t 3 .i 30 THREE bwoomi, 1') btm. firecle. birch kitcnn, aoubl grj9, lencca yrJ. 4430 Mimw Lnt, Tj 2-362 4.. ter J 1 M ACRES on Homedile, TU 2-3635. NORTHStDE. roomy J bed room home Ciom In. Prict 111, MO. Good term. TU 2-24i4 "cr p m. jUOVING Three bedroom. 1'7')ih ouiitm kitchen, brick fireplace, well lo wall carpeting, norm windows, H-tnltv 0. Strict. TU 4-5M4 efter 4 pm. k A I f Multiple MLo '. QUALITY HOME WITH SOLID VA50NRY CONSTRUC TION AND SUPERIOR NORTHS'DE CLOSE-IN LOCATION. E'trs-large one floor living with 3 huge bedroom, sp CiOus dining room plus dmette. tireplact. Includes full concrete basement WITH i; x 11 FT. 3RD BEDROOM OR DEN, WITH 2ND FIREPLACE. Double ga rage. Only 1 16, 700, with S700 down f HA (K eaiy Gl terms; nominal Closing. i V NEAR - DOWNTOWN Thli well-built older Northside 3 bedroom home, only 3 blocks from Main Si. on paved level street, Is lust the type you've been asking tor. Insulated, automatic heat, full basement with large partially completed party room. TRUE UPTOWN CONVENIENCE AT 110,500; top llnanc tnn. ' iV5 APARTMENTS PLUS YOUR OWN HOME, lust 3 level blocks from Main St. Neat and well maintained- These are lower cost rental WITH MINIMUM VACANCY. Total In come I9B monthly, a TERRIFIC BUY AT S13.000; convenient terms. W QUICK ACTION VV . ON LISTINGS! " Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 f SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO .1111 N. 9th Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: I Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves Tom Rabbltt Ph. TU 7-USi Eves. . Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker Multiple Listing Service MLS ', FIVE ACRES. Irriaaled with exrellent 1 story three bedroom home with base-1 -ment. Acreage completely fenced has pooa oarn, true wen nouse ana two car garage. Full price $18,000. WILL TRADE FOR THREE BEDROOM HOME IN JCITY. CRESCENT AVE. Three bedroom home wlth fireplace. WalVing distance to high icnooi. sii.mw. k CHARMING two bedroom home with -fireplace, garage, carport, fenced yard. "Convenient suburban location walking dis . tance to shopping area. SI 3,750. M D EIVITI Drliia ku 1 IflO V mnm CI ''This home plus large chicken house and i. barn has possibilities. Full price wilh j furniture W,30Q. DURANT REALTOR 3050 So. 6th TU 4-9833 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Sales Stair JvV. Buff Jones TU 4-993 .Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 , Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 STILWELL & CO. Presents: THE FINEST OF CONSTRUCTION Is evident In this NEW 3 bedroom home amonq all fine homes on the NORTH SIDE OF TOWN. Living room with fireplace beautiful kltch- ' - en-dining area with brick bnr-b-n, i i: baths, garage and carport, paved ' drive. Price $18,900 any type financ ing. I AM IN A RUNDOWN CONDITION but, I am located among good homes in a oood area. I have two bedrooms. with possibilities for another, a fire- - place, living room A dining room. I am offered for SAOOO wilh $750 down and $55 per month. Dress me up and have a home at modest cost. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN comfortable 2 bedroom home. Modern kitchen, fire place, basement. Only 19500. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 5)9 Main SI. Realtors TU 4-3136 After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 3-369? Bruce Binkley TU 4-3478 It no answer call TU 4-7006 or TU 2-0444 k ' j Multipfe MLb sLS . MOVE RIGHT IN A real dandy on Alameda St. Completely furnished at a low price of $5950 or un furnished for 15,500. One bedroom with extra bedroom in garage. Well main tained In and out. NORTH SIDE Good two bedroom. Completely new roof, attached garage. Close to stores and schools. A buy at J5I50. Terms can be arranged. NEED LISTINGS for 3 and 4 bedroom homg. Have quali fied buyer. City of south suburbs. Call us today for prompt service BRUCE OWENS 134 No. 7th Lucille Anderson Ray Worden TU 4-3139 TU 2-0518 TU 4-9267 NORTHSIOE 2 bedroom home with ga. rage. Electric heat and part basement. Owner transferred. Price S6000. Approx imately SS00 down and take over pay ment. LOVELY 3 bedroom home, fireplace. Built in range, oven, dishwasher, hard' wood floors, double gsraqe. Electric base board heat. Owner will take camp trailer, pickup, boat or eep on down payment. Price 114,800. . Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker inn Mam Jim O'Donahue TU 3 371 Evev TU 4-9693 v it f Multiple MLb VINE STREET Owner anxtouS to sell this 3 rwl'nom home in quiet Mills Addition. Circulating fjrepiace. gas floor furnace, gas hot w ter tank for inexpensive utilities Cement oatlo in completely fenced backyard for privacy end gracious outdoor en'ort.n ment for you and vour friends Call us to show you this attractive home. Priced at ust $12,500 PEYTON Armhr International Tru'tpr C'uh 13! Mark TU 4-l4 Evenings V'S Dan Nlfhflls TU 4 MM Pat" Plone T U J-OI Marpld M. Rush TU 1-V7i REAL BUYS!!! CLINTON AVE Wen fcpt - La'g 7 hd rnom. Pss'b'e 3-Mardwtvyj tinnr -Eitre 0nn? Area - Atuehed Oa rage t Pt La'O rear tented V-rJ Uner imgat.on with oump Vi TO Vny assume present loan SOUTH SUBURBAN Ne' ) b-d'oom home wih acreage - Mentev Soool Automatic Heat Several Outbuild ings . varveious sctl Irrigation On g frr us MS Also Coed income Property Schroeder Reolty Co. REALTORS 414 WAIN TU VU Anyt.me TU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 ST FRANCIS PARK, 2 bedrooms, hard wooo noon, fireplace, drapes, fenced vr3- nicety UnacADea. corner tor cmy equity, take over loan. TU 2-037 30 ACRES Irrigated. Three bedroom TWO year old threebedroom"home.tTe place, wail to wail crpe, j botii n tuft hen. TU 2-2944. S HOUSES, nicely turnTihed- idea' rem location, grots I2U per month, 115.000. ' i down, TU 2-?l3C. ' ALL BRICK Quality built lor comfort and enduring oeauty. Designed to please the most d' criminating Featuring 3 bedrooms, ree rt ion room, massive rainbow tone fire place. I1 j baths, economical forced i" oil neat. ISOO so. ft. Price far below r placement l J19.5O0. Any type financing evaiiaoic. 4 BEDROOMS Here it is (n Mills Addition. New roof, per manenl ilding. storm windows and doer Kar vara fenced. Large kitchen and separate utility. Low down, F.H A u i. Total price Jt i.ooo. CLOSE-IN Easy walking distance to Main St. Solid' ly built 2 bedroom modern home witr extra bedroom in full concrete basement Fireplace, attached garage. Total price fu"y furnished SI, SCO. Easy terms avail able. STILES REALTY MEMBFP INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. th St. Phone TU 2-4740 t tilt A-.j TU 2-5667 (Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Ralph Vacien Iris Madoie Homer Stiles Lorella 762-4l63 TU 4 5t5 TU 4-990 MLS Multiple Listing Service SEE THIS . . . In I he daytime or after dark You'.r b fascinated by the magnificent view and peaceful seclusion. Owner moving tj Portland so must sell or trade this 4 bedroom home. Full finished basement, fireplace, three car garage PLUS a completely furnished one bedroom rent al. All for J 13.500. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 206 S. 6th TU 2-2776 AMPLE PARKING SPACE Mildred Hall TU 4-flS'6 "Van" VanSlckle TU 2-6123 STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS. CALL Bob & Stella Dehtinger TU 2-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-5C4B 2 bedroom, so. suburbs, fireplace, all fur niture, appliances included, close to shop ping, paved street $12,000 2 bedroom. Mills Addn., fireplace, forced air furnace, garage and workshop SI 3, 750 3 bedroom, so. suburbs, 1'i baths, hard wood floors, birch cabinets, built-in ap pliances, fireplace SI 5, 750 Beautiful Maylna 3 bedroom home, cor ner fireplace, 2 baths, many stylish qual ities In this well built home. Excellent view $27,500 PACIFIC TERRACE LARGE 3 bedroom t home (Iht third bed room Is big enough to have a ball!) 2'? baths. Fireplace. Big family rumpus room, t-uii oasemeni. uouDie garage. Beautiful yard fully landscaped, with complete sprinkler system. Hot well. Home completely retinished from top to bottom, including all new wall-to-wall carpeting, Asking 125,500. Terms of any kind. DON SLOAN Real Estate 107 S. 7th St. TU 4-5658 Anytime FOUR ACRES ADproximotely four acres with TWO 2 bedroom homes, well andl electric pump. Total price $7950 Reasonable terms ond owner will carry contract. One 50 by 120 foot lot in hot water area. Reasonable terms and II consider trade. VERN W. EMLEY Real Estate & Insurance 2001 So. 6th Street Phone TU -3239 Anytime Fix - Em - Up SPECIALS!!! For the handyman who likes to putter! We have homes on 1 lot. One 2 bed room and two 1 bedrooms. Owner could live in one and rent the olhers. Showing good return of 1155. Within walking dis tance of town. McATEE REALTORS 339 E- Main Art Moorman Evelyn McAfee TU 3-4MS TU 2-173-1 TU 2-5535 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . 32 CLEAR income property, $210 per month, $11,500, sell or trade, TU 4-9754. NOTICE fO PUBLIC f lease investigate thoroughly any invest ment of moneys m merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital The Heraid and News makes every effort to relect all fraudulent or misleading advertising. however, wt are not responsible for the integrity ot the firms or md'viduais who plare advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should Of reported to the tiastiiea -i verMing Department of the Herald and News HOTEL ti Clnsf in 33 room hotel. Mostly permanent tenents. Shows exceptionally good return! Call us for details and to see this income properly. Full Price - $37,000 BRUCE OWENS 134 No 7'h Hay Wordfi Lucill. Andrron TU -3?' TU 4-9267 TU J-05H FINANCIAL LOANS 34 Do It NOW With A LOAN! Buy that new car Plan o real vacation Skipper your own boot Move into o mobile home Take or in o travel tro:lr FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Ftnanct New & Used Ccs Furniture Note Automobile Crnvemert Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Pnat Auto Sali Financed Locally Owned for. 33 Yean Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINCSS OPPORTUNITIES .. 32 HIGH VOLUME MODERN SHELL STATION FOR LEASE ARE YOU A BUSINESS MANAGER? ir Paid Training Program Promotional Programs Financiol Assistance QUALIFIED APPLICANTS CONTACT J. H. SCHENK TU 2-6137 eves., or Write P.O. Box 511 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BUILDING - REMODELING 36 REMODELING Siding and " Foundations No money down Up to 5 years to pay) per cent mierest. T u 4-4753, HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 DAYSTROM blond Formica dining set, targe, 6 cnairs. modern, $70. TU 4-5558. LATE model Hotooint W" electric range. TU 2-6019, 320 Michigan Her p.m. FOR sale automatic washer, $70. Call TU 2-3697. YELLOW chrome dinette set. Table and 6 chairs, $40. TU 4-7666. DROPLEAF dining " table, four chairs, Bookcase, desk. TU 4-75BO. FOR sale comoiete large bed. Good con dition. TU 2-3907. SEALY In rttr springs and mattress for saie. used only three months, call TU 4-9324. WANTED bed daveno In good condi tion. Phone TU 2-3649. AUTOMATICgajrange.Breller.grHI." TU 2-4765 after 6 p.m. week days. MAYTAG square tub conventional wash er, good condition, TU 4-3910 after 5. FOR sale or trade 1961 Kenmore combina tion washer-dryer, excellent condition also gas range, $35, TU 4-9906. DAVENO and chair, rose colored nylon, also dining room table, 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs with a buffet. For sale cheap, Make me an offer. Ed Greene, P.O. Box 435, Matin, Ore., phone 273-2319 eves. YOUR OLSON dealer will show samples o( beautiful reversible OLSON rugs, car pets m your home, i u 4-5666. G.E. double oven range, very reasonably priced, nylon 12 x 15 beige rug, like new. tu 2-198 eventngs. GU A RANTE E D US P DR A NGE S - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATE" HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. SHOP FOR FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 2964 SO. 6th TU 4-6660 REPOSSESSED Portable returned by customer unable to complete payments. Excellent condition. Can be yours for $5.75 a month after small down, SINGER SEWING CENTER 433 Main TU J-2S13 Gf Automatic t-' Washer Very clean, guaranteed .. $89 50 KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 antiques Drop In and see our new dpart ment, antique glass, china, furniture. The RESALE HOUSE 3ROO Sixth FUEL - HEATING 38 FIR BODY WOOD, 4-6036. $14.50 cord, call TU OIL fired water heater. About 30 gallons. Complete with high pressure oil burner and controls, S50. Hahn Electric, TU 4-7796. DRY lodgepole pine, S15 cord, TU 2-3705. LaComb & LaComb. DRY pine blocks. You haul. $4 per cord Metier Brothers, 3121 Crosby, TU 4-5184 CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs & Healing Oil! Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixlh TU 4-3681 and TU 2-60 BLOCK WOOD Oualitv Stove and Diesel nil Crater Fuel TU 4-9757 STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" W welcome you on our BUDGET PLAN. Frankford Fuel Co. No. fiiehn St. TU 2-4444 GIVE GOLD BOND STAVPS GOOD THINGS TO EAT 39 BEEF, PORK, wholesale custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock eats 4379 ShBS'a Wy TU ?-4?8, TU 2-06 TU Boots-Pcts-Soorts-Hobbiej 40 PUREBRED German police dogs, 1 male, l female, 6-week -old pup. phone Bonanza 545-2315. PUPP!ESto give away, fu2-0804. 14 FT. boat. Plywood hull,$50SMRu 511 Pederson at Wu Dairy, Bonanza. ATTENTION Sportsmen! Sellor Irarie German Stiorthair mala 4 years. TU 4-9426. SIDE KICK-iral Pcyc Ies70"wh r e ot her s can t, TU 4-5293. FOR sale Basenl (African barkless) pu,v pies, reoistered. first shots. Write Mrs. Joseph R. Anderson, Olendaie, Ore. SCUBA diving outfit, '" While Slag wet suit, med . double diaptuam Dial-A-RriMth mouletor. I fin .ir N'm-Rod and carrier, mak. fins, snorkle a n n q loves, in excellent condition and usen very little. J150 Ph. TU 2-4552 alter 6 p.m. USED 5 hp Jnhnon motor 5 hp Fvin rurle, like new 6 ft Cardinal trailer house, inquire 720 No. 11th. CHAMPION duality sahle "collie, AKC r"0. Finest Children's pels, TU 4-5991. JUDO Instruction at the auditorium TuM rav nignis, 7 id. 12 per lesson TU 4-6033. TOTE-GOTE dmo. sale. New warranty Both 3 h p. and 6 hp models Warren Pnck, (Ufl Klamath Ave., Oh TU 2-5541 days; TU 4-339 evenings and Sunday. DOG and cat boarding. Training groom ing. bathing Doos and puppies for sale SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Vr-rtll-Lakvi Junction nf Merrill Htqh way on Bnoth Road. Rte. 2 Bo 5fi4: TU 4-50I. 15' ; FT. glass boat. RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION. Sluth SubU'bS, Martha Schwarli, TU 4-779S CASH FOR USEDPIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC. TU 4-5171 "RADIOS "TV'S RECORD PLAYERS & TAPE RECORDERS $12 & up COFER'S EXCHANGE 6?5 Kiomoth TU 4-7160 41 RENT a nw Baldwin piano. $'0 a month No delivery charge. Bawdcn Music Co.. 130 Mam, TU 2-41S3. USED ORGAN SALE & BALDWIN HAMMOND LOWREY THOMAS $395 & Up BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mom TU 2-4883 W MUSIC TV Lessons & Soles Guild & Epiphont Guitars Sonela Ac cordions and Lowriy Organs. "Rent Ap plies 10 purchase. Klamath Music Center 5)5 E. Main TU 4-3360 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th Sr." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 WANTED Hereford cows to calve or pairs ii reasonaprei Lorella 762-4155. 24 SHORTHORN heifers, one Shorthorn bull, excellent breeding. W. B. Garrett & Son, C lends le, Ore. SHETLAND pony and saddle, $150 4-6322, 1770 Kane Street. CURTISS-BONANZA breeding service. TU l-U'4i, Bonanza 545-2JB1. FOR sate baby calves, milk cows, reg Hereford bull, TU 2-1590. FOR sale Aopaloosa gelding. Gentle for ennaren. i u 4-?i 1 1. KLAMATH PROVED SIRE SERVICE TU 4-4400, TU 2-1185, TU 4-455S, TU 2-6102 FOR safe weaner pigs. Call Bonanza 2257. STANDI wr. Utah's Chief reg. Appaloosa brown, white blanket with flecks, son of famous Montana sire Utah, Pin Grove Road, TU 4-9213. SEVERAL one, two and three-year-old norses tor sale, 3209 Crest-. AT stud Reg. Arabian Ibn Hamida, gray, Holliday Ranch, TU 4-9034. A new load every Tuesday. BABY calves tor sale, IMS Gary, phone TU 2-5689. CHILD'S pony, 2 vears old, very gentle. IU i-lit. 4-H, FFA show lambs, Hampshire, South down or crossed. Order now for choice. Schaffner, Matin 723-2356. STOCK cow and horse hay, 200 tons, S18 ton, TU 2-1224. KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Road Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmen's Market. Tuesdoy is sole day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Home 4-9436 MACHINERY 44 FOR rent, earth boring machine; 6 to 20 men Diameter, pn. iu 4-3334. FOR sale or trade T-20 crawler tractor. New driver sprockets and rails. All Ir good shape. O. L. Rudd, Tulelake W7-5169. SMALL snow cat, rubber tracks, wilPgo in muo or snow, weighs about 700 lbs. Can be hauled In pickup, TU 4-3702. FOR sale 13 ft. 3 section heavy duty spring lootb harrow. Extra quack grass teem. o. l. Hoaa, Tuieiake 667-5169. value, will taka good hunting rifle andl scone In trade. Phone Lorella 4107. LIVESTOCK & RADIO TV . MUSIC . ir KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. & Announcing Our 8th Annual BULL SALE! Friday, March 22 I p.m. NOTE TO BULL BUYERS- To build a better herd, you need more BULL POWER! These bulls are at their best and in their WORKING CLOTHES! NOTE TO BULL SELLERS- The bull buyers are ready! Are your5 If not . . . consign right now . . . give "Woody" a call, y'all! CONSIGNED NOW for this SALE Over 1 50 Rugged Quality Bulls - and many more coming, including it HEREFORDS SHORTHORNS W ANGUS Consignments at present are from Washington Oregon California Now's your chonce to improve your herds. THESE BULLS ARE LONG ON WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR To Consign Your Bulls Or For Further Informotion Please Contact ELWOOD "Woody" GUECK, Manager Our repeot customers Ore our best recommendation! "Making Money for YOU is the MEAT of our business!" KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. On Midland Rood Near G.N. Crossing Rte. 3 Bex 44 Phone TU 4. .11 03 44 JOHN DEERE 10 tt tandem dsc Inter nattanal I tt. gram drill, doubW d' Bonanza 2257. A C H D. 14 Cat, hydraulic blade, double drum winch, $1.W0; i vara MKhiger shovel, back hot attachment, 10:20 rub ter, $3,100; 250 amp O E. welder, $250 TU Mlei. TU 2-074t. SELL or trade Allia Chalmers HO 7 crawler tractor. '41 Chtv. dump truck '45 Federal 3 ton truck, maka offer, ti tt. Case drill, Edwards 216 two way plow large tool carrier, TU 4-1917. EQUIPMENT i-or LEASE DAY MONTH YEAR JOHN DEERE 7010 Wheel Loader with or without back hoe. 1010 and 440 Crawlers with Doiers. 1010 Crawler Loader. 435 Diesel with Trencher. Will trench ! it. deep end 12 In. wide. Coll or See Us At Klamath Falls or Tuleloke Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-S57I 7376 South Sixth St. Tuleloke Ph. TU 667-5213 MACHINERY & BARGAINS at J. W. KERNS Edwards 2 bottom, 2 woy 475' hong on plow. NEW .... 6' HD rear blade for 3 $ point tractor. NEW 4 wheel riding type $ garden tractor John Deere Model A $ narrow front 139 Oliver 70 orchard $ type tractor Farmoll M $ Tractor '. .... MACHINERY 900!w .r-.i aUKI IH 2 bottom 2 way plow $ for fast ditch Oliver 12' tondem $ 175 195 iisk 6' Oliver offset $ isk O CrfY Morrill Wheel $ roke 55W engine drive $ baler 350 295 600 ron Age high speed $ planter Model B 20 x 7 IH $ press drill TD14 Crawler $ 3700 tractor Byberg feed mixer ond $ grinder - less motor 350 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 MISC. FOR RENT ...45 VALLEY RENTAL'S in o GREAT BIG MESS' It you can't find what you want to rent, YELLI We'll help you look for III 1003 F. Mnln TU 4-6812 POULTRY 42 MISCWANTtD . ....jW'flERALD AND NEWS. Klamath want to buy good 4"j" Berkeley irri gation pump. O. L. Rudd. Tuielakt 67 516 "WANTED TO BUY" Dougias Fir Peeler Logs International Paper Company Weed, California Phone: Yellowstone 1-4441 Extension I WANTED antiques, anything etdl Call iu 4-4'm oays or iu 4-eoag eves. CONSIGN NOW We need small items dishes, pots. pans, etc. ter our Friday mgnt auction. Free Pickup. THE j RESALE HOUSE I 3" S MISC. TO IXCHANGE 48 LIKE new Wurlitter spinet piano, will tract for pickup or outboard motor, Box 476. Lakevlew. MISC. FOR SALE 51 TIVOTHY hay, 120 a ton, TU j-4l. 4 CYL U h rv rMnBnt.i MAi.r t . t. - electric motor wi'h vacuum pump for liking machine, Davis front and liMriar with bucket and buck rake for Fermall tractor. Ph. Tulelake 67-277?. movie outfit, baby buggy. TU PSA 500 twin A7 motorcycle. 1335. TU 452M. FOR sale allalla hay, good Quality, oh. S45-239I Bonanra. UNDERWOOD bookkeeping machine, complete with trays, stand, addition sec on and laoe, aood conriltfnn. far Opportunity lor young business. Call or see fcd Greene, P.O. Box 455, Malln, Ora. Phone 7JJ-7319 eves. MEADOW hy, 3 ton, TU J -1224. yrs. old, wire lied. It . A5H for mm equip mem you ant to sen comes when voo use low com m d Oat tu 4-1111. HAY for sale, phone TU 4-7819 evenings. BABY crib and car bed, reasonable. 3123 Lannon, TU 2-1880. 100 TON oat hay. 30 nn qrass hay, Rob ert Pelrik, Merrill, 798-5855. lLrLrn nay lor mo. cutting, TU 2-004. S25 a ton, 2nd FOR SALE sheep manure, sack or l ph. TU 4-7334. Si) 160 T0NS ,st 2nd' 3rd cutting alfalfa hay; 15 tons oat hay, covered, TU 4-3401 T f" A' DRIVEWAY materla1 crushed roc'k, -..jlO FT. boat, $20, automatic washer, $50. W Oardrn tiller, 35, 270 gallon oil tank, 110, U 2-1350. RAIN rock. gr,vfl. and roadway ma- TU 35. GEO. R. STACY CO. MASON sand," llll dirt. Unify fill, cli 1 d.r. Pallcan Sand. TU M3I7. USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEANERS FERTILIZER, rotlvd mjlveriztd shaao ,manura. 11 per nundrtd lb. lack, TU TOPSOIL, concrete aggreqate driveway material, drain rock, J. M. Barnes, TU STOP - LOOK - PLANT! YOUR Rose Bushes Beqonlas Otadiolas Dahlias Bleeding Hearts TO NAME A FEW FLOWER PLANTS AT PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE Ml So. 6th TU 3-5SS TRAILERS . ' 52 MOLCLAWs'eOO lb. capacity boat trailer. 424 Mt. Whitney. 11 FT. STANLEY, lelf contained. Like new, fully equipped. TU 4-72a. WANT to buy flood H or II It. trailer house, TU 4-7117. LARGE two hone tandem trailer, 3209 Creit. 1751 ANGEL It tt. trailer houte. 3 hflri. rooms, hath and kitchen. Sea at Boh Cheyne Ranch, Macdoel, Calll., or write Box 2B. Make otterl EQUITY l Jewel 17 II. trailer, $500. phone TU 2-5895. CLEAN '40 Paramount Provincial 10X50 It. 2 bedroom. Built-in oven, washer, dry. er, air conditioner, storm windows, excel lenll TU 4-5434. FOR sale to It. Terry trailer. Real buy! 3347 Homedale, TU 2-2456. COMPLETE HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Carr, 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2-1163. FACTORY trained Coleman & Internal'' mobile furnace service, narts, TU 4-6436. FOR sale or trade equity In 50x10 New Moon trailer, 2425 summers Lane, no. SPECIAL 1955 MELODY 10x55 2-Bedroom. $ 3795 Fireplace ... POOLE'S Mobile Homes, Inc. 3125 So. 6th TU 2-2801 TRAILERS WANTED Up to 35 It. any age or make, etc. CASH walling, trade up or down! SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dale or "Shine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 AUTO MISCELLANEOUS 53 FOR tla or trade completa '57 Pon llac 347 engine. 4 barrel carburetor. el away transmission, TU 2-9J89. Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS 25 Main TU 2-3358 Eves. TU 4.961 (Next Door to Baldwin Holell Alignment Special! ONLY 15 95 SHOCK ABSORBERS 1116 EACH - INSTALLED TUNE-UPS 67 95 PLUS PARTS GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. 11th TU 4-6141 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE NEW CARS ( TRUCKS 54 JEEP! SPECIAL! (Now on Disploy) 1963 WILLYS 'JEEP' 4-Door Wogoneer AS ?A07 LOW AS 07 SEE IT TODAY! SALESMEN Dole Sechnt ... .... TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 I- Podg. tt TU 2-0637! Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Mortin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnothon Dovis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP U1 So th TU 4-8104 53 FOR Mit HarKy bavldion m mlor cycl, I1JS. TU . Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or Valvt GrlnoJ Tuna uo la a Koaclailv 115! Altamonl Call TU 4-M1 "OVfcR N YEARS EXPE RIENCE' -sir YAMAHA "TRAIL 50" NEW IN STOCK COVE INI COMPARE OUR PRICES AND 1-tArUKES TODAY I I ti FRANKS ..ti T Ariel F L r.iiuniMr. tcsuirt AUTO MISCELLANEOUS TU M!t)'tW E AtN TO 5-4TM USED CARS & TRUCKS 55 FOR sale military eep, needs motor work. Only TU 2-JI77. BY original owner, 154 Chev. VI Bel Air automatic 4-dr. sedan, like new con dition, actual 3. 000 miles, new tires and brakes. Must be seen to appreciate. TU 4-C92. 1953 PNT,A(- bv private party, good tires and motor, 1150. TU 4-857. WANTED '3 t. older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU 3-1130, TU 3-3704. CHEVROLET pickup. Good running con dition. S150, TU 2-3697 beiore 3 p.m. 1930 MODEL A coupe, excellent cond tlon. The Resale House. FARMERS: '51 Ford VI custom flat bed ton truck, dual wheels. TU 4-4945 '60 BONNEVILLE hardtop like new, new tires. 320? Crest, ItSI I NT E 1 NATIONAL 3 .Deed pickup. good condition, alto botl, trailer, and kicker, 827 Mitchell SAVE NEW CAR DEPRECIATION ON THIS 63 FORD V-8 Fairlane 500 4-Dr. Sedan Only 5,600 octual miles. Rodlo, heater, outomolic transmission, Red vinyl interior, white exterior with red trim-line, white sidewalls and tinted glass. NOW $9701; ONLY LIlO WILSON WILEY BUICK CO. 1330 Main St. TU 4-3 Ml 429 So. 7th TU 4-9203 12th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! '63 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Beautiful maroon finish with block interior. This one-owntr, low mile)' age, prestige car is equipped with power steering, power brakes, pow er windows, 4-speed transmission, radio, heater, bucket seats, ad justable steering wheel. It sold new for over $5,000. Now yours for only . . . $4298 DUGAN & MESTi TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 WOW! We Are Desperately SHORT of Late Model CARS and PICKUPS! We Will Buy Your Equity! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON NEW CAR TRADES! Th omas DODGE Soles & Service Moin Goraoe 424 So. 6th TU 4-7716 Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 JOE FISHER'S Safe-Buy USED CAR SPECIALS! '60 Ford 2-Dr. Hdtp. Radio, heater, Automotic '1597 '61 Ford Thunderhi(d i One owner, 9007 loaded 77 62 Mercury 533 Radio, hooter, 4-speed floor shift, bucket seats, one own er, low miles '60 Rambler 4-Dr. Radio, heater, standord trans. .... '62 Stude. Lark 4-Dr. Radio, hearer, automatic '2397 JII97 JI697 SALESMEN Dole Sechriil TU 2-5720 iRoy Rinehart TU 4-9541 loe Podgett TU 2-0637 jllm Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 .Elnothon Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 1677 So. 7th , TU 4 8104 FtUf, Or. WtdMiifey. USID CARS & TRUCKS 33 l0 EL CAM (NO pkkup. CffHtct cendi- IKHV HMO, in Hlt HOUlf. 141 INDIAN motorcycle '74'. (115; also ni tnginn POfd, Ui, pft. TU 4-4M7, SELL '54 Studbktr, StOOO InvtVKl. muiF rtnct lor 4s TU M43. CLEAN 155 DiSoto, iKCilltnt mhi ci condition, tlrot. Rttonbl. 1537 WU- (HI IMPALA 2 door hrd1 V I. Rra. rM(r, u lorn tic Iransmlulon. TU 2-5193 inyiimt. 10 OLOS hirdtoo ' Holiday, all ax. trai. Eacilltnt condition, TU 2-5041. '34 FORD tudar, rabuilt analna. tach.. floor in ft, runs and looks good, $410. 3ff IT Hi NO. lltn, TU 4-4164. FOR SALE 151 GVC Pickup and IH) mev. ti ton truck. TU 2-U6I. 1tJ7 CHEVROLET Two door Bal Air hardtop. V-l, STICK SHIr'T, POWER fak, ovartjrlvt. Ntw tlras. A raal good buy tor only (f&O. Call IU 4-3H any !i mat MARCH SPECIALS! 41 Chevrolet Impala 1 Or. Mtp . Cits 'tt Ponllac 4 Dr. Loaded S!4 M Ford Falcon I door .mi .0 Plymouth V-l, 4 dr. tedam Radio, heater, automatic $ 99$ U Chevrolet 4 dr. Bel Air, sharp . .$ 4M DEAL RITE MOTORS 1)47 S. m TU 4-443 Erv Dowly TU 4-)J0 COMPARE our PICKUPS ond STATION WAGONS! 63 INT'L. Scout Pickup 2-tone, full canopy, heater,! very low mileage. $Q0 A like-new rig IOIO 61 Olds Super '88' 9-Pass, Stn. WaQon, 3-seat waaon. good for family us. Low mileaqe. one owner, QAO full power Z07J '60 Rambler Custom Station Wgn. Air conditioning! One owner, very clean, low mileage rily I583 59 Chevrolet Parkwood station! wagon. Beautiful as new. All power. Radio, heater, 2 tone. very low $ I CQO mileage ' 37 J '58 Ford V-8 Country Sedan Sta-I tlon Wagon. One owner. Clean! Inside and loaded with tros. Needs $ painting 693 41 Chevrolet Pickup. 4-speed. A !d. A 193 real nice pickup for age DICK B. MILLER CO. Klamath 7th & ECCLES MOTOR CO. "Select" USED CARS Recently Traded in on 1963 PONTIACS & RAMBLERS More ore coming in doily, s6 we must move these at once. TRADE-IN VALUES WERE NEVER HIGHER COME IN MAKE US PROVE IT! '63 DODGE POLARA 500 HARDTOP COUPE Radio, healer, automatic trans mission, power steering, power. brakes, bucket seats. Like new. $2847 62 RAMBLER CUSTOM 400 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heater, power steering, standard transmission with over drive. Bucket soots. Full vinyl In. trior. $2397 '62 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, standard transmis sion. Full Morrokide interior. $1897 '61 PONTIAC CATALINA STATION WAGON 9-possenger. Radio, heater, Hy Jromatic. Power steering, power brokes, one local owner. Like new. $2697 '61 OLDSMOBILE '88' 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramatic, pow. er steering, power brakes, one lo- owner. $2197 '60 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heoler, automatic trans mission. V-8 engine. Extra sharp, $1597 '59 CHEV. PARKWOOD 4-DR. STN. WAGON Radio, heater, Power-Glide, pow- er steering, power brokes. $1597 58 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 4-DR. STATION WAGON Rodio, heater, automolic trans mission, power steering, power brokes, oir conditioner. $1197 Many Fine Older Models To Choose From Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD vou did! BUI Dick Cunninghom TU 4-7177 noyd TU 2-5859 Bill Hotchkln TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th St. PAGB T-B USID CARS A TRUCKS 55 '54 JEEP pickup, powtr brakas. rabuiil motor, winch, 6600. TU 4-7647. H44 MILITARY Jo. A-l tnrougnout, 6520, TU4-62T4. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cosh Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4714 Hi-Val ue ti PICKUPS ti PANELS '61 Int'l V Ton Pickup V-8. 4-spetd, leng 5 wheelbosa 1895 60 Chevrolet Pickup Long wheelbo5e. 4.speed $ 1 495 60 Int'l. Yj Ton Pckp. 4-ipeed, V-8 60 Int'l '6' Pickup 4-speed $ 1 395 $I095 $I095 '58 Ford LWB Pickup 4-speed 58 Ford Courier '57 Dodge V-8 Vi Ton $ 795 Pickup. 3-spd. trans. '57 Dodge Panel 3-speed with $ overdrive 825 895 425 495 325 395 395 125 325 495 295 57 Ford F250 LWB Pickup, 4-sped ... '52 International Pickup 51 International Pckp. 3-speed '51 Dodge Pickup 4-speed '51 Ford Pickup Very clean 48 Willys Stn. Wgn. 2-wheel drive 42 Chev. V5 Ton with stakes '51 Dodge Pickup 4-speed 51 Chev. Pickup 4-speed '49 Dodge Pickup 4-speed SALESMEN Bud Falrclo, Malln .... 732-2354 lim Knoles TU 2-3209 Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. k" International Fruehauf . Cummins Mvrh !0, 19SJ TU 4-4154lllth-12th on Klamath TU 2-2581. '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE Rodio, heater, floor shift. Hydra- Imotic, power steering and brakes. finned wheels, bucket seats, full Morrokide Interior. $3397 '62 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, healer, automatic trans mission. 166 h p. 4 cylinder en- Igine. Full Morrokide interior. $2397 '62 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heater, 6 cylinder engine vith o'drive. Extremely low mileage. $2297 '6i Chevrolet corvair 4-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, automatic trans mission. Driven only 17,000 oc tual miles. $1797 '61 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, power steering, 6 cylinder engine with overdrivt. Individual reclining seats. $1897 '60 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, standard transmit- sion, V-8 engine. Very good con- -dition. $1397 I '59 PONTIAC STARfHIFP CATALINA COUPE Rodio, heater, Hydromatic, pow er steering ond brakes. 2 tone turquoise. Extra sharp. Sold new and serviced by us. $1397 '58 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, 4-speed transmis sion. 2 to choose from. Compare' these!! $997 Pete Stride , TU 2-0491 Russ Colter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson .... TU 4-6618 TU 4-8124