PAGE t-K HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wrdnrkday, March 20, IK Toe Size Gives Hope To Dieter LONG BEACH. Calif. LPI -If her big tne is any indication, 5-foot-2-inch, 244-pound Mrs. Mary Ferguson hopes she is well on her way to losing 50 pounds. Mrs. Ferguson, who checked in to; a hotel Sunday to begin a two week fast, said lier toe "really looks thinner." 'So I must have lost weight al ready," the 3fi-year-old housewife laughed. i (inn't have a scale, she said. "I'm nfraid I'll get discouraged if. I sec I'm not losing any weignt every couple of hours." A scale will be brought every few days to see how her stringent liquid diet of coffee, tea, bouillon and vitamin pills is working. The United States has approxi mately 110 million persons of vot ing age. Absent-Minded Woman Puts Hat In Freezer it TRY IT AT THE LUCCA CAFE World famoui-Delici BROASTED CHICKEN PIZZA PIE Rial Italian Sryl Orders to Go, Too LUCCA CAFE PHONE TU 4-3276 2354 S. 6th By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I simply can't bring myself to discuss this with anyone else. Please tell me i! you think I need profession al help. Yesterday I attended I h e meeting of an organization of which I am a board member, The women at the head table were given lovely corsages. Mine was especially beautiful. When 1 arrived home I removed the corsage and carefully placed it on the shelf in the hall closet. Then 1 P'Jt my hut in the re frigerator. In a few seconds I realized what I had done and I was horificd. What does this mean? Is it se rious? I'lease tell me. si mi. i- LY PERSONAL Dear Personal: All of us do such thingi once in a while. It means absolutely nothing except that (or the moment we were absent-minded. If you had left the hat in the refrigerator and tried to serve It with coffee then you'd have something to worry about. Dear Ann Landers: I married a divorced man two years ago. I went with him almost four years before wc married so I was well aware of his rotten family situa tion his greedy, grasping wife, and his ill-mannered children. He paid through the nose for his divorce but it was the only way he could get it. His monthly ali mony and support payments leave' him witli cigarette and gasoline money. We live on my salary. Now he tells me his oldest daughter is having trouble with her mother. The girl has asked if she can come live with us. I Hemorrhoids Cured Painlessly By Non-Surgical Method The non-surgical, electronic method for treatment of Hem orrhoid (Piles) developed by doctors of the Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic has been ao successful and permanent in nature that the following pol icy is offered their patient: "After all symptoms of Hem orrhoids ... have subsided and i the patient has been dis charged, if he should ever hav a recurrence, all further trest- menta will be given without additional fee." Patients experience little, if any pain. Their treatment re quires no hospitalization and does not employ drugs or in jections. Write today for a free, de scriptive booklet, yours without obligation: The Beal-Oliver Sandy Blvd. Clinic, Chiroprac tio Physicians, 2026 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland 12, Ore. don't want her. She's sloppy, bad tempered, sullen, and lazy. Her presence in our home would cre ate a problem. When I tried to make this clear to my husband he cut me short with, "She's my daughter and I don't want to hear any criticism f her." Is this fair? What shall I du? HIGH HURDLE " Dear Hurdle: When you mar ry a divorced man you marry the total guy his children, his splintered paycheck, his built-in memories, .(he nagging guilt and the roots.elsew here. If you value your marriage you'd better agree to stake his daughter In then do your darndest to make a friend of her. Iluild bridges, Toots, not fences. If you don't, you may be the one who lands on the outside. Dear Ann Landers: Please help me and fast. Adcllc, who my fiancee, is going to be the guest of honor at a bridal shower next month. The party will take place at her maid-of-honor's house. There will be about 35 girls present. Adcllc wants me to drop in for a few minutes just long enough to meet everybody and have a cup of coffee and a piece of cake. I'd rather jump into Lake Michi gan and I can't swim. Please tell me, Ann, is it proper for a man to attend a party of this kind? I've asked around the shop and not a single guy here has ever done it. I ve promised to do as you say, so please think it over and have mercy. LAMB TO SLAUGHTER Dear Lamb: If It means so much to Adellc I say go. It's her way of showing you off to her girlfriends. This will probably be one of a long list of things you'll be doing to please her, even though It doesn't make any sense to you. If Adcllc Is a igood wife she'll re turn the favor, time and time again. Welcome to the Club. Confidential to Worried Parents: Make a pedestrian out of this boy at once. He has demonstrate AftvtrtlwmMii If 1 I y 3-20 Tough Ship Heads For Watery Grave S.S. iL'PIi The&lphia where it was to be con- Coast Guard Cutter Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? I Don't be embarrassed by loose fnlM teeth slipping, dropping or wobbling when you eat, tBlk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little FAHTEETH on your plntea. This pleasant powder given a remarkable aonae of added comfort and security by holding plates more nrmly. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's nlkiillnr (non-acid). Get, FA8TEETH at any drug counter. HALIFAX, n, u.a. uucu "tr jnU) a rcstauranl Bear, a tough one-time sealing j vessel and icebreaker that defied end museum. It left Halifax Xlon crunching ice in 45 Artie voyages, eay under tow by the tug Irving fell victim today to the stormy jjjrch, and ran into heavy seas stormy Atlantic ucean. Royal Canadian Air Force search and rescue headquarters in Halifax said the doughty old ship that twice took Adm. Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic was sink ing about 80 miles south of stormy Cape Sable off the Nova Scotia coast. The ship, built in 1374, was be ing towed from Halifax to Phila- and 30- foot night. during the .Coast Guard saia tne oia vessel, tie United States' first icebreak- The tug was standing by to take off the Bear's two Dartmouth, VS., crewmen. The Air Force and the U.S. er, was taxing water, it was list ing heavily to starboard, its fore mast was broken, and its tow rope parted. "Nothing wrong with him! Would you put that in writing to show to his teacher and the neighbors?" Former Kingsley Field Engineer Dies In North Word has been received of the March 12 death of Clifford P. Wood of Forest Grove, former electronics engineer at Kingsley Field, at a Hillsboro hospital. Fu neral services were conducted March 14 at the Fuilen-Friescn Mortuary in Forest Grove. Born in Oswego, N.Y. Dec. 2G, 1001, Wood enlisted in the Navy in 1917 and was awarded the na tion's highest military honor, the Congressional Medal, for heroism. After the war he was graduated from Union College in Schenecta dy, N.Y., with a degree in elec trical engineering. In 1900 he retired after 31 years of government service, the last 10 years as electronics en gineer at Kingsley Field with the federal avaiation agency. Dur ing the next two years he worked for the Congregational Church at Camp Adams, and when h i s health began to fail in July, lie retired to his farm on side Road. 1962, Hill- i. mii i jy ocean fresh! for Lenten Menus TONIGHT! At The a Round Table! Wilbur Stiles At the Piano Bar fw,VL x One of Klamath's most popular entertainers now appears nightly at the fabulous Round Table Room. Come on, join the fun. Have dinner, dance, cocktails. Cocktai! Hour - 5:30 to 7:00 , Favorite Music for Dancing 9:00 to 1:00 Every Night Except Sunday ROUND TABLE ROOM OF THE WINEMA MOTOR HOTEL 1111 Main Street cd that he can't be trusted be hind the wheel of a car. Tell him privileges entail responsibilities and he hasn't proved he can han dle them. Confidential to Yes Or No: No. There are worse things In life than loneliness and If you marry this liar vou'll find out what they are. j Since 1872 ... top-quality merchandise at Wards low; prices! j Plan to attend the cooking school next Tuesday- Wednesday-Thursday 26 - 27 - ITS FREE You're All Invited to the third eralii an6 Ur$ annual -s, STORE OPEN ! ' ' vjKrSiSJ slip covers! J III (J 1 I.. 1 n PRICES CUT ON DUPONT STRETCH NYLON COVERS! y) J 1 1 W jj 'I 0 ( ( V ' i X "''Lsata' AND FOOD FAIR f Wl kSr2' ENTERTAINING VX- DOOR PRIZES I w readymade slipcovers made with stretch nylon fits all chairs, sofas and sectional as never before with a just-right custom look... stain resistant! water repellent! no Iron ever! fully washable! Now stretch slipcovers msdo with du Pont nylon stretch up and down, round and about to fit nearly every furniture ever invented! Superb tailoring features include) overlooked scams, safety stitch ing, revorsibla cushion covers, separate and ad justable fringe skirt. Overall textured fabric is blended of 62 Cotton, 22 Rayon! 16 Stretch Nylon Colors: Chapel Green, Coin Gold, Deep Capri-Blue, Shadow Gray, Thrush Brown 899 Sofa 17.99 Daveno ........ 13.99 Section a'l 1 1.99 9TH & PINE Every Klamath Basin Homemaker Is Invited! THREE BIG DAYS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY MARCH 26 - 27 - 28 Doors Open 12 Noon, Demonstrations 1:00 Exhibit Building Klamath County Fairgrounds PHONE TU 4-3188