I i 3 ' j i 1 I- ; i HERALD AND REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .... 29 FOR tele Of trede for property In Med ford-Ashlend irii. Three bedroom home. built-in eppHencei. well to well cerpet, fireplece. HJ.SOO. TU J-406J. WE HAVE PROPERTY IN Southern California TO EXCHANGE For Oregon Ranch For Information Cell: Larry Beraooo TU 4-414 QAllln Tuler .. ..... .TU 4-S4II Bob Beilllui, Boneme 545-71AI (Cell Collect) DEANE SACHER Reoltor 1037 Mnin TU 4-4127 umhrr International Traders C I o b, Klamath Traders Club No. ft of Oregon Chapter No. I?. Licensed in Oregon, call- fornla, Washington end Idaho. IF il'i no secret, fell about It with in ad In "Personals" In the da Hilled ec tlort. Dial TU 4-8111 to place your ad REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 FOR sale by owner 7 bedroom house, Dayton Street. Will take car or house trader In trade. Veterans 4'j per cent loan. TU 4-7551. THREE bedrooms. 1'i baths, tlreplace, birch kitchen, double garage, fenced yard, 4430 Memoria Lant, TU 2-3612 af ter 3. BY OWNER neat J bedroom house on level. 3 block from Main, tu Mill ai ler 3:30 p.m. FOR sale 3 bedroom home and garage 2 acres of land, fruit house and fruit trees. Barn and corrals. 113.000. 2411 Kane, TU 2-3871. FURNISHED I bedroom duplex. Nice lo cation, good Income property. TU 4-8M5 mornings onlyf SOUTH SIXTH St. 3 bedroom home, du olex In back, $100 per month Income, t acre Irrlaafed, Henley School District, 111,400, take trailer home In trode, CI 00 South 6th, TU 4-WSI. . nanced. RIALTO, California. 13.500 equity In nice 3 bedroom home. Five miles from Norton Air Force Base. Fine ob opporiunuies. For vacant Oregon property. Floyd Gen try, P.O. Box 117, Callmesa, California, TRAILER lot. approximately ,aj acre landscaped, fin garden spot, 4022 Snasla Way, TU 2-1231. FOR tale or lease custom bull! 2 bed room, garage. Fenced yard, Henley Dis trict. Very reasonable! TU 7m. NORTHSIDE, roomy 3 bedroom home. Close In. Price ii 1,500. Good terms. TU 2 2454 after p.m. TWO bedroom house, garage, acre, across from Henley High, for salt cheap, TU 2-1270. MALIN three bedroom home, Vi baths, garage, patio, fenced yard. 19,000, Joe HalouieK, Mann, ore. m-nn. LARGE 2 -bedroomGood view. Hot Springs Addition. By owner, TU 2-4165. TWO bedroom home. Clean, large lot, new fence. Owner. TU 2-4852. LOVELY new 3 bedroom homes. Large bedrooms and Closets. Beautiful Kuertens, Insulated all around. Best workmanship. large lots on paved street. 19,900. Estate Drive - south end oi Madison. TU j-qm. TU 4-5244. OUR homes can be purchased with any type financing, at price to suit your in come. Ask us about no money down fi nancing. Beautiful homes at low cost per toot construction. Check with us. Thrifty Builders. Estate Drive south and of Madison, TU 2-0436, TU 4-5244. THREE bedroom home. Close to Conger School. Total price 14,500. TU 2-6197, VIEW-VIEW . . . from this attractive 5 year old 3 bedroom family home. Locat ed high on northslde location. Carpeted living, room, cheery fireplace, deluxe built-in oven and range. Covered patio off of dining area. Paneled 7-car garage dou bles as play area. Yard fenced. Easily financed. 1800 down, FHA . . . nothing down Gl. Call TU 2-4661 or evenings TU 4-3841 Orvllle Relchenberg, Realtor 205 Main, Wlllard Hotel FOR sala two bedroom home. Best of' ter. TU 4-4324. 50 ACRES All Irrigated, fenced and cross fenced Modern 3 bedroom home plus guest house. Prime location on the Merrill High' way near Henley School. Price. 143,500. One-third down will consider residence as part payment. QUALITY Built new 3 bedroom modern home. Fea turlng double garage. 2 baths, 2 fire places, recreation room, large separate utility. 2,200 sq. ft. of usable, livable floor space. A truly top value. Price, S20.500. Will consider your older home in trade. INCOME PROPERTY t) rentals plus manager's apt. completely furnished. A-l condition. One block from Main St. Full price $47,900, 1 15, 000 down. $2,900 Is the total price of this modern 2 bed room suburban home. Needs some fixing. Any reasonable terms considered. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 13) So. th SI. TU 1-7(I Loll Mecy TU 2;m; lrl Mednte TU 4-54?5 Reloh Vecfen Lorella T4M1M Homer SI, HI TU 4-M04 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SOUTH SUBURBS Circulating fireplace. Two extra large tied. rooms, dining area, carpeted. Sliding glassed floors to patio, beautifully land scaped, large garage. Only $400 down PIUS Closing. LOI 70 X 210 ft. McATEE REALTORS 31. S. Main TU Mali Eyelyn McAlee TU J-SHS I k I Multiple MLS as 4 BEDROOM $10,000 Close In suburban with 7-10th acre of oar den land. This home has been added to until II has 1.480 sq. If. ot living area A good Inexpensive place for a family inai wants room I Both inside and out. Fully Insulated and well melnteined. $1,000 down. Refinance! PEYTON Member International Traders Club 135 Market TU 4-5141 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4-8151 "Pal" Palona TU 2 0836 Multiple Listing Srvlc MLS OLD ORCHARD MANOR Extremely well kept 2 bedroom, attached oaraoe. Wall fa wall carpel, gat door furnace. All newly patntad. Aluminum awnings. In mwr Mills Artdtllon Mtqh board fence and path). Easily financed, lull (Vice HI. TOO. NORTH SIDE Two bedroom home, garage. Ges floor furnace, carpets. Yerd. Clost to store and school. A lot Of noma tor only WIOO. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. Jlh TU 4-3129 ey Word TO 4-7T klvu.lt Aaxttrson TU I-Oill PACE -B NEWS, Klamath Falli, Ore. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ... 30 TWO story 4 bedroom house on 2 acres. two garages, fruit cellar, tryu trees, ir rigation Sea fo appreciate. 4512 $. th. TU 4-1744. REDUCED to $5,800 tor quick sale. Clean, completely remodeled 2 bedroom home with gas heal on 1-3 acre, win quality tor State G.I. Inquire A. J. Podawilfi. 4441 Austin. FOR sale model home. Three bedrooms, rg living room with fireplace, 1' ; baths, built-in kitchen. Attached garage with radio controlled doors. Will accent trade. Call tor appointment. TU 2-0167 anytime. TU 2-6833 days. BY owner, 3 bedroom, fireplace, hard wood floors, fenced, landscaped, very close lo new colleqe. 1700 down, 1 12,800, F H A. Approval. TU 2-1997 after p m LEAVING town I Five-year-old 2 bedroom home. Fireplace, fully insulated. On one of the best streets. TU 2-3694. Clinton Ave Where the children have space to play. Solid 7 room Home near Peterson scnooi - Mrepiace Carpeting Auto Heat What more could one ask and only $15,000. Any type financing. Gardening time Is Here. Let us help you wilh this 3 bedroom Home with acreage In Henley District. Several outbuildings. Irrioation. Wonderful soil. A real buy $15,995. We also have good income prop erly Building lots. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 MLS Multiple Listing Service GOOD BUY in the 4300 block on Arthui Street. Extra neat two bedroom home with over 900 sq. ft. ot living area. Large kitchen, dining area with lots of attractive cabinets 8. counter space. Hardwood floors In the living room and bedrooms. Grab vour check book and come and see us, only ,!. JUST LISTED a nearly new, well built three bedroom home In Suburban area. Over 1.300 sq. ft. ot living area in this beauty. Features carpeted living room wtlh attractive circulating fireplace, built-in ranaa and oven, la roe bathroom with vanity, overslie utlttly room that1 can serve as piay room or oen. At tached one car garage tnai is completely insulated and sealed. Located on spacious lot on slightly traveled street. $18,500. SOUTH SIXTH STREET WILL TRADE: Business property with living quarters. Good location. Ideal lor real estate-insurance office, barber or beauty shop and many other uses. Owner will tadt on home or duplex. See us. We are ready to deal. Reduced price $5,950. Good terms. DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. 6th TU 4-9832 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday bowi Sales Staff Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9863 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reeder TU 4-734? Bob Sorleln TU 4-7985 k J I C Multiple MLS KS HOT SPRINGS LOT OF HOUSE, plus A-l location, for only 111,250. Here's a 3-bedroom, I floor plan home, wllh partial concrete basement, fenced-in rear yard with palio. Only 2 blocks to Roosevelt School, paved level location. $350 DOWN FHA OR NO DOWN Gli nominal closing. TRADE UP . . . TRADE DOWN . . . HOT SPRINGS SOLID BRICK CON STRUCTED 5 BEDROOM HOME. Has 3 large bedrooms on main floor j and the full basement Incorporates 2 more bedrooms, 2nd bath. 16 x 30 ft. recre ation room, etc. Only $21,500. wilh maximum loam WILL TRADE FOR SMALLER HOME, GOOD LOCATION, ST. FRANCIS PARK Well-built 2 bed room home, nicely located on paved quiel street and 50 x 140 fenced lot. Fireplace, detached garage. Needs some minor maintenance and PRICED WAY DOWN TO $8,000! WILL TRADE FOR SUBURBAN NEWER 3 BED ROOM HOME, UP TO $14,000. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCS 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 9lh Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Bill Chilcole Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Tom Rabbltt Ph. TU 2-6482 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker MAKE AN OFFER on this surprisingly targe 1 bedroom home at 315 Hill side. Asking $9,750. NO Down Gl or $300 FHA. NAME YOUR TERMS on this large. older 3 bedroom home at 621 Jeffer son. Asking $8,500, Owner will carry contract. Go! any "paper" to trade In? DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 S. 7th TU 4-S658 Anytime CUSTOM BUILT WITH ACREAGE A Truly outstanding and beautiful 3 bed room ranch style home on l'i acres Ir rigated pasture. Circulating fireplace, a 'uream Kuerten' wilh built in appliances, 2 halrts. large family room, hot waW baseooerd heal. Separate utility, large double garage. Don't miss seeing this unusual noma, Wiww. Terms, owner may trade tor good smaller home! LEONARD REALTY 1213 Main TU 4-7571 or TU 4 W05 Joe Perry TU 4-5332 Audrey Keerlns TU 4-4785 Joe Leonard TU 2-07' SOUTH Homedele Road roomy comfort able 4 bedroom house In very good loca- non. t.erge living room, dounie oarage. storage room, large lot. Excellent family home, price $12-500. Shown by appoint ment oniy. 220 ACRES. Irrigation water right lor 179 acres. Diversified altaila, grain and pasture. Very neal roomy five room noust and outbuildings, priced at 947,500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker fOM Main Jim 0 Donahue TU J-3471 Eves. TU 4-9693 STILWELL & CO. Presents LOTS OP HOUSE MODEST PRICE - bedrooms, full basement, new oil tui nace, nice fenced yard All in good condition. Conger School district. A good family horn for $10,500. WALK TO YOUR OFPICf from this comfortable 2 bedroom home on popu. lar Pine Street An cWer home but has modern kitchen, new furnace. fireplace, basement Enloy comfort and convtmtnee tor the modest price ot If, 500. EVERYTHING YOU NEED for comfort able a. giacious living n this beauti ful home at 1209 Cailson Drive In Moylna. 1500 sq tt ot well designed living area. 3 nice bedrooms, t 1 1 1 baths, leroe living room with beam ceiling, fireplace, picture windows, dining room plus large dinette. b"Qht kitchen with complete buitt-irt equip ment, separate utility area, double garage, patto, fenced yard, beautiful view (oration. IMMfcDIAlE POSSES SION. Price reduced to $72,500. Wt have tine country building illes 2' i to tO acres Ask us about them For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main SI Realtors TU 4 31m Altfr 5 00 cell B'uce B'nkiey TU 4 X'l Ron Van Ormen TU I J4'J If no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 Friday, AprU 5, 19G3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 TWO duplexes and on house from Mam, TU 4-3354. 3 blocks KENO highway frontage or will build fa $mt. TU 2-Q16T. FOR sale, very elf an 2 bedroom home with low equity. Payments $'$50. FHA loan. 2270 Eberlein. TU 2-4347. STROUT" REALTY" 5429 S 6lh Ph TU 4-5281 EVENINGS, CALL Bob I. Stella Dehtlnger TU 2-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-H48 ST. FRANCIS PARK 2 bedroom, lire- place, completely furnished, $12,000. HENLEY district, nice 2 bedroom, ex celienl location $12,750. 4 ACRE, nice suburban 3 bedroom, . baths, attached garage and workshop. nicety landscaped yard. lu.xt. 24 ACRES alfalfa and pasture. Lost River ironlage, nice home. $28,000. 'i ACRE, loulh 19500. tuburbs, 3 bedroom, Multiple Listing Scrvic MLS SUBURBAN Exceptionally clean and well arranged Nice living room, kitchen any woman would love. Lots of built ins. Cheery dining area. Two bedrooms. Lovely large yard. Attached garage, price siu.suu, re finance or trade tor properly In city lim its. WALK TO TOWN FOUR blocks to Main Street. Living room, lovely dining room kitchen, two bed rooms, and bath. Nice covered patio. Fenced yard. Price only $8,500. Owner will carry contract. $1,500 down, terms to be arranged on balance. CLOSE IN Comtotable living room, nice kitchen with breakfast nooK, utility room, iu x 16 ft. bedroom, full basement, oil furnace. A real buy at only $5,000. Andy Silani REALTOR Wilene Welch TU 2-4837 TU 2-1683 TU 4-5544 Ed Mitchell Andy Silanl Cal-Ore Ranches 200 FARM and RANCH sites In the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants' Pass, Medford and Eagle Point. 5 to 163 acre tracts low as $150 DOWN a, I $35 MONTHLY. Write for FREE FARM: and RANCH CATALOG including photos, descriptions, maps, CAL-ORE RANCHES 843-C Eait Main St., MEDFORD, ORE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .. 32 FOR sale or lease Golden Spur Cafe. In quire 4831 So. 6th. FOR lease Modern Major Oil Co. Sta tion located on well traveled highway. Well equipped and stocked for tune-up and minor repair worn. rn. iu 2-244. ESTABLISHED Beauty Shop for sala. Herald and News Box 477C. 18 RENTALS, 21 lots, 2 hot water wells. $60,000. Easy terms trade, TU 4-9754. FOR LEASE Pelican Mobil Service Station For Informalion call Mobil Oil Co. TU 4-3317 NOTICE TO PUBLIC r lease Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities De tore Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort lo reect all fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, we are not responsible for the1 Integrity of the firms or individuals who place advertising In our publication. Any advertising oi business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should ne reported to ina uassmeo ao- vtr'lslng Department ot the Herald and News. HIGH VOLUME MODERN SHELL STATION FOR LEASE ARE YOU A BUSINESS MANAGER? k Paid Training Program k Promotional Programs Financial Assistance QUALIFIED APPLICANTS CONTACT J. H. SCHENK TU 2-6137 eves., or Write P.O. Box 51 1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FINANCIAL LOANS 34 WANT to borrow 15,000 secured by Real Estate. TU 47321. SPRING TONIC For a Tired Budget! When bills come raining down, let a LOAN be YOUR umbrella! Fight off the blues with CASH. You'll find our service both convenient and courteous. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pav Private Auto Sales Financed Locally owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. SI3 V. (Sfh TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING 36 REMODELING Siding and foundations No money don. Up to 5 years lo pay1 5 per cent interest. T U 4-4753, REJECT MAROBOARD Inch 4" X I . St IS each Inch 4' I'. II 95 each. A real good buy! Lois ot uses KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER CO 190 So. 6th TU 44116 PICTURE FRAME MOULDING KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBLR CO 19J0 ,o Mh TU i jt HOUSEHOLD GOODS 371 EL ECTROLUX Vacuum Cleaners TerXfl Tweet TU 4-NF - SALE New Singer Vacuum WMH AI TACHMENTS $39 50 TERMS SINGER SEWING CENTEK 633 Mom TU 2 2513 VWESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC Sor WASHER 00 Reconditioned, guoronteed. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances, 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 .HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 j KENMORE electric clothes dryer, I cedent condition, $40, TU 2-2844. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. 412 Mem TU 4-1365 NEW FURNITURE Still a nice selection of new furniture at tne Ton ft, Country Furniture Store which can be purchased at the lowest cioseout prices by contacting . , . The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th THE POET'S CORNER C'mon out to the auction And see the way it works, You'll wonder how it runs so smooth Operated by this bunch of jerks! Poet's name withheld because of Lovely 4 piece walnut bedroom set, solid oak table and 4 chairs, honey mono Deo- room set, 4 and 6 chair dinette sets, dropleat oafe-leq table, silver gray bed room set, box springs and mattresses ot all sites and types, several tv seis, typewriters and adding machines, auto matic washers and dryers, electric ranges and refrigerators, radios, books and book cases, wringer and spin - dry washers. freezer chests, cribs, twin bedroom set with springs and mattress, lawn funiture, divans and sectionals, chests and dress ers, 2-wheel trailer, doors and windows. Tremendous Lot Of LINEN DISHES TOOLS Preview All Day Friday If You're Not Buying At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Tco Much1 FUEL - HEATING 38 RED fir pine, dry, clean. $15 cord, deliv ered. TU 4-9538. DRY lodgepole pine, $15 cord, TU 2-3705. LaComb a LaComb. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Preslo Logs & Healing Oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 DRY pine blocks. You haul, $4 par cord. Metier Brothers, 3121 Crosby, TU 4-5 iw BLOCK WOOD Quality Stove end Diesel Oil Crater Fuel TU . "ST STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" We welcome you on our BUDGET PLAN Frankford Fuel Co. WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS No. Biehn St. TU 2-4444 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meats. 4379 Shasta Way. TU 7-4718, TU 7-0ft'B. Boots-Poti-Sports-Hobbies 40 CHAMPION quality saWe collies, AKC reg. Finest children's pets, tu 4-ym. LEAVING, must sell 14 ft. boat. 30 hp. electric starling motor and trailer. TU 2-2S64. 10 FT. metal boat, $35. 2524 Crest, TU 4-4280. 1957 CHRIS-CRAFT 21 ft. cabin cruiser wllh 4-wheel trailer, S995. Trade for pick up, property, etc. The Resale House. 14 FT. boat and trailer. 40 h p. Mercury electric motor, all extras! 1308 E. Main, TU 2-0445 30 HORSE Johnson outboard. Call TU 2-5744 be lore 5 p.m. OUTBOARD motors, 4 h.p. Husky, air cooled underwater exhaust, recoil start er, automatic tlit-up, pistol grip throt tle, light weight 22 lbs,, 1 lo 12 m.p.h., TU 2-4985. 14 FT. Eastern glass boat, trailer, 30 h.p. electric motor, W50, TU 4-594. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom- no, bathing. Dogs and puppies lor saie. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer rill-Lakevlew Junction off Merrill High way on Booth Road. Rt. 3 Box 504 E- TU 4-507B. 14 FT. runabout, convertible top. wind shield, running lights, motor, trailer and extras. TU 2-4336. DANDY 14 ft. Trailer boat. 45 h p, Mer cury. 900 lb. American trailer. Like newl Only $1095. GUN STORE. SHARP 14 ft. Merrell runabout, 35 hp. Evlnrude electric start, 800 lb. Sports man trailer. New in 1962. Only $1050. GUN STORE. WILL trade 23 horse Scolt with Bail-o tic tor late model 5 to 7' i norse. i u 3-4309 or TU 2-5601 alter 5 pm. Franchisee! Dealer Yamaha BSA 4 Triumph Ducatl MOTORCYCLES BODENHAMER SAW FILING . CYCLERV 3M e. Me in TU 7J BARGA I NS- B ARG A I NS Bargains fc ON GARCIA AND MITCHELL RODS & REELS SAVE UP TO L AO OUo EXAMPLES' 300 REEL - $32 95 SALE $15 88 2506 ROD - $19 95 SALE $13.50 MANY. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM LIMITED TIME ONLY AT FRANK'S & TocVJe A Gnndmo $rice 620 E. MAIN TU 2-4788 Boots-Pets-Sporti-Hobbiei 40 AKC registered Basset hound puppies. V -u, IV -4loT, J I 0 OTIIOI EQUITY - 17' Bryant Challenger, Mark 78 and Trailer. TU 2-4071. BRIJAC KENNELS Poodles, Toy, Small Miniatures Pekingese, Pomeranians Puppies, Stud Service, Poodle Grooming TU a-7575 5C33 South Etna RADIO TV MUSIC 41 RENT a new Baldwin piano, $10 a month No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co.. 8J0 Main, TU 2-4883. PLAYER piano for sale with rolls. Need! refinlshtng. $150. Fort Klamath 381-2334 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 124 No. 7th TU 4-5121 & MUSIC & Lessons & Sales Guild & Eptphone Gutters Sonole Ao cordiom end Lowrey Oreeni. "Rent Ap plies lo Purcnese. Klamath Music Center 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 SPRING SPECIAL GOOD USED ELECTRONIC ORGAN ONLY $395 BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 MAIN TU 2-4883 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 POLLED 5horthorn bull, service eae. while, weight ebout 1.450 lbs. fertility evelueted. Frosty Acres, Inc., J. E. AI beugh e, Sons, Adin, Calif., Ph. 212. A NEW load every Tuesday. Baby calves for sale, lfW5 Gary, phone TU 2-5889. GENTLE pinto mare, well trained with SlOCtC, Call TU 4-3004. FOR sole baby celves, Holstein and whllefece, 2312 Autumn, TU 4-3607. WANTED to rent pasture tor 50 Holslein hPifers, TU 4-7B13, USED CARS & TRUCKS Chrysler Pacer SPRING '63 CHRYSLER Four-Door Guaranteed 'til '68. White color, radio, heater, white .sidewall tires, anti-freeze, undercoat. SPRING SPECIAL SALE! '63 Valiant Guo'on'ffed 'til '68 2-DOOR SEDAN Standard transmission, heoter, anti-freeze. full factorv equip ment. Liqht arpen color. $1987 DON'T MISS THIS BIG Chrysler Pacer Sell-a-bration! AND REMEMBER We're here to serve your needs. tV & "fr ft ft ft Top Value Used Cars at 7th '61 CHRYSLER '59 IMPERIAL NEW 4-DOOR YORKER FSEDAN 2-DR. HARDTOP Luxury Equipment $1995 $1745 '61 CHEV. '60 CHEV. stDon '1595 c ; I095 '61 OLDS F-85 '58 CHEV. 4seDdon'l695 1 1 wr:sIQ95 '59 FORD '57 CHEV. Pickup 7QCr 4-Door QQC Truck ' lO Hardtop 0 ' 3 '58 DE SOTO '57 VOLVO 4-Door iLQC 2-Door JQr Horrltr-n Q70 SfHon Q70 '57 BUICK '56 CHEV. 2-Door SiQC 4-Door iLQC Hordtop 07 J Sedan 073 '56 DODGE '55 FORD 4-Door SCOC Sedan JOQC Sedan J7J Only ALSO -Caveman Campers, All Sizes. Save $150 Drop by and have a FREE CUP OF COFFEE at the "Friendliest Corner in Town" Jim Olson Motors inc CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH G M.C. MAIN GARAGE T I A C I O L USED CAR LOT 522 So. 6th St. IU T-OIZO 7th & Commercial LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY 42 FOR sele young slewing hens. A. J. King. Phone TU 4-44S2 et noon, betore I am. or alter e p.m. CURTISS-BONANZA breeding service, TU 247,1, Bonenja S4WH1. KLAMATH PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-III3. TU 4-4551. TU 2-4107 Making Money for YOU is the MEAT of Our Business! Sale Every MONDAY 1 :00 p.m. Sharp To Consign Your Stock Call ELWOOD "WOODY" Gueck TU 4-4103 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. Rte. 3, Box 44 TU 4-4103 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesdoy is sole day in the Klamoth Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINFRY ... 44 PUMPS i. turbine deep well pump with mo tor, pipe 4 switch box, 125 ft. setting. 4 in. centrifugal pump with motor, mount ed on 2-wheel trailer, $350. J. C. EQUIPMENT CO. TU 2-2051 SS USED CARS EJIM OLSON MOTORS, & SPRING SPREE & SELL-A-BRATION STOP IN. ..SEE THE 1963 CHRYSLER 300 CONVERTIBLE Indianapolis PACER Automobile NOW ON DISPLAY! SPECIAL NEWPORT Sedan s2964 SALE! '63 Plymouth Guaranteed 'til '68 SAVOY 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, back-up lights, windshield washers, undercoat anti-freeze. white walls. Green, $2389 MACHINERY .... 44 2 yd. Lev-eland Carryall (hydraulic) $150 I rt. Van Brunt drill $25 t bottom 2 way John Deere plow on rub ber (hydraulic) $i I tt. Circular Harrow $50 4 rt. i 12 ft. Dun lap grain auger with motor $30 i tt. Offset Disc (hydraulic) $95 10 tt. John Deere rod weeder . . $25 ALL IN GOOD CONDITION Ph. TU 4-Stll FOR sale Ferguson cultivator 7 ft. 3 point hitch, attachments. $90. TU 2-0171. LET'S look In the Want Ads I That's what almost everybody says when they're going to buy. Call TU 4-8111 right away lo put your ad before all of these Interested buyers. QUITTING FARMING Have for sale: 1959 International 560 diesel tractor, 650 hours. I960 Internotionol B- 180 truck, 16 ft. bed, 900 rubber 1957 Press wheel grain drill, 14 ft., 2 section w. grass seeder 1955 Inter. 10 ft. field cultivator Plows, and other equipment Coll 4-9658 nr s Pnul Whitlotch. Rte. 2, Box 567, K.F. evenings or weekend. JOHN DEERE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL fr EQUIPMENT -fr FOR LEASE 12010 TRACTOR WHEEL LOADER With or without backhoe 1010 TRACTOR With dozer 1010 CRAWLER LOADER FERGU50N LOADER With loader and scroper TRENCHER 12 in. width, 5 ft. depth Cell or See Us AI KLAMATH FALLS OR TULELAKE DON POTTER MACHINERY CO. 7376 So. 6th TU 2-5571 Tuleloke Ph. 667-5213 & TRUCKS 55 INC.; OTHER CHRYSLERS IN STOCK New Yorker fr 300 Sports & 300-J Sports SALE! '63 GMC PICKUP Wide side, Vi-ton pickup Heater, foam seats, left-hand door lock. White. $2115 & Commercia 4)4 MACHINERY FOR sala Minneapolis-Molma a bottom disc plow, $350, TU 2-076. I FOR sal grain drill like new, also com-1 b;ie, TU j-2977 I MISC. FOR RENT ..45 OVERWEIGHT? Shake pounds away, the easy way Rent our portable belt vibrator ond feel good again: VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mom TU 4-6812 MISC. WANTED 46 WANTEO antiques, anything old! Call tu ;-T9j davs or tu t -yen eves. MISC. FOR SALE 51 WILL trade late model portable 17" Blond G.E. TV, good condition, (or home movie or tibreglas aluminum car too boat; 4V astronomical telescope, excel lent condition, high power, 120, TU 2-0349. HARLE V-DAVIPSON No. 165, cut down tor mountain climbing, less than 500 ml. See at Rte. 2, Box 521 D, Merrill hwy., tuoo cash. DRAIN rock, gravel, and roadway ma terial, TU 4-358, GEO. R. STACY CO. SHEEP or cow manure. Sack or load. TU 4-7334. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS KEM-TONE and Kem-Glo, all the newest colors. Olvmptc pure linseed oil stains Brushes and paint supplies. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMbtR tu. 1940 SO. 6th TUJI-48U SANOYtop, sandy fill, black top drive ways, TU 4-3945. NEW FURNITURE Still a nice selection ot new furniture at the Town & Country Furniture Store which can be purchased at the lowest cioseout prices by contacting . . . The RESALE HOUS 3899 So. Sixth FERTILIZER, rotted pulverized shero manure, si per too 10. sacK, tu z-otw OLD sawdust, topsoil, fill dirt, any amount, Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. FOR sale "61" Custom Piper Coll air plane, $4,000. P.O. Box 121, Phoenix, Ore. Phone 535-2919. DRIVEWAY material, crushed rock, drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4387. FOR sale Tote Gote and trail cycles, S150 and up. See at 2124 Dixon St., TU 4-3002. BLOND desk $20, V horse electric rro lor, $10; 14 ft. plywood boat, $20; 5 h.p. outboard motor, $50; 12x14 wall tent, $20; 20 gauge single barrel shotgun, 20, 4022 Shasta Way, TU 2-1231. TOPSOIL, concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. J. M. Barnes, TU 4-7659. COINS, silver dollars. Brilliant, uncircu lated. 1904 (0) Mint Mark. S5 each or less by roll of $20. Phone 482-0622 Ash land, Oregon. NEW USED CRIBS HI-CHAIRS STROLLERS CAR BEDS & SEATS SWINGS TRAINING CHAIRS MANY MANY MORE AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 USED CARS & ECCLES MOTOR CO. APRIL SHOWERS of BARGAINS are YOURS at 606 So. 6th St. Home of "Select" Used Cars 1962 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Radio, heater, floor shift, Hydramotic, power steer ing, power brokes, finned wheels, bucket seats, 307 full Morrokide interior J J 7 1962 RAMBLER CUSTOM 400 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, power steering, stondord transmission with overdrive, bucket 007 seats, full vinyl interior -31 1 1962 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heater, automatic transmission, 1 66 h.p. 4 cylinder engine. 907 Full Morrokide interior 1.0 1 1962 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, 6 cylinder engine with $00Q7 overdrive. Extremely low mileage ' 1961 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, standard transmission, $ I QQ7 full Morrokide interior ' O ' ' 1961 OLDSMOBILE '88' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramotic, power steering, $n j Ql power brakes, one local owner . I I 1961 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, power steering, 6 cylinder engine with $ I Q07 overdrive. Individual reclining seats ' Oil 1960 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, standard transmission, $ I V-8 engine, very good condition ' Oil 1959 CHEVROLET PARKWOOD 4-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Power-Glide, power $ rQ7 steering, power brokes 10 1957 RAMBLER SUPER 4-DR. STATION WAGON " $ -fQT Rodio, heater, overdrive, sharp LOOK! ALL UNDER $400 NO DOWN PAYMENT (On Approved Credit) 1956 CHEVROLET 210 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoter, 6 cylinder engine. $ 0O7 Runs good, but a little rough jl I 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fcrdomatic, V-8. $ )A1 Lots of carefree miles left 1954 BUICK ROADMASTER HARDTOP COUPE Radio, heater, Dynaflow, power steering, power J t -7 brokes, power windows, power seat . I 7 1954 CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN $ . q-. Completely loaded IV 1954 DeSOlO 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heoter, automatic transmission, power steering, )AT Dower brokes. Much better than ave-oge c I 1951 OLDSMOBILE 4-CR. SEDAN $ q-j Runs good V 1951 CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN $ q-. Raio, heater, good transportation 7 Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! B.H Cunningham TU 4-7177 pctt 5,rjde T(J 2-0i9 D,ck Flcvd .... TU 2-5859 Ru5, Cotter .. TU 2-1403 Bill Hotchkin TU 4-4551 Bus Thompson . TU 4-6618 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. USED CARS t TRUCKS See Tom Timmons If You Need A TRUCK! '63 GMC PICKUP (New) 4-srjeed. radio, heater, big bumper, wide-wide, 77? long box. Special '62 GMC PICKUP Long bed. wide-side ')')') 2 to choose from e '60 GMC PICKUP $ I nor 4-speed t7J '59 DODGE PICKUP with CAMP ER. 4-speed, JQQR Wide-box 77 J '57 FORD Vj TON PICKUP with CAMPER. 4-speed, S I I QC reol sharp I I 7 J '56 GMC STOCK TRUCK 18 tt. bed. 5-speed ond 2 speed. Clean. Extra SOQ special J7J '59 GMC I TON STOCK TRUCK Duals. Manger, es- STOQC cope door, rear toad ' '59 CHEV. 1 TON STOCK TRUCK. Duals. OOQC Rear load ZC7J '58 CHEV. 24 ft. FLATBED T,i.-dem. 5-speed, 04QC 3-speed, 2-speed 4-T7J '55 FORD TRACTOR & 35 ft. SEMI. Big engine. 5-speed 3?speed $30C0 '57 FORD 24 ft. FLATBED 5-speed, 3-speed 99Q 2-speed LLIO SPECIAL 1956 WILLYS 'JEEP' STATION WAGON New Tires $QQC Only... 77J 1 59 CADILLAC 2-DR. SOtTQir Hardtop i-wrw, '61 CHRYSLER WIND. iJJAC 2-Dr. Hardtop LLr-J '61 PLYMOUTH VALIANT Slot ion $ I M295 Wooon '61 PLYMOUTH VALIANT 4-Dr. $ I OC Sedan 1 ' 7J !'57 DODGE 4-DR. $AOC Sedan 58 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. iLQC Sedan 07 '56 CHEVROLET 4-DR. $COC Seda Many more cars, trucks, even a TD-9 Int. Tractor TOM TIMMONS Auto Sales 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 TRUCKS 55 TU 4.R154 1