i Eiedlegs' Youth, Speed Rate With Giants, Bums HKRALD AND VKWS. Klamath Fall. Orp. Thursday, April 4, 1WJ PAGE 11-A Terry Baker Reflects, On His College Career By United Press International Don't think (or a moment that the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Kranciseo Giants have a monop oly on youth and speed in the National League. The Cincinnati Reds rate high in those departments, too espec ially when you consider pitcher Jim Maloney and infielder Peter Rose. Maloney, 9-7 last season alter a fast start, looks like he is goinj to fit in as the Reds' No. 4 or No. 5 starter this season while Hose may be the team's second baseman when next Monday's opening-day lineup is announced. Maloney. 22, yielded only one hit in seven innings while Rose. 21. had two singles, a walk, a steal and scored three runs as the Reds scored a 5-0 victory over the New York Mets Wednesday.' Jim Brosnan pitched the last to one other hit. Vada Pinson rapped out two singles and a double to share hit ting honors with Rose. Bubba Phillips, one of the hot test hitters in the south, raised his spring average to .411 with three singles in the Detroit Ti gers' 5-4 decision over the Min nesota Twins. Rookie Bill Faul was tagged for (our runs in the first three innings but rookies Dick Egan and Bob Dustal then shut out the Twins the remain der of the wav. The Milwaukee Braves went over the .500-mark for the first time this spring when they beat the Baltimore Orioles. 3-2. Denny Lemaster and Tony Cloninger held the Orioles to four hits, Le master yielding only three over the first seven innings. The largest local crowd of re cent springs 3,724 turned out at' Ft. Myers, Fla., where the Pitts burgh Pirates closed their spring! exhibition schedule with a 6-4 win over the New York Yankees. The Yankees gave Stan Williams a three-run lead but Roberto Cle mente hit two triples to lead the Pirate comeback. Cuban right-hander Diego Segui pitched eight innings and also con nected for a single, double and triple to lead the Kansas Citv Jogging Big Thing For Oreqonidns Athletics to a 10-5 triumph over tlx Chicago White Sox. Rookie Pete Ward hit his third homer of the spring for the White Sox. Bo&ox t'pend Dodgers Roman Mejias had a double and triple and had a hand in all three runs as the Boston Red Sox downed the Los Angeles Dodgers. 3-2. Bill Monbouquette snd Earl Wilson, the Red Sox' no-hit pitchers of 1962, each went four innings and allowed one hit. Carl Yastrzcmski saved the game for the Red Sox with a fine catch in the eighth. I-oft-ficlder Walt Bond dropped Willie Mays' ninth-inning fly to let in the run that gave the San rrancisco Giants a 4-3 win over the Cleveland Indians. Mays had two doubles and a single to lift his spring batting average to .344 The St. Louis Cardinals broke a four-game losing streak by de feating the Washington Senators li-4. Julian Javier, Gene Oliver and Ken Bnyer paced the Cardi nal attack with triples. Pete Runnels and Rusty Staub hit homers as the Houston Colts heat the Los Angeles Angels, 5-2. Dick Drott, Dick Farrell and Jim Golden combined to limit the An gels to four hits. The homers by Runnels and Slaub came off Eli Grha. By JAMES J. DOYLE United Press International EUGENE. Ore. (UPI) Uni versity of Oregon track coach Bill Bowerman returned recently from a two-months trip to New Zealand where he was impressed by the physical fitness of the people. He said that down under they jog-walk and run. instead of ride and sit. He says Oregonians shoul" do the same and promptly formed the "Eugene Joggers Club." In no time at all joggers clubs were forming in an around the Eugene area and Oregonians in general were taking to the idea in leaps and bounds the really en thusiastic ones, that is. On a recent Sunday some 200 residents of the university city turned out to Jog Along with Bill. The following week, more than 1.000 persons showed up at the sladium track. Bowerman cau tioned, "Train but don't strain," then started jogging along. A newspaper writer, watching all the activity from the stands, attributed the huge turnout to the balmy weather and the fact that a photographer from a national magazine was on hand. One colorfully dressed lad did not move until the camera start ed, then was sure he didn't get loo far ahead of the photographer. Mainly, however, the joggers jogged with a will. But jogging isn't just for Sun days. A columnist reported a cou ple jogging along a roadway one night. The report said it could have been a man and wife or a dating couple keeping fit. But it was nearly midnight, and they could have been running for the owl bus. A correspondent from Coburg, near Eugene, says the folks there have taken to jogging with a ded icated zeal. Cars are parked along the road, he said, and the people gel out and run around. The sport even got a boost from the clergy. The Rev. Carlton Buck of the Eugene First Christian Church took not of jogging in his news letter. "Look how much it would save on gasoline and bus fare and how helpful it would be in solving the parking problem," he said. He said that since no buses run past his church on Sunday, more people might turn out if they jogged. But he had a second thought. "I wonder," he said. "Would this practice induce more or less pew sleeping." BAD AQUEDUCT SPILL Jockey Hedley Woodhouse (left) huddles on the ground after losing his teat when his mount "Mount Lebo" (center, still standing I collided with another horse, Weldy (on ground), as the field was returning after the featured seventh race at Long Island, N.Y. Woodhouse was injured, but not seriously, in the freak accident. UPI Telephoto Bob Cousy Leads Celtics Over Royals, Evens Series At Tampa. Fla. New York IN) 000 000 000 0 2 01 Cincinnati 100 003 Olx 5 9 1 Craig, Stallard (71. Foss (B) and Taylor. Maloney, Brosnan m and Edwards. Winner Maloney. loser Craig. At Lakeland. Fla. Minnesota 030 100 000 4 10 1 Detroit 100 310 OOx 5 10 1 Kaal. Roland ( 7 and Battey. Faul. Egan tj. Dustal c s and Triandos. Winner Egan. Loser Kaat. At St. Petersburg. Fla. Washington 021 000 100 4 5 0 St. Louis 020 201 010 6 8 0 Kline, Quirk '61 and Leppert. Washburn. -Fanok 161 Shantz (8) and Sawatski, Oliver (7). Winner Washburn. Loser Kline. At West Palm Beach1; Fla. Baltimore 000 100 001 2 5 2 Milwaukee 000 120 00.x 3 7 2 Pappas. Hall (7) and Orsino. Lemaster, Cloninger 8 and Crandall. Winner Lemaster. Loser Pappas. IT swum COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W 65 M tl 50 57 55 57 55 54'! SS'l 55' i 54' i 53 5 49 3 Scats Roebuck Deal Rite Molors Javhawk Fuel Oil Great Northern City Center Lodqe S T. Pepsi Cola Kimes Plumbmg Lislon Aircraft 5J Bowers Oist. 49 Larkin Insurance 46 Larrvs Foods 4? 70 Results; Great Northern 4, Bowers 0; Sears Roebuck 4. Jayhawk 0; Larrys a. Deal Rite 0; Peosl Cola 3, City Cen ter I; Kimet 3. Larkin li S.T. 3, Litton 1. High team game. Great Northern 991 ; hiqh team series, Larrvs Foods 2799; high Ind. game, Don Miller 230, high Ind. series. Walt Schwclgert-Gino Ros lerotla (lit) 601. PANDORA'S HOLIDAY LEAGUE Final Standinfi 41 w 71 Holiday Bowl Coffee Shoo Economy Cash Grocery v J Snare sootters ft'! 47' i Morrison R. Knudscn 59 53 Cox Grocery ' 5 54 Sierra Gun Shop 46 66 Automatic Transmission 53'a 68'i Lovely Lady Beauty Salon 39 73 Anril 3 results: Economy Cash Gro. 3. Lovely Lady Beauty Salon It Morrison A Knudsen 4. Automatic transmission 0: Sierra Gun Shop 4. Soare Spotters 0; Hnlirtav Hnwl Coftea ShOO 4. COX GrS. 0. High team game. Holiday Bowl Coffee Shoo 737; high team series. Holiday Bowl Coffee Shop 2137; high Ind. game, Haiel Heaton IM; high Ind. series. Haiei Heaton 511. WEYERHAEUSER LEAGUE W Stand-up Shed 69 Shipoing Studs 68 Sawmill 66 Belts 47 No Accounts 61' 50''j Nu Loc Nuts 60 Spoilers S9'.j 52' Yard Birds 58 54 Office Overhead 57 55 Kilowatts 57 55 Hardboard Finishing 5'. 57 Maintenance Supervisors 57 40 Gutter Snipes 46 64 Lett Overs 44 70 Warehouse 41 71 Relecls 40 72 April 3 results: No Accounts 0, Ware house 4; Relects 3. Belts I; Hardpoard Finishing 3. Maintenance Supervisors 1; Yard Birds 0. Nu Loc Nuts 4; Shipping studs 1. Office Overhead 3; Kilowatts 3. Gutter Snipes I: Spoilers 2. stand-up Shed 2; Sawmill 4. Left Overs 0 High team game. Kilowatts 1021; high team series. Warehouse 7935; high Ind. game. Bill McLean 211; high Ind. series. George Kovich 581. AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE W Interstate Pump 74 Tims Shell 72 Lucky Lanes 71 Klamath Cable TV 47 farlsons 59 Bobs Union 57' s 42' i Wison w.iay Buick 54 44 West Heat Pump 54 44 Fast Side Electric 53 47 Soecleliied Service 52' i tr i Overhead Door 50' , 49' Wheelers Nursery HOLIDAY MINORS LEAGUE vy 64 48 61' j 50' i 5'i : 58' S3''l 58 54 55' 1 54' 50 42 50 43 Mouldinqcralt. Inc. Saroes Trailer Estates Superior Troy Laundry Pacific Power a. Light Suburban Finance Klamath Auto Wreckers BRC of A Bennmqton Steel Bdg. Fme Arts AAAM Grocery April 3 results: Paci'ic power b uign, ,1. Bennington I, Mouldinqcraft, Inc. 3. BRC of A I; M&M Grocery 1. Sarges Trailer Est. 3; Superior Troy Laundry 4. Suburban Finance 0; Klamath Auto Wreckers 1. Fine Arts 3. High team game. Serges Trailer Estates 9'7; high team series. Sarges Trailer Es tates 7677; high ind. game. Harry Long 245. hioh ind. series. Harry Long 561. 47ii 48' Results: Carlsons 0, Overhead Door 4: Luck" Lanes 2, Klamath caDie iv t. Bobs Union 4, Wiison Wiley Buick 0, uunst Heat Pumo 0, tnterslale Pump 4 Tims Shell 0, Soeciallied Service 4. East Ride Flectric 3. Wheelers Nursery 1 High team game. Specialized Service 1058; high team series. Interstate Pumo 3049; high Ind. game, Met Robinson 257; high Ind. series. Met Koomson 033. COACH HONORED CHICAGO iLPH Newt Loken of Michigan has been named the NCAA gymnastics coach ol the year. Under Lokcn's direction, the Michigan team won both the Big Ten and the NCAA championships. At Ft. Myers, Fla. New York (A 300 001 000 4 7 1 Pittsburgh 200 021 Olx 6 12 0 Williams. Bridges (71 and How. ard. Cardwell, Face 191 and Bur gess. Winner Cardwell. Loser Williams. At Sarasota, Fla. Kansas City 100 030 402-10 15 1 Chicago (Al 100 000 310 5 9 1 Segui, Bass 9i and Sullivan. Pizarro. Score (Si, Joyce (9 and Lollar. Winner Segui. Loser Pizarro. HR Ward. At Scottsdale, Ariz. Los Ang (N) 001 000 010 2 7 2 Boston 000 120 OOx 3 8 1 Koufax. Pcrranoski (7i and Roscboro. Monbouquette, Radatz 191 and Tillman. Winner Mon bouquctte. Loser Koufax. HR Roscboro. By United Press International Leave it to Bob Cousy to bow out a winner. Cousv, regaining the scoring touch that made him the toast of the National Basketball Associa tion for more than a decade, got 15 first-period points Wednesday night to lead the Boston Celtics to a 128-110 victory over the On- cinnati Royals that lied their Eastern Division playoff scries at two-all. Destined to retire from pro ball after the post-season games to be come head coach at Boston Col lege, Cousy said: "1 was up for this game as much as I've ever been up for a game in recent years." Cousy wanted this one and so did the rest of the Celtic band for a loss would have given Cin cinnati a 3-1 lead in the best-of-seven set. Instead, the series now is squared away and the match moves to Boston for a Saturday night game. The winner of the Boston-Cin cinnati playoff goes on to meet the Los Angelcs-St. Louis victor in a best-of-seven title series. The Los Angeles Lakers hold a 2-0 lead over the Hawks, with that series resuming in St. Louis to night. The oddity in the Eastern Imals is that the home team has been unable to win a game. The Celtics stormed back from a 17-11 deficit in the opening min utes to take a 34-25 first period lead on the charge led by Cousy. Big Bill Russell, the game's top scorer with 26 points and 21 re bounds, took over the Boston at tack in the second period with a 14-point outburst that led the Celts to a 70-55 halftimc margin. Cincinnati cut the advantage to 93-64 going into the fourth period. but the Royal rally fell short as Boston regained command at 122 100 with three minutes remaining. Cousv and Sam Jones each had 20 points for Boston. Oscar Rob ertson was Cincinnati's top scorer with 25. Editor's Note: No Orrgno col lege athlete and probably none anywhere has received Use hon ors and awards arrordrd Terry Baker. In the following dispatch written for United Tress Inter national. Ilaker, who has signed to play pro football with the Los Angeles Rains, reflects oa his col lege career. By TEKRY BAKER Written tor UPI CORVALL1S (UPD-These past! four college years have been good to me, and now they're all over. It all went too fast, really, and now I'm ready to try out a new field in professional sports. Somebody asked me the other day which has been my greatest thrill in sports, and that's a diffi cult question to answer. Just be ing able to participate in sports and meet so many wonderful peo ple was thrill enough. It also proved to me that athletics and tun walk hand in hand. I don't believe anybody ever had more help than I did. My mother always gave me every en couragement possible, and so did my brothers. You need a lot of help, and you need some luck, too. I just had a lot of things going for me. I ra glad I went to Oregon Slate University. This is my home state and it's a fine school. All of the coaches, in both football and bas ketball, did far more for me than I could ever have given in return. I don't believe any player any where ever had more support from his teammates than I did. Many times people ask whether 1 like football or basketball best. In reality. I like them both. Foot-, ball was my best sport, and it's my future, but I also tnjojed playing basketball. Maybe 1 had to work a little harder in basket ball since it w as tougher for me. The day tney told me about the Heisman Award was one I'll nev er forget. Sure, every athlete thinks about things like that, but you don't really believe it can happen to you. The trip to New York City was something I never will forget. As I sat there at the dinner that night. I almost had to pinch myself to sea if it was true. That's one of the points I like most about athletics. Think of the people you get to meet, and of the friendships you establish. It may be more true in athletics than in any other walk of life. It has brought something to me that 1 probably could never have gain ed otherwise. When I was a youngster, I had plenty of athletic heroes. There are plenty of worse tilings a boy can do. Maybe that s why I feel honored and flattered when a young fellow comes up and asks mo for an autograph. It wasn't too many years ago that I was doing the very sama thing. All the wonderful memories are far too numerous to relate here. The fact that Oregon State en joyed such good seasons in both football and basketball should prove to all It can be done here. We have good athletes in this stale and I hope this will continue in the future. There is no reason it shouldn't. I guess you would say this is my "swan song" to college ath letics. Nobody can guess what the future holds in (tore, but it will be interesting to see what hap pens. Any athlete who doesn't want to face a challenge shouldn't be in athletics. If it hadn't been or athletics. I may never have had the oppor tunity to get a college education. For this I am very grateful. Any young athlete coming up should know that after all, an education comes first. I like to think, that education and athletics together play an important part in the American way of life. To those who have helped me so much. I say "thanks." and to all the young athletes of the fu ture. I extend my best wishes. May they experience the same joys and thrills that came to me. LIONS SIGN C.LBB8 VANCOUVER, B.C. UPI -Gene Gibbs, a former Mississippi Stale defensive end, signed with the British Columbia Lions of the Canadian Football League Wednesday. . ', Farmers! Loggers!; Bulk Gasoline Competitive Prices TANKS AVAILABLE CliffYaden's SERVICE 2S60 So. 6th TU 4-3681 OPEN 24 HOURS At Porlerville, Calif. Los Ang. (Al 001 000 010 2 4 1 Houston 002 002 Olx 5 9 1 Mocllcr, Morgan 181 and Rodg ers. Drotl, Farrell Ml and Camp bell, Adlesh tRi. Winner Drott. Loser Mueller. HR Runnels. Warwick. At Fresno, Calif. Cleveland 000001 020 3 8 2 San Fran 101 001 001 4 9 0 McDowell, Bell 151, Curtiss '7'. Latman ( 9 and Edwards. O'Doll, G. Perry 5 and Haller. Win ner G. Perry. Loser Latman. TO HIKE PURSE NEW ORLEANS CUPD - The Greater New Orleans Open will increase the purse of its annual invitational golf tournament by $10,000 to bring the total purse to $50,000 next season. EXPLOSIVE! "KATANGA - untold'story" Film Documentary EXCLUSIVE Interview with MOISE TSHOMBE KOTI-2 FRIDAY APRIL 5 7:00 - 8:00 P.M. Sponsored by n n OSS Pet Foods POWER LAWNMOWER Don't Miss It! The Basin s BIGGEST TRUCK SHOWING Friday & Saturday April 5th & 6th Show Everything New from International! jc Free Donufs and Coffee.' Free Pop for the Kids! $c Tht ; ', Hoipi'ol Benefit , ', Show - , !' "Eliza and th , f Lumberjack" ' J Thurt. fridoT i 1 1 OTI ThMtl' i Pre-Season Special $7.50 Wards 9-Point Checkup Drain and clean gaso line tank and carbu retor Check engine com pression Inspect and sharpen blade on rotary type; check, adjust cutter bar (reel type) Clean exhaust ports (2-cycle engines) Check gear box and gears, replace lubri cant; check belt ten sion and adjust chain drive Clean and lubricate benrinqs, pawls and rotehrts in mower wheels or call for pickup and deli Replace spark plug Free Change oil (in crank cose models) Tighten all bolts and adjust controls and cables Bring in your lawn mower PAINT A ROOM FOR LESS THAN $1.00 A WALL FULLER PAINT YOUR HOUSE FOR ONLY $24.90 j I WALL4-, FASHION Interior LATEX IT'S EASY . . . WITH FULLER'S WALL FASHION INTERIOR LATEX Rolls on smoothly, dries In an hour . . . with no painty odor. Cleans up with soap and water. GAL FULLER'S WALL FASHION SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL Exlra-scrubbabls tor kitchens. bathrooms, woodwork. r FULLER 6TEATHERC0Aj, ""TSIDE HOUSE FULLER'S WEATHER COAT HOUSE PAINT You get 5 gallons that cover alt smooth siding and trim on the typical 1400-sq. ft. home In one smooth, long-lasting coat. Gives wood and metal a weather-defying glossy surface, $498 49t ISO FT. U" MASKING. TAPE Bl. 69t! 7 IN. ROtltR. THAY AND Q Qk J, COVER SET Ra. SI M Jr J V 4-IN. NYLON WALL JQQ BRUSH R"I t39 M. 1A IN. NYLON TRIM BRUSH Rl(. S1S4 ,$1198 SUPER SIZE B IN. ROLLER, TRAY AND EXTERIOR COVER SET Raf. $2.49 16 FT. HARDWOOD EXTENSION TCi7 4.9S or LADDER Raf. $14.9 GAL PAINT YOUR STUCCO HOME FOR ONLY $39.50 FULLER'S MISSION MASONRY PAINT You get 7 gallons of Mission Masonry which covers firm, non chalking walls In on coat on the typical 1400 sq. ft. home. ..plus . 2 gallons of Weather Coat for the trim . . . phone us for free stucco Inspection. Reg. $5.49 1 ' PAPER A ROOM FOR ONLY $9.80 (ASY-TOHANQ PHE PASTED WALLPAPER Just 10 relll doti a BiBxS ft. room. No patting or trlmmfnf naadad... jutt cut your lantlhs, dip In wattr and month on. Wondarfijlly wathabla. A ROLL 98t tWPYTHIHO YOU NEED TO HANG A 14 FT. HANDPRINTED MURAL CKoos Irom 6 cutfm-looV rf'8n ntj tMCbirourxli. Mural Mtftttr Kit contains mural, iMckfround. toots and paita. SEE YOURSELF FROM HEAD TO TOE IN A FLU LENGTH DOOR MIRROR Pi m m CRYSTAL MIRROR, COMPLETE WITH MOUNTING CUPS 16 I 56 h. Raf IS 95 BRING. A WALL TO LIFE WITH A PLATE CLASS VENETIAN MIRROR 24 30 In. R.I J1215 GIVE YOURSELF WORK SPACE WITH A READY-T0-FLN1SH DESK si PRE-SANDED SOLID HEMLOCK Wa' II ihow you how sy R hi to ptif of Iiln.37il6 29-tn. high. $27ss SI688 $2383 MATCHING BOOKCASE 2S 1 12x39-111. high. MATCHINQ 1-ORAWTJt CHEST 22K2SVIn. high. Camplate salactlon of ttaint and fln Ithat . . . everything you Mod far parlaet job. Not a "do it yourself er"? Let ta recommend a reliable professional painter V0 W.P. IFylBer 2899 South 6th Phone TU 4-6377 FULLER PAINTS JUCKELAND MOTORS 11th to 12th on Klamath cry service at a nominal c harge. 9th & Pine Phone TU 4-3188