4 Forage Study Plans Talked FORT ROCK-Don Hedrick of Oregon State University and Bill .Moser, Lake County extension agent, met here May 10 with a local rancher, R. A. "Rube' Long, to initiate the next, step in a forage utilization study. The purpose of the study is to determine what might be the best method of utilizing crested wheal. glass. Tne 43-aere tract on Long's Bureau of Land Manage ment grazing allotment is divided into four equal pastures. Six heifers have been placed in each of two of the plots. Around the first of June, a new pattern will be established, de pending on the remaining feed supply and the study plan. The experiment will include feasibility of two periods of use. The animals were weighed be fore their assignment to the tracts and will be again weighed at each change in the study. Study plans were made by Hedrick about three years ago. Following the beating of the brush came the seeding. Planting included a legume which failed to grow. It is still undecided whether to try to re-establish a legume. Spraying of sagebrush followed re-growth, and fencing was a necessity. Last came the cross fencing to establish (our 12-acre sites. Taking part in the study al var ious stages have been Hedrick. iMoscr. and Oris Rudd, Lake County extension agents: Bill Currier, then representing the U.S. Forest Service: Everett Green and Jack Gillette, Soil Conservation Service technicians and BLM range specialists. All agencies have assisted with materials or equipment for the cooperative study. Starmaker's Pick Dates MOUNT SHASTA May 24-25 are the dates set for the Mount Shasta Starmakers' pcrsentation of "The Tender Trap." to be shown in the Mount Shasta High School auditorium at 8 p.m. each night. It is a comedy dealing with Charlie, who is enjoying himself in New York City: the four girls in his life; and his married friend, Joe, who goes to New York to attempt a somewhat du bious business deal. The story comically exposes the activities of a typical bachelor in New York City and the wishful activi ties of Joe. It is authored by Max Shulman and Robert Paul Smith. Charlie is played by Donald Ratley; Joe by Robert Simmers; Svlvia. Suzan Robins; Julie. Jcannie Jackson: Poppy, Dee- Ann Starkey; Jessica. Carol Meeks: Earl, Jim Wilson, and Sol. Herb Cheula. Rehearsals have been going on for the past two months and will be held every night next week at the high school. Most cast members have been in other productions by the Starmakers. "The Tender Trap" is under the direction of Mrs. Dave Peter son, who directed a previous suc cessful production, "Anniversary Waltz." Reserved seat tickets are $1 and may be purchased at Mar coni's Market or by writing Box 1171, Mount Shasta. Classes Set For Drivers MOUNT SH.VSTA-Carl P. Ho herg, siipcrintenrlfrrt of the Si kiynu L'nion High School, an nounced trial seven instructors will teach driver-traininc clasves; right hours each day. seven days a week, in each oi tne six cnnoi district this summer. ! The instructor and dates of j operation are Lyle Chambers and Richard Gaskell. June. IfrJuly 6. Butte Valley; Robert Hokanon. July 2-Aug. SI. Dorris; Vince Sempronio. .July R-.up. .1. Mc Clnud; Robert Burceil and .John Harris, June lu-.July fi. Weed. Hobcrp said at the end of sum mer school, there will be make-up t!a.v-.e- for students who were tin ahle to enroll in the repularly scheduled classes because of conllicting dates. Firms supply inp automobiles lor the training classes are Du pan and Met. Thomas Dodge Agency. Rndley Motors. Mal.nry Chevrolet, and the Mapinnis Agency, COMMITTER COMPROMISES WASHINGTON 'LTI - A House Senate conference commit tee Friday aareed on a compro- nw S15.32 billion weapon au thorization hill to provide equip ment for the armed forces. The fipur is million less than the total the adminiMration a.sked, but provides funds for some items which the Pentason did not reouest. incMma million for the controversial RT0 uarpian. which the? Defense? De- (-artm.nl is not PWffd to ' . pfrxi. LEGAL NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. 1740 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE IN. TENTION OF THE COM ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TO CONSTRUCT AND LAY StWtRS TO Se RVE THE AREA LY ING IN MOUNTAIN VIEW AND EL DO. RAOO HEIGHTS ADDITION, GENERAL LY DESCRIBED AS SO. 'i Of BLOCKS II. U ana 14, AND BLOCKS IV, 20, II 71, 79, 30 AND 37, ALL IN MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION; AND NO. l OF BLOCKS 35 AND 36, SAID MOUNTAIN VIEW AODITION; AND BLOCK IS. AND LOTS 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, 12, 13 AND 17, BLOCK 24, ELDORADO HEIGHTS AD DITION; ALL IN THE CITY OF KLAM. ATH FALLS, OREGON, APPROVING PLANS SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTI MATES THEREFOR FILED BY THE CITY ENGINEER: DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTY BENEFITED: AND DIRECTING CER TAIN STFPS TO OF T KEN; S.'0 PROJECT TO BE KNOWN AS, Sewer unit NU. 3J. The City Engineer of Ihe Cilv of Klam ath Falls, Oregon, pursuant to a resolution oi ine common Council heretofore adopt ed, having filed plam, specifications and esiimaies lor rne cost oi constructing and laving a storm sewer to b known as the 33rd. sewer unit of the Clly of Momoin ram, uregon, io serve ine area lying in Mountain View and Eldorado neignts Additions, generally described as, So. 'i of Blocks 12, 13 and 14 and Blocks If, 20, 71, 28, 29, 30 and 37, all in Moun tain View Addition; and Blxk 15, and LOIS I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13 and 17, Block 24, Eldorado Heights Addition; and NO. '-J of Blocks 35 and 34. Mountain View Addition; ALL IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON; embraclna In said unit all the area hereinafter bound ed and described; and the Common Coun. having taken said plans, specifica tions and estimates under consideration. now finds them satisfactory; THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THfc COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, OULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Sectlon-1- That the plans, specifications ant? es timates for the construction and Instal lation of what Is to be known as the 33rd. sewer unit of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, tiled with the City by the City Engineer, shall be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted. Section-2- Thal the Common Council of the Cilv oi Kismam i-aris, Oregon, nereby Court Records KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT May 13, 143 Virginia Pomoev SlMrns, drunk. or fiva or 10 days. Arthur Jack Peterson, drunk. S3 5 or f we or 10 days; disorderly conduct, S2S or live or io aays. 'Neva Joan Jackson, drunk, $25 or five or io davt. Simon Herrera. minor In possession, 125 or live or 10 days; reckless driving, $150 ana ju aayi. Gary Leon Hawk, minor In possession, or nve or m aays. Jess D. Williams, minor In possession. S2S or five or 10 days, drunk, S25 or five or io days. Wesley Wendell Brown, disorderly con duct, 150 or 10 days. Jose Agvayo Lopei, drunk, 1?5 forfeit. Ramon Baidenegro Barrios, drunk, $25 fori it. Joseph Ulysses EHman, drunk, I7i or five or 10 days. Hubert Lee Whitaker, drunk. 175 forfeit. Wesley Wendell Brown, drunk, 125 five or 10 days. Robert R. Baiinet. drunk. 125 forfeit. Eugene Montgomery, drunk, 125 or five or io oays. Robert Lodge Widmark, drunk, 125 or live or io days. Candalorlo Escobedo, vagrancy, StOO and io days. Arlen Gordon Miller, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Simeon Riddle, drunk, 125 or five or 10 days. Alvirt Seal, drunk, 175 or five or 10 days. Paul Eugene Black, drunk drivlno, $300 ana x nays. Odie Arthur Mopp, drunk, 125 forfeit Robert C. Moore, drunk, 125 Or five Or 10 days. Aqnes C. Wheeler, leaving child una! tended in vehicle. 125 forfeit. Lewis C, Reynolds, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Morris Roy, drunk, $75 Or five or 10 days. Raymond Jackson, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Eugene Van Duien, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Salvedore Guerrlcegolla, drunk, $75 tor- ten. Prston R. Baker, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Eugene H. Posey, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. LAKE COUNTY BIRTHS SINGLETON Born Io Mr. and Mrs, Larry Singleton, April U. a boy, J Ibt., I i on., at trie Lake view Hospital. WELLS Born Io Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wells, April 24, a boy, lbs., 4 otl . at the Lakeview Hospital. SHE EHY Born to Mr. and Mr. gene sneehy, April I, a boy. 7 lets., s., at the Lakeview Hospital. TICE Born to Mr. and Mrl. Ralph Tice. April 29. a boy. 6 lbs., 13 MS, at the Lakeview Hospital. SHINE Born Io Mr. and Mrs. John Shine, April 30. a boy. 1 lbs., 12'a Oil , at the Lakeview Hospital. VERLEY Born to Mr. and Mr. Lee Verley, May 5. a boy. I lbs., 1 on., at the Lakeview Hospital. WONG Born to Rev. and Mrs. Henry Wong. May I, a girl. 1 IBs., IS ois., at the Lakeview Hospital. DIVORCES CONWAY Susan G vs. John. suit fllad ICENHOWER Gloria M. vs. Bobby Dale, suit filed. GILBERT Howard A. from Beatrice B . suit filed. CURRY Susan P. from Wilbur N., vorce granted. LAKE COUNTY JUSTICt COURT Clarence J, Hunt, Obscured rear vision, 10 Oar let m. Manges, overweight logs. 10 Peter Oscar Knudsen, disobeyed stop Sign, $15 Billy Ray Morris, disobeyed stop stop sign, us. Marvin F. tsanntster, disobeyed nop ,iqn. $10. Lerov Grlndslaff, giving alcoholic liQuor lo person under J1 year old, 100 fine and in months in county tail Jail sentence suspended on good behavior lor one year. Fine paid Maryil Doe. true name unknown, giv ing alcoholic liguor to person under 21 years old, l?5fl fine Three month In rrwitv fail vsnfTiad nr ne y-' ff11 behavior. Sptedy Davit, drunk In public place, 175 Alfred Bush, assault and ba'ierv, 1?v0 line paid Sentence of ten months in coun ty ai suspended on good behavior for are year, after service of t've months in ! I Richarj Arthur Bush, assault and bat tery. 1250 fine paid Three months of motnth sentence to county ail suspend ed on good behavior lor one year Robert Bruce Mum, cceedmg bao limit of trout. 111 suspended OI W line James Cale Pruiii, no operator's h cene, IS ime suspended Bobby 0'e leenhower, weeny in dwell ing. Bal set at 11000. DETERMINED THIEF KANSAS CITY. Mo. I PI ' William CraiR Whitney. ,V. was; arTCMPd Ihurwiav tOr aneSCfliy Ir.-inn In 1nl a fvnu.TilAr frnm the Muohlbach Hnlrl, Mis capture omirrrd only Ifii hours after he had been released! from the federal penitentiary al, Leavenworth. Kan.. to which h;IM0VAS p ootV , had Kfcn senlrncfd thrpp vpar,i van street ago after trymc to tral a Vp- V.;' 1.' SlTi.. m. writrr from th Mtifhlhath Holel j t the time Whitney had m hi possesion a stolen government - owned camera. ! HKTW OPF.N MEETING WARSAW 'I Pit - COMECOY1 the "common market" of the Communist world, opened a con-i ferPrwe here Fridav atleixtPcl hv'ofriRciies te final account una tei representatives of Russia and ail; it Eiirnnpan alPl;ilP Vff Dt ' t , :prn-Cnine4 ATjama. I LEGAL NOTICE Clares Its Intention to construct and In stall Ibt 33rd. sewer unit ol tald City In accordance with said plans, specific a tions, and estimates, to serve the above described area. The projects consist of all required excavation and backfill, and placement of approximately the following items: HI lineal feel of 31 Inch reinforce con crete pipe 577 lineal feet of II inch standard con crete pine 296 lineal fetl of IS Inch standard con crete pipe 2793 lineal feel of I inch standard con crete pipe 581 lineal feet ol 10 inch standard concrete pipe 33 standard catchbasins And other appurtenances lying within any streets Involved within the scope of this protect; A'l shown in more detail on the plans, peciflcstir: sr. ettlmJcs en fid in the office of the Recorder. The estimated cost ol the prolect for ma terials, work, construction, as shown by said plans, specifications, and estimates. Including engineering a no contingencies Seclion-3- That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described, shall be and is hereby declared to be benefited by the construction and Installation of said sewer system, to-wlt: MOUNTAIN VIEW STORM SEWER UNIT NO. 33 OUTER BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Beginning al a point which Is the Section corner common to Sections 70. 21 . 28, and 29, Township 31 South, Range 9 East, Willamette Base and Meridian; thence. In a westerly direction along the center- me oi van rvess Avenue to tne intersec tion of the cenlerlines ol Van Ness Ave nue and Tiffany Street; thence, northerly along the centerllne of Tiflany Street to a poini wnicn is at rignt angles lo Ihc southeast properly corner of Lot 17. block ?' Eldorado Heights; thence, west erly and at right angles to the center- tine of Tiffany Street to the southeast property corner ol Lot 17, Block 34, El dorado Heights; thence, westerly along rne souineriy property one of Lot w, biocK 24, tidorado Heights, to a point on an SU.2D toot radius curve to the left; thence, along the arc ol an 866.20 toot ra dius curve to Iht left, a distance of 360.63 feet; thence, northwesterly a distance of B5.0 feet to a point on the center line of Birch Street which is at right angles to me norinwesi corner ot Lot B, biock 24, Eldorado Heights; thence, northeasterly along the centerllne of Birch Street to an angle point to the left; thence, north erly along the centerllne ol Birch street lo the intersection of the cenlerlines ol oircn sireoi and terrace Avenue; thence, easterly along the centerllne ot Terrace Avenue to the Intersection of the cenler lines of Terrace Avenue and Tillany aireer; inence, southerly along the cen terllne ol Tiffany Street to the intersection of the cenlerlines ol Tiffany Street and me aney oivtaing mocks 12, 13, and 14, Mountain View Addition to the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon) thence, easterly a pong tne centerllne of the afore mentioned alley a distance ol 1080.0 feet to the centerllne of Fairmount Street thence, southerly along the centerllne of Fairmount Street a distance of 888 0 feet; thence, westerly and al right angles1 ro me centerllne of Fairmount Street a distance of 30,0 feet to the southeast prop erty corner ol Lot 1, Block 35, Mountain View Addition In tha City of Klamalh Falls. Oregon; thence, westerly along the southerly property line of Lots 1 Ihrough 12, Inclusive, Block 35, Mountain View Addition to the City of Klamath Fa Oregon, lo the easterly right-of-way TOunoary 01 lainoun si reel; inence, west erly and at right angles to Ihe easterly ngni-oi-way oounoary ot Calhoun Street, a distance ot 30.0 leet to the centerllne intersection ol Calhoun Street and Ihe al ley dividing Block 36, Mountain View Ad- anion to the City ol Klamath Falls, Ore gon; thence, westerly elong the center- line ol the alley dividing Block 36, Moun- rain view Addition to the City ol Klamath Falls, Oregon, a distance of 360.0 feel to tne centerllne of Arlington Drive; thence, southerly along the centertine of Arling ton Drive a distance of 148.0 feet to the point ol beginning, which Is the Section Corner common lo Section 30, 21, 28, and 29, Township 31 South, Range 9 East, Willamette Base and Meridian, Klamalh County, Oregon. Said property above described, shall be and Is hereby declared lo be benefited and assessed for the expense of said saw er unit. Section-4- That Monday Ihe 3rd. d"V of June, 19H, al the hour ol 7:30 o'clock PM thereof, In the Council Room In the City Hall ol Klamath Falls. Oregon, shall be and hereby lied as the lime and place lor bearing objections and remonstrances against the construction and installation ol said 33rd. sewer unit. The Recorder of the City 0' Klamath r-ans. uregon, oe ana she hereby re quired and directed to cause a notice of said hearing to be published as provided by the Cilv Charter and conforming inereio sne snail cause this resolution to be published In the Cilv official news paper, once each day for ten consecu tive days, and Ihe City Engineer, be and he It hereby directed to post, within five days after Ihe first publication ot thi resolution, on the street or streets along tne line of the contemplated sewer, at least two notices headed; "NOTICE OF SEWER WORK", In letters not less than one (11 Inch In length, and said notices shall contain In legible characters, a cony of Ihe resolution ot Ihe Council and the date of its passage, and the City Engi neer shall file with the City Recorder an affidavit ot the posting ol such notices. stating the date when posted, the place where posted and int number 01 notices posted Passed nv the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, this 6th. day of May, 1963. Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and signed tMs 7th day of May, 1963. Robert e. Veatch Mavor ATTEST: ftoti Keller Recorder STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, Rosie Keller, Recorder of the City of Klamath Fall. Oregon, da hereby cer tify that the above and tor cooing is true copy of a resolution introduced and adopted bv the Common Council of the City ot Klamat.i Falls, Oregon, at Its regular meeting on Monday May 6, 1963. and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested by ihe Re corder, Rnsie Keller Recorder No. 90, May 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 12. 19, 20, 21. NO. 67-139 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY the Matter of the Ette of FRANCES A. MOORE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the admims- i$n ft! IK bove en'"d '' erd that the Court has appointed June 1 7. 143. at 10 A M as the tun Inr hearing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Wm Ganpng. Administrator with W.ll Anne ted G"0g Ganong A'lornev 0' Aiminisrrew NO 9. May 17. 24, 3, June J. 1963. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KL V ATM PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Maitpr of the Estate of JAMES E SHA. Deceased NOTICE IS HfcREBY GIVEN Thai the umtersioned has been appointed Admims trjior with-fhe Will-Anneed of me Estate of James E Shaw, Deceased, by the Cir cuit Cou'f of the State of O'egm lor the! County of Klamath A it persons having claims against the Estate are hereby re ' p'umi 'inem to The st Na Department, Klamalh Fall Brand th O'eoon. with p'OO" VWICW alttlin mths from ire dale of . this notice The FIRST NATIONAL BANK OREGON. POOUANO. ADVINIS- 1RATDR WITH-THE-WILL-ANNF FO THE FSTA JAMES t SHAW. DFCfASED NO 2-i3 PRO. AT f NOtiCE GF DATF OF FINAL SFTTLEVENT 1 Tm circuit cout ft TMf STATE OF OPFGON I r-GB KLAMATH COUNTY ' In te Ma't' ot tr-e Ette of : GLADYS O CRAlO. w0 ws e'o now ! as GL AO vs O G V AR CRAIG, Detesd Notice s ertty g.ven tfat i have f!a my final a'0j"t n e adm.m. 1 t'et'O of the et-ove entity estate ea l t-at tne Court h poo'ited May V. ! 141 1ft A M a tKa ),m nr kar -nt 1 E'ae-fl c,if), tltfvfltr Oartnng for t.ecutn- ur, - apnt vy i. 10. i; f LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Cedar Spring Oral auction bids will be received bv the Forest Supervisor or his authorlied representative on Ihe second floor of the Klamath County Library Building, 126 South Third Street, Klamalh Falls. Ore gon, beginning at 2:00 p.m., Pacific Day light Time, June II. 1963, lor all mer chantable limber marked or designated lor cutting on an area embracing 858 acres, more or less, within Sections 1 15, 23, 25 and 26, T. 32 S. R. 6 E., W.M., unsurveved In the Wlnema Na tional Forest, Oregon. The estimated vol umes are: 3,400 M board feet of Ponder osa P'ne. Western While Pine, and Doug- fir; 700 M board feet ot Shasta Red ; and 3,400 M board feel ol White Fir and Other Species. The minimum ac ceptable hid per M board leet is as lo!- Psnsarcsa Pine, western v.nite Pine, and Douglas-fir, $13.95; Shasta Red 15.J5J White Fir and other ipecies. $4.55. This includes the following rales, per M board leel for stumpage, Includ ing deposit lor sale area betterment, tj.oa base rate plus an addition $9.70 tor Ponderosa Pine, Western White Pine, and Douglas-fir; $2.00 base rate plus an additional $2.30 tor Shasta Red Fir; $1.00 base rate plus an additional $2.30 for White Fir and Other Species; and $125 lor slash disposal lor all species. The stumpage rates payable for each species will be Increased by the amortization rale in effect lor that .species when the unamortized estimated cost ol the main haul roads has been amortized by tim ber scaled. The unamortized estimaiea cost is 122,930.00. Amortization rales are: Ponderosa Pine, Western White Pine, and Ooug'M-fir, $6.55 per M board feet; Shasta Red Fir, $1.57 per M board feet; and While Fir and Other Species, $1.55 per M board feel. Amortliation ol estimated main haul road cost is com puted on 40 percent of t h e est I ma led timber volume. The purchaser may ra-i quest that fhe contract provide pr morel apia amornzaiion 01 rne esiimaieo torn ot roads which must be constructed be-j tore normal logging operations will be: possible. In addition there Is within Ihel sale area an unestlmaled volume ol Su-I lar Pine limber which may be removed it $28.55 per M board teet only upon agreement in writing between the pur chaser and the Forest Service. In the event the purchaser exercises the op tion lo remove Sugar Pine, then base ates and quarterly index adiustmenis vill apply as In Ponderosa Pine. Western White Pine and Douglas-tlrj Shasta Red , and wnne nr ano umer species lollows: Base tote, 12 00. plus an addi tional $25.35, plus $1.20 lor brush disposal M board feet. The prices bid tor stumpaqe shall be considered as tenta tive rates subject lo quarterly calendar adjustment upward or downward by 05 ot the difference between Ihe average of the western Pine Association lumber price indices, as calculated by the For est Service at the end ol each calendar quarter and fhe following base Indices: Ponderosa Pine, western wnne nne, and Douglas-fir, 82.75; Shasta Red Fir, 57,09; White Fir and Other Species, 57.09; and Sugar Pine, 105.43, Such adjustments in Ihe price for stumpage snail be eppncaoie 10 nmuer usica oui ing the calendar quarter lor which the adjustment is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rales I8r each quarter be less than the base rates stated above, when tne ao usieo rates by species are tower than the base rates, the difference between ine 1011 dollar value ol Ihe limber cut al adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded lor each species, ine stump age rates lor any species will not be in creased apova ine oase ran unm im iuo- sequent adlusted rotes above the base rates develops an accumulated total doi- ercess of t n a recoroea accumulated difference lor all species. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and posted, at Klamalh County Library Buna- Ing, at 2:00 p.m., P.O.T., on June 11, 151 All those who submitted a sans- factory sealed bid will be permitted Im mediately to continue auction piaoing. monev order, bank dralt, cashier's or id check in me sum 01 w.vw.uv must accompany each bid. 10 do appueo to the purchase price, retunaeo, or re tained for aDolication lo any claim for damages, according lo the conditions ol ia e. It reauested oy ine purcnaser, con- act terms will permit telling 01 nmoer in advance of payment up to the value ot the performance bond. It an oral bid rtc ared to be nion ar ine ciostng 01 the auction, the bidder must immediately confirm ihe oral bid by submitting II In wr t no. on a Fores? service did iorm The right to reCCt any ana an digs i rtrvi. Forest Service bid forms for use In submitting sealed bids and lull in- inrmaiinn concarmna the timber, ine con ditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Dis trict Ranoer, Veterans' Memorial buiio- 130 soutn Fourm sireei. immn Falls, Oregon, or the Forest Supervisor, 411 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, before bids are submitted. 106, May 17. 1963. NO. 62-131 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH n the Matter ol the Estate ol EVA MAE SUMMERS. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thai the undersigned Executor ol tha Estate of Eva Mae Summers, Deceased, has Med his fin'l account in fhe Circuit Court of the Slate ol Oregon for the County ol Klamath and that the list day oi way, 197 at the hour ol 10 00 AM Of Ihe uiil dav in the Courtroom ol the said urt has been appomiea ov me tir- t Court as the time and ptace tor rear ing ol obiectione thereto and teinement thereof. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: May 3, 1963. OATE OF LAST PUBLICATION: May 24, 1963. NORMAN DALE SUMMERS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF EVA MAS SUMMERS BRADSHAW 671 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oraon II May 3, 10, 17, 74, im. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice it hereby given that the under. signed has been appointed as Eutri the estate 01 nimn m, uuwr. also known as N. H BOGUE, deceeseo. tw Ordr ol the Circuit Court ol th County of Klamath, and all persons hav ing claims aoamst said estate are re quired to present the same to the Ecu triK, duly verified and with proper vouch, ers attached, at the office ot her aitor ney, L. ORTH SISEMORE. S3! Warn Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within s months from the date of first publica tion of this notice. ISABELLE BOGUE Eecutri No. 101 May IT. 14, 31, June ;. NO 67-44 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON cO KLA'.'ATM rr?)WV In the Wetter of the Estate of WIL LIAM g. hagelstein. Deceased Notice is hereby qiven mat 1 have filed my final account of the administra tion el the above entitled estate and that fhe Court has appointed June M, 1963, at 10 A M, as the lime tw hearing ob lect.nns lo tuch final account and Ihe settlement thereof Wm. Gainq. Administrator with the Will Annexed Gaong ft Ganong Atterneys for Administrator No. 105 May 17. 24, 31, June 1 No Se wa NOTICE OF DATE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Mailer of the Estate of ADDIE MARY MATHEWS, Deceased In the Matter of Ihe Estate Of ADD'F MARY MATHEWS. Deceased. Notice Is Account of the idmtnUfret.r 0 twe etve-emied Estate, and the Court has aooo-nted the Kth day of June, '). al the hour nt 10 00 a M , as th time to' hearing obiecltons to s"l Final Accouni and the settlement thereof, Francis Mathews Administrator J t Trmes Attorney lr ('-dministritflr Klamath County CourthOus Ktamaih Fails. O'eoon NO. J May 18. 17. 24. 31. 141. NO 43 -U NOTICE TO CREDITORS l tKa C'rcvt Court of thf t(t Qf gnn, Irir stiarrath Cou"ty in tt-e Vat'er o tne Estate of Eti J Hve, Drsel The itnJert'0"ed has ben aopo'ritaa hy Md Corf Administrator, CTA 0 sa'fl st'f. nonce is heby 0'en to ced tfts of oecedent to present their cems. du'v verMmaJ as OQuired, within sr rrvWht fti plication o th.i ote to tne u"Wi'(inei. n 1 . Hoover, ill Ma-n a' e '-e e A- C. Yaflen, ItfM. Klmffl FalK. OreSOn Dated m trt putvd at Kiam UHi ' W G Hoover, Admfnlsfatft'. C " n. i. Apr.t 2. May J. to. t7, l4S LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED AS CREDITORS OR BENEFI CIARIES IN THE ESTATE OF STAN LEY ALLEN, deceased, a pending pro bate proceeding in the Superior court ol Ihe State ot California in and for the County of Siskiyou, Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 417. Oregon Laws 1961, Or. Rev. Stat. 116.186 (3) (al. notice is hereby given to all persons Interested as creditors or beneficiaries In the above entitled estate 1 that Ihe undersigned foreign edminlstra- duly appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as such tor decedent's estate, will, upon the expi tion ol ninety (90) days from Ihe date of first publication hereof, request pay ment and delivery from First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Fans, a Federal corporation, sum of $4,006.99, which moneys are on deposit with and In the possessisn of said floodlion in Its acvtiuol no. 1975, (lie name of decedent. Any person obiectlng to said payment and delivery is hereby directed to written notice ol his objections thereto to said First Federal Sav no and Loan As- - sociatlon of Klamath Falls, S40 Main street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or before the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of first publication nereon, which dale is Way 3, 1963. Eva N. Blair, Administratrix NO. 71. May 3, 10, 17, 24. No. 63-52 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter ol the Estate ol JAMES E. plank. Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that 1, Amy Kolkow, have been appointed Administra trix ol ihe above entitled estate. All per sons having claims against said Estate are required to present them, together with proper vouchers, lo ma at the of fice of Chatburn & Brickner, Attorneys at Law, Merrill, Oregon, witnm six mnnthi from data hereof. Dated and first published this 26th day of April, 1963. Amy Kolkow, Administratrix CHATBURN t. BRICKNER Merrill, Oregon No. 70, April 26, May 3. 10. 17. 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-811 1 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 a.m. to l:M p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words par line. Minimum order 2 lines. 10 Times S? 50 3 IS 4 00 Times S4O0 Timet Mantft IS 00 t 9.O0 5.00 i.M 700 6 50 11. SB tOO 14.00 9.50 H.St 4,75 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid in advance. Abovt rates are for consecutive Inser tions, without change ot cipy, for prf. fate individuals. Advertising must DO lear and understandable to oe produc tive. All words must be spelled out. A ilos ottered tor sale by private Indi vidual-cash wim copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p m. day baler publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and V -iday. CNCEl LATIONS 1 CORRECTION! On same schedule, except en Monday ese are taken 'tu f: a.m. Please read first inaertlon of your id.i2l3l area code 303. Th Herald & News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column inch. IIS par month with tJ SI discount tor payment en or before tha Wl" V Inch, Sit with SI .50 discount for payment on or before fhe 10th, Based on ana copy change per montn. SOX SERVICE 50 cent per ad. f.RD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM SI PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMLRCIAL RATES CARD OF THANKS ... A WE wih to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings, tokens of sym pathy received from our kind friends and nefqhbors during our recent bereave ment In the loss ol our beloved husband and lather. We especially thank Rev. Redal ol the Klamalh Lutheran Church. Fiof Dunas and family FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. i High Street, TU ? Wi MEETING NOTICIS SCOTTISH RITE BODIES SPRING REUNION. 1 4th Degree ot 8 p m., Friday May 17; 18th Degree ot 8 p m., Sat urday, May 18, Herrran Gisvold, Sec. Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Fri ., May 17, 7 30 p m , Masonic Temple. Work in FC Degree. All FC and MM't cordially. invited. Refreshment. Gene R Bvmev W M LOST 4 FOUND 2 LOST IT ii wheel and tlr on New Eagio 'dge oeak Road, iett sunaay, TU ?-1?S PIRSONALS GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aoed. private rooms or ward tare, special diet, personal (merest assured, TU 7-3US. HOME FOR ELDERLY LADIES Call TU 2-MI1 l MATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 11. TIJ I 1 714 FrlTfjiy hMn anytime INSUftANCI 9, IT'S A LIFESAVE lew-cesf BOAT insurance with CASCADF C. BUZ LARKIN SERVICES 10 ' CUSTOM roto -filling, lawns and garoeni, Carl Fog If, TU 7-3151 DH7CR wih ooerater img iy tut Ob 2-1571 after 4pm -avatino L lev Low rates. TU tsoorref pini weeionanie. "cub a, enrf.weivr monthly. TUMSJ. jfvvinG of alt kinds including altera- .(0rtl tu 2-117. ROTOTtLLiNQ by the job Cell Norman IS' igieton, TU S4H "WATIMNS OUAlTtV PRODUCTS" Delivered to vnur door I Sattei, etrtt(, cosmetics, household e-as. med'cinei, vat suoenes. TU 4-7t. KENVOPE. KELVINATOR WHIRLPOOL pair h Ove'haut Socialist Washer, dryer, range, water hear FC RGUSON APPLIANCE SEPVICF 11 So 6th TU 2-3K call bill fobnev, Ti4.4447 lyr ecavetions house foundations, sep tic tanks, d'in fields, landscaping, roto- fitfing in Shasta Way PrfTOT iLLtNfV Lewni and gardens Tractor equipment, til Ferney, Tu 4 47 C U$TOM SiTaUGHTE R I NG favour li ratien Da''y wrvce Latest stylo Hate ttc ned rnobite wntt Special rate t we rut and wrap. Grigs by s SmWOnovtO. O'd Vidian) Road, Ph. TU 2-07 RivODELfNGedrXMirir"el1 Hndi, trxfviatiftns, cement work, reesonabie, references TU i iM (SERVICES 10. PLAIN or fancy cabinets, kitchen re modeling, beautiful furniture finishing, exce llent references. TU 4-4079 . ROTOTILLIN gTu actor qu I "pm e nf7l?50 per hour, C. B. Forney, TU 2-MM. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave al your place, Al StoM, TU 4-6116. PAINTING, Interior and exlorlor. no job' too smaii. free estimates. iu JOW. Guaranteed Repairs WASHER DRYER UHLIG'S ELECTRIC 1076 Mam TU 4-5SU WELL DRILLING FREE ESTIMATES E. E. STOREY 3131 HOPE ST. TU ,-30 VALLEY PUMP and EQUIPMENT CO. "BUY THE Y" 7364 So. 6th PAINTING RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL E. L. GERRUE, Painting Contractor Estimates Gladly TU 4-9538 DENTAL PLATES- Repaired while you wall. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURB SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-J7M Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men. women. children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men's wear 537 Main HOOVER FENCE CO. FENCING - Sold and Installed ALL TYPES FREE ESTIMATES CALL TU 2-077 ANYTIME!) HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 MtDDLE-aoed housekeeper, care ol In- valid, live In, references, TU 4-6509. EXPERIENCED middle aged women for belter specially shop selling. Must be per manent full tim help. Apply Whvlal's. 90) Main 10 to 12 noon only. WOMAN dinner cook, day shift, no phone calls. See Audrey Foster, Foster's Cafe, 7 miles north Of city, hwy. 97. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 SERVICE itetlon attendant, Must have experience, top pay. Medical insurance Plan, write Herald and News Box S07C slating experience and references. TIRE man, experienced in all types tire work, 25 yrs. or older, year around em ployment, wages commensurate with abil ty. Apply in own hendwr ina lo Box 506C Herald and News. MAN WANTED FOR OPERATING AND SALES WORK EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LIBERAL COMPANY BENEFITS! SALARY OPEN Coll For Appointment GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 201 So. 11th TU 4-8M1 WANTED: ElKtrlclan with Ortgon Jour ntvmn ind Suptrvltof card. Statt oerlenct In call or lattar. wlllamatta plywood Core . Aumsvllla. Ora. ph. 743. RANCH carpenter lor Klamath Falls area. Unencumbered, state qualifications and salary expected. Write Box 493C can of Herald and News. I BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 MOUSE furnlihad to with chore), clo In Herald and News. NOTICf TO JOB SEFKFf S All halo wanted adi eubliihe l Herald & Newt are arceoted in ff'th thai tha lobt offered art at stated m the advertising copy. We ore K re tpe-mlblo far the Integrity of our edver titt'i, hut we make every effort to dis cover and re (eft atl muleadlng advertis ing. Anyone ent ering htp wanted ad and finding it to tto misleading is aihed to report it to the Ciesuf'ed Ad vert i ting Department t the Herald Newt 1 SITUATIONS WANTED It WANTED babysitting, part lime, TU 1-3IS6. my home, full or IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver. Hand crocheted efghans. TU 4.f4li. CHILD care anytime, your homo or mine, TU 2-1771, TU I-27II. JACK A JILL DAY NURSERY I Carlson Dr TU ?-t44 ROOMS FOR RINT 22 WANTED room with board In private home for young man, TU 2-574. ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Ernie's Hotel, 431 So. 5th, TU 2-S275. ' LARfiE rloan firm ik anuria rnnms. ntlll. ties furnished, 217 Pine, TU 2-1447, CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks from Mam, IS and up, TU 4-415. MEN housekeeping, everything furnished, US, 134 N. 3rd, TU 4-40)3, TU 4 9217. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 STUDIO anertment, furnished. E wauna Apartments, in So. I'lh, TU 7-'OA? LARGE Quet 2 room studio apt . private bath, all eiectnc, ail utilities paid, IM, four blocks to Main, TU I Ji. tMMACULATP I btd'nnm duel' apt 'up town, hat water, qerpege paid. Adults, no pets, 412' 1 High, THREE room nicely furmihed apt., fire place, TV, rad'O, TU 4-110. MODE RN. furnlshad 2 bedroom apart menu, water, garbage paid, TU 4-M72 NICELY furnrshhedroomaptA'so furnished! modern cabin. TU 4 3 742, TU i-Wi "COMPLETELY tjrnlshed i' iperlmenf."" Utl Mam. NICELY furnished 1 and 2 bedroom p'f 30 and UP. TU 4-7S4, TU 4-314. FURNISHED t'Ont anertment" All "utiiT ties paid efpt electricity, edultl. IS2 Lincoln Apartments, Apt J TWO bedroomi, Hying room, kitchen, pr(. vate bath, furnished Convenient to shop ping. OA me Tucker Reel I state, 2240 S. I'h, TU -nit Three rnnm urAtshd ar . 2ns or chard. OdutU. inquire 20 J 7 Redome Furnished epts72 and 1 rooms, Close in. 111 and S41, TU 4 1444 CLEAN e,uot rooms, small apts., rales. Court view, hi So I'd. HERALD ANT) NEWS, Klamath APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24'rEAL ESTATE FOR SALE AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nicely furnished 1 bedroom and studios 303 So. Ith near Post Office. FURNISHED two room apartment, MO uweni, iu 4.334?. F U R Nis HE oT" apartments, phone TU 2-4736. 142 Riverside, TWO newly decorated one bedrooms, all lurminetj, aJU Krospect, 1 U 4-6732. UNFURNISHED I bedroom duple, wa tar, natural hot water heat, disposal service, range, garage, storage space, laundry facilities Included. . Ph. days, w 4-sid; eves, 1 u -tsv. ONE bedroom furnished apt., 150 Ri verside, IU 2-0645 or TU 4-6?2. BEAUTIFUL large apt., fireplace, fenced lawn, many extras. 2 bedroom ha.w svevecr .-.-.ay :. ;u 4-CJT: DUPLEX '7 block off Ashland Highway, l eiec'rc. tu 2-JIZV. FURNISHED bachelor apt. Utilities paid, S40 moTU 3646; TU 2-3933 altar 6 p.m. 3 BEDROOM apartment; also 1 bedroom furnished and 1 bedrpom unfurnished; 2 WALNUT APARTMENTS, Urge, clean, luiiiuiicu, pj wainur. ij i w., 1 parson; 1 tel, 2005 Biehn, TU 2-9130. ONE bedroom furnished, washing facill- IU i".JDiT, IU i-UVJ. DESIRABLE furnished studio apartment. uptown, in n. atn, Marion Apts. NICE clean one bedroom furnished ant . 523. Gas utilities. Sea Mrs. Adams, 413 High. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished. TV available. weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9236. LOVELY, furnished, all utimiesTclost m, rcasonaoie, aauirs. TU 4-VJB7, TU OUJJ. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished, So. lllrt. TU 2-1062. FURNISHED t bedroom, utilities paid, 365, adults. TU 2-242, TU 4-6SJ0. NICE 2 bedroom unfurnished, water, gar bage paid, 2235 Wlard, TU 4-3577. FURNISHED 3 room apt., $55, 1 room unit, 140, all utilities paid, shared baths. Adults only. 41 North Tenth. NEWLY decorated 3 room furnished, 135, 200' 1 E. Main: also 2 room, lurnlstied. S25. 200 E. Main. Call TU 4-4121 or TU 4.7290. SHARP, downtown, furnished, adults. 539.30, Alpha Apts. TU 4-4522. ONE bedroom fui ONE bedroom furnished apartment, downtown, adults only, TU 4-4121. ONE or two bedroom furnished, heat, water paid. 125 Grant, TU 3-4719. THREE furnished upstairs rooms, only, 911 walnut. TWO bedroom furnished apt., all utilities paid, tS mo. ph. TU 2-0377, 3949 Shasta Way. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Woy One end Two Bedroom apts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTt 1-3-3 bedroom apts.. furnished or unlur. nisnee. permanent maintenance included, Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-1271 uirice hours a.m. to 3 p.m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 3544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished l Bedroom unfurnished spacious ftoomi Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental Include! all service ecept telephone and electricity Parpthea Nolan TU 7 07AK HOUSES FOR RENT 2t FURNISHED or unfurnished J hrtrvim house, fenced yard, clean, close in, TU ROOMY 7 bedroom, den. full haVamitni. ii n. sin, svj, TU 4-5010. TWO bedroom duple, furnished, rnomv. close in, stf). See Saturday or Sunday. r nri, ytrmney. ONF bedroom lumlshed house. Adults, 117 Lincoln, TU 4-347f. garage TWO bedroom furnished or not. Cute and mmn, view, water, gerpage, TU 2-W7. FOUR bedroom home In Henltv School uiiiriti, pn. 1 u Z-areo. for lee large i room unfurnished nouse, fenced yard, lawn, fruit trees, I Bioctt from school, close to new OTI, MS, 403 Tory, TU 4-47M. TWO bedroom house, 1141 Gary. i yn lurnistiM; furnished, TU 2-5I2I or TU M?fJ, , ONF bedroom house by lake, stovei furnished, 130 mo , TU 4-fOH. TWO bedroom partly furnished house. 170, 410 Mitchell, TU 2-50.7. CLEAN furnished 1 bedroom hama. wa. ler, garbage paid, 571? Shasta Way. SPLIT LEVEL Natural hot water heat, urtfurnlih. large, new 7 bedroom duplex with liXJO ?rneo neaieo oerege. you pay lights. Adults, vn a month. 130 Newcastle, TU 4-4717 ONE bdroofTt7"siTMartln".- MS, furnished. Includes water and garbage. Garage TU 4tO0J; TU 3-70. LARGE S' bedroom bouta. M1 fall rifomia, vacant June 10, TU 2-3JM. FOR rent two bedroom trailer house, close In on lot, S4S TU 2-1740. TWO bedroom, gas furnace, dryer, base ment, S7S, 471 Lowell, TU 4-4412. CLEAN 2 bedroom furnished duplex, 145, adulfi preferred, 1714 Fargo, TU M??4 CLOSE IN Clean 1 twdroomT'fiirmshed, newly decorated, TU 2-2415. ONE bedroom furnished, auto washed Cfrpca i.(i, 1 ,fl,il liiild. iS4 ua TWO bedroom unfurnished house-end garage, TU 4-4M or TU 4-1353. VERY nice duple. Melrose and Eldora-: oo, not water wait, tu 4 4M0. UNFURNISHED V bedroom," south" lubur ban, call TU 4141 or TU 4-6S49. NICE 1 bedroom honw,vaileh7e2nd neer (hopping center, aonool. Ph. after 4, TU 2-411. TWO brnnm unfurnished neVVlr ihise 10 month, TU 4-4lS. small furnished bouse, TU 2-1470 dose in, 140. FURNISHED house. Main, TU 4 7U1. SIS, Inquire 221 E FURNISHED or unfurnished 1 bedroom. TU 7-37W. COY 2 bdrnam"5l4rrctagaTl7CbVau tiful ) bedroom, fireplace, family roam, etc iM$ s Mh, mo. Key! at Pelican Tretlor. Jit $. 4th ONE badroom furnished house, clean, no dogs. Coll TU 4-3717. COMFORTABLE one bedroom furnished. Oregon Ave. W.JO, TU 2-2002. "ijo, furnished". NICE I bedroom furnished fluCa. New carpet, clean. Close to city center. Gar. den spot, water and garbage paid, M. TU 4 1773. ; two small furnished houses, free wa ter, reasonable rent, 1723 Oak. close ONE bedroom furnished dupiei, Hi, ? r,"J-nom u"i;'n ''), T U ? r-fH MISC. PROPIRTY TO LIT .... 27 FOP lease or sa'C woodworking ship end tiV-.Q T,-V'er, on f T U 7-V REAL ESTATE WANTED . .. 28 WANTED to rent r lease nice 3 bed room home tn South Suburbs Homey Dislnrf preferred Write Mrs. N4l Ell' ett. r So, H Street, Lakeview or can WH 7 4171. WANTED Vivlekefronr"Tab'n in riamath Fatii arte, send oust card to Bo H3C. Her etd end Ntwi, Falls, Ore. 30 COMPLETELY redecorated 3 bedroom homo with utility. In nice residential area, wan to wall carpet, fenced back' yard, garage, 3931 Bristol, TU 4-4518. LOVELY, modern 3 bedroom south sub urban home. Family room, stone fire place and entrance. (16,000. Easy terms or iraoe. tu z-joot. NEAR Peterson School. Anxious lo sell stop In and talk l Three bedrooms, elec tric heal, fireplace, wall to wall carpet. Lots ol builtlns. Beautiful fenced back' yard with cement patio. 4645 Bristol, TU ALL this In one home! 3 bedrooms im wardrobe closets, 2 bains and u'H y, activities room with fireplace, living room, wall lo wall carpal, ultra modern kitchen, clean gas-fired hot water heal. tilt window sills, storm windows and doors, attached double garage, ri acres, springing system, tasiiy converted ic 4 bedroom. Will consider trade for 14,000 to 510,000 home, 3660 Harlan Drive. HELP! Must sell small equity 3 bed room, so. suburbs, 3 yrs. old. Will dealt TU 4-4732 after 6:30. LAKESHORE Dr. 2 bedroom, wall to wall carpet, fruit trees, barrios, trull room, patio, 1 acre, 112,500, TU 2-6058. NEW 3 bedroom home, l'j baths, base board heat, built-in appliances, fireplace. 5219 Sturdlvant, TU 4-4002. THREE bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, carpeting, birch cabinets, mahoqe ny paneling, attached garage, total 512, 250, equity 51,450, TU 2-4050, 4Z4S Gery. NICE 3 bedroom, utility room, fenced back yard, large garage. Mills quiet street, FHA appraised 110,500, TU 2-1644. 13 ACRES, level, 2 bedroom house, barn, Irrigation. Good location, Rogue River area. Write Bunnell, Rte. 1, Rogue River, Ore., or ph. 582-3587. THREE 50 It. building lots for 150 ft. frontage, Mills Addition, $2,100, TU 4-4481. THREE room house, complete bath and plumbing, new hot water tank. On blocks eaoy to move, sjog casn. iu z-uiei. BY OWNER Two bedroom home In Henley and Shasta School District, hardwood floors. One bedroom guest house wilh large living n, two car oarage, waix-in cooler. Large patio, 'l aero, S9.I50. Trade equity lor trailer house or car. TU 4-4547. HOUSES, Stewart-Lennox, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom, two newly redecorated. Choice sx?5D. owner win finance witn reasonable down. Inquire 3408 Granite. YALTA Gardens, comfortable 3 bed room, extra largo family room or 3rd bedroom, wall lo wall carpet, circulating tiraplece with glass doors, extra large lot, fruit trees. On sewer and Enterprise rig a l ion. tu 4-9559. FHA appraised. BY owner on Laverne, 3 bedroom, large mo room with fireplace, dmlno room, Thermopane, TU 4-3557. SACRIFICE Skyline View lot. weter, pave ment In. 81000 cash plus cloalng, TU 2-3169. OUR ham is can be purchased with any type financing, at price to suit your In come. Ask us about no money down fl-i nancino. Beautiful homes at low cost per foot construction. Check with us. Thrifty Builders. Estate Drive south end ol Madison, TU 3-0436, TU 4-5344. TWO bedroom home. Clean, large lot, new fence, owner, 89,350, TU 3-4852. LOVELY new 3 bedroom homes. Large bedrooms and closets, Beautiful kitchens, insulated ell vound. Best workmanship. large lols on saved street. 88.900 on your lot. Choice lots available. Estate Drive south end of Madison. TU 3-0436, TU 4-5244. APARTMENT hunting Is a breeie when vou do It Ihe easy way by reading "Apartments tor Rent" in tiatittiea. Try It now. LAKESHORE Drlvt, brick construction. Two aoecioui bedroomi, fl replace. Urge daylight basement, recreation room. At. tached 3-car garage and sundeck. TU 7-iaso alter p.m. THREE bedroom home on Carlson Drive. Double garage plus vi baths, utility clr culatinq flreolace, large convenient kltch- with built-Ins and mack bar, S1A.WO, TU 2-J7W. FOR sale or trade equity in 1 bedroom home In Mills Addition lor car, pickup. or trailer bouse, balance I4.S0O, payment tw per month, tu aooei. EXCELLENT buy, voung or retired cou ple, small, clean, fenced yard, quiet1 Ureal, partly furnlihad or unfurnlhj, close In, low faxes, Northilde, TU 2-0570. SPACIOUS 2 bedroom, large level let. K U. District, SI0.W0, TU 2-5731. TWO bedroom home on large lot. Near Ferouson School. Fenced back yard, pa raoe. Fine neiohberhood. Assume FHA contract or refinance. Drive bv 5444 Dele- ware and then phone TU 2-1049 for ap pointment. Price naooo. 3 BEDROOM house, newly decorated, fur. ished. full basement, forced air neat, own water system. Large oarage for foooing trucki. It0,f00. By owner. Terms. 3401 Granite. Must see to appreciate. W NEW LISTINGS -A- I3S00-Norths ide t bedroom, concrete foun dation, excellent view. s47S0-Northilde 1 bedroom furnished. ttMJO Mills Addition 1 bedrooms, good lot 110,500-Northside 4 bedroomi. t car ge rage. IIO.MW-Northild I bedrooms, carpeted, fireplace, clot m. 113,500 Dandy 1 bedroom home, may as sume 4 per cent loan. SlS.SOO Homedel Road 3 bedroom, 71 x 140 ft. let. !, 500-Hat Springs 1 bedroom, J baths. garage, close to scnoms. CALL US FOR INCOME PROPERTY . RENTALS Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 414 MAIN TU i-flU Anytime TU 1-0144 STILWELL & CO. Presents: 3 BLOCKS TO MAIN ST . 9 blocks TO Sacred Hear! 4 BE DROOMS, 2 baths, comfortable older home, nice beck vard with covered petto, barbecue pit. A good family home at modest price Of II3.SO0. MILLS DUPLEX good rente It art In de mand. This unit is aesiraeie occeuse oi Its location and the generout ine of the apartments. Occupancy rec ord good Shows flood return on price of ti4,;. NEAR WEYERHAEUSER solid J bd- room home, oarage inop. J,y 1750 down 440 per mo, HOME ft INCOM.e for eoupt. A one! Udraarr. hsvie l S rr')' urv'S. er will consider small house In trade or will consider reasonable offer on this properly, Let i talk about H. For Quick Action Lilt With STILWELL & CO. 319 Main St Realtor! TU 4-J134 Altar S OA rail Uruce Blnmey TU 4-147 Ron Van Ormen TU 2-J47 I no answer call TU 4-TO or tu 7-om Multiple Listing Service MLS Four Year Old In Hot Sprinqs Just what vou have ben waiting for Specious living room with raed harth ireulafmg fireplace, glass doors three ides, roomy dtning area, nltt kitchen th loft ff natural btrch cabinets, car file In balh, tub with slower and glass doors. Covered petip, Priced right, lU.ooo, Terms. Newly Painted Inside and Out Two bedroom home located In Iht lut urfcs. Living room has wall to wall car pet. Separate dmlno room, nice kitchen, utility room, oil floor furnace. Detached oarage. ttre farge lot is completely fenced. A reel buy at only I'.rW. $5,500 Only one btdrenm, but of so roomy. Ctra large living room, fining room, i-.trhen, separate utility. Lots of storage. Nearly t acre. Cat! to tee this now. Andy Silani REALTOR II, M. TW TU ! lalaimeo W.tene weitti TJ 84 Mitchell Andy Si lent Friday, May 17, 1963 PAGE 7 B REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 CLEAN 3 bedroom home, lew down; sold by owner. TU 4.9086, TU J-5074. HOME and Income. Large 3 bedroom home with full basement and t bedroom completely furnished apt., live In one and pay lor with other, 814,500, 81 000 down, 217 North 5lh, TU 4-3010. BY owner, three bedroom, two bath, dou ble garage, fireplace, built In kitchen, all electric, 8600 down, 4438 Memorl Lane, I U 4-52B0. THREE bedroom house, $12,400 farms. 330 Madison, Merrill, Walter Johnson. SEVEN bedroom home, nice location, Ideal for large family or convalasclnn home. Sacrifice, by widow, mekt olfer. Ph. TU 4-5472. LOMA ' LINDA LOTS Special Offer 914 Loma Linda Call for aooointment TU 4-7209 or have) vour realtor contact us. MLS Multiple Listing , Service ; NEAT two bedroom home close to FAIR VIEW school. Basement, fireplace, eco nomical gas heat. 50x110 II. lot wiirt fenced back yard. Excellent terms 88,900. THREE BEDROOMS Plus a nice tewing room in this 1i story suburban beau ty. Has l'l baths, beautdul cireu latino fireplace wilh glass doors, paneled end carpeted living room, garbage disposal. iiainiess steei sinus, ana a separate util ity room. Irrigated 75 x 260 tt. lot, FHA or Gl terms. Only 89,750. SPACIOUS suburban two bedroom homo on large lot. Large rooms throughout plus large enacneg garage, uver i.jou tt. Ol living area for 19,930. NEARLY NEW three bedroom suburban home on paved street. Walking distance to stores, doctors, end Wlard Park, m baths, circulating fireplace, bulltln range and oven, patio, attached garage. l 7,000. DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. 6lh TU 4-9833 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl sales stall Even kip s Ernie Graves Tina Reeder Mrs. Buff Jones Clyde Williams Bob Sortlen TU 2-1396 TU 4-732 TU 4-986J TU 4-8734 TU 4-7985 "TINY LITTLE CUTIE" CLOSE IN . . . the tiniest little home on the tiniest little lot. Idea for 1 or 3 people furnished or unfurnished. Hit guest room and walk In cooler. Unlur nlshed tSOO down and SSO month. Pur n lined sISO down end ISO month, McATEE REALTORS 3 E. Main TU f-4Ua Evalrit Mcilaa TU ! !15 Harold HollU TU 2m SFT Presents- TRADE! or BUY! Don't fail to aeo this one if you are in the marktf for homo and If two bed roomi are enough. Located en Clinton Ave. in south suburbs, t block from grammar ichool, area of all newer homes. Peved if reef, Beeuliful landscap ing. Easy to convert garage Into third bedroom. Consider two bedroom trailer home in trade. This lovely home It steal et 113,900. Consider lest oil cash offer for equity. Two aeres, wooded home all it Keno. Consider trade. Sl.SOO. ; TUCKER ,Rea Estate 2240 S. 6th Ph. TU 2-7241 HankHonisn TU 2-3101 tves. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 v. FOR RANCHES FARMS ACREAGES CALL STILES REALTY 133 5. 9th TU 2-4740 MLS Multiple Listing Service HOME WITH VIEW Northslde. outstanding 2 bedroom home. Clever family room, with automatic gat nrtpiire. iti?::u!:v oacaraTSC. cvr looklng las-e. Huge living room with fire place, dining room. Thli one must bt ten to bt appreciated. Si MOO. any typst financing, ELDORADO HEIGHTS Newer 3 bedroom, Built In kitchen, large rooms, ample closets, cebinets. 1 ' betht, gat forced oir beat. Cioi fa new OTI ill end future hospital, SI WW). TRADE Hevt qualified buyer for 3 bMwm soutn suburban home. Neat 1 bedroom home to tredt up. Also want bedroom older type home in any condition. BRUCE OWENS Rte nor 114 No. Tth TU 4-3179 Pey Wordan TU -tlf Lucille Anderson TU J -01 1 1 Family Home . . . er home end business. 5th nd Pint. Four large bedrooms, could bt five All rooms specious end in good condition, Living room, family room and dining tree. Birch k'tchgn, built in range, new modem bath, ttail ihowtr and tub. Also bath, first floor. Only SU.W, easy terms or tredt for smeller bom paid for or not, Northside, Near Town Flvt unit fur nti hen apartment house. Pull basement, hardwood floors, One apart ment has fireplace. Ail rooms largo and cheerful Loft of itoregt space. Forced air furenc. Corner lot. Garages. Alwevt rented. Income SIM per month. Pull prkt ttt.OOO. Good terms or will trade for properly up to HOMO as down pay ment in Eugene or Klamath Falls. Duplex, Mills Addition Ont ftadreom, attract i vtty furnished and newly decorated. Corner lot, good neigh borhood. Si o.ooo full price, term, In come IIT per month. EVERETT DENNIS Matter MtMMft tOAOIKS CI.UI In) tin.naoa Ph. TU IvtolnM -TU M.UjM". Harry Eck TU tUJ TU ,-SMl"rn MeW TU