Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 27, 1963, Page 28, Image 28

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    PAGE If , Wednesday, March 27, 1963
' ' " HERALD AVD NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Harvard Beelt 20 min.
A Base Reclp
The all-lime favorite of beet-lovers.
Drain, reserving liquid, f onte oil of.
1 No. 2 cn diced beett (about IVi
cups, drained)
Mix InRelHer in i Muctpart
2 lableipeent eugor
1 tabletpeen cermtarch
A teotpeen Mlt
' teaipeen manetadium glolomolo
Few grains pepper
Stir in
y, cup r.ierv.d boat liquid
3 lableipoent vinegar
Bring to boiling, stirring constantly. AilJ beeU
2 loblotposfis buHor or margarine
Again bring to boiling, stirring gently and
constantly. Simmer 8 to 10 min.
4 or 5 senings
Bsalt in Orange Sauc 20 min.
Follow A Recipe. Decrease beet liquid to i
cup. Substitute J J cup erange juico for vine,
gar. Aild It teaspoon grated erange pool .
Carimli witli Hard-Cooked Eggs, chopped.
Candied Carrots 30 min.
A Base Kn lpe
Set out a small baling lMl.
Vj-Ii and pare or scrapie
6 medium-liie (about 2 lbs.) carrots
Pineapple Claseil Carrots, Canned Heanm
Pineapple Glazed Carrots IS min.
Set out a l!-qt. saucepan.
Prain, reserving liipiid-, contents of
1 No. 2 can sliced carrots (about 2
cups, drainod)
1 9-oi. can pineapple tidbits (about
3i cup, drained)
Combine in the saucepan
2 teaspoons cornstarch
Vi teaspoon salt
Mi and add gradually to cornstarch mixture-,
stirring constantly
Vi cup reserved carrot liquid
'l cup reserved pineapple sirup
firing to boiling. Stirring constantly, cook
about 3 min., or until the liquid is thick and
clear. Stir in
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
Add carrots and pineapple. Heat thoroughly.
4 or Sjcn ings
New Ranges Suit Variety Of Kitchens
Families planning to build a new
home or to remodel an outmod
ed kitchen this year have many
styles of new electric ranges to
choose from. There arc both free
standing models and built ins,
one-piece units and two-piece en
The four basic styles of 1963
electric ranges are:
I. Free - standing This is
the traditional, one-piece range,
now squared off to look built-
in. It rests on the floor and has
one or two ovens below the sur
face cooking units. Also avail
able today arc free-standing mod
els with one oven at eye-level and
another below the surface ele
ments. 2. High-oven range This is
another one-piece unit w ith one or
two eye-level ovens above the
surface cooling elements. Placed
on a cabinet or hung on a wall,
it requires no cabinet cutouts
or trim.
Both free-standing and high-oven
ranges can be moved without
3. One-piece built-in A com
pact unit with oven below the
cooktop. this may be a drop-in,
range that sets on a low base-!
board, or a slide-in tvpe that rests
on the floor. The cooking surface
may be flush with counters, divid
ed into two levels, or complete
ly recessed below counter level.
Both types, whether drop-in or
slide-in. are integrated with cab
inets by using chrome adapter
4. Separate built-in units
This is an ensemble made up of
a cook-top built into a counter
plus separate wall oven or ovens.
The separate units offer the great
est flexibility in kitchen design
Regardless, of their design, the
new electric ranges all offer au
tomatic controls, easy cleanabil
ity, trim appearance, and fast,
Icool cooking.
Girls who have short arms
would be wise to wear long
sleeves or dresses with no sleeves
at all. Cuffs and bracelets
should definitely be avoided. They
will make the arms seem even
WILLARD, Ohio (UPl) So
you think the price of everything
has gone up? Pioneer Rubber Co.
says rubber balloons for the toy
and advertising trade are cheap
er than they were 30 years ago
Always A
To Serve
Market Basket Sells
only Klamath Basin
Good & Choice Beef!
Market Basket
9th t Pine
So. 6th ft Shosra
At Store No. 2
Whatever the occasion . . .
Whatever the meal...
WHOever the cook...
Nothing sets off your table . . .
Nothing sets up the occasion . . .
Nothing does it like a . . .
Floral Center-piece
Attend the Cooking School and Food Fair for
helps in your meal planning and preparation. See
the center-piece on the model table . , . perhaps
you'll win it as a door prize . . . and of course,
it's from
Easter Lilies are rapidly matur
ing in our greenhouses. Visitors
welcome. Bedding plants will be
available soon.
x r- M 1 m I n -
Poor P
New Dishes
prepared on the stage by
Bev Lyons
AND . . .
among the many wonderful door prizes to
be given at Thursday's Cooking School are:
Electric Kitchen Appliance
Pacific Power & Light Co.
$5.00 Order Klamath Basin Beef
Market Basket
Beef Cook Book
Klamath County Cow Belles
Service Call On Any Appliance, TV
or Lawnmower
J. W. Kerns
5 Pound Loaf Cheddar Cheese
Klamath Falls Creamery
Delicious Ham
Big-Y Market
7-Up And Coca-Cola
7-Up Bottling Co. of Klamath Falls
Fruit and Cheese Tray
Oregon Food Stores
Floral Table Center-piece
Nyback's Flower Fair
Aluminum Chip & Dip Set & Glass and
Corning Ware 7-in. Skillet
Pay Less Drug
. Gift Pack of Horseradish
Tuleloke Horseradish Growers
Attend The Show Each Day
3614 So. 6th
TU 4 8183