LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE I LEGAL NOTICE I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE HERALD AXD SEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, March 9, 1963 PAGE 13 Calms allowed by the County Court end Warrants issued on te venous Fynaj of the County, by the County Clerk, also concise statement of County Court pro ceedings, (or the month of Februery, CURRENT EXPENSE Miry Log Lindsay, Salary, Tex Clerk Virginia Richey J. E. Watson, Seiery. Purchas ing Agent EHen Biehn, Salary, Deputy Sher- ? 3 H3.ll itt E E Keisier . . Menoel Kaeif J A. K imD'Ough Olive Kmmerk W. W Kurth .... Ameoeo Lasagne George Lasagnt W D. Leavitt ... Marilyn Leroy D. G. Leii 0. O. Leii Jr. . E. J. Ln.lle G- G. Lous-gnont . M. M. McClay ... 313 H Eitia McDonald C. .Vertm . . . nr. Mather ... . Mattos . , H. Me mast . . 3T3 23, Prices Pafkj 3.'S B3 j Colleen Oume 25 1 82, Sana r a A. Gooomai ;a Fiovd Pierce f 3 01 Joan Rovcro't lj 20 Terry $r-erml . U Ray Sessier 727 61 Lionel Sco't . . 121.7 Leroy Daiton 70C 51 Rcoerta v.aeil IOC SI GeralOin Cannady 23S II Veieta Hanhinj 35! SB Gary Samples . . 96 jO 185 M 541. 79 1 J 226.44! w 336 88 13684 14. U 108 71 102 86 96 64 151.21 W. Mills B. Morr Myers Jack Mynatt C. M Nelson Witlard Noble' A. C. O&erg T. J. Owens M. L. Stair O. G. Stenoerg D. A. Stevenson W. H. Sdles O. F. Sukr Soger I, Dee Ann Coy Befty Crank L. E. Saunders D E. Summers Esther Newell, Salary, Deputy Tax Collector Ruth Bishop Nellie Knupp Luc Hit Nelson Verla Phillips Jean Witt N. D. Mitchell, Salary, Jailer ... w. wi. i noma 285.04 H. A. Perkins 156.03 A. D- Torgerson 2e3.54 Bert Vaagen 117 25 Larry Alexander .. 26.25 R. J. Conroy, Salary, Deputy Sher iff 277.35 R. J. Hartley imj? J. W. Hunlon 196.641 D- E- Rder A. O. Youngblood 322 07 " u. weeae' W. G. Spawun 235.50 Max Hertlerode 4.30 Dorothy Rogers, Salary, Deputy County Clerk 343.04 Jo BaBcock 141.87 Gladys DeLap 119.56 Betty Hill 24?. 91 Maxine Linvilte 126.27 Mildred Maguirt 204.09 Norma Richardson 248 82 Carolyn Senecal 12. 84 Ruth Walls 2P4.09 Jane Wever 71 .it Emtly Yuen 190.7V Evelyn Biehn, Extra Help, Coun ty Clerk Pauline Otfield, Salary. Election Ada Bar lean. Salary, Deputy As sessor Ida Bramwetl Darlene Curfman Berta Decker D. J. Gray Ida Pieruccini F. R. Bremwell, Salary, Personal Property Appraiser 348 73 J. G. Grimes 290.60 J. W. Barrett, Salary, Field Ap praiser 270.47 R D. Brackmen 340.29 F. W. Meeker 329.22 R. A. Nelsen , 222.43 N. B. Nelson 225.83 C. A. Poteet 266.05 Arlene Bowman, Salary, Stenog rapher District Attorney Sue Diller Roba Hummel J. E. Abbott, Salary, Court Re porter Eva Dickson S- A. McKeen, Salary, Deputy Dis trict 'Attorney J. R. Thomas J. J. Weber Jr., Salary, Special Investigator Dlst. Att'y Mildred Binney, Salary, Deputy Treasurer ' 258 90 229.19 228 18 193 49 , Vant-el Kazes 2' ' 0 'Joe Tumui'v ... 227.28 l Roval Jones 293. 'Oi Jack Reof.eid, Wilnen Fees, Or- 306 25 CUlt COU'I 38 22 W-it.e J. Outlay The Broiler, Meals, Jury, Circuit Court Sartor a Arnold Goodman, Witness es. District Court Arch-e Hull 254 40 313 22 191 31 Palmer 245 61 . Parkhurit 335.191 L. Petton 297 541 A. Peterson 20.00: A. Pinner 250.30 W Pitcher 268 22 Pusser Jr. JJC.93 218-06 239 34 W. Reynolds 19 27 L. Richardson 265.18 F. Robinson 180.51 D. Say 2C9.17 Shelley , 237 24 333 201 Floyd Pierce 6 00 5 20 10 00 1000 10 00 10 00 300 63 227 71 196 04 240 69 315 40 W. Sweet 212.12 133.34' 96.21 14.33 170 64 117.43 105 28 230.41 171.64 105.39 124.79 148.82 in n! 167.42 231.17 G. D. G. Teeters 220 69 R. C. Thomson 197 471 P. C. Towosend . 265 371 J. F. Wavbrant 193.66 1 C. K. Wells .. 498 53, E. Wilthite 14.24 j D. Williams 220.61 1 R. D. Wright ' 227 61 1 Aubrey Young 223.271 M. L. Stair . ... 31.58! COUNTY LIBRARY j Ooal Bennett, Salary 216.89' Beulah Campbell 213.97 Sybil CampDell 204.13 Betty Cote 325.86 Gladys Cox 242.28 Betty Emmert :.. 293 92 irma Matthews 255.80 R. H. Matthews 129.41 W. B. Smith 286.39 Ethel Zeveiy 23.81 M. S. Ferguson 49.75 Carmelle Harfin 54.03 Cynthia Riley 33.76 Barbara Walrath 31.96 Marilyn Yunck 40.82 Dorothy Holman 178.56 Francis Collistar 23.79 Mildred Kellison 14.16 DOG FUND D. E. Libby, Salary 266.57 Neola Libby ... 1883 MUSEUM FUND Irene Seelv. Salarv 259.67 408.13 Donalda DeVore 89.55 I LAW LIBRARY 229.48 Loyd DeLap, Salary . ... 43.37 5.20 5. 20 17.00 34 00 :? 00 34 00 30 60 25 50 25 50 30.80 30.90 28.50 15.40 15.40 17 00 11.50 425 38 96 24.53 Virginia Richey, Salary, Park CURRENT EXPENSE Commission 15.00 Barney & Bob's Janitorial Serv- T. O. Case. Salary, Veteran Serv- fee, services. Election and tee Officer 201.62 Law Library J. S. Matiick. Salary, Deputy Con stable 285.97 t C G. Merrill, Salary, Constable 294.80 " Evelyn Roemhltdt, Salary, Secre tary District Court Judqe .. 246.20 Loyd DeLap. Salary, Bailiff Cir- , cuit Court 111.49 ; Mary DeLap 149.38 F. H. Heiibronner 235.48, Betty Mathews, Salary, Secretary Judge Piper 246.14 R. A. Walker, Salary, Justice of Peace 167.50 Walter Zimmerman 216.55 H. J. Davidson, Salary, Consta ble 23.69 A. O. Youngblood 20.00 W. R. Fenlon, Salary, Janitor 114.20 Irma Arnold 135.52 W. M. Britton 126.76 W. P. Atha 81.51 Louise Groseclose 111.16 Grette Logan . 139.93 Doreen Taylor 110.53 L. A. Bunyard 53.42 Ellen Upp, Salary, Receptionist 217.83 Madelyn Brown, Salary, Nursing Home 250.05 Dorothy Rogers 50.00 Clovls Bowman 86.91 Ina Brown 144.24 Alfa J. Brown 184.86 ': Sydney Clausgn 173.15 Ema Cooper 170.04 Marforle Copplnger 153.38 I Maude Doty 131.08 ? Edna Edmunson 154.94 : E. F. Eisenbelss 2fl t. E. F. Elsenbeiss 51.00 Ann Frel 117.33 i Carol Frel 23.07 Edna Gregory 131.38 I Frankie Gregory 179.66 i Myrtle Hescock 143.91 ! Pat Hescock 46.03 Artie Hobbs 115.70 Zeiia Hodges 126. ie Jennie Hunt 173.60 Bula King 201.04 Vivian Landls 141.24 Raymond Mclntyrt 22.02 Naomie Mitchell 138.49 Erma Ormsby 86 68 Nora Page 231.25 Lee Pool 231.25 Clara Rainwater 169.16 Carolyn Ropp 40.98 Viola Ropp 185.00 Dorothy Rut ledge 169.95 Eveline Stevenson 134.58 Marlory Sukraw 163.41 Hatha Tucker 154.94 Nannie Williams 161.15 Janice Arnold . 171.74 J. B. Campbell 182.74 Ruby Campbell 170.08 J. E. Watson, Salary, Surplus Foods Welfare 57.50 Marie Johnston, Salary, Wtad Control 16.00 H. B. Schlefersteln 250.11 F. H. McCornack, Salerv, Fire Warden 296.16 L. L. Schooler, Salary, Fire Dept. 305.27 A. C. Hart 304.08 A. J. LoomlS 335.90 L. D. Matthews 151.75 G. A. Odell 1 151.77 Winkley 295.49 David R. Vandenberg, Circuit Judge, Association Dues . 123 00 Herald & News, Subscriptions, County Court . . 42.00 Herald and News. Publication of Claims for Dec. . 231.04 James C. Fellows, Expenses, Wa- termaster Herald and News, Subscriptions, Sheriff Garcelon's, Supplies, County Jail Superior Troy Laundry, Services, County Jail . . ... Brown's Plumbing & Heating Co., Labor & Supplies, county jati jui.b Jay's Grocery Service, Supplies County Jail Delbert Summers, Deputy Sheriff, Travel ... Southern Oregon Aviation, Serv ices, Sheriff M. Britton, Sheriff. Meats M. Britton, Sheriff, Travel Southern Oregon Aviation, Serv ices, Sheriff Balsiger Motor Co.. Repairs, Sher- M. G. Gordon F, L, Mathews, Salary, Juvenile Officer Rosemary Lusk F. E. 010 T. E. Cook Nona Cieek, Salary, Juvenile Deot Evadna Paxton 1 Georgia Johnson Verona Rhoads I. W. Rhoads Flora Clark Thomas Gross, Salary,' Experi mental Area J. C. Koehn G. H. Maxwell J. M. Maxwell V C. Koehn ft. M. Searles, Salary, Civil De fense Director . . . S. M. Ktrron, Salary, Health Of ficer . Marian Ackerman, Satar,'. Health Oept. EHen Breitenstein W. L. Bourlend Myrtle Caldwell Marorit Comer Dorothy Fridley Naomi Miller W. K. Ostlund E Mae Speirs . Marian Skinner Gladys Samples . Miidren Lowden Agnes Rus'h A. B. Comer R. C. Fisher J. M. Adams Virginia Rtchev, Salary. Tax Clerk ROAD DEPARTMENT Earl Alston, Salary . W. C. Bailey Jr I. W. Beard L. G. Biackmer V. J. Boomer H. V. Bonon Frank flraman J G B'amhell R. H. Bryson N. C. Burney L. S. Coon C. L Co R. C. Cox J. H Creed- Salary, County En- g meer J. R Daiton. Salary G H. Davis J B Denn.s E. P. Evans O. W. Games F. A. Gardner O E G'pnty D R. Haie E. $ Hawfc-ns D. E. Heath 184.13 339.00 2.94 42 00 2-95 47.35 149.00 15.94 85 00 3.40 35.85 30.00 19.35 Juraenscn's Grocery, Supplies, County Jan ef.iv Poteet's Market . ... 345,04 Standard Oil Co. of Calif, Supplies, Sheriff 47.20 Geo. J. Kumman Supplies, Coun ty Clerk a- District Court .... 30.25 Herald 8. News, Subscription, County Clerk John Livcira, Treas. Co. Clerk Assoc Association dues for 1963 . 20.00 Consolidated Freightways, Freight, Assessor Southern Oregon Aviation, Serv ices. Assessor Hotel Senator, Travel, Assessor Tidewater Oil Co., Supplies, As sessor Standard Oil Co. of Calif 18.45 Dale T. Crabtree. Expenses lor undercover man Robert V. Sealer, Cattle Indemni ty Bender-Moss Co.. Supplies, Cir cuit Judge Piper . R. Wayne Espersan, M.D.. Ex amine Insane Richard H. Otteman, M.D. Walter Zimmerman Justice of Peace. Mileage Mrs. J. W. Hunton. Office Rent, Justice ot Peace, Biy . Pacific Power & Light Co., Sei ices. County Buildings Klamath Disposal, Inc., Services, Court House & Jait Beaver State Telephone Co., Serv ices, Deputy Sherill Young blood Amidon's Business Machines, Services, Assessor Robert E. Davis, Travel to Doern becher for Indiqent Child Pacific Power & Light Co., Serv ices, County Agent Isaac Rhoads, Mileage Juvenile Dept. Dept. of Finance and Adm., Sup plies, Civil Defense J. Martin Adams, M.D., Coroner, Expenses, Health Dept Walter Conrody Richard Meeker Vern Shermer , Ewelyn Manning . Henry Johanscn Charles Anderson Charlotte Anderson . . . Garry Anderson . Charles Peterson Bert Shuey ... Talmadqe E Strickland . . . R'Chard Evns Etiiah H Chambers, Jurors, Dis trict Court Lorna L. Dean Vanon C. DeWitt Calvin E. Douglas Hazel M. Drant Ruih V. Gray Cecil C Haqgreen '. C. A. Havaen Leslie E. Hawkins Thomas L. Stanton Edward L. Whitney Mary Whitby Richard M. Smith Earl J. Burnett Haiel R Drinkwaler .. . .. Don Hurd Norman Dale Jacob ROAD DEPARTMENT Oreoon Water Corp., Services .". Southern Pacific Co., Freight ... Charles Brunmq Co., Supplies CURRENT EXPE.NSE New York Life Insurance, Cover age 1,681.94 Slate Industrial Accident Comm. Contn butions 502.92 United Fund 38.07 Leo's Camera Shop, Supplies, Coun ty Court 51.00 Assoc. of Oreqon Counties, As sociation Dues for 1963 1.478.36 C. L. Langslet, Postmaster, post age for Meter Machine . 1,000 00 Eva M. Cook, Treasurer, Porcu pine bounty 1,000.00 Blake, Motfitt & Towne, Supplies, Purchasing Agenl Inventory . United Stales National Bank, Sup plies, Tax Collector Burrouqhs Corp. Guide Printing Co., Supplies, Coun ty Ofliccs 360,75 Bell's Hardware 16.82 The Glass House Repairs, Coun ty Jail Texaco Inc., Supplies, Sheriff Max Hartlerode, Deputy Sheriff, Mtleane Clyde's Towlnq eV Storage, Serv ices, Sheriff Soulh Sixth St. Oxygen Sales, Sup plies, Election ... Home Lumber & Supply International Business Machines, Supplies, Assessor ... 6 36 J. E. Brown Prmting Co. 544 60 Data. Inc., Rental, Assessor 84.86 Consolidated Freiohtwavs, Freight, Assessor (cancelled) . . . . 5.99 Oregon Title Co., Supplies, Asses sor 43.65 Leeper's Office Equipment Co James G. Grimes, Travel, Per sonal ProDerty Appraiser Klamath County Road Dept., Sup plies, Assessor S'qnal OH Co. ... Capitol Chevrolet Cadillac. Inc. Dale T. Crabtree, District Attor ney, Mileage . John J. Weber Jr., Travel expense. Special Investigator Pacific Power and Light Co., Serv ices, Barclay Sprinqs Park .. Klamath County Road Dept., Sup plies. Constable Home Lumber fl. Supply Co., Sup plies, Gerber Res. Park Comm. Smith-Bates Printing Co., Supplies, Veferan's Service Office ... George J. Kumman , Bender-Moss Co., Supplies. Circuit Court 5 20 Pacific Fruit & Product Co, Sup- 5 201 plies. Nursing Horn 265 M 5X1 Klamath Gas Co 45.15 5 20l Oregon Wafer Corp.. Services. 5 201 Nursing Horn . . V 5 20i Eernanoei Poultry Farm, Supplies. 5 20 Nursing Home 133 M 5 40 ' Pacit-c Northwest Bell, Services. 5 201 Nursing Home . 22 50 5-20 Klamath Disposal. Inc. .. 6 00 5 20iParmoont pr$t Control Service 10 00 520iCurrlns Drugs. Supplies. Nursing 5 20 Home 5 20 Atax Presses. Supplies, Nursing 5 :o Heme 5.20 1 Packer-Scott jw. F . Dean, DOS. Services, 5 20 Prisoners 5 20jEast Siae Electric. Inc , Servcies j & Supcltes. Epenmental Area 343.75 16.40 Klamath Tractor & Implement Co. I Supplies. Experimental Area . 5 86 5 20 Sixth Street Oxygen Sales 10 5 20 i Claude H. Davis Co 6,89 5 20'Leos Camera Shop 18 96 5 20 'Swan LaKe Moulding Co 6 00 J W- Kerns Co 6 00 Packer-scon 336 41 35 15 3.70 11.00 8 72 22 68 6.30 49.95 plus Center Thomas Sales & Service. Repairs, Experimental Area . . 10.65 Moty a. Van Dyke, Inc. SUDDlits, Experimental Area 44 67 Bill s Saw Shop 17.00 6 00 Klamath Machinery Co. 4 20 2.44 C. R. Myert Jack Mynatt M. Nelson WiHerd Noeia C Oberg J. Owens O. W. Palmer W. Perkhurst E. A. Peterson A. Pinnr . . J. W. Pitcher C. Pusser Jr CURRENT EXPENSE D. E Reader O. O. Reeoer E. W. Reynolds L. Richarason F. Robinson G. D. Say L. E. Sheiity Ste-r G. Stenberg A. Stevenson W. N. Stiles O. F Sukraw R. W. Sweet G. Teeters R. C. Thomson , . P. C. Townsend 150 00 125 W 150 00 75 00 120 00 75 00 10000 10c 00 75.00' 175 00 . licooi 150 00 15.00 1 lOOOo' 75 00 1 . 140 00' 140 00 170 00' 175 00 . 1 40 0X1 75 00 110 00 P0 OO 170 00 75 00 140 00 125 00 75 00 125.00 125 00 140 00 140.00 21.00 11.85 21.87 5.07 1.79 5.00 8 00 31.00 33.92 12 00 611.75 15,00 9.10 67.00 30.00 2.00 19.44 IS. 00 50.00 29.73 2 10 3.78 , 1.10 13.46 6.50 23.75 1.20 9.C0 14.25 fl.55 12.63 45.51 5.35 11.26 4.00 4.97 28.03 80 00 32 50 8 04! 6. 00 41 75 5.00 30 00 9 28 7.07 69.56 191.05 5-W 7.33 7.13 52.61 13.93 32.45 3 00 2.05 4.60 58.50 197 59 526.81 5.00 3.09 9.52 924.07 .1,041.20 25.00 Ethel Belief, Jurors, Circuit Court 144.50 Frank P. Ore Clairalice Epperson Iris Ford Bernard Griffin Lawrence L. Little John A. Ralfetto Manuel A. Reyes Alfred G. Wu Irene M. Allison Alice Burkhart Gloria M. Canton Eddie L. Deiiey Jean Kielty Warren G, Mason Oren Maw Ethel B. Crawford Mildred L. Bell Lyle M. Durrell Melvln Filpatrick Edna M. Himeiwrighl . J. V. Owens Henry Tucker Ellen Clark Shelby W. Baldwin ... Theo Pryor Ernest Pa'one . Margaret M. Cain Jimmie D. McVev . . -Michael 8 Strong Frank J. Cacke - Glen R Streib Grace O. Edwa'ds Carol J. Gheiier Geraldine Woods Mildred E Archer Lo.s M Book Leona Cflrr Jack F. Cody Jr. . Edna K Dry O. L Grimes Otis M Meeker Lillian D. Moore Nolan L Deanng Eva V. Thieicman Joyce M. Miner Pecjgy Lou Ross Adoipn N wenner Del-a McGratn Gecoe B-oby. Grand Jury, Wit ness l-ecs Ginger BtU 272 63 i TorTI BVc 255 09 Ann HaMer . . 174 06 M-Onnie Bell Beuiah KmgMon 475 14 H"'' S'gn' 159 ij Mavwfd L Rollend 485.91 234.88 370.74 171.80 154.39 110.66 172 2 7 84 38 84.38 115.64 2 55 22 97 297.72 171 03 109.41 319 33 724.14 1 34 m 85 286.05 293.46 281 IS 288.92 159.01 373 25 301 64 265.53 75.65 446 33 168 41 74 83 275.11 27 27 57.83 22 67 202 48 267 90 197.14 258 58 250 31 347.79 77 63 393.10 West Publishing Co. Oregon Juvenile Judges Assoc.. 1963 Membership dues, Judge Piper The Broiler, Meals tor Jurors, Circuit Court Paul W. King, Grand Jurors Fees Bertha Sunday . . . . Harold E. Smith Lael L. Van Doreri Marilyn M Brown . Harriet LaLourj Iris Ford . Ernest F. Gordon, Services, Circuit Court Donald A. W. Piper, Circuit Judge, Expenses to Juvenile Judge's Conference Consumers Heating Co., Services, Court House .. . BB1.21 Weast Service 8. Equipment, Sup plies, Parkinq Lot . Stitcs Plumbinq Co., Services & Supplies, Court House Blue Seal Dust Mop, Service, Sup plies. Court Huse Asko Supply . . Valley Rental Service Barco Supply Co., Supplies, County Off.ces Paramount Pest Control Service, Services, Court House Henry Robbins, County share for foster home Hugh B. Currin, M D , Medical services for Prisoner Hillside Hospital The Salvation Army, Emergency relief for Transients Warren Parr, Labor & Supplies, Surplus Foods State Dept. of Finance 8 Adm., Supplies, Welfare Klamath County Road Dept., Sup plies, Fire Warden Jim Olson Motors, Supplies, Fire Dept. . Francis L. Mathews, Juvenile Officer Expenses to Juvenile Council Barney and Bob's Janiforial Serv ice, Services, Juvenile Dept. The Big Y Market, Supplies, Ju venile Home Klamath Falls Creamery Barco Supply Co 'Georqc Hillis Refrlneralion, Serv ices, Juvenile Home .. . .. . Puseii Gl-iss Co South Sixth St Lockers. Rental, Ju venile home Payless Drug Store, Supplies, Ju vrnile Home Don B Rict. W D. Medical care. Juvenile Balsiger Motor Co. Services, Ju venile Dept. (Cascade Home Furniihlnqs Co., Supples. Juvenile Home . 1 Basm Building Materials 'Oregon Water Corp, Services, Ju j venile Dpt. k-limjtn nitnmjU lor 14 OOl (-,,.,,. ..p,-.,.- iitmtiei f f, . 1,0 ,nl d1,. Juvenile Drt 38.50 123.20 13B.60 7.70 253.50 69 30 10B.00 200.00 85.00 136 CO 92 4rt 46 20 ino to 77.00 107 B0 279 00 153.00 38.50 121 50 123 20 69.30 7.70 146 30 25 50 7.70 7 70 Bt 70 10.00 42.80 15.40 15.40 15.40 15.40 17,00 15.40 15.40 35.00 80.80 9.00 18.83 21.40 96 75 4.50 12.00 25.00 12 50 . s.oo 36. 20 . 152.82 32.26 . 153.50 41.43 4.94 11.30 60.00 167 09 41.12 .1600 )14 00 (17 00 4 00 8.93 5 001 12 61 330 no 6 80 8 67 2 45 Grainger, Public Employes Retirement. Con tribution . 3.661.22 ROAD DEPARTMENT Public Employes Retirement, So cial Security Rev Acct., Con tributions 2.138 58 New York Lilt Insurance, Cov erage 1,11? 01 Slate industrial Accident Comm. Contribution 1,062 9 United Fund ... 5 00 Novak Parts Supply, Supplies ... 14.30 Schulie Tirt Service .. 1,725.31 Broderkk's Pharmacy 1.70 Eston Pitcher. Services a Sup plies Southern Oregon Radiator Service The Pennioil Co., Supplies Valley Fire Equipment ........ Peugh Machine & Welding A. H. Stewart Jack's Upholstery, Services Howard Cooper Corp., Supplies .. Tillman & Booth Inc Home Lumber 8 Supply Maury's Foreign Cars, Repairs Moty and Van Dyke Inc. Supplies 3.047.32 J. H. Creed, County Engineer, Meals .. Bend-Portland Truck Service, Freight Klamath County Road Dept., To replenish cash box tor expenses Bcall Pipe and Tank Corp., Sup plies ... . Sears, Roebuck & Co Smith-Bales Printing Co Klamath Falls Fast Freight, Freight D & R Auto Parts, Supplies ... Calhoun's East Main Shoe and Leather Shop Balsiger Motor Co Crater Lake Machinery Co. ... Payless Drug Store Bend-Portland Truck Service, Freight Delex Watchctock Corp. Specialiied Service, Services & Supplies . . J. H. Baxter and Co., Supplies 5,120.94 LAW LIBRARY Public Employes Retirement, So cial Security Rev. Acct., Con tributions Stale Industrial Accident Comm. DOG FUND Public Employes Retirement, So cial Security Rev. Acct., Con tributions New York Lift Insurance, Cover age State industrial Accident Comm. Contributions MUSEUM FUND Public Employes Retirement, So cial Secunly Rev. Acct., Con tributions New York Life Insurance Cover age State Industrial Accident Comm.. Contributions COUNTY LIBRARY Public Employes Retirement, So cial Security Rev. Acct., Con tributions 282.24 New York Lite Insuranct, Cover age State Industrial Accident Comm., Contributions United Fund CURRENT EXPENSE Mary Lou Lindsay, Salary draw. Tax Clerk J. E. Watson, Salary draw. Pur chasing Agent 350.00 uee Ann coy, salary draw. Dep uty Sheriff 100.00 L. E. Saunders 75.00 D. E. Summers 100.00; Nellie Knupp, Salary draw. Dep uty lux collector 100.00 Lucille Nelson 75.00 Mae Phillips 75.00 Dorothy Wift 75.00 Kathleen House 75.001 L. D. Alexander, Salary, Jailer 100.00 H. A. Perkins 100.00 Bert Vaagen 100.00 J. W. Hunlon, Salary, Deputy Sheriff 100.00 Jo Babcock, Salary draw. Dep uty County Clerk 100.00 Maxine Linvllle 75.00 Carolyn Senecal 100.00 Evelyn Biehn . 100.00 Ada Barleen, Salary draw. Dep uty Assessor 75.00 Berta Decker 90.00 D. J. Gray 100.00 Hazel Robertson 80.00 J. G. Grimes, Salary draw. Per sonal Property Appraiser J. W. Barrett, Salarv draw. Field Appraiser 100.00 R. D. Brackman 100.00 R. A. Nelson 150 00 N. B. Nelson 125.001 C. A. Poteet 100.00 Arlene Bowman, Salary draw, Stenographer Dislricl Att'y Sue Oilier Reba Hummell (. . , S. A. McKeen, Salary, Deputy District Attorney 175.00 J. R. Thomas 230.00 T. D. Case. Salary draw, Veter an Service Officer 100.00 Loyd DeLap. Salary draw. Bailiff Circuit Court 100. 00 Mary DeLap 100.00 Ftnton. salary draw, Jan- - Ell." Rreitenstem, Travel, Health 7 70i nn- 7 .10 171 51 w.ter Conrady ??s 4i I See P'enar 357 j La"y Lugo 235 32 No' Flvrn jr, TJ Mowa'd AdHI T. HVXj T. Keiiison H Kent 20C 93 IK 3'3 JO 318 70 3 j5 41 2M 09 337 43 "Ht E AND TRY" "Hut? and cry' signifies the oki English common law practice of pursuing a criminal with horn and voice, according to the En cyclopedia Britannica Lve Wii Jon C'i WiU'tms Va $rr th Den- Lilly jrjrinnif Vt Je-S N W Buess H4'0d Tprwfihins J0Ti Fu'e'ton t '?nk Cunneen Dvaid $rp t'n FO'.'f' Mexnt Boc'tv . . O'al Jotthoa Jst S"Cer Harerce Leach jac ed''9'd Caries Si'omn i Vevei Cai Rwga B P'S . jKay fr.iiev i AAvrtl f trlwll iNrtOmi ViMrr 1 70 I E Mae Snei'S ? 1,0 1 Marion Sumner 7 0 Willard 0.tli'nd 7 70 Will. m Bnurland . . . 7 70vitrtrd Lowrlnn 7,n;Kiamath Cnunty Pnd Dept, Re 3 50j Dair, Health Oept 7 70 j Shcn Oil Co., Suopiies, Health 3 M Dcot 1 '0 sumicai Sa'e. tnc. 0i c.jttfr Lanor.itin.ts 42 SOI cyrrln's Druq , . 3 501 rrt(essrn t Rohhins iJ J Oreoon Vatrr Corp., Services, I Health Oenl 'n; Pacific Pnw' 4 Lnht Co K'lca'd Plumbng K Heating Co. V S'jpe"rr Troy Launtry 5?0.Ba'Ci Supply Co.. Supplies, Health 5 2 DPt 5 2l SMMc E'ectric 5 20 Klamath O snr-sal, Inc, Services 77 2i"' j He h D?r.'i 'r I"1 Amiinn't Bti'i"'. Machines, SuP- 5 2! p;es. Meai'h Peoi 5 20! mi M'lod Siap Co , Supplies, Coun- 5 2'j y ?7'u 1 4y,'fiv, Peairs. B'y Jail 5 7' o ADiat Rera'' Center 5 2'' Ernest F Gft'Oon, Srvcs. C f - 5 20' c.j n f.ou't ! r Mo'a'n'e s Pfsteu'e-'t. Meals tor 5 701 5 ") Ca'd P:urrriing Co . LMr & SuP S iOi p' es. Nu'img Momt 5 2T. Are T V 5 70 yy. P tne K Co, Sur-D . 5 ?" I N'M rj M',-r- 5 ?0 : Pu-e-Pn SiiV3t CO 5 2"1 Pent, e PB'Xt & Aflm, 5 ?r Bivd CC'ee Co 5 70 F'nWr.-a Ft Cn . . 5 ?n. pfia"-a'ri fails C'eame'y iTCiWerrl Ve Co 5 70 ' Crew WMi-esai r"i 5 i")' 1 Bg "Y Market 5 2f. Pac ''t Pif K Light Co. Sv- 5 20, Nu'S'g Hore 357 26 54 96 44 72 32 f A 44 2" 72 39 70 326 20.64 1.17 4 54 34.20 S.17 1.12 96.72 7.98 7.00 75.00 10 00 135 26 34 54 34.00 18.36 217 55 92.35 355.50 38.50 53.50 4.98 27.40 20 20 10. 20 10.20 5 20 10.20 15.20 5-20 37.90 . 238 50 4527 6.35 Wavbrant G. D. Williams R. D. Wright , Aubrey Younq CURRENT EXPENSE Klamath Post No I. The Ameri can Legion. Three months rent lor Disabled American Veterans Public Employees Retirement System, Contribution Public Employees Retirement. Social Security Rev Fund Herald & News Subscription, Tax Collector B & B Radio & Electric. Re pairs. County Jail Walt Wiesendanger, Supplies, Sheriff California Pacific Utilities, Sup plies. County Jail Maries Cafe. Board of County prisoners, Chiioouin Jal Harold Davidson, Deputy Sheriff, Mileage L. E. Saunders, Deputy Sheriff, Travel . Markwardt Bros., Repairs, $her- III Shell Oil Co, Suoolies, Sheriff Klamath County Road Dept., Re pairs dnenn Dee Ann Coy, Deputy Sheriff, travel Dept. of Motor Vericies. Tele type Services, Sheriff First National Bank, Checks for District Court ... Dunham Printing Co.. Supplies, Lounty ciertt Smith-Bates Printing Co. I.B.M. corp.. Supplies, District Attorney . . Sam A. McKeen, Deputy District Airy, i ravei Kenneth Emery, Cattle Indem nity Jones' Office Supply Co., Supplies, veterans service ottict Tht Broiler, Meals (or Jurors, Circuit Court Waller Conrady, Witness fees Cir cuit Court Sieve Presler Grace Peck Aldon Clark Ted Paillette Henry Robbins Mildred Robbins Richmond A. Walker, Justice ol Peace, Oflict rent and supplies City ol Chlloquin, Care of coun ty prisoners in cily ail.. Oregon Water Corp., Services, County Buildings Beaver State Telephone Co. , Services, Deputy Sheriff Youngblood Western Union Telegraph Co., Services, Sheriff Shaw Surgical Co., Supplies, Nursing Home Texaco Ins Valley Rental Service. Rental, Nursing Home J. C. Penney Co., Supplies, Nurs ing Home Wade Pitcher's Welding & Ma chine Shop, Services County Agent Klamath County Road Dept., Sup plies. Health Dept. Jones' Office SuddIv Co.. Sup plies, Health Depl 38 20 Culler Laboratories 25.87 Dixon, Dlckel & Dixon, Psychiat' ric services, Health Dept. . 340.00 George R. Nicholson, M.D., Serv ices, Health Dept 150.00 ROAD DEPARTMENT Sixth Street Oxygen Sales, Inc Supplies 88.73 Balzer Machinery Co 1,721.65 Klamath Motors 2.89 Klamath Equipment Rentals Co. 54.00 Colyear Motor Salts Co 69.30 Looaers & contractors Machinery Co 336.00 Heaton Steel & Supply Inc 166.99 Standard Oil Co. ot Calil 45.62 J. C. Penney Co. 8.45 Klamath Radiator Works 228.01 5 00 10 00 35 00 5 00 45 00 54 43 t 30 Beaver stale Telephone Co. Services, Wood River Justice Cou't .it J5 State ol Ct Agriculture Dept , Rodent Bait registration, Co. Agent 40 00 Pocateiio Supo'v Dept, Supplies, Rodent control 745 i Klamath County K'jad Depl , Sup plies. County Agent . 2 14 Tulenj Farms . . 53 73 Klamath County Road Dept. 9 81 George J. Kuniman . , 3 25 Shall O'l Co. 64 08 F. H. McCornack. Expenses, Fire Waroen 57 34 Nona B Cieek. Mileage, Juvenile Dept 7 68 Isaac Rhoads 3384 C Penney Co, Supplies, Juven ile Home 5? 78 The Gun Store 4 50 The Boys 8. Girls Aid Society ot Ope , Cart for Klamath Coun ty Children . Catholic Services for Children Villa SI. Rw-e stie School Children's Farm Home The Landry Co, Premium on In surance 2,110.69 Ace Mimeo Service. Supplies C Defense 3 00 Ktame'h County Road Dept , La bor g, Supplies, Civil De fense Sixth Street Oxygen Sales, Inc . Demurrage charge. Civil De fense . . LAW LIBRARY island Industries inc. Supplies 2 00 Shaw Stationery Co. 1,134 00 ROAD DEPARTMENT Lawscn Products. Inc., Supplies .. 35 86 Tioewater Oil Co 24 18 Sim street Steel Co 61. aO Richfield Oil Corp. 5.15 16 Russell Glass Co 24 72 Kimball Glass Co. 6 26 Union Oil Co. ol Calif 3 55 Enterprise Irrigation District. As sessments Homedale Tracts . 2 75' Juckeland Motors Inc.. Supplies 571.02, Crater Lake Machinery Co , Rent- 1,000 00 The Landry Co., Premium on In- i surance 15,286.6J J. H. Creed, County Engineer, I Travel expense . . 23 70 1 A concise statement ot County Court I proceedings Feb. 1963 Agreements: Klamath countv-wever-; haeuser Co.; Klamath Counly-I.B M. Co. Inspection of County prisons: Klamath County Jail. Feb. 28. Orders: Dance Hall License, Crescent. Ore.; Notice ot Road Assessment, Onyx SI., Dayton St. Personnel: New Employment, Depart ment, Per Month, In that order: Kathleen House, Tax Office, 1220; Dorothy White head, Juvenile, $150; Floyd Barnett Cus todian, S290; Haiel Robertson, Assessor, SI. 25 per nr.; Charles R. DeLap, Surplus Foods, SI. 50 per nr.; Needra Severance, Assessor, SI .25 per hr. Salary Adjustments: J. R Thomas, from $6,000 to $6,500 yr.j Arleen Bowman, from $275 to $285 mo.; Walter Ihorne. Irom S290 to 300; Jim Conroy, Irom $347.50 to $36n.- jack Hunlon, from $347,50 to $360; Sybil Campbell, from $260 to $770; Kay Fridley, from $J90 to $400; C.eorgia Johnson, from $220 to $240; Evadna Paxton, Irom 7 to to SZ.S0; Nona Cieek, from $775 to $295; Francis Mdl- thews, trom $575 to $600. Transfers: James Watson Irom Engi neer to Purchasing. Property Transactions: Lease, Klam ath County-Forest Service. Resolutions: Roads: Widening of por tion of Kane St., Bisbee St. Road Desig nation: Sage Way. Juniper Way. Cherry Way, Eberlcin, Arthur, btna, Slurdlvam, Maryland, Gary, and Watson Vacations: Notice ot: N 50 ot Dayton St.. Portion ol Lost River to Co. Road. Order: plum. Cedar Hutchinson, Jel lerson In Bealty, Ore. STATE OF OREGON LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Forest Supervisor. Lakevlew, Oregon, be fore b'ds art submitted. Legal No. 9, March 29, 196. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereey given that he under signed, oecutor of the Estate of Winnie J RchOms. a'so known as Winnie Jack-, son Robbms, Deceased, died in the Cir cu't Court of tne State of Oreqon. tor Klamath County, tiis Final Account as such executor, and mat Ihe said Court has set April 30. 1963. at the hour of cult Cour1 Room ho t at th hour of w uu am, s me nme w me nMnrKi i0 oo a.m. as tht time for the hearing NOTICE Probate No. 61-78 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of h Estate of LIZZIE BLAIR KNIGHT KtRK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have filed my final account as Adminis trator de bonis non with the Will An nexed of the above-entitled estate, and the Court has sat April 22. 19a3, in Or- Final Account and objections to settlement thereof. Dated this March 29th. 193. HIRAM R. ROBBINS Executor O'NEILL & MCLAREN Attorneys for executor No. II March 29, April 5, II. 19. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! Notice Is hereby qiven that the under-1 signed has been appointed as Executor ot the Estate ol MAUDE POMPEY, de ceased, by Order ot the Circuit Court ol the County ol Klamath, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present tht same to L. ORTH SISEMORE, Executor, duly verified and with proper vouchers attached, at 731 Mam street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, with in ix months from the data ot lint J it i oubiicalion ot this notice L. ORTH SISEMORE. Executor NO- 985 March 15, 27, 29, April 5. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undei sinned, as Artminlstrfttor, eta ol th Estate Of LOUIS CARL I ON WINrR. aka LOUIS C. MINER and L. C. MINER, de ceased, has tiled Ms final account in the Circuit Court ol the Sate of Oregon for Klamath County, and that Friday, the 3rd day of Mav, 19J, at the hour of 10:00 o clock A M ol said day and the court room ot said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place tor hearing ol objections thereto and 1h settlement thereol. E M. BUBB Administrator, C.t a. J Anthony Giecomlnl Attorney for Administrator, c.t. a. No. 12, Anarch 29, April 5, 12, 1. 163 5000 471.75 4.00 119.52 42 50 31 40 100.00 100.00 100 00 100.00 itor F. J. Barnett , Gretta Logan .... L. L. Schooler, Salary draw. Fire Depl Rosemary Lusk, Salary draw, Juvenile Officer T. E. Cook Nona Cieek, Salary draw. Juve nile Dept t . Evadna Paxton E. M. Searles, Salary draw. Civ il Service Director Darlene Curfman, Salary draw. Deputy Assessor .... N. D. Mitchell, Salary, JaMtr W M. Thome Bert Vaagpn Max Hartlerode. Salary, Deputy Sheriff E. E. Kesster, Salary. Election R. C. Thomson J. E. Abbott, Salary, Court Rt porter .. . Mary Lou Crapo. Extra Htlp, As sessor Harold Davidson, Salary, Deputy Sheriff Flora Clark, Salary, Juvenile Dept Larry Alexander, Salary, Deputy ShriH Loyd G. Brink, Guard duty, Clarence Mom 100 00 100. 00 50.00 100 00 125.00 75 Ml 60 00 100.00 50 00 52 35 60 62 5,75 1 9t 38 55 38 55 e?i Thomas M. Smith 7 18 41 25 7 03 5 Yi 2fl 5 9S 24 00 17 ft 24 9fl V) IS 14 15 ROAD DEPARTMENT Earl Alston, Salary draw W. C. Bailey Jr I. W. Bi-ard L. &. Rlarkmer V. J. Boomer H V. Rnrlon . Frank Briiman . . J G Bramhall . . R. H. Bryson N C. Rurney C. S. Coon C L. Cox R. C. Cot Daiton , . Swan Lake Moulding Co. .... 24 20 Jones OMict Supply 37.69 Cascadt Business Systems, Re pairs & Supplies Wlllard Hotel, Inc., Meals DOG FUND Vanco Producls Co. Supplies Roberts Hardware Guide Printing, inc Western Oil & Burner Klamath Disposal Inc., Services Oregon Water Corp Pacific Power & Light LO Pacific Northwest Bell Dale Newman, Livestock killed by dogs , Elmer Bleak D. E. Libby, Mileage for Jan. ... COUNTY LIBRARY West Coast Library Service, Sup plies Henry Z. Walck, Inc Twaynt Publishers, Inc Ptrc a. iapsis, inc. New York Graphic Society Pub. McGraw-Hill Salts Corp Life Books Frank F. Honts Charles M. Gardner Co The Fideler Co Doubleday 8. Co Cambrldno University Press The Byron Co 4t.45 Book-of-lhe-Monlh-Club U-68 The Book Find Club 5.79 iaker 8. Taylor Co 23 50 7.50 15.00 1.30 1.50 21.71 20.00 3 B2 28 78 14.55 75 18 00 110.40 1,414.51 10.70 7.49 47.67 169.35 32 34 7.55 30.96 65.69 23.97 33.76 11.40 oh (actions to said final account and settlement thereof. ROBERT D. PUCKETT Administrator P'octor A, Puckett Attorneys for Administrator NO. 999 March 22, 29, April 5 and 12, 1963. PROBATE NO. 63 NOT1CE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH n the Matter of the Estate ot HAROLD JOHN SMITH, Deceased. STATE OF OREGON SS. County of Klamath NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That tha undersigned has been appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of Harold John Smith, Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor tht County of Klamath and has qualified. All personsi having claims against tht said Estate art nereoy notified to present their claims, duly verified by law required, to the un dersigned at 621 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six (6) months trom the dale hereof. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: March P. 1963 DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION: March 29, 19a3. CHARLES J. SMITH, Administra tor ot the Estatt ot Harold John Smith. Deceased. W. R. BRADSHAW Attorney for Administrator a;i Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon NO. 97J, March 8, 15, 22, 29, 1963. SS. COUNTY OF KLAMATH I, C.has. F. DeLap, County Clerk In and for the above named County and Stale, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct slatement of Claims allowed by Ihe County Court of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, and warrants issued on ihe various Funds ot the County In payment ot same, also a concise statement ol County Court proceedings tor the Month of February, 196J. Chas. F. DeLap, County Clerk, Klamath County, Oregon. No. 992 March 29, 1963. . CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids are Invited and will be ceived at the Klamath Falls Parks and Recreation Office, City Hall, Klamath Falls, Oregon, until 3:00 p.m., Friday, April 12, 1963, and publicly opened at 3:00 p.m. In tht Clly Manager's Office, City Hall, Klamath Falls, Oregon, tor Richmond Ptaylot irrigation system Specifications are available at tht Parks and Recreation Department. Leola Heiibronner Deputy Recorder NO. 998 March 22, 29, 1963 NOTICE Notice is hereby given lhat the under signed, Administratrix of the Estale of SUSIANNER ADAMS, deceased, has tiled her F Inal Account and Ihe Honorable Judge of tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, has set the 23rd tiny of April, 196J, at the hour ot iu:ou a m. as tht time, ana tne Courtroom of said Court as the place for hearing ob lections lo said final account. VIRGINIA M. FULLER Administratrix L. ORTH SISEMORE Attorney for Administratrix 1, March 22, 29, April 5, 12. 1963. No. NOTICE Examination tor Cerlltied Public Account ants of Oregon will be held In Portland from 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, through Friday, May 17, 1963. Applica tions must be tiled with Ihe Board ottice on or before April 5, 1963. HELEN BISH OP, EXECUTIVE SECREIARY. 473 State Office Building, Portland 1, Oregon. No. 6, March 26, 29, 31. 1963. American Publishers Corp. Affiliated Publishers Counselor's Information Servlct Foreign Policy Assoc Herald and News The Manchester Guardian Tht Amerindian The American Forestry Assoc. .. Hertiberg's Washington Bindery, Services Swan Lake Moulding Co., Supplies Shaw Stationery Co. American Herlfagt Publishing CO. Demco Library Supplies Gaylord Bros Golden Press National Oirectory Service . . J. C. Renlt, Repairs on Clock Smith-Bites Printing Co., Supplies Jones Office Supply Slate of Ore. Bureau of Labor, Inspection of Elevator Pacific Northwest Ball Services Consumers' Heating Co Pacilic Power & Light Co Oregon Water Corp Cascade Home Furnishings, Sup plies ... Maury i Foreign Cars, Services Klamath County Road Dept., Sup plies C. L Lengsltt, PostmtsUr, Post Bowrer CO , supplies 15.36 1.39 6.00 1 5 00 47.00 8 00 2 50 600 634 00 6 44 1.70 5 30 4.14 54 56 17 70 3 15 6 50 5 45 36 91 13 00 30 45 349 43 2J4 15 4.45 29 SO 1525 25 00 87.50 1G. H, Davis e it)! J B Dennis a? ? I O 7? 50' i; w, ans W. Games A Gardner E. G'hr.e R. Haie S Hawfms E Heath 25 00 E . M-yv Keuson Kent K.mhrougti If J5 W Kurth imMeo Latagna Or") Lategnt v D Leavitt Marilyn i.fRoy 4 ji ; D. G. Lews G. O. Lewis Jr. J. Lir 2 9', 31 X 1 ' 77 h; , G. WIT M l? 9'. ' V. J49 K i J. i 122 54 J. I 2 90 1 J . I IJ W Mint 117 17 I. R Morns LOuS")not i. MrC'ay . VaH.n , Va'er . . Mattos Me' IV 15 McNeughton Libraries, Inc 216 S3 12 99 JUVENILE HOME 121 29 Brosterhout Construction Co , Serv ices S57 9J 175 00 CURRENT EXPENSE 125 00 Royal Jones Jr., Witnesses. Cir 150 00 cult Court . . 10 20 (40 00 R B. Evans 5 71 125 00 f.has Ellis 5 70 175 00 Befnlce Mattason . 5 20 175 00 Oscar Gerleve 5 70 100 00 Waiter Conrady 5 20 75 00 Kathryn Shfpp 10 20 150 00 Geoon Bowes '0 2n 140 00 ChesUr Beck 15 70 175 00 Fred Jones Jr ISM 1'5 00 Inei HICks . . 15 70 700 00 jon Mayfieid IS 20 160 00 Shaw Stationary Co.. Supplies, 140 00 County Oidces 0 14 75 00 Cornn. Howland. HaytS 8. Mer 100 00 rvt't'd. Englnetring 175 00 sanitary see'l tor Bly 240 00 KOOO Pacific Power 8, Light Co., Serv ice 00 Kti, Biy Ja.l J 00 125 OO' Jurgrrisen's Grocery, SuPP'its, 75 00 County Jil .. 520 14 125 00 West End Market . 50 ICOOO Potetts Marl. 309 II 10C 00 jay s Grocery Store 149 70 160 00 RiCHilld OH Corp, SuPPlKt SMr 1r, 00 iM I7f 150 00 Tidttt' Oil Co ' '1 175 00 union Oil Co. 0' California 31.31 tj 00 Sam A McKetn, Deputy Out. At 175 00 tornty. Trtll $ 0C 75 00 Sam A McKetn, Deputy DUt. At 150 00 ornty T 15000 Wtynt Cole. Erprtst charges for 1f5 00 Court reporter 3 44 140 00 Oregon District Attorney Assoc, I 7100 l3 O't. D A Assoc. Dues JO 00 IViOO Tht 6'O'ltr, Mull tor Circuit 75 Vi Court Jury 35 SO 75 00 Western Union Telegraph CO, 14T, no Srvires, Juvenile Dp 1 OS irs ro Pecitic Norir-weO Ben. Services, ISO 00 County Ofhctl . 1 7( S National Forest Timber For Salt SILVER CREEK BLOWDOWN Oral auction bids will be received by Ihe Forest Supervisor, or his authorized representative at the oitica oi tht Dis trict Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon begin ning at 1:30 p m. April 10, 1963 far all merchantable limber marked or designat ed lor culling on an area embracing B.740 acres, more or less within Sections 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 37, 33, 34, T. 29 S-, 14 E ; Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 77, 28, 32, 33, 34, T. 30 S.. R. 14 E.. and Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, S., R. 14 E . W.M., Surveyed, In the Fremont National Forest, Oregon. Tha. estimated volume of live limber is: 25( M board feel of ponderosa pine. In ad ditlon there Is within tht salt area an unestimated volume ol blue stained (sound sap wood) ponderosa pint timber The minimum acceptable bid per M board ftet is as lollows: live ponderosa pine $1180, blue stained ponderosa pine $2 00. This Includes tht following rates. per M board leet lor stumpagr. $3 00 bast rate plus an additional 18 80 for live ponderosa pine. $2 00 base rale plus an additional 10 00 for blue stained ponderosa pine and in 00 for slash dispos al for all snecies In addition Ihere is w thin the salt area an unestimated vol ume of older dead (unsound sap wood) a" species logs which will be paid for at HOO per M board feet plus 10 00 for slash disposal. Tha prices bid for stump- age shall be considered as tentative rates subiect to quarterly calendar adlustment upward or downward by 0 5 Ot lha dil lertnce bttwacn Ihe average of the West ern Pint Association Lumber Price In dices, as calculated by the Forest Serv ice al the end ot each calendar quarter, and Ihe following bate indices: live pon derosa pint I? 75, blue stained (sound tapwood) ponderosa pint 87 '5. Such ad' ustments In Ihe price lor slumpagt shal be applicable lo timper scaled during the calendar quarter lor which the ad lustment is computed. In no event, however, shall tht payment rales lor each quarter be e.s than the ba'. rales as stated above When tht adjusted rates br tpcoe are loer lhan tht bast rales, the dif'erence between the tolal doliai value of the limner cut at adlmted rates and at basa rates will be rcrorded lor each species. The stumpaoe rale for a sneries wii nnt ha Increased above the base rate until the subsequent adiusted rates above the base rate will develop an accumulated total dollar value tor the species m aires of tha recorded at rumulaled difference Sealed b"s will ht pub'iciy opened and posted, at Silver Lat, O'fdin, at I )0 p m. on Ann! 10, 19aj. AM tho-.e who lunmitted satisfac tory seaM b d will be permitted Imme diately to confiflua a ne Hon pirHmg A mine order, han dralt. Cashier s flr certtlid cherk in the sum of linn 00 irnci arcompany each bid. to be applied 10 the purchase p"Ct. fe'unrted, or retamrj lo' application to any cia-m for damtgas. arrowing to the COnl'tinns of sale If reque-.ted by the purchaser, contract trrrs W'tl oerm't felling o limner in ad vane ot payment ur to the value of la mrlrjrrnartrt bond. If an oral tvd It de dared to b hiqh at tf-e ciovnq of the euff'O", the bidier must immediately foo tirm th oral hi by suhmittifg it in writ ing on t Fvest Service Bid form. The RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE IN TENT ION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALL5 OREGON, TO PAVE AND IMPROVE AVALON STREET FROM THE NORTH ERLY LINE OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET TO THE CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY, ALL IN THE SAID CITY: SAID PROJECT TO BE IMPROVEMENT UNIT 157; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS BE TAKEN IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; FINDING PLANS, SPEC IFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR SAID PROJECT SATISFACTORY; CALL ING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECT ING THAT NOTICE THEREOF BE GIV EN. WHEREAS, Tht City Engineer ot the Clly of Klamath Falls. Oregon, pursuant to a resolution of Ihe Common Council of said City, having filed plans, specifica tions and estimates tor tht cost ol pav- Ina and imorovina Avalon Street from the northerly line of south sixth bireei to the center-line ot Shasta Way, all In said City; and tht Common Council ol said City, f ndtno the said plans, specmca lions and estimates satisfactory lor said protect, being Improvement Unit NO. 157, known as Avalon Street pro ecr THEREFORE) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SESSION AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 That said Dlans. specifications and es timates tor the Improvement ol said portion of Avalon Street, heretofore tiled by tht City Engineer, be and tha same art herebv approved, That tht Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls. Oreqon, hereby de clared Its Intention to Improve said por tion of Avalon Street in accordance with1 tht plans, specifications and estimates as follows: The protect shall consist ot ptacmq 2,686 27 lineal feet of concrete curb and gutter, paving to a width of 60 feet with either 6 inches ol Portland Cement concrete or 9 inches of crushed rock base with 3 Inches of Type B Asphaltlc concrete. The compacted till shall be sloped from the back side ol the curb downward .to he existing ground ai 3 lo 1 slope. It Is the Intent ol this orolect to salvage all high type asphalt from Pershing Way to Shasta Way. No sewer facilities are lo ht considered. No now sidewalks art Included in this pro eel The estimated cost of all classes of Improvement embracing all work and materials for the complete improvement of said proacl for such lypa or pave ment he Ina: 3 Inch Asphaltlc Concrelt 119,594.76 6 Inch Portland Comcnt $70,421.66 Section 2 That the properly lying wllhln tht boun darles herelnalter described, be and the samt Is hereby declared to be benefited by Ihe said Improvement; to-wit: Bealnnina at a point which is 510 feet east and 73 leet soulh ol the section corner cOmmon to Sections 33 and 34, ship 38 Soulh, Range 9 East, Wil lamette bast meridian, and Sections 3 and 4, Township 39 Soulh, Range 9 East, Willamette Base Meridian, Klamath Coun- Oreqon; thence, easterly along ino soulh line ol Shasta Way. a distance of 5S5 feet; thence, southeasterly a dis-i tance of 172. B8 letl more or lessi thence, easterly, a distance ot 10 feet, mora or less; thence, northerly a distance ol 150 leet, more or less; thence, easterly along1 the south line of Shasta Way, a distance' ol 633.55 feet, mora or less to the westerly Una ot Austin Street t thence, southerly aiong tne westerly una oi uv fln Street, a distance cr 1,177 50 team thence, southwesterly on tht westerly line of Austin Street, a distance ol 182 90 leet; thence, westerly, a distance of 525 leet more or less to tht northeasterly lint of Pershlnq Way; thenct, northwest erly on tht northwesterly Una of Pershing Way; a distance ol 335 feet mora or less to the point which Is 105 feet south easterly of the southeast Una of Avalon sir pen thence, southwesterly and paral lel to Avalon Street, a distance ot 175 leet, more or less to the northeasterly line ol soulh Sixth Street; thenct, north uuetterlv alnnn lha northeasterly line of South Sixth Street, a distance of 795.0 fael; thence, northeasterly and parallel to Avalon Street a distance ot 175 feet more or less to the southwesterly lint ot Ptrsn Inq Way; thence, southeasterly along the southwesterly line of Ptrshing Way, a distanca ol 100 leet mora or lass lo the northwesterly tine of Avalon Slrtet; thence, northeasterly along Ihe northwest erlv line of Avalon Street a distance of 225 feel more or lass to a pnlnt which Is 163.00 leaf; northeasterly of the northwest erly lint of Avalon Street trom the north easterly line ol Pershing Way; thenct, northwesterly and parallel lo Parshmg Way a distance nf 338 00 feat to a point which is 163.00 feet northeasterly and at 90 degrees of Pershinq Way; thence, northerly a distance ol 625 fret mora or less to the point of beginning That all properly Included In tht afore said boundaries above described will be benefited by said Improvement and shall be assessed lor the expense intreot. Section 3 That Monday, Ihe 15th day of April, 1963, at the hour ol 7 30 o'clock P.M. and the Council Room of the City Hall In Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and It Is hart- by lled as Ihe time and plact for hearing objections and remonstrances against said proposed improvement Section Tha Recorder ol tht City of Klamath Falls. Orpgon, be and she Is harehy aulhorljed and directed to cause a notice ol said hearing to bt published as previa ed bv the Cltv Charter and conforming thereto she shall cause this resolution lo be published In lha City olficlal news oarer, once tacit day for len conseculiv publications, and the City Engineer, bo and he is hereby directed to post within live day after the first publication of this resolution al each end of lha contem o'ated improvement notices heariad- "NO TICE OF STREET WORK," In lettari twit lass than one (it inch In length, and said notice Shalt cnnlam In legible chai aclers, a copy of this resolution and tha date of its passage, and tha City Enqineei shall lilt with tha City Recorder an alfi davt of the posting of such notices. staling tha date when posted, tha place where posted and tht number ol noticts oosted Paied bv ltt Common Council nf the City of Kiemaih Falls, Oregon, this 18th day of March, presented LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tht Matter of tht Estatt of FLORINE BAKER, aka FLORENCE BAKER HU ITT aka FLORINE HUlTT, Deceased. I hevt been appointed Administratrix ot tht Estatt of FLORINE BAKER, also known as FLORENCE BAKER HUlTT, also known as FLORINE HUlTT, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with proper vouchers within si months from tht date hereof to mi at the of fice of my attorney at 432 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated and first published this 29th day of March. i96j. MILDRED CHAVEZ Administratrix GLENN O. RAMIREZ Attorney for Administratrix 437 Main Street Klamath Fails, Oregon No. 10, March 29, April 5, 12, 19, 1963. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words ptr lint. Adt under 1 lints count stmt as 3 Unas. National Forest Timber For Salt Duncan Creek Slowdown Oral auction bids will bt received by It Ihe Forest Supervisor, or his authorlied u Inct Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon, be ginning at 2:00 p.m. April 10, 1963, for all merchantable timber marked or des ignated lor cutting on en area embrac ing 12.510 acres, more or less within sec tions 13, 24, 25, T. 29 S-, R. 14 E; sec tions 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, T. 29 S., R. 15 El aoctlons 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, T. 30 S, R. 15 Ei section 31, T. 29 S, R. 16 E; section 6, T, 30 S. R. 16 E.; W.M. surveyed, In Ihe Fremont National Forest, Oregon. The tstimated volume of vt limber is 460 M. board teet ot pon derosa pint. Tha estimated volume of live and recently dead (sound sapwood) timber Is 20 M. board leet ol while fir and other species. In addition there Is within the salt area an unestimated vol ume of blut stained (sound sapwood) ponderosa pine timber. Tht minimum ac ceptable bid per M. board teet Is as lol lows: live ponderosa pine $13.85 white 8 other species S2.45 blue stained Lints t 3 3 6 10 1 TlmM Tlmvt Timet Month nn noo soo $ m 3.3S 5.00 6 SO 11. SO 4 00 4.00 8 00 1 4 00 4.75 7.00 .50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement. If paid in tdvanct, Above rates art for consecutive Inser tions, without .change ol copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be Uear and undtrstandabit to bt produc tlvt. All words must be spelled out. Aitos offtred for sale by private indr vlduels cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p.m. day btfort publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and i ..ioay. CANCELLATIONS I CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday iese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. P least rtad first Insertion of your ad. Tha Hereid & Newt will give one extra run for typographical error. ti ponderosa pint (3 45. This Includes the lollowing rates, per M. board fett for slumpage: S3. 00 bast raft plus an addi ttonal $9.40 lor live ponderosa pine SI. 00 base rate plus an additional S0.00 for white lir & other species $2.00 bast rate plus an additional $0.00 for blue stained ponderosa pine and $1.45 for slash disposal tor all species. In addition there It with in the sale area an unestimated volume ot older dead (unsound sapwood) all spe cies logs which will bt paid for at $1.00 per M. board leet plus $0.00 for slash disposal. The prices bid tor stumpage shall be considered as lentattvt rales sub- act to quarterly calendar adlustment up ward or downward bv 0.5 of Ihe dlfterence between tht average of the Western Pint Association lumber price Indices, as cal culated by the Forest Servlct at the end of tach calendar quarter, end tha lollowing base Indices: live ponderosa pine logs 82.75 blut stained (sound sap wood) ponderosa pine logs 82.75 live and recently dead (sound sapwood) White fir & other species logs 57.09. such ad lustments In the price for stumpage shall bt applicable to timber scaled dur ing the calendar quarter for which tha adlustment Is computed. In no event, however, shall the payment rates for oach quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than the bast rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at ad justed rales and at base rales will be recorded for each species. Tht stumpage rale tor a species will not bt Increased above Ihe base rale until the subsequent adjusted rates above tht bast rait will develop an accumulated total dollar value for Ihe species In excess of the recorded accumulated difference. Seated bids will bt publicly opened and posted, at SHvtr Lake, Oregon, at 7:00 p.m. on April 10, 1963. All those who submitted a satis factory sealed bid will bt permitted Im mediately to continue auction bidding. A money oraer, oann gran, casniers or certified check In the sum of $2,300 must accompany each bid, to be applied to tht purcnast prict, rttunaea, or retained for application to any claim for damagts, accordinq to Ihe conditions of salt. If requested by tha purchaser, contract terms will permit felling of timber In advanct ot payment up to tht valua ol Iht perlormanct bond. If an oral bid Is declared lo be high at the closing of tne auction, ma piaoer must immediately confirm tha oral bid by submitting It In writing on a Forest Service bid form., Tht right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Forest Service bid forms for use in submitting sealed bids and full In formation concerning Tht limber, the con ditions of sale and the submission ot bids should be obtained from the Dis trict Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon or the Forest Supervisor Lakevlew, Oregon, bt- lore bids are submitted. No. 8 March 29, 1963. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 column Inch, $35 per month with $3. discount tor payment on or before the 10th. Vi Inch, S19 with S1J0 discount for payment on or before tht loth. Based on one copy change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OP THANKS, and IN ME MORI AM 58 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMES KLAMATH LODGE No. 77 AF & AM will hold o SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, March 29, 7:30 p.m. Masonic Temple. Work in F.C. Degree. All F.C, and M.M. Masons cordially Invited. Gene R. Byrnes, W.M. LOST & FOUND 2 FOUND fishing tackle box In the Klam ath Falls area. Write Box 348, Bend, Ore. FOUND portable radio. Phone TU 4-8597 GENERAL NOTICES ...4 MANY head of unclaimed sheep on Fells bar to Ranch. Owner may claim by pav ing) Contact Fellsberto Laurence, Merrill 79S-5563. $50 CASH to churches, schools, clubs, and othtr organlratlons. Distribute M bottles WATK1NS vanilla. Phone TU 4-7S31. PERSONALS 6 WANTED: Information on Elkanah Whit ney, postmaster at Tultlake, Calif., In 1675) also information on mail carriers during Modoc War. Mrs. Bob Adams, Bonanza, ore. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Ore gon Slate Board ot Higher Education at Room 210 of Ihe Administration Building, present Oregon Technical Institute cam pus, Klamath Falls, Oregon, until 2:00 p.m. Pacific standard Time, on tutsday, April 30, 1963 for work for Oregon Tech nical Institute, Klamath Falls, Oregon, designated as "Phase II". The protect consists ol construction ol road and park ing area paving, a Shops Building, a Physical Plant Building, an Administra tion Building, a Physical Education Build ing and a Library-Commons Building; all located on the new campus of Oregon Technical Institute, Klamath Falls, Ort- aon. Separate prime bids will be received for the general construction work, tha mechanical construction work, tht elec trical construction work, or a combina tion thereof on bid forms provided by tht Architects. One complete set of the contract docu ments may be obtained by prime bid ders only from Skidmore, Owlngs aV Mer rill, Architects, 3040 S. W. Jefftrton, Portland l, Oreqon, upon deposit of $150 00. prime bidders are defined a General. Mechanical or Electrical Con- tractors. Additional sets or ptrtlel sets may be purchased for the cost of production. The deposit made upon procurement ot tht contract documents will be refunded to prime bidders only upon tht return thereof In good condition within two weeks alter Ihe opening of bids, but to prime bidders who do not submit a bid only if returned no later than one Wftek prior to the bid opening dale, No refund will ba made on sets or partial sets pur chased at the cost of reproduction, al though these cost of reproduction sets or partial sets must bt rtturned to tht Architects. The drawings, spec I tic a Hon and forms of contract documents may bt examined at the Builder's Exchange Offices Portland, Eugene, and Medford, at the office of the Architects, and at the Ad ministration Building, at Oregon Techni cal Institute. AH hidiers must comply with Chipftr ?9, Oregnn Revised Statutes, relating to the qualification of bidders. No bid will be considered unless fully con-mined In tht menntr provided In the "instructions to Bidden" upon tha Bd Perm provided by tht Architects and ac companied by a Certified Check or Bid Bnnd executed In favor to the State of the Mavnr and bv him I Oregon and the Oregon State Board ol PIERRE, phone TU 4-4? 9. I'm t PRIM POODLE, too. Signed Flti. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-6704. Friendly htlp anytime. BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for families of Alcoholics, TU 4-7129 or TU 3-5740. P.O. Box 1065. HARMONY HOUSE Nursing Home, State Llctnsed, 24 hour nursing cert. Ambutn lory and bed patients. Modern facilities on ont floor, spacious recreational area. Merlorle Huntington, owner, EV 2.0479, Bend. cM 10 approved and signed this 19tn day ot March, 1961 SirjrM- Rnhrt E VealCh ATTEST: Roue KfHtr Recorder STATE OF OREGON. I COUNTY OF KLAWATH. SS. j CITY OF KLAVAtH FALLS t, Posit Kel'ar, Rernrrjr for the f'ty ot Klamath Fails, Oregon, dn hertpy certify lhat the ahove and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of a resolution introtuced and adopted by the Common r ounr.l of tt f ity nf Y tamath Fatls, Mri jny r-t ail hils is re ! Orfion, at lis regular meeting held on wryrl Fo'sl Sf'vlct b'd fnrrns for in submitting seated bids and full infor mation concerning the timhr, tne con dtons of sa'e aM 1st suhmlsion of hits should be of)!ainrj from tne Di lha is day nf March, 19A). and thrraattfr approved and signed by the Mayor. BriMf KfHtr Rec'dr March S. ?6, 27, JI, Jt, 31 1476 15 tr itt Ranger, Silver Lake, Oregon or the April 1, 2, J, 4, iVt-J. WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 High Street. Phone TU 2-4404. MEETING NOTICES 1 SERVICES 10 SEWING BY LAVERNE. Formats, coats. men's shirts. Costumes designed and made tiso. ru i-wu. CABINET making a specialty, furniture rtfmlshlng, excellent references iU 4-4079. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING at your lo cation. Dally service. Latest style state licensed moone unit, special rates it we cut and wrap. Grigsby's Smokehouse Old Midland Road, ph. TU 20769. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leeve at your place. Al Stoll, TU 4-616. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening and grinding, used bike:. repairs, furniture repair ana re- tlnlshlng. T & C Shopping TU 4-3749. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds. foundations, cement work, reasonable, ref erences. TU 2-53SB. DOZER with operator. Excavating & lev. eiing. Any site lob. Low raits. TU 2-157 after 4 p.m. CALL BILL FORNEY, TJ 4-6447 for excavations, house foundations, sep tic tanks, drain fields, landscaping, roto tilling. 5444 Shasta Way. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for man, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason. able prices. Oena's Mens Wear 537 Main DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-JJM Hiql er Education tn an amount net less 10 per cent of the total amount of the bid, to oe forfeited as fixed and liq uidated damages should the bidder neg lect or refuse to enter info e contract and provde suitable bond for Ihe faithful per formance of ihe work in tht tvtnt tht contract is twarded him. The Oregon State Boa'd of Higher Ed ucation reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any inlor ma li nes. No bidder may withdraw his Md after th hour set for the opening thereof until attar ihe elapse ol 45 days trom tha bid opening. OREGON STATg HOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION By R. L. Collins Secretary, Euqene, Oregon No. 14, March 29, 1963. PAINTING RMld.ntl.l commercial. EitlmalM gi.dly. E. L. G5RRUE. PAINTING CON I IIACTOR. Phwi. TU 4-9539. Washer Broken Down? Clothet dirty? CALL UHUG'SI Guaran. tMd rtpairt on ,11 mtkt, of Wtihfrt k Drv.rl. IIMLIC.'S ELECTTIC STORS TU 4 HEALTH 12 Now You Can Even RENT a SPRING TUNE-UP Our port obi a belt vibrator tunes up your entira system while excess pounds melt away. VALLEY RENTAL I003 E. Main , TU 4-68)2