SSSIM f andl'dfnhJei?J i think 11 yLsy-svuu LruUOJU 7?- and fh snow tfand it I a nutty lde3i pat.. Dont , suffering I what. WB fi I 'Thistheimal undenuean I f 1$ that wheref No,lm SI tSSfifc I Jfts call itfchickcn out til lend voi) UuuJ 50 warm you could get up J - you're headed, going golfing! BMff A SS ' J : tt not cold! my jacket .'7 -TAM WothingAou must beM Im heading badkav Perhaps you can It'll take XI f T7 AnnouVlKc Cf-iil"rl-J lfA oair of horns and aY I feel 7 running a fever I've had allYcan' WaWVa lh!J!?ll tt Itealffitc& v!iieiA 1 un fc fei vstand. Brrrr 7 teeth are k TlShK J newer get ' well. come. J . , h, really needs" ; ; . ; .1 J L I f lVQ V ' , i ' ' ' : .. , . .. . , ... . , ,. ... ... . -' . . -.. , .-..k--j, V ..,.,4.. . -,5; f'NOW I'LL HAVE TO- BOV SCWC TO 6XPL4IN TO f fl pAPPV IS UP ALL. THE .SNOW f l" ' S