'. JK .-. 3 .HaP WANTED, MALI U ' WANTED lourneymen plumber with Or. gon licenM. Yeer eround work! Writ O inquire ai arrow riurnui"v n E., Lekevlew. Or. FARM helper on Irrigated aiverilfied , larm, no livestock. Home available. Writ box 46tC, Herald News. EXPERIENCED automotive office man- 8er Wniw. acv rut. vw i vum v. . State Employment Service, 242 Main, l-i p.m. flftonoi y inrougn r i ib r MANAGER for-local Te.all lumber yard, eptrienced, apply (A Wain Street. Used Car and Trailer SALESMAN With local, new car franchised dealer. Experience preferred, but not necessary. If you are willing to work, opportunities ore excellent. Send letter, giving age, qualifica tions, marital status, address and phone number, to - Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Moin St. WANTED BOY, 18 OR OLDER FOR PART-TIME WORK IN CIRCULATION DEPT. Must have car. Prefer high school unior. APPLY: Circulation Dept. ' Herald & News BOYS! scahgeol EARN Vacation Money by selling the He; aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 TULAVA NURSERY will start grading . strawberry plants March ?0 ar I a.m. Tulelake, California, wcalhar permitting. Two million plant harvest. WANTED man or coupla tor light work. Pensioner or slightly handicapped per. ton can handle. Apartmflnt furnished ai part pay. Steady ob, TU 4-5071. MAN or woman 10 or older. Apply at Bodenhamer Saw Filing, 351 E. Main. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published In the 'Herald & News are accepted In good fi'th that the obs offared are as stated In the advertising copy. Wa are no! re sponsible for the Integrity ol our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and relict alt mlsleadlna advertis ing. Anyone anrverlng a help wanted ao ana unaing it to bt mnieedina is atVtd to report It fo the Classified Ad vertising Department ot the Hirald ' News. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 EXPERIENCED child care. Your home cr -mine, iu j-in,, TU 2-17b. WANTED: child care In my home, nlca big yard. Any egas, any hours, 3m Cllrv , ion, iu Z'lUH. EXPERIENCED baby silting, anyllma, my noma, outn suburban. TU 4-4313. jAciTa jTLVdayuVsery Hour, Day, Week, Mon. through Frl. a a m. to 4 p.m. Helen Lehman TU 2-1844 1321 Carlson Dr, IRONING, washing, pkkip, deliver. Hand crocngTfo WTpnuns. TU 4-74J4. ROOMS FOR RENT 22 ROOMS, small house, reasonable. Ernie's' Hotel, 63) So. 5lh, TU 3-5235. DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utJllllei furnished. 317 Pine, TU M487. CLEAN, comfortable roomT 3 blocks from Main, U & up. TU 4-435. STEAM healed, quiet, ileap.ng rooms. 310 So. 5th. TU 3-0314. ROOM, BOARD GENTLEMAN 10 CRESCENT MEN, housekeeping room. Comfortable, everything furnished. $34 monthly, 134 No. 3rd, TU 4-4033, TU 4-9187. HOTEL rooms, bachelor quarters, 6 only, US a, U5 monthly. Wlllard Hotel, TU 4-416V CLEAN 3 room furnished. Reasonable, close In. Water, garbage, wash room free! TV cablt. TU 4-6314. FURNISHED three room apt,, S55. All utilities paid. Shared bath, adults only. 41 North 10th. CLEAN, furnished ) bedroom apt. Close to Main, tso, water, garbage paid. Gas heat. 333 So. lllh. BACHELOR apt. Furnished 3 room, cloit In. 130. TU 4-mi. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, utll lllMpald,l411 Main. S p A R K L I NbTst h" I Pine, t bedroom fur niihed, adults, $45, TU 4-5010. NEW duplex apartment, some furnishings, clou In. 309 N. 10th. FURNISHED, clean 3 rooms, warm, roomy. rugs, , 1634 Division. THREE room newly decorated furnished apt., hot water heat, TU 3-OMO. TWO room turnlhed apt., $30. 3350 She ta Way, TU 4-7461. LARGE 1 bedroom furnished duplex. Near but depot, $!. 305 Commercial. CLEAN, furnished bedroom duplHot Springs, TU 3-514. FURNISHED 3 room ept., close in, steam neai, tu 4-5446. LUXURIOUS, laroe bedroom, living room, kitchen, 3 full baths, idults. $45. Alpha P!S., IU 4-4322. SPACIOUS. downton7heal tree, f u r- fished, adults, ti, Alpha Apis,. TU THREE room furnished apartment, all Utiiines.AdultssAS. 3 Main TU 4 34 ft. SINGLE arts. Completely furnished, 115 weekly, jonnny i motel, ZD03 Bithn. SAALL furnished apartment close to vain, wn. or mo., 3J3 i, nth. MODERN two Ndroom furnished apart ments, TU 4-51 . FURNISHED apartments, 14 Riverside, prtone TU 7-4 'J. UNFURNlSHE D two bedroom'apaTf ment inquire 251f Applegate. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished, TV eve Hunt, weekly rates. Pel ken Motel. TU 3-354. DUPLEX" M block effhiahwav. Wevsl haauser Junction, all electric. TU 3-313. COMPLETELY"furnishedstud apart ment, all utilities paid, $15, a week or available by the month, wether . dryer Vltli Marquis Apartments, 1330 Oak, TU wass. DUPLEX furnished 1 bedroom, clote in, garage, laundry, tu titn. FURNI SHE D one bedroom "apar fnient 4731 S. 4th. SMALL furnished apartment, ctosa In, NATURAL hot water, f furnished rooms i43 Esplanade, TU 4-9754. TU 4-4354, HOT SPRINGS S room furnished, tie rage, 175, utilities paid, TU JMM. THREE room furnished apartment, SV It utilities paid, fll Walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartment, utll Ities aicept electricity, 334 High. MILLS Add'n, furnished one bedroom, $45, close to market. Sea at 3354 Whit a. TU 3.43 aftert p m. ""THREE room furnished apartment, 2041 White ONE bedroom apt. completely furnished with utilities, $75. No children. TU t4M9 days, TU 4-70J;; ter 4 p.m. APARTMENTS FPU ttWT .... 24 ONE or two bedroom furnished, heat, wa ter paid. 125 Grant. TU 2-471. EXTRA large, very clean, ona bedroom upstairs. Adults. $47.50, you pay lights. 132 Hillside. TU 3-itl bafore 5 p.m. ONE bedroom, bath, wool rugs, drapes. automatic wether, utilities paid to car- Urn amount. TU 4-3762. TU 4-3493. HOT SPRINGS, tree heat, new one bed room apt., adults, no pets, TU 4-427. ?ACtL bar0Or 'nT,ed p,men,' 409 N. 0th, inquire 103 Lincoln. ONE bedroom unfurnished apt., $40, two bedroom unfurnished, $40, TU 3-341 NICELY furnished three room apt. Close laundry facilities, adults only, no pats. 403 Lincoln. EXTRA nic eltan furnished or unfur Ithed apt. Water, garbega paid. Owner, 205 Vine. TU 4-4235. BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart. ment. Immediate occupancy, TU 2-6500. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modarn, furnished. 21 So. 11th. TU 2-1042. ROOSEVELT APTS. 3034 LeRoy Ph. TU 2174 Furnished or unfurnished one bedroom, Garage. Hot weler hest. Hot Spring: area. Adults. ONE bedroom furnished apt. Close In, $45. TU2-3194. STEAM heat, fur niihed Apt. A HO D4Ch- lor apt. 213 Cedar. TU 4-9552. NICE clean furnlihed apartment, close In, TU 3-2M1, TU 4-4964. NICELY furnished small 3 bedroom apartment, close In, TU 4-4754. APARTMENT FOR RENT PACIFIC TERRACE Lovaly 3 bedroom apartment, large liv ing room, k lichen with dinette, bath. Stove & retrigeraior furnished, no pais, pta. t9 50. James F. Stilwell & Co. 51 Main St reft TU 4-3134 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way On, and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily. Weekly Motel Rotei TU 2-5577 $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING) AT LOW COSTI 1-J-l bedroom apt., furnlihed or unfur nlihed. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENT! U17 WASHBURN WAV TU 4-ljn Office hours a.m. to 5 p.m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 744 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 3 Bedroom unfurnlihed Spacious Room i Taitefully Decorated Wall fo Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services accept telephone and electricity Porotheo Nolan TU t-oru HOUSES FOR RENT 26 S73 duplex, TU 3-03M MODEN unfurnished three bedroom, fireplace, double garage, south suburban, siiq per month, call TU 4-3903. TWO bedroom house, comoletelv fur- nunea with untitles. I13S mo. No etiil dren, TU 2S?7t tiavt. TU 4-7011 alter ft p.m. LAPfaF 5 hftHrftnm narllu InrnlthatH na j Pelican School, 150, TU 4-WM. TWO room furnished. Clot In. TU 3-140 FURNISHED houta for rent, 4804 So. 41h, OR will sell 3 bedroom and 2 bedroom nomas, in Laurel, TU 4-3969. FOR rent three bedroom tiouse, $45, or win sail, $4,500, low down payment. terlor newly painted, large rooms, Ilia iioors. raveo street. 4i7 oougias. TWO bedroom furnished houta, electric heat, $50, TU 4-9909 or TU 4-3423. CLEAN one bedroom furnished Including waxier, tat oienn, au, iu i-134. RENT or sale, one bedroom house. 1736 memo way, tu 4-7?4. TWO bedroom northtlda. Range I u r nisnea, hj. iu 4-sjit. MODERN 2 bedroom unlurnlihed, Keno HOBO. M), U 4-V64B. ONE bedroom house, partly furnished, garage, basement. Inquire 1502 Califor nia Avenue. TWO bedroom unfurnished, South eth" clota to stores, schools, oil heal. $50. TU 2-3473 Monday through Saturday, un- mi e p.m. MODERN completely turnlshed two room wnn snower. no drinkers, TU 4-3893, 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bedroom and 3 Deo room apis., unfurnished, TU 4-5686. MODERN, unfurnished 4 bedroom, fire place, utility room, electric kitchen and heat. South suburban, TU 3-5905, $45, SMALL modern house, wiYh 'traiier spaca hookup and carport, 3103 Emerald, near Weyerhaeuser, TU 4.8379. ONE bedroom furnished, $45. Large 1 bedroom, $65. Children, pets, o k. Inquire 4107Vi Homedale, TU 4-8910. TWO bedroom house partly furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, $45. TU 3-41M SMALL house suitable for retired counle Reasonable! TU 3-4201 evenings. LARGE, modern house, llreplace, " ga rage. 3 bedroom duplex, carport. T U 4-4244 atler 3. t BEDROOM furnished, duplex, $50. 4100 so, em. TWO bedroom home, fenced vard,ga rage. $65, 2164 Gary, TU 4 4020. TWO bedroom unlurnlshed, $80, 404 North MILLS ADDITION, clean 1 bedroom cab- In. $35, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, 'ur nished, $65, Inquire 111 Plns TWO bedroom unfurnished, newly paint ed, wall to wall carpet, $75. TU 4-4013. UNFURNISHED 2 hedrrwm duplexes. Full basement, fireplace, hardwood floors, electric heat, $70 each. TU 2-3444 ext. 44, before 3 p.m.. TU 4-8247 after 5 MODS RN. clean, completely furnished 1 bedroom coltaq. Yard, garage, shopping tiott, m Mitcneii, TWO bedroom home ciote to school and new shopping center. Cheap heat. $77.50. FURNISHED, small 2 bedroom bas heat, Mills. $55. TU 2 3169. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU -4J or I U 4-134. ONE bedroom furnlihed house with auto matic wither. Garage. Inquire 1832 Sum mert Lane. ONE bedroom furnished, back yard for pelt, 140. TU 2-0)04. TWO bedroom unturnlshed. clean, fenced verd. children, pets OK, 2 mi. north of totsn, $45. TU 3-4)90. ONB bedroom furnished house, phone TU UNFURNISHE D."closeln, waterTVar- bage washing facilities paid, TU 4-t41. ALL furnished new two bedroom home, J tig Mad'ton. TU I-JJI0. UNFURNISHED-two" bed7wmh X10 Boer dm an, TU 3 090. TWO bedroom furmthed house. Garbage, MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE or bwtinets space for lee In new building to be erected at 7th A Walnut across from Post O'lice. Prime lotatisn with parsing, IU 4-40JJ. OFFICE space or store rental available ecross Irom Courthoute, Tu 2500. SHARE ottice with weiPetiabHthed fTT end auto Insurance eoency. fcict'ienl for lite agent, realtor, or accountant. Com pletely Vm M ? P'nt TU 7 REAL ESTATE WANTED . 7 28 WANT to buy" at "least V acreT" Phone TU 4 itytt REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 I om o "TRADER" ARE YOU? y tell when you can trade. Can DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member tnternettonei traders Ctufe Licensed Ore. CaL tde. wash. 1037 Mam l. TU 4-4117 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ... 29! THREE bedroom home. Large lot. Sell or trade equity for small place. 3440 l rvle pen r).?nce. TU 4-31,1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 ST. FRANCIS PARK, 2 bedrooms, herd- wood floors, fireplace, drapes, fenced beck yard, nicely lndceoed. Corner lot. Buy equity, take over loan, TU 2-0347. VIEW-VIE . . . from this attractive 5- year old 3 bedroom family home. Local' ad high on northside location. Carpeted living room, enter y flreoiece, d e I u bull! -in oven and range. Covered patio off of dining are. Peneied 1 car garage dou- Dies as pv area, vara fenced. Eeniy financed. $400 down, FHA . . . nothing Call TU 3-4641 or evenings TU4-3I41 Orviile Reichenberg, Reellor 205 Main, Willard Hotel OUR homes can be purchased with any type financing, at price to suit your n come. Aik us ebout no monev down fi nancing. Beautiful homes at low coif per loot construction. Check with us. Thrifty nuiiaers. bstaie Drive tooth end Madison, TU 2-0434, TU 4-5344. TWO bedroom completely rebuilt. Hot Springs, reasonable. Open house Sunday, i4i manienua, iu t-tin. LARGEiot-(or sale. w7lte Mrs. C. E" Fralley, Tulelake, Calif. BY owner, 3 bedroom ranch style home- py et'j-y e 11550 and assume con tract. TU 7-3952. HOUSES, nicely furnished. Ideal rent location, gross $240 per month, $15,000, i down, TU 2-9130. VIEW of Basin, near completion. Three bedroom, l'i baths, hardwood floors, (ire- place, bull tin kitchen. TU 2-0167. HOT Springs smaller 2 bedroom. 16' house trailer as part down. $7,900. 2051 Lavey, iu 4-nii. MOVING. Three bedrooms, lV'j bath. bulltln kitchen, brick fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, storm windows, Hnley district, TU 4.564 after 4 p.m. DARLING 3 bedroom house, completely fenced yarrj. Reasonable price. TU 4 9946. THREE bedroom home, family room, din ing room, sun deck. Full basement. At tached garage. Double lot. sprlnkllntt sys tem. For appointment. Call TU 2-527i7. KENO highway frontage or will build to SUII. IU 2-016?. BEDROOMS, 3 baths, built-in nven and range, fireplace, utility room, cov- red patio, fenced back yard, garnge, 14.700, 140 Dahlia, TU 2-548B. SHASTA District, good 3 bedroom. Laige iving room, fireplace, dining room. N?v birch kitchen and utility. Newly paint id insiae ana out. ?,vsq. tu 4-B786, NORTHSIDE, roomy 2 bedroom home. lose In. Price $11,500. Good terms. TU -2454 alter 4 p.m. LARGE 2 bedroom. Good view. Hot Springs Addition. By owner, TU 2-4165. THREE bedroom home on large lot, Yalta ardent, a xlra large garage, fenced yard. On paved street. 1816 Hemedaie Rd., weekends or alter 5 p.m. onty. NEAT two bedroom home, natural gas heat. $1,400 down, assume loan at 5'- per cent. Only $69.50 mo. 1211 California Ave. TU 4-9314. WANT ADS are ell -purpose helpers I To buy, sell, swap, rent, hire, call TU 4-aiu. LARGE two bedroom home, close In, large lot, 136 Crescent. SUMMER home slle, 6.4 acres, large springs, creek, timber, excellent hunting, fishing area, two room cottage, $7500. naif oown. iu af-viJU. SPACIOUS 3 or 4 bedroom home on 3 lots. Four years old, view, carpeted liv ing room, 2 llreplaces, birch kilchen, extra dining space. Finished daylight basement. Large garage, beautiful yard and garden. Must see to appreciate. Will consider trade for smaller home. $33,000. TU 2-4005. 40 ACRES, five miles from town. Old Midland Road, 3 bedroom house, IVi baths, good water, alfalfa and pasture. good corrals, wen fenced, tu 2-0769. MUST sell beautiful home on Skyline Drive. Ph. TU 7-3537. EQUITY In 2 bedroom turnlshed home. 4634 Cannon Ave. 5UBURBAN home. Approximately 2 acres tenced. two bedrooms, unfinished house for guest sleeping accommodation. Ga rage, barn with stables plus other out. buildings, fruit trees, etc., 15,000. TU 3-4909, TU 2-2934. FIVE acre tract. 9 miles out. Good soil, beautiful view, close to school. In per manent na.ture, easy farms. TU 2-1193 tor appointment. SELL or lease south suburban 2 bedroom. attached garaoe, fenced yard. Ferauson, Henley District. Small equity, assume loan. TU 2-50V3. IN MALIN: Modern 2 bedroom, newly redecorated house with new utility room, On 3' t loll. Phone 723-3203. TWO duplexes and 1 house, 3 blocks from Main, TU 4-3354. HOME, two large bedrooms, two acres, lots fruit, huge garden. Economical heat. Rustic Interior. Paved street, privacy. Reasonable. TU 2-4398. Save yourself $1,000. Owner selling tw3 bedroom home, 2335 Darrow. Large tenced iof. 6,dw. oooa tor retired couple, win rent. TU 3-4133. 1.04 ACRES on Homedale, TU 2-3635. TWO BEDROOM. Shasta District, partly furnished, wall to wall carpet in living room. Lois of builf-lns and storage space. 3rd bedroom In large 2 car garage, patio. Make oiler, TU 4-550 alter S p.m. LARGE building site, corner Madison 4 Harlan. TU 4-4997, 3774 Harlan. 30 ACRES Irrigated. Three bedroom house, 8 miles, TU 4-9744 evenings, ACREAGE With (our bedroom house, 3 hatht, 20 x 30 ft. living room, Hnley District, Rte. 3, Box 5, Merrill High way. WEYERHAEUSER employes or person with cash, must sell a small three bed room house on lot 184 x 44. Full price $3,000. TU 2-2044. 4042 Balsam Drive. MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property any where west ol the Rock let I Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed Ore. Cel. Ida. Wash. BY OWNER Extra large 3 bedroom, llreplace, hard wood throughout, birch cabinets, built in oven and range, separate dining room, Oil heat piped to ail rooms. Large cor ner lot. $15,500. Any type loan. 34 H MADISON HENLEY Have 3 acre tracts In the Heart of Hen ley community. Good well water, soil and drainage, Close to school, church and store. Available tor custom built homes by Lte McBrlda Builder "f- ine Construction" Phone TU 4-490 CABINETS HOMES COMMERCIAL STROUTREALTY 5429 S. 4'h Ph. TU 4-5381 EVF NlNOS. CALL Br K Stella Dehlmoer TU 3-S4C1 Hank Hoiman TU 2-504$ 3 bedroom completely remodeled, paved street. $4,500. $500 down. ? bedroom. Mills Add'n. fireplace, din ing room, garage and workshop, $13,750. 3 bedroom. Mills Add n, will fake trailer home in trade. $9 500. New 3 bedroom home, south suburbs, )' i baths, hardvacyyl tlorov birch cabl nett, bulltln appliances, large tlftpiate. $15,750. to acres, $2 0OO. suburban, l bedroom home. Good selection of tots, city. Lakeshora, rd suburban HOME & INCOME Two large apartments In Hot Springs. (Stacked). Large fenced yard. Workshop lor the man who likes to putter I cl lent location within walking distance Ot town. Total prtct $13,850 McATEE REALTORS Jtt E Mein Art Moormen Evelyn McAfee TU I 444S TU 3-U.W TU 3-39151 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 THREE bedroom, built In oven and range, garage, fireplace. Owner trensterred, 431 Fargo, TU 2-5271. TWO year o'd threa bedroom home, lire place, well to wail carpet, 'i acre, TU 2-254. Multiple Listing Servic MLS EXCELLENT suburban two bedroom home on irrigated acre. GUEST HOUSE wtn bath. Paved street, sewer, city wa ter. TOP condition throughout. Just re duced to $13,900. FOUR BEDROOM home with 2 bat hi just a few blocks from MAIN ST. and the Academy. Large rooms, outdoor fire place, patio. Only $13450. SOUTH SUBURBAN. Neat and dean two bedroom home with attached garege , Fenced beck yard. No down payment to Gl. Low move-in cost, FHA, $10,000. DURANT REALTOR 3050 So. 4th TU 4-9IJ2 or TU 3-3U7 Next to Holiday Bowl Sales Staff Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9463 Clyde Williams TU 4-9734 Erneit Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 ALL BRICK Quality built for comfort and enduring beauty. Designed to please the most div ninehng. featuring 3 bedrooms, rec reation room, massive rainbow stone (ire- place, 1 i baths, economical forced oil heat. 1500 sq. ft. Price (ar below re- cement at $19,500. Any type financing available. 4 BEDROOMS e Here It Is In Mills Addition. New roof, per manent siding, storm windows and doors. Rear yard fenced. Large kitchen and separate utility. Low down, F.H.A. or G.I. Total price 51 1.000. CLOSE-IN Easy walking distance to Main St. Solid ly built 2 bedroom modern home with extra bedroom In full concrete basement. Fireplace, attached garage. Total price, fully furnished $8,500. Easy terms avail able. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 SO. ,th St. Phone TU 2-4740 Lois Macy Fred Tucker Ralph Vaden Iris Madole Homer Stiles TU 2-5667 TU 4-9742 Lorella 763-4163 TU 4-5695 TU 4-9904 RENT BEATER Newly redecorated home on level lot Garage Close In Pavement Only $5,000 Owner will carry contract. IDEAL FAMILY HOME Hot Springs completely remodeled 3 bedroom Large Wardrobes 2 Baths Hard wood Floors O'sized Garage Beauti ful flowers & shrubs Close to Schools. $14,500 easily financed. LARGE COMMERCIAL BLDG. Across from Courthouse. Give us a call to ddy I Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 3-0168 NORTHSIDE. three bedrooms, consider able furniture, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, and extra room that can be used lor storage or extra bedroom. On concrete foundation. Garage. Excellent starter home. Full price $6,000, terms 4500 down, $50 per month. ALANDALE. Two bedrooms, living room 12Vi x 25 ft., dining room 12' 7 x 16 ft. Garage. Shop. Lawn and shrubbery, A neat clean noma priced at ?,ooo. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker )00 Main Jim O'Oonahua TU 2-3i;t Evci. TU 4-9693 FIVE BEDROOMS HENLEY DISTRICT. Only J yrs. old. Larga kitchen & breakfast area. Sep. arate dining room. Big family room. 2 fireplaces. Excellent hot air fur nace heat piped to all rooms. Double garage. Unsurpassed view. 160 X 285 lot. 123,300. Easily financed. DON SLOAN Real Eatate 10 So. 7th St. TU 4-5659 Anytime PETERSON SCHOOL DIST. 3 Bedroom 1 block from school Large living room with fireplace Dining area Attached garage Large lot Neal and clean Priced at only $12,000. Southern Oregon Realty & Insurance lit S. 4th St. TU 2-461 Eves, call ... TU 2-0973 STILWELL & CO. Presents: SOUND CONSTRUCTION well kept older NORTHSlOE 3 bedroom home with full basement. Low taxes. $10,500 HOT SPRINGS FREE HEAT Irom hoi well adds to com'orl and economy ot this spacious older home, can ac commodate family nicety. $21,500. For Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4 -J '34 After 3:00 call Bruce BinViev Ron Van Orman TU 4 14'K TU 2 3492 If no nwer cat! TU 4-700 or TU 3-0444 v it - Multiple MLb PACIFIC TERRACE HOT WELL HEAT New fcnqland style family home. BuH for gr at tout living In a friendly neigh borhood t:.is tme o'd hom it now avail able lor new ower . It ha 3 bed rooms id ba'h inutal'. Living room with fireplace, dtnlng room, kitchen, den, 1 j bath downttairv Beautiful view over- lookioq citv of Mama' Fain. Tr-n place it eatiiy maintained with sprinkler in tern in front vard W.m this t re vi tva'er heat, not only n it a nm plate to live, tt It lnepenU YOURS FOR ONLY $20,000 PEYTON Member International Trade's Cb IJ5 M'htt TU 4 514 Evenings V'S Dan Nichcis TU 4 MM Pat" Pair" TU J ofn Harold M. Rwh TU l-4') e WAREHOUSE e E scei'" rem'ivt;4d wt'i (pii-k t ol ifi at W Vart struct vi. t'.vtr 'Kl hi" ot ean have $ iiY) j t Meitan.n t joo sq. Cef'ed dxk .V0 sq it Aprreted value lf ., AMete- fltr tavs sell for 155. (V0. Cannae fractal BRUCE OWENS Reei-or M No Ttn TU 4 1 Lvfil Anderson tu 101 Ray Woroen Tu 4 ;7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 LOVELY new 3 bedroom homes Large bedrooms and closets. Beautiful kitchens, insulated all around. Best workmantftio. large lots on paved street. $9900. Estate une . south end of Meat ion. iu 3-0434. TU 4-5344. TERRIFIC VALUE!! JUST LISTED, and priced for quick sale Excectione' 2 bedroom suburban home. on 2-3 acre. Automatic heat, separate uniity, very nice kitcnen and dining are Neat as a oin thru-out. Double aaraae, fenced pasture. Excellent local -on on ET NA St $,500 comoieteiy furnished, or may sell unfur. Ths is trulv buy. Oon t miss seeing. LEONARD REALTY 1 Main TU 4-7521 ro TU 4-9005 Joe Leonard TU 2-0537 Joe Perry TU 4-5332 Audrey Keenns TU 4-4285 MLS Multiple Listing Service 4 BLOCKS TO MAIN ST. Living room with wall to wall carpeting, convenient kitchen, utility, lovely dining room has slidinq glass doors opening onto covered patio, two bedrooms, tlte bath. Fenced brick yard gives complete privacy, only $4,500 terms. 2 BLOCKS TO MAIN ST. Large living room, kitchen with break fast nook, utility room, large bedroom, full basement, oil furnace. Price. $5,000. MT. PITT Living room with fireplace, dining area, three bedrooms, all with hardwood floors. two baths. Attached garaqe. Larqe lot. Price, $14,500. $1,100 will gel you Into this one. Take over payments. WE NEED HOMES To sell In all orlce ranaei. Cell us for immediate attention. Andy Silani REALTOR Wilene Welch Ed Mitchell Andy Silani TU 2-4837 TU 2-16B3 TU 4-5544 MLS Multiple Listing Service It's Streamlined FOR SUPERIOR MODERN LIVING!) This beautiful newer south suburban 3 bedroom home. In Henley School district, includes: LARGE FAMILY ROOM, COM PLETE BUILT-IN KITCHEN, 2 circulat ing fireplaces, l'j baths. Wired for ster eo thruout, built-in vacuum cleaner. At tached double garaqe, sprinkling sys tem, enticing secluded palio area. YOUR CHANCE NOW AT $26,500; maximum FHA, Gl or conventional loan available. TOP VALUE!! Especially neat and well-built larger 2 bedroom home, desirably located on Clin ton Ave. and near Stearns School, Fully insulated, attached garage, extensive 71 x 299 ft. Irrigated select tot. ONLY $10,850; $350 OOWN FHA & NO DOWN Gl; nominal closing. WILL TRADE FOR NtAI 4 BtUKUOW rtUWb, UP IU $16,- 000. CHOICE DUPLEX SUPERIOR NORTHSIDE LOCATION plus large comfortable room sues thruout. Each side identical, with 2 larqe bed rooms, fireplace. Full concrete basement with 3-car garage. OFFERED NOW AT S23.5O0. Call now for details. ft QUICK ACTION -ft ON LISTINGS! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO HI N. 9 th Phone TU 4-7;?l Sales Personnel: Tom Rabbift Ph. TU 2-A4C2 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4.J28I Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Boh Chilcote, Broker BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .. 32 BUSY drive-in business. Other commit ments force sale. For details TU 4-4377 Tues. through Sun. after 10 a.m. WANTED to buy bookkeeping service, buy outright or Interest, P.O. Box 110. FOR sale small neighborhood cafe, good location, TU 2-5143 before 7 p.m. or TU 3-5874 alter 7 p.m. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business ooportumties be lore Investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to reject all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible for the integrity of the firms Or individual! wrfl plare advertising In our publication, Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported lo the Classitted Ad- ertlng Department At the Herald and Nfws HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 STORAGE AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th A HUGE CONSIGN MENT OF FURNITURE, APPLIANCES AND CARTONS (W H IC H WILL BE SOLD SEALED) FROM A LO CAL STORAGE WARE HOUSE. THIS MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE STORAGE CHARGES. THE POET'S CORNER Besides the mystery carton?. There ce all the latest styles Ot furnishings and furbishing Lining up the aisles. It's the best ond biggest auc tion sole You'll find for miles and miles! freezer cheats, electric range, ga tanges, scaled cartons, refrigera tors, console TV sets, radio-phono combinations Hide-A -Beds, sealed jartens, sectionals, das enocs and choirs, sealed cartons, automatic o-.berv electric clothes dryers, t-ednvni eu, dinette sets, sealed l jr tons, beautiful Duncan Phyf norvgany table ond 6 choirs, twin tcds with springs and mattresses, sealed cartons, chests ot drawers, d'essers, transistor radios, power tools, sealed cartons, vringer wash ers, pots, pons, draper mirrors, rugs, pictures. . . . AND sealed cevtons! PREVIEW ALL DAY FRIDAY If You re Not Buvmg At THE RESALE HOUSE You're Paying Too Much! I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . 32. CLEAR Income property, $210 per month, $11,500. Sell OT trade. TU 4-9754 1 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 Do It NOW With A LOAN! Buy that new cor k Plan a real vacation Shipper your own boot Move into o mobile home Toke off in a trovel trailer FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile j Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow i Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years, Motor Investment Co. 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING . 36 No money down. Up to 3 years to payl 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 DUE to death In family must sell Imme diately following household articles: Frig- Idaire, walnut dinette set, door lamp, 14 piece bedroom t set, new utility table, clothes hamper, bath scales, 2 vacuums. attachments, treadle sewing machine, RCA table radio, portable air condition- electric heater, step stool, card ta bles, trunks, suitcases, roaster, kettles, baking pans. more. TU 4-490S, see 2260 White- HOUSEFUL of furniture, very reasonable. owner leaving, see at 4836' i Hanan or Or ph. TU 2-4977. 1961 AMANA 13 cu. It. upright freezer cash bids being accepted. See at 121 South 9th, Pacific Finance. ELECTRIC clothes drver, ably priced, TU 2-4990, 25 CU. FT. CARRIER upright freezer, $300, TU 4-5715. NEW CARS & TRUCKS 54 ft JOE FISHER ft We're Having a MERCURY HEAT WAVE! We DARE You COMPARE Compare our CARS Compare our PRICES Compare our SERVICE 1963 MERCURY MONTEREY 4-Door Sedan Loaded with many, many fine Mercjry accessories that come os standard equipment on Mon- tereys. DID YOU KNOW - You can own this Monterey, delivered in Klamath Falls for as little as . . . $3,055 , (Standord Transmission) OR JUST $3,27590 (With Automotic Trons.) 1963 MERCURY METEOR 4-Door Sedan V-8 engine ond lots of Mercury extras listed os standord equip ment. Buy this Meteor, delivered in Klamath Falls for as little as . . . $2,5905 (Standard Transmission) OR JUST $2,780' (With Automotic Trons.) 1963 MERCURY COMET 4-Door Sedan Delivered in Klamath Foils for as little os . . . (tO OOQOO 7 7 (Standard Transmission) OR JUST $2,48050 (With Automatic Trans ) COMPARE The many fine features in the '63 Mercury Line. Come in or call for a demonstra tion. Do it TODAY' And Don't Forget JEEP! VVe hove a large stock of the beautiful NEW STYLE Willys JEEP Station Wagons ond PICKUPS now availoble for immediate delivery. SALESMEN Pole Sechnst TU 2-5720 ov R.rxhort TU 4-954 1 lo Podgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreth TU 2 0149 Vo'tin Arnold TU 4-571 1 tlnothon Dovu TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4.8104 HERALD A YD HOUSEHOLD GOODS vavtag square tub conventional vasA er, good condition, TU 4-3910 after I. j $160 SEAL Y downey rest matched bo (springs and mattress, like new, used 10 j months. $0. TU 2-9324. FOR sale or trade 1941 Kertmct combina tion washer -dryer, excellent condition, also gas range, $35, TU 4-9904. E LECTR IC refrigerator, 10 cu. ., ' lb. frozen food capacity; single bed, box springs, mattress, TU 2-4923. DAVENO and chair, rose colored nylon, also dm i rg room fable, 4 chairs. 2 arm chairs with a buffet. For sat cheao. Make me an otter. Ed Greene, P.O. Box 435, Malin, Ore , phone 273-2319 eves. YOUR OLSON dealer will show samples of beautiful reversiole OLSON rugs, car pets in your home. TU 4-5464. DUNCAN PhyfeTtabie and 5chir$. $45. Good Condition. TU 3-3)74. NEW Elna Supermatic sewing machine, $350 original price, make reasonable of fer. TU 2-4301. FRIGIDAIRE automatic washer, $40. Double bed and springs, wheel barrow Colemen oil heater. 2 windows, frames. 20 tt. of to ' in. stove pipe, chimney ex tension, door. TU 4-8224. SACRIFICE household furnishings and miscellaneous. Phone iu l-iiJ. DA VST ROM blond Formica dining set. large, 4 chairs, modem, $70, TU4-555I. LATE model Hotpoint 39" electric range. TU 2-4019, 320 Michigan after 4 p.m. G E. double oven range, very reasonably priced, nylon 12 15 beige rug, like new, TU 2-1967 evenings. 1961 SPEED Queen wosher-dryer combo excellent condition. S200. TU 1-5M1. GUAR A NTF F D USP-RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS - WATE HE A I ERS Cascade Home Furn 41) W.in TU 4-S36S APPLIANCE BUYS MIXERS - WAFFLE IRONS - TOAST ERS - IRONS - PERCOLATORS ELEC TRIC FRYING PANS $6.95 & UP COFER'S EXCHANGE ' 6?i Klamath TU 4-7160 PAGE 6-B THANK YOU! Bob MEST and George DUGAN wish to thank the many thousands of customers whom they have had the opportunity to serve in the past 12 years! TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY 1961 CHEVROLET V-8 $I698 Biscoyne 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, one owner. I960 CHEVROLET CORVAIR 500 $II98 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, 3 -speed. I960 FORD FAIRLANE 500 $I598 4-Door Sedan. Automatic, Like new. I960 CHEVROLET KINGSWOOD $I998 9-possenger Station Wagon. Loaded with extras. I960 RAMBLER SUPER- $I398 4-Door Sedan. One owner. Overdrive. 1959 FORD FAIRLANE 500 $ 1 593 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power brakes. A sharp car. 1959 PLYMOUTH V-8 $I298 Belvedere Sport Coupe. A beautiful car. 1959 CHEVROLET $I398 Bel Air 4-Door Sedan. One owner. Like new. C Anniversary "Give-a-ways" A 1952 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR. SEDAN $33 A ' N 1956 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON $108 w 1955 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN $ 88 i V 1955 BUICK SPORT COUPE $128 L 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN '$ 88 P 1951 PONTIAC STATION WAGON ' $ 78 C - L Commercial Top Values! 1962 CHEVROLET V-8 '2293 M Ton Pickup. 4-speed transmission. Shorp. 1962 CHEVROLET '6' '2198 'i Ton Pickup. 4-speed transmission. Shorp. 1959 FORD $I98 2 Ton Pickup. New paint. Sharp, 1957 CHEVROLET V-8 898 l Ton Pickup. 3-speed transmission. 6- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR O.K. CHEVROLET GUARANTEE or our G.W. "Guaranteed Warranty" on all the above cars. Every one is fully reconditioned and ready to go. Tom B-nder TU 4. 6770 Rov Ofhierk-h, Tulelole 66' 2 '89 "Chuck" Romp .... TU 2-4958 DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! Main Garage 410 So. 6th St. NEWS. Klamath Fails, Ore. )7HOUSEHOLD GOODS 7 FOR sale automatic mesne'. " call TU 2-3.97 vci't rjj rhrnmt dinette tel. Table and 4 Chairs, 4- iu a-'ooq WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Washers Several in stock 'As low as KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 USED Ml SPECIALS Group of 21 in. Reconditioned TV's ,$75. ALSO WASHERS DRYERS $40. & UP ALL IN GOOD CONDITION GUARANTEED FREE DELIVERY J. W. KERNS 734 So f)th TU 4.4197 USED CARS & TRUCKS ... . 53 Four-Wheel Drive Specials to Choose From. Starting At YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN Bob Nicodemus .. TU 4-4498 fenton Mohrt .... TU 2-4219 -i III 4- A ii I 1 J I VJ I Friday, March 13, 1965 HOUSEHOLDCOODS DROPLEAP dining table. 37 bookcase, desk, tu 4-5o. pop taie com Diet a larae bed. Good con. Oition, TU 2-3907. REPOSSESSED n i.ki. hti rtittnmf iinhl fa rnmown oavments. Excellent condition. I Can te yours tor $5.75 monm .tier smell down. SINGER SEWING CENTER ,33 M.in tu nan PRE-SPRING CLEAN-UP ON USED APPLIANCES AM Reconditioned Guoronteed 90 Days Terms Available Electric Dryers, $ I Q QC From 1 7.7 J Automatic Woshers 59 95 Electric Ronges 39 95 Refrigerators 49 95 MERIT'S SERVICE SUPPLY TU 2-3429 TU 609 S 6th FUEL - HEATING 38 OIL tired water heater. About 30 gallons. Complete with high pressure oil burner and controls, ISO. Harm Electric, TU 4-7796. SALE! $498 Lia'e Kowiana .... iu -voo Dov Shirl TU 4-85 Warren Yodon TU 2-54 I Chevy Center 6th to 7th on Plum