Thnrt.. March 14, ISM Page 2 D Herald k News Klunalh Falls Longshore Decision Reaffirmed SALEM (LTD - The Oregon Supreme Court today affirmed a $4,000 judgment for a longshore man injured while loading a ship. The decision upheld Multnomah County Judge Alfred Sulmonetti. The injuries occurred when John Dewey tried to free a hand truck after its wheel broke through one-inch boards. A. F. Klavcness & Co., had ar cued that the injuries were caused not by inadequate boards, but by Dewey's attempt to extricate the truck. The supreme court affirmed the Multnomah County convictions of Robert Moczygembra. James E Painter, William Hardy, and Rob ert R. Hull. They were found guilty of as sault witli a dangerous weapon in an attempted break at Rocky Butte Jail where a woman was seized and threatened with homemade knife. The high court ruled that the four aided and abetted another convict in the assault. In an appeal from Washington County, the court held that the Homestead Exemption law does not exempt a homestead from the lien of a judgment. The decision affirmed Judge Glen Hcibcr. The court reversed Judge Ed ward C. Kelly in a State Highway Commission condemnation case in Jackson County. A right-of-way! judgment against the commission of $24,500 plus $4,000 in attorneys's fees was reversed and the case remanded for a new trial. The court upheld a $570 judg ment for Ben Freedman in a breach of contract action from Multnomah County. He had asked for more. Hie conviction of David Hugh Glenn, charged in Douglas County with contributing to the delinquen cy of a minor, was affirmed. Horan Urges Import Limit WASHINGTON UPI - Rep. Walt Horan, R-Wash., said today it is "more urgent than ever" for President Kennedy to declare a quota slashing Canadian softwood lumber sales in the United States by 60 per cent. Horan inserted In the Congrcs sional Record a U.S. Commerce Department report predicting that U.S. softwood prices might decline because of last October's West Coast storm. The report said the blown-down limber had to be sal vaged and that this probably would result in an over-supply of lumber. "This fact makes it more urgent than ever that the President take immediate action to impose an immediate quota," Horan said. Measures have been introduced in both Die house and the senate calling on Kennedy to limit soft. wood lumher Imports to S per cent ol u.s. consumption. In 11162, U.S. imports of soft. wood lumber equalled 15 per cent of consumption, and imports were expected to grow this year to 15.5 per cent, the Commerce Depart ment report said. Canada, which supplies the vast majority of U.S. softwood lumber imports, earned about $280 million from its softwood sales to the United States last year. mi '- a iKx ZiP &; ADDlesauce N"lcSS 7&00 TOffi Free Easter Outfits! A Six Easter Outfits will be given absolutely Free, in appreciation of your wonderful response to our new stores. From Bon Bazaar i r i wmi- L r i r. . ifi ana ''Om rasnion Tina eacn . . . casrer vuirni jut GIRLS BOYS LADIES Register for FREE Drawing at Any of the Oregon Food Stores There is no obligation. You do not have to be present to win. Register today. ALL THREE STORES FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 Free Balloons for the Kids Applesauce "StST.. 411.00 Fruit Cocktail Z!T.. 651.00 Peaches r2v:ree,ton: 411.00 Peaches or. . . 51.00 Planes Downed WASHINGTON UTI - Two Air Force planes were shot down recently by a weapon they were ' testing. However, the two pilots and a cameraman ejected safoly from the aircraft. The report was made In pre viously secret testimony released Monday by the House Armed Serv ices Committee. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, Air Force chief of staff, said the planes were droppuig land mines wilh delayed fuses on some railroad tracks when one went off "instan taneously." "The fragments shot down both o tne airplanes. LeMay said Easy Quick Tasty Peaches sMkta! 5s .89 Pears 451.00 Pineapple Juice on" .451.00 Pine.-Grpfrt.DDdMon:e 451.00 Apple Juice te, 351.00 Asparagus DZDZ 451.00 Spinach DSoM3T 751.00 Spinach "A 851.00 Spinach : 551.00 Green Beans 851.00 Green Beans if Si.? . 651.00 Green Limas Xrs! 651.00 Vernal Diced 303 Beets n Cottage Cream Style or IAUII 8:1.00 8:1.00 Whole Kernel. No. 303 Or P..,, Del Monte Cream or Whole T'l nA lOrn Kernel - No. 303 OrI.UU Hominy eldZ .951.00 Blackeye Peas STaoo 851.00 Kidney Beans STaoo 851.00 Kidney Beans WoV 751.00 Pork & Beans SV, 551.00 n Cottage Tender Garden Q' 1 Art reus No. 303 os i.uu n-, Del Monte Early Gordon P'i AA reas no. 303 5? i.uu Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes No. 303 Del Monte No. 303 ... Blue Sky No. 303 ii Blue Sky No. 2Va 5:1.00 711.00 5:1.00 Stewed Tomatoes 5:1.00 Del Monte No. 300 ... Tomato Sauce n . r Beaver Creek Bart lefts rears n0. 2Vi Del Monte Chunk la's Bonito Type Flakes li's 7:1.00 5:1.00 4:1.00 M"'1 6:1.00 JUST THE THING IN SPRING FASHIONS Willow Hand bags Reg. 2.98 ) 44 NOW- iL II g CL Ideal for Yard Work f Af Ladies Canvas Shoes i- W JEANIES by BLUE BELL Girls Sizes Reg. 1.88 Now Only 1.29 Misses Sizes Reg. 2.49 Now Only 1.99 Mens and Boys Long Sleeve Shirts, 4 98 Val: 1.00 Motor Oil by Tydol, 10-30, Reg. 59c . NOW - Qt. 49c OIL POURING SPOUT, 4?c EXCEDRIN W 77c ' GREEN $ it,K Let; loutlli Suniiil cvtouif I J 1. -1 FRESH DAILY -- OH FasMosie mi Days Get old-time values on everything you buy! Get MoreGjftVaJue with America's Most Valuable Stamps) SMOKED PICNIC Short Shank - Tenderized Morrell's Pride Bargains in the "GARDEN and LAWN SHOP" Avalon & Shasta Way WillOW PACKAGED EXTRA LARGE QUALITY Baskets Pas'c Yard Rose ah sxe, and shape, Flowers Baskets Bushes Reg. 98e mm ft C Reg. 98e f g C QO FfC NOW IU NOW I U ONLY i' Skj Up ILIJ FROM OUR "IN STORE" BAKERY; The Tastiest Bread, Rolls, Cookies, Cakes'' and Pastry You've Ever Eaten. Try some . . . it's "Ours Fresher." COOKIES ah ill Varieties Dozen 4 DOZEN 1.00 Hot Cross Buns d0, 69 c French Rolls . 39 c Pure Danish Coffee Cake 39 c Boston Cream Pies Ea.79c With Pure Whipped Cream Fruit Pies Cake Donuts Ea. 63 c We Specialize In Decorated Cakes LARGE AA FARM FRESH Doz. 5e KORY DRIP OR REG. LB. 9C jCOFFEE MJB 3-Lb. Canister $147 SNO PEAK FROZEN VEGETABLES 8-oz. 10 Facia SOFLIN 400 Count mm ! COTTAGE ALL PURPOSE 10-Lb. 19c Toilet Tissue-"' 25c Shrimp s" 39 c Spray Starch-" 49e Tomato Sauce As 15?S1 Ore Ida ZVi ox. Instant Mashed Potatoes 2 25 Derby No. 1 Premium 303 tins . Cliff Char 10-lb. bag Corned Beef Hash Stewed Tomatoes Briquets Syrup Tuna Egg Noodles & Chicken Koro Maple Flavor 24-oz White Spray Chunk Vi Size Derby 16-01. m m 79' 33c m Famous Foods Lb. ten High Protein, Low Calorie MILK 48' y, r.jj , - vffT?y t4 Tuna TODAY s " Half Gal. 2 for 95c 4 for 1.80 If You're Not Shopping Here, You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Ave. Avalon and Shaita Way Pricei Effective Through Sunday Night While Quantitiei Last Store Hours 9:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Bananas Fancy Golden Ripe 5 lbs. iw..;.f,. fi'.';.';''1 Potatoes U.S. No. 1 Klamath Gems Not Washed 10 lb. PLIO BAG 1ST Celery Large Green Pascal Variety Stolk 10 'TIS A FOINE DAY FOR Irish Stew Carrots Cabbage Crisp & Crunchy Mb. Cello Bag 3 BAGS 25' Garden Fresh Medium Site Heads 6 c lb. GRAPEFRUIT Snoboy Indian River, No. 1 Fancy Pinks OK 7 F 0 R ASPARAGUS Extra Fancy No. 1 Large 25L FraSltPnes S 3g$100 120,000 Cash Give -Away With Profit-Sharing PREMIUH CARDS! Pick Up Your Cords At Arv Oregon Food Store. No Purchase Necessory . . . No Obligation! von if nn ii iioit. 0 PUKHISi! HitElil" 10 0ITIH fit! r-UNtxtl 01 YOUI "i( CI'O FREE PUNCH OR PUNCHES EACH WEEK Whtl Irll tfhll .tt pi.lkld lt M "IT IKIIII ' kT ItHirlltl inn nnMl. 1 THIS CARD MAY BE WORTH $1,000 CASH I FREE PUXCHES 1 I?I3I4T67819)0H112I3 O Hrllil! i 25i 25 ! 25 i 25 ; 25 1 2525i25j2525255 50i50l50!50'5050:50!50;50!50;50,50: PROFIT SHARING PREMIUM CARD THIS IS YOUR RECORD OF PURCHASES Ft. tmi- W. Wit rnmm Uttl, M.. MI U1U1 PKi. !!. t.ftf (N N (N (N CN W " $lS1$1$lSli$lS1Sl!$li$HSll$lSlSH$1$l!SllSl 1) (o) tiy iThura., March 14, 1M3 Page S-tt Herald k Newt Klamath Fails jllCGu Morrell's Yorkshire - Thick Lean 2 Lb. U3 f f 11 C n n o U 1 fUllil CMdiair CBieese Crater Lake Medium Mild U.S.D.A. Good Full Cut Good immed Boneless stewao Strawberry Jam K0PPER KETTLE 43-Oz. Km COTTAGE CANNED MILK P) Tal. (Ol C 0) Tins o)k), WITH $10.00 GROCERY ORDER News Tieup Danger Seen At Hearing WASHINGTON UPI - Chair-, man Newton N. Minow of the . Federal Communications Commis sion said today concentrated own ership of newspaper and broad cast facilities "could be danger ous" but in some areas links be tween the two media are healthy. Minow. the first witness before a House judiciary antitrust sub committee investigating the eco nomic aspects of the news indus try, said "any concentration of great power in a few hands.. w hether in the press or elsewhere, can be of great concern." Minow made the comment in reply to a question from Chair man Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y., who asked if Minow considered "sig nificant" subcommittee staff find ings that "three newspaper chains own 45 dailies, 25 magaiines, 10 AM radio stations, 7 FM stations, 12 TV stations, 2 press services, several photo services and several feature syndicates." Celler did not name the companies involved. "It is more than significant, it could be dangerous," Minow said. However, Minow said he person ally believed that there were sit uations where ownership ties be tween newspapers and broadcast ing stations both served the public interest and helped the parties involved. He said such cases could arise in communities with two news papers and three television chan nels, one already owned by a newspaper. The other newspaper ' might be at a definite competitive . disadvantage if it could not get a broadcasting license also, he said. As to problems raised by com mon ownership of print and broad I cast facilities, Minow said, the commission had run into cases where advertisers had been of- ' fcred discounts for using both me . dia instead of one or the other: ' He said complaints about this had come from upstate New York, ' Worcester, Mass., and Mobile; '. Ala. "We do not have information that it occurs regularly or on a wide scale. When we go into it. it is usually stopped immediately," Minow said. As a prelude to the testimony, Celler and other members prom ised that the inquiry would be concerned with the health of the news industry and not with Hie handling of news. Celler, in his statement, said new antitrust exemptions for newspapers might be one step to protect or expand the market place for the "exchange of news and ideas." DETERGENT Energy Giant Pkg. BLEACH 0re:LF.ood )l(P)c r j t jt &&&&& I in ra SARDINES Laila Imported V4S lffilc MELLORINfE Big Treat in Vi Gal. fU Methodist Bishop Dies WHITE PLAINS. N.Y. (UPD . The Rev. Dr. G. Bromelv Oxnam. a retired bishop in the Methodist Church and former president of the World Council of Churches,, ' died Tuesday night at the Burke Rehabilitation Foundation here. He was 71. Prior to his retirement In 1960. Oxnam had served as bishop in the Omaha, Boston, New York and Washington areas. He had written many books and articles since 1920, and held honorary de grees from 19 colleges and uni versities. Books written by him since 1950 . included "On This Rock," "I Pro- , test," and "A Testament of Faith." Prior to his election as bishop, . Oxnam served as president of Do- : Pau University in Greencastle, Md. Death was attributed to compli cations following a mid-December operation for Parkinson's disease. Born in Sonora, Calif., on Aug. 14, 1B91, the bishop received his undergraduate education at t h e University of Southern California. If You're Not Shopping Here, You're Spending Too Much! We Reserve The Right To Limit 4480 South 6th 1315 Oregon Ave. Avalon and Shasta Way Pick Up Your Free Profit Sharing Premium Card Today Prices Effective Through Sunday Night While Quantitiei Last Store Hours 9:00 A.M. 8:00 P.M. more2235at m toon flavors X