Town and Country Shopping Center's Bonus INTERCOMMUNITY fUl mki FUND ALL DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY in II ZtvyX Ks- I....; :; ! r-ra s drive THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 10 ... for eoch cup of delicious cof fee we sell Friday and Saturday. Come in and have a cup with your friends and know the dime goes to an excellent project. BING'S THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 50 . . . every time we sell any of our regular 3.98 to 8.98 summer cot ton or summer knit sport shirts. DREWS Manstore T&C THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 50 . each time you buy any pair of shoes in the store. Get in step in new shoes for spring. HOUSE OF SHOES THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 501 . . . everytime we sell one of our 24x42 throw rugs at low discount price of 2.97. Your choice of beau tiful new pastels. HOUSE OF DISCOUNT 2" THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 5 Every time we sell one of our pan cake breakfasts Saturday from 9 till 2 at low price of 35c. Low Cost Super Market S3 THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 50 . . . everytime we sell a piece of our regular 4.40 better costume jewelry this Friday and Saturday. BOB'S T&C Jewelry v. THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS o ... of the sale when we sell any I of our famous Scott's grass seeds, t I . ! I ' VA I D r I E lawn fertilizers, ttccu Of reea, eit. We will even loan you the spreader to do the job right. ROBERT'S HARDWARE 3 'A THE HOSPITAL FUND GETS 50' . . . every time we sell a regular 2.00 Toni home permanent that in cludes a free 1.49 set of curlers. You save 1.49 and the Hospital Fund gets 50c. SUBURBAN DRUG HERE'S HOW f IT'S . WORKED: Buy any of the items listed at left at their regular prices and we put the j amount shown into a bonus hospital fund. For example: each time you buy a cup of coffee at Bing's, Friday and Saturday, the. 10c goes to the Hos pital. Get the finest in value at Town and Country plus the satisfaction of having part of what you pay go to a very worthy project. Be sure to check every page of this section for othor Town and Country regular values. own i Country For Everything You Need to One Stop Remember ? April 4th & 5th "Eliza and the Lumberjack" Musical, Benefit Performance, OTI 2 W ininniiwiiiiiMMHw FW-MMI I Ft I'I'I'I'W 8 i'f Moke Your Own U , fEASTER BASKETS v A f EASTER GRASS 291 Mil EASTER 9AQfiC 1 BUNNIES A?00 I 1 as EASTER Ce,0QQe I Ihll BASKETS O OO I ill , I BUCKETS WITH OO J E 1 SHOVEL J76 f W , JELLY BIRD EGGS OQ 1 1 Vu yPound jf. CANDY 4 Ml EASTER EGGSM jL See our entire collection of g 'jlk candy and other Easter M ) I items. We've everything to M J J make Easter complete for Jff ff iVVthe children. jfjm rn CUTE LITTLE CHICKENS ALL DRESSED FOR EASTER From 5?10 2!25e ft Sugar Coated Jelly Bean Bunnies u39 Ideal for Easter Boskets or as Individual Candy Treats Hollow Chocolate Boxed 4& And Ready U to I S Mm M MM To Give PLAY PEN PADS Foam filled play pen pads to fit standard size play pens, or use on the lawn for the baby to play on. Regular price $5.19, our low discount price $4.88, now . . . J BOAT ACCESSORIES 1 BIG GROUP LOW DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS 20 MORE OFF ON Speedometers Bow Lights Stern Lights Hardware Steering Wheels And Other Accessories SPECIAL 388 1 li PRICE SUNDRIES VITAMINS, ALL KINDS ASPIRIN HOME REMEDIES SHAMPOOS BABY SHAMPOO BABY BOTTLES INFANT'S FEEDING SUPPLIES TOOTH BRUSHES MINERAL OIL New Modern Wood & Brass Table Lamp 388 Reg. 4.20 J BUBBLE BATH LOTIONS SUNTAN OILS & CREAMS COD LIVER OIL MANY OTHER ITEMS 1.19 Keeps worms fresh and clean for weeks Q OOC Worm Keep 4 &00 Keg. J.xe - mq Bob Bet - Bait Canteen o.W gajt gox 07 Reg. 1.00 Size Mike's Cluster QQg Reg. 15c pockoge of si M Salmon Eggs 00 Snelled Hooks I U Relax while fishing with our Reg. 1.40 Pole Holder Keeps worms and eggs handy Bob Belt Baby Carry Seat 6 49 36" Window Blinds I 29 White, Ivory Pongee r i MA?: Jk I Kcq. 6.95 Deluxe DO THE JOB EASIER WITH A JACOBSEN Jacobsen engineers, using the most modern laboratory test methods, have made exhaus tive studies of cutting grass with both reel and rotary type mowers. The results of these tests are reflect ed in the excellent line of mowers we are fea turing for, 1963. LAWN PRINCE Cuts big 18" swath perfectly every time. 2 H.P., 4-cycle engine is trouble-free and has automatic rewind starter. .A budget priced motor for those who want the smooth, even cutting that every Jacobsen mower provides. 119.95 HOW ABOUT A ROTARY? TRY THE APACHE MODEL 109. 18" Jacob sen with 2 H.P., 4-cycle engine with easy spin starter. Adjustable cutting height. Smooth operation. Light and easy to handle. Only . . . 74.95 Terms, of course ROBERT'S . . . HARD TO BEAT FOX HARDWARE