fair MR. AD MRS. JOHN WIL LARD RICE have returned to their home in Portland after visiting his brother, Don Rice. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD MARTYR spent the weekend in Reno. DEE JACOBS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacobs, has returned to college at Eugene tor his third year. MR. AND MRS. JOHNNIE MURPHY and family visited relatives and friends in Lake view on Monday. MR. AND MRS. OSCAR CAP- PELLAN spent several days in Reno with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Briggs. They took with them their three grandchildren, Ran-! dy, Gail and Debbie Allen, who have spent several weeks here. After visiting in Reno they re turned to their home at Costa Mesa. MERRILL BILL CONNER spent a three- day leave here visiting his moth er, Mrs. Conner, and sister, Mrs, Carrol Kandra. He Is stationed at1 Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Oak land. SANDY BLAYLOCK welcomed the news of a baby brother born Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Dlaylock have named their son Tod Timothy. LON PENEEY spent the holi-l day weekend in Reno with his mother who has not been well. MR. AND MRS. AL FRANCO and Beatrice returned Aug. 22 from a two-week vacation to Jaur- ez, Mexico, where they visited his parents. They also stopped at El Paso, Tex., and Pixlcy, Calif., to visit with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Rcn fro. LOU RED) and family had as recent visitors, her brotlier and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Reese, and children from Eu gene and Iter niece, Mrs. Dwight, Newcomb, and children from Sac ramento, JAMES WOODHOUSE Was home w ith his family over the hoi ldny. He will be going back to ills work in Bums. MR. AND MRS. MACK WAL TERS of Medford, parents of Mrs. Jim Woodhouse and Jack Wallers of Klamath Falls, spent Sunday hero. All three families enjoyed an outdoor barbecue. MR. AND MRS. SHORTY El- FERT received news of a new granddaughter born Sept. 4.. She is the daughter of A.l.C. Jerry Cissell and Mrs. Cisscll. ESTHER JOHNSON, Lillian Clia)iman, Karen and Betty Ann spent two weeks traveling to Reno1 and Los Angeles. While in Cal ifnrnia they went to Disneyland, Knott's Bern' Farm. Paramount Studios and attended the Law rence Welk show. ir.uiiiK kih.i.kk sullered a broken arm while practicing foot- nail, lie is reported doing well. JIM MOORE fell from a sten- ladder, pulling the ligaments in his back. He will be on crutch es for Keveral more davs CINDY HOIM-.ES will return home (o Sacramento on Sunday!"'1" " S"0-"' hi after wrKlirtfi live sumroor with her RraixlmoUw, Mrs. Delia Hodges. DONNA MOIKLSON and chil dren have returned here. They have teen In Fort Klamath where they spent tlx summr. Bill will re turn later. THKTA rum (.IKI CUR of Merrill recently held a .bowhnRrimmasc ale. Anyone wishing to party at Tulelake and a polluckldwate rummage may do so by BRIEFS barbecue at the home of the James Lymans. Fourteen mem bers attended. NEW PINE CREEK GEORGE CONVERSE has been staying at his ranch home with his sister, Mrs. Ellen Lawson, lor the past week. Suffering a relapse from a recent operation, he pre viously spent some time wilh Mr. and Mrs. Louie Smith at Weaver- ville after leaving a Reno hospi tal. DR. AND MRS. ROBERT 1. FAR IS and son, Jeffery, arrived here Saturday morning following his discharge from an Air Force base in Mountain Home. He will visit his parents a few days be fore going to Forest Grove, where he will enter private practice when a new clinic there is com pleted. MR. AND MRS. RAY Mc LAUGHLIN of Chiloquin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McLain, on Sunday. His brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, left here Tuesday for the roundup on Monday. MR. AND MRS. ED LONELY of Vallejo were here for the round up and visited with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen. They left Tuesday. MRS. HELEN PEARSON and children of Eugene joined her husband, Frank, over the week end. He has been trucking for a Lakeview logging company for the past two weeks. They at tended the roundup and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sanford. MR. AND MRS. ALFRED ST. CLAIR and family of Cabool, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Roger St. Clair of Molalla, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Means and family of Qumcy, Calif., were weekend guests at the Raymond Cook home. MRS. HAZEL BUSSEY and daughter, Mrs. Buella Fleagle, and son of Prineville visited Mrs. Mattie and Mrs. Hallie Cook over the Labor Day weekend. Mrs. Alpha Ferguson accompan ied them back to Prineville to visit her son, Glenn McGrew, and family, and other relatives. MALIN MRS. ART EVANS, her daugh ter, Patricia, and son, Arthur, spent last week in San Francisco visiting relatives. MR, AND MRS. BILL OWENS JR., Tori, and Jimmie of Cor vallis are visiting relatives here for several days. MRS. ROBERT BYRNE left Tuesday for San Rafael where her daughter, Lihby. will enter Do minican School for her sophomore year. Bobby Byrne has begun his freshman year at Bcllarminc College Preparatory School in San Jose. MR. AND MILS. HAROLD KNISKEKN and son Neil vaca tioned several days recently at Winchester Bay. They also visit ed the Fred Andersons in Port land. MRS. JOHN McCL'LLEY spent several days in Montague visit ing her brother, Evan Maupin. MR. AND MRS. TED VOGEL ipent the holiday weekend visiting the Harold Barneys en route to San Francisco to meet their son. Veiiayne, and wife who have spent 2'i years in Okinawa. BEVERLY DUNCAN, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Kenny Duncan celebrated her 13th birthday on Aug. 28. Her most cherished gift was a baby colt from her mate Penny. DR. AND MRS. l.l TUER TA HER, Lebanon, were recent guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pope. Dr. Tabor will be remem bered ns a former Merrill den tist. till Wll HKKSI-'I.. mis- sioiWI'lCS t tllC Philippines, WrO;nd ,ior(( iVthe Mayor and altested reocul cur sis m Mr. ami Mrs.; Roboit Hull. Mil. AND MUS. T. A. Di-MK.K-HITT wore In SiiW-m hist week l soo llwir daughter, Naiuy, anil Anlyrc Alton of Portland. Both arc graduate nurses leaving lor I'oml Harrow, Alaska, where tliey ill spend a year on a nurs ing assignment. Mil. ANH MltS. HOB IIKAT TIK. Citrus Heights, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Me Culley, and other relatives Inst week. MU. AND MKS. MKRVYN and family. Ihe Paul Nemelhs of Whitlier, Calif. CLAIIKM K HAKMON, Kansas CHy, Mo., is visiting hu brother and family, tlte Floyd Harmons. I In u II li,It.ii ihi week fur10 August, mi. in a matter wherem lie tt leave ints wee r.6w w NtlMW t 0Ul,,( trt0 Nampa on a hunting trip. MALIN WOMAN'S ASMH'I AT ION will toon hold its annual Wedneiday, September 11, 1963 leaving it at the Presbyterian Church or contacting any mem ber of the association for pick up. SARAH CASSIDAY and children of Walja Walla visited last week with her cousin, Ted Evans, and family. MR. AND MRS. JACK STORY had as guests, his sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Head and children of Salem. GERALD PETRASEK, Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schneider, Milwaukie, spent the holiday weekend with Pctrasek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pe trasek. MRS. SALLY GEIST, Eugene spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smalley. Her son Harold returned with her after spending the sum mer months with his grandpar ents. MR. AND MRS. IVAN VAUGHN and daughter of Portland visited over the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. MRS. TERESA McCOMB had as guests, her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. David McComb; daughter, Susan; and her fiance of Grangeville, Idaho. They were en route to Chico where Susan will enter her sophomore year at Chico State College. LEGAL NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. 1271 RESOLUTION FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR A HEARING OF OB JECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED AS SESSMENT ROLL MADE AND FILED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, IN THE MATTER Or THE IMPKUVt- MENT OF, UNION STREET FROM MITCHELL STREET TO WASHBURN WAY, IN SAID CITY; BEING IM- PROVEMENT UNIT NO. 4, KNUWN AS THE UNION STREET PROJECT; DIRECTING NOTICE OF SAID HEAR ING BE GIVEN ; AND AHPKUVINl SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL HERETO FORE FILED HEREIN. WHEREAS, the Common council oi the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, has made and filed In the office of t h e City Recorder a PROPOSED ASSESS MENT ROLL, in connection with the proposed improvement of; Union Street from Mitchell Street to Washburn Way; by paving with Asphalt Concrete pave ment all In accord with Ihe plans, speci fications and estimates therefor on file In the office of Ihe Recorder; being Im provement Unit No. 154 and known ai the Union Street protect: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION, as follows: Sectlon-1 That tha 7th. day of October, 1963, al Ihe hour ot 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the Council Room In the City Hall tor the City ol Klamath Falls, Ore- qon, be and hereby Is fixed as the date, time and place for the hearing of ob lectlons to said proposed assessment roll, and to the Individual property assess ment therein set forth; and, Sectlon-2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ihe said proposed assessment roll, b aid It is hereby approved by tho Com' mon Council; and. Sectlon-3- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO that the City Recorder of the said Cily give at least ten (10) days notice, by pun llcallon In the Herald and News, Ihe offi cial City newspaper, on three separate days, and by posting on each lot, part of lot, block, piece or parcel and acreage: properly set forth and described In saidi PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL. Ihat at said meeting of the Common Council said dale, all ob action meoe and filed to such assessment roll and to the Individual assessments therein, will be heard and determined, and that following I determination of all objections, ma Common Council will proceed, by ordi nance, to assess the proportionate snare of the cost of making such proposed Im provement In accordance with Ihe bene fits accruing to eacn ioi. pari o iot. oiock piece or parcel of land or acreage property, heretofore found and deter mined liable for such cost. Such notice lo be posted and published as aforesaid shall further state tha boundaries within which the property lies that Is bound tol benefited and liable for such propor tionate share of the cost of such im provement, and shall also refer to such. PROPOSED A55tbbWfcNI HULL. fUK detailed Information; that the bounda ries within which the property lies that so benefited and to be assessed tor such Improvement Is as tol lows, to-wlt: Bed nn no at a point wnicn is me N.W. corner ol Lot 15, Block 30v, Darrow Addition; thence East 694.4 feet to the N.E. corner ot loi is, biock juv Darrow Addition; 1 hence South 300.00 ft ta the SE. corner ot Lot 1, Block 310, Darrow Addition; thence West 693 9 leet to the S w. corner oi lot h. biock Darrow Addition) 1 hence Norm 300 0 feet to the point ot beginning, all In the Citv of Klamalh Falls. Oregon, Passed by the common council or in Cllv ol Klamalh Falls. Oregon, this 3rd djiv of Seotember. 1963. Presented to the Mayor ann oy mm approved and signed in is 4in day 01 Sep tember, 1963. Robert E. veaicn, Mayor. ATTEST: Rosle Keller, Recorder. STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. riTY OP KLAMATH FALLS. Rotlo Keller. City Recorder, of mi Cltv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify thai the above and toregoinq is a true coov of a resolution introduced ana arlontefl bv the Common Council of Ihe Citv of Klamath aiis, uregon. m u remilar meettno held on the 3rd day ot by me Recorder Rola Kalltr. Citv Recorder, No. Ml. Seol. . 10. II. ' NOTICE OF SAL It Notice Is hereby g'ven ttu I on the 7th dav Ot October. 1J. at 1V0O AM I at the front door of Ihe Klamalh County! Court House in Klamath Falls. Oregon. ' I shall sell at public auction lor cash fo lh highest bidder, all ol th right, ti tle, utate and tntrrt ot Prtscina Moch-i as Sallies and Joseph J. Settles, Jr., wife aiy husband, and Oregon Ad lust menl Co. a corporation. In tha follow ing detcrlrr real properly, situated in Klamalh County. Oregon, te-wlt: A tract of land situated In Govern-! menl Lots 1 ad 4 o Section 1. t Township JJ. South ot Range 7, mora1 particularly deter itd at Beginning at the North Quarter cor ner ot Section 7. thence wett 319 1 feet; mence.'Souih IM feel; thence West J feet to the Easterly Una ol SUte High way K. 417 as now located; (nance. South no degrees, 41' east along said easterly line to the South Una of Gov ernment Lot 4; thence. East along saW South Line of Government Lot to the Soulheast corner of said Lot! thence North along the East Line of Govern' ment Lots ) and 4 to tha point ol beginning Said salt IS mad pursuant lo or E itiution in Foreclosire issiwd out o Ith Circuit Court Of me Slate of 0' I gon lor Klamath County on tha H day following persons art delemlenlt; pns tina Hoc he Seittts and Josooh J Set tles. Jr , wfe and husband, aid Oregon Art lust mem CO. a corporation. Dated this t dav August. Hi J M. Brltton. Sheriff Klamath County, Oregon By: Bltan Bihn, Deputy N. U. lepl 4. II, II, I). )HJ. LEGAL NOTICE Nonce or FINAL ACCOUNT Notlct Is harabv Qivtn that I hava filed mv final account administratrix of tho Ettatl of Marwln M. Donalton, also known as Marwtn Milton Donelson, deceased. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, tor Klamath county, and that tha court has set Sept. 33, 1963. at th hour of 10:00 a.m., as tha time tori the hearing of obiections thereto and set- Dement thereof. Dales this 2lst day of Augujt. JUNE M. DONELSON Administratrix O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys for administratrix 303 Aug, 71, 71, sept, 4, 11, ma. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On tha 20th day of Seotember, 193. at tha hour of 10 A.M. at tha front door of tha courthouse In Klamath rails. Oregon, I will sell at auction to tha highest bid der tor cash the following described real property located in Klamath County, Ore gon, to-wit: NW'. of section 4, Township 40 south. Range 9 East Wlllamefln Meridian. Said sale Is made under execution Is sued out of tha Circuit Court of the Stale ot Oregon for Klamath County to ma di rected In tha case of I. E. Campbell, plaintiff, vs. Glenn E. Fundenberger, Mil dred J. Fundenberger, Dick C. McDonald, Jean M. McOonald, United California Bank, and James F. Slilwell, a sole trad er doing business as James F. Slilwell and Company, defendants. i. M. Brltton Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon bv Betty Crank Deputy No. 301. Aug. 21, 21. Sept. 4, 11. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED, that the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at its regular meeting to be held In the Cily Hall of said City, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of the 16th. day of September, 1963, will hold a public hearing an a proposal lo amend Ordinance NO. 5095; the zon- ina ordinance of said City; bv permitting. a morluary and-or a memorial chapel, as conditional use, to be construe. ea in commercial tones C-2 under said ordi nance No. 5095. Interested parties and the general pub lic are Invited to attend said hearing. and they will be given an opportunity to be heard. The Common Council of said City has authorized this notice. Done this 10th day of September, 1963. Rosie Keller, Recorder, City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, No. 339 Sept. 10, 11, 12, 1963. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS WHOSE PROPERTY HAS BEEN FOUND LIABLE FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING, LARK STREET FROM THE CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CURB LINE OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, ORE GON; KNOWN AS IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 156; THAT THEY HAVE TWENTY DAYS FROM THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE IN WHICH TO FILE APPLICATION TO PAY THE ASSESSMENTS IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, OR TO PAY CASH. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, by ordinance adopted August 19, 1963. de clared the proportionate assessments on each lot. Dart of lot. block, or oarcel of acreage property found to be bene - lited for the proportionate share of the cost of Improving: Lark Street from the center-line of Shasta Way to the North easterly curb line of South Sixth Street, all In said City; as more fully and in detail shown on the plans and specifi cations of the City Engineer on file wilh fht Recorder of said city in the matter said improvement; being Improve ment Unit No. 156. known as the Lark Street proect; that the property found benefited and liable and assessed as aforesaid. Is the property that lies within tha boundaries of the following descrip tion, to-wit: Situated In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon: Beginning at the Northwest property corner of Lot 15, Block 603 Enterprise Tracts; thence Easterly along the South erly right ol way boundary of Shasla Way a distance ot 326 teet, more or less, 10 the Northeast properly corner of Lot 5, Block 1, of the South Sixth Street Addi tion to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence Southerly a distance of 179.9 feet, more or less, to the Soulheast corner ot Lof 1, niAi-lr 4 At th tnnth lyth ;trat Arlrll. tlon to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence1 Southerly to the Northeast corner ot loi 5, Block 4, ot the South Sixth Street Addition fo Klamalh Falls, Oregon; thence! Southwesterly 1 1.1.0 feel, more or less, on tha Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block the South Sixth Street Addition Klamath Falls, Oregon, to the center-line of the alley within Block 4, of the South Sixth Street Addition fo Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence Southeasterly along the center-line of said alley a distance of 90.0 feet, mora or less; thence South westerly along tho Southeasterly line of Lot 46. Block 4, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon, a distance ot 110.0 feet, more or less, to the most Southerly corner of Lot 44, Block 4, of tha South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence North westerly along the Northeasterly right of way boundary tine of South Sixth Street a distance of 3700 teet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Lot 9. Block 301. Enterprise Tracts; thence along the! Northwester v property ine of said Lotitiass, a distance of 110.O feet, more or less, to the center-line of the alley; thence Northwesterly along said center-line of alley to the center-line Intersection of thel East-west alley In said Block i thence) Easterly along said center-line of said I ley to the Intersection of the Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 15. Block Enterprise Tracts; thence Northerlyl along the Westerly line of Lot 15, Block. Enterprise Tracts to the point ofi beginning. Tha docket of City Liens has been maae up as provided by section 760 ol, tha Charter of said City, and below will! be found a list of the names ot the own-: ers whose properly has been so assessed aforesaid and against which liens. have been docketed, as by said ordi nance provided, together with the de scription ol tha properly of each owner and Ihe total amount so assessed aaainst each specific property and the owner and holder thereof Reference Is hereby made lo such lien docket tor detail description of each lot. pari of lot, block or parcel of acreage property so assessed. Further notice Is hereby given the re spective owners of property so assessed ana hereinafter listed that such assess ment is now due and payable, and will he delinquent trom and after tha ex piration of twenty days from the date l the first publication of this notice, hlch said first publication will be made n lha 9lh, day ot Sepirmber, 1963. The owners ot property so assessed as aforesaid must either pay in cash or make and die with the City Record er ot the Said City on or before tha first day of October. 163. being twenty davs from the firtt publication of this notice, their respective apoilcation to pay such astetmentt tn ten equal Installments, providing they have not previously signed lor same. THE following Is the description of the properly, name of owner and amount of the lien; to wit: AH in City of Klam ath Falls. Klamalh County. Oregon. This prooerty is etner In South Sixth Street Addition or Enterprise Tracts Ad' dition. to the City ot Klamalh Fans. ih respective aria it -on, with tha description of the tot, pari of loi. block, or parcel Or acreage, with the name of tha owner thereof and the amount ol tha assessment nan are as follows SIXTH ST ADDITION' Block t Lot 1, Wm. 4. Mar (one Vannice, 447 ; Loi 1, Wm. A Mar tor ie Vannice, Sill. 91. Lot 1 Daniel T. 1 Pearl Wiley, US 21 Wl'y. 15' of 4. Daniel T. & Pearl Wiley IWN Of U9A71. 1SJM: F I'V. Wm. A. A. Thelma Cresell. Mi 17; Lot 5. Wm. A. ft. Thelma Creswell, K Slock 2: Lot 1. Angeio Conte. 70; Block 4: Lot 1. Velvin k Agnes Soiberg. 5M 47; Lot 1, Gerald k Betty Mvde. UlU; Lot J. Gerald k Betty Hyde- UUJJt Niy. t of 4. c.erald & tttv Hyde. S61 Sly 'i ol i E. I Gladys Carlton. U) Let 5. E k Gladys Carlson, ifi.07; Lot 4a. Habib OavM. Ml t; Lot 47. . M. & Gladys Carlson, 1117 71) Lot 41, t. M. a Gladys Carlton, 11110; Lot 49. E. M. a. Gladys Carlton k Meivln k Gene Carlton U4 ii Lot 50. E M. 4 Gladys Carlson 4 Meiym & on Carlson. 15JI 03. ENTERPRISE TRACTS- Lot ffj Subdi vWed Lot 9. Mario Carninl. l79 71; Lot 10. Mario Carnml. SAM 45 1 Lo II. Olno S?M 09 Lof 11, Jack k Helen Roper, ijpg; Lo 11 Wm. Hope LtrWy, VI9M; Lflt 14. Wm Mope Lindy. t;7 1 j; Lot IS. CtcfU Cemini uuracna. liu rr. Thts notice is published by order of the Commfin Countit of the C'tv Klamath Falls, Oreoon, pursuant to the Charter of Said City. Dated at Kiemeth Falls, Oregon. this nn. oay o September, H1. Rosie Keller. Recorder. City of Klamath Falls. Oragon No. XU. Sept. 9, 10. II, 11, 13, l3 LEGAL NOTICE LAKESHORE GARDENS DRAINAGE DISTRICT Notkt li hereby given that the annual meeting ot the Lakeshore Garden Drain age District will be held at 7:30 p.m., Daylight Time, on Seotember 24, 1963 at the lecture room ot tha Klamath County Library, 125 So. Third, Klamath Falls, Ore. The purpose of the meeting It To elect supervisor; and n tike care ot other lm- jportant district business. NO. J4 J. MPI, II, I, 24, 163. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-81 II HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 to r.m p.m. weekdays noon Saturday I a.m. Count five words per line. Minimum order 2 lines. 3 6 10 Lines Times Tlmt Times I W M S4ftt UK I 32$ 500 50 4 4 00 4 0 100 I 4.75 7.00 t.50 Afenm t 9.00 11 M M oa uija Minimum Charge 1.50i 50c DISCOUNT ! per advertisement. If paid in advance.1 Above rates are tor consecutive inser tions, without change of otpy, for pri vate individuals. Advertising must be .lear and understandable to be produc tive. All words must be spelled out. A itos oflered lo. sale by private Individuals-cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:3b p.m. day before pubtl cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and W iday. CANCELLATIONS ft CORRECT IONS On same schedule, except on Monday ese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first insertion at your ad. rh Herald 1 News will give one extn run tor Typographical error.' "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, $35 per month with $5 5s discount tor payment on or before the 10th. vt Incn, $19 with $1.10 discount for payment on or before tho 10th. Based on ena copy change per mantn. BOX SERVICE H cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM $.H FOR COMMERCIAL RATE PHONE TU 4-8111 CARD OF THANKS A WE wish to thank all ot our kind friends. neighbors, pallbearers, and those who so kindly provided their many acts of kindness, expressions al sympathy, con dolence and tor their beautiful floral of' tarings at the loss of our dearly beloved son and brother. Mrs. Helen Logan, Mrs. Laura Bitzer and family. lFUNERAL homes c WARD'S Klamalh Funeral Home. 9?5 High Street, TU ?-4404 MEETING NOTICES 1 MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd ondi 4th Wednesday, 8: p.m. Scottish Rite Temple. All OES members cordially in Mnrv Jane Sabo. W.M Glen Haqeman, W.P tied. LOST & FOUND 2 LOST brown key case In South Suburbs, TU 2 0714. PERSONALS KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime SERVICES .. 10 CUSTOM mowing, raking, and baling, n. r. jarrara, leiepnonv i u-jjw. KENMORE, WHIRLPOOL, KELVINATOR Repair & Overhaul Specialist Washer, dryer, range, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE TULELAKE SERVICE, ALSO 3U So. 6th TU 2-3185 FILL dirt and topsoll delivered. Dump truck and tractor work. John Bowers, TU 4-7076, TU 4-3S89. SEWING dona Children's dolls', miscel laneous. Your pattern or my original. Very reasonable. TU 4-6956 WANTED outside painting and concrete work, reasonable, TU 4-6859. REMODELING, cement work, block work. References, reasonable. TU 3-5386. PAINTING, Interior or exterior, first references, phone TU 2-4383. REMODELING - PAINTING Taping, texturing, roofing, plaster patch ing, TU 2-2748. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al 5tou, iu a-aria. DUMP truck and high loader equipment with operator. Top soil, drain luck and fill dirt delivered. Bill Forney, 5444 snas- ta Way, TU 4-6467 HOUs'Eremodellng, cabinet making, fur niture finishing. TU 4-4079. PAINTING, wallpapering at Its best, in terior, exterior, brush or soray. reason able price, free estimate, TU 3-3131. PLUMBING, roollng, and carpenter re pair, TU 4-9995. BETH ANDERSON Office Service 8. Employment Agency Placement Service - Bookkeeping Stenography - Mimeographing 538 MAIN - TU 2-790? Typing & Bookkeeping experienced pibbihiui roic Electro Whetstone 2335 Orchard Ave. TU 4-73J9 Basin Refrigeration SALES t. SERVICE Air conditioning-Commercial refrigeration GUARANTEED INSTALLATIONS 1317 E. Mam TU 4-4308. VALLEY PUMP and EQUIPMENT CO. "BUY THE Y" 7364 SO. lh TU 4-9776 FIX-IT SHOP Repairs Sharpening Saws Small Tool Repair Bike Repair Town k Country Shopping Center DENTATP'LAtES- Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your O'd PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3784 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, women, children. All wor guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men's Wear 537 Main Attention Hunters' Bring in vour COLEMAN stoves and lantern for REPAIR! SWAN LAKE MOULDING 3I? SO th TU 4-J14S RENTALS TYPEWRITERS. OFFICE MACHINES Furniture And Ch Registers AMIDON'S BUSINESS MACHINES 4 ?p fr'h tu n8 HEALTH """ ...... ", 1 Ll..JU,lONet bedroom furnished, all utilities EDUCATIONAL . . ) 3 paid, privata yard. 17 High Street bt- " tore 3 pm. BACK to school. World Book Encyclooo- - , r -- d-si T(i t be'ce aam I SPARKLING downtown furnished, free ii .-11111.111111111111' neat, adults, 15 SO. Alpha. TU 4-4522. HELP WANTED, FEMALE EXPERIENCED Short hour waitress, eve nings. Harold's Restaurant, 1C34 Riverside. WANTED mature woman, housekeeper live in, child c'. Motherless noma, 4 chltdren. school age Contact M. A Hannegan, Bov ttO. Lakeview. Ore., ph. WHttehati httn weekends WANTED maid. Klmberty Motel, aoory in parson, no pnorte cans. IIJ2 Union. 14 "AVON CALLING" and national maga lne advertising support. Christmas tat alogs will be shown this month. Territor ies available now. Why not represent the world's largest cosmetic company For an Interview, write at once to Avon Cos metics, Box 582, Herald and News. , BEAUTY COUNSELOR COSMETICS, wants counselors, full or part-time. Es-j tabllshed company, car necessary. TU 2-5775 5 to 6 evenings. WAITRfc$Sfc wanted, experienced onlyt Apply Maonie's Drive-In between 11 and 5 p m. till 50. 6tn. HELP WANTED. MALE 16 WANTED 1 journeyman barber and bar ber for Kingsley Field. TU 2-4411 ext. 487 days, TU 4-6746 eves. WANTED cat skinner for D-6,-musl be able to read grade stakes and build road, ph. JP 6-3573, (mobile phone). i EXPERIENCED appliance service man. Write Box 5WC Herald and News. INSURANCE inspector trainee. Klamath Falls area, national co. Salary, bon us, car expense, group insurance bene fits. Minimum age, 22. No selling or over night travel. Write P.O. Box 232, Eugene, Ore. EXPERIENCED tire recapper needed Im mediately. Permanent position with excel lent chances for advancement. Independ ent tire dealer In business over forty years. List references, previous experi ence. Reply to Peck Brothers, 725 West 1st, Eugene, Ore. Auto Mechanic With experience In G.M. automatic trans mission preterreo. Buick-Pontiac-Cadiiiac dealer. Write Service Manager Roseburg Motor Co. P.O. Box 13B7 Roseburg, Oregon WANTED APPLIANCE SALESMAN . . . EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT NOT NECESSARY!! Commission Basis Fringe Benefits Excellent Opportunity For Qualified Applicant APPLY MONTGOMERY WARD 9th & Pine See Mr, Martin 10 A.M. to 12:30 OPPORTUNITY Now ... to join the LEADER! Chevrolet 1st seller nationally,! 1st in soles locally 1 has open ing for one man in "OK" used cor sales. It yau re looKing tor success, stability and o future, in vestigate this opportunity now Sales experience helpful but not1 essential. See Bob Mest DUGAN & MESTi CHEVROLET 410 South 6th Street BOYS! SS0L EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In Herald l New are accepted In filth that tha jobs offered are as stated in the advertising copy, we are no: re sponsible for the Integrity of bur adver tisers, but we make every effort lo dis cover and re act all misleading aevenis- ing. Anyone answering a help vented ad and finding tt to be misleading is aikeo to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department or tho Herald News SITUATIONS WANTED 18 IRONING TO DO In .my home. TU 4-9936 MATURE woman will babv sit and do light housework S days week from 8 30 a.m. to 1:30 p m. Pelican City or near, by area. TU 4-9619. GIRL wants day babysitting, have ex perience; transportation, TU 4-9465. WILL do house cleaning on Mondays or Wednesdays. TU 4-4872. 7:30 a.m. COLORED girl would like hour work, TU 2-1 4?4. CHILD care, my home. days. Riverside district, TU 2-5782. CARE for pre-schoolers my north side home, references, TU 4-7267. RELIABLE baby-silting In my home, any.1 time, near Shasta, enclosed yard, play room. TU 2-1586. CHILD care, your 2-1778 or TU 2-2711. home or mine, TU FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE TU 2-1844 1328 Carlson Or, JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY IRONING, washing. DiCkUD. deliver, ierv(ce, TU 4-9434. WORKING MOTHERS - I night. TU ?-?677 child care day or ROOMS FOR RENT .. 22 ROOM, BOARD, GENTLEMEN 1607 CRESCENT CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks trom Mam. $5 and up, TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, clean. Quiet sleeping rooms, 310 SO. 5lh. IU 2 -Oil 4. BiSBEE HOTEL 227 So. fh. rooms, plenty hot water, reasonable rates, new manager. TU 2-6449. ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Er nies Hotel, 631 S. 5th. TU 3-S225. LARGE "housekeeping room, downstairs. 317 Pne. TU 2-1487. CLEAN room, gentleman, 15 JO Crescent. COMMERCIAL ROOMS Clean, comfortable rooms Reasonable rates. $7 and up weehly Accommodfil tons for lunch packing (working man's rooms! LOUNGE ROOM WITH TV CwiTif't "' APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 FoWe cleanest close in J room ur- nished aot. call TU -83U. ONE bedroom furnished aot . washing f. 'lotities. TU J-58J, TU 4-745. HELP WANTED, FEMALE 1 4i FURNISHED 3 room apt., tOO Owens, TU 4-534. NICELY furnished, modern bedrem apt, Garage, washing facilities $55. l13 Watt FURNISHED 1 bedroom act., $50. Includ ing water. ir Pino St. REX ARMS APARTMENTS. Furnished 1 bedrooms newly decorated Meat, tele phone, garbao paid. $40-Ml. corner ol Klamath and Broad, 224 Broad. TU 2 1W, 24 ATTRACTIVE, furnished bachelor apart ment, water paid, 140, 3M No. 7m, tu 4-9330. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9256 TWO bedroom apt., newly decorated, un furnished, S45. 1738 Fargo, TU 2-4961, FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apartment. SJ3, Keciamanon. FURNISHED 3 shared bath, S55, utilities . loth. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th - TU 2-1062 TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt. $80, TU 2-6500. CLEAN 2 bedroom apt., $60, TU 2-1130. close to town. TWO bedroom furnished. Heat and water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. BEAUTIFUL uptown furnished, free heat, adults, $65, Alpha Apt,., TU 4-4522. CLOSE in one bedroom furnished, $50, contact Ihe Gun Store. LOVELY spacious 1 and 2 bedroom apts., furnished or unfurnished. $67.50 to $97.50, TU 4-4225. 17.50 Furnished 3 large rooms, bath. Close In. Child welcome. TU 2-0381. MILLS 4 plex, 135, TU 4-U12. FURNISHED one bedroom not., water, garbage paid, 905 N. 9th. TU 4-3671 af ter 5 p.m. WALNUT APTS.. you will like this clean, cool & comfortable apt., private park' Ing, 415 Walnut. FURNISHED apts.. off street parking. TU 2-1736 weekdays alter 5 p.m., any time weekends. CLEAN newly decorated, downtown, util ities, Greer Apts., 710 Main. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, bath, pic ture window, drapes, automatic washer, yard, palto, TU 4-3762 or TU 4-3893. OUTSTANDING 1 bedroom, 2 baths, downtown furnished, free heat, adulls. $86, Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. DESIRABLE uotown furnished, tree heat, adults, S55, Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. EXTRA large 3 room, furnished or un furnished, S40-S55, TU 4-5686. HOUSE OF ROCKS MOTEL Rooms-Apis., dally, weekly rates. Reasonable. 2005 Biehn, TU 2-9130. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Furnished or unfurnished , Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental Includes all services txcept telephone and electricity Dorothea Nolan TU 2-0766 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI 1-3-3 bedroom opts., turnisnea or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1637 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-1271 Oftica hours I a.m. fo 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rate TU 2-5577 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 FIVE room furnished, modern house, $50, 3209 Emerald, TU 2-0575. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom. 3 acres near Riverside area. Storage space at tached to garage. Electric heat, built in oven, range. Very nice for only $70. CBN TU 4-33U9. ONE bedroom furnished house. Adults only, no pets, $45. 239 E. Main. FURNISHED house, 4806 South ith. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished. Mills Addition, no pets, 2310 Radcliffe, TU 4-9260. N EWLY redecorated 2 bedroom unfur nished. Adults wilh 1 child accepted, S75, 1600 Austin, TU 4-4121, TU 4-7390, CLEAN 2 bedroom duplex. Stove, re frigerator, electric heat. Water paid, adults. 434 No. 51 h, TU 4-9293. ONE bedroom furnished. Couple only! No pets. Inquire 1412 Crescent after 5. NICE, unfurnished, clean 2 bedroom house. Electric heat. Near school bus stop, $70. Inquire 1724 Dayton. I TWO bedroom, unfurnished, fenced yard, TU 4-8795. TWO bedroom furnished. $30. Water, gar bage paid. 4500 Greens prings Drive. DUPLEX for rent, call before 10 a.m. or alter 6 p.m. TU 4-8761. TWO bedroom house, unfurnished excepl stove, garage. $55. TU 2-4864. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. REAL nice duolex available at 1311 Dlvi slon, unfurnished, $85. for appointment. TU 4-9633 or TU 4-BB12. PARTLY furnished 3 room house. Fenced yard. TU 2-1778. ATTRACTIVE one bedrom fourplex, heat. range, refrigerator furnished, TU 4-7580. FURNISHED home. $65, must be respon. slble, single or married. Small child per missible. 441 Trinity. ONE bedroom furnished, south suburban, $40, TU 4-7523. TWO bedroom unfurnished TU 4-4054. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished, suitable lor couple. Inquire 2124 Ogden. i TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Alameda, TU 2-3611. EXCELLENT 2 bedroom unfurnished du plex, electric heat, Mills, $70, TU 2-0249. LARGE 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. Near Conger School, $75, TU 4-7584. FURNrSHEbi-bedroom house. $50. In- quire at 1414 Homedale Road. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished home, close! In, heat and hot wa'er Included. $110, call TU 4-8750. EXCELLENT UNFURNISHED 2 bed room, good district; water, yard main tenance furnished, adulls, no pels. 1630 Patterson, TU 2-1812. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, $68.50. Inquire IU Pine. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 POTATO cellar at Henley, for lease or rent, TU 45997. REPAIR shoo, hoist, compressor, paint room. Box 583 C. Herald and News. COMMERCIAL corner lot, suitable trail er sales, car lot. etc. S. 6th 4 Madison, Sff Tnr Resale Houf. REAL ESTATE WANTED 2 WANTED to rent or 4 bedroom heme. Good location for teacher. Write 4691 Cannon Avenue. WANTED to buv acreage in tha Klam ath Falls area. Write Jack Weir, 3 Gar be r Way, Bakersfieid. Calif. WANTED to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home Peterson School District around Oct. TU 4-4057. WANTED to buy modem 3 bedroom noma. Near corner Mitchell and Want- t. TU 4-JW7. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 BY owner, contemporary 4 bedroom, hot water heat. Hot Sorings view site, $25. 000. TU 4-1770 eves. NEAT 2 bedroom home on 'i acre Willi fo wall carpet. Near School, Store and Church. HO.eCO. 227 Homedale Road, TU 4-4IM. COMFORTABLE 2 bPdroom home, o I I heat, large garage, beautiful vara, ton from Crescent to Johnson, accommodate 2nd home, dose to high school. $'Q,7$C j 172$ Crescent. Sea Geo. Kwnxman, tlfi Commercial, TU 4-4AJ2- MOYINA Heights large bedroom home. 2 baths, 1 fireplaces, living end dining room, knotty pine femity room and kitch en with buiitin oven and ranoe. )C Mc Cteitan Drive. TU e-72M tor appoint ment, ONE bedroom housa at 1715 Men Way PrKe $3,000. $400 down. $40 month. For information write Mrs. R. McLoud. 1314 Petah$y. San Jose Cattf. MOT Springs, clean older 1 home, H2.JO0. ph. TU l-ie1. bedroom APARTMENTS FOR RENT 30 ATTRACTIVE 1 year old 3 bedroom in South Suburbs. Fireplace, carpeting. Built- in oven and range. SUjoo, tu 4-vu, iu . 4-1153. ' 2 BEDROOM, fireplace family room, cov ered patio, large fenced yard, 112,500, TU 4-3514 after 6 p.m. VACATION home sites on Highway V. timbered, bordering creek, airfield, high way, and village. Graded reads to all sites. Maps furnished on request. S450 Terms. Write W. C. Elms, box ao. Chcmult, ph. 365-2281. owner. 2 bedrooms, recently re modeled, new electrical and heating sys tems. Double garage, partial furnishings available 615 Prescott. Call TU 2-0319 any time. COUNTRY living 3 acres. Comfortable 3 bedroom home, lovely yard. Variety of fruit. 114,500, TU 4-8907. TWO bedroom home, electric heat, large fenced yard. Flowers, shrubs. Will take second mortgage on equity. Down pay ment $500. Total price $8,900, TU 2-2450. STEWART-LENOX 2 bedroom house fur. nished, $4100, needs painting, arrange ments can be made. Reasonable down payment, owner will carry papers. TU 2-0996 or see at 3419 Granite. TWO bedroom hime. first $3,500 cash takes, ph. TU 2-266S alter p.m. SUBURBAN 3 bedroom home, acreage, $10,400, TU 4-8328. SOUTH Suburban 3 bedroom. I's baths, built-in range, double garage, patio, storm windows, TU 2-3335. FOR sale equity in 3 bedroom home. Suburban area, TU 2-5188. TWO bedroom, guest house, 2 baths. Mills Addition, 112,250. TU 4-7970. LAKE O' Woods home, sleeps 10, mod ern, deep well, east side. $12,500, sea Henry Conradl, lot 17, block r. $500 FOR equity In small furnished home, 208 Martin, TU 2-3946. 5 BEDROOM, double garage. 3034 Butte. S7.SO0, $700 down $70 per mo. or trade tor car, trailer, or what have you. TU 4-6105. 20x24' 1 bedroom house on lot with garage attached, suburbs, Owner 2742 Dayton. FOUR room house on Vi acre, $1,150, sea at 3211 Maryland Avenue. INCOME property. for sale by owner, TU 4-8418. MILLS, large 2 bedroom, furnished-unfurnished, 2145 Darrow, TU 2-0547. 8 RENTALS, Income $400 per month, sub urban area, TU 4-7645, for appointment. SV.ALL 2 4-6103, 3115 Cannon. house, $1750, TU FOUR bedrooms, close in north side, new ly painted, $13,200 appraisal, (live $ I S by assuming loan. Wright Reiil Estate. TU 2-2776, TU 4-5209. TU 4-8576. TU 2-1008. OWNER has new 3 bedroom home, exclusive resi dential district, lovely view, birch k itch- ceramic tile path and a half. Fire place, hardwood floors, hot air heat. $15,900, TU 2-2410. STROUT REALTY PH. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS CALL Bob & Stella Dehlinger Hank Holman TU 2-5M1 TU 2-5048 Henley School, New 2 bedroom, paved street, large lot. $9,950. New Homedale 3 bedroom. Flreo'are All builtin appliances. Large living room. At tached double garage. $15,750. So. Sixth $1. Attractive, 4 bedrooms. 1 baths, large lot, double garage, Si 6,000. 10 acres. Irrigated. Large 3 bedroom home, good outbuildings. Homedale. $21, 000. 40 acres, 20 irrigated, close to town. $10,- 000; $1,000 down. NO MONEY DOWN! 3 Bedroom Homes With Corport On Your Lot $8800 Or, our salesmen can tell you how to have your "dream home" now with only 3 per cent down If you don't own your own lot. See our model home al 1035 Ap plewood, at east end of Reclamation. No Closing Costs lOOlo Financing Payments Like Rent MODEL HOME 1035 APPLEWOOD Open t to 5 six days a week Noon to a p.m. Sundays For Details Call ECHO PHONE TU 2-0126 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOMES Large living room with carpeting, dining area, fireplace, double garage. Your choice of floors. Insulated all around. ON YOUR LOT (Choice Lots Avoilable) SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOME ASK ABOUT NO CASH DOWN FINANCING OTHER 3 BEDROOM HOMES $8900 THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-0436 TU 4-5244 REAL GOOD BUYS!! OVERLOOKING THE LAKE. Beauti ful 3 bedroom home, fireplace, sep arate dining area, buBt In oven and range, 2 baths, hardwood floors. On large lot. Only $15,500. $5,000 SOUTH SUBURBAN 3 bedroom home. Lovely garden and fruit trees. Owner will carry contract, )CHROEDER CO. 431 MIN TU IKU Evtl. TU M6 TU 141.1 St. Francis Park Available now, this beautiful 4 bedroom, newly decorated home. Very nice area. 50 I 150 ft. lot. ONLY $10,750 TOTAL PRICE. $350 down plus Closlnfvcosts and $74 per month includes principal, Inter, est, taxes and Insurance. McATEE REALTORS Harold Hollit Evalyn McAt.a tu m TU I WIS SFT Presents 1 ACRE!!! . . . S bedroom older heme. Lrxn'M South Suburbs. Room for pets or lettn a beef Beautiful trees, shrubbery and lawns. Priced at $10,200. 2 BEDROOM . . . eoiecent to Mills Aodition. Plus elra bulging sots or pasture. County freedom almost in My Itmils. Priced at only $15,000. TUCKER Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Honwn TU f 3101 tvet. Fred Tuc,r TU 4-9742 tv,. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE