COUP. see us for famous ommA APPLIANCES mmth& Terms, Tradet LUCAS FURNITURE By Helen Bcchen HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, March 19. W.3 195 E. Main Ph. TU 4-3134 PAGE 5 'Wa. X: M Mrs. Peaav PRESIDENTS HONORED Harnsberger, right, current president of Aloha Social Club of Eastern Star, was hostess to all past presidents of the club at luncheon recently. Her decorations were in the St. Pat rlclc theme and pretty corsages were gifts to her guests. are Boss Hunt, Carrie Rush, Alma Cofer, Bess Frezier, Gladys Tennant, Gwen Pearson, Katie Pey ton, who was the first president, Lilliam Haneline, Sally Wood, Martha Powell and the hostess. Photo by Kettler Easter 'Suits' Ifcol-f casua1' ILbfc?IIshaped, By HELEN HENNESSY NEW YORK iNEA You can "suit" yourself for the Easter parade this year. There's no limit to the variety, of styles. Suits look like sweaters, like dresses, like shirts, like costumes. In fact, some are sn different from the conventional suits of the past that you might wear one believing you've bought a two- piece eostume. The open-air suit is jaunty and The jacket is barely neckline open and lilleii in with a co-ordinated blouse. A big favorite on Easter Sun day will be the tunic suit. It has a longer, shapely line, with a minimum of detail, collarless neckline, skinny sleeves and a slim skirt. The sweater suit, sure to be an other hit. resembles a two-piece dress. The jackets close in back. Many have cowl necklines and sleeves with shirt cuffs. Skirts are easy for free movement. Printed Pattern iilJ . w '''' - SIZES 9046 12V4 Inj (1(1 (taifcn POLLY'S POINTERS Waste Not, Want Not POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY We use old bathroom plungers as ash trays in our back yard garden. Place the stick end in the soil and the inverted plunger cup is the ash tray. A piece of cleansing tissue a paper napkin scoops up ev erything after a party. 1 paint the sticks bright green and they blend right in with the grass. I do not paint the rubber cup. These cups hold water for the birds during the cold weather when we are not using the garden. MRS. J.T.R. GIRLS I suggest adding in dividual glass molds (intended for cooking) as liners for the rubber ash trays. Thev fit fairly well and nrolonc the life of the rubber cups.-POLLY. DEAR POLLY When some thing drops into a small crack or crevice, place a wad of chew ing gum on the rubber end of a lead pencil. The small aritcle will adhere to the gum and there you have it MRS. H.D. FOR HALF SIZES If you enjoy wearing smart clothes, this coat is yours! Deep band neckline, slim lines impor tant now. Choose flannel, broad cloth, linen. Printed Pattern 904fi: Half Sizes ioi' 1.411 ml- idi oni:. on: " " . DEAR POLLY A "blackboard sh'i. size ib'2 requires z-4 yarns ',.,. ,.. fr un,i too,.! mathematics, saving and indus try. Even preschool children learn 54-inch. Fifty cents in coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, Herald and News, Pat tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11. N.Y. Print plainly zone, size and style number. Free Offer! Coupon in Spring Pattern Catalog for one pattern free anyone you choose from 300 design ideas. Send 50 cents now for catalog. ELEGANT MANNERS When we say a man has Clies terfieldian manners, we are com plimenting him on his breeding. Lord Chesterfield was an Eng lish statesman whose name be came a symbol of polished, ele gant manners. to add and subtract nickels and dimes when it involves their own money. Some of the odd jobs around the house that they are not paid for are credited to their account on the blackboard, chil dren like to feel they have money in reserve, that they can decide when and for what it can be spent or saved for a larger want. The arithmetic they learn is an ad vantage at school. For traveling by car on vaca tion trips, I save old T-shirts underwear and pajamas that are about worn out. These can be worn until soiled and then dis carded, saving laundry en route. MRS. M.C. GIRLS .Mrs. M.C.'s idea saves on laundry but I am sure many will feel as I do about wasting all those things that would be such good cleaning rags. POLLY DEAR POLLY Screen patching can be brain-wracking if you let it go until the holes are big. I keep an eagle eye on mine and when a hole is large enough for a mosquito or fly to get through, I dot the hole with household ce ment. It covers and seals the hole and, being clear, is scarcely no ticed. SALLY. DEAR POLLY' To make an un usual card for a wedding gift, at tach a miniature sprig of tiny flowers to an ordinary kitchen match and mount the match on a plain white card. Write on it. with gayly colored ink, "For a couple we think a perfect match." MRS. S. B. DEAR POLLY-A safe way to bathe a small child is to use a plastic clothes basket. Use the kind that is open on the sides so Ihe water flows through. Run about four inches of water into the tub, set the basket in it and put the child into the basket. BLOSSOM. Share your favorite homemak ing ideas . . . send them to Polly in care of Herald and News. You will receive a bright, new silver dollar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. Hazbins Club ! Pinochle was played at the March 25 meeting of the Hazbins Club at the home of Sarah Kirby. Sadie Wallace won high score, Mabel Ward, second, and Fannie May Thompson, low. Pinochle was awarded to Mabel Ward and Betty Ketsdever. Stella Persell won a special prize. The April meeting will be at the home of Lola Truax. TRUE DATE Actually, the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 2, not July 4, which later was the date the document was proclaimed to the world. Enjoy The Scenic Drive ENJOY THE FOOD AT M. THE ODESSA STOP IN FOR . . . BREAKFASTS - LUNCHES - DINNERS Delicious Fried Chicken, Sizzling Steaks, Ham 'n Eggs as you like 'em! HOME MADE PIE ODESSA COFFEE SHOP Rocky Point Road Closed Mondays Ph. EL 6-2250 Rocky Point Open 6 to 9 P.M. For Reservations Free Bowling Lessons for women! Starts Monday, April 1st, 10 AM Classes Monday, Wednesday, Friday Excellent Instruction by Vita Samples Vita is one of the top bowlers in the area. She has twice been a finalist in the State Match Game Singles Championship and has been a Bruns wick certified instructor for the past 5 years. FRIDAY IS FUN NIGHT AT LUCKY LANES Mixed Doubles - Jack Pot 6:45 P.M. $25 Added Jack Pot Reservations Accepted. Plenty of Open Play Lanes LUCKY LANES Moonlight; Bowling 11P.M. to 1P.M. Inexperienced bowlers con win FREE prizes anything from a coke to a new bowling ball for spares, strikes and splits! It's fun even if you don't win. Come out and try! 3319 So. 6th Phone 2-5536 or 7 '.W-Vs:',. : MR. RAY SMITH BOGATAY'S ASK: DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? IF YOU DON'T ... YOU SHOULD, 'CAUSE HE'S THE MAN WITH THE mHush I I v If II Puppies Cokc DAY SATURDAY!! TRUNK SHOWING ALL OF ALL THE HUSH PUPPIES CASUAL SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS & GIRLS (GOLF SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN TOO) NOW SEE WHAT'S NEW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S r 8 5th & Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath WE QUIT! Women's Dresses, Suits, Coats, Sportswear, Lingerie All At Going-Out-Of-Business Sale Prices! St ,iw,,.,t ii mm i in iiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiKi iiiiiiiiiIIIihii i im Bnnnr-rnnnnn nm h inimrnnrrrrmT fv Sr !jfW'' """" J : C0RVAIR M0NZA SPYDER fcn in 'mi IffKSSf i iihsai ttiisJ U.i. Umm i mini mil i I Fiiii ' maiwttaifaw raiit.. Snug twin bucket scats up front! . Turho-surerch;u-gi'l 150-hp engine! Sharp eyeful of siweial KH"t! ! Crisp 3 or 4-speed floor shift! Tachometer for split-second timing! CHEVROLET See four entirely different kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's . . . Chevrolet, Chevy II, Corvair and Corvette Spvrlrr tqutpmmf w amiUihUt on rvrfA Cnrrmr Mrmin Convtrtiblt and Club Coup (thmrn ahovr. HJptwnnt ni eilrn enwt DUGAN-MEST CHEVROLET COMPANY MEN'S HUSH PUPPIES 10.99 (REGISTER FOR A FREE PAIR) WOMEN'S HUSH PUPPIES IL A ! '2 (REGISTER fMS , ' . X FOR A . V " FREE X- ' 3 pair) ' totammf ir.i A?.T": 4 J 12.99' Men's Women's HUSH PUPPIES GOLF SHOE 9. iwsm itw wail nzMto: -. v.i; a Hush Puppies OlMIAt SHOCT OtltV WOIVIHINS Come In & Join The Fun SATURDAY! LA Y-A WAY'S INVITED : SHOES 1 MLRl El t"'WMsjl 617 MAIN STREET D 410 SO. 6TH STREET KLAMATH FALLS PHONE TU 4-3101