Wives Of Today Rapped By Writer Of Romances SAN FRANCISCO (liPH -Kathleen Norris, who defended the "flappers" of the 1920s, has harsh words for today's wives and mothers. In fact she would like to write a book about them and "the desolation of divorce." Mrs. Norris, of course, comes by her book-writing credentials honestly. She has written almost 80 romantic novels beginning with "Mother" in 1911. One reviewer said, "It is given to few who. as the vcars go on (eel increasing love for father or mother long dead, to express that love in a tribute as perfect as "Mother." President Theodore Roosevelt David (liven Pitches In By VERNON SCOTT VPI Hollywood Correspondent HOLLYWOOD (UPI -David Niven, absent from Hollywood for throe years, returned to movie land to star in a new movie and found himself mustache deep in business affairs. As a partner in Four Star Pro ductions with Charles Boyer. Niv en has had to pitch in to fill the void created by the death of Dick Powell who was president of the corporation. Until now a devil-may-care character, Niven is having a ter rible time buckling down to facts and figures. "f meet almost every day with! Charles and Tom McDcrmott, our production chiefs," the British star said. "I'm hoping they'll put me in charge of the overseas depart ment." Unorthodoxy is part and parcel of Mven. He conducted his inter view from an open convertible be side a lake on the back lot of Universal Studios where he is co starring with Marlon Brando in "King of the Mountain." He plays the world's greatest lover. "One can't get too much good sunshine, can one?" he said. Actor businessman Niven ex plained that his company was branching out into producing fea ture length movies in addition to television shows. lamafh Area Television LltlRi t.nlalnt4 utrtln art ptfetUMtf at avblic tarvlat ay tha HaraM a4 Nawt. Tall aawiaaaar la nal raiaan ikla far arrari M llmaa ar araaram aanlanl at fMrniihe ay ttia ftian. raaram Hillaft awhlttt t. thanta wiioaat nattta. Far aaainaaal lalar mat aaH ma alalia.. KOTI-TV JUNE 31 JUNE 11 SUNDAY 11:15 Bnsebull Gam of Tht Waek: Los AnqeK H SI. Louii 1 00 Orl Robert 3 30 Sunday Matintt J 00 Dan Smool i:l5 Man ion Forum 4 30 Tkt Twfl 5:00 Trailmiittr t 00 30th Century 6 30 Mr. Ed 7.00 Emign O'Toolt 7 30 The Jettons I 00 Sunday NkjM Mov't "On The Beach" 10 00 Candid Camera 10.30 Howard K, Smith 11:00 Sunday Newi Special wih Harry Reasoner MONDAY 10. W Owen Ftx A Dv I1;C0 Father Know Bt 11:30 Seven Key -'2 00 Tflne Emit Ford 13.30 Al Tht World Turn 1 00 General Hospital I 30 House Party 3 00 Day In Court 3 5 Midday Recoct 3 30 Jant Wyman Present! 3 00 Tf Secret Storm 3 30 Edoa 01 Nioht 4 00 American Bandstand 4 30 Ditcovcry '43 55 American Newjtand 5 00 Chaplain' Corner 5 OS Town and Country Werkihop S 30 Dennl Tht Menact 00 TV Weatherman a 05 Farm Market Repo't 10 Stock Market Reoort 15 Ron Cochran New a 30 Local New Summa'y 4 MS Scotty' Bark -n' B'te 7 00 Country Show 7 30 Tht Dakota 30 The flillpman 00 Stonev Burka 10 00 Ben Casey 1100 Murphy Martin New 11:10 Local New Rounduo TUESDAY 10 30 QufM For A Oay 11 00 Father Know Best 11.30 Seven Keys 1100 Tennessee Emit FoM 13 30 A The World Turn I 00 General Hospital 1 30 House Pa'ty 7 00 Day In Court 3 M.dday Report 3 30 Jt"e Wyman P'tstnt 3 00 Th Secret S'orm I 30 Edoe o N om 4 00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery hi 4 S5 Amer.can Newsstand 5 00 Chaplain Corne' 5 05 Trails West (Local! 5 30 Quick D'aw McGraw 4 00 TV Weatherman 4 05 Farm Market RfPO't 4 10 S'ock Market Reoorl 4 tS Ron Cochran News 4 30 Local New Summary 4 ) Datfimt Washington 7 00 Britklty Journal 1 30 Compat I 30 Hawaiian Eve M Th Untovciah'es '0 V P'?i(J?nt.al V'"" II 00 Mu'Dhy Marf.n Nw 11.10 Local News Roundup WEDNESDAY 10 30 Ouen For A Dv 11 00 Fatner Kow Best 11 30 Seven Keys 17 00 Tnnnee Emit Fed 13 30 A Th World Tyrn i 00 General Hospital l 30 House Party 3 X Dy m Cov't 3 ;s v.dday Repo't 3 30 Ja"t Wymtn P't't-t 1 00 7 Sec-et S'orrn ) Ea Of N.of a 00 Ar-fce Bndite-d 4 A D-scevt'T 3 4-S5 Arrnr-ican Newta-d 5 in c-ar-a - s C-3re' i F'.-M O Ran-a s jo Yogi Bear 4 X TV Wee'erme" 4 05 e"ri saret Pea' 4 i0 Stock Ma-ktt Reeert ( IS Ron Cochran New 4 . Lrxa' New ?wmmry 4 5 Tht $ootm liked it so much that he ran the three flights of stairs to the au thor's New York apartment to shake her hand. Women Acrepti'd Duty Mrs. Norris, today an 84-year-old great-grandmother of nine, told University of California co eds in 1922 that they had "a bet ter outlook than the girls of l'JOO." But that was long ago. "In those days," she said from her bed in Notre Dame Hospital where she has been confined for four years, "we women accepted as reality such words as 'duty and 'self sacrifice'." The women of today, she added. "are not accepting their colossal role as the essential of creation and of the indispensable service of bringing life into the world. "Easy divorce," she contended, has destroyed the mother and father image for children. I think very few people who think of divorce care about the welfare of their children. I know one young woman who said she wants a divorce because she is bored. And some judge will probably give it to her. Proud Of Mother Role Mrs. Norris' works included "The Heart of Rachael" 19161. Certain People of Importance" '19221, "Passion Flower" (19.101, "Second Hand Wife"' (19371, "Lost Sunrise" (19391, "An Apple for Eve" (19421, and "Mink Coot" 119431. The books brought her vast monetary rewards. One work re-l porledly netted her $75,000. They also helped her become the presi dent pro tempore of the National League of the Mothers of America (NLMAI in 1940. But it is not as a writer that she wishes to be remembered. "Looking back on all the years." she said, "it was my role as wife and mother lhat brought the great est happiness to me." As the head of the NLMA she became a leading figure in the women's peace movement. She be lieved up until Pearl Harbor that "women can keep America from war." Mrs. Norris still maintains lhat. if women held political power, there would be no war. "It is not in a woman to wage a war. They can not regard lives' in terms of statistics." she said. KOTI-TV 7 00 Haiel 7 30 Waoort Train I 30 Gotna My Way 00 Our Man Higgmi 10:00 Naked City 11:00 Murphy Martin Newt 11:10 Local Newt Roundup 11:15 Presidential Mimon THURSDAY 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Falher Knowi Best 11:30 Seven Key 13:00 Tenneee Ernie Ford 13:30 A The World Turn 100 General Hospital I 30 House Parly 3 00 Day In Court 3 35 Midday Report 3 30 Jane Wyman Present 3 00 Tha Secret Storm 3 30 Edoe Of NiQht 4 00 American Bandstand a 30 Discovery '43 i 55 American Newsstand 5 00 King Leonardo 5 30 Bullwinhlt 4 00 TV Weatherman 4 05 Farm Market Reofl'-t 4:10 Stock Market Report 4 15 Ron Cochran Newt 4 30 Local News Summary 4 45 Stotty'i Barks 'n' B-les 7 00 The Deputy 7 30 Otfie and Harriet I 00 Tha Story Of I 30 Leave It To Beaver f 00 My Thret Sons 30 McHale t Navy 10 00 Premiere 1100 Murphy Martin New 11)0 Local News Roundup 11.15 Showlimt On Two FRIDAY j 10 30 Queen For A Day 11 00 Father Know Best 11 30 Seven Keys 17 00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 17 X As The World Turn 1 00 General Hospital , 1 30 House Party 3 00 Day in Court 3 IS Midday Report 3 30 Jant Wyman Present) , 3 00 The Secret Storm 3 30 Edoe Of Night j 4 00 American Bandstand 4 30 D scovtry '43 4 S5 American News-"d 5 00 Ore Cal Panorama i 30 Huckleberry Hound 4 X TV Weatherman 4 05 Farm Market Report 4 10 Stock Market Report 4.15 Ron Cochran News 4 30 Local News Summary t 45 Stottys Bark n' Bites 7 00 Hootenanny 7 30 Cheyenne I 30 The Fimtlonei 00 Dicktnt-Fenster e 30 11 Suniet Strip 10 30 Liovd Bridge Snow 11 00 Murphy Martin Newt 11 10 Local New Roundup n is Pre'dent,al Viss-on M 15 Showtime on Two SATURDAY 00 Captain Kangaroo 10 OC Te Alvm Show id 30 CBS New io 45 Baseball Game of The Week: Boston ! at New York 3 00 Cartoonits j 3 JVaoic Lanrj o Ailakaiam j 3 00 Beany and Cecil 3 30 My Friend Fica I 00 W'Qhty Moust 4 30 SY K'ng 5 00 Wide World Of Sfjwt t 30 Western Snow I 7 X vev e I 00 Ga-iant Men ' oo Lw'e-e We'k i 10 30 " Am.tr,cj.n FnnBII j t 00 New -wee" -Snorts KBES-TV JUNff 11 JUNI If SUNDAY il M Bsefta't 3 G'ai Rot'' 3 K H-tner td v"u 3 00 Around Tt Mm 1 'S SKal StCim'y 3 30 Wtivl S X eai McCoyt 5 30 GE Co ee Bowl X 30 Century I! Vr la oo Tr JC Oenni tt Vtnart X Ed Sullivan ffl M-3enany Gl Tntaft 3 V 3- Ilk. M " ; 5.; tmtWywz&eti W I"' JT ijv . iiwr . J .K T ... h MU Mm' Ifer ' . . -r - mum CLEOPATRA PREMIERE This overhead view shows part of the 5.000 fans who turned out for the excitement attending the gala opening premiere of the movie, ' Cleopat ra," on Wednesday. Ninety-one Los Angeles police officers turned out to control the crowd. Those attending opening performance paid $250 per seat for the benefit of the now-under-construction Los Angeles Music Center, U PI Telephoto Change Of Bv RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPP The de cline of Edie Adams as a televi sion personality of distinction be gan in February when she al lowed her friend Eddie Fisher to be a guest on one of her ABC- TV half-hour spec ials, and adopted a hip style. Since then, except lor an occa sional good video moment, the simple delicacy of her original appeal and her pioneering of mu sical realism have been all but buried in her gradual surrender to the cliches of standard televi sion variety shows. A number of big magazine publicity breaks and some of her associates ap parently have convinced her that the straight, jazzy, "showbiz" ap proach is most profitable. Howev er, her long-time acquaintance and chief mentor since the death of her husband Ernie Kovacs .he producer -director Barry Shear finally left her in protest against the obviously commercial ized new approach. . Shear Quit Show Shear, whose "Here's Edie" KBES-TV Candid Camera What' My Lint Harry Reasoner Stage 5 MONDAY Captain Kangaroo Calendar I Love Lucy Tha McCoy Pelt & Giady Love of Lilt CBS New Search lor Tomorrow 10:00 10 30 11:00 11:15 00 00 :30 10:00 10 30 11:00 11:71 11:30 11:45 13:00 17 30 1 00 1:30 3:00 3:45 3 30 3 00 Guiding Light College of Air As World Turns Password House Party To Tell Truth News Jant Wyman Secret Storm Edgt of Night Am. Bandstand Disco vtry Am. Newittend Alyin Show Rin Tin Tin 3:30 4:00 4:30 4 45 5 00 5:30 4 00 TV Weatherman 4.05 t IS 4 30 I 00 7 30 I 30 00 t 30 10 00 11.00 Channel 5 Report Walter Cronkite McHale'l Navy My Threa Son Dakota Lucille Ball Danny Thoma Andy Griffith 77 Sunset Slr.p News Final TUESDAY Captain Kangaroo Calendar " -ve Lucy The McCoys Pete a. Gladyt Love of Lilt CBS Ntw Search tor Tomorrow 10.00 10 30 11 00 11:34 11:30 11:45 17 00 13 30 1 00 I 30 3 00 3 45 1 30 3 00 3 30 4 00 4 30 4 45 5 00 5 30 4 00 4 OS 4:15 4 7 00 7 30 I 00 I 30 30 10 00 II 00 Guiding Light College of Air As World Tumi Password House Party To Tell Truth New Jane Wyman 5ecret Storm Edgt of N-ghl Am. Bandstand Discovery Am. Newsstand Sky King Quick D'aw TV Weatherman Channel 5 Reoort Walter Cronkilt The Deputy Password Marsha' Oi'lnn Lloyd Bridge Red Seiton Jack Benny Garry Vwt News Final WEDNESDAY I 00 Captain Kangaroo 00 Calendar I 30 I Love Lucy ) 00 The McCoys ) 30 Pe't A G'ady l 00 Love of Lift I 74 CBS New I 30 Search lor Tomorrow I 45 Gu'dmg Light ; 00 College of Air I 30 As World Turn I 00 Password I 30 House Party I X To Tell Truth ii News 30 Jat Wyman 1 00 Secret Stfl'm 1 30 E'jge of N aM I 00 Am BaryJitand i 30 D'seove'y i.i Am Newsstand 5 0 Unc't Bui i 30 Yog Bee' 00 TV Wfa'herman I 0 Channel i Repo't I 15 Wal'er Cronfcitt t 30 Hilipitiiet J no OfH a. Harriet 7 JO Wagon Tram I 30 Go.ng My Way 30 D ck Van Dyt 0 M Naked C'ty 1 OG New Final 1 IJ Cnarnpionih.8 "dgt THURSDAY I no Ceretn Kangt'O ft) Cafder t n i Love Lucy 0 00 AAcCovs G JO P't fc G'avJr 1 0G LOvt o Le 1 74 CBS New 1 JO Sea'cf Hr Tomorrow i 4 Gu.)'g Lihf GO Cotiegt Of Air TV Style Hurting Edie shows established Miss Adams as the hallmark of television musi cal quality and earned her Emmy nominations, was to have direct ed her final special of the sea son Tuesday night; but it was during the preparation of this show that he quit. It was said that the split came because of Miss Adams' hiring of a choreog rapher without Shear's knowledge but it would have happened any way sooner or later. At any rate, Steve Binder, who directs the syndicated Steve Allen show, re placed Shear. And so much for the background. The show was not very bad. but it was not very good: and there is nothing much worse you can say about anything in the creative field. Binder, who knows music and is good with a cam era, made Lionel Hampton's ren dition of "Flying Home" the only topflight moments of the 30 minutes. Hope Was Guest Bob Hope, who is at the oppo site end of the entertainment that Miss Adams sottly and impres KBESTV 13:30 As World Turn 1 00 Password 1:30 Houst Party K3:00 To Tell Truth 7:45 New 3:30 Jana Wyman I N Secret Storm 3 30 Edge of Night 4:00 Am. Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 4:4J Am, Newsstand 5:00 Mighty Mouse 5:30 Roy Rogers 4:00 TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel 5 Report 4:15 Waiter Cronkita 4:30 Soorl i Roundup 7 00 TBA 7:30 Country Show I 00 Perry Mason f 00 Twilight Zone 10 00 Alcoa Premiere 11:00 New Final 11:15 Stage 5 FRIDAY I 00 Captain Kangaroo t 00 Calendar I 30 I Love Lucy 10:00 The McCoys 10 JO Pete & Gladys 11:00 Love of Lift 11:34 CBS News 11:30 Search for Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 17:00 College of Air 13 30 A World Turn 1 00 Password 1:30 Houe Party 3 00 To Tell Truth 3 45 News 3 30 Jane Wyman 3 00 Secret Storm 3 X Edge of Night 4 00 Am. Bandstand 4 X Discovery 4 IS Am Newsstand 5 00 Uncle BUI 530 Huck Hound 4:00 TV Weatherman 4 05 Channel 5 Reoort 4 15 Waller CronkMe 4 30 Story Of 7:00 Ltavt It Ts Beaver 7 30 Rawhide I 30 Route 4 30 D'Ckens Femtef 10 00 Alfred Hitchcock It 00 New Final 11:15 Stage S SATURDAY 10 SO Sot New II 05 Baiehall Preview 11:15 Ba.bll 7 30 Movie 3 30 Movie 5 00 Cheyenne 4 00 Dan Smoflt 4 15 Manion Forum 4 30 FlintstorM 7 00 I've Got a Secret 7 30 Jackit G-eeton t Defenders 30 Have Gun, Will Travel 10 00 Gunimone 00 Newt Final 15 Stage S KVIP-TV RIBOINO. CALIFORNIA CHANNIL 7 JUNI 31 JUNI If SUNDAY tfl ) Hfald Of Truth IP 30 Faith For Tht Day 11 00 TBA 1 30 F.tm Fare 3 00 TBA 3 30 ls".ue an A"Swtr 3 00 W anion Forum J 30 F.im Fare 3 45 Docto' Forum 4 00 Western Action Hour 5 00 Maior Atems Trainmaster 4 00 Vark Roger Rfpor't 4 30 Mfever and ir Colonel 7 00 Enugn O'Toolt 7 Watt D'inty'i Wonderful We' Id Color I 30 Car 54 Where Art You t 10 Bona 'r a 10 00 Vo-Ct Of Flrettot 0 30 Howard Smitn II 00 Davd Brinktty U S'aqe 1 39 Late New MONDAY 30 Flu 10 m P-iCt is gM 10 30 Cnrvcentra'-on 1 1 00 B gn M 30 Seven Key I J 00 Ern e Fod Shrw 17 30 Fa'"r K.rr Be-,1 1 00 Gent'at Motp'a l 30 You Don t Say 1 00 Day in Courl 3 M J sively made her reputation with. came on for some old and tired jokes. And Miss Adams was em barrassing as she went the whole standard route of chit-chat with him. She also sang a very bad and badly dubbed song with him. And not infrequently, she sounded way off-key in some of her solo and group tunes. Miss Adams is a nice girl, but she needs a friend to level with her and not just flatter her. Old friends are the best friends. It would be sad to think she knows what has happened to her on vi deo, and likes it. The Channel Swim: Judy Hens ke, a folksinger, will be a regular this fall on Judy Garland's new CBS-TV serics...Miss Henske's first professional engagement was at a San Diego. Calif., establish ment called the "Zen Coffee House and Motorcycle Repair Shop." i ' A natent rioht does not exnire in case the patented article is not put on the market. Schedules For KVIP-TV 3.35 Midday Peporl 3 10 Jane Wyman 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery 4 S5 Bandstand New 5 00 Brave Stallion 5 30 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Newsbeat North State 4:15 Huntley Brinkity 4 30 Gallant Men 7: JO The Dakotas 5 30 The Rifleman v 00 Stonev Burke 10:00 Ben Casey 11:00 Murphy Martin With Tha Newt 1 1 : 10 Soorticasl 11-15 Tonight Show 13-35 Lata News TUESDAY 30 Educational 10 00 Price Is Right 10 JO Concentration 1 1 00 Bingo 1130 Seven Key 13 00 fcrme Ford Show lj 30 Father Knows Best 1 00 General Hospital 130 You Don't Say NBC 3 00 Day In Court 3:25 Midday Report 3 10 Jane Wyman 3 00 Queen For A Day 3 N Who DO YOU Trust 4 00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery 4 55 Bandstand News 5 00 Cartoon T ime S 30 Mickey Mouse Club 4 00 Newsbeat North State 4' 15 Hun Key Brink ley 4 30 TBA 7 30 Combat I 30 Hawaiian Eyt f '30 Untouchables 10 30 Danger Man 11:00 MurDhy Martin With Tht New 11:10 Sportscast H 15 lomght Show 13 35 Late News WEDNESDAY f 30 Educational 10 00 Price is Right 10 30 Concentration 11:00 Bmgo 11 30 Seven Key t3 00 Emit Ford Show rj 30 Fatner Knows Best t 00 General Hospital 1 30 You Don't Say NBC 3 00 Day In Court 3 75 Midday Report 3 30 Jane Wyman 3 00 Queen For A Day 3 30 Who DO You Trusl 4 oo American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery 4 55 Bandstand News 5 00 Bfpfcen Arrow 5 30 Wickey Mouse Club 4 00 New.reat North State 4 15 Huntley Brrnkiey 4 30 International Showtime 7 30 TB I JO GO'ng Wy Way 30 Our fan Higgmi 10 OO Naked City 11 00 Wu'Phy Martin With Tht New 1 1 ifl SoorKc eO ii 15 Tnnqht Snow 13 75 Late News THURSDAY 30 Educational 10 W Price is Pghf 10 JO Concentration It 00 Bmqo II 30 S'ven Key 13 00 Ernie Ford Show 11 30 Fathar Know Bail i on General Hcotai I 30 You Dm't Say NBC 7 00 Day In Court J ?S Midday Rpdo'I 3 30 Jan Wyman ) ffl Queen ho' A Day 3 30 W"io Do You Trutt t IT) American Bandiltnl 4 0 D'scove-v 4 51 Band. tn Newt 5 00 L't'ie Rascal S Vrey foue Cuts 4 00 rvw.rxat North state 11 Munlitv Brink lay 4 30 f ir,ed'tion 7 00 Outward Ho ' JO Off and Harriet a. or. Do"a Prd t 30 Lea H To Beaver IK) v Thre SO" 30 MrHeie Navy f; " fir envt't n oo Vti&y Martin w-m Tf Newi I "1 SfWU'Mt i '1 T(vg,- I 3i Late Newt I-HID 4 Y t 30 f 1'fat 0a I 0t Pr.ce is ""lM r r rvntrttion i m n vjo l IW.en Keys ) 00 Ernie FOrdJ tm Slap-Happy 'Stooges' Rate High HOLLYWOOD lUIM' - It's not every movie star who has his teetli extracted by petting hit ill the face with a shovel, but then Moe Howard is not every movie star. In fact he's hardly any movie star at all. Without Larry and Curly, who comprise the other two-thirds of the Three Stooges, he might find a more accepted means of hav ing his bridgewot k rearranged. Moe, of the soupbowl haircut, also has had his ribs crushed and seen partner Larry Fine lose his teeth and gather innumerable cuts, contusions and bruises, mostly in flicted by Moe himself. He is the slapper, eye gouger and swift kicker of the trio. Doesn't all that physical pun ishment hurt? "You're asking the wrong man." Moe replied. "You better ask Curly and Larry. They're the ones who get beat up. iot me." Unfortunately. Larry and Curly were at home nursing their wounds. Moe was sitting in a Hollywood restaurant feeling his oats and eating scrambled eggs. Hi Movies He was celebrating the comple tion of the Stooges' 224th movie, a full-length feature with the cum bersome title of "The Three Stoog es Go Hound the World in a Daze." Asked why the Stooges are the most durable comedy team in show biz history 38 years Moe had a ready answer. "No individual performer or team has had 10(1 per cent of the audience pulling (or them," he ex plained, "But our attraction is psychological. "The working class people like to think of us as being a real part of them. The middle class enjoys our work because they don't dig opera and art and tliey think they're better than we arc. The few upper class people who watch us like to sec what happens on the other side of the tracks. That's why we're so popular. "We specialize in upsetting dig nity. We only throw pies at guys wearing top hats obviously high class people. We never throw pies at old ladies." KVIP-TV 13:30 Falher Knew Best 1:00 General Hospital 1:30 You Don'l Say NBC 3 00 Day In Court 3 75 Midday Reoort 3 30 Jane Wyman 3 00 Oueen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust 4 00 American Bandstand 4 30 Discovery 4 55 Bandstand Newt 5 00 Cartoon Time 5 30 Mickey Moust 4 00 Newsbtat 7 4:15 Huntley Brink ley 4 30 Films Of tht FiflitS I 30 Fllntslonts e 00 I'm Dickens He' Ftnltr 30 77 Sunset Strip 10: JO Rebel it 00 Murphy Martin With Tht Newt 1. 10 Sportjcast 11:15 Tonight Show 13.35 Lata New .SATURDAY t no Sharl Lewi f 30 King Leonardo tfl 00 Fury 10:30 Make Room For paddy 11 00 Major League Baseball 3 00 Manion Forum 3.30 One Dale 3 30 Dealh Valley Day 4 00 Western Action Hour: 5 00 Wide World of Sport 4 30 Jetson 7 00 Fight of Iht Week 7 45 Make Thai Spare I 00 Haiel 30 Joey Bshop OO Lawrence Welk 10 00 Hootenanny 10 JO Movie: 13 70 Late New KM ED-TV JUNE 11 JUNI If .SUNDAY ifl Sign On 1 frontier of Fa.th 11:00 Maior League Baseball: Chicago al Cleveland I 00 TBA 7 00 Th.s It The Lite 7 30 TBA 3 00 Sunday Cinema "Strano's On A Train" i 30 Maior Adam Trailmesttr 5 30 Buliwmk it 4 00 Meet tht Press 4 W Sunday Rr-fwrf 7 00 Ensign O'Toole 7 10 Wonderlul World of Color N 30 Car 54, Whtrt art You? t 00 Bonanza 10 00 DuPont n0w of tha Week II 00 Fml Nr-ws II 05 S'gn OH MONDAY 75 Sign O" Morntng Visit 30 Focal Point 0 00 Tht Price s Right '0 30 Concentration H M Your Firsl lmorion II X Truth Qr C onveguence II S5 NBC News 13.00 Ben Jerrod '7 IS NBC News 17 30 The Doctcs 1 .00 Oenaral Hospital 1 JO You Don't Say 3 00 The Match Game 3 75 NBC News Afternoon Report 3 30 Make Room For Daddy 00 Queen For A Day 3 30 Channel Ten Theater; "Owp Water-," 5 no rarioon .er ial 1 jO Kiiq Leonardo 4 00 Weather W.rxtow 4 05 Newveet Ten 4 10 Soo't H-gniigMs 4 15 Huntley fir ion fey 4 30 tr.'er national Showtime 7 00 TBA 7 X Monday UM at th Moviti: 'From HH To Tt 10 Art i mUetter Show 10 00 Ben Cavey 11 j nwri fen N.ght Report 11 15 The Ton-gM Show I 00 News. Weather, Sign Off Tl ESIAY V t on On Worn.ng V-Sit f ' for g I Pomt 10 OO Trt Pr.ct K Right 10 H Concen'rtron 11 00 Your Firl tmprtrji II JO T'uth Or Conveoutnces 11 11 NBC. News 1? 00 Bm Jerrod 17 75 NBC Newt 17 V: Tr Ow-tf-'S 1 00 General Hmpitet 1 10 Yow Don'l la? HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath ' t - . . ., ' t . ; ; , ' ' r i INSIDE THE COURT Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court is flanked by Justices Hugo L. Black, left, and William O. Douglas, right, in this photo. Dif ferences in opinions inside the court have become the subject of much speculation .in recent months. UPI Telephoto , Veteran Justice Hugo Black Shows Ability To Ride Out Court Storms WASHINGTON (UPD If thc,scnior justice in point of servicclwho themselves have very strong angry words which shattered the' Supreme Court's judicial calm re cently meant another personality rill, the tribunal has survived them before big and little. Veteran Justice Hugo L. Black, one of the figures in the latest tiff, has played a major party in two previous clashes. He has shown an uncommon ability tol ride out such storms always with lips scaled. His adversary was another vet eran justice William O. Doug las. Courtroom spectators w-erc aghast to hear Douglas unleash a scathing criticism of both tlic con tent and style of Black's majori ty opinion in the 40-year-old Cali fornia-Arizona Colorado River wa ler dispute, the biggest water law suit ever filed in this country. Douglas' verbal onslaught on his culleuguc was more pro nounced because Black was pre siding in the absence of Chief Justice Karl Warren. Black KMED TV 3:00 Tht Match Game 7:75 NBC New Afternoon Report 3:30 Make Room For Daddy J 00 Oueen For A Day 3 30 Channel Ten Theoltr S 00 Cartoon Special 5 30 Sharl Lewis 4:30 Weather Window 4.05 Newireet Ten 4:10 Sport Highlight! 4:15 Hunliey Brinkity 4:30 Combat 7:30 Laramie 8:30 Empire 30 Dick Powell Theater 10 30 Chet Hunliey Reporting 11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report 11 15 Tht Tonight Show 1.00 New. Weather, Sign Off WEDNESDAY 75 30 10 00 10 30 Sgn On Morning Visit Focal Point The Price l Right Concentration Your F irsl Impression Truth Or Consequence NBC News Ben Jerrod NBC New The Doctor General Hospital You Don't Say 11.00 11:30 11:55 17 00 17:35 13: 10 1:00 1:30 3 00 3 35 3 30 3 00 3 X The Match Gamt NBC News Afternoon Report Make Room For Daddy Queen For A Day Channel Ten Theater: "Frarf'gn Intrigue'' Cartoon Special Puff and Peddv The Weather Window Newsreel Ten Sport HlohKghls Hunliey Briokiey Sam Benedict The Virginian Krafl Mystery Theatre The Eleventh Hour 5 30 4 00 4 05 4 10 4 IS 4 30 7 30 00 10:00 11:00 11 15 Newsreel Ten Night Report The Tonight Show Ntwi, Weather, Sign Off THURSDAY Sign On Morning Visil Foral Point 1:00 75 TO 10 00 10 30 Tha Pnct ts Right Concentration Your First Impress inn 11 00 It 30 Trulh Or Consequence NBC News Ben Jerrod NBC New The Doctor General Hupilal You Don'l Say 1 55 17 00 13 35 13 30 100 t 30 7:00 3:35 330 3 00 1 30 4 JO 5 00 S 30 4 00 4 0 The Match Tame NBf New Afftrnonn Report Make Room For Daddy Queen For A Day Channel Ten Theater: "Ghost Town" Friendih'p f irr.te Carton Special Fury Weaker Window Newsreel Ten Sportt Hlghiignt Hunliey Br inkle r TRA Our Man Hlggln Wide rn.-niry Dr. Klldart Haial Bib Hon Morrow Show 4 10 4 IS 4 30 7 00 1 30 I 30 X 10 00 II 00 11 IS 1 00 Newsreel Ten Nltt Report The Tonight Snow hew. Weather S-gn Of FRIDAY 75 S-gn On Morning Vml 30 Focal Pomt 10 00 Tht Pnct I Right 10 30 CorKtntration 1! 00 Vour First Impression 11 X Truth or Conttgutnce it 55 NfC New 17 00 Ben Jerrod 1J 35 NBC Nevs 13 30 Tht Doctor i 00 General Hosp-'al t 10 You Don't Say 7 00 The Match Gamt 3 35 NBC News Afternoon Report 3 W Make Room for Daddy 3 OO Queen For A Day J 30 Channel Ten Theater- "D'ary f a Chambermaid" 5 r0 Cartoon Special 5 W TBA 4 m Tht Weathtr Window 4 05 Newveei Ten 4 10 Short Mignhght 4 11 Hunliey Brinkity t 30 Stone Burkt 7 Gallant Men 30 Smg Along With Mitt 10 The Pnct Is Right 10 00 Jack Pear )1 00 Newretl Ten Night Report 11:15 Tht Tonight Show t 00 New, W earner, Jlgn Oft Falls, Ore. Sunday, and is 13 vcars older than Douc- i, The 77-ycar-old Black had read excerpts from a 52-page opinion in which it was evident he look pride of authorship. The case was complex and he explored the issues carefully. The decision added up to California losing to Arizona but loft some problems unsettled. Douglas was ready with a writ ten dissent, replete with fire and brimstone. He said the case would be marked in the future 'as the baldest attempt by judges in modern times to spin their own philosophy into the fabric of the law in derogation of the will of the legislature." A common claim of the judi cial minority is that the majority has taken over the function of Congress; that they fit a case tol their own ideology rather than into the law. And the sharpest isdissenls usually arc by justices SATURDAY 10:30 Sign On-Mik Room For Daddy 11:00 Minister's Round fable 11:35 News 11:30 Ma or League Baseball Cleveland at Chicago 3 00 TBA 3.30 Saturday Matinee: "LUCky 5tlff" 5 00 Wide World of Snorls 4 30 Movie: "Comanche" J I 00 Movie: TBA t:55 New 10 00 143 American Football Coaches All' American Game NELSON'S TV Pockord-Bell TV t Radio Channat Mailer Translator Radios We Service All Makes of Radios and TV's DAY OR NIGHT! (Exctpt Sunday) All Work Guaranteed 3005 Shasta Way TU 2-3479 TV Service All Makes, All Kinds Pick Up end Delivery Service up to 8 pm daily 24 years of service to the Klomalh Boiin. Phone TU 4-5121 or 4-7241. 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The nine justices have a hap py practice of shaking hands all around each time they go into conference on cases. This lime it was hard to see how the Black- Douglas handshake could be as cordial as It had been before if. indeed, the cordiality had not been cooling for some time. Where Individual liberties arc concerned, the two have stood to gether for more than 2 years as interpreters of the Constitution. They see the court as an active lorce in securing lor every one tree speech and other guarantees In the Bill of Mights. " BEEBE'S TV and RADIO Semes SYLVANIA SALES Oreian Art. Ph. TV 4-1.S2B ACE IV ZENITH Sales t Strt. - FOR THE FIHEST IN TV-fUWO SEJMCf. : PHONI TU 4-J5II NOW!!!! Home Service Calli $4.50 1 1 40 Riverside Drive Open 9 to 6 Mon. thru Sat, Medical evidence is mounting 'that the greatest plague of our times may well be inactivity. It's one reason why millions of Americans ere overweight. And Inactivity is also factor in the onset of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Our children are nnt as active as they should be. They sit more than they move; they watch more than they participate. As a result, their physical fitness has declined. Almost one-third of them can't pass minimum physical achievement tests. What to do about it? Get them Into action againl Preferably In physical education programs that Include vigorous activity for at least 15 minutes of every school day. Investigate the program In your child's school. Discuss It with your school officials. Make sure the program Is what it should be. If you would like more informa tion, wr,;a to The President's Council on Physical Fitness, Washington 25, D C. Pjt'iihed 91 a nubile Satca m ccflwal'on ffi tn Aovartitine CrameM endt Nawt- , ecutivat Association, i laaariaa'KSel this f be our E deadliest I .disease? jL-ij I