HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Or. Tunday, March 26, 1963 PAGE Klamath 4-H Club Sessions 'it V ' -Vr 1 "J fZ ; EFFICIENT Maximum utilization of available time is exemplified here by Fran Jones as she waits for laundry and drying at the J. W. Kerns Norge automatic laundry and cleaning village at 734 So. 6th St. M i' -vh , .'I ;. , . ... Cm! H;v2 Ah: 4 MUSIC PLAYER Babe Derby of Derby's Music Co., displays one of the beautiful pieces of Magnavox stereo equipment for the home. One of the combination sets will be used during the three-day Cooking School at the fairgrounds. Selected for the Herald and News COOK SCHOOL end Food Fair HIP STEAK CO., OF OREGONll LCHIP STEAK CO., OF OREGON Sample TVeltU&i Easy-to-Fix SANDWICH STEAKS at the Display ot the Cooking School and Food Fair WOOD RIVER WRANGLERS The Wood River Wranglers, 4-ri horse club, meets the first and third Thursday evenings at t h e large barn on the Puckett and Scherer 7-mile ranch, by permis sion of the owners. Practice rid ing is held under the lights at these sessions, and in addition a business meeting is held once monthly at the home of one of the member's parents. Leader of the group is Jim Zel ler of Williamson River. President is Barbara Nicholson; Linda Stan ley, vice president; Kenneth Scot', secretary - treasurer; Mary Brat lain, song leader, and Wayne Scott, news reporter. Other mem bers include Donna Scott, Dora I ce Kenneally, Roger Nicholson, Kim and Randy Kizer, and Jimmy Bridge. On Jan. 27, a horseback ride was enjoyed over Sun Mountain Pass, State Highway 232, east of Fort Klamath. Normally closed by heavy snow at this time of year. the beautiful scenic route has been open to travel all winter. Making the trip were the Wranglers' load er, Jim Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win A. Scott, Mrs. Blaine Brat tain and Hollis Kizer, comprising the adults participating. Horse club members were Wayne, Ken neth, and Donna Scott, Mary Brat- tain, Kim and Randy Kizer, and their younger sister, Alexine, a non-member who was a special guest on the ride. At the Feb. 7 meeting at the Edwin A. Scott home, tentative plans were made for holding a play day sometime during June. The all-day session will include various competitive contests. Oth er forms of entertainment will be featured and reported later as plans materialize. Wayne Scott. News Reporter. BUSY BAKERETTES Marie Angel and Janice Rcid gave a demonstration on "How to Boil an Egg." Mrs. Porter Willis gave a demonstration on cooking breakfast cereal. Our club decided to make and serve cookies for the next Bonan za PTA meeting on March 27. Julie Murphy, MUSICAL MACHINES The third meeting of the Musi cal Machines was hied at the home of Mrs. Jack Hayes. 4-H clothing leader. The club didn't have a business meeting but in stead learned how to make col lars. We will finish them at home thk week. We nlso discussed hav ing a display in one of the store windows in Merrill and decided against it. We had refreshments and went home. Marlene Moore, News Reporter NO WIRES! Put it all in your dishpen . . . "PLUG-OUT" Burners-- on exclusive with No wires! Put it oil in your dishpon! Atl the burners, rings, drip pans, oven elements come out for easy, thorough cleaning. WESI.NGHOU America's "Eosiest-To-Clean" R 30" RANGE Fully Automatic and only a(a95 I I I j NO MONEY vp jF No Poymenrs Special Purchase Price 279.95 Less Average Trade-in 60.00 Less Cal-Ore Bonus Trade-in .... 20.00 With clock, timer, opplionco outlet, porcelain drip pans, porccloin broil er pan, high speed Corox units "Fry Pan Controlled," line tuning switch. Porcelain pans won't stain, won't warp, and are easy to clean. hh4j MODEL KMC30 Other Westing house RANGES Ai Low At With Qualified Trod $14995 CALORE UECTRICAL LEAGUE IONUS QUALIFICATION rout 01 d WAltK HFATER or any Wri poliet 'O ourchasa of new electric toulomen vlv fMi If an tfectrtcot toogu sponsored buyers bo nut olieworve ond It in odd 1 lion to (if any) member eeolen opptoited volue of yovr old equipment, fubjt to condition! pot tad with the Ml ling dealer. Offer oood Feb. 'it fo April '2th 'ttit w wlKotlieet league member odcr o WI urth feteils Free Delivery Free Installation Free Service Plus GREEN STAMPS on every purchase! (CMS KPAT cud Sick dfipIltmjccA 7th & Klamath Ph. TU 4-8886