Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, June 09, 1963, Page 27, Image 27

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    Producer Says 'Cleopatra'
Will Exceed $100 Million
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore.
Sunday, June 9, 1963
: ?;rS2;'
ENJOY EACH OTHER Actresi Elizabeth Taylor and actor Richard Burton continue
to enjoy each other's company. At left, the co-itars of "Cleopatra" are shown laugh
ing it up at a Rome night club. At right, Miss Taylor breaks up a rehearsal as she
tickles Burton during a scene being readied for the movie. UPI Telephoto
Celebrating Tourists Make Effort
To Correct Leaning Tower Of Pisa
PISA, Italy (UPI) - Some
French tourists were celebrating
New Year's eve here in 1958 when
one of them suddenly thought:
"Why don't we straighten the
leaning tower of Pisa?"
- So they drove to the tower,
hooked one end of a steel cable
to the base of the structure and
the other end to the rear axle of!
their car.
Then they jumped in the car and
stepped on the gas. The car roar
ed across the square leaving
behind its rear axle and a tower!
that was still leaning.
The tower is one of those things!
that everybody talks about and
a lot of people try to do something
about but nobody ever does.
Recently the talk has been get-;
ting more alarmist than ever.
Prof. Letterio Donato of the Pisa
University engineering school, said
the tower may collapse "within
our generation."
Prof. Livio Trevisan, a member
of the surveillance commission for
the leaning tower, said cracks
may develop in the ground around
the tower at any time, "even im
lamath Area Television
a Hc ttrvlM fey th Hiralaj a
Ntwi, J hit Mwiaar it rial
aiala far arrtrt Hi tlmai r arram.
ntant 11 farnlifta fey tfta ili'an.
Pratram Hitirift ibtf la than
wHhaat nalica. Far aiflnl tetter
mall. aH th ilaftaa.
J una . JUNE IS
S I'M) AY '
11:15 Baseball Game of tht Week:
LA at Chit ago j
t :30 Championnhio Bride
3:00 Oral Roberts
2:30 Sunday Matinee
"Retwcca of Sunny-brook Farm"
4 00 Dan Smoot
4: IS Wanton Forum
4 30 Take Two
5 00 Trallmasfar
00 Mtrt Century
30 Mr. Ed
7 00 Enilgn O'Tooka
7 30 Th Jettoni
00 Sunday Nignt Wov-t
"Trooper Hook"
10 00 Cand'd Camera
10 30 Howard K Smith
11:00 Sunday Newi Special wl'h Harry
Rea toner
10 m Colieoe Of the Air
10 30 Quern For A Day
It 00 Father Knowi Bel
11 30 Seven Keys
17 00 Tennessee Grnle Ford
12 30 Ai Th World Turns
1.00 General Moio.lal
1:30 House Party
3 00 Day In Court
3 75 M'dday Report
3 30 Jane Wyman Presents
3 00 The Secret Storm
3 30 Edge Of N.gM
4 00 American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery '63
4 SS American Nesttnd
5 00 Chaplain's Corner
i OS Town and Country Workshop
S 30 Dennis The Menace
a 00 TV Weatherman
05 Farm Market ReooM
10 Stock: Market Report
a IS Ron Cochran Newi
4 30 Local News Summary
45 Scotty's Barks -n' B'tes
7 00 Country Show
7 30 The DekOtas
t M As Caesar Sees H
00 Stoney Burke
10 00 Ben Caiey
11.00 Murphy Martin News
11; 10 Local News Roundup
10 60 College Of Th Air
10 30 Queen For A Day
H 00 Father Knows Best
It 30 Seven Keys
17 00 Tennessee Ernie Frvd
17 30 As The World Turns
1 On General Hospital
1:30 HOUS Party
3 00 Day in Court
3 7! Midday Report
3 30 Jane Wyman Presents
3 00 The Secret S'orm
3 30 Edoe ol NigM
4 CO American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery 3
4 15 American hewsOand
3 00 Cnapia'n'S Corner
5 fS Tech Tans
i JO Quick Oraw McGraw
00 TV Wee'erman
i CS Fa'm Me'ket RePO't
10 Stock Marnet Report
IS Ron Cochran News
30 Local News Sumr-a'y
a 47 Dateline Washington
a tJ TV Question Bow
7 OO fjrinufy s Journal
7 30 Combat
I X Hewei'en Eve
30 T Un'OuChab 1
10 M Hare s Ede
11 00 Murpny Marttn NeS
11.10 Local News tfxmduo
'( y Co'iec O rue A.r
'C 30 Ouen For A Dv
It 00 Fetter Knows Best
" Seven Kes
II rc Tennesea E'-e
17 30 As TSa WO Turns
1 00 Gene-ai Mate- a I
1 H;wse Par'y
00 Day in Cnu't
3 S v-ddav Reoo'
7 10 Je- Wyman -ee"U
3 Te Secret Sorm
3 30 Eoe O N o-'
i in A-e-en ej4ndsta-4
30 D'Wove-y 43
a is At' ten Newsi
S T C0'- rorier
I ?5 Pund-0 Rema
S vr. Bear
a (in Ty Weaeme
04 Farm Mar-et Ret-T
Geologists at the engineering
faculty at Pisa gravely announced
that the tower is leaning an ad
ditional .0:00708 of an inch each
'How To Flunk1 Guide
Prepared For Students
dents at the Monticello College for
women know what it takes to
W. F. Starkey, the college's di
rector of information, prepared
what he called "a guide for col
lege freshmen." to be used only
if the girls want to fail.
Starkcy's list of things to do led
off with "classes." which he said,
the women should "attend as few
as possible. This will give you
more time for such all-important
character-rounding activities as
bridge, beer drinking and sleep
ing." Second on Starkcy's list was
a:10 Stock Market Report
6: IS Ron Cochran News
4:30 Local News Summary
1 iS The Sportsman
MM Harel
7:30 Waqon Train
30 Going My Way
9:00 Our Man Higgtns
10:00 Naked City
11:00 Murphy Martin News
11:10 Local News Roundup
10 no Colieoe Of the Air
10:30 Queen For A Day
11.00 Father Knows Best
11:30 Seven Keys
17:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford
13 30 As The World Turns
1:00 General Hospital
1:30 House Party
3 00 Day In Court
2 75 Midday Report
2 30 Jane Wyman Presents
3 00 The Secret Storm
3 30 Edge Of Night
4 00 American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery 'A3
4-55 American Newsstand
5 00 King Leonardo
5 30 Buttwlnkie
00 TV Weatherman
05 Farm Market Rer
6 10 Stock Market Report
4 IS Ron Cochran News
A 30 Local News Summary
6 5 Scotty's Barks 'n' B'tes
7:00 The Deputy
7 30 Ouie and Harriet
00 The Story Of
t 30 Leave It To Beaver
00 My Three Sons
f 30 Mc Hate's Navy
10 00 Alcoa Prem.ere
11 00 Murphy Martin News
11:10 Local News Roundup
11.15 Showttme On Two
10 00 Coileqe Of The Air
10.10 Queen For A Day
1100 Father Knows Best
n 10 Seven Keys
tj 00 Tennessee Ernie Pord
13 30 As Tht World Turns
1 00 General Hospital
1 30 House Party
7 00 Day In Court
7 75 Midday Report
I 30 Jane Wyman Presents
3 00 The Secret Storm
3 10 Edge Of Night
t 40 American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery '43
4 55 American Newsstand
5 00 Ore Cal Panorama
5 10 Huckleberry Hound
4 00 TV Weatherman
A 05 Farm Market Report
4 i0 Stock Market Report
4 IS Ron Cochran News
4 30 Local News Summary
t S Scotty's Barks 'n' Bts
7 00 Hootenenny
7 JO Cheyenne
I JO The Fiintstoes
00 Dickens-Fenster
f 30 77 Sunset Str.o
10 X LlOvd Brdoes Show
11 00 Murphy Marttn News
11 10 Local News Roundup
11 13 Showtime On Two
, 00 Captain Kanga'oo
0 00 Portland Rose Festival Pa-afle
.12 00 Jem Basebait Game in Progress
De"o't at New York
7 00 Certoon-es
3 JO Magic Land 0 Aiiekaram
00 B-any ad Ced
3 Vy Fr.e"d Pi'Cka
; 4 00 M'Ohty Mouse
: 4 Sy tf rg
i oo wde WO' "d Of Sports
A Wtrn She
7 On F.grt O The We
7 0 Make That See 'a
I X Ganant Men
,) Lawece wi
if 00 Gur'sfOke
ii oo News-weafer-SPO'ts
11 IS Showtime 0" Tw
f ft Me-!1 O TfuH
if if Fe'" Frx ti Dv
11 ,10 VI' Lfagve BmfbaM
M 'w'ee a Pisbvro
T io Veet T- P-cessr
J W O "K'-CM '4)
j y e"i A-wers
3 W W"r 'rum
Sfl m Ca,9
3 4S Dot1! Foryfis
year. In the past 44 years, they
said, this has added up to a
grand total of 1.4551152 inches.
The tower is now some 14 feet
out of true.
"books," which he advised "don't
open any more than is absolutely
necessary because unused text
books bring a higher resale price
at the end of the year."
"Cars" were third. Starkey said
automobiles on the campus "will
provide transportation for week
night dating . . . and a means of
escaping from the daily grind of
Starkey included "pranks" on
his list. He said "a sample of
good thinking would be to paint
the college president's office in
beautiful colors, or do this to the
alma mater statue, or better yet.
pour detergent in the campus
fountains or swimming pool."
4:00 Western Action Hour
5:00 Major Adams Trainmaster
4:00 Mark Roger Reports
A 30 McKetvtr and the Colonel
7:00 Ensign O'Toole
7:30 Walt Disney's Wonderful World Of
30 Car 54 Where Art You NBC
9 CO Bona or a
10:00 Voice Of Mfestont
10 30 Howard Smith
11:00 David Brinkltv
11:30 Stage 7
"Journey to prttoom"
1:30 Lata News
30 Educational
10:00 PHct IS Right
10 30 Concentration
11:00 Bingo
1130 seven Keys
13 00 Ernie Ford Show
13:30 Father Knows Best
1:00 General Hosoitel
1 30 You Don't Say NBC
3:00 Day In Court
3 7S Midday Report
2 30 Jant Wyman
3 00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Who Do You Trust
4.00 American Bandstand
4:30 Discovery
4 SS Bandstand News
5 00 Brave Stallion
5 30 Mickey Mouse Club
4 00 Newsbeat North Stat
4 IS Huntley Br ink ley
4 30 Gallant Men
7: JO The Oakotas
I 30 As Caesar Sees It
00 Stonev Bufk
10 00 Ben Casey
11:00 Murphy Martin With Th News
11:10 Sportscesf
11:15 Tonight Show
il:25 Lata News
30 Educational
io 00 Price is Riflht
10:30 Concentration
II 00 Bingo
11:30 Seven KyS
13 00 Ernla Ford Show
13:30 Father Knows Best
1 00 General Hospital
1:30 You Oon t Say NBC
2 00 Day In Court
3.75 Midday Report
3 30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Queen For A Day
3 30 Who DO You Trust
4 00 American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery
4 SS Bandstand News
i 00 Cartoon Time
5 30 Mickey Mouse Ctub
4 00 Newsbeat North state
A 15 Huntley Brlnkiey
A 30 Laremit
7 30 Combat
I 30 Hawaiian Eye
30 Untouchables
10 30 Danger Man
11 00 Murphy Merlin With Tht News
11:10 Sportscest
11 IS Tonight Show
II 75 Lata News
30 Educational
10 00 Price is Right
10 10 Concentration
M M Bmoo
11 30 Seven Key I
1 00 Ernie Ford Show
II X Father Knows Best
1 00 General Hospital
t X You Don't Say NBC
3 00 Day In Court
3 35 M-ddey Report
3 X Jane Wyman
3 00 Queen For A Day
1 M WhO DO You Trust
4 00 American Bandstand
4 H Discovery
4 SS Ba-vis'and News
5 00 B'OKen Arrow
S X V-ekey Mouse Club
A 00 Nebeet North state
A IS Hun'iey Brink ley
4 X International Showtime
7 X Wagon Tram
I X Ge.no, My Way
W Our Man Higgtnl
10 0C Neefl City
11 00 Wurpny Vertlfl With Th News
ii it Soo'tscast
it IS T-.ght Show
ii IS lat News
jf fducat'ei
10 00 P"e it R ohf
'C CorKon'ret-on
11 00 B-nco
11 X Seven revs
1J 00 E-n-t Fod Show
17 X Fe'w r-Ms Beit
1 &ent'at Mospita
1 X You Don't Say NBC
3 Day In Co-ir
3 JS V-fldey Raonrf
7 X J"e Wyman
3 X Ovean For A Dev
I X W0 DO Voj Tryst
4 T Am.ren Bandstand
i a x D'scove'y
I'l'I Drama Editor
.NEW YORK IL'PH Eiglitcen
months ago I lunched with mo
tion picture producer Walter
Wagner, who mentioned the sum
of $100 million somewhere be
tween the aperitif and the en
Having just scanned the menu,
I thought for a second that he
was referring to the prices. Then
my reflexes got the better of the
aperitif, and I realized he actu
ally had said:
" 'Cleopatra' will gross $100 mil
lion," referring to the super-col-lossal
film he was in the midst
of concocting in Italy.
This, mind you, two months be
fore the eruption of the "romance
of the century," involing stars
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard
Burton, that resulted in a pub
licity saturation such as no other
film has received.
Expect Mob Scene
The big pay-off on the $40
million investment costliest mov
ie ever by far will begin next
Wednesday night, June 12, at the
Rivoli Theater, when the world
premiere of "Cleopatra" is ex.
pected to result in a mob scene
rivaling Times Square on a New
Year's Eve.
Expert Says
Deafness Up
CHICAGO (UPI I An car ex
pert says deafness is rising in the
United States as a result of an
increased number of older people
and various complexities of mod
ern life.
Dr. Francis L. Lederer, of the
University of Illinois Medical
School, says causes of reduced
hearing function "include noisier
industries, interest in body con
tact sports, swimming, hunting
and air travel, especially when
traveling with a head cold or
nasal allergy."
"Hearing problems can often
start before birth." he said, "so
early detection of hearing prob
lems is essential."
A physician must be aware of
the psychological, as well as the
medical difficulties which may be
encountered, said Lederer.
4:55 Bandstand News
5:00 Little Rascals
5 30 Mickey Moue Club
4:00 Newsbeat North Slat
4:15 Huntley Brlnkiey
4:30 Expedition
7:00 Guestward Ho
7:30 Ozile and Harriet
1:00 Donna Reed
130 Leave It To Beaver
t:00 My Thre Sons
:30 McHate's Navy
10 00 Alcoa Premier
11:00 Murphy Martin With The News
11: 10 Sportscasl
11:15 Tonight Show
ij.li Lata news
30 Educational
10:00 Price Is Right
10: Concentration
11:00 Bmgo
11:30 Seven Keys
12 00 Ernie Ford Show
13:30 Father Knows Bast
1:00 General Hospital
1 X You Don't Say NBC
2.00 Day In Court
2 75 Midday Report
3:30 Jane Wyman
3 00 Queen For A Day
3 Who DO Ynu Trust
4.00 American Bandstand
4 30 Discovery
4 55 Bandstand News
5 00 Cartoon Tim
5 30 Mickey Mout
4 00 Newsbeat 7
4:15 Huntley Brinklf
4 30 Films O th Fifties
"Break through"
I 30 Flint stones
00 I'm Dickens He's Fnstr
X 77 Sunset Strip
10 30 Rebel
11:00 Murphy Martin With The News
11:10 Sportscast
11:15 Tonight Show
1135 Lat News
00 Sharl Lewis
X King Leonardo
10 00 Fury
10 X Make Rnom For Daddv
11:00 Maior Leou Baseball
3 00 Manlon Forum
2' 10 Disc Date
3 X Oeath Valley OavS
4.00 Western Action Hour;
The Vanishing westerner
4 X Manion Forum
5 00 Wide World of Sports
4 X Jetsons
7 00 F iQht of the Week
7 45 Mak That Spar
00 Hatel
I 30 Joey Bishop
00 Lawrence Wei
'0 00 Hontenanny
10.30 Mov.e:
"Troopur Hook"
13 30 Late News
0 30 S in On
" 10 F rnntiers t Faith
11.00 Maior Leagu Rtnell'
Milwaukee at Pttsourgti
1 X Buick Open Gotf
3 00 Sunday Cinema, Th EdO Cantor
4 30 Mapor Adams Tre'tmesler
5 30 TBA
4 00 Meet th Press
4 X McKeever and th Colons
7 00 E nurjn O'Too'e
7 Wonderful World t Cotrjf
I X Car S4. Whr r You?
00 Bonanza
10 00 DuPont Show of th Week
11 X Final News
11.15 Sgn Otf
I 55 Sign 0 Morning Viil
00 Continental Classroom
X f rxl Pent
10 00 Tr P'Kt is R.gnt
'0 X Concentrator
H 00 Your First Imo'esS'Tt
11 X T'ufh O Consequencei
11 SS NBC News
17 00 Bn Jerrrjd
12 75 NBC News
13 The Docto-s
1 00 General Hoto'tal
l Yru Do"t Say
3 00 Th Vach Gam
3 7S NBC News Aftenvn teperf
3 X Make Rnnm Fir Daddy
3 00 Queen For A Day
i 3 Channel k Water:
'Seeo Vy Lov "
1 OB (Tmg Leonard
J X Our Gang
3 SS Th WM"r WlM
4 It Sports Hghlgtn)
Inside the theater will be a
smartly dressed audience of 1,629
that will have paid $100 and $75
each (or the privilege. Notables
will be a dime a dozen. The first
night is a benefit affair, with the
approximately $150,000 gross go
ing entirely to the Will Rogers
Memorial Hospital.
A spokesman (or 20th Century
Fox, the producing company that
needs a "Cleopatra" bonanza to
cure its financial ills, estimated
that the newspaper, television a
radio coverage of the premiere
will be the largest ever accorded
a theatrical event.
"People are coming from all,
over," he said.
Special platforms will be erected
outside the Rivoli to accomodate
Police Official Argues
TV Portrayal
enforcement officials are tired of
television's attempts to sensation
alize the housekeeping chores of
police departments.
These are the words of a man
who ought to know Col. Stanley
R. Schrotel, president of the In
ternational Association of Chiefs
of (Police and widely acclaimed
head of Cincinnati's Police De
partment. .Schrotel, normally an easy-going
man, displays a touch of ang
er in his voice when he saysi
"the television stereotype of the
gruff, aggressive, uncouth cop
sometimes ape-like doesn't help
establish the rapport we need
with impressionable children."
Says Police Different
He notes that video dramas
have taken liberties in their por
trayal of a number of professions
but insists police officers are dif
ferent "because we are entrusted
with plenary power."
In our society, only a police
man has the power to summari
ly deprive a citizen of his most
valued possessions freedom,
property and life," he says. "We
train and equip our men to do
just that to kill if necessary.
If television is going to com
promise this power with some
tiling less than perfection, they're
walking on eggs. Many shows are
good, but too many others are
4:00 Newsreel Ten
A: ts Huntley Brlnkiey
4:30 TBA
7:00 TBA
7:30 Monday Nioht at tha Movies:
"Heaven Knows Mr. Allison"
:30 Art Link letter Show
10:00 Ben Caiey
11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 The Tonight Show
1:00 News, Weather. Sign Off
I 33 Sign On - Morning Visit
a 00 Continental Classroom
9 X Focal Point
10 00 Tha Price Is Right
10 X Concentration
11,00 Your First Impression
11:30 Truth Or Consequences
ll:SS NBC News
17 00 Ben Jerrod
12:25 NBC News
12 X The Doctors
1:00Oenerat Hospital
1 X You Don't Say
2 00 The Match Game
2 35 NBC News Afternoon Report
7: X Make Room For Daddy
3 00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Channel Ten Theater
"13 Rue Madelemt"
S 00 Cartoon Spec al
3 X Laurel and Hardy
5 55 Weather Window
a 00 Newsreel Ten
4 10 Sports Highlights
4-15 Huntiey Brlnkiey
I 30 Combat
7 Lerami
X Empire
X Dick Powell Theater
10- Chet Huntley Reporting
II 00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 Th Tonight Show
1:00 Nws, weather, Slon Off
t S( Sign On Morning Visit
f 00 Continental Classroom
f X Focal Point
10 00 Th Price Is Right
10 X Concentration
11:00 Your First impression
11:30 Truth Or ConsQUncs
11 55 NBC News
13:00 Ben Jerrod
3 75 NBC News
13 :X The Doctors
1:00 General Hospital
I X You Don't Say
3:00 The Match Gam
3 35 NBC News Afternoon Report
3 30 Make Rnom For Daddy
3 00 Queen For A Day
3.30 Channel Ten Theater;
"Run For the Sun"
5 00 Ruff and Reddy
3 X Our Gang
5 55 Weather Window
4 00 Newsreel Ten
4 10 Soons Highlights
4 15 Huntiav Brlnkiey
A X Sam Benerficl
7 The Virginian
00 Perry Como
10- 00 Th Eleventh Hour
11 h0 Nwsreel Ten Night Report
1 00 News. Weather, S-gn Olf
I (S Sign On . Morning Visit
f no Continental Classroom
Vi F.xal Point
10 00 Th price is Right
'0 Concentration
II 00 Your First Impression
11 - X Truth Or Con sec ye nces
11 S5 NBC News
17 00 Bn Jerrod
13 35 NBC News
17 X The OoctoM
I 00 General Hnsoital
1 You Don't Say
7 00 The Match f am
7 75 N Br News A'terrwm Report
j yj vke Room For Daddy
Y) Queen For A Day
1 x Ct-a"1 Ten Theater:
4 Fr-enosh p Circle
00 fury
5 X Laurel d Hardy
S S tk Weather Window
4 00 Newsreel Ten
4 10 SfOrti H-Ohl.ghts
4 M Huntiey Brink key
a X tba
7 00 Our Man Hi ggtnt
7 T Vi.de Country
I X Or KiMer
X Harel
19 00 Andy Williams ftspw
II 00 News'eel Ten N't Report
11 is Tevgnf sbow
1 00 News. Weather on Off
I SS S-gn f)n - Mnrnlno; Visit
00 Continental Classroom
X frxal P',trt
tc 00 The Puce is Right
10 X Concentration
H W Your First Impressmw
II Truth or CnsQuncea
11 SS NBC News
photographers and others report
ing the oN?ning.
.Much Spectacle
There will be spectacle enough
without the presence of Miss Tay
lor and Burton, who have indi
cated in London that tliey do not
plan to come over for the pre
miere. However, the 20th Century
Fox home office here keeps hop
ing the stars will change their
minds, possibly at the last minute.
"You never know what they'll
do." tine spokesman said.
Rex Harrison, the film's third
star, is expected to return for the
night from HoUvwood, where he
has gone to make the film ver
sion of "My Fair Lady." Roddy
McDowall, importantly cast as
Octavian. will attend.
Hurts Cop
doing a gross disservice to the
law enforcement profession."
Schrotel, a graduate of the
Chase School of Law and the
FRI National Academy, has long
insisted upon a program of re
spect for the dignity of human
makeup within his department
For example, young police ca
dets who do not have a college
diploma are encouraged to get
one because Schrotel believes it
w ill not only belter educate them
but also provide "social grace."
TV Has Responsibility
Sprinkling his conversation with
phrases such as "behavior pat
terns" and "social structures,"
Schrotel briefly paces his taste
fully decorated office, one that
would make almost any executive
(eel at home, then says:
"Dow at city hall, they try to
tell me the Police Department
is part ol one big, happy (amily,
with the street sweepers, the fire
men and the health inspectors.
"But we're not. And the sooner
tliey and Uie television producers
realize it. the easier it'll be to
do our work properly.
"When a cop expresses his
judgment, it's consoncnt with our
conception of what has long been
identified with freedom. Televi
sion has a responsibility to make
sure that role is accurately por
17:00 Ben Jerrod
17:25 NBC News
12:30 Th Doctors
1:00 General Hospital
1:30 You Don't Say
3:00 Th Match Gam
3:35 NBC News Afternoon Report
3:30 Make Room For Daddy
3:00 Queen For A Day
3:30 Channel Ten Theater:
5:00 International Showtime
S 55 The Wealherwindow
4:00 Newsreel Ten
4:10 Sports Highlights
4:15 Huntley Brlnklty
4:30 Stoney Burke
7 X Gallant Men
I 30 Sing Along With Mitch
30 The Price Is Right
10 00 Jack Paar
II 00 Newsreel Ten Night Report
11:15 Th Tonight Show
t 00 News. Weather. Sign Off
O X Sign On
10 X Make Room For Daddy
11:00 Ministers Round' able
11 35 News
11 X TBA
17:30 TBA
1:00 Maior League Baseball: Chicago
at Los Angeles
1 no Sharl Lewis
3.30 Saturday Matinee:
"Ghost and Mrs. Muir"
5 00 Wide World of Sports:
4 30Wvtt Earp
7 00 Fight of me Week-Make That Spare
00 David B'inkley's Journal
X Joey Bishop
I D0 Saturday Night at th Mvls:
"Beneath the 1 Mil Reef"
1100 Intermission News
II 05 Channel Ten Late Show:
"Gentlemen Marry Brunettes'
1 00 News. Weather, Sign Off
10 45 Baseball- l A at Chicago
3 00 Oral Roberts
-3 30 Higher Ed 4 You
3 00 TBA
3 X Movie
1 00 Real McCoys
S X GE College Bowl
4 00 30th Century
A X Mr. Ed
7 00 Tha Jetsons
7 X Dennis the Menac
I 00 Ed Sullivan
00 Hootenanny
X GF Theatre
10.00 Candid Camera
10 X What's Vy Ln
1100 Harry Reasoner
ll:IS Stag 5
00 Captain Kangaroo
00 Calendar
f X I Love Liky
10 00 The McCoys
10 X Pet 4 Gladys
11 00 Loire of L ie
11 74 CBS News
11:30 Search tor Tomorrow
11 S Guiding Light
17 09 College of Air
12 X As World Turns
1 00 Password
I X House Party
7 00 To T Truth
7 S News
3 X Jane Wyman
3 00 Scrl Storm
1 JO frig Of N.nht
4 00 Am Bandstand
4 M Discovery
i 4S Am Newsstand
5 00 A'vtn Show
S JO -n Tm 1m
A 00 TV Weatherman
A OS Channel S Report
A IS We"er Cronfcde
A X MrMate'S Navy
tOO Vy 1 hre Sons
7 X Dakoles
X LiK'iie Baft
'j0 Danny TnnmaS
X Andy G'if'.'h
10 rr 77 Sunset Sin
11 M News Final
I 0r Captan Kangaroo
00 CaeMar
X I LOva Lwry
10 rr) Tht McCoys
0 X Pe'a 4 G'adyS
ii 00 tor o L'
II 31 CBS News
11 X Sar(h tor Tomorrow
1 1 45 Guidmg Lghf
'7 00 Co'ieo of Air
11 X As World Turns
m -a. ;jeaaaaaaL. -
a 1 "-.JK r"k a . . ,
f liirrrr VtTimTrriri fnniffrwrmrT r--- r-TilfiiHBMlginiirti ri'rtifrf.'ir-'1 '" trrHfiW
WANTS IN ACT Rex Harrison, upper right, is not the peeping torn he appears to
be on this poster for the film "Cleopatra," showinq lovers Elizabeth Taylor and Rich
ard Burton, above the Rivoli Theatre in New York. This arrangement was concocted
when Rex, the film's third star, demanded to be included in the sign which originally
showed only Liz and Burton. Love epic has its world premier at the Rivoli on June 1 2.
UPI Telephoto
Ex-Italian King Cherishes Dream
Of U.S. Visit, Especially
LISBON (UPIi-Some ex-kings
take a girl friend and go seeking
the world's bright lights, like
Frouk of Egypt. Some never give
up hopes of regaining their throne
and die, bitter and unhappy, like
Zog of Albania.
And some adjust themselves to
the changing world, conduct
themselves with dignity and taste,
and dream of paying a visit to
Texas like former King Umberto
II of Italy.
For 17 years Umberto or
Humbert has lived quietly but
not inactively in tile overgrown
fishing village-tourist resort town
of Cascia in Portugal, 18 miles
down river from Lisbon at the
mouth of the Tagus. His home
is a large and comfortable but
not regally ostentatious two-stor
ied, ten-room mansion, the Villa
Here, usually at the desk In
one of Europe s finest private li
braries, he passes his lime in
writing and study, holding in
The Week
1 :00 Password
1:30 House Party
3:00 To Tall Truth
2:45 News
3:30 Jan Wyman
3:00 Secret Storm
J 30 Edg of Night
4:00 Am. Bandstand
4:30 Discovery
4:45 Am, Newsstand
3 00 Sky King
5:X Quick Draw
4.00 TV Weatherman
4:05 Channel 5 Report
4:15 Waller Cronkit
X Th Deputy
7:00 Password
7 X Marshal Dillon
I 00 Lloyd Bridges
I X Red S el ion
4. X Jack Benny
10 00 Garry Moor
11.00 News Final
00 Captain Kangaroo
00 Calendar
X I Love Lucy
10 00 Th McCoys
10 X Pot 4 Gladys
11:00 Lov of Lite
11:34 CBS News
11:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
17 00 College of Air
17:X As World Turns
I 00 Password
I N Hous Party
3 00 To Tell Truth
3 45 News
3 X Jan Wyman
3 00 Scrt Storm
3 X Edg of Night
a 00 Am. Bandstand
I X Discovery
4 J5 Am. Newsstand
5 00 Unci Bill
S:X Yogi Bear
4 00 TV Weatherman
4 OS Channel S Report
4 15 Walter Cronkil
4:X Hillbillies
7,00 Oil! 4 Harriet
7:X Wagon Train
I X Going My Way
X Dick Van Dyk
10:00 Naked City
11:00 News Pinal
11:13 Championship Bridge
I 00 Captain Kangaroo
00 Calendar
30 1 Love Lucy
10 00 Th McCoys
10 X Pet 4 Gladys
11:00 Lov Of Lila
11:74 CBS Nws
11:30 Search for Tomorrow
11:45 Guiding Light
12 00 College ot Air
13:X As World Turns
1 00 Password
I X House Parly
3 00 To Tell Truth
1 41 News
3:M Jan Wyman
3 00 Secret Storm
1 X Edqe of Night
4 00 Am. Bandstand
4 X Discovery
4 45 Am Newsstand
5 00 Mighty Mouse
3 X Roy Rogers
4 00 TV Weatherman
4 05 Channel 5 Report
4 IS Waiter Cronkite
i M Sports Roundup
7 00 Th Rifleman
7 X Country Show
I 00 Parry Meson
00 Twilight Zon
10 00 Aico Premier
It 00 News Final
11.13 Stag J
I 04 Captain Kangaroo
00 Calendar
X I Lov Lucy
IC 00 Th MCCoyi
10 30 P 4 G'adys
It 00 Lov of Lit
II 34 CBS News
1I:X Search for Tomorrow
ll:4S Guiding Light
11 00 College t Ar
11 X As Work) Turns
I 00 Password
I X Hous Party
1 00 To Tell Truth
3 4S News
3 X Jan Wyman
1 00 Scrt Storm
1 X tip of Night
4 00 Am. Bandstand
4 X Discovery
I 45 Am Newsstand
I 00 Unci B-ll
t 30 Hue Hound
4 00 TV Wthrman
4 OS Chnnl 5 Report
4.15 Welter Cronkit
4 X Story O
J 00 Lv It Tt vr
Vv') ,7 ; - f . vs,
formal court for friends and visi
tors, going to Lisbon for an oc
casional diplomatic party or to
the opera, and every now and
then travelling abroad.
Now tile man once known as
the "prince of serenity," who be
came king one month and was
dethroned the next, Is contem
plating a trip to the United
Wants To Visit Texas
"I'm hoping to visit the United
States in the fairly near future,"
he told United Press International.
"Nothing definite is yet planned
and I cannot tell you when I'll
be able to go but I want to
see America, and especially Tex
Why especially Texas?
"1 don't know," Umberto said,
and smiled. "I look forward to
seeing it all the whole coun
try. But one part I wouldn't miss
is Texas.
At 58 he was born Sept. 15
1904. at the then royal palace at
7:30 Rawhlda
1:30 Route 44
f:30 Dickens Fensfer
10:00 Alfred HifchCOCk
11:00 News Final
11:15 Slag 9
10.70 Saturday News
10:35 Baseball Preview
10.43 Baseball
3.X Movie
3:30 Mov I
3:00 Cheyenne
4:00 Dan Smoot
4.15 Manion Forum
4 30 Fllntstones
7 00 I've Got a Secret
7,x Jackie Gleason
I X Defenders
:X Hav Gun, Will Travel
10 00 Gunsmok
11:00 News Final
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PHONE 2-1259
y i. :-,
Racconigi in Piedmont, Italy
Umberto is a well set up, nearly
bald aristocrat who could pass
almost anywhere for a well-to-do
He won't talk politics. Eight
years ago he told United Press
in an interview that, "if my peo
ple really wanted me, I would go
back. If they never want me- I
shall never return." But he miss
es his homeland. "I do, very
much," he said, without theatrics
but obvious deep feeling.
Vote Out Monarchy
Umberto, then Italy's crown
prince, was in his 42nd year when
his father, Vittorlo Emmanuele
III, abdicated in his favor on
May 9, 1946, and he became Ita
ly s fourth and last monarch.
But on June 2, in a referen
dum. Italy voted 12 million for a
republic to 10 million for con
tinuance of Hie monarchy. Um
berto tried to hold tlie throne by
claiming election irregularities
but under pressure of pumie
and by tlx; advice of f
E gov
rW '
ernment authorities who feared
a civil war.
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That's what many authorities
on child health are saying now
adays. They view with growing
concern the lack of vigorous
activity that once kept young;
urge more daily exercise to Im
prove the physical condition of
every girl and every boy.
What can you do about this
problem? First, you should find
out about tha physical educa
tion program in your child's
school. Talk It over with your
local school officials. .
If your child's school doesn't
have a program calling for at
least 15 minutes of vigorous
activity every day, urge tha
adoption of a program that will
do so.
A basic program has been de
veloped which any school can
easily get started. For Informa
tion about it, writs to The)
President's Council on Physical
Fitness, .Washington 25, D. C
Putnwd at a euWo
Mrmce In coevarttwn
.th the AitveMHIrtt BtiuuiifcC
atuiim AtMcutloA.
I I infl.T-i T-i
exercise r43
it in .ii.,,..,,,,.,,.,,,. i