COit?. Make Extra Household$M$MBf Solving The Coimvord Puzzle On Page SB Today In The- Day's lews By FRANK JENKINS News item: Our big neighbor California has 7.5 million automobiles. It is cal culated that if they w ere all lined up bumper-to-bumper the line would reach around the world. As to that, we'll have to take the word of the statisticians. There's a lot of water around the world, especially at the equa torial belt line, and one doubts if there is anyone willing to tack le the job of counting the cars that would be under water. But this no one who has driven in California will doubt: Lined up bumper-to-bumper, the cars reach FROM ONE END OF THE FREEWAY TO THE OTH ER. More statistics: California has 7,500,000 automo biles. California's population is rough ly 17,500,000. That means that in California there are 2.3 persons for each car. " Oregon has about 900,000 auto mobiles. Oregon's population is rough ly 1,800,000. That means that in Oregon there are only TWO persons per car. On a persons-per-car basis, you see, we're about even-Steven. More figures: In 1981, the latest year for which the figures are available I in my files, at least) Oregon had just under a million motor vehicles, divided as follows: Automobiles 803.617 Buses 1,486 Trucks and trailers 118,302 Motorcycles 8,097 In 1961, the REGISTRATION revenue came to a total of $13, 541,640. With chauffeurs and drivers licenses added, the total came to $16,264,475 or about enough at modern construction costs to build 15 or 20 miles of modern highways per year. But The 1961 gasoline tax came to a total of $38,445,218. It's easy to see where the money to build our highways comes from. (Ore gon, by the way, has a good claim to the glory of having in vented the gasoline tax, thus mak ing modern highways possible.) That's enough figures for one day. So let's turn to the news about people. From Naples, in Italy, comes this little talc: Ex-King Farouk of Egypt, in one of his rare public appear ances these days, showed up at the singing debut of his girl (riend, blonde lima Capece Min utolo. The music was all classical. Farouk sat in the front row, beam ing and leading the applause. Who's this Farouk? Well, he came to the throne of Egypt at the age of 16. He was in England at the time, being educated. His father died, and he returned to his native coun try to become king. His father came to the throne poor, but when he died he left his son a fortune of $50 million. When Farouk abdicated, under pressure, a few years later, he succeeded in taking the bulk of his inherited fortune with him and has lived the life of Riley ever since. This king business is a pretty pood racket if you can abdicate and take the bankroll with you, Winds Lash East Coast Bv I'nitfd Press International Violent winds lashed the North Atlantic states today and heavy rains drubbed . Texas. The high winds fanned million dollar forest fires across the East More than 2't inches of rain fell at Austin, Tex., and San An tonio was soaked with 1 inch The rain belt extended from east ern New Mexico to central Ar kansas. Temperatures across the upper Midwest and in New England fell to wintery lows. Pellston, Mich reported 12 above and Caribou and Greenville. Maine, nad u above. Wind gusts up to 76 miles per hour in the Northeast disrupted nower. called extensive property damacc and claimed at least one hie. Falhnc trees and wind-lashed tree limbs lugged down power linos around Syracuse and Schen ectady. N Y. Service was disrupt ed to thousands of families. Weather Klamarii Falli. Tulalaka antf Lafcavlaw Vanabla claudinais and miK wiMi a ftw thawert tontant and Saturday- Lawi toniaht ls-41. High Saturday a. Weafcand MrcatMr will b amanlad and miW with a law showers. v High yaslarday S7 Low this morning 44 High year a9a a Low yaar ago SI Prtcip. past )4 noun .r S'iKa Jan. I 3.14 Sama pariod last year It r. 11 mi,. L llawJ SCOUT EXPOSITION GUEST Pedro the burro, symbol of Boys' Life Magazine, ar rived in Klamath Falls recently to visit the Modoc Area Council and appear at the council's exposition at the fairgrounds from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday. Pedro is greeted by William Fauqht, exposition chairman, left, and Ralph Ovgard, promotion chairman. 3u,wu Klamath Congressman Al Uliman an nounced Friday that $50,000 has been included in the coming year's budget to initiate a study of the algae conditions in the Klamath River Basin. Statement On Split Schedule For KUHS The KUHS Parents' Commit tee headed by Mrs. Ted Hyde is sued a statement today, April concerning the committee's stand on the proposed split shift at the high school for the coming school year which was adopted bv the high school board. The committee formulated its position alter a meeting, March 29, with Ray Hunsakcr, superin tendent of city schools, Willard McKinny, KU principal, and the administration staff. On March 31 the Herald and News printed a story reporting the outcome of that meeting. The main point was that the adminis tration decided to work out a modification to the split shift allow ing qualified students to take a sixth subject. The report of the parents' com-, mittee (comprised of Mrs. Hyde. Mrs. Robert Chilcote. Mrs. Rex Hiatt, Mrs. Robert Veatch. Mrs. Lawrence Weinberg and Mrs. W il liam Wales Jr.) stemming from last Friday's meeting follows: "As the result of a meeting between our committee and Mr. Hunsakcr, Mr. McKinny and his staff March 29, the adminis tration decided to look into the following modification of the split schedule. It it proves workable it will be put into effect next fall. The changes would correct the most important educational objections to the split schedule as oriainally proposed, wnue proviu a better administrative ana teaching situation than exists un der the extended schedule. "The sophomores, juniors and seniors would attend school in the morning, and as many as pos sible of those with the interest and ability to handle a sixth subject would be scheduled to do so. inc cafeteria would be open for the benefit of incoming and outgo ing students desiring a noon meal and for those taking six subjects, during a half hour period between morning and afternoon sessions "The sixth period would follow lunch and the freshmen would also come to school at this time and go until approximately 5:30 p.m. The number of students overlapping at this point would still be well below the number now in school during peak hours The freshmen would not get to take a sixth subject, but in the present freshman class very few- students have been encouraged to do so. "This plan allows for the sixth subject important both to Iho'e going on to college and those whose education will end with high school: provides a better dis ciplined environment; maintains our fine music, art and alhlet'c rrograms; and keeps school mo- i ale and spirit up, since slu Price Ten Cnls SO Pages uatea Algae Conditions 'I am particularly pleased to have been able to obtain budget bureau approval for the limine ing of this research project in the budget that Congress is now considering. We had previously Issued Students dent activities would be able to function under this separation. It slill presents the home and community with the prob lems of the disruption of normal home routine and rising juvenile delinquency among students leased (or half a day, some with out adequate home supervision. rhis will present a real challenge tor our youth agencies and the parks and recreation department to provide programs to occupy and interest them during their free time. Most families will be able to adjust to the abnormal hours, but for some it will undoubtedly work real hardships. It still puts students on the streets in the dark. But as long as the high school remains overcrowded, we cannot expect even normal con ditions. Our committee felt that since no idea we could present seemed to the administration to have practical possibilities and since our primary educational ob jections were answered by this modification, we must present it to the public and seek public sup port. Most of those we talked with since the meeting, both stu dents and adults, consider it workable. 'We wish to take this opportun ity to thank the many, many people who called and sent us their suggestions and opinions. We feel that the community is stirred up and has given much though to this situation and that surely some long range good will come of it. We will continue to watch the situation closely and report any further develop ments. 'In closing, we wish to reaf firm our stand that a long range solution must still be found through reorganization and a building program. Audience Approximately 9O0 people com posed the audience al the Klam ath Players' first night perform ance of "Eliza and tlie Lumber jack," at the OTI Little Theatre The performance, which began promptly at 8:30, ran for about. two and a hall hours. Audience comment was general ly most favorable, with the mu sic, the production numbers, the costuming and the dancing pro voking the mot comment A new experience for Klam ath Falls, this original jazz pro duction which no one in the cast had seen performed, the musical provided not only entertainment, but a creative venture for both cast and audience Performed in Washington in to been advised that funds would not be available,' Congressman Ullman stated. "This water polution problem has been a steadily growing haz ard to both the health and live lihood of the inhabitants of the entire Klamath Basin. When the algae blooms on the water a poi son is produced which is fatal to fish." In pointing out that the impli cation of the algae problem ex tends much beyond the effect on lish, Ullman quoted from a re cent field study, "These bluom: cause a deterioration uf water quality so that it's potential for municipal and recreational pur poses is impaired." The most recent survey of the algae problem in Upper Klamath Lake was completed in 1959 un der the leadership of H. K. Phin ney. This study, which covered a lour-year period, was financed initially by a joint effort of the Oregon Klamath River Commis sion and the California Klamath River Commission. The second and third years of the study were supported jointly by llie Klam- alh County Court, City of Klamath Falls and the Klamath County Uiamber ot Commerce. The pe nod ot study was extended through a fourth year on a re duced rate of support and con cluded June 30, 1959. The findings were thorough as to the nature of the algae, it's effect and chemical makeup and several suggestions as to possible control measures. It was not known whether the proposed study by the federal government would merely explore areas already covered to some ex tent by previous studies, or would be concentrated on finding a pos sible means of eliminating the algae. Indications were the funds were for a study, and not for control measures. Ullman further explained that Budget Bureau approval meant the passing of a major hurdle. "However, the legislative process, especially for money bills, can be long and difficult." Ullman said. "I shall do everything I can to insure that the $50,000 amount, which will return benefits many times over, is included in full to the appropriations bill for the De partment of Health, Education and Welfare." Enjoys Eliza Musical Production 1953 by the Abbey Theatre as an experimental workshop produc tion, the play was written by Helen C. Davis based on a novel by Patricia Campbell, with or chestration by Dr. Leroy O.slran ky. author of "Anatomy of Jazz." Present (or the production and introduced at the finale were Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Campbell, and Fath er William Ditkerson. OBS, of St. Martin's College, Olympia. Wash., director of the first pro duction, who drove down for the show. Accompanying Father Dickerson was Ken Stevens, as sistant prole.sf.or of music at St Martin's. Commented Father Dickerson. "I enjoyed the play ... I came KLAMATH FALLS. ORF.GOV. 1 ot Line' Phone Link Accepted GENEVA iI'PH - The Soviet Union today accepted the Ameri can proposal for a "hot line" tele graph or teletype link between Moscow and Washington to ease the threat of a nuclear war start ing by accident. Soviet chief delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin said the acceptance was the "first practical result" achieved in 13 months of negotia tions at the 17-nation Disarma ment Conference. Libel Suit lawmaker NEW YORK UP1 - Rep. Adam Clayton Powell Jr., D N'.Y., the "bad boy" of Congress but the darling of his Harlem constituents, was hit by a Su preme Court jury Thursday with a $211,500 libel judgment. Mis. Esther James. 66, who sued the Negro lawmaker for $1 million after he referred to her on a television program "bag woman" (gralt collector! for the police department, ccived the verdict with tears of joy. The king is dead. Adam Clay ton Powell is dead. Now he will just have to keep his mouth shut," she said. Powell,'' often a congressional absentee, was in Washington for the entire four days of the trial, though a courtroom appearance had been promised by his law yer. A spokesman said only that Powell would appeal the verdict. The heavy judgment included $11,500 in compensatory damages for loss of income and damage to refutation and $200,000 in punitive damages for wanton, malicious and reckless defama tion. The all-white jury of seven men and live women Handed down its verdict after lour hours of deliberation. The settlement came as the newest in a spate of personal and political setbacks for the debonair Powell. As a 19-year veteran of Congress and chair man of the House Committee on Education and Labor, he has weathered many crises, including income tax scandals. Oppenheimer Wins Award WASHINGTON (LTD - Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, whose se curity clearance was suspended by the Atomic Lnergyy Commis sion in 1953, will receive the agen cy's coveted $50,000 Enrico F'crmi Award. The prize, given annually in memory of an Italian-born nuclear pioneer, was awarded to Oppen heimer for his outstanding contri bution to theoretical physics and scientific and administrative lead ership in development of the atomic bomb. (our hundred miles to see il and it was certainly worth the drive The show was a success and the audience was a success." Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Campbell were fully as enthusiastic in their reactions. Commented Mrs. Campbell, "Hie costumes were extremely good, and the cast was outstand ing for a first night production." Mrs. Davis' observation was "It was the best production of the play that has been done so far. "The modern jazz score, diffi cult as it is. was very well done," she continued. The play is now in the process of being put in (lie hands of a FRIDAY, APRIL S, 13 By U.S. delegate Charles C. Stelle Warmlv welcomed" the move and called for informal American- Russian discussions to work out details of the communications link over which President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikila Khrush chev could confer directly to head olf a war through error. Acceptance of the U.S. proposal was the lirst conciliatory step made by the Soviets here in months. The Soviet Union is ready to accept a direct communication link, either telegraph or teletype, between governments," Tsarapkin said. His mention of "telegraph or teletype" was in line with U.S. State Department thinking. A di rect line telephone between Ken nedy and Khrushchev was ruled out because of the translation problem, possibilities of misundcr standing in a tension-filled direct conversation, and other technical problems. The Soviet move came just after Tsarapkin read to the conference a cable from East Germany of fering to sign a disarmament agreement with West Germany which il said would "materially contribute" to the cause of world disarmament. Neither East nor West Germany is a mcmlicr of the conference. Furthermore, the West does not recognize the East German gov ernment. And observers felt that any such East-West German dis armament arrangement could only benefit the Communists. East Gcr many's army is relatively small while West Germany's armed Rate Drops Last Month WASHINGTON UP1 - Labor Department officials were heart ened today by a sharp drop in the nation's unemployment rale last month, but they warned that the jobless problem remains se rious. The department reported Thurs day that the unemployment rate dropped in March from 6.1 per cent of the labor force to 5.6 per cent. It was the biggest monthly decline in more than four years, The jobless total went down from 4.9 million in February to 4.5 million in March. The number of jobholders in the nation rose 800.000 to 67.1 million during the month. Labor Secretary Willard Wirtz said the drop in the number of jobless merely put unemployment figures back where they were be fore the January and February drops. But department expert Harold Goldstein said he found the trend "particularly heartening" be cause nearly all of the March de cline in unemployment was among adult men and women who had been looking for full time jobs. Wirtz said the report was "plainly. . .no cause for a broad er satisfaction. My teeling about what it would be If some body's tem)crature dropped back from 104 degrees to 103 degrees. "We still have to get at the cause of the trouble," he said New York agent for probablci Broadway production, according to Mrs. Davis. Playgoers commented particu- larly on the elaborate pageantry of the production, tins toe lapping melodies, and the varied dance numlicrs. The cancan line was an immediate favorite, with the high stepping girls in their bright ly milled costumes providing a very colorful note. The original and authentic Indian dance num ber and the loggers' chorus per formance of "Wet Me Down in Oregon" brought audience ap plause. A typical lumberman's reaction to the play as a whole was made by Henry Kerr, manager of Telephone ussia forces form a substantial part of NATO's defense in Europe. Stelle noted that tho East Ger man offer came "from a nongov ernmental organization and should lie treated in accordance with tills fact." But he did not object to it being presented by the Soviet. In Bonn, the West German gov ernment took no official notice of the East German proposal. But government sources there dis missed it as senseless. Argentine Navy Bows To Terms BUENOS AIRES. Argentina (UPP The navy was reported to day to have bowed to stiff "sub mission" terms, including a deep cut in marine strength and sur- endcr of the Puerto Belgrano base, to end Argentina's four-day evolt. The newspaper Clarin said the surrender agreement already had been signed. In addition to redue- ng marine strength from 6,000 men to 2,500 men, the navy agree to dismiss draftees and end fur ther cull tips. In exchange, Clarin reported, the government accepted mainte nance of high seas fleet and the naval air arm al present strength. Rebel leaders will surrender themselves for legal action. In the case of military personnel, it will lie a court martial. Civilians will go before military or civilian courts. The navy also put in writing its willingness to go along with the government on June 24 election plans, Clarin said. II was objec tion to the participation of Nco- Pcronist elements in the forthcom ing elections which led the navy to join the revolt first proclaimed by retired army generals. At least 26 persons had been killed and more than 30 wounded in the revolt. Toduy's agreement was expected to avert a show down battle which could have multiplied the casualties. Legislators Slate Visit Members of the Klamath Coun ty legislative delegation as well as members of the Joint House and Senate Ways and Means Committee will visit Klamath Falls Saturday. A formal agenda has not been set up for the visit here of this vital legislative group, but plans do include a visit to the new OTI campus site. A no-host gathering which in eludes refreshment and dinner has been scheduled for the Peli can Party Jloom Saturday night by me cnamucr oi commerce. The public is invited to the meet ing which will be of an informal nature. George F'litcrafl, representative from Klamath and Lake counties, is a member of the committee. Klamath Lumlicr and Box Com pany. "The play was exceptionally good," said Mr. Kerr. "And the loggers looked so real they could have come right out of camp. A minor criticism of the eve ning was the lack of ventilation in the theatre. The air condition cr will be working tonight, the stage crew promised. A few tickets for the Friday and last night performance arc still available at the chamber of commerce. General admission tickets will be sold at tlie door from 7:30 p.m. All proceeds from the show will benefit the Intercommunity Hos pital fund. TU 4-8111 No. 7108 THE GAVEL CHANGES Mike Holland, retiring ex sited ruler of Klamath Falls Lodge 1247 BPOE, handed over the gavel Thursday night to newly elected Exalted Ruler Robert P. Craig. Craig and other officers were in stalled during the meeting by Ed Hickman, who acted as deputy grand exalted ruler. The new officers will be honored Saturday night at the Inaugural Ball. (See Story on Page 4.1 Revisers Eliminate Disputed Portions From Constitution SALEM IUPD In a series of decisions sure to please lawyers, the House and Senate Committees on Constitutional Revision Thurs day stripped away nearly all con troversial parts of the judicial article ctf a proposed new state constitution.,..-. '--.-a-'1?, , Key suctions deleted were the Missouri Plan" for appointment of judges, and the granting of court rule-making power to the State Supreme Court. ' Effect of the group of decisions was to restore virtually the same judicial system that Oregon's present constitution provides. Lan guage in the new document, how ever, will be simpler. The judicial articles has been one of the two most controversial The Constitutional Revision Com mission had called for appoint ment of judges who later would run on their records, and for the Supremo Court to write procedur al rules for all stale courts. The Oregon State Bar opposed both provisions. The legislative committees de cided judges will continue to be elected as at present. (In fact, however, most Oregon judges at present are appointed to fill va ancies before ever running for election). The committees also decided the legislature will keep the job ofl writing procedural rules for the stale's courts, Cash Raised For Hospital It was a huge success. The bid tiers were willing and the goods was there. Community cooperation and the coordination of effort of mem hers of the Klamath County Worn en's Medical Auxiliary combined to raise over $3,000 for the Inter- community Hospital Fund at an auction Wednesday night In the Klamath Falls Armory. John Argctsingcr cried for bids from 7:30 p.m. to 12:45 a.m. until every item was suld, paid for and taken away. Dr. Mark Kochevar was highest bidder for the used car sold, which he donated to the city air iort for a courtesy tar. Among other unusual sales was a "dinner or eight," donated by Mr. and Mrs. Murdo D. Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ehlcrs to lie served in the Ehlers home. High bidders were Mr. and Mrs Lyle Kcllstrom. Hundreds of other Items Includ ing oil paintings, household appli ances and furnishings, guns and toys were sold. A baked food sale netted $225, Mrs. Lorraine Kochevar, gen eral chairman, was assisted by all members of the axuiliary, Tlie auxiliary will meet April 8 to decide on a specific endow ment. Weather AGRICULTURAL FORECAST Cloudy tonight, partly cloudy Saturday. Sevtnly par canf chanca of showers to night and 40 par cant on Saturday. Tam poraturos: low 37 tonight and high of a an Saturday. Soil tsmporarurts naar 44. Sunday outlook partly cloudy with show art. Sen. Thomas Mahoney, D-Port- land, moved for most of the changes. A one-time opponent of the new constitution, Mahoney now seems interested in winning its approval In amended form. The legislative committees also decided: ' ' ' " - ":. Judges should be licensed to practice law "in Oregon." The document should grant "the" right to trial by jury, strengthening the original propos al for "a" right. The section providine for grand juries should be expanded and made more explicit. There is no longer any need for the proposed state law com mission. (It would have, among other things, advised on rules of procedure). Lobby Bill Defeat Seen SALEM (LTD - The Senate State and Federal Affairs Com mittee Thursday went through the motions of hearing a lobbyists' registration bill, but it seemed likely the measure was doomed. Sen. Edward Fadclcy, D - Eu gene, author of the proposal, was tho only witness. Committee Chairman Harry Boivin, D-KJamath Falls, said a hearing for opponents would be held April 23. Boivin added a "third hearing would be held at a later date il necessary." Fadcley commented, "that lust about takes care of the bill, doesn't it?" "Oh," Boivin replied, "we might be here until July." Predictions are the legislature will adjourn about mid-May. radoley said his bill would re quire lobbyists to register, list who they represented, the area of their interest, and the amount of money spent while lobbying. He termed his proposal a pre ventive measure." He said there is no lobby scandal in Oregon, and that "Oregon is cleaner than most states." Fadelcy's bill is similar to one he Introduced in 1961. It got no where, but was tlie focal point of controversy when Fadelcy com mented some lobbyists were re ceiving high fees for pushing cer tain legislation. Other Highlights Railroads The Senate gave railroad unions a victory by vot ing to keep Oregon s present full crew law. Constitution The House and Senate Committees on Constitu tional Revision deleted all the con troversial parts of the judicial article of a proposed new consti tution. They decided to keep Ore gon's judicial system the way it is. , , J - , yl I j