PAGE 4-C HERALD AND 141 If NU. lac TM IW VI t Off. "I'm giving back my engagement ring. I found out just in time that he doesn't like housework either!" BASIN BRIEFS NEW PINE CREEK. MRS. ALICE ALLEN and Jack Hinton won the grand prizes fur! the Easliide Grange-sponsored pi- nocholo party series last Saturday night. Prizes for the evening's play were won by Garland Cuiv ditf, men's high; Mrs. Nina Baty men's low; Tom Dick, substitute inc. women's low; and Chuck Bishop, traveling prize. MRS. JAMES SMALL received word March 18 that her uncle "Buck" Williams, aged 90, had died at his home in Arkansas MRS. DOROTHY MATHENY, who teaches the third and fourth grades at Camas Valley, Ore., Jacob On Bridge NORTH IT A8B653 VK1042 78 10 2 WEST EAST AKQJ10 4 7 4 75 VJI 8943 AQ100 AJ7 K063 SOUTH (D) A AH V A Q 9 8 K J-i Q8S4 Both vulnerable South Wot North . Kit 1 N.T. Pass 2 Pass 2 V Pass Puss Pass Opening lead K Stayman Bid Forms Noted By OSWALD JACOIIY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Thcro are two general forms of Stayman: forcing bid and linn forcing bid. Mine is of the nonforcing va riety, meaning that in most cases my two club response shows n good hand but I may also use it with a bad one. My partner must rcbid two of! a suit of tlie strength of his no trump. If his rebid is two dia monds it says that he does not have as many as four cards In either spados or hearts. If his rebid Is two spades it tells me he has at least four spades and may or may not have four hearts also. If his rebid is two liearts it tells me that he lias at least four hearts and does not have as many as four spades. If I pass his rebid it is obvious that I have a bad hand and that the rchid suits me. If I go to two spades oer a two heart rebid or to two spades or hearts over a two diamond robid I still! show a bud hand and partner is supposed to pass and let me play at two of my suit. North has an ideal hand for this form of Stayman. lie has no Interest in game and no in terest in letting his partner play one no-trump, lie wants to p!av two hearts if his partner holds four hearts, otherwise he wants! to play two spades. He responds two clubs. South poes to two hearts and plavs it llwre. He will surely make his contract and may make an over trick. This Is the only way North and South can show a profit. There is no way to make two sjudes of one no-trump. Q Thi blrtrllnf hs bn: rut Foulb West North 1 T You, South, hold: 4.AQS76 A(I Mil What do you dot A Double. You are prepared for wir bid bj your psrtner. TODAY'S OLH8TION Tour partner responds one heart to your double. What do you do now? Autvar Tomorrow NEWS, Klunalh Flli, Ore. visited her daughlcr, Marilyn Iwre over spring vacation. She flew to Klamath, intending to fly on to Lakevlew, but came by bus as planes were temporarily unable to land safely at the local air port. MRS. MATTIE COOK returned Friday from a visit with her sis- lor, Mrs. Hazel Busscy, in Prine villc, having accompanied her brother, Lester Noles, and wife there the week before. She re turned with Mrs. Maxine Rubnelt and daughters, who had also been visiting relatives there. MKS. ALPHA FERGUSON was!No. iiT.,,! . m, given a reception Sunday alter noon by her daughter, Mrs. Buna Fans, in honor of her 80th birth day. More than 40 friends attend ed. Assisting Willi refreshments were Mrs. Cora Cook, Mrs. Ruth Brickcy. Mrs. Lcetha May, and Mrs. Alice Briscoe. GRANGERS who have not had the first and second degrees will have the opportunity to take them Saturday evening, March 30, at the Thomas Creek Grange Hull at 8 p.m. A supper Is scheduled at 8 p.m. GEORGE CONVERSE was tak- en to the hospital last Friday for treatment and observation. DAIRY TRUDY BROWN spent vaca tion week at Crcswcll with her friend, Carolyn Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis arc former Bonanza teachers. MR. AND MRS. DON RICE left for Portland and The Dalles last week. She will visit relatives for two weeks before returning! llOllie. BRUCE IIASKINS has returned! to college at Corvallls after spend-1 ing vacation week with his par-l fins, .nr. ana Airs, uivcrn lias kins. MR. AND MILS. NEAL JONES had their four grandchildren from Ashland for a few days during vacation while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark, went to Oakland whero they visited her sister, Betty Jones. MR. AND MRS. HOMER DIX ON and daughter spent a few days in Vancouver Willi her mothor, Mrs. Noma Santos, and visited relatives and friends In Portland. LOCAL RESIDENTS interested in the 10-foot drill purchased by the Langell Valley Soil Conserva District may contact the district office in Bonanza or Bill Noble. Langell Valley. The drill is de signed for land that is rough and not prepared ahead of time for seeding. MR. AND MRS. ROGER REII) and family had as visitors over the weekend, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. David James, and family, Eugene; Rog er's sister, Mrs. John Cholard. and two children, Madras; and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Iteid, Malin. Taxpayers Plan Damage Talks MOUNT SHASTA - The issue over the damage the re-evaluation of properly will do to the economy of the region will lie discussed at a meeting of this area's tax.tayers March !8 at 7 pni. in City Hall. The public island turn their attention lo the Invited L. D. "Baltc" Taylor, county afor. will bo prociH, and Dr. Hugh Kale uill be chairman rep. rosfimng uw taxpayers. Oil Uraves, local rancher, has stated that taxes have been in- croased between loo and "00 per cent on agricultural land and the move tends lo put too much Imid oa Ilia market too rapidly. Wedn-uUy, March 27, 1963 LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISE VENT FOR BIOS Sealed proposals will be received by the Of toon Stele Gimi Commission, 1634 S. W. AWer street, p a. bo 4iw, pom- iend I, Oregon, until 2 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, on Tuesday, April 14, 163. (or Iht Rebuilding of the Grinder Room Floor ef Klemelh Hatchery, nr Fori Klamath, Oregon, nd will thin od Inert bt opened and publicly read Aloud. Bids received after the lime tor opening the umi will not be considered yn leu delay it due solely to the mails. Plans, specifications, and lorms o con- trad document! may be obtained at the on ice ot the Oregon Slate Game commis sion at Ui4 S. W. Alder Street, Port land I, Oregon. All contractors shall comply with all state laws pertaining to the qualifica tions ol bidders, and particularly Ore gon Revised Statute 279.008 to 779. m, proposal shall be made out on the Form ot Proposal contained in the contract documents and shall be accom panied by a certified checK or bid bond made payable to the Oregon Stele Game Commission of tha State of Oregon In an amount not test than ten per cent (10"-, of the total amount ol the proposal. The Oregon State Game Commission reserves the right to reiect any. or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening unless said award Is delayed lor a period exceeding thirty (30) days. OREGON STATE GAME COM MISSION By: P. W. Schneider 1634 S W. Alder Street P. 0. Box 4136 Portland 8, Oregon Dated; March I, 1963. No. 996, March 26, 27, 28, 1963. SUMMONS Equity No. 63 6ft IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH GLORIA M. WEOOELL, Plaintiff vs. PAUL A. WEDOELL, Defendant 0: PAUL A. WEDOELL, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs Complaint on file here in on or before lour weeks from the dale of the first publication of this summons, which data Is the Uth day ot March, 1963, and if you fall to so answer or oth erwise appear herelr,, for want thereof. plaintiff will apply '? the above-entitled Court for the relief grayed for In her complaint, to wit; lor a decree of abso lute divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat ment; lor the future care, custody, and control of your minor son, George A , for child support In the amount of 150.00 per month) for attorney feet amount of 1750.00 and costs of suit; for distribution of the personal properly lo cated at 5507 Independence, Klamath Falls, Oregon, all of which Is more spe cifically set forth and described In plain tiff s complaint on lile in the above-en titled Court and to which your attention is specifically directed. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Herald and News, once each week for four consecu tive weeks, pursuant to the Order of the Honorable Donald A. w. Piper, Circuit Judo o' the abovt-tntltted Court, made and entered on the Uth day ol March. 1963. RICHARD J. SMITH Attorney tor Plaintiff SJ6 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon NO 6371 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In lha Maltar ol tha Ellalt Ol HAZEL M. VAN RIPER, DacaasarJ. Nollca ll haraby given mat tht under Ignad Tha Flrtl National Bank of Ore gon, Portland, hat baen appointed Execu tor ol the Estate ol Haiti M. Van Riper. deceeted. All persons having claims agelnst said estate ere required to pre sent them to said executor at Its Klam ath Falls Branch. Klamath Falls. Ore gon, within six months Irom March a. 1943, which Is the date of first publica tion ol this notice. The First National Bank ol Oregon, Porllend Executor Ganong & Ganong Altornevs for Executor No. Ml, Merch , 13. 30. 17. NO. 63-33 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Mailer ot tha Estate JENNETT HICKS, Deceesed. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed by erder of the above court dated the 7 day of March, 1963. was eppolnled edmlnlslrator ol the estate of Jennelf Hicks, Deceased. All persons having claims against said estate ere hereby notified to present mem duly verified as by law required to him in cere ot Smith and Card. Altornevs at aw. 3JI Ma n St.. Ktamelh Falls. Oregon, wllhln six months from the dale ot publicotlon of this notice. Dated end first published litis I3lh day nriarcn, ivbj. CLAIR R. SCHIFFMAN, Admlnls Irelor COLLINS, REDDEN i, MULLEN ISd?or.; Aiiorneys al Law No. I0, March 13. 30. 37, Apr 1, ll3. Boys' State Plans Told A public inauguration of Boys' Stato officers will be held in the Coliseum in Corvallis on Friday evening, June 28, with Oregon state officials from Sulem partici pating. Parents and members o( the sponsoring organization, the American Legion, are especially invited to attend this event. William Stevens, Boys' State chairman and vice commander of the Department of Oregon, Amer ican Legion, announced there will be no charge in fees for sponsor ship of boys to tlie annual citizen ship training program. Several changes have been made, however, Stevens noled: The session at Oregon State Uni versity, Corvallis. will be from June Z to June 29 inclusive, one week later than usual due lo conflicting dates at OSU. The nnc-dny trip lo Salem to visit tlie capitol has been eliminated in fav or of the public inauguration. A parade of the Beaver Boys Staters will lie held in Corvaliis the afternoon of June 28. Ar. rangenients arc being made lo cally by Julian Abbott (or Post No. 8 to present scholarship cer- tlllcates to Ihe youths selected by the high school principals and teachers of both city and coun ty high schools to attend the ses sion. As In the past, the .wo to 550 hoys attending Boys' Slale will be assigned to cities and enmities where they will elect city and county oiucers alia actually prac- lice city antl county government. As th wook protirwes. the boys will elect state officers, lepisia- tors and supreme court justices - ..t luuiui'M hi !Hino Kovcrnmeni. i Tt Hoys" Stole I'rosu.m m.'VK "iinmicn ny uw American jf liion in Illinois in 1M4 and has existed in Oregon for J7 years. Sliirl Conway o( tht CHS Tele- vision Network's "The Nurses" was graduated Irom the t'niver sity of Michigan uiih an A B. de gree In speech therapy. LEGAL NOTICE NO. 83-3) PROBATI NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate HUGH B. CAMPBELL. Deceased: Notice Is hereby givtn that I have been appointed Eiecutrix of the Estate of Hugh 6. campoeii, deceased. AM pei sons having claims against said estate are required to present inem to me. with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong 1 Ganong. First Federal Building, vtamain ran, uregon, wirnin si montnt from Mrit 13, 1963. which is the dale ol first publication ol this notice. Luvia Barclay Campbell, Eacu Ganong ! Ganong Attorneys for Executrix No. 912, March 13, 20, 37, April 1. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed executrix of the estate of Frank A. McElwin, deceased has filed her final account with the county clerk of Klam ath County, Oregon and the court has set Friday the 19th day of April, 1963 the Circuit Court room No. 2 In the county court house in Klamath Falls. Oregon as the lime and place for hearing object ions thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated this 19th day of March, 1963. Bertha M. Lewis, executrix A W. Schaupp, Attorney. No. 99, March 20. 27, April 3. 10, 1963 NO. 63-42 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY i the Matter of the Estate Of LILLIAN ROSE REYNOLDS, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of an Rose Reynolds, deceased. All per. sons having claims against said estate are required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the office of Ganong l Ganong, First Federal Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six months from March 77, 1963, which is the dale of first publication of this notice. Mildred Walker, Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix 5, March 27, April3, 10, 17 1963. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE IN TENTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. I OREGON, TO PAVE AND IMPROVE AVALON STREET FROM THE NORTH - t HLY LINE OF SOUTH SIXTH STREETs TO THE CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY, ALL IN THE SAID CITY: SAID PROJECT TO BE IMPROVEMENT UNIT NO. 157; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS BE TAKEN IN CONNECTION THEREWITH; FINDING PLANS, SPEC Ml,AIICN5 AND ESTIMATES FOR 5AID PROJECT SATISFACTORY; CALL ING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECT ING THAT NOTICE THEREOF BE GIV EN. WHEREAS, Thi City Enolncar of the tiry oi Kimlh Falls, Oregon, purunt to resolution of the Common Council of saia my, navtng nied plant, specifica tion! ana em ma Hi for tha coif of dv. Ing and Improving Avalon Street from ine norineny itnt of south sixth Street to me center-una ot Shasta Wav, all In iald City; and the Common Council of said City, finding the said plans, specifica tions and estimate satisfactory for said pro act. Doing improvement Unit Na. 137, known as Avalon Street orolecl: THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, DULY AlbtWBLtU IN KbOULAK SESSION AS Section 1 That said Plans, specifications and es timates for tha Improvement of said portion ot Avalon Street, heretofore filed by the City Engineer, t and Ihe lame arc hereby approved. That the Common Council of the City Kiamain i-aiis, oreaon, herehv ri- clared lis intention to improve said Dor. tion of Avalon Street In accordance with Iht plans, specifications and estimates follows: The project shall consist of olaclno 7.6U.27 lineal feet of concrete curb and gutter, paving to a width of 60 feet with either 4 Inches of Portland Cement concrete or 9 inches ot crushed rock base with 3 Inches ot Type B Asphaltlc concrete. The compacted fill shall be siognd from the back side ol the curb aownwara io me existing, around at 3 lo 1 slope. It Is the Intent ot this project to salvage all high type asphalt from Pershing Way to Shasta Way. No, sewer facilities are lo be considered, No new sidewalks are included In this oro act The estimated cost or all classes of Improvement embracing all work and materials lor the complete Improvement saio pro eci for sucn ivd of pave ment being: 3 Inch Asphaltlc Concrete $39,594.7 6 men Portland cement $70.421. e section 7 Thai the property lying within the boun darles hereinafter described, be and tha same is nereby declared lo be benefited by the said improvement; to-wit: Beginning at a point which is StO feat east and 73 feet south of the section corner common to Sections 33 and 34, lownsnip jb south, Ranae 9 East. Wil lamette bast meridian, and Sections 3 and 4, Township 39 South, Ranae 9 East. Willamette Base Meridian, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon,- thence, easterly along the south line Of Shasta Wav. a distance of 5S5 feet; thence, southeasterly a dis tance of I72.SB teet more or less; thence, easterly, a distance cf 10 teet, more or less; thence, northerly a distance ol 150 feel, more or less; thence, easterly along the south line of Shasta Wav. a distance of 6JJ 55 feet, more or less to the westerly line of Austin Street; thence. southerly along the westerly line ot Aus tin Street. A distance of 1,123.50 teel;l thence, southwesterly on the westerly linai of Austin Street, a distance of 183.90 leet; thence, westerly, a distance of 52Si feet more or less to the northeasterly i line of Pershing Way; thence, northwest erly on the northwesterly lint ol Pershing Way; a distance of 335 teet mora or less to the point which Is 105 feet south- easterly of the southeast line of Avalon Street; thence, southwesterly and paral lel lo Avalon Street, a distance of 17s teet, more or less to tht northeasterly line of South Sixth Street; thence, north-! westerly along the northeasterly line of South Sloth Street, a distance ot 395 0 teet; thence, northeasterly and parallel to Avalon Street a distance of 175 feet more or less to Ihe southwesterly lint ol Persh ing Way; thence, southeasterly along the southwesterly line of Pershing Way, a distance of 100 feet more or leu to the northwesterly line of Avalon Street ; thence, northeasterly along the noMhwe- erly line ef Avalon Street a distance of 335 feet more or less to a point which Is 163.00 teet; northeasterly of the northwest erly line ot Avalon Street from Ihe north easterly Itnt Ol Pershing Way; thence. nor in westerly ana parallel lo Pershmo Way distance of 3JS0O feet to a point which is 163.00 feet northeasterly and at 90 degrees Of Pershing Way: thence. northerly distance ot 615 teet more or less to Ihe point of beginning. mat an property included in the afore said boundaries above described will be benefited by said improvement and shall be assessed for the expense thereoi. Section 3 Thai Monday, the 15th dav of April. 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. and the Council Room ol the City Halt in Mamaih Fans. Oregon, be and it is here by tued as the time and piece for hearing t lions and remonstrances against said, pioposed Improvement. Section 4 . The Recorder ol tht Citv of Klamath alts. Oregon, be and she Is hereby author lieu and directed to cnuse a notice said haarmg to be published as provid ed bv th C'ly Charter ard conforming inerero sne snail cause this resolution to published In tre City official news- paoer. om.e each dav for ten consecutive publications, and the City Engineer, be and he Is herehy directed to post with.n davs alter the first puM'cetkn of th.s resolution at each end ot th co"tem- fed improvement notices had1 "NO-i T K E OF SIREfcT WORK," tn letters noli less than ne lit inch In length, andi said notice shall contain in t-xjibie char-1 acttrs, a copy of this resolution and the die ot lis pessaae. and ihe City Eng.nerr shall file with the Ciiy Recorder an alii- the posting of such notices. stating the date when posted, the place Where posted and tht number of not tees Pa..ed by the common Council Of the h?"''" 0r90"' m Urft p'tntad to the'vavor arvi by htm msZ?k"hT "9B Wv Sig'Md RnOert E Vtch t ihst Ros.e Keller Record' 55 CITV O KLAMAtH FALLS I, .(M.e M"'. Sleto.oer for the fiv .ef Ki.math Fails. 0egon. ae ',(, ce'Mv thai the ebe end fereoeinfl is a trv and correct ccv o, e feo'vtipn IntroAM end adopted bv the Comnvwi Coinc.i ot tne City of Meeih Fans. O'eoon. at its' meeting held on the i, dav e Va'Ch ifcsv and thereafter approved and signed Sv tt Mevor. Roi'0 teener t reorder No eej. warth :s i. jt, ja. ra, J! Afr 1, , J, 4. ItU. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO MINING CI AIMANTS Published pursuant to section i of the ci e juiy zj, if 5 (at staf 37). To wrtomtvir it maw rw, osn. LfcfcUiNt, HO. FS (Oregon 0'30J) nonce rs nereoy given in pursuance ot proper request for publication here "tea in accordance with seen" Of me ACI Of JU V 31. IK lit Stat 17). and tht regulations tntrtunser (43 CFR a3.17j-1e3.137j. t. That on Decemhar 1 in ik m;l rortsi service. Department of Agncul lure, whose address is Washington 71. DC filtd In tht Land OM.ce ot the Bureau Of Land Manatocmrnt. Deoart. menl tf tht Interior, at 710 N E. Holla day, Portland 13, Oregon, request far publication of notice to all mineral lo cators or any person clet-ning under them (wiving mining cieim or cated on lands owned by the United Stales and under the jurisdiction of (he rurBr arvitt in int county or Klam ath, state of Oregon, described as fol lows, to wit: Oregon 013013 (FS 63-S). tha tClamatfi Area, a-SR-3-a. Fremont National Forest. Klamath Count v. Ormann The unsurveyed sect ion j listed are those wnicn would probtbiy embrace the lands wnen in public land surveys art ex enora ig sucn lands. Willamette Mendia T. 33 S , R. 14 E.: Sees 1 to 30 Inel.i tecs 33, 33, 24; sees. 36 to 31 incl. T. 31 S., R. IS E : Sees 1. 4, 5. 6. 7, 9. 10; sees. 13 to 30 incl.; sees. 34. 35, and 34. T. 34 S.. R. 11 E ici 1 to 10 incl., sees. IS to 21 incl., sees 39 ana jo. f. 34 5., R, 15 E.: Sees. 1, 3, 3, 4, 5; sees. 7 to II incl.: sacs 70 to 7 tnci.; sees. 33, 34, 35, and 36. 35 5 . R. 14 E.: Stcs. 2, 4, 5. 7. I, 9, 13, 16, 17, If, 30. 31. 33. 33. 7. t: 11, t9, it, 21, J4, and 34. T. 35 5., R 15 E.: Sees. 1. 2. 10. it. 13. ia. ?i. 91. ik. 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 35, and 34. T. 36 S., R. 14 E.: Sees. I and 12. T. 34 5., R. 15 E.: Sees. 4, 7, 8, )4, 15, 16, 17, IS, 30, 22, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36; unsurveyed 1, t, 4, 4, a, y, 10, 11. 2, and 3. f 37 S., R. 13 E.: Sees. 23, 24, 25, 26. 27, 34, 35, And 36. T. 37 S., R. 14 E-: ats. 14, I), 16. MS StCS. 20 to 34 37 R. 15 E.: Sees. I. 2. 3. t. 10, 1 J. 16, la, 20. 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31. 32, 34, 35, and 34. T. W S.. R. It E.; Sees. 24, 25, and 34. T. 38 S- R 12 E.: Sec. 1 and sees. 8 to 34 Incl. T. 38 S-, R. 13 E.: Sees. I to IS Incl.; stcs. 17 to 34 inci.; sees, if, ju, 31, and 32. T. 38 S. 14 E.: Sees. 1 lo I? Incl.; sees. 14, 17, 18, If, 20. 31, 26, 27. 38. N . SE, tec. 19: NE4 sec. 32; sec. 33; partly unsurveyed xn. 14, i3, ji, ana zj. t. 38 s., R. 15 E Sees. 1 to 18 incl.; sees. 20 to 27 Incl.; sees. Jt, JJ, 34, and 35. T. 39 5 , R. 11 E lSac, I. T. 39 $., R. 12 E.: Sees. 1, 3, J. 5, 6, and 13. T. 39 S.. R. 13 E.: Lots 3, 4, SViNW', SW'i sec. 4; sees. 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 20, and 21. T. 3 S., R. 15 E.: Sees. 1 to 22 Inel.i sees 94. li. 97. EVi sec. 29; E''j sec. 32; sees. 33, 34, tnd 35. T. 40 5., R. 15 E.j Sees. 1, 3, 3, 4; lot 2, SW'.kNE'j, SE'i sec. 5; E'-i sec. 8; sees. 9 to 15 Incl.; sees 22, 23, 74, 25, 24, and 27. T. 41 S., R. 15 E.: Sees. 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15; lots 3, 4, NE'i sec. 21; sees. 23. 23, and 24. 2. That If any person claiming or as serting under, or by virtue of any un patented mining claim located prior to July 33, 1955, any right, tllle. or inter- tsf In tht vegetative turfact resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary It, or In conflict with the limitations or restrictions speci fied In section 4 of said act, as to tht above-described lands or ny part there of, shall tall to file In the Land Office of tht Bureau of Land Management at 'iv n. c. noiiaaay, Portland 12, Oregon, and within 150 days from the below-stated date of first publication of this Notice, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such mining claim: (1) The date of location; (2) The book and page of recordation of tht notice or certificate ot location; (3) The section or sections of tht public land survtys which tmb'act such min ing claim; or If such lands are unsur veytd either tha section or sections which would probably embrace such mining claim when Ihe public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United Stales mineral monument; (41 Whether such claimant Is a loca tor or purchaser under such location; and (5) Tht name and address of such claimant and names and addresses so far as known to the Claimant of any other person or parsons claiming any Interest or Interests In or under such un patented mining claim; such failure shall bt conclusively deemed (I) to constitute a walvtr and relinquishment by such mining cltlmant of an right, title, or Interest under such mining claim con trary to or In conflict with the limitations or restrictions specified In section 4 of the Act of July 2J, 1955 (69 Stat. 3671, as to unpatented claims located alter that date, and (II) to constitute consent by such mining claimant that such unpatent ed mining claim shall be subject to tain' limitations and reslrictions, and (iii) to preclude thereafter, prior to Issuance of patent, any Assertion by such mlnlna claimant of any right or title to or In terest in or undtr such mining claim contrary to or In conflict with said limi tations or restrictions. Section 4 provides, generally, that unpatented mining claims located after July 23, 1955 shall not bt used tor purposes other; than prospect ing, mining, or processing operations, or uses reasonably Incident thereto; that such claims will bt sublect to the rioht of the United Stales to manage and dis pose of the vegetative surface resources thereof and to manage other surface re sources thereof; and that, except to the extent required for mining operations and uses reasonably Incident thereto or to provide clearance for such opera- 11u.11 or uses, claimants ot sucn Claims shall not use or dispose of vegetative ori other surface rtsources thereoi; and that. except for clearance tor such purposes, any perm pi tea severance or removal nfi limber must ba In with soundiuci d WAkJTcri Drincialat af fnra.t m.n.n.m.n c-.- t'-P WAN 1 O, section 4 also provides that any use of the surface of any such mining claim by tht United States, its permittees or licensees, shall be such as not to endanger uc maitjriaiiy mienere wnn me prospect ing, mining, processing or reasonably In cident uses by the mining claimant. I The dale of first publication ot this No-, Oct shall bt Feb 13, 196). uaitd: Jan. 17, 1963. M. M. Goreckl Chief, Minerals Section Bureau of Land Management Department of interior Portland, Oregon First Publication: Feb. 1J, H63. No. 900. Feb. 13. 30. 37. Mar. A. 11 20, 27, April 3. 18. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 8 a.m. I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays to noon Saturday Count five words per line Ads under lines count stmt tt lints. 10 J,nf ! Time tt SO J !! , m a.JJ Tims H J toe Timet Msnth IS W S t 9 t SO II St too 1400 list Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT eer advertisement, it pad m advance Aoett re'as art for consecutive inter Hons, wthout chertoe ef cnoy, ttr pri vate I Advertising mutt be .iter and unaerstenttbit to prooix five. n words must M spti'ed Out 'tot offered for salt By private indi viduals cash with cooy. nptVDUNF-4 Wpm day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and v .day CNt RLLAT IONS i. CO HCCT IONS CM same schedule- tceot on Monday f-a ere tat. en -tu e jc a.m. Please read first insertion a yvf at Tha Hera t 4 Newt Ui give one t1rt run for hpcrti tttor. 'Business Builder' WANT ADS I column inch. UJ cot month -th UH fMctvn. hv payment ft or Othvt tt iff wcf. s't Attn i 6 oitcevtf rarmtAl On or btfprt tt loth. Baito on Onf COOy Change 0r mtft. OX SMVlCt-M centi per td c no o Thanks. ed IN MCVOfttAVt i U PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES LEGAL NOTICE No- 3-27 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAVATH PROBATE DEPARTMENT In tht Matter of tht Estatt of Gerald J. Cote. Deceased. The undersigned ntvtng pttn appoint ed by the aoove entitled Court of the Sfa'e of Oregon, tor tht County afore said, Administratrix of tht Estatt of Ger ald J. Cote, deceased, and having Qual ified, notice is hereby given lo the credi tors of, and all persons having claims against sad deceased, to present them. ventieo as requireo by law, within six months after tht first publication o this notice 10 sed Administrate at the of fices o Thomas D. Wood, Attorney t Law, 431 Mam Street, Klamath Fails, Oregon. Beuien e. cote Administratrix of the Estate of GERALD J. COTE, deceased. Dated March in, 194,3. 966, March 6, 13, 20, 27. 1943. FUNERAL HOMES C WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 Mign street Phone tu 3.4404. MEETING NOTICES MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd and experienced baby sitting, anytime, 4th Wdnesdoy, 8 h0fTie- South suourban. tu 4-4313. p.m. Scottish RitlROQMS FOR RENT 22 Temple. All OES' ROOMS, smali house, reasonable. Ernie's' members cordially in- vited. Verda Scrlbner, W.M, Williom Anderson. W.P. t n.T & miiKJDj 1 LOST 10 months old black Labrador. Red collar, small while mark under chin. swers to "Toby " Call Mr. Tarditf, TU 2-2581 or TU 4-5598. GENERAL NOTICES MANY head of unclaimed sheep on Fells- berto Ranch. Owner may claim by pay ing! Contact Fellsberto Laurence, Merrill 798-5563. $50 CASH to churches, schools, clubs, and other organiiations. Distribute 84 bottles WATKINS vanilla. Phone TU 4-7831. PERSONALS PIERRE, phone TU 4-4239. POODLE, too. Signed Fili. PRIMl KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for families of Alcoholics, TU 4-7)29 or TU 2-5740. P.O. Box 1065. HARMONY HOUSE Nursing Home, S'att Licensed, 24 hour nursing care. Ambula tory and bed patients. Modern facilities all on one floor. Spacious recreational area. Mar j one Huntington, owner, EV 2-0479, Bend. SERVICES 10 SEWING BY LAVERNE. Forma Is, coals, men's shirts. Costumes designed and made also. TU 2.-1917. CABINET making a specialty, furniture reflnishing, excellent references, TU 4-4079. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING at your lo cation. Dally service. Latest style state licensed mobile unit. Special rates if we cut and wrap. Grlgsby's Smokehouse, Old Midland Road, ph. TU 2-0769. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your place. Al Sloil, TU 4-6126. DOZER with operator. Excavating & lev eling. Any size ob. Low rates. TU 2-1573 alter 4 p.m. CALL BILL FORNEY, TU 4-6467 for excavations, houst foundations, sep tic tanks, drain fields, landscaping, roto fining. 5444 snsste way. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gtnt's Mens Wear 537 Main DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3J84 PAINTING Residential - commercial. Estimates gladly. E. L. GERRUE, PAINTING CON TRACTOR. Phone TU 4-9538. Washer Broken Down? Clothes dirty? CALL UHLIG'SI Guaran teed repairs on all makes Of washers & Dryers. UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE TU 4-5512 HEALTH 12 Now You Con Even RENT a SPRING TUNE-UP J ' j"., up yuur enure aysiem wnne exces:, pounds melt away. VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Main TU 4-6812 FEMALE 14 WANTED good reliable baby sitter, my home TU 3-1510 ader 5 30 d m. HELP WANTED, MALE ' 16 EXPERIENCED salesman handyman. The Gun Store. 714 Main. AAA COMPANY International org a nil at Ion wilt hire a men for Klamath Pails area. Managerial and training positions will open shortly due to recent inter-company promotions. Car necessary! $600 PER MONTH .150 EXPENSE BONUS Fringe benefits Include proMI sharing, hosnltalliatlon. retirement. For aopolnt ment for Interview, call Mr. Hill, TU 7-4666, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. onlyt WANTED young lead guitar over l to Dlay wilh small western group Satur days. Call Dick Filippe, EXeter 7-431 Oorrls, 12-1 p.m. Friday. SALESMAN In men's store. Permanent position. Applications now being received. Apply In person, 733 Main. WANTED BOY, 18 OR OLDER FOR PART-TIME WORK IN CIRCULATION DEPT. Must have car. Prefer high school junior. APPLY: Circulation Dept. Herald & News BOYS! SL EARN Vacation Money bv selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Con toe t j j . . . neraia & News, Lircuiation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED, MALI HHOUSES POU MNT 24 TWO men for tosititn of home counsel- ors. Must bt neat appearing, high school graduate, have some knowledge 0 home construct-on. Excellent ocportymty for iww. mvv'J "V.W nivivw - w HELP WANTED . 17 FAST, experienced try coo call Tuj 3-4142. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AH htfp wanted adi published u the Herald ft News are accepted in good li fh that the toot ottered art at stated n the advertising copy. We are m,' rt sponsipie for the integrity et our adver tisers, but we make every ttfort to dis cover and rtitct all misleading advertis ing. Anyone ens ering a help wanted ad and finding it to bt misleading is auea to report it to the Classified Ad vertising DtDtrtmenl ol tht Htraid e?- SITUATIONS WANTED IS EXPERIENCED lady wishes child cart in your home, day or night, TU 4-8580. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY Hour. Day, Week, Mon. through Frl. 8 a m. to 4 p.m. Helen Lehman TU 2-1844 1328 Carlson Dr I IQnMIKin uihinn nli-bsin Hlluae 1 Hand crocheted afghans. TU 4-9434. I EXPERIENCED child care. Your home or mine, tu 2-27it, tu 2177a. Hotel, 631 So. 5th, TU 2-5225. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished. 317 Pine, TU 2-14B7. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 1 'rom M6in, a, up. tu 4-4259. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 So. Sth, TU J-0214. APARTMFfclTC PflR DFKJT 9iiTW0 bedroom furnished home, fi APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24' rd, garage 2,w Gyi Tu ncwlt Decorated two ? bedrooms. Al 4 '"r"'Snod, 8J0 Prosect, TU 4-6732. NICE 1 or 2 bedroom furnished. 840 TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. VILLA 7VARQUIS Utilities, TU 4-WA FURNISHED 3 room TU 4-4486 Or TU 4-4718. apartment, 830. CLOSE In, furnished, 1 bedroom, S50, TU 4-5010. 6; OUTSTANDING downtown, furnished, ouwii, MT.av, mpno, iu ash. ONE and two bedroom apartments, S56 and $51, TU 2-6765. ONE bedroom furnished apt., utilities paid. 140 a month, 303 Washington. APARTMENT for rent, completely fur nished, utilities, i4ii Main. NEAR Weyerhaeuser furnished. Steam heat, S40. TU 4-8313. Ut'litiei, ' CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom apt. Close : f" r! ' w"'""" k-i. w BACHELOR apt. Furnished 7 room, close in, S30. TU 4-9961. NEW duplex apartment, some furnishings, close in, 309 N. 10th. AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nicely furnished 1 bedroom and studios. 303 So. 8th near Post Olflce. EXTRA nice clean furnished or unfur nished apt. Water, garbage paid. Owner, 2059 Vine. TU 4-6225. ONE bedroom, bath, wool rugs, drapes, automatic washer, utilities paid to cer tain amount. TU 4-3762, TU 4-3B93. STEAM heat, furnished Bpt. Also bache lor apt. 213 cedar. TU 4-9552. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in, TU 2-2541, TU 4-6966. FURNISH ED-three room apt., 855. All utilities paid. Shared bath, adultt only. 419 North 10th. NICELY furnished small 2 bedroom apartment, close in, TU 4-4756. DUPLEX - furnished 1 bedroom, In, garage, laundry, TU 4-J659. FURNISHED 3 room, garage. $75. Utili ties paid, close In, TU 2-1663. ONE bedroom furnished apartmtnt. 4731 So. 6th. FURNISHED downtown apartments. One 3 room and 1 bedroom apartment. See or call Mr. O'Connell, 117 So. 7th, TU 4-6554 days. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near now OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. EXTRA large, nicely furnished, very clean, all utilities except lights, $67.50. Adults, TU 2-9118 after 4:30 p.m. THREE room furnished, clean, quiet. Adults, $32.50, TU 4-4640, TU 4-8866. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. So. 11th. TU 2 1062. THREE room furnished apartment. 2061 White ONE or two bedroom furnished, heat, wa ter paid. 825 Grant. TU 2-4719. BEOROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy, TU 2-6500. CLEAN, furnished 1 bedroom duplex. Hot Springs, TU 2-5149. iSINGLE apts. Completely furnished, $ti weekly. Johnny's Motel, 2005 Biehn, FURNISHED apartments, 142 Riverside, phone TU 2-4736. UNFURNISHEDtwo bedroom apertment, inquire 2519 Applegate. ROOSEVELT APTS. 2036 LE ROY PH. TU 2-1749 Furnished or unfurnished ont bedroom. Garage. Hot water heat. Hot Springs area. Adults. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union 1 Red room unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Soaclous Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity Dorothea Nolan TU 2-0766 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-3 3 bedroom apts., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-8277 Office hours I a m. to 5 p.m. RICKFALLS APARTMENTS MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opf$. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 POUR room turn-shed. TU 2-4361. 1323 Oak, phone OR rent unfurnished 2 bed'oom duoltx Water, natural hot water heat. Disposal itrvict, range, garage with storaoe space Laundry tec Hi ties included. $95. TU 1-41 days. TU 4-743 evenings. ONE bedroom furnished, washer tnc heat, absolutely dean $55, TU 2-5H9. TWO bedroom furnished Wesner, drvtr, i Fbentin. Fenced yard, $70. TU 4-717$. FURNISHED one bedroom, TU 4-741, inquire tt 223 E. Mam. . COMFORTABLE2 bedroom furnished. vanin jr. ui, tu 2-20C2 WILLS AODIT.ON, clean l bedroom cit-l00 m, $JJ, TU t-y$S4, TU 4-9754. f-uw rent i oearoom unfurnished house Atshtr, dryer hoofcUO. TU 4-7911. THREE bedroom unfurnished. Hnt Springs Vt baths, carpeted. 1120 month, TU 4 J79I LARGE 2 bed-eem unfurnished duo'tV Near Cogger School, Vi Tu -7jM ONE b1OOm furnii-e(j UO. utvrn"'Strd" . US Va-ttn. includes water, bage. Tu 4-ti.YS. atr 4 p tu 2 I'D ! THREE fred'Oo--. wahe'. d-ver hootii need ya-d lrgWirf 177J Ot'bv ONE Dtdroom perfev furnish! house. xiuoes stov erj 'erio'etor nw ccretM. FT-xtd yard. $35. TU 4 isjl ",r i-XLt,rTV RENT 1 bedrpom. rtfrioe'eror, rt"Ot. I 3"oe. Sumo-en Lane. $?; 50. TU i-?tM I one pf-oom t-nfV'niteducie7r$40 tntd yard. Vint $f. IU Mfl UNFU.SM-b-rVW- vers JO'O Boe-dmea Tu lowg L- am! 1vrrt. tW. tiee.btct vera, meet la-xiscacj. corner w.Ed Ch.icott. Auacv r. itvv equity, leht r loan. TU j-OJiT. 1 Bog Ch.icote, B-ofcer MODERN, clean, completely furnished bedroom cottage. Yard, garage, shopping close. 827 Mitchell. TU 4-4421. furnished, back yard for pets, $40, TU 2-0184. 7,ntl,f-,.hrt feo,ad unfurnished. Clean, renew TWO bedroom yard, children, pets ( town, S45. TU 2-4590. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom furnished, Convenient location. North side. S67.50. TU 4-6539 eves, and weekends. S49 SO UNFURNISHED Basement, fenced yard, TU 2-U-t4 ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Hot-cold I FOR sale or traae equity in 3 bedroom un water, washing facilities furnished. Ciosel finished home 11,500 or late model car in, adults, no pels. TU 4-8418. lor pickup ot same value, also 14 acres NEAT 1 bP.r.l,Te7 j TJ&VJi!T&'T-& 1 CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished house. I fenced yard, TU 3-5740. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Dining room and part basement, garage. Good res- ioential district. Close in, 155. TU 2-3461 days, TU 4-4581 evenings. TWO bedroom. Mills Addition, furnished, TU 2-5J22, TU' 4-4619. ATTRACTIVE, close in, unfurnished 2 bedroom, full basement, 595, TU 4-5010. ONE bedroom furnished TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. house, phone UNFURNISHED, north side, two bed room, near school, 550, Ph. Tu 4-601; TU 2-0533 after 6 p.m. THREE bedroom unfurnished modern house, 1445 Calilornit. S100 mo. TU 4-3694, ONE bedroom duplex, TU 4-4445. furnished, phone TWO bedroom unfurnished duplex, ga rage. 2240 White. MODERN 2 bedroom unfurnished, Keno Road. $45. TU 4-9648. UNFURNISHED except stove and refrig erator 2 bedroom duplex, also 1 bed room furnished house, TU 4-8554. fenced TWO bedroom furnished house. Garbage, water paid. TU 4-3243. "VimciiONicuc UNFURNISHED, close In, water, gar bage, washing facilities paid, TU 4-9961 MODERN completely furnished two room wilh shower. No drinkers, TU 4-3293. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom apts , unfurnished, TU 4-56B6. MI5C. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR rent IB ecrts good, clean potato ground. Close In, plowed and harrowed. O. L. Rudd, Tulelakt, 667-5169. OFFICE or business space for least In new building lo bt erected at 7th A Walnut across from Post Olflce. Prime location with parking, TU 4-6033. OFFICE space or store rental avallable'C0NIGER1 AREA 3, bedrooms ont flooi .1 across from Courthouse, TU 2-6500. .REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 1 STEADY employed couple wants to rent i or j oearoom nomt with washing ta cilities, TU 2-4283. MIOOLE aged couple wants to rent clean 7 bedroom house. Will pay up to J4S per month, TU 4-7fi5. , TO rent 2-3 bedroom unfurnished home, garage, yard, automatic heat, $100. 1 child, references. TU 4-8757. WANTED HOT SPRINGS I HAVE A BUYER lor a HJ.SOO (ap proximately) three or four bedroom home, fairly priced. Call me NOW!! I DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 S, 7th TU 4-5656 Anytime Listings Needed S to 40 acres in Merrill, Dairy or Bo nanre area. 3 Bedrooms In Tonetet or South Suburban 3 Bedroom and, den In Mills. $16,000 range. 2 Bedroom and family room, clost In. $15,000 range. 3 Bedroom and small acreage In Henley tor stale Gl. If You Have Any Of These CALL US IMMEDIATELY! McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Main Til 9.,41A Art Moorman TU 2-123 Evolyn McAfee TU 2-5935 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .... 29 I om a "TRADER" ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. ClU DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International ! radars Club Licensed Ore. Cat. Ida. Wash. 037 Main St. TU 4-4177 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 VIEW-VIEW . . . from this attractive 1. year old 3 bedroom family home. Locat. va mgn on nonnsioe location. Carpeted living room, cheery flrDir. ri i n . a oum-in oven and range. Covered patio off ui uiinnu arum, Kane tea arn rim,. bits as play area. Yard ftneed. Easily financed. $800 down, FHA . . . nothing down Gi. Call TU 2-4661 or evenings TU4-384 Orvillt Rtlchenberg, Realtor 205 Main, Wlllard Hotel KENO highway frontage or will build to suit. TU 2-0169. ii k " zrrrrr. Lin Addi"- By owner, tu PRICED for aulck sale. uitt..rH hA,. with fireplace, 2 bedrooms, fctility porch, double lot 52' i x 200 ft. $6,500. May be seen this week, 3304 Cannon. LOT 50 X 150, Pioneer Guest Ranch, on Lake Of Woorl Hiqhway. Gravel access road. Will sell or tradt for vacation trailer. Phone TU 4-4202 or inquire al 2H9 Etna. SOUTH SIXTH St. 3 bedroom -home, du plex In back, $100 per month Income, 1 acre Irigaled, Henley School District, s ib.mQi lane trailer homt In trade, 61001 auvm om, I u -BBil. 3 BEDROOMS. 3 baths, built-in oven tnd range, flreolace. utility room, -ov-tred patio, fenced back yard,, $t,700. 180 Dahlia, TU 2-5488. 60 ACRES, five miles from town. Old Midland Road. 3 bedroom house. l'i baths, good water, alfalfa and oasfurt, good corrals, well fenced. TU 2-C769. SAVE 810O0, best buy in town. Bandnew two bedroom home, five level blocks from icu High School. Builtln birch kite, en, cillng height fireplace. Carptt fn tivinq room and both bedrooms. A steal at $12,500 and will consider good bulld 'g lot is down payment. Ph. TU 2-3)01 anytime to see. two bedroom. Fireplace, patio, fenced backyard. $7,50, TU 2-3893. TWO bedroom home. Clean, large lot.l new fence. Owner. TU 2-4652, j LOVELY new 3 bedroom " homsT mm , bedrooms and Ooseis. Beautiful kitchens. Insuieted ll around. Best work m amnio. large tots on oaved street. $9,900. Estate tii manison. iy w OUR homes can be purchased with any Corne A.k 1 nnr'nn n tw Financing, it price ?0 Jul! VOur in come. Ask us about no money down fi. nancing. Beautiful homes at low cost per on. tnecc with us. Thriftv i Builders. Estete Ortve - ,Ot,th nd 7iiT.iMad.S0n, TU 1-0434. TU 4-U44 SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Large liyin' room. fireplace, dining room New birch kitchen and utility. Newly painted mstoe ana Out. S9.9S0. TU 4-171. FOR sale building lot. Inquire 3335 Home dale. j THREE two bedroom rental houiie on l0 "c"tnT locttitn. ! tno (,wn lttl monthly Need reoal payments. TU OWNER, 2 bedroom, separate guest houe iimrn. 1 acre. 1 tJS Homtdalt. TU 4-HH auuin auourpan j bedroom 3 year; ok. M50 hand'es. balance $11,400. $90 per mo. iu 4-4J3. OARLiNG 2 broom house, comoip'e'y 'rnta yara. Reasonable pr. TU 4 994 j THREE btd'OOm home Ctest to Cffg' School. Totti price U.iCC. TU 2-4197 RTHSlDE. roomv bedroom rvjme, C'CSt ct $11,500. Good terms. TU 2 i5a a'tr p r 5 HOUSES, n.ce'v furnished, ideal 'tit location, grots $2to per month. $i$ 000. i down, TU 2-9'SO. LOVELY nivii haMrMM ' '- . befit, J tv fiteiact Ntt"v 2 ncrl '." or c 3$-o79, 1 anerry Tryrtn-.-., JC5 t. Stew- . 5 park. ) bedrooms. rij. REAL I5TATI FORSALI .... 30 1 1 NEAR Peterson School well built oid 3 bedroom, fireplace, electric heat, wall to wail carpel, lots ot buMt-ns. cement patio, attached garage, 4445 Bris tol, TU 2-3137. 11 000 ITY In 2 bedroom home W.ll , , , a . , mnnai - u-.i 1 FOR salt two bedroom house, best 1 iter, TU 4-4J24. FOR salt 3 bedroom home and garage. 2 acres ot land, fruit house and frui trees. Barn and corrals, S13.0CO. 2418 Kane. TU 2 3871. FOR sale the Dell Stepp property. Weed Highway TU 2-2063. THREE bedroom almost new home, rea sonable, TU 2-3207. two duplexes and one house, 3 blocks from Main, TU 4-3354. MIDLAND EMPIRE OWN A PORTION OF IT! LET'S TALK obout YOUR new home. Coll us about listings thot do no! oppeor in your paper. We may hove just what you wonl! WE TRADE & SELL AND DO IT WELL! MIDLAND EMPIRE REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahue - Eves. TU 4-9693 MOVING? .r.:We "TRADE" your property where west of tht Rockie! CaV DEANE SACHER Reaiior Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cat. Ida Wash. STILWELL & CO. Presents: 3 BEDROOM HOME - approx. acre, good location on Shasta Way. Plenty of room for children to play In well fenced yard. Stable t, corral for a pony. A good family home tor $12,750. fireplace, shop, land sea Dad double lot. Price $10,000 We will deal on this ont. 4 BEDROOM MODERN on Va acre. ? baths built-in kitchen equipment. Good location. Reduced tn $18,500. Reasonable offers considered. Wt have fine country building sites 2'i to 10 acres. Ask us about them. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3136 After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU t-36?2 Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 It no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-04.14 ft Spring Specials ft Now is the time to move Into this completely redecorated 2 bedroom home 1 block to Mills School Only $500 Down Low monthly payments. Beautifully remodeled 3 bedroom Hot Springs Home - 2 baths hardwood floors - Fine Jocation - Close to Schools -Owner is sacrificing at $16,500. Easily fi nanced. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 Multiple Listing Service MLS REDUCED for a Quick sale. Large two bedroom duplex In popular Mills Addition. Liberal financing lor a qualified buyer. Was $15,000. Full price now only $12,500. HENLEY DISTRICT. Large three bed room home on acrt tract. Beautiful circulating fireplace, colored built-in range and oven, lovely wall to wall car peting, lots of mahogany paneling. Own er leaving for Eugent says tradt or sell it far only iH.OOO. BEAUTIFUL VIEW from this extra neat cottage in Hillside addition. Two bed rooms with a spare in the basement. One car basement garage with black top drive. Only $750 down to reliable party. Full price only $7,500. - ON THE COAST 10 miles from Gold Beach two homes on 3.35 acres. Excel lent view of the ocean and a lovely sandy beach. Will trade for Rogue Valley or Klamath Falls property. Full price only $19,000. DURANT REALTOR TU 4-9832 or TU 2-358? 2050 So. 6'h Next to Holiday Bowl Sales Staff Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9863 Multiple Listing Service MLS Good Money Maker!! Over and under duplex on antra busy street. Llvt in upper 2 bedroom. Ideal lor changing lower 2 bedoom (plus fam ily room) into a business such as drive in or launderette. No competition any where near. All this end extra lot for Si. 750 Completely redecorated! Easy terms or owner will carry papers. Moyina Heights Quality constructed three bedroom horn Dishwasher, disposal. cernfing, doub'e garage, beautiful yard. Owner wants to re 'ire and move to California. Said lei it oo tc $10,650. Easily financed or owner will carry papers. BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-3'19 Ray Woroen TU 4-?7 Lucille Anoerjon TU 2-051 1 MLS Multiple Listing Service ' 14 A - ki r r - r k x VAAVjfN I r ICtIN I RANCH HOME, with outstanding 2' act 'U'1' irngT.?a rraci, and eOueHy con , vrnitni io Meniev SCnoo and davvntaivn Kiamath Falls. SuDtrpiy designed and Cu Mom -by i It, featuring 3 soacious bed rooms, 2 full baths, J fireplaces, many ex Ira and unique built-'ns throughout. Large attached double garage, huge se- .?,uwa p"0. YOURS FOR $39,500. ma- i -mum ..nancing, WILL TRADE DOWN ! FOR GOOD HOVE. CITY OR SUBURBS. C A ri'" A r 1 1 CLUVJKUU AVt SPECIAL 3 BEDROOM HOVE VALUE, attractively onced at ust $I2.7. Full masonry DaiPmtnl large ful'v-tenced rmmr VAJD, LOW COST NATURAL C-A& HEAT Not a big ho-e, but ideal ont-floor living . (or the melium-S're familv, SiCO DOWN FHA I. NO DOWN Gl: nominal dosing, V JUST $500 DOWN 'or this soi'diy-buiit. very neat 1 bed room rome. cnveniently located ner Vint School Au'omatic heat, insuta'ei, cencete toundat-on. A fine SMALLER HOVE AT ONLY $4.O0. QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS! Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE !v09 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO Rhpnt TU 4 7771 Sa'es Personnel: i'U Ci'ice'e TU 4 JJII tvF Tom Rdpb.lf Tu 1-4-U2 Eve. I'ofcer