California Solons Eye Braden Pick . SACRAMENTO (UP1) - The controversial reappointment of liewspaper publisher Thomas W Sraden as president of the state Tward of education was in the hands of the Senate Rules Corn- mi I tee Friday. A decision was not expected to be announced until the middle of this week. Braden said he had ,"no way of guessing" the out come. Braden. 45. who served with ;the British 8th Army before the ;t'nited States entered World War II, appeared in person before the committee Thursday. His major opponent, slate Sen Jack Schrade, R-San Diego, also appeared in person to ask the committee not to confirm Bra den's appointment for his second four-year term ending Jan. 15, 1967. Basically, their arguments went like this: Schrade Because Braden op posed Dr. Max Rafferty's elec tion as superintendent of public instruction his presence on the ,education board cannot be con ducive to the cooperation and ;harmony necessary in providing a "effective educational program for the children of this state." Braden Citing advances in teachers' credentials and ' basic education during the past four years, he said the state of Cali fornia was almost at the point when we can claim California is not only the biggest in education but the best. An estimated 400 persons, split about equally between support ;and opposition of Braden's confir mation, packed the huge commit- 4ee room of the capital's fourth floor to hear testimony at tho hour-long session. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. auouay, marco ot 190J danced for Teenager States Case For Use Oi Makeup ALL IN STEP This quartet of younq dancers, befeathered and belled, spectators at the 1963 All-Indian Basketball Tournament at Chiloquin High School that ended Saturday night. Colorful costumes of the dancers are identical to those worn by America's first citizens, the Indians. Left to right are Floyd Poitras, Warren Poitras, Portland, James Kirk and Richard Fraiier. WASHINGTON WINDOW Former Turk Chief Freed ISTANBUL, Turkey (UPI-For-mer President Celal Bayar, who was Imnrlsoned for life for violat ing the Turkish Constitution, Fri day was released for six months because of his ill health. ; The government freed the 80 vpar.n1H former leader from Kav- scrl prison so lie could go home to his family in Ankara. . nouni iirua imni-icntmH In Mnv ilBl, along with several hundred other members of the Democratic party after a, marathon trial. Adnan Menderes. prcmiel- in the former regime, and two of his top ministers subsequently were executed. Foxy Norman Thomas Sees Kennedy As Hissing Any Kind Of Frontier WASHINGTON UPO - Foxy old Norman Thomas (he's 78) would have us believe that Presi dent Kennedy hns hamstrung the liberal movement in the United States by recruiting the best left wingers into his administration. Thomas spoke last week to tiic left wing political organization Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). The occasion was ADA'S celebration of Roosevelt Day. Thomas is a Socialist, five times Socialist candidate for U. S. presi dent, twice for mayor of New York, occasionally for governor, and so forth. Socialist Thomas knows the liberal movement like the corridors of his own home. He knows, therefore, that it wasl not tile Kennedy Administration that kidnaped the left wingers, The left wingers, including Thom as' own Socialist party, were kid naped by Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. So, when Norman Thomas told, the ADA that at present there is no independent liberal movement of any impor lance in the United States, he should not have assessed blame against the Kennedys. He should have been talking about the Hyde Park Roosevelts. Decline In Socialist Vote The left wing stampede for FDR's New Deal became appar ent and was first publicized In 1935 on the basis of political sur veys in industrial northern New Jersey. Election statistics under write now the conclusion drawn Brazil Okays Red Meet BRASILIA (UPD Brazil Friday approved plans of hemisphere Communists to hold an anti-Amer ican conference in Sao Paulo start ing next Mondiiy. Approval for the meeting was given personally by President Joaol (ioularl, according to presidential secretary Paul Ryff. A Brazilian icconomic dclecalion is Dresentlv in Washington seeking nearly $500- million in new U. S. aid. Earlier, Brazilian authori ties had said they would not ban the meeting but would seek to "block" it hv Hciivintf visa.; In non-Brazilian Communists wishing to enter the country. then, that the left wingers were moving into the Democratic par ty in force. P'or example: The Socialist party has been relatively strong in New York state. New York Socialists cast 12,8 votes in 1900 for their pres idential candidate, Eugene V Debs. In 1904 they cast 36,883 votes. In 1920, the Socialist vote for president in New York state was 203,201. It fell to 198,783 in the 1924 presidential election when a third party, Robert M. LaFol lette's Progressives, offered left wingers alternate shelter. Thereafter, the Socialist trend was down. In 1932, Thomas for president polled 177,397 New York votes against FDR and Herbert Hoover. Four years later. Thorn- is' vote was only 18,930 and in 1944 he got only 10,553 in New York. Against Harry S. Truman and Thomas E. Dewey in 1948, Thomas did better, 40,879 votes. The Socialist vote was down to 2,664 in 1952 when Dwight D. Ei senhower beat Adlai E. Steven son. It is estimated that Americans drink about 400 million cups ofl coffee daily. By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: It seems like every time I pick up a news paper or a magazine these days fffeV v there is an arti cle on The Plot To Abolish Childhood." Par ents are being verbally tarred and feathered for pushing their children into a world of grown ups before they are ready. Why doesn't somebody write an article on "The Plot To Abolish Adulthood?" This would help us teen-agers a lot. There are plen ty of teen-agers who are suffering at the hands of parents who are trying to keep us' babies for ever. Everyone needs a childhood. Miss Landers, but it shouldn't last until we're 50 years old My mother told me last night l can t wear make-up until I'm 21 unless I plan to go on the stage. This means I have to wait six years. She seems to think make-up is only for actresses. Dating is out of the question Please say something in your column about this unfair treat ment. A CHILD FOREVER Dear Child: I don't know how old you arc, but I've seen teen agers with makeup so heavy they look as If they re ready for the TV cameras. A 15-ycar-old should be able to use powder and lip stick, and she should be able to date once or twice a week if her grades are respectable and she USFS Speeds Tree Planting MOUNT SHASTA - The USFS has adopted a speed-up plan to its reforestation program on Mt. Shasta. Instead of using service personnel for planting all trees, contracts have been let for 537 acres this spring. The planting will be done along State Highway 89 in what is called Big Canyon range. Con tractors are Ellis Tree Surgery, Redding, 342 acres; and Elmer Beicr, Eagle Point, Ore., 195 acres. Steps are now being taken also to add speed to tree development. It is believed the year 2000, set for 80 per cent reforestation being realized, may see nearly 100 per cent suitable soils on the moun tain growing forest trees. can read a wrist watcb. The best nay for teen-ager to get "adult" privileges Is by behaving in a responsible, mature manner which suggests he can handle them. Dear Ann Landers: For many years I knew a married couple who did not get along well. They had three children. The woman divorced her hus band and the court awarded the children to her. The husband is a fine man and wanted to keep the children. In this state, however, unless the husband can prove his wife is an out-and-out tramp, the children are awarded to the mother. I have indisputable evidence precisely what the husband needs proving the woman is an unfit mother. Now I'm unable to de cide whether or not to turn this evidence over to the husband. I am searching my heart for the answer and I can't find it. This woman once did me a very dirty trick and I'm afraid deep down I may be wanting to get even with her. Revenge is sweet but will I hate myself af ter I've had my revenge? AN EYE FOR AN EYE Dear Eye: Your decision should be based on what would be best for the children. Under whose roof will they have a better chance to grow up straight and strong? Who can give them time, attention, love, and discipline? I doubt that you are equipped to answer these questions objec tively. Let your clergyman decide. Dear Ann Landers: I like the confidentials at the end of your column. They are intriguing and it's a challenge to figure out the problem from your answer. Recently in a confidential you made a biblical reference which had to do with casting pearls to the swine. Will you please tell me where in the Scriptures this can be found? I thought I knew1 the Bible pretty well but this line was new to me. Thanks, Ann, for all the joy you bring and for all the good you do.-MAIN STREET Dear Main: The swine line is from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 7 Verse 6: Give not that which Is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend vou." NOT TRUE TO TYPE Apple varieties do not repro duce true to type from seed. Con sequently, they 'are propagated by budding or grafting, accord ing to the Encyclopaedia Britan- mca. I 1 a DISTRICT "Y" REPRESENTATIVES Judge Donald A. W. Piper, YMCA district chairman, stands with the group of "Y" officers chosen at the district prelegislative assembly Feb. 16 to represent the district at the YMCA Youth Legislature in Salem March 28-30. From left are Judge Piper, Roy Marvin, committee chairman; Rebecca Pierson, chaplain of the Senate; Don Christy, speaker of the House; Delores Savio, reporter, and Mike Veatch, sergeant-at-arms of the Senate. a math YMCA Sends 20 To Salem Youth Legislature Twenty youth from Klamath Falls will attend the annual ses sion of the YMCA Youth Legisla ture in Salem, March 28-30. Eight bills have been prepared by in- Atlas Missile Fired Okay VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (UPD The newest and speediest of the Atlas family an Atlas F intercontinental bal listic missile (ICBM) rocketed 4,000 miles down the Pacific missile range Thursday in its third successful test here. The Air Force fired the Atlas from a underground silo into a clear sky and veteran observers called it a "pretty shot" which went off as planned. The Atlas F, stored in a 174-foot deep bomb proof silo, was raised 45 seconds before the launch. The last previous successful launch from this West Coast missile base was on Nov. 14. INCOME TAXES See Your Reliable Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 dividual clubs to be presented be fore committee and legislative sessions attended by HiY and TriHiY club representatives from throughout the state of Oregon. State officers elected from Klam ath County are Don Christy, speaker of the House, Rebecca Pierson, chaplain of the Senate, Mike Veatch, sergeant at arms of the Senate, Delores Savio, report er, and Roy Marvin, legislative committee chairman. Others attending from this city are Janet Kerns, Shari Murray, Phil Isensee, Steve Gordon, Dave Piper, Chuck Sweetland, George Webber, Baron Matthews, Diana Cox, Kathy Luse, Tyana Payne, Sally McFarland, Charles Ochs, Evelyn Dalton, and Susan Doug las. Accompanying the youth as ad visers will be Leon Clark and Virgil Koehn. Highlights of the session will be use of the floor of the Seriate and House by youth delegates in presenting their bills, the drama of watching their own bills pass or be defeated, attendance at a Governor's Ball and an opportuni ty to meet several of the stale officials. The peregrine falcon is consid ered by some to be the fastest of all flying birds and observers have credited it with a diving speed of 180 miles an hour. T r :1 'El Hi T5S HSE5ESSSSSSL fl 1 I'm JIM I'm KIRK Our Daddy Says . . Retire in Style by plan ning for it today with a Great-West Retirement Income Plan. JIM CRISMON First National Bank Bldg. . Bus: 2-3454 Rei: 4-4628 Great-West Life O-m "Your Future is My Business - Today" Morning Special MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY PAY DAY SPECIALS CHECK THESE LOW COST VALUES! TALL TINS Staley's Wafflo and Pancake BIG Full Gallon Tin t129 Fresh, Crisp Stalk Tender, Long Green Asparagus Sanalac i DRY MILK j : 10-Qt. Nut Lunch I PEANUT BUTTER I J- J(B) 1 j SURPRISE W df SPECIAL! 1 ff LOWEST PRICE IN TOWN ON 'S -TO J ?Mo Sauce Del Monte BIG 300 Tin Reg. 20c Hershey's 1 -Lb. Carton 303 tins, creamed or Whole kernel LOW COST TENDER AGED BEEF POT ROAST Blade Cut Round & 7-Bone Boneless 3lb jffb Fresh, Lean I' """" GROUND hMl BEEF Qj) $) Rib Steak Short Ribs Tender Aged 69 Flav-R?ac Corn Flav-R-Pac Peas - 6?1;00 Del Monte Pears Chocolate Chips 3100 Canned Chicken - 89c Lean Cjf C 11 3710 So. 6th Right Reserved to Limit r wivi ri m . , -mom r -uiu imx ai.iiitfJ.ti i V