I III M I III, I II llll I ll HIIHIII.HIII ' t if "" , . ' ;- BIG HAM A fully-cooked boneless ham will be one of fhe door prizes each day to be given at the Cooking School by Big-Y Stores. Jack Hallmark, one of the Big-Y owners, shows one of the prise hams. BEEF BOOTH Klamath County Cow Belles will again have a display of beef products. They will have available cookbooks and beef recipes and beef candy. Here, Mrs. Rodney (Jana) Wright takes a turn at manning the dis play. ; STARTS STATE VISIT NEW YORK UPI King Has san II of Morocco arrived here today to begin a 10-day state visit to the United States. He will confer with President Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Husk on Thursday and ad dress the National Press Club in Washington the following day. 81'BJEC'TIVE PHENOMENON WASHINGTON UPI People who think television and radio commercials are too loud are cx neriencing a "subjective and psy etiological phenomenon" that can't J De provea, accoruing io me .na tional Association of Broadcasters. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Or. Wednesday. March 7, I9K3 PAGE 5 lV W "jty f "";.fl' KITCHEN BEAUTY The "Flair" electric range by Frigidaire, is displayed here by Vern Owens, owner of Cascade Home Fur.iishings. It and other Frigidaire home equip ment will be on display at the Cooking School. The "flair" features eye-level, out front controls, eye-level oven with glass door, and hand-high cooking top, and others. See It At The Cooking School And look for our FREE GIFT in Your Tote Baq! (EMM Tri-PIy Stainless Steel Cookware aisita in Blight Brass . 8-Piece Starter Set 1, 2 ond 3-qt. sauce pans with lids, 10-in. skiflet with lid. Comp. Value 32.95 19.99 Dutch Oven, reg. 1 2 50, 6.19 Cook Book, reg 7.95, 3.99 Insert, reg. 3.95, 1.99 NEW COtO LOCK MAGNETIC DOORS DEEP HANDIOOR STORAGE TWIN PORCELAIN CRISPERS RUGGED, DEPENDABLE COLOEN HEART COMPRESSOR 95 With Any Trade M;0R1G'E1 Golden Heart Refrigerators start as low as 179" 3 J 734 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-4197 721 Main St. Pork & Shop TU 4-4561 See you ot the Cooking School feSf vol