,1 S3, PAGE S-C HERALD AND NEWS, Ktunatb Fall, Ore. Tbiuiday. March It. 1M3 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. In ttit Waiter of If Eiteta of Adda E. Jones, Deceased. The undersigned hit been Appointed by saw court Executor of Mid ettate; tice li hereby given to credltori of dece dent to present their claims, duly verl rd at by law required, within in months after me tirir publication of this notice to the undersigned, Gomer Jones, at the office of A. C. Yaden, 41! Main Street, Kiamnirt hi is, Oreoon. Dated and first published at Klamath mii, Oregon, this Jim day of February, mi. Gomer Jonts, Executor. No. S, Feb. 21, March 7, 14, 21. LEGAL NOTICE RESOLUTION NO. l?l A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TO PAVE AND IMPROVE- LARK STREET FROM THE CENTER-LINE OF SHASTA WAY TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CURB UN OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET, ALL IN SAID CITY; SAID PROJECT TO BE IM PROVEMENT UNIT NO. 15e; AND DIRECTING CERTAIN STEPS BE TAK EN IN CONNECTION THEREWITH: FINDING PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND E57 i ' ATlS FOR SAID PROJECT SATISFACTORY"; CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THAT NO TICE THEREOF BE GIVEN. WHEREAS, the City Engineer, of the city or Klamath Fain, Oregon, pursuant to a resolution of the Common Council of laid City, heretofore adopted, having filed plant, specifications and estimates for the cost of Improving and paving. Lark street from the center-line of Shas ta Way lo the Northeasterly curb line of South sixth Street, all In said Cltv. the Common Council of said City, finding me tirj piani, apeciMcaMont ana esti mate aaflsteclory tor said project, be Irtg Improvement Unit No. 154; known as ltk street pro ect: THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. DULY ASSEMBLED IN REGULAR SES SION AS FOLLOWS: Secllon-V That laid plans, specifications and ei- fimaiti for tha Inprovement of said por tion of Lark Street, heretofore filed by the City Engineer, be and tha lame are hereby approved. That the Common Council of the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby declare! Its intention to Improve said portion of Lark Street In accordance wiln the plant, specific etlons and estimates at followi: Thlt protect shall consist of placing oi linear teet ot concrete euro and flut ter, paving to a width of 40 (aet with eimer a inches of Portland Cement con Crete or 6 Inches of crushed rock base ana 3 inches or Typo B Atphellic con crete. The protect shall reoulr the state ment of 144 lineal feet of Inch concrete storm sawer pip and 7 catchbaslns at well as grading and shaping the area from back of curb to the property lines. No ne sidewalks art Included in Ihe pro net. Tha estimated rnst of All run. Improvement embracing all work and materials for the complete Improvement of said pro ect for such type of pave- men uvmy; 3 Inch Atphaltlc Concrete .. ,040.00 o men Portland Cement SI 4, 140.69 Section-?- That the property lying within the boundaries hereinafter described ba and the same It hereby declared to bo bene- iiim oy me said Improvement, fa-wit: Beginning at the Northwest property twnor ot i-or ,5, isiock eoj Enterprise Tracts; thence Easterly along tha South rty right of way boundary of Shasta Way a distance ot 316 feet, mora or lesi, lo the Norlheast property corner ot Lot 5. Block 1, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Falls, Oregon; thenct Southerly a distance of 179.9 feet, mora or lets, lo the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 2, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath Fall. Vnnni thence Southerly to the Northeast corner ot Lot S. Block 4, ot the South Slxih aireei Aoamon 10 Klamath Fa s. Ore- gon; thence Southwesterly 110.0 feet, morel ur mi, on ine southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 4. of the South Sixth lrt ahhi. tlon to Klamath Falls, Oregon, lo the center-line of the alley within Block ot the South Sixth street Add 1 1 ion Klamath Falls, Oregon; thence South easterly along the center-line of said al ley a alliance of to o feet, mora or less, thence Southwesterly along tha South- Msieny una ot Lot 4, Block 4, of the South Sixth Street Addition to Klamath roiis, uregon, a Olttence or 110.0 feet, mora or lets, to tha most Southerly cor. bi ioi 40, DIOCK 4, Of tha South Sixth Street Addition ta KUmith cu. Oregon; thenca Northwesterly along the Northeasterly right of way boundary tine of South Sixth Street a distance of 370.01 icr, mare or lets, to the southwest cor- ner D( loi 9, Block 306, Enterprise Tracts; thenca along the Northwesterly property Una ot said Lot a distance or 110.0 feet, more or last, to the cenlor-llna oi mo aney; inenca Northwesterly along said center-line of alley to the center-line Intersection of tha East-West allay In said Block) thence Easterly along said cenler-llne of said alley to the Intersec tion or tha Southerly extension of the Wast Una of Lot IS, Block eOJ, Enterprise Tracts; thenca Northerly along the West- ur gr t.m is, uiock 103, Enter prise Tracts to tha point of beolnnlna That all tha properly Included In the aforesaid boundaries above described will be benefited by said Improvement and shall bo assisted for the expense there- Section J. Thai Monday tha 1st. day of April, 1963, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. In the Council Room of the CHy Hall In Klamath Falls, Oregon, be and It Is hereby fixed as tha tima and place for hearing objections and remontlrancas against said proposed Improvement, Section 4- Tha Recorder of tha City of Klamath Fallt, Oregon, be and she It hereby ,tvu a,lo gireciea ?o cause a no nce of said hearing to ba published at j-.uYFaru oy me Lity Charter and con forming thereto she shall rii tm. olutlon to be published In the City otll- Mcoipapir, once aacn day for consecutive publications, and the Cltv engineer, pe and he Is hereby directed pw. wnnin five days after the tlrst publication of this resolution, at each and of the contemplated Improvement notices headed; "NOTICE OF STREET work', in letters not less than one ' lncn n length, and said notice shall conla'n In leg.bie characters, a copy of ..... miuon ena me date ot Its paisaot. o me tiiy Engineer shall file with the Oty Recorder an affidavit of the posting of such notices, stating the dale when posted, the place where posted and the number of noticet posted. pfmd bv the Common Council of the rf.J a,n r'lll' O'agon, this 4th. day of March, 1963 . Presented to the Mayor and by him approved and signed Ihii iih day ot March, 1963. Robert E Veatth. Mayor ATTEST: Roile Keller, . Recorder STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITY OP KL AMATH cm i c I, Rosle Keller, Recorder tor the Ctty K'"m"h Oregon, do herehy cer- Uy thet the obove and foregoing , , l.IV' rMOl"" introduced and adopted hy the Common Council of the -t v Mmin Palls. Oregon, J""""0- win en the am. da ar r.orin k1.? approved The Bureau of Land Management an nounce! plans to advertise tor competitive bids limber from tha tracts described below during tha fiscal year 19U. This limber is on lands managed by tha Med tord District Office. The volumes listed are preliminary estimates of the timber to oe entered from certain portions me sections described. The tracts are grouped according to the quarter of the tiscai year in which it it probable that me nmner wui oe ottered tor bids. Auc tions will be held each month of thi year at which time specific cruised vol umes and minimum appraised prices will re puDnsned, as wen as other inform tion regarding the type of bidding, th eact time and place tor receipt ot bids ana other terms and condition relative to me conduct ot the auction and to tim ber sale contracts. Further information may be obtained from the District Man ager, Bureau of Land Management, 1133 5 Riverside, Medtord, Oregon. KLAM ATH MASTER UNIT IN 1st QUARTER: T. 39 S., R. 3 E , Sec. 17, 2,000 M bd. ft.; T. 38 S , R. 5 E , Sec. U. ?9, 33, 6.400 M bd. ft.; IN Jnd QUARTER w 5 . R. 7 E , Sec. 9, 2,400 M bd T. 3a $., R. 4 E , Sec. 35, 3,900 bd. ft.; IN 3rd QUARTER: T. 39 R. 3 E., Sees ?6, 3S, 3.000 M Bd I IN 4th QUARTER: T. 31 5 , R.I , Sec. 27, 3,200 M bd. ft : T. n a - k. 3 t., sec. 9, 1,400 M bd. ft. No. 963, March 7, 14, 196J. LEGAL NOTICE boundaries hereinafter described, shall be and is hereby declared to ba bene fited by tha construction and installation of said sewar system, to-wit: Beginning at a point which Is 2 feet East and 15 feet South of the Section Lorner common to Sections 33 and 34, Township 31 South, Range 9 East, Wil lamette Base and Meridian and Sections J ana a, township 3? South. Ranae East, of the Willamette Base and Meridi an, Klamath County, Oregon; thence Easterly and parallel to the center-line ot Shasta Way, a distance of 1693. iS; teei, more or test, to tha Easterly Cit Limits Line; Ihence Southerly along the Easterly City Limits Line, a distance ot 1335 OS feet, more or less, to the South erly City Limits Line; thence Westerly a long said city Limns Line, a defence of 209 57 feet, more or less, to tha South easterly right ot way of Austin Street; thenca Southwesterly along tha South easterly right of way boundary of Austin Street, a distance of 557.45 teet, more or less, to the Northeasterly right of PERSONALS tVAPARTMINTS FOR KENT BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help fori families of Alcoholics, TU 4-712 or Tui taw. r u. oo lues. FRANCES, formerly of Laura's Beauty Fair, is now associated with BELLE'5 BEAUTY SHOP, TU 4 537, 220 N. 11th, open Mon. through Sal., awes, by appointment. ANGLE'S Home for elderly ladies. appointment, TU 2-32(4 For FURNISHED 2 room act., close i heat, TU 4-544 24 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 i REAL ESTATE FOR SALC LUXURIOUS, large bedroom, living room, kitchen, 2 full baths, adults. US. Alpha Apis., TU 4-4522. 30 steamlT,0 bedroom unfurnished. Clean, fenced Save yourself 11 -000. Owner telling two I yard, children, pe's OK, I mi. north of-bedroom home, 3335 Darrow. Large fenced SPACIOUS, dewntowr nished, adults, S65, 4-4522. . heal Alpha Apti., TU SERVICES THREE room furnished apartment, a uHties. Adults. 15. 39 Mam TU 4-379 town, 145, TU 2-4590. ONE bedroom furnished house, phone TU UNFURNISHED, close in, Cage, washing facilities paid, W 000 Good for rati rent. TU 2-4133. ad coupia. Will 1.06 ACRES on Homedale, TU 2-3635. TWO BEDROOM, Shasta District, partly furnished, wall lo wail caroet in l.mna ALL furnished new two bedroom home, room, lot of ouiii-ins ana storage space 2121 Mad-son, TU 2-3210. REAL ESTATE FOR SALI 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 LOVELY new 2 bedroom homes. Large: 30 ACRES irrigated. Three bedroom Insulated all around. Best workmenshio. I T1Z J 8' large lots on paved street. S9900. EslefeT bedroom home. fir.. Drive - south ana of Madison. TU 2-0434. 1 w" ,0 a" '. ' re. TU TU 4-5244. ALL BRICK Quality bvilt for comfort nd enduring I U j. mjLc aDis. completely furnished, Slii0 Board man, TU 2-0990. CUSTOM tree trimming FreetimaW ' " 7"" otai.2OT5 Bhiv ( iu wjj titer j p.m. pwAUL furnished apartment close or mo, 333 S llth. 3rd bedroom In large 2 car garage, salto. ' h,.tw n. ...nn.H t nu,. M Mehe Offer, TU 4-5750 after 5 p.m. j enmmat-ng. Featuring 3 bedrooms, r LARGE build.no ,ta. rnrn.r a. I r'a,,on foorn' mawva rainoow Stone fir. I 'u.,r,n Tii , ,Mt tjjA u-,i - piece, t'j oarnt, economical forced an TWO bedroom furnished house. Garbage,! Hf TU '" " Harlan. j0(( lyx) f, PflCf tar riKTnu TTl..--.. ' ... . ." 'n. wk. or mo , 333 S llth. (-- ""Y.'- ' ucu'wm ' i.vtf.w'T- VDU'", io""itf oi an K nos. - .r FAN 7 Hrtrnnm riun r.rtoa Jinrt nIhi. to m tt imn rnnm Wn l j B" reesonaoiy priced, wortt guaranteed. AlsoiWODERN two bedroom furnished "apart". 'er rsij us TU 4 6247 District, Rte. 2, Bo 577, Merrill Hian- furniture repair. Pickuo mnd rfNu.r tii mtnts, TU 4-549 1 1 i -! u,.u 2-6555, 4644 Denver. ifiieijitucn'"....,""-; - r ultr DDADCDTV TA I T 9T " - Here It Is in Wills Artdi'ion. New roof, per .,-7 ' ' "'ra. ' w " ' ,wtvtKMAtuitR employes or person manent sidmg, storm windows and floo's OFFICE or business space for leas lnw"n tflsn' musi ,nr oeo-mear yard fenced Large kitchen ana new building to be erected at 7th a room house on lot 184 64. Full price ' separate utility. Low oown, F H A. or ut across from Post Office. Prime, "'u'u oaisam unve. ui. Total price Sti.OOO phone TU 2-4714. CALL BILL FORNEY. TU i-aiaj ior excavations, house foundation tic ranks, ora tilling. 5444 Shasta Wav rAVElfJ"o7rcenranTV. r.H, 1 50NSig.UCT,0N erj welcome! 4 BEDROOMS tiSs laamna' rV UNFURNISHED two bedroom apTtTnW, sta Way ; ',r?.s,L lagatt. Near'-T- location with parking, TU 4-4033. Cash and carry. t Brina itli in lii u 1 'wrnished, TV available, OFFICE space or store rental ava land, II a.m. to 9 p'm. daily. 'y rajes pelican Motel. TU 2-92s4 across trom Courthouse, TU 2-6500. boundary ot South Sith S'reet; thence, 4-6126 nui mweiicrry atong ine norinnasteriy CUSTOM BUTCHERING uurL" dock ott highway, WeyeribHAHt otuce wnn wen established tire At your place, deliver to oroc-eirtn Binr gw Junctton, ail eiectrtc. TU 2 Ji29. and auto insurance agency. Excellent tor Vlor leave at vour olace. Ai stnii. tii i COMPLETELY l(,rnilhri.i11Hi" . .V "W' r,fO'', or accountant. Com No. 42 69 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH in fhe Matter of the Estate of ARCHIE G. COLSON, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have filed my Final Account, ReDort of Administratrix With the Will Annexed, and rcrmon tor uisiriouiion in the matter ot the estate of Archie G. Colson, deceased, and the Circuit Court has set Friday, the 5th day or April, 1963, at tha hour ol ten o'clock a.m. In the circuit rnn Room ot tha Klamath County Court House, Klamalh Falls, Oregon, at the tima and place for hearing of exceptions and Ob let tions to said Final Account, If any there be. MARY H. TOTTON, Administra trix With the Will Annexed of the estate ot ARCHIE G. COLSON, DECEASED. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL 204 Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Attorney for Administratrix No. 94, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 1943. ijht of way boundary of Soulh Street, a distance of 95.00 teet, more or less, ta the center-line of Avalon street; thence In a Northeasterly direction along ma cenler-llne of Avalon Street, a dis tance of 410.00 feet, to a point, which is 705 00 feel Northeasterly of the inlersec tion ot Pershing Way and Avalon Street; ti.t.-iiL Kditr.ftilel and parallel lb Pershing Way a distance of 658.44 teet, more or less KENMORE, KELVINATOR. WHIRLPOOL Kepair e uvernaul specialist Washer, dryer, range, water heater FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 314 So. 6th TU 2-315 CABINET making our ineeialtv. furni ture refinlshmg, excellent reierences, TU SS. EQUIPMENT FOR SAI P Item No. I Deserlotlon: Fmiinmant u 19, 1941 Dodge 4x4 truck. Plywood body wiin drawers j0r par It. hair cmd an. Minimum Bid, 9750.00. Item No. 2 Detcrlntinnr Pnnlnm.ni W 25) 1934 F.W.D. chassis; mobile tool house with parti bint, drawers, etc. Fair condition. Minimum Bid, $150.00. Item No. 3 DescrlDtlon: Poulnmnt Nn 31 D-4 Cat with hydraulic anal, dnrer: Sirlil 4R230I; Model I940 D-4-45. Will run fieeos work. Minimum Bid, 11,000.00. Item No. 4DesCrlotion: Eauloment Na 38; 20 Ton Semi, Low Bed Trailer: firm irum. uooij conatnon. Minimum B I d, lltm No. 5 Description: Equipment No. 90; Unit shovel, Model KS6H; Vi Yard shovel with crane boom Indudad; IND )2 Chrysler power unit. Fair condition. minimum hi a, 12,250.00. Item No. 6 Description: Eaulpment No. 105; "Cherry picker" crane with eep motor, single drum; mounted nn iojr i n t.. trucK chassis. Fair condition. Min imum Bid, (200.00. Item No. 7 Description: Equipment No. 179; 1950 I.H.C. 4 Yard Dumn In.rk Needt molor work. Minimum Bid, $375,00. nem no. e uescripnon: Equipment No. Ot 2 axle, 4 wheel box trailer, r.nnri condition. Minimum Bid, 175.00. Item No. 9 Description: Enuinmnnl Mm 313; 1952 4 Yard Dodga Dump truck. pair condition, minimum Bid, S375.00. nam no. to Description: Equipment no. iv; ivji u.m. c. Vi Ton Pickup. Neads motor work. Minimum Bid, $150.10, Item No. 11 Description: Equipment 0. 231 ; Thew Loralne Cnne. Matui ww. vi tu. Yd. Needs work on motors. minimum uia, si.mo.oo. Ham No. 12 Description: Enulnmsnl No. 320; 1947 Dodge, Model WXF32 cab ana cnastis with 3 speed auxiliary trans mission. Fair to good. Minimum Bid, $400 00. Item No. 13 Description- 4-71 cur Diesel Motor) Unit No. 4A-33B34, Model 4055C; less generator, starter, flvwheeii. front pulley, 2 liming gears. Fair lo good lunuruun. minimum DIO, SJW.OQ. (tern No. 14 Deierlntlorv i.Tt ft u r Diesel Motor; loss generator, ilartar. riv! wheals, front pulley, ? tlmlno dears. Fair to goad condition. Minimum Bid, $300 00, nam no. s etcrlnl on: r.M Pn.r take-off with clutch and flywheel, Model mia 11174, serial No. 194250. Fair lo gooo. minimum Bid, $200.00. Hem No. 14 Description: GM Power take-off with clutch and flywheel. Fair to good. Minimum Bid, $200.00. NOTICE OF SALE OF SURPLUS COUNTY EQUIPMENT Notice Is hereby dlven that the Ahnve, described equipment has been declared surplus to county needs, and will ba sold by tha County Administrator, by sealed bid, for not less than the established minimum price listed herein; Said equip- mvnr win Da avanaD a tor n sued on t tha Siskiyou County Road Department Corporation Yard on South Highway 99, Yreka, California, until tha final data and lima tor receipt of bids. mot shall be In writing. They must Identify the item, or Items, being bid tha amount bid on each Individual Item, signed, sealed In an envalooa marked BID-OPEN MARCH 28, 1963. and eceived at Ihe olflca of tha COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COURT HOUSE. YREKA, CALIFORNIA, not tater than 1:00 P.M Marct 28, 1963, at which time and placa they will be publicly ooened and read aloud. All sales cash, without warranty. Four per cent sales tax will ba added to pur chase price unless a valid Resale Permit is presented. Successful bidders, It nnt present at time or Did opening., will be notified ot award by mail. All purchases must be paid in full and equipment re moved from the premises nol later than April 10, 1V63. Tha right Is reserved to reject any and or all bids or portions of individual bids. Jess O'Rflhe County Administrator No. 949, March 7, 14, 21, 1963. feet Easterly of the center-line of Wash burn Way; thence Northerly and parallel to Washburn Way a distance ot 507. feet, mora or less to tha point of begin ning. Said property above described, shall be and Is hereby declared to be benefited and assessed tor the expense of said sew er unit. Sec I Ion -4- That Monday the 1st. day of Anrll. 1963, at tha hour ot 7:30 o'clock P M. thereof. In the Council Room in the City Hall ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, shall ba and is nereDv tixed as tha tima and place for hearing ob actions and remon strances against tha construction and in stallation of said 32nd.' sewer unit, Tha Recorder of fhe City of Klamafn Falls, .Oregon, ba and she is hereby au thorued and directed to cause a notice of said hearing to be published as pro vided by tha City Charter and conforming thereto she shall cause this resolution to ba published In tha City olllcial news paper, once each day tor ten consecutive days, and the City Engineer, be and he is hereby directed to post, within five, days after tha first publication of this resolution, on tha street or streets along the line of tha contemplated sewer, at least two notices headed; "NOTICE OF I SEWER WORK", In letters of not lets than ona 11) inch in length, and said no tices shall contain in legible characters, a copy of tha resolution of tha Council and the data of its passage, and Ihe City Engineer shall file with tha City Record er and an affidavit of tha posting of such notices, stating the date when posted, the place where posted and tha number ot notices posted. Passed by tha Common Council of tha City of Klamalh Fails, Oregon, this 4in. aay ot march, ivaj. Presented to tha Mayor and by him approved and signed this 5th day ot March, 1943. Robert E. Veatch, Mayor ATTEST: Rosla Keller, Recorder STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF KLAMATH, SS. CITY OP KLAMATH FALLS, I, Rosla Keller, Recorder of tha City or Kiamam t-ans, Oregon, do hereby cer tify that tha above and foregoing. It a true copy of a resolution Introduced and adopted by fhe Common Councl of the City of Klamath Fallt, Oregon, at Its regular meeting held on. Monday tha day of March, 1963. and thereafter approved and signed by the Mayor, and atlastad by the Recorder. Rosia Keller, Recorder. No. 970 March 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS, 17, 18, 19, 1963. PAINTING. Interior or exlerinr. nn inh inn point which is 280 small, free estimate, TU 2-5740. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, women. cnnoren. au work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main NURSERY SCHOOL Spring termstarts soon, a few openings, TU 4-5792. REMODEL ING andrepa lrs a'lMkind reasonable, references. TU 2-5388. Call ' JlmMitcheli7 TU4-4405 For Carpentering, Remodeling, Repair, Cabinet Work. Reasonable Rates. I studio apart-, n'e'f'y furnished 627 Pine, TU 2-2SI5. menf, all utilities paid, $1$, a week avenaoie oy the month, washer . dryer .. w . .IT.." Villa Marquis Apartments, 1330 Oak- TU REAL E5TATE WANTED WANT to buy at least DUPLEX . furnished 1 bedroom, in, garage, laundry, TU 4-J659. FURNISHED 4Jl s one bedroom apartment. miles from city center. Total price SW,500. basy terms, will consider trade for come properly. 50 ACRES WANT to buy at least one acre, phone p,u5 bedroom modern home and all 1 u 129 ACRES ! CLOSE-IN I Easy walking distance to Main St Soiid All Irrigated. 105 acres in grass and al-'v bul11 7 bedroom modern home hf falfa, balance cultivated. Modern 5 room I ',r be'oom m lull concrete basement home, large barn and machine shed. 10 a'tachert garage. Total price, fully tui able. ilshed 18, SCO. Easy terms avail- machinery. K i.O. irrigation. Choice loca tion on the Merrill Highway near Hen SMA,.L Jrrii! art, !c7a. 7Z'f uMlitiet paid, 7.50, 433 No. 10th. (THREE bedroom home. Large lot. Sell . good home in town in trade. Price S43.5CC NATURAL hot water. 2 furnished roo-ns. .,ima" placr 5460 B4jEsplanade, TU 4-9754. TU 4-8354. 1 1 ' J""' HOT SPRINGS 3 room furnished, rage, $J5, utilities paid, TU 7-1443. THREE room furnished aoartment. li? alMjtihtles paid, 11 Walnut. ROYAL ARMS furnished apartmentpulil ities except electricity, 524 High. MILLS Add'n, furnished one bedroom, S45, close to market. See at 2354 While. TU 2-4927 after 5 p.m. THREE room furnished apartment. 2061 While 1 r 1 ivnc or two Bedroom furnished, heat, we- Washer broken Downl,er p"la- rni. tu 2-4719. Clothes dirty? CALL UHLIG'S! Guaran- ONE bedroom apt. completely furnisher) teed repairs on all makes ol Washers I with utilities, $75. No children. TU 2-5979 8, Dryers. I davs. TU 4-7071 fitter A n m untiui CLtLiKH. SlURfc TU 4-5512 DENTAL PLATES Repaired while you watt. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3J84 JLyANTEP FEMALE .... 14 COMBINATION salad woman, experi ence!, tteaoy work, Harold s, 1034 River- sioe ur. no pnona calls. WANTED: Ranch cook, must be capable of cooking for from 1 to 10; only well qualified need apply; write Box 467C, Herald and News giving complete resume and references. Permanent (ob. , 16 EXTRA large, very clean, one bedroom upstairs. Adults.' S67.50, you pay lighls. 122 Hillside. TU 2-9118 belore 5 p.m. ONE bedroom, bath, wool rugs, drapes, automatic washer, utilities paid to cer tain amount. TU 4-3762, TU 4-3893. HOT SPRINGS, free heat, new one bed room apt., adults, no pets, TU 4-6287. 30 NICE one bedroom furnished apartment. ouy n, am, inquire 803 Lincoln. ONE bedroom unfurnished apt., $40 two bedroom unfurnished, $40, TU 2-3471 NICELY lurnlshed three room aot. Close in, launory facilities, adults only, no pets, 802 Lincoln. CLEAN furnished Stud.'o Apt., Apt. annex., 223 N. 4th. HELP WANTED MALE OPENING with large company In local; E?hTf5Ant'Cw ,uHrnished r Jjn,ur Count live words par Una. Ads under 3 Unas count same ai J Unas. 3 6 10 1 Lints Tlm,t Tlmt Tlrrm Wanth I II 30 U00 U.M I 9 M 1 US 3.00 .S0 11.30 4.00 t.00 0 00 14.00 I 4.75 7.00 t.SO U.M To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday territory, outside work. Must have car. umimirea opportunity for high earnings, $105 per week guaranteed at itart. ner. manent connection with opportunity for advancement. Write Herald and News, UK lOC WANTED Journeyman plumber with Ore- gon license. Year around work! Write or inquire at Arrow Plumbing, 126 No. E., Lakevlew, Ore. farm helper on Irrigated diversified isrm, no vesrocK. Home ava hi Writ Box 468C, Herald & News. EXF ERIENCED automotive office man ager wanted. See Mr. Bert Dow, Oregon Slate Employment Service, 242 Main, 8-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, MANAGER tor local retail lumber yard, apenenceo, appiy m Main street. BOYS! SCS0L EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 EsDlanade PHONE TU 4 8111 nished apt. Water, garbage oaid. Owner. 2059 Vine. TU 4-6225. ONE room apartments, furnished, utili ties except lights, $37.50 and 140. Rex Arms Apartments, TU 2-9217, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ST. FRANCIS PARKr2bedroomi, hard wood floors, fireplace, drapes, fenced hack yard, nicely landscaped Corner lot. Buyeqijjly, take over toan, TU 2-0347. VIEW-VIEW . . . fronTthls-attractive"" year old 3 bedroom family home. Locat ed high on northslde location. Carpeted living room, cheery fireplace, deluvp built-in oven and range. Covered patio oft1 of dming area. Paneled 2-car qarage dou- bies as play area. Yard fenced. Easily) financed. $800 don, FHA . . . nothina1 Call TU 2-4WI or evenings TU4-384I Orvitle Reichenberg, ReAltor 205 Main, Willard Hotel OUR homes can be purchased with any type financing, at price lo suit your in come. Ask us about no money down fi nancing. Beautiful homes at low cost per oor construction, cnecic with us. Thrifty Builders. Estate Drive - south end of waoison, iu -Q41t. TU 4-5244. two bedroom completely rebuilt. Hot springs, reasonable. ODen house Sunday, 1841 Manianifa, TU 4-6777. STILES REALTY Member International Traderj Club 133 Soulh 9th St. Phone TU 2-4740 Ralph Vaden Lois Macv Fred Tucker Iris Madole Homer Stiles STILES REALTY MEMBCJ INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. 9th St. Pnona TU 2-4740 STILWELL & CO. Presents: EASY WALKING DISTANCE DOWN. TOWN - Comfortable 2 bedroom home F.reoiece. Modern. red kitchen, tasi. ment, ne furnace, view location Price $9,500. NEAR PETERSON SCHOOL - 3 bedroom home. Sunken tivirg room with ne fireplace, dining room & dinette, con venient kitchen, good utility area, at tached garage. Large lot fenced and landscaped This is a quality home in excellent condition. Price $16,950 . Any type financing. Por Quick Action List With STILWELL & CO. 519 Main St. Realtors TU 4-3)34 After 5:00 qall Ron Van Orman TU 2-392 Bruce Binkley TU 4-3471 If no a5Aer call TU 4.70e 0" TU 2-044 Lois Macy Frrt TitfVmr Ralph Vaoen iris Mado'e Homer Stiles RENT BEATER Newly redecorated nome on level lot Graga Close Pavement Only $5,000 Owner will carrv contract TU 2-5667 TU 4-9742 IDEAL FAMILY HOME BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .. 32 ' BUSY driva-in huiint nth.r TU 2-56S7I men is force sale. For details TU 4-;7 TU 4-92 Tues. through Sun. after 10 a.m. Lorella 762-4163 1 7u 4 569S WANTED to buy bookkeeping service, TU 4-9904, buy outright or interest, P.O. Box 110. FOR sale small neighborhood cafe, good location, TU 2-5U3 before J p.m. or TU 2-587 after 7 p.m. CLEAR Income property, $210 per month, $11,500, sell or trade, TU 4-9754. TU 4-5695 TU 4-994 LARGE lot for sale. Write Mrs. C. E Frailey, Tulelake, Calif. BY owner, 2 bedroom ranctTstyle home. Pay equity Of $1500 and assume rnn. tract. TU 2-3952. HOUSES, nicelv furnished. iriPal rnt location, gross $280 per month, $15,000. j down, TU 2-9130. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment, immediate occupancy, TU 2-6500. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. So. Uth.-TU 2-1062. ROOSEVELT APTS. 2036 LeRoy Ph. TU 2-1749 t-urnisrted or unfurn shed one bedroom. Garage. Hot water hest. Hot Spring: area. Adults. ONE bedroom furnished TU2-3194. apt. Close In, STEAM heat, furnished apt. Also bache lor api. 2i cedar. TU 4-9552. HELP WANTED 17 WANTED man or couple tor light work" Pensioner or slightly handle a nopd rw. son can handle. Apartment furnlihd Prt Py. Steady ob, TU 4 S07B. VIEW of Basin, near completion. Three earoom, n Dams, hardwood floors, fire. place, builtin kitchen. TU 2-0167. HOT Springs smaller 2 bedrnnm. U' house trailer as part down. $7,900. 2051 v.ovey, i u 4-tui I. i bath wall to H.nley HOME & INCOME Two large apartments in Hot Springs, (Slacked). Large fenced yard. Workshop for the man who tikes lo putter! Ex cellent location within walking distance of town. Total price $13,850 McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Wain Art Moorman Evelyn McAlei TU ! TU M33B TU 2-5935 DRIVE BY -Hot Sorinos iompieieiy remooeied 3 bedroom Large Wardrobes 2 Baths Hard wood Floors O'sized Garage Beautl tui flowers & shrubs Close to scnoois. si 6, 500 easily financed. LARGE COMMERCIAL BLOG. Across from Courthouse. Give us a call to day! Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-016 MLS Multiple Listing Service CLINTON AVE. NOTICE rO PUBLIC f-tease investigate thoroughly any Invest ment ot moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capita). Tha Herald and News makes every effort to re ect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible tor the integrity ol the firms or individual! who plare advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to tha Classified Ad ver'islng Department of tha Herald and News. FINANCIAL LOANS ..t 34 1114 California Avenue and see this lovelvi ?.,2,7?- Carpeted living and dinii older home. Fireplace, wall to wall car.. .Tp acei mv,,m9 k,'chen. large MOVING. Three bedrooms, ) builtin kitchen, brick fireplace, wail carpeting, storm windows, district, TU 4-5866 after 6 p.m. DARLING 2 bedroom house, completely iBFiteajfara. xeasoname price. TU 4 994. THREE bedroom home, family room, din ing room, sun deck. Full basement. At- tacned garage. Double lot, sprinkling sys tern. For appointment. Call TU 2-527?. KENO highway frontaoe orwltrbuild in suit. TU 2-0169. 3 BEDROOMS, 7 baths, built-in nven and range, fireplace, utility room, cov ered palio, fenced back yard, garage. NICE clean furnished apartment, close $14,700, 180 Dahlia, TU 2-5488. m, IU 4-04I, IU 4-OVM. NICELY furnished small 2 bedroom apartment, close in, Tu 4-4756. LARGE 2 room furnished aparlmanls j.3u ana 4u, iu 4-J&'tt, RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 nd lignM t In, M,., KMVfw.1 " a Udall Visits Dunes Seashore POIITIAM) iL P! - Swrclarv of Interior Sieum-l I, l'r,,i ,i Son. Mnunne NeuberBcr lie to houtliwcsl Oregon today lo visit tlie site of the proposed Oregon iunes .National .Seashore Park The secretary arrived last night irom nasnington, aying he 'quite optimistic" about ultimate creation of the park. "We're on the verge of legij. lation." he told reporters, but add ed that come intricate details had yet to be worked out. Special attention during the tour . . r,.. ,u r,v)n.av-M wmi-i-.. wo.,, cwiwmt.oo, it tnn by lad oanes ot uie area in Lane and ,1 p..'wi. na ,tiim,,, Douglas counties between Klor- uuo;oo. ' eiK-e and KeedsporU Th th. p,tr RESOLUTION NO. 1217 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH PALLS. OREOON, TO CONSTRUCT ANO LAY SEWf RS TO SERVE THE AREA LYING BASICALLY EAST OF THE CENT ("R -LINE ol WASHBURN WAY, EASTERLY TO THE EAST CITV LIMITS LINE AND FROM THE ORIGI NAL CFN1ERLINE OF SHASTA WAY SOUTHERLY TO THE NORTHEAST F R LY RU.HT OF WAY OF SOUTH SIXTH. STRt-ET- APPROVING PLANS, SPECI FICATIONS AND FSTIMATES THFRF FOR FILFD BY THE CITY ENGINEER, DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PROPERTY BENEFITED) AND KiKl.l I INI. CERTAIN STEPS TO TAKEN) SAID PROJECT TO BE rnuwim AS. SEWER UNIT No. 32. The City Engineer of tha City ol Klam am rans. uirqon, pursuant to a reso lution ol tfit Common Council heretofore aaotntfl. Having filed plans, ip8clllcalion and ttimelei for the Cost ol construct- ana lavmo storm lttvar to m non as the 32nd. ttwer unit ol the viiy ot Kiamairt Fallt. Oregon, to s the arra lying hicl!y st of the cmpr un 0r waiftnurn Way. eaittrl lo the east city limits lint and from tha original cenlfr lina of Shasta Way south erly to the northfaslrrly right ot way Una 01 ioum Sulh Street; embraclno. In said unit all 1h area herein alter bounded no ofuripfd; rid th Common Court il having taken said olans. Pctllc t'ons and tintale urtdv consideration. now inas mm satisfactory 'Hf PtPFORL; BE IT RFtOlVm HV THB COMMON COUNCIL OP THE CITY nr- KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, DUL A55E VBLEO IN REGULAR IESSION l-ULLOrtS: Set t Inn-1- That the plans, specifications ind . mattt lor the construction and installa tion ot what is lo he known at the 12M. sewer unit of the City ot Klamath FalH. Oreoon, filed with the CUv by the City Bng.neer, shall be, mn4 the same are hereby approved and adopted. Section 2- That the Common Council of the City Klamath Fairt, Oreoon. Karathv rt. clarei Its Intention to -n.ittr.M-t . stall the oj. sewer unit of laW City tn accordance with said plans, specifica tions, and estimates, to serve the above described area. The project consist ot an required tcevation. bach till and Plate- mn' P'P. the construction of manhoi snd catchbaslns. and other ap PurleftarKei tying ,lh.n Washburn Way Persh.n. W,v. Avevon Street and Austin i if eel j alt shown in mora aet.ii M k "lent, ipeciticetiofw er estimates on! me in the Office f tha ..- ,n. proixt for maten- Minimum Charge 1.50 . 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, If paid in advance. Above rates are for consecutive inter noni, without change ot copy, tor pri vate Individual!. Advertising mutt be Uoar and understandable to bo produc nvc. aii woros mutt oe spelled oi A hoi offered for tele by private Indi viduals cash with copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p m. day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and nn .nciey. CANCELLATIONS fc CORRECTIONS On tame schedule, except on Monday ie.e are renen tu m a.m. Please read first Insertion of your The Herald a New will give on extra run ior typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, 135 per month with t3.it oiscount tor payment On or belore the 10th l Inch, in with Si. 30 discount tor payment on or before the 10th, Based on one copy change por month. BOX SERVICF-50 centt per ad. O.RD OF THANKS, end IN MEMORIAM SJ PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RAIES MAN or woman 18 or nliVr inniu Bodenhamer Saw Filing, 351 E. Main NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS Atl help wanted ads published In tha Herald & News ere accepted In good i'in mar ine odi otrered are as stated n me aavenising copy, we are no? re sponsible for the Intenrlfv of nnr -rtu.r. titers, but we make every effort to rii. Lover ana reiect an misleading advert it Ing. Anyone answering help wanted d ana ringing 11 to he misleading it asked to report it to the Classified Ad vertlting Department of the Herald News. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI i--j ryjoroom apt)., turnlthed or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-1171 urtice hourt a a m. to S 0 m. KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 2 Bedroom unfurnished Soaoous Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wall to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity PoiothwE Nclan TU '-ftm HOUSES FOR RENT 26 Furnished duplex. $75 2-0388 MODERN unfurnished three bedroom, flrnplace, double garaqe. south suburban, SI to per month, call TU 4-3983. Opportunities in State Government The state of Oregon Is recruttlna to fin current vacancies In the following fields Secretarial - Audltino . F DPU Prv. grammlng Civil Engineering - Social "or nursing - saniiation - Tax Economics Chemistry . Veterinary-Medicine For additional Information on these anrl other opportunities write the Slate Civil service commission. Public Service Rmirt. ing, Salem or contact your local office. me state. Employment service. 1 TWO bedroom house, completely fur nished with utilities, SIJS mo. No chil dren. TU 2-597 days, TU 4-70JI alter 6 p.m. LARGE 2 bedroom partly furnished, near Pelican School, SiO. TU 4-3609. SHASTA District, good 2 bedroom. Laige living room, fireplace, dining room. N-v otrcn Kitcnen and utility. Newly palnttd iiiuq ano out. jT.yuu. iu NORTHSIDE, roomy 2 bedroom home' Close In. Prlco $11,500. Good terms. TU aner 6 p.m. LARGE 2 bedroom. Good view. Hoi springs Aaaiiion. By owner, TU 2-4165. peting, dining room, plut cheery breakfast nook, utility, 2 bedrooms on main floor ano room for 2 more upstairs. Basemen) garage, all on lovely large lot. $12,000 1 trmi, LEONARD REALTY UI3 Main TU 4-7521 or TU 4 900S Joe Leonard Joe Perry Audrey Keerins TU 2-0577 TU 4-5332 TU 4-4285 MLS THREE bedroom home on large lot, Yalta uaraens, e xtra large garage, fenced yard. On paved street, iei Homedale ko., weenenas or after 5 p.m. only. nic 1 iwo Dearoom nome, natural gas heat, $1,400 down, assume loan at 54 per cent. Only $69.50 mo. 1211 California vc. 1 u a- m. LARGE two bedroom home, close in, large lot, 1726 Crescent. SUMMER home site, 64 acres, larqe springs, creek, timber, excellent huntino. nsning area, two room cottage, $7500 Hall down. TU 2-9130. SPACIOUS 3 or 4 bedroom home on 7 lots. Four years old, view, carpeted liv ing room, j tirepiaces, birch kitchen, extra dining space. Finished dsviiohi basement. Large garage, beautiful yard and garden. Must see to appreciate. W'll consider trade tor smaller home. $23,000. TU 7-6085. 60 ACRES, five miles from town. Old Midland Road, 3 bedroom house, l' baths, good water, alfalfa and pasture. gooa corrais, wen fenced. TU 2-0769. Multiple Listing Service EXCELLENT suburban two bedroom home on irrigated acre. GUEST HOUSE nn bath. Paved street, sewer, city wa r. TOP condition Ihrouahouf. Just re duced to $13,900. FOUR BEDROOM home with 2 bathsi lust a few blocks from MAIN ST. and the Academy. Large rooms, outdoor fire place, palio. Only $13,850. SOUTH SUBURBAN. Neat and clean two Dearoom nome with attached garage. Fenced back yard. No down payment to Gl. Low move-in cost, FHA. $10,000. DURANT REALTOR 2050 So. 6lh TU 4-9832 or TU 2-3587 rexr 10 Monoav Bowl Sales Staff Mrs. Buff Jones TU 4-9863 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 Ernest Graves TU 2-1396 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 AND NEAR PETERSON SCHOOL. JUST S400 DOWN FHA 8, NO DOWN Gl (plus nominal closing) tor this beautiful 2 bed room home, realistically priced at only mo rooms, oe separate! ry. uesirabie 80 x 185 ft. lot, with irrigating system. ACT SOON HEREI .'HOT SPRINGS HERE'S SOLID BRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH 5 BEDROOMS. 3 large bedrooms on main iioor and the lull basement In corporates 2 more bedrooms, 2nd bath, 16 x 30 ft. party room, etc. Going tor $2t,500 with top loan; WILL TRADE (-UK SMALLER HOME, GOOD LOCA TION. YOU NAME IT!! ANY REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT WILL MOVE YOU IN IMMEDIATELY 1 1 Neat Mills Addition 2 bedroom home, with iuuu sq. ti. ot comfortable living area, attached garage, fenced yard. Only $7,750. DRIVE BY 2235 WHITE AVE. & QUICK ACTION ON LISTINGS! Do It NOW With A LOAN! Buy that new car Plan a reol vocation Skipper your own boat Move into o mobile homt - Take off in a travel trailer FOR READY CASH " See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER ' We Finonce New & Used Con Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yorj Motor Investment Co. 513 So. tSth TU 4-7783 Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. 5th St. Phon TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Bill Chflcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-6482 Eves Ed Chilcote. Associate Broker Bch Chilcote, Broker BUILDING - REMODELING .... 36 REMODELING Siding and Foundations. No money down. Up to 5 year to payl 5 per cent Interest. TU 4-4753. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 1561 AMANA 13 cu. It. upright freejer, cash bids being accepted. Se at 121 South ?th. Pacific Finance, ELECTRIC clothes dryer, very reason ably priced, TU 2-4V90. 25 CU. FT. CARRIER upright freeur, S300, TU 4-S715. MLS horna on Skyline TWO room fumishfd. Cloje i TU I-H'O MUST sell beautiful Ph. TU 2-3S37. THREE bedroom, built In oven and ranae" oarage, fireplace. Owner transferred, 431 rargo, iu EQUITY In 7 bedroom furnished home. 4634 Cannon Ave. SUBURBAN home. ADDroximalelv 5 cr fenced. Two bedrooms, unfinished house iur guesi sleeping accommodation. Ca rane, barn with stables plus other out' buildings, fruit trees, etc., S)5,0OQ. TU ivuv, i u if-ZVJ PIVE acre tract. 9 miles out. Good tnit. oeaunrui view. Close to school, in re manent pasture, easy terms. TU 2-1183 ior appointment. FURNISHED house for rent, 4t06 SO. 6th. OR will sell 3 bedroom and J bedroom homes. 1719 Laurel, tu 43969. SELL or lease south suburban 2 bedroom, attached garaqe, fenced yard. Ferguson, Henley District. Small equity,- assume loan. TU 2-5092. SITUATIONS WANTED IB WANTCO: child care In my home, nice big. yard. Any ages, any hours, 3924 Clin- '0. IU il-IW. EXPERIENCED babv sitting, anytime, my home. Soulh suburban. TU 4-4313. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY Hour, Day. Week, Mon. through FrI, lam. tO 6 D m I -hm.n TU MB Carlson Dr. HOUSEWORK or practical nursing, ot. 1 U 4-9J9I. IRONING, washing, olcK'ip, dellvtrHand ROOMS FOR RENT I ROC VS. small housYTTe 22 MEETING NOTICES .... 1 KLAMATH CHAPTER No. 35 ROYAL ARCH MASONS will hold a MOST EXCELLENT MAS TERS DEGREE Fndav, Morch 15, 7:30 p.m. Daniel Johnson, H P. SPEOALCOMM UN IC AT ION Ctotr Lok Lodixt No. 211 AF A AM Thursday, I Morch 14, 7:30 p nvj APARTMENTS FOR RENT T.ur ... t Lvgrre. t-URNiSNtD J bedroom art All Mown clccvTe,l-i-t,pm.IV' UJ JU trel TV riM Til t ii. FUNERAL HOMES C i H.rvh, V...-rm T..T ,.,-., WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. ml,"',l P'd Shared bath, aduiti oniv lAbla. Erni i' norci, twi 60. sin. TU i-bili boWNTOWN.leahousMteping7Mm. I'tnities furnished. 31? Pirw, TU i-Utl. CI E AN, comlor table rooms, J blocks' from Mam, . & up, TU 4 4,9. j ST LAW heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 3J0 So. 3th, TU J-0J14. ROOV BOARD GF NTLE VAN 1W? CRESCENT MEN. housekeeping roomr Comfortable! fvervthmo tu'nshei1, $ja monthly. 1 Ja ro. jro, iu 44JJ, TU 4 9:17. HOTEL rooms, KirhelOr giiarfer, 4 IBS monthly. Willard Hotel. TU FOR rent ? bedroom house, 1402 Oregon i Ave. TU 4-7965. FOR rent three bedroom house!" insTor :' will sell, W.iOO. low down payment. In-! 'er.or newly painted, larqe rooms, tite floors. Paved street. 62 Douglas. TWO bedroom furnished house.electric near, jso, iu t-9W9 or TU 43623. CLEAN one bedroom lurnlshed Including noMtci, tttT Ditnn, 3U, IU M4SV. RENT or sale, one bedroom house, 1736 Memo way, TU 4-9724. CLEAN 3 bedroom unfurnished house, close in. $50, l9;o Mam TWO bedroom northside nijhed. $5. TU 4-63)9. VODERN Road. S45. TU 4-964B. THREE bedroom furnished. Near Mer aid and News. TU 2-4067 alter 6 pm ONE bedroom houe, partly furnished. garage, basement, inquire I5CJ Caiitor a Avenue IN MALIN: Modern 7 bedroom, ntwly redecorated house with new utility room On 3' i lots. Phone 723-2303. TWO duplexes and 1 house. 3 blocks from Mam. TU 4-3354. Range f u r- bedroom unfurnished. Keno '0r9 oy TWO bedroom uMurnihed. Sou'h 6th c lose to stores, schools. ol hef. tMJ TU 3-3'5 Monday through Saturday, un- pn VOOERN comrlettly with shower. No dr 24 Close lo R sonah'e wash room Hiph Street phone TU 1 I0 GENERAL NOTICIS 4 WO CASH to churches. icVc's, cU.m ryj other organlfationt Distribute m bettiet WTt'NS yaniiB P", Tit 11 North ICth CLEAN, furnished I bMrm apt Coie 'o Vim naer. garbage paid. Gas e. 3.'3 so nth BACHELOR apt i "1, M TU 4l. 'Shed 1 room, close PERSONALS KNAPP Shoes tor comfort nd Quah TU 2-3C4I. ONE bd'i?om tyrn thd apartment, util ities paid. 14M Mam. 5PARKLINO. SttT PineTYbWrtXtrrTt nished, adults. U5. TU 4-TOtO. i Mommy caMed TU 4 4JJ9 Now CLEAN warm tur.iUh.rt Mi K.m vr tm 6 PRIiM POODLE '0d-Plefre Court Mrx.se. 41S Walnut kLWATH AN;ohoiic Anonymous. TU Ntwrd..iti,u',imul r " , .... , i.,-,- J,. ntw oupi aitartment, toina lumiahings., Ji'i, IU 470a. ertendiy help anytime, close in, jo u icth FIFI, turnlshffl fv.0 rtom nkers, TU 4-JI9J. ? BfDROOM HOUSE . ? bedroom and 3 bedroom apts . unfurnished. TU 4 Sef6. VOOERN. unfurn, shed bedroom, plate. Utility room, eiectnc k'tchen and near. Ourn suburban, tu j 5 Q S S . US. SHALL modern house. W h trailer snaie hookuo and ca'oort. 3lij Emerald near weverhaeuser, TU 4-lJ' ONE bedroom furnished, USCrqt I beflroonv $.s Children, pe's. ok, Inquire 4i0f j Homedale, TU 4-iio TWO bedroom house partly "furnished, near Weyerhaeuser, Ui. Tu 3-613S. SVLL house suitable tor 'e'i'e.1 couple Reasonable- Tu : even.ngi L ROE. mMe'n hx-e f'epiaceT qa 'aoe 3 nexi'oom OLC"e. ia-t, T u 2U after 5 t BFDROOM turr SO. fh. BY OWNER Extra large J bedroom, fireolace. hard wood throughout, birch cabinet, built tn oven ano ranqe. separate dm mo room. OH heat piped to all rooms. Large cor ner lot. $15,500. Any type loan. 341 I MADI90N HENLEY Hvt ? acre tracll In tht H.itrt of H,n. lev commuilty. Good vwlt wtttr. soil and aramaqe. tlp to school, church una Availabit lor cujfom built homos Multiple Listing Service PACIFIC TERRACE HOT WELL HEAT New England slvle familv home. Rnilt for gracious living In a friendly neigh borhood. This line old home Is now avail able for new owner. It has 3 bed rooms and bath upstairs. Living room with fireplace, dining room, kjtrten, den, 'i bath downstairs. Beautiful view over looking city of Klamath Falls. This place is easily maintained with sprinkler sys tem in front yard. With this free hot water heal, not only is it a nice place to live, ft Is inexpensive. YOURS FOR ONLY $20,000 PEYTON Member International Traders Club 35 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Mrs. Dan Nichols TU 4-8B5I "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 Harold AA. Rush TU 2-4173 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 shed, duriei, $n). ii Lee Vc Bride Builder "F 'ne Construe tion ' Phone TU 4-4909 CABINETS-HOVES COMMERCIAL STROUt REALTY 5429 S. 6'h Ph. Tu J.52H EVENINGS, CALL Bob l Stella Dehlmger TU 2-W Hank Holman Ty -504B 2 bedroom completely remodeled, paved sirrn. n.aw, vmv oown. 2 bedroom. Mills Add n. fireplace, d"v ing room, garage and workshop. $13,750 A FAMILY HOME SPACIOUS in every sense of the word. Si bedrooms. 'Four baths. 74 x 36 living room. 15 x U dming room. Larqe party 00m with massive f ireolace. The most complete of modern kitchens wilh a 15 x J0 sunny breakfast room. The hot well is only j years old Full basement. 120 x 150 lot, lust oft Pacific Terrace. $42,500, Terms, of course. Shown by ap pointment only. DON SLOAN Real Estate m S. 7th St TU 4-5658 Anytime PRICES SLASHED AGAIN! EVERYTHING MUST GO! FINAL WEEK OF OUR QUITTING BUSINESS SALE! Save Up To OFF ' REG. PRICE All Back Orders Which We Were Unable To Lancel Have Been ReceivpH Wn m. chancre Will Be Added. Everything We Have 13 wii iibpiay . . 60 WAREHOUSE Excellent reinforced concrete Construc tion located a' ??0 Market Street. Main tiocr and basement each have S. 100 sq. tt weiianme i.jug sq. 11. covered dock 6,200 sq. It. Appraised value 17. 35. Absentee owner says sell tor 155,000. Consider trade! BRUCE OWENS Realtor That's All There SAVE ON: :ll 3 hedroom. MHls And n, home m traoe. S9.50C ill take triir J bed'oom home, scuth iibups, batru. hardvvoori tioros. b'eh t,e bu.itm appliances, large f-reoiace. 40 acres. Wi.000. Cood setecnon and stipu'bar fHibvrban, 3 bedroom home of lots, city, Lakeshore, Ut No 7th. LuciHe Anoerson Ray W or den TWO bedroom home, 'enced yard, oa- '.,. i'M oary, tu 4 .0 TrtO twoom uf -jriilshed. 190. ejk4Noth DOUGLAS STREET ComtcMabfe hr bedroom home Newly oecoraed ittr,0, Large tot Located ideat'v or wever haenser emp'oves A bargan at i.5O0. oown, io per month NORTHS'OE. Three bed'ooms, f. replace wall to waH carpet Large aa'aoe Sei Etcenenf iixa 1 lawn 'd ctyxrftf p ort. Pnced at y.t.sx tth MILLS ADDITION, e'ean t hed-oom cab !' l.'J. TU 4-J4. Tu Rl. VOOE LED ? brctToo-n dtp't, 'ur ined. M5. inQu.re ill P ne TWO bedroom unurnlhed. ne'y Pa',, to wall carpel. fj. tu UNf USNISHCO 1 hertrtwm" fti.nl.. f-uil batemenl, f.rep!cf harairt t 'Wi V" floor, eettnc heat. IM eavh Tu lmlJ.m O Donahu 1. 44. before j pm. iu a atter . Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR. BaAfr TU MSI! TU ,-9167 ABSENTEE OWNER SAYS "REDUCE PRICE $2,000 . . . . -.(! 1,11 triii FOUR BEDROOV t0L', in full t),.m,nt. tirfolAC, dining rOC'i' ,fi1 alt Ih, m,r,y c.fr,. IMI von f'"(l , lov,lv r-Ofn, Inn Walk I. Ihii famlv horrt today. PriCt w,l $14,500 HMulM to l'2.300 I DINING ROOM SETS BREAKFAST SETS BEDROOM SETS ROCKERS TRASH BURNERS TABLES LAMPS pictures rugs cribs, baby fur NITURE ROCKERS 'BUNK BEDS 'MATTRESSES 'READY TO PAiNT FURNITURE 'FRANKLIN HEATERS AND MUCH MORE!! LAST DAY SUNDAY! CLOSING FOREVER! HOURS 9 o m. to 6 p.m. Weekdays 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday TERMS FREE DELIVERY 2 YEARS TO PAY D r 1 jacner REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-41 271 TU I-3l ?-' B00 TU TU ,)'OLI.fN TUT TU 4-5, 1 1 j Everything Has To Go By Sunday Mar 17 DISCOUNT FURNITURE Town & Country Shopping Center 3340 S. 6th I U it